?†the purpose of nominaging Can- A Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the TOWN OF DURHAM will be held in the TO WN HALL, at 7:30 p. Municipal Notice I IONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1906: didttas for the Ofï¬ces of Mayor, ReeYe,6 Councillors and 3 School Should a Poll be required it will be Opened 0:1 ,DU {£11 A M BONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1907, At ‘hs following places: North Wardâ€"Ac A. Davidson’s 05.»; C. Elï¬dge, D. R. 0. East Wud~Ac the Town Hall; I H. Mockler',D B. O. Teaâ€"300 fOI‘ 25C . -â€"Caps fm Ladies and Gentlemen. â€"Silk Handket chiefs... )9 to 50 cents. Groceries for Xmasfg- Fliï¬helettesâ€"Call 33d fééâ€"my 18c. g flanneleue for 100.; \. nat- sâ€. From now until January lst the .ullowing lines will be rim otf at. Iight, pricesr- °-- 0. 5,1: -~~ ‘3'“.- a " * -A ‘s’. "Q’ . “a .91 z: *- W oollen Blankets from $2.4) 9"t to $5. “â€"Heavy Tweed. â€"Sheeting and F launelet te. -â€"La.dies’ and Men’ s L udelwem â€"Ready111ade l1ousers (large stock) XMAS . . SPECIALS Raisins and Currants, Candies, Peels, Spices, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, Figs and Dates. S. SCOTT New Year. Neckwear Mufflers Uloves The People’s Store ROBERT BURNETT ONTARIO 1.56 f or 200. p}: a: mp; We want everyone to feel at home in NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS Xmas Goods Will Be Sacriï¬ced To All Our Customers Come and hear the.- low prices quoted on all articles suitable for gift-making. THE BIG STORE LEX. RUSSELL “THE BIG STORE.†WE WANT YOILB PRODUCE. And our sincere thanks for their patronage during the past and solicit the continuance of their favor during 1907. They may feel assured of honest and court- eous treatment. and one price to all. We extend the heartiest For those who defer their' gift- making until New Year’s 'Day. We have special inducements to ofler from the balance of the Xmas stock of all kinds of Fancy Goods. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE church, a liberal 111 politics, and of {Scotch nationality. He tells us also that he was hard to beat as a farmer, fand that he made money from a farm . Miss McArthur is a lady who is pos- sessed of all the good qualities that come up to the standard of making an affectionate life partner, while we can vouch for the good Dr. to prove himself equally in likemanner. FIRTHâ€"GREENWOOD. _ I A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride at half past six on the eyeniug of December 25 when Mr. John Firth and Miss Helen Green- wood were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. T. Colling, pastor of the Methodist church. The. bride was very becomingly attired in . a gown of white, and the groom looked 4 well in conventional black. Only the immediate friends were present. Fol-7 lowing the ceremony, the guests par? took of a smnptuous repast, and the presents which the happy couple re- ceived testiï¬ed to the very high esteem in which they are held in the neighbor- hood where they ,will in the future reside. A few weeks ago we called the at- tention of our readers to the illness from typhoid of Mrs. J. H. ‘Villis who was in Dauphin, Man. Her mother Mrs. \Vm. Herd, of Allan Park, left here in order to be present with her and render what assistance she could. but just when Mrs. Willis was allowed to leave the hospital Mrs. Herd took typhoid also and was sent to the same hospital where she remained some time in a very critical condition. On hearing of his wife’s illness, Mr. Herd went West and remained there till Mrs. Herd recovered and both came home together about two weeks ago. Last week Mr. Herd was taken {down with pneumonia and passed away af- ter two days’ illness. Though we have known Mr. Herd for the past nine or ten years we have never had any in- timate personal acquaintance with him and can say very little from our own knowledge. Mr. Charter Smith who knew him since they were boys together describes’him as one of the best and most honorable residents not the county, 3 true man in every re- spect, a member of the Methodist onwhich other people would stat-vhf, ' and that hq has added farm after tam} ll ‘ Ca Mekth‘lr The young couple Were the reelpien ts of many costly 'and useful presents. After congratulations the guests par- took of a dainty wedding dinner, after which they drove to Flesherton taking the 5 p. in. train to Toronto, visiting Hamilton, Buffalo, \Valkerton and other places prior to their return. They take up their residence in the late A. Butters’ block, Priceville. \Ve join the many friends in extending our hearty congratulations to the happy couple wishing them a long and happy life on their journey together. DIXONâ€"MCAR’I‘HUR One of those happy events that occur once in a while took place at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur Merchant, Priceville, on Wednesday, the 10th Dec., at 2 o’clock p. m., when their only daughter, Miss Mary Ellen, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Ivan Dixon. Esq., M. D., of Priceville, son of Thus. Dixon, Esq., Barrister, of \Valkerton. .The bride, who was beautifully attired in White silk, carrying a bouquet of carnations and white asters, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, While Mendelssohn \Vedding march was played by Miss Marion Dixon, of \Valkerton. sister of the groom. Miss Olive E. Glassford, of Owen Sound. acted as bridesmaid. She was becom- ingly attired in white silk under point de chene and carried a bouquet of car- nations and white roses. Mr. Peter F. )IcArthur, brother or the bride, ably supported the groom. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. J. A. Matheson, M. A. B. D., Priceville, in the presence of only intimate rela- tives of the contracting parties. Ayer's Pills greatly alaiho Cher Pectoral In breaking up a col . Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonialâ€" “ Bold for over sixty years.†DEATH OF WM. HERD. W. hat no noun! We publish the formula of :11 our modicum“. “â€"v _ Operty and leaves ms HYMENEAL. 11-56? jimlThe Big 4 in good circumstances. Mr. Smith sail inï¬nitely more in gesture than in w- n .is of the good qualities of the de- . . â€ml. 11... was sixety-eight years of '- ~l u... the 20th and was buried ~.. : 4th inst. He was a resident of ‘ n w s:: p t' r over ï¬fty years.‘ Implement Agent and Auctioneer. W. H. BEAN Lambton St. A large assortment. also ribbons in every color, laces and dress trimmings \Ve are having. a an at millinery sale I . y he 1; xwo weeks. Everything us' e . \ 'he ï¬rm of January ad to d ~o we. have marked the rimme? m J mmy at c st and every â€a, ï¬g of this seasma’s materials. Over one hundred veivet and felt has all :ewiy trimmed and must be Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines. Bell Pianos and Organs. 8) A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Farm Implements 8: Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIL JERS MO W ERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HA RRO WS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Implements r . Empress,Lem- Fancy, Cakes, on, Sultans, Molasses, Snaps, Citv Mixed, Peach Turnovers, Fig Bars, Honey Bars. Come to us for your Christmas Goods DRINK DAVIE’S TEA -“ ADVICE TO A BRIDE However that we have everything in fresh groceries to provide your Christmas delicaciesâ€"such as new rasins and currants, peels, extracts, comï¬ts, dates, ï¬gs, prunes, icing sugars, fruit color, shelled nuts, package and bulk teas and coffees, cocoa, cocoanut, canned goods of all kinds. Everything in these lines put in fresh for Christmas: . a, ’ . ° ’ Crisp in i Tb Soda Buscunts packages done 'up in parchment paper 5c. pea p’k’g. Candies of several kinds TBis is his opihidï¬, Bugâ€"5811mm is not always fact, AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones O‘VEN SOUND. \Vill Carleton says : ‘- M your kitchen ï¬ve be bright 11 nds be neat and skilled ; For the love of msnvaï¬r', takes its flight, If his stomach be not well ï¬lled. " Blouses, Neckwear, Belts We wish our many friends and custom- ers in Town and Country 21 Happy 6: Prosperous I907 before the ï¬rst of January. ALSO A COMPLETE ESTOCK OF Mince Meat at 10c. a. 1b. ,7 John Clark IT IS A FACT MISS DICK In Giving Berlin Pianos. Durham, Ont. DECEMBER 1 We can give you what. you want and you will ï¬nd our prices right. AND PROVISION STORE . For F lours ThePeople’s Grocery That always satisï¬es the - Cook. - Manitoba Flonrs slwa‘ys give satin. faction. C. SMITH 6: SONS Five Roses and Reindeer N STOCK 0R MADE:TO ORDER. Engines and Bofler Repairs promptly executed- RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and; Steam Fitters ..... flURHM’l FOUNDRY W. BLACK. We Wish our customers and friends A Very Happy Prosperous New Year. listowel‘ lionel Bread Floor McBowan's Eclipse . â€". . '._ Wéarry also other well known brands of Plan:- Sash 8’ Doors .Alexl C. Smith Sons PROPRIBTO RS n