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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Dec 1906, p. 12

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Barrels of Candies and Bags of Nuts to please the Children and big People too. Don’t be afraid to visit the Grocery Department. There’s loads of goods there that you need. . \i e will do our best to give you what you want on short notice. Everything is in readiness at “The Big Store.” Ypu will find numerous articles to choose from your convenience. If you can't get the attention of one of the clerks at once don’t get impatient. Look pleasant. Make your selection, if possible, and your turn W111 soon come. Unly‘ Four Real Shopping Days Before the Expected Day Arrives This store will be opened every night of these four shOpping dflys, and don’t fail to have a look through, you Will not be sorry. Come in and feel at home. r; MWmW mas-MW We have an abundance of children’s leggings. Slip- pers. Rubbers and Shoes for winter wear. Have a. glance at these on exhibition in the. Shoe Dept. Leggings, Slippers, Rubbers and Shoes Here’s a Few Choice Presents The Cheerful Shopper You have our Best Wishes fss an Enjoyable Xmas Five sets 0an of Pearl Handled Highh Finished Silver Knives and kas in Polished Oak cases. guaranteed to give satisfac- tion. The regular price of these is $35 00 a set. Heie is a snap f01 somebod}. Onl\ $24. 99. Have a look at them. Knives and Fork In the Grocery Dept: FAIRS THE BEST Handkerchiefs, The Lion’s share of Silk Handkerchiefs for ladies, children and men. The Lion’s share of Ladies' Fancy Collars and Ties of all descriptions. The Lions share of Men’s Ties ot a‘l the latest shapes and numerous tartans. HURRAH FOR FOR Collars Ties THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Methodist L.dies’ Aid held a social at. tha parsontge on Friday eveuiuy ltSt-, and notwithstanding vex-3 unfavur.~.bxe weather realizad 39 An euj )yabie evening was spent. by tho 6 pnes'cnc. At thu annual busineSs meeting of the Preglxyterian Sabbath cczum on Thtlladazy evening 14:1. «.tficez's WM}: elm c. 101‘ 1907 d.‘ fuliu 5: Sup!” M! Chas Ste Ann 3 .1331, .3 up . .51 I' I‘tun '5 Unard . O U. tacas . Alma Hang \Vd cu ; .-\~Si~‘t. (5m. Camry; Lab-an inns. ’derh 5131th and Celia. VauUuscu; Omauisrs. Muhel l‘niaueWui'e and erli - Chum; TEnChe s. C. Stewart. F. Guard. Mrs. Thom. Mre. Harrison, 311:5 Mabel 'l‘bLStlewaxte. . i>s Nellie Chard and MiSo‘quigg. The usual entertainment mu Dc held on Chris: mas evening. A quartette of Salvation Army 0% co:.-, including the Captain, now Sta. tioned at Feversbam. gave a pleasing musical pragram at an Army meeting he’d in the Baptisr church on Wed- neqday evening last week. The cbu~ch was well (Md. and We learn the meeting Was interesting. The usual street service was held before going to the church. We were sorry to learn of the early demise of Mr. W. J. Smyth at Arthur on Wedneaduy of last week. Mr Snnm was for some time a. highly xe~peoted resident of this place. and many {Hands sympathize thh his SOrruwing wxdow in her great. 1038. At the annual elemion of OffiCcl’a 18:! week of the Grey Old Bags in To onto, we notice FleShertcdl and A! nemesm are well represenred, form- er reaidents being elected as follows: Hen. Pres , 1):. R. H Henderson and ’l‘lmrp Wright ; Vice-Pres . Dr. E K RiChurd~0u ; 'l‘reas . C \V. Chadwilk; D of U . J. W. Bares ; on the Bxecu tire. A. U. Thurston. F. R) der and Dr. Fred Murru', furmet‘l) uf Ware- ham. Mr. W H. Hemphill’s household are unw comfortably settled in his fine new residence on the 4th line. The buxldingis brick veneered, which was done by Mr. Jefi ThiStlethwaite and Mr. W. T. McKee did the car- penter work. Mr, W. J. Mill. of London. and Miss Jessie Parquharson, of Durham. have been engaged to succeed Prin- cipal Maxwell and Miss Maynard in our public schooe next year. Miss Coulson. who remains on the scafi, leaves this week to spend the holi- days at. her home at Grimsby. Artemesia Council met according to Sta u.e on Saturday lass and wound up we business for the year. The members will all. we underStanJ, be again 1n the field for 1907. We have not yet learned of any new aSpiranL-s for ofice. The scores here are new in attrac tive holiday attire. and there is the usual Chnszmas season aetivity in business .‘xir. Trimble has moved his suck to the Shop in Spronle’s block, xecently V'dcated by the Stand ard Bank. The 611:: new plate glass front was set 1n Mr. Armstrong’s new jewelry tore last week, and the very neat interior is fast nearing completion. Rev. Josias Green, of Clinton, pas~ tor in the Methodist church here 39 years ago. visited old friends here on Saturday. Mr. Green was accompan ied by his adopted daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Thompson. who visited her tether, Mr. John Lyon’s, near Proton Station, on Friday. The Misses Mun>haw gave a. party to about fifty of thezr young [xieuda on induy evening mm. A number Mr. W. Tucker’s Durham Stage team indulged In a lunaWay on then- return trap due eVemug men ch5. AD the Orange hull hill the tongue roller became detached frarm one run. ner of the {tons bxb and the team taking {right dashed away reacblng the hotei here before being captured. Not mueh danuge was done. The manager of the rink Opened lasr week and has the ice now in good conmtion. 'lhe hockey b)ys have commenced practice and Skating has the usmd attractiun. The Hockr; Club hue eleCIed officers for the See son as follows : Hon. Pres, W. A. Armrtroug; Pxes., I A. Btud; Vice Pres. Geo. .Unchell; Manager Ed Thompsou;Uupt-._ W. C Livingstone; Sec, Ur. Murre3; Treats, 5W. J Somers. Mr. und Mrs. M. K. Richurdson spent Sunday with their daughter at Markdsle attending the opening ser- vices in the new Methodist church. A number from here “tended the in- teresting services during the dcy. The church and sheds cost. $23000, all of which is provided for. Over $11000 were ruised on Subhuth when these were present (rum Markdue. and we learn a Very enjoyable chumg v.38 Spent Flesh erton. Charley Bellamy taught Miss May- nard’s room in the school last week, the. latter being unable to continue her work. Messrs. Dan and Sam Murphy, of Oxbow. Sask. visited their cousin. Mrs. W. Moore, here. last. week. services were held. Pastor and peo- ple are to be congratulated. Christmas will have come before mu cher issue of the Chronicle, and we now wish the editor a joyous C :ristmascide. The John Leslie block on Main 812., \Vinnipeg. has been purchased by Joe. Bernhardt for $125,000 for hotel pur- d gughter, Mrs. D. McLeod, are going :wis week to Mono Road to attend we silver wedding on Saturday of he former’s daughter, Mrs. John Nixon. '_â€" __ vâ€"v V arney Methodist church on Christ was night The Sunday School scholars are getting up a good pro- gram for the occasion and an ex. cellent time is eXpected. Admission 15ers _\!r. and Mrs. Alex Stewart, of this place, and sons, Mark and John. and Miss Maria Morrison has been un- der the weather lately but we are to See her around again. Miss Ethel Pettigrew is home from Toronto to visit: her parents. Well Mr. Editor I wish. you a Merry Xmas. and a Happy Sew Year and hope you will enjoy many of them. For that Dandrufl Dr Leeson and family have moved on [-0 the Petty farm. We are pleas- ed to welcome them to our nelghbor- hood. Mr. Stanly Telford is visiting friends .Iound these parts. .\1r.and Mrs. H. Irvine are over from the West to visi: the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison. Mrs. Robz. Pettigrew has not been very well lately, We hepe to see her round again. ('1 Mr. Editor, we have neglected sending you our little budget so I \\':ll start again. 'l‘he sleet and rain that fell last Frulay have made the roads very icy but it did the blacksmiths a good turn. g3 There is one thing that will ,gcure itâ€"e-Ayer’s Hair Vigor. 2 it is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs gwhich cause this disease. 1‘3; The unhealthy scalp becomes 'Ehealthy. The dandruff disap- lipears, had to disappear. A g healthy scalp means a greatdeal g to youâ€"healthy hair, no dan- druff, no pimples,no eruptions. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years.” There‘i's t9 bf a cpncert held in the; AGENT for DOYLE 8: J ELIAS mwamm The Sovereign Bank of Canada Chartered by Dominion Pariiament. Made by J. b. Ayu- 06., 71.390“. m. Also walnut-on of J. C. TELFORD, Manager, DURHAM Gish on Hand and at Bankers yers SARSA‘ PILLS. CHEER ..... 1.214322 3.49%.398 9!??? 622,774 Varney. A NEW CANADIAN RECORD. CHERRY PBCTORAL SARSAPARILLA. Rescn'c Fund and Undivided P: ofits $ 240,000 420,373 523,461 1,335,847 . Bank Haiti: 1:: Circulation mmm $ 759,995 1 $237,650 1.284340 £614;067 MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIB JERS MO WERS RAKES SEE D DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGON S GASOLINE ENGINES. Implement Agent and Auczioneer. GARAFRAXA STREET DURHAM Take LAXATWE BROMO QULVIXE Table“ A1] dmggista refund the money if 1: fails to c1126 E. W. vae'a signature is on each ’00:. 25c. Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires. ~ McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. Implement EverV person can get what theV want bV examining our variety of skate; at prices from $55.00 to 50 eta There is nothing to equal our assortment of iazors. See 0111 Gillette Safetx Curley [deal Safety Bok er Clauss in 1V0: \' pearl and bone handles iano ng in pi ice f1 0m $3.00 to $25. W: BLACK. Our stock is complete in' Table Cutlery, such as carving sets, pearl handle knives and forks. celluloid handle table and tea knives silver knives and for/gs. you require. In Silverware knick-nacks we have nearly everything- Monuments and Tomasmnes OW'EN SOUND. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY HARDWARE Farm Implements 6: Machinery. A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.'s DECEM BEP ALSO ACOMPLBTE STOCK OF John Clark fimuuuww mus-thong. and Discounts Commercial 81 £81,730 4.309.432 7 .196.741 10,134,209 15,578,920 ‘20, 1906 Berlin Pianos V ‘VLâ€" he ba'Hwn Z .h an t - .. :. ”deep muc . 1‘ 'l I ;"‘$";$ liabilities. to thc Pubh nm7; n09... mxmw 19.5 SAWS gummed at the 1)‘ Foundry. MB. FRED A. erwxs. piano expects to be in Durham in Jaâ€" DR. BROWN, Eye. Ear. Nos Throat, will be at. Knapp Hate? ham, Dec. mm. Hours 11" :1. I: p. :11. Eyes tested and glasses su FOR SALEâ€"A good young Apply to H. Burnettâ€"If. MONEY Forxn.â€"â€".-\ gold min. 8.800%, merchant. Owner ‘ oeive same by proving prnpor' paying expenses. DR. BROWN, Eye. Ear. Throat. Will he at Knapp H ham. Dec. 8th and 29th. H m. to 5 p. m. Eyes testmi :1 supplied. MR. JAMES A. ALEXANm-j family have left the farm. 312‘s ander and family are going: to 1 in Toronto for the winter. :11 Alexander is not decided f ully to What he W111 do. " STOLEN- From the px‘emisvs‘ undersigned, on day of 5:119. \\ day, the 19th inst" a small vim person is known and will he pm: if he does not return it to Geo ander’s before the first, of th' James A. Alexander.â€"â€"1. CREDIT AUCTIUX SALEâ€"- day, Dec. 29th. at Swalluwl of Guthrie's blacksmith :21”; some valuable horses. for farm purposes. Cows. rip ‘ Swallow, Prop.: John (31:11"; OX \Vedncsfl; wedding “'21s 5 of Mr. and M: Itheir eldest «1w: in mam-iage- I . Dromoz-e. ”V by the RM‘. ‘5'? Minister. Hf “Of the iumwiiz tracting par: 2w left the Silllit‘ « "in their own 11- they are no w , tender our si rm “118‘; that, 311'. .' have a large n comforts. ‘VE are not of the marl-in Miss J essie Pu 'esteemed resident. see him again fully but reports reachix at all favorablv. her of )II'. and 31 to Mr. Géul'gv A deuce, Kansas. 1 taken in thv pi-«w quharson a ml by the happy young: pendence \thlw- 1 Mrs. Snlith is :3. ‘man and We “'25:. in life. 13011. and a hot vim-t 1? to go on till m, Though “'6 int i m :1 ‘u.’ tet- was in the rich“; it Will be seen by hi~ that! he has drumgm‘. and has had somv hit? out Mr. Moran whn Mr. Calder. SO fax “o 110 oneto come on: V‘\ .1. .'i .A'b 'E are sorry tn 1mm r'ious illness of Mr. Jw WCXPQCIULI [H I‘l'!‘(\\ tack. 311'. Mm'k 1: VOL. 39â€"N0. 2076. N EWS 111111120 3 km are all wdl known audit will be fc1 the: lay at the polls aLd i m. We hope to set a; Imagood choice I] ab \V \V \V On W

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