AWAY This ?.< nu hwm (-0:th or (-hanc-v ganuu The winner does not, trust 2‘] Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. ‘_.. i4 Ifyou I w? , if g. 2. If your 1 S the pro; 3 Ram: ? amount S g3 Every ‘ we will b Anythil :3 except g t You 1 Alex. Russell Remember you have a whole month in which to pile up the amount you purchase. Every purchaser will be squarely dealt with and what wefadvertise we will do. Cash or trade sales only are entitled to the winnings. Anything in our stock will apply on the total amount you purchase, except groceries. If your purchase exceeds the above amounts, you will receive goods to the proportionate value. Every article which we intend to give away will be worth all we value it at. Our Store is ï¬lled with seasonable goods and you can buy them just. as cheap as at. any other time. If you purchase $10.00 worth during the month you can get other goods to the value of $1.00 A31 the mndmons are simple. Keep your check which we give you t-Vt-z'ytime you make a purchase during the month of January. It does not matter how small your purchase may be in a. day it. counts on the total at the end of the mouth. You deal with us and you can’t help but win. The Goods to be given away will be This is no hoan contest or chance game. The Winner does not trust to luck. Everyone who buys their goods at this store is awinner. Thnsv who buy the most win the most. Bring in checks at. the most convenient time to you during the month or the following month and receive what you will be entitled to. This is worth your consideration. It means something for nothing. The People’s Store Heavy Lumbermen’s Rubbers All Heights, in Lace or Buckle, High Leather - Tops Snag Proof Collars just in for (Thristnms: these are all Now Designs and beautiful patterns A Large Stock of Furs still on Hand. Highest Prices for Trade' Cheicest Goods Open For Inspection The Whale Month THE BIG STORE $15.00 A large assorted collection of 'Faney Handkerchiefs, in Linen, Lawn and Silk. A large stock of Ladies’ $1.50 Men Boys One, Two, Three or Fqur Buckles. A full line of Felt Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children. Over Shoes all Heights. Worth of Rubbers Goods Mr: John Laughlin, of Meaford, is visiting at his brother Wm’s. for a few days this week. Misses Mary and Maggie Brodie, are home from Toronto, for the hol- iday season. Mr. and Mrs C. R. Watson, of Bunessan, were callers on the Mc- Nally family the ï¬res of the week. Miss Vilow Dunn of Toronto, spent Xmas with her parents at home. There was one of the old time' hoe downs at Mr W. Stoddard’s last week and report. a merry tune. Mrs. N. McKechnie leaves this week to v'sic friends in Toronto for amonth. We overlooked to mention in our last budget the birth of a daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McNally. Miss Mary J. Vaughan arrived home from the Queen city. Mr. George Henderson had the misfortune of losing a cow which broke through the ice on the lake. Mr. John Ellison Jr.. sold a three year old colt for a handsome ï¬gure, lately Mr. Albert McNally has taken the contract of hauling logs to Durham for Mr. Alex Wright. Useful ‘ Articles Eighty per cent of people in this country suffer with their eyes through cheap glasses, which can only be relieved by the aid of a man who thoroug- ly understands this profession. Darlings’ Drug Store, Durham Thurs. Jan. 23-Hours: 9 a. m. to 9 p.m Many people have trouble 1n gettingb classes that do not hurt their eyes, but they will receive com- plete satisfaction by consulting Who combines latter day skill with old time hon- esty and aided by the latest mechanical appliances is in a position to give you an examination un- excelled anywhere in the country. He may be consulted in Have You Defective Eyesight ? Chas. J. Western, Eyesight Specialist VVaudby. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Lytle Hutton. Antler. Sank, is visiting his parents. Mr. and .‘drs Thos. Edge Hutton. Miss Elsie Petty, who has been at- tending the Collegiate in Owen Sound, studying for a ï¬rst. class cer- tiï¬cate has returned after holidaying at. home. We hope the Editor had 3 Many Christmas. Wish him a Happy and Prosperous Year. Last fall term. Miss Alice Lawwuce taught. in Cape Chin. this year she is engaged in the Blytb school, Norman- by. Miss H. Leeson, Varnev. Miss N. Boyde and J. Stinson, of Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Orchmd. and Chas. Hutton, Toronto, visited with Mrs. Thos. Edge Hutton, not long ago. DEFEATED BY DR. HAMIL' In no way is health so menaced as by conscipation. It leads to indi~ gestion. insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills Ordinarv remedies fail -they relieveâ€"don’t cure. The worst case is defeated and cured quickly by Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kidneys and liver, keeps the pores of the skin open. YOu’Il never have stomach trouble. yellow complexion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They areaperfect syStem tonic. 25c. at all dealers. Mr. Robt. J. Stinson visited friends in Muloch. recently. To THE Emma 01" THE CHRONICLE. Miss Senatb Nob‘e is engaged with Mr Keeler, Jeweiler, town. DEAR SIR.-â€"In last week’s Leader there was an article written in reply to Mr. Thomas Brown’s letter. in which a base attack is made on some of the young men of Holstein. Four of them are charged with purchasing whiskey in a neighboring town, drinking most of the night and being in a most deplorable State, which no doubt means they were drunk. Therefore. we, the undersigned young men of Holstein and vicinity, hereby pretest against this base and false insinuation and deplore the fact that Such mean, low and contemptable tactics are used to bring reproach and discredit on Local Option. qufl FULTON. Hampden P 0.. Ont.. Admmxstrator to the estate of Thomas Ful ton, late of the Township of N ormanby, de- ceased. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Fulton. late of the Township of Normanby, in the County of Grey. Retired Farmer, Deceased. A. E. Swanscon. G. W. Seaman, Eligab Smith. W. R Main. L. B Nicholson, L. E. Kerr. Will Freeman, J. R. Hunt. Bert Walker, James W. Reid. J. McKenzie. T'. H. Swanston, .1. McFarland, Sam Smith. Winï¬eld Hunt. Andrew Reid. J. A. Main. J. W Manury. A. E Reid, J. McFay- den, S Seaman. J Boyle. V ‘ pursuant to the “Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1837 chapter 129 that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Fulton, who died on or about the 23rd dav of December. 1%6 are required on or before the 3rd da of Febru- ary 1908 to send bv post. prepai or deliver to Hugh Fulton. Hampden P. O , Ont . the Administrator to the estate of the said de ceased, their Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice tnat after such mentioned date the sail Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the de ceased among the parties entitled t1 erem, having regard only to the claims of whicn he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or Eersons of whose claims notice shall not ave been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated the 6th day of December. 1907. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ‘ pursuant to the “Revised Statutes nf Notice to Creditors LETTER TO THE EDITOR. LUCAS, WRBGHT 8: MCARDLE, Solicitors for Administrator, Hutton Hill. Florence Clark returned home on Saturday night after spending a week very pleasantly with friends in Fergus. A er’e Plllekeep the bowels regular; AI vegetable and gently laxative. Mabel and Nettie Pollock returned to Toronto again last week to resume duties once more. Nettie who came home some time ago in such poor health has recovered so nicely dur- ing her snayin Varney that she was able to take up her duties again. In buying a cough medicine for children. never be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is always sure to follow. It is intended especially. for coughs, colds. croup and whOOping cough, and there is no better medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not onlv a cer- tain cure for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. WhOOplnfa cough is not dangerous when this remedy" is given as directed It con- tains no opium or other harmful drugs, and may be given as conï¬. dently to a baby as to an adult. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Miss Ball was visiting at her sis ter’s Mrs, Pollock over Sunday and attended church in our hamlet. We were p‘eased to hear of the success of the Temperance people in carrying Local Option in our town Durham and although they didn’n haxe many over enough, it goes to show what three ï¬fths of’the rate- payers of Durham want. We wish it. every success. Mr. and Mrs, Dickson from Glen Eden visited the lattex’s sister Mrs. D. Allen from Saturday till Sunday. The Varney Sunday Sch0u1 held their business meeting on the last night of the year and elected the fol- lowing ofï¬cers and teachers for the year 1908:â€"3upt., Jas. W, Blyth; Sec, Wilbert Blyth; Trees. Hugh McCrie; Librarian, Winnie Lauder; Organist, Maggie McCalmon; Assis tant Organist, Ethel Pettigrew Teachersâ€"Jns W Blyth. Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Edith Allen, Nellie Wal- lace, Lena Allan, Maggie McNiece, Maggie McCalmon, and for Assistant Teacher, Nellie McAnulty. With the above staï¬ of Ofï¬cers and Teachers the Varney S. S. will get along ï¬ne anOther year. CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGE REM- EDY A SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Miss Edith Allen took a trip to the Queen city last. week but she has returned and on Monday morning began her duties in the Varney pubhc school mi 11,8. good large attendance. â€Mr Chas. Braicbwaice, son of Jae. Braithwaite a former resident of this neighborhood but now of Indian Head IN. W. T.. is visiting his aunt Mrs. Thos. McAnulty. mag-3:: 9 W3 makLungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. No. 55 special Jute Blanket either for stable or outside use; in an extra heavy stiped jute with good heavy Dutch Kersey Liningâ€"~has no equal in quality at anything near the same priceâ€"Sale Price ...................................................... 1 '29 Stock-Taking SALE ‘ No.55, “Cover All†Jute Horse Blankets The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†HUNTER’S January Buck Saws, good steel blade, neatly made, a. very service- able article, Sale Price A n X-cut Saws 5§ft. The cele- brated “Lance Tooth†well ï¬nished (1 be - ' pered, 8:; Pritzle2l49 W. hive no «ox-eta: We publish tho formula of :11 our medicines. . S. HUNTER, Durham Varney. X-Cnt Saws Buck Saws. r .7. O. or 60.. Lowell. In“. so ultimatum:- of WE WANT ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. In buying an article, Quality is the ï¬rst thing to be considered, This has been the keynote of oï¬r purchases and we, have not failed. $1.00 to $20.00 Toilet Cases Military Hair Brush Manicure Cases, from Sets. Manicure Requisites Hair Brushes These goods are all guaranteed genuine Ebony. Bhlice Goods Wallets, Hand Bags, PERFU MES As usual we are showing the largest and best line of perfumes in Town. In Out Glass bottles $2.50, to 85.00 In Fancy Cases from 250 to $5.00 PIPES WE TELL NO LIES A full and very various line of the famous H.B.B. Briars in cases hand cut Vulcanite stems, genuine am- ber stems. Violins, Mandolines. Banjos, Mouth Organs. Bows, Violin Strings etc. Give us a. call our stock is urge and varied and our prices are right. \W'e will please you aswe have What we do dbne in the past. Look! Look! Darling’s DURHAM. String of Bellsâ€"sharp clear sounding -on a heavy strap, Sale Price ...... 50 Gross-Cut Hand Saws 26in blade, manufactured by a reliable Canadian maker, Sale Price . . . .49 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS About selling below cost and other such nonsense. “'hat we say, we do. and we believe we are giving as good value for the. money as in any house in town. [he Peopie’s Druggists On Saturday next you can get Men’s and Boy’s Caps at Cost, and from now till Christums Eve we will give3 lbs. of the best Raisins for :50. every day in the week. In Blankets, Tweeds, under- wear, Prints, Cottons. Flannels Flannelettes, and groceries of all kinds is to sell at a very low margin of profit for cash 01' trade. EBONY GOODS LEATHER GOODS S. SCOTT Hand Saws J an. 9, 1908 Music Rolls, Purses, etc. ONTARIO W'E are sorry to learn that Ml Storrey is not at all Well. A ye: : kt, July he underwent an ope the balance. At the end ' 5 .eeks he was considered well ‘ r of months m comparative id .. aking slow recovery but the 1 -' {I ever seemed to heal up pm " 7' During the past summer he dit o arable work, though not vex-1 0n \Iundav 1m h THURSDAY, January 23 .S __ \VORK has started in t} w 1 Separator szmrv propamtorv 1 ting up steam and putting thv \ â€Ã© in motion. The business hm ; kinds of repairs on ()xfmd 4 Separators. This “ill be goad‘ 21' users of th 1t; famnus sepn " in the work here Sim M: factory stat-bed. and are expel-15‘ “jx , . 51.» a: machine. ‘ r “THE Spence-Su-acha 5 'fConcerb was the bed uf not only to thnse of Stu but to people who cannot of Scotch blomi."-â€"~Evcrit ' ,aldrâ€"Under the auspices Camp, Durham. on \Vcd " January, 1908. NOTICE.-â€"â€"Ali parties McQueen 6: Mun-ice a call and settle all am by cash or nut. ï¬should he made with J . 'Durbam. as Mr. Mul'iC’t ;tHanover.-â€"â€"2W. pd. , THE track on the new ( is now laid to Hanover. ; NEW subscriptions to Uw 9nd only one dollar for Chronicle an Sand Empire. 3;; NOT content with the appaiiiq . life in the mines m: the rail :fijcity ï¬res, and tin «miihax \ I Which assail a person. \\ e lime J eal with the moving pit in: e l an instrument ofdwt'h. 1111a 3' wn, Pa., over 0m“ humizwi zui 405 went L0 their (innm til i he explosion of a gas tank in q ion with a picture umchinv. I atharines a dav or so later a1 " Xplosion caused Considw um 13 d; i": nd alarm, and resulted in the "rf 'a. ï¬fteen-year-old boy. wh: ’ rating the mac-him». The . ‘eut- strikes us neat-pr home ppened at Ingersoil. happiiy. ver, with no loss of life and c.) r'de little damagv. It isn‘ 1 ' tention to say that these I 1 E, TIES and poles wanted fm- C. 1 {For particulars see .1. N. Mun Durham. \VE notice the ice men an» at and the quality is better than vs ,pected to see in such an «4me w ;~ THE Presbyterian chum-1x rhnit Eat the Hampden tea mwting on {day night last. They say the E den ladies are ï¬rst-class (‘1 mks. “A MORE delightful. structive, even i u g wi t h and story than that 1m. talented artists was He enjoy."-â€"â€"News. Alexa ing to artists at, Ben X( Fcer't on 29311 Jan. 5th : THE road l,)9t\\'rvn Yiile is in a bad (rondi has difficulty in gett â€took Monday and ‘make one round tri p PUBLIC LIBRARY Concert lo-nij uachines are dangermm. Far 2' ve believe them to 1w :5 ‘éii‘a‘ bther mechanical appm-atm if (-1 exercised in the operation Of The three catastropues x-vt'm-i nay have been accidental my} 1 mavoidabie, but, we wunld like me question, “Is it, a prnpm' .4 flair-5m allow a 15-year-old I have full control of a machine “proved itself so death dezil behitherto harmless bioscope. '3 VOL. 42â€"NO. 2132. NEWS A Xfll ht (“VII Ian s of Ben ll Da. It Ulll RJ