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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jan 1908, p. 8

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Alex. Russell If your purchase exceeds the above amount-s, you will receive goods to the proportionate value. Every purchaser will be squarely dealt with and what we advertise we will do. Cash or trade sales only are entitled to the winnings. Anything in our stock will apply on the total amount you purchase, except groceries. Worth of Goods TO 5' BE Remember you have a. whole month in which to pile up the amount you purchase. Every article which we intend to give away will be worth all we value it at. Our Store is filled with seasonable goods and you can buy them just as cheap as at any other time. If you purchase $10.00 worth during the 1mm th you can get other goods to the value of $1.00 $15.00 - - $1.50 20.00 - - 2.00 This is mm but!) contest or- (-hance game. The winner does not trust In lurk. Fvvrwme who buvs theix goods at this store is a winner. Thnse- \\ hm bus the must “in the most. Ail :11» conditions are simple. Keep your check which we give you t \ m 3' time. vnu make a purchase during the month of January. lt, duos not matter how small your purchase maybe inaday it counts on the total at the end of the month. You deal with us and you can’t help but win. The Goods to be given away will be Bring in checks aft the most convenient time to you during the month or the following month and receive what you will be entitled to. This is worth your consideration. It means something for nothing. Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. Heavy Lumbermen’s Rubbers A11 Heights, in Lace or Buckle, High Leather Tops Snag Proof. ullzu's just in fur (.‘ln'ist-nms: those are all New Designs and beautiful patterns A Large Stock of Furs still on Hand. Highest Prices for Trade Choicest Goods Open For. Inspection The Whole Month THE BIG STORE 3U. 00 :35. 00 WWâ€" A large assorted collection of Fancy Handkerchiefs, in Linen. Lawn and Silk. 2.50 lame stock of Ladies’ Men -Boys. Maple Leaf One, TWO, Three or Four Buckles. A full line of Felt Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children. Over Shoes all Heights. Rubbers i At the school meeting held in the 13 school house on Thursday, the 26th, |J W. Blyth was re elected Trustee. Miss Lizzie Allen. from Hamilton. spent Christmas at her home and returned next day to take up her duties again in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison and family. ate their Christmas dinner with friends in Mt. ForeSt, returning in time for the Xmas’ Tree at night. Mrs. R J. Allen Went down to Palmerston. on Tuesday, to eat her Xmas turkey with her sister. Mrs. 393: but. she returned Wednesday afternoon as she couldn’t miss the Xmas Tree at Vamey. Miss Jennie Allen. from Toronto. came home on Tuesday to Spend Xmas and New Year’s visiting friends around our hamlet Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Grey spent a few days at Xmas time at the paren- tal home of the former, Mrs. 0. Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grasby who have been in thswest for a. good many years, are at present visiting friends in this neighborhood. Well, the Varney Xmas Tree is once more a thing of the past,. and this one was second to none in re gards to crowd and program. Every inch was occupied, and scores were turned away that couldn’t get in A Splendid program was rendered and was listened to very attentively con sidering the terrible way the chnrch was crowded. The proceeds amount- ed to $35.85. This will aid the OE cials in running the Sunday School financially for another year. Miss Mable Pollock from the Queen City is Spending her holidays with her parents at the Post Office. A very pleasant time was spent at Wm. Clark’s, on Xmas day, when when about thirty of their friends were present They had a great big Xmas Tree loaded with presents. Maudie Burnett from Durham spent Xmas with her cousin, Winnie Blyt-h and atlended the Xmas tree at night. Winnie returned with her on Thursday. and spent a few da 8 with her in Durham. Rev. Mr. Rogers preached to the Sunday School children on Sunday last from Psalms 127-4. ”As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of their youth.” It was a very instructive discourse. Mr. Geo. M. Leeson and family visited friends in Ingersoll for a few days this week. Mrs. Thos. Petty, from Durham was visiting at her bronher’s, Mr. H, Wilkinson. last week. Eva Blyth is a: present visiting her cousins, the Burnett’s in town. Rev. Mr. Rogers visited his par- ents at Colpoy’e Bay, for a few days this week. Miss Annie Petty daughter of Mr. Useful Articles Varney. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Thus Petty formerly of Vat-nay. W34 visiting friends in this locality and attended church on Sunday 3am. in our village. Quiteanumber from this corner of Normanbv drove back to Avtnn on Monday to attend the nomina ion as they also did from all over me township, The Hall Nas peaked -0 the door, which goes to snow the great interest the ratepayers take, no municipal matters. SCarCn-ly a clmrn» was laid against the council of 1907 Still there will be a strong and vig orons Strive for the honors for 19ml. as there is about nine or m. in the field. and it would be hard to sny who will be the champions but m-xt Monday will tell Reeve. And e~ Schenk was elected by acclaman m A Mr. Neal from Mt. F~rest was visiting his cousins the Wm Mor rison_’s for a few days lately. Charley Hutton came home from Toronto on Xmas day. Mr Dickson from Toronto college is visiting Mr. Wm Lauder, an Old friend. Mr. and Mrs Richard Allen enter- tained a. few friends Monday night. Mr. Wm. Long was down to Mt. Forest last week consulting a doctor who is the) say “The Seventh Son of the Seventh Son” whom they say is a wonderful healer. Mrs. McAnulty and her daughter Maggie took a. trip to Mt. Forest last week. Mr. D. Allen paid a visit to Mt. Foresc on Monday: In buying a cough medicine fcr children. never be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is always sure to follow It is intended eSpecially for coughs, colds. croup and whooping cough. and there is no better medicine. in the world for theae diseases. It is non onlv a cer. tain cure for croup, but when given as soon as the croupv cough appears, Will prevent the attack. Whooping- cougb is not dangerous When this remedy is given as directed It con- tains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to an adult; Wm Prew and Palmer Patterson attended an L O.L Arch meeting on Friday night last. at Allan Park. CHAMBERLAIN ’S COUGH REM EDY A SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. The A. O U. W. lodge elected om. cere on Friday evening for the ensu- ing year as followezâ€"Maeter Work- man, Robb. Beet; Foreman, Miles Thistlethwaite; Overseer, Alfred Har- rison; Recorder, T. A. Blakely; Fi- nancier, W. J .. Bellamy; Treasurer, At the annual school meeting last week Mr. W. J. Bellamy who has been a member of the school board for twelve years, was re elected Mr. Bellamy who has been Secretary- treasnrer for a number of years. has the work well in hand. Miss Carrie Wilt‘on visited friends in Proton last. week. The Presbyterian Sabbath School on Chrisrmas evening wasa great success. The church was crowded to the doors and the very orderly and appreciative audience gave unmis- takable evidence of the pleasure afforded hv the excellent prOgram rendered. After tea served in the schoolroom of the church. the pastor, Rev G. C Little, took the chair and called upon Rev. L. F. Kipp to lead in prayer, The first part of the pro- gram consisted of choruses. solos, dialogues and recitations all very pleasing. A number of the little ones which we have not space to en- umerate did exceedingly well. The tth, Master R. N Cornfield and Miss Maguerette Runstadler de lighted the audience with their cute numbers. Mr. Jefi Thistlewaite gave very pleasing violin solos, and Dr. R. E. Henderson, of Toronto. sang “Roll on thou dark and deep blue Ocean” with such captivating sheet that he was compelled to return and sing “The King of the deep am I.” with equallv pleasing efiect. The second part of the pragram con- sisced of a Cantata. "Jolly times With the Santa Claus Band.” The music and costumes were pretty and the parts were all so well sustained that the whole proved attraCtive and highly pleasing. Mr. Wesley Buskin made an ideal Santa Claus and his jolly band of eight boys did their part well. Other characters splendidly represented were ”Brittania” by Mrs Frank Smith, ”Night” by Mrs. Herb Smith and her {our little at- tendants representing stars, "Uncle Sam” by Mr. Geo. Cairns and “Grand- father’s Clock” by Mr. Frank Chard. Then there was Christmas Tree. Christmas Candy. Christmas :Candle, Christmas Stocking, Christmas Bell. Christmas Sprites. Wind [fairies and pretty Japanese girls all pleasing in their parts. The Secretary’s report showed that the school had prosper- ed during the year. The prize win- ners for the largest number of verses recited were, Pearl Radley lst. Muriel Mo’l‘avish 2nd. Other ”prize winners for the highest standing in each class were. Mrs. F. Chard, Pearl Radley, Susie Chard, Geo. Harrison, Muriel McTavish, Etta Legard, Robt. Chard and Boy Thistlethwaite. , Pro- ceeds of entertainment $66.00. F. G. 0019; Guide, Fiank Chard; Inner Watchman, Isaac Sinclair. Rep. to Grand Lodge, Joseph Blake- 1y. An event of interest took place at Markdale on Christmas Day when Mr. Wesley Carson Davie, eldeSt son Fleshérton of Mr. 'Wm Davis, near this village. and Miss Sarah M. Breadner, of )larkdale, were joined in wedlock. Rev. Alex Shepherd. of Markdale. performed the marriage ceremony and Mrs. Wm. Davis, the groom’s mother, played the Wedding March. The bride who was unattended\ wore a very pretty gown of white silk eolienne. Her little niece, Alma .lohnscon. of Rocklyn, was a pretty flower girl. Only immediate rela- tives attended the marriage which took place at the home of Mr. George Snell. After the wedding breakfaSt the young couple left on the after noon train for Toronto and other points. The bride was attired in a Very neat and becoming travelling suit with hat to match. W. J. Meads and 'l.‘ R McKenzie were nominated and are the candid- dates in the field For cauncillors the following were nominated : George Wright, Arthur JohnSton, Robert Best, Mark Wilson, Wesley Buskin J. A. Carson and H D. McLougbry. Mr. Wilson subsequently resigned, so that from the remaining.r six the elecrors have to make choice ofgthree. Wedding Bells are ringing to- night, Wednesday Jan 19c. 1908 Mr. John Calder and Miss Teua McDonald are being united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs Neil McDonald. A pleasant party will be held during tae night when all will enjny them- selves. The seven year-old son of Mr Robert Shortreed of Dromore met with an accident last week by which he had his left arm broken. Though sufiering from the fracture the little fellow is doing nicely and will im- prove faster than an old person would under the same circumstances. .1. up to '2 o’clock on the 15th day of Janu- ary, 1908. for the purpose of remodelling Hampden Presbyterian Church. Plans and specifications can be seen at Ham ndeu P. 0. after Januarv lst, 1908. Lowest of anv tender not neces‘sarilyaccepted. All envelopes to be marked Tender. W. BYERS. Sec. of Com. Dec. 23â€"2 Ham pden P. O. There was the usual large attend- ance of ratepayers at the Artemesie Municipal N 1minations here to d8.) when matters pertaining to the town- ship were given full consideration. The nominations for Reeve were Alex Muir, J. A. Boyd and D Mc- TaV1sh. The two subsequently re signed leav1ng Mr. Muir re elected by acclamation. For Deputy Reeve, "" ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED up to '2 o’clock on the 15th day of Janu- Miss Trelford, of Markham, is vis- iting Mrs. W, A. Armsnrong. Miss Kirke, of the post office is holidaying at her home at Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wi‘cox, of Toron- to, are holidaying with the former’s parents on the west back line. M212:- m 5 , uer’s Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stOp falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you. have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Notice to Contractors. No. 55 special Jute Blanket either for stable or outside use; in an extra heavy stiped jute with good heavy Dutch Kersey Liningmhas no equal in quality at anything near the same priceâ€"Sale . Price ................ 1 I29 . ...... _ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Stock-Taking SALE The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years.” No.55, “Cover All” Jute Horse Blankets HUNTER’S January Buck Saws, good steel blade, neatly made, a very service- able article, Sale Price A n X-cut Saws 51ft. The cele- brated “Lance Tooth” well fi ° h d d be - Dog‘Zd.e 8:: Pritfe2l49 (Continued next week.) WNW, , 11. . 01-00..ng MHz-0°43- 7_ mu ,, Sale Price Dromore. J"X-Cut; Saws Buck Saws. mmuM' ‘ tnror' 3' 6f WE WANT ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. CHERRY Pm This has been the keynote of ofir purchases and we have not failed. In buying an article, Qu: uity is the first thing to be considered $1.00 to $20.00 Toilet Cases Military Hair Brush Sets. Manicure Requisites Hair Brushes Manicure Cases. from These goods are genuine Ebony. Choice floods \Vallets, Hand Bags, As usual we are showing,r the largest and best line of perfuxmgs in Town In Out; Glass bottles $2.50. to $5.00 In Fancy Cases from 250 In $5M) PIPES A full and very various line of the famous H.B.B. Briars in cases hand cut; Vulcanite stems, genuine am- ber stems. 'iolins, Mandolines, ' Banjos, Mouth Organs. Bows, “'iolin Strings etc. Give us a call our stock is large and varied and our prices are right. What we do done in the past. WE TELL N0 LiES Look! Look! Dariing’s DURHAM. \Ve will please you £1.5W0 have Cross-Cut Hand Saws 26in blade. manufactured by a reliable Canadian maker, Sale P1 Ice .. ”49 String of Bellsâ€"sharp clear sounding â€"on a heavy strap, Sale Price ...... 50 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS About selling below cost and other such nonsense. “'hat we say, we do. and we believe we are giving as good value fur the money as in any house in tow-'11.: On Qatux-day next; \011 (311 «et Men’ S and Boy’ 5 Caps at; (‘ ()st. and from now till Chiistm. 1‘ Eve we u ill give 3 lbs. of the best Raisins for 25¢. everv (1:1) in the week. I he People’s Druggists In Blankets. Tweeds, undvr- wear, Prints, Cottons. Flannels Flannelettes, and grocerie‘ts of all kinds is to sell an a very low margin of profit for cash 01' trade. EBONY GOODS S. SCOTT LEATHER GOODS PERFUMES Hand Saws Jan. 2, 19: Music Rolls, Purses, eLv. all guaran tee. ONTARIO 5m Tl! »’ THE annual meeting ‘ cultural Society of the Artemesia will he held in Friday Jan. 17th 1908. m. p. 111. Donald McMillcn McKinnon, Sec, A SPECIAL meeting of Grey No. 169 I. O. O. F. will be 1 Thursday, Jan. 9th. All memll requested to be present. j SHIRLEY MCINTYRE who in disposing of the Siegner Ha has some intention of openin business in Ericeville. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. < Smith, (nee Jessie Hulwx'tsc Mason City, on thv arrival u} on New Year‘s Day. WE had a (will \Vcdnesday fl‘i John Hewitson 01' Luuisdeu 3 Visiting his friends in Dlll'ilaJ vicinity. He. had a mug wui his trip down this time. being 1 train that ran off the track ue: liail. He escaped with :i few .5 athd bruises. but has no ixurliu; mpg-Lt the experimum. lie heré for a mouth or an. . 4 WANTEDâ€"Good genm'al Apply to Mr. T. C. McGim'. Staâ€"f2 pd. Ray. CHAS. SMITH. brother Wray R. Smith, died last wee] home in London. CANVASSING for an clt-cliun i an art, and it‘s surprim mgr hnu‘ people can go into an n hm k l in town, hug the ladi ( s, kis: [11% and solicit "your \utc and mm They seem to make \‘HLL‘b' h)" many a. promise will :wvur he fl Mr. Whelan says he In: wx :1} votes, and “hen the cim Linn} he has no idea of me numbcx I in Durham. 1 THE annual meeting of the 11 District L. 0. L. will m held M Hall on Tuesday, 14111 January at20’clock p. 111. Ala“) on ml date and in the same pl3‘Ct‘.l hour of 8 o’clock p. m... ma; Scarlet Chapter will be opeud large attendance is requested :1 of the above mentioned mocl 188. “7. Blyth, District Mastvl‘l MISS JEAN M. Inxux \Veirton whoa]. m-ux' St Ontario. is le-engagm‘: fn incrjease 01'330 over hvr 11 $400. CHARLES J. \VEsn-znx, 11 Specialist of Toronm. will ml Visit to Durham on Thursday .ll and persons with dvfmrtiw “1 may consult him in Darling} Store. Read his notice an 1mm THE second of the series 0 .Library Concerts. will be givun Town Hall on Thurulay (‘Vt'n 16th inst. Au illtAfl‘csLinz: an program of town talent is lwi pared. The usual low rates of sion W‘ll be charged. T he prm termimuent was much enjuv we hope to see a goml attelma‘ REV. S. H. RUSSELL. of Uh: tral India, will preach in the teria-n church, morning ard ( next Sunday, and on .\.Iond:.y e the 13th, he will give an :md “Life and Customs in 1 min" itd by Lime Light Views. 311'. 1 has been for many years :1 mis: in connection with the Presh; church in Dhar C. lmli -. a nd t1 oess of his work in that field :1 esteem with which he is l-g throughout the whole church assure a. full attendance. An < for missions will be made on 3 owning. ‘ THE law does not prntm'l 1" incompetent Optician but \uu cessfully defend \ om- sch In 1 ing those skillful in the pr Chas. J. \Vesteru. Eycsighl 5 Of Toronto Will be in Dal'lilx; Store on Thursday Jan. :L‘a‘nl. fail to qonsult: him. IX growing childl'vn, eye 15‘ not long solerated “'11110111. Sum txjouble creeping in bccahw :1! abie nerve force is required (n 1 development. Du nut live in 'tainty about this questinn. Chas. J, \Vesmru. Eyesight Sp in Darling’s Drug Snare 01) Th Jan. 23rd. VOL. 42â€"ND. 2130 NEWS A \V Ii s Strut L01 ()1 l‘l Cit M’l‘ U

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