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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Dec 1906, p. 3

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anti 9 [ARAFRAXA ROAD nd bearing orchard. aha; s ploughed. four acres in usession may be had after urther particulars apply to .3 OF 15: CON. 1 - _, -.. v. a... 3116““; cleared, balance m goo.) Well watered, well faucet], 33$ Paul; barn Lan'l‘ implo- unless a} 0' rtncu arm for Sale LD BEATON Prop, it POMONA p hereby vixen that after iration of Twenty (233 pubhcation of this no ill be made to the Surro- the County of Grey, for tters of guardianshi 0‘ med infants to Isaac ll I. W. RICARDLE, »1icitor for the Applicant: M FOR SALE. rrogate Court of unty of Grey. 1 0t For Sale. 3th day of Novena bet. L135 \ {135g} Hf Stan-Male, of Grey, Barrister. \V for Sale. arm for Sale for Sale.j ONTARIO. us apply to» mm \V N. 11‘ GLENELGv . g . . ampbel! Robert Annie Gertrude? led Henry Camp- Campbell, the in‘ re 4 F0 RD. Durham €EY, on the preniso ress. “ aude. 0!“ , 1906 or for Vendor. ticuiar‘s' apply to ELFORD, rrister. Durham. l. 85 acras deal" tivation balanct need throughon‘ . Convenieng to ch00! on lea Id Durham. 1- as proprietorfl nal‘dâ€" Campbell, 0f Durhama In 9y, Implement FOR a 13 NORTH ban Or d valuable near New iscount for )N D CON- and terms s purchas' ded to sell men For in kitchen. :1 water 8‘ Barn 50359 pen lfixfl Q ale ck or u! {l of Dur- ztainiqg 4 1 particu- x3 Road '. in uhe Glenelg, 'd P.O 1(1 water am 3.1 :11) '6; to get i 45‘ ed pass 2: 1 gr; invest: of Port '41? profess '4A\" to dew as 51-:.( 71b \‘ Xmas Groceries Na MAT S‘iEWSc} LAi' WEB When Going Up %%%%%%%%%%%w%%%%w%%%%%%wm cas, LO'fiecS, Meats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle as by the old-time Spit without the constant watching and worry. THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO» 'The Aerated Oven of the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. is so constructed that a How of pure, heated oxygen passes through it continually _w}_ien the Range isAin operation. $15.00 Cash. HIGH is the only property subdivided into residence] lots W chat: actually adjoin-8 the J. 1. CASE COMPANY'S SITE, offers: an unrivalled opportunity for the small investor to get in on the ground floor in a prOpositiou of almost. unbound- ed possibilities as a money maker. John S. Mortimer, Property' in this dietrict is an absolutely sound, gilt-edged investment. and has been emphatically endorsed by the Mayor of Fort William, local Bank Managers, and leading business and professional men. Limited. Hamilton, Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver. 0: 1: \m1 leave vuux orders with us. KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT fwi 45R???- XMAS \V \HU DECEMBER 97 1906 "‘ 9 Z-‘x’DMPTLY ATTEZ“ SDED T0. THEOBALD'S OLD STAND. ”i’i‘i‘iK Syndicate Park FORT WILLIAM Do no: delav. These lots are selling fast. Call or write Map and full p..rciculars on application. U 3L ll \ Uh CHRISTMAS EA TING 34 McGill St., Toronto. will )t Price from $65.00 up. 3!! U)“ Kn v mt have a. luok at our window? [2' i- free at. all “IDES. But you mt mme than :1 hmk when once Our bread and pastrv cannot H. Stinssm Satisfaction Guaranteed in Embalming. . . . . Undertaking. BARCLAY BELL We bane opened up Under- taking in Thomaa' Swallow’ s banding nooosxte MId" .nugh H’HlSP. and are prfipurwd 10 d.) hueinuqs for anv persuu re- quiring Undertaking. (Mr Stock of Patent Supp'ies hwe arrived. also a full line of Catholic Robes. $5.00 per Month. [ Still another death has occurred at lthe Home during the past week l Mary Ann Carnahau. an aged and i blind inmate. passed quietly away on iFriday morn.ng last Deceased was {admitted with three or four other old women from Owen Sound jail, in iAUgust of last year, where she has lbeen retained for six years previous {as a homeless. lriendless and helpless Z indigent She was of unsound mind. 5 but. harmless. and we truSt she now lies in peace. Mr. \Vm Stodnrdt has rented Mr Jamee Hall’s farm [or a term of years Rev. Mr. McLennen, pas:or of the Baptist church here. gave an excel- lent sermon lasc Sunday. He took for the base of his remarks. ”Ye Must be Born Again” and showed clearly what the words mean. On the following Monday he made a goodly number of calls for his first time in this neighborhood. Mr John McNally has leased the Lennox farm for three years. Mrs John Wiikie, of Saskatoon, N. W. P.. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Heslip. “-811. Mr; Editor. we wish you and your employees a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year and that you will see many of them Mr. and Mrs. Thos Banks. owaen Sound, are visiting at 31120. McAr- that’s this week. boys’ underwear. Mr. John Laughlan, of Meaford. is spending his holidays with his brath- er William at present. Mr. Thos. Melosh was up to the County Town on thejury a. week ago. Miss Viola Dunn. of the Queen City, is Spending her holidays at. the old home. Mr. Wm. Laughlan has presented himself with a new cutter. Things look as if he don’t intend to b tch in very long. last. Spring. returuvd to the home for ano her three and a half month’s so joarn on Saturday night lasr. Mac looks better now the”! we evor saw him before He says he can manage all right through the sprlngaxd sum mer months but cannot navigate in winter. There are a few ligbtchores to be done heru which will fill up the intervals When not reading. Mac. is a. great reader \Ve undersand that Mrs. Criezer recmtly discharged from this insti tutinn. was. immediately after her arrival in Bav City. Mich , sent to the county poor house of that plaze, having: no reSpousible friends there to take care of her. It appears that long ago she had been a resident of that place for years, and had buried her husband there. and by her state- ments of haVing friends there who desired that she should go there to reside with them. and that she de- sires to be buried beside her husband as well as having money and prom isory notes of her own she managed to get her discharge from this insti- tution It Now remains to be seen whether she will he repdrted or kept who-re she is. O vim: m Opening of the new Meth- odist- chnrch vesterday divine servme wai .‘lidaensad with As rhh will likely be our last bud- 291’. of uewa from the home this year, we wish everybody is very Merry Christmae and a Happy and Frame:- 0113 New Year. Mr. T. McKenna’s sale wasa decid- ed success. Mr. J. Clark. of your town. knows how to draw the dollars. Mr, W. N. McDonald. of Meaford, was acaller around our burg for a few days. The trustees of S. S. No.4 have re-engaged Miss B Binnie for the year 1907. Mr. George Torry is wearing a glowing smile these days over the arrival of a bouncing boy, which came to the home to stay. Both mother and child are doing Well. Mrs. Wellington Dormer. of Arcola. N. W. T., is visiting at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. quney, for a month. Our school concert was A 1. There was the best oi order. I am sure that it could not be otherwise under the management of R. T. Edwards. He is an excellent chairman for an occasion of that kind and he is as Witty as Pat. The program was good. All the little folks did re- markably well. Mr. H. Walker’s songs were well rendered, and the swinging of the clubs by Miss Jessie Livingston was done. without an error, while the drill of eighteen girls was something to be remembered. They took their places and their teacher, Miss B. Binnie, played the March. They went through without a mistake. I think it would hustle the 31$t Regiment to beat them. The proceeds of the evening amounted to Mr. Joseph Young and his sister, Mrs. Gillan Boyd left on Monday for Muskoka to see their brother David, who is not. eXpecced to live. stage in life in which to earn a live ii'nuod and we doubt very much whether he WIU ever again desire to leave the inStirurion. He is a. very 9ick men at present. Aiexmder McLeiian. discharged Dunald Lextch. discharged at his awn reqnesr. in July last was re ad mined ou the 13:11 inst: Donald re turned much the worse of his iew month-1 freedom. He is past the Industrial Home Notes. (Fleoberton Advance.) yeried'beside her husband, F811 Wheat ........ aving money and prom Spring Wheat ...... of her own. she managed Oats ............. . Recharge from this insti- Peas .............. n m remains to be seen ' Barley .............. e wiil be repel-ted or kept] Hay ................ s. 'Bntter. ...... opening of the new Meth- Eggs ............. . . ,1 veste day divine service Petatoes per bag. . . . mad with Apples per bag. ..... 'ill likely be our last bud- Flour per cwt.. . . .. from the home this year, Oatmeal per sack. . . very-body a very Merry Chap per cwt ...... led a Happy and Prosper. Live Hogs . . . . ...... ear. Dressed Hogs per cw -F. Gm. Hides. per lb ...... I {Sheepskins ...... . . . Wool............... Burnett formen’s and‘Tanow VVaudby. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE the home for bmv" O. .‘Lsrd Toronto Daily Mail {or . . Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Canton Centre, Conn . who has been in the U. S, Service for about sixteen years. says: "We have tried many cough medicines for croup, but Chamberlain’s Cough remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the best rem- edy for coughs and colds. giving cer- tain results and leaving no bad after efiects." For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. A large audience filled the assembly Hall of the Collegiate Institute on Wednesday evening and departed well pleased with the program pre- sented by the students. The enter- tainment Opened with a well render- ed glee by the Glee Club, which made excellent progress under the leader- ship of Mr. \Villard. A piano duet by Misses Legate and Cruickshank followed. which was well received. The medals won at the senior and junior leaving examinations laSt July were presented to the winners. Mr. Murray presented Dr. Lang’s medal to Mr. A. Weir, who was called on for a speech and made a neat reply. Dr. Burt’s medal was presented by In- spector Burgess to Miss Evelyn Carrie and Judge Hatton’s to Miss Amy Edge; Mr. T. I. Thomson making the presentation. Mr. Thompson said in presenting the Medal “There is no royal road to knowledge, knowledge can only be obtained through hard. hard work The motto ”Labor Om- n1a Vincit” is as true today as it was a thousand years ago Miss Amy Edge has exemplified this motto in a remarkable position in the Senior Teachers’ Examination. among the greatest number of competitors inl our Collegiate InStitutes. Thereforel we may fairly say she has won thel first place in this class in the great Province of Ontar1o. This also re , flects great credit on the Principal . Mr. Murray, and the teachers of this institution. who must share in the honor which this young lady has won for herself and the Collegiate Indtitute of Owen Sound. I may ex press the regret of His Honor lodge Hatton that hr- 18 unable to present this beautiful Gold medal which has been “on by Miss Amy Edge 1 am sure it will be his greatest wish that the winner of this prize to day may be as successful in her studies in future as those who have won medals in nrevious years.” Miss Beatrice Kilbourn and Mr. Willard rendered avery pretty duet, followed-by a drill b_v twelve of the cadets, who under Mr. P..okham’s direction per formed their evolutions clearly and accurately. We might suggest just here that the curtain at the. back he superannuated. In the drill it had a naSty trick of catching on bayonet points. Miss Effie Wilson gave a recitation and the first part of the pregram .was'brought to a close with the reading of the auditorium by Mr. Linton Douglass. The second part was devoted to The Baron, ” which vtas veny funny. Mr. McKellar. who trained the actors. and whose trans- lation of the French lines was used. deserves great credit for the work done. for everyone filled his or her part well. Perhaps a special word is due to Mr. George McNeil who filled the role of the Baron and Mr. l’chnnis. who was very funny as the servant. The other parts were filled by Messrs. Widdifield and McGuire, and Misses McGregor and Kernâ€"O. S. Sun. To cash in advance subscribers we give the Chronicle and H “ Globe for ....... 4.50 “ “ World for ...... 3.10 " “ gews for ....... 2-95 “ “ tar for ........ 2.25 “ Weel 1y Mail ......... 1 7O ” “ Globe. ...... 1.70 Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 75 Montreal Witness ............ 1 65 Farmers Advocate ............ 2.30 Weekly Sun .................. 1.75 and other papers at equally low rates. Remit by postal note. money order, express order or registered letter to The Chronicle. Durham. Ont. Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask a free trial box of Dr. ShOOp’s Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real. actual teStâ€"and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earneStly desires that we let you make that test. This Creamy. Snow White healing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils and, quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. Call and investigate. Mac- Farlane Co. King of All Cough Medicines. Market Report. CLUBBING RATES. Collegiate’s Open Lit 5 H m 9. o 0. 0 pr. QHNDM 03.8. per (.zwt. 8 n' lb ........ L8 ...... . . . . . .. 00......00 DURHAM. .3 68 to$ .13 00 to 1‘ Dec. 27, 1906 . . $4.50 190 650 00 39 13 IMPLEMENTS Melotte Cream Separators, McLaughlin Buggies and Cutters, White and Standard Sewing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Harness, Ete, Etc. JUHN MUHDUEH Frost 5’ Wood SEE MY STOCK OF KEEP YOUR Middaugh House Block. ON THIS SPACE. AYTON MILLS WENGER MILLING CO. Who by using only best. wheat and careful grinding are producing flour of superior quality. second to none mode in Canada. A blend of best Ontario Fall and No. 1 Manitoba wheat is a strictly Made of best Manitoba wheat obtain- able is in every respect aflour of Give these flours a trial you will be delighted and will want no other. MATTHEWS 6’ LATIMER Superior Family Flour Are now being operated by PURE MANITOBA Superior Quality â€"I“OR SALE BYâ€" ENCORE 1.11

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