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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1908, p. 2

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N,11MBER OP TOWN LOTS ON ¢ "' 4‘ opposite Central Hotel. upper town. q‘rbam- Enquive for fuller particulars of } MRS. A BURNET. M07, 4 film-pd Proprietress. *V. ‘Q'uéen and Cmuntess Streetsâ€"9: 'od tion. prices reasonable Apply to '~ Smith or at the Post Ofiice. f 7 wâ€"tf m 4 FConcessinn nf the Township of Nor- ;itby. cnmaining 2.50 acres. the estate of é‘late Thns Fulton. One stone dwe'ling ‘;~,one frame dwelling. Good bank barn firmd frame barn Will be sold in block iVided tnsuit purchasor. Tarms made nun anplioatiun. Hugh Fulton, Ad- “ l\ AN PART LOT 9 WEST GAR him}: a; RESIDENCE com BINED n Name property in 2U pper Town ham, Corner of Durham I:mcl Elgirl ts. Seven rooms pantrs, closets, nt flnored (ellar. etc. Good airy in good locality. Good frame Stable. and soft. watery one acre of land. Snap nick purchaser. For further particu- apply to John W. McKechnie Owner v Sauzeen P. O. . lst. lilfiâ€"tf. fixatorey dwelling alongside Presbv I , Lot '37, ('oncession l3, TownShip of ‘ anhy- This is a highly improved _ in you] locality. Anyone wishing to F1! first-Mass farm on easy terms of pav- ‘t shmzld cummunicate at 01109 with ay Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors 25. 1907.â€"â€"tf. Jenner: 100 ACRE FARM AT ‘i DWELLING AND SHOP. ON Mi" Street, Durham. llOft frontage )ly to William Laidlaw m: 29:“ 3.3K LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dnr 1 in the count of Grey. containinz4 3 more or less. For terms and pan-tier. applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’ s Solici Durban :7 ED in our yard. Duyham. fOr which .,best prices willbe mud. Enquire tnr ~99 at. The «men. THE DURHAM FURNI- ‘RE (‘0. Lumnn. Nov 20thâ€"tf. \ n e residence Lot 17. Gen. ‘2, Ezremont. 3 ~ y’s Chatelaine. containing a small silver ‘ :ch, 3 one dollar bill and a 50 cent piece. . der will be rewarded by leaving it at )- oflice or at the Varney Post 0fice. 3 9c. 19 Mrs James Eden Property for Sale. (E""W:EE".D9§HAA~{ éND HER 56801? ALL KINDS DELIVER www‘mqmwmmww 25ch Exam - [50. 33,â€"9.9 rflor-‘?.3 EB QD‘ ' house. complete bath -.rovm water ”ks electric light furnace and every :ivenienco iacre of land good comfort- i '.eatable good young on chard “ell dram- ‘~ convenient to both railway stations. )3 so" right to quick purchaser as I m )3 west. â€"Thos. Livingston. £01: 2311' For Saleor to Let. 5 Custom SawinO'. Egri'tbfffiam-pden, P, 0. 13. tf . fraxa St. a fine twosrorey solid brick "it 2, with bathroom. furnace. elec'ric E3. hard and soft wa’m‘ in house. Also brick bar 11 and stable. This is one uf best sites in the town oc Durham. humus. ap 1y to Andrew Mazwood, ver. or Mrs. an Camnbn‘l. Durham. ,} the Rocky. immediate possession giv- For turther particulars apply to 3 J. P. TELFORD. '197. 5 ti. Durham. Logs \Vanted. for sale a number of houses and out- dings along the line of right. of way nf Walkerton and Lucknow Railway. in wn of Durham. ese buildings must be removed at an y date. in order to clear the line of right -"â€"v u of Egromnnt. 3 n i199 from Durham. I Barn with stone foundation". Small be hnusa good soil This farm is being rod for sale very cheaply. Apply Mc- and Dunn, Durbrm. IE UN DERSIGNED OFFERS 11:0 ateria] such as timber: bnck. stone, , x31 caeegwhere the bunld {nus cannot be 'iE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPAR ad. are also offered for sale; .ted June 4th 1907. Apply to ick house: two large bank harm t class. all cleared vxcavt 20 acras. eio onick purchaser. 315“) down. bal- It 4%} mr cent. Apply to MacKaV l. Vendor’s Solicitors. 26 mâ€"tf ed tedo Custom Sawing. into lumber. ngies and lath; also planinz. Ruin oping etc Hemlock and cedar logs, lath timber wanted fury-'hich the hizh- cash price will be and at the mill. as Clark. Vuney. Durham. (7000 SOLID BRICK TWO 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- nion West of the Garafraxa Rpad, pTownship of Normanby. in the r of Grev. For particulars apply to ’olford, Barrister. Durham? JWr-tf ' nut 33; miles from Durham. 1 'osseasnon at pnce. Gnod land. Moat lfwfiéfwfiigtilzulirs apply to t. Durham. House to Rent. 01) BRICK HOUSE ON ALBERT Street. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- mg FARM IN TOW_NS_BIP D AND 3RD DIVISION OF 0 l. E G R.. in the Township . . 100 acres known as the “Me-Kin. am” at the Rocky Saugeen. 1m- poasescion given. F or particulars J. P Telford. 31107-tf <27 woesâ€"1N THE 1373 'arms for Sale. UF-fiin BEST FARMS IN in: GARA FRAXA ROA_Dâ€"_ QUNDRED ACRES 3};qu e favms in New Ontario. near can] for saleâ€"large discount for xp 01 the locality and terms given Ition to J P. Teltord, Salicitor for " 7 18 06 -â€"t1 M oney Found. BER OF IMPROVED VAL- Esau. ON 81)): DAY LéST qfw money Owner may have nag proper dmcriptinns and m. Apply at this 0509. For Sale. J. P. TELFORD. Durham. 1 When Solomon Woods. of Tara, '1 was seventeen years of age he mar- ried Fannie Kennedy. of Sullivan township. a girl of about the same age, and after living with her for two ' months her parents appeared and took her name. They have not lived together since. She afterwards went to Owen Sound, and is now said to be dicing w th another man. Woods ‘ went up to see her but she informed [him that she would not live with him any more and as f .r as she wa- concerned he could get married again and she would not interfere. Solomon Everyone in Durham Has a Right His Own Opinion got married again five years after the first marriage to Annie Carson, of Amabel, and some neighbors who professed to be shocked at such a loose state of morals induced the local constable to prosecute him for higamy The prisoner appeared be- fore Judge Barrett. yesterday, plead- ed guilty and under the circumstances was let go with a fine of one hundred dollars or two months in jail Woods is in jail yet but eXpeCts to secure the money and obtain his release to day. C E Start, of Tara. appear- ed for the defendant and Thos, Dixon for the crown.â€"Bruce Herald. While everyone has a right to his own opinion yet it IS wise to always consider what others think and profit. 0y their eXperience. Nothing makes life so miserable. or interferes so widely with the useful- ness of the average American. as In- digeation, and it is well for us to‘give fair consideration to what others think about this remarkable amiction. Many peOple, from their own ex- perience, are positive that Mi-o-na stomach tablets are an absolute cure for indigestion and the many dis- ag'eeable symptoms that follow this disease, such as distres-~ after eating, coated tongue bad taste in the mouth, dizziness. flatulence. nervousness and debility. The way Mi-o’na is sold, on a gnar- antee to refund the money unless it cures. shows plainly the va no of this remedy. There will be no charge whatever for Mi o-na unless you are satisfied that it has relieved you of indigescion Mi 0 na is sold by druggists every where for :30 cents. and We poei'ive 1y guarantee to refund your money should you purchase a box and be dissatisfied with results, Write for free sample. addressing Booth’s Mi 0ona, Box 977, Bnfialo, N. Y. Mi-o na wakens up the stomach muscles and Strengthens them so that they take care of all the food you eat in a. natural healthy way. without pain or distress after meals. The merchants held a meeting on Monday night to discuss the question of lighting their stores. Some time ago the electric light company put meters in the stores and charged 10 cents a kilowat for light and ‘25 cents a month for the use of the meter. But finding their revenue from this source dropped ofi considerably they notified the merchants that they pro- rosed increasing the rate and asking which of three propositions they preferred accepting. The merchants at their meeting on Monday did net care to acceptany of the prOpositions but suggested that the Company agree to a slight advance on the pres- ent rate otherwise they would make other arrangements for lighting their Storesâ€"Bruce Herald. U- v.- V'-- The regular wage earners on thisl $20.60. branch of the C. P. R. have been re-' Philpâ€"L . " O duced in number by about 00/0 all: to meet on along the line within the last couple Auditors’ I of weeks. Agent Symington here ters Poun< has had all the duties of baggage- and’to rece man, yardman and assistant operator sor Collec thrown upon him by the retirement ment for ‘1! of his help. Section-forman Bailey inc our cul has had his men laid 05 with the ex ried. ception of one. All other stations. are similiarly treated. It appears to he the policy of the company to cut down eXpenses right and left during the quiet season The agents are not taking very kindly to the increas- ed and varied duties and they hope. Do you I this arrangement is only for a very j can be reli { brief period. Down the line several 3 just trv on {stations have been closed altogether; lain’s Pain |for the winter such as Palgrave,’ and sleep I iCredit Forks. Cheltenham and means a g! lMeadowvale on the Credit branch,â€" ed with g iDund“lk Her‘ld. Parkar’g r WHY 8U Depodtsmybemademwithdnwnbyeitherofthetwomcmbetsofsbooehdd. Thisformofacconntisspeeisnysnitablefotthoselivingintheconntry,aseithamhet anutendfltotheh-nkingvhenintown. Inaseofdath, the money mayhem“ bytheanvivawithoutdehyorcost. Wdtemallfoxfnnhetpanicnlan. THE SERNDARD BAN K CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. AS OTHERS THINK MERCHANTS’ MEETING. DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly. Manager BRANCBES ALSO AT HARRISTON AND PRICEVILLI GUILTY 0F BIGAMY. OF CANADA . Head0ffice o' a II C Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ESTABLISHED 1.73 HAND AND ARM ENDANGERED. Neglect a cut or scratch and it may turn to blood poisoning. Mr. Joseph Lalibertie of 34 Artillerie Street. Quebec, might have lost his hand and arm but for the timely use of Zam- But: He says:â€"“I cut one of my fingers on a rusty piece of tin and nad no idea it won (1 become serious, but in two days blood «poison had 'set in and my fingers became terribly discolored. and m) hand and arm swollen. I was alarmed and began using one'ointment after another but none relieved. I was about to con sult adoctor when a friend advised me to try Zam-Buk. This I did. Zam-Buk began by drawing out the inflammation and in one week the wound was nicely healed. Since then I have had no healing balm in the house but Zam-Buk. I feel so grateful for my speedy cure that I unhesitatingly give my testimonial to the merits of Zam-Buk.” Zam Buk cures Cuts. Burns, Chuppeo Hands, Chafings, Cold Sores, Itch. Chilblains, Eczema, Running Sores, Sore Throat, Bad Chest, Ring worm. Piles (blind or bleeding.) Bad Legs. Inflamed Patches, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Abscesses and all diseased. injured and irritated con ditions of one skin. Of all druggists and stores, 50c., or poet paid upon receipt of price. from Zam Buk 00.. Toronto. 500. a box, 6 boxes 8?. 50. Council met January 13th. Mem- bers elected subscribed to the requir- ed declarazions and took their seats as followszâ€"Walter Hastie, Reeve; Walter Ferguson, Dep Reeve; John R Philp, Geo. Lotbiau and Duncan Hunter, Councillors. Minutes read and adopted. By law No. 217 for the appoint- ment of Auditors was passedâ€"the names of James F. Durrant and Wm. Ramage were inserted in By-iaw, salary $10.00 each. By-law No. 218 for appointing a 'nemoer to the Board of Health, also a Medical Health Officer was passed. Donald McQueen was re-appointed. 1%,.McBacheru together with the Reeve and Clerk and Dr. Sneatn, Medical bl. 0. Comr. Ferguson was appointed to examine Registry oflice re Treasurer's surecies and report. Fergusonâ€"Huncerâ€"Tbac we pay Normauby $8 13 to balance accounts for worn on 0 S. R â€"Carried. The Clerk was instrucced to nonify Tp. Engineer to make a survey on 3396 line. Call 22 which be was re- quired to do two years ago. A grant of $5.00 was made to The Sick Children’s Hospital Toronto. Uomr Lozhian reported repairs to bridge, Lo: 12. Con 14. by Chas. Mc Innis, cost 32 :30, payment. received. Report adaptedâ€"Order granted. The Santa of Health for i908 am, Donald McQueen, W. J. Wilson Sr., Comr. Lothianâ€"Con. 13 to 22 in- cluded, from Proton townline to 10th sideline included. Comr. Hunterâ€"Con.4 to 12 in- cluded. from 10th sideline included. and Cons, 1. 2. and 8 from Ms. Forest to Nuismith’s sideline included. Comr. Fergusonâ€"Cons. 13 to 22 in- cluded and from 10th sideline nor. in- cluded, and Cons I, 2. 3. from Nei- smich’e sideline no: included to Glen- elg townline. Road divisions for 1908:--Comr. Pbilp,â€"Uon. 4m 12 included, from Proton sownliue to 10th sidaline not included ’ Resolved that the following ac- counts be paid:â€" Each Deputy Returning Omcer $8 50 ; Clerk distributing ballots, $4 ; W. J. Sharp. use of Hall. Nomina- tions. $3.00; 0. M. Saim. printing Financial Statements, Ballots, etc.. $20.60. Philpâ€"Lothianâ€"Tnst we adjourn to meet on Feb 10th to receive the Auditors’ Report, appoint Pathmas ters, Pound keepers. Fence viewers. and to receive applications for Asses 80:, Collectors and tenders for ce- ment for 1908 and tenders for mak- ing our culvert tiles for 1908 â€"Ce.r- tied. WHY BUFFER. FROM RHEUMA- TISM? ‘ Do you know that rheumatic pains can be relieved? If you doubt this just tr_v one application of Chamber- lain’s Pain Balm It will make rest and sleep p'ossible. and that certainly means a great deal to any one amict- ed with rheumatism. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store zax BUK Annmrs BLOOD POISON. Egremont Council. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE D. ALLAN, Clerk. The newspaper man has troubles almost innumerable, but. among the many classes with whom he comes in contact there is probably not one‘ so aggravating as the person who! imagines the newspaper a free adver- tising medium and who gets indig- nant every time the pen of the editor and the columns of the paper are not delivered up for his financial benefit. We have a number of peeple in this section who are apparently laboring under these delusions. and, although we have called attention to the mat- ter repeatedly. we are occasionally brought to task for the appearance or non appearance of certain lines. which we deem advisable to publish or keep from publication as the case may be. People of this calibre are termed in the newspaper vocabulary as "cranks.” and are taken as little notice of by the pen-wielders as patience will permit. The aim of L'l‘he Standard is to publish all the iinteresting happenings of the town and district, from week to week, and we are at all times pleased to receive items of interest from our readers. We desnre. however. to have it clearly understood that all items given In for publication are subjeCted to the scrutiny of those in charge of the paper and changed Where alteratiox s 'ere thought desirable.â€"-Markda.'e IS‘.andard. Maudâ€"“What very large teeth Scorchmen have, mamma; haven’t they ‘9” Manamaâ€"“Not any larger than we English people have. Maudie.” Maudâ€""On. yes, they have, for when papa asked the new Scotch gardener to-day if he would just take.a toothful; and I’m sure papa made the butler giVe him more tnan half a tumblexful and h 8 too'" he (1 it all, for he didn’t Spill a drop 1” BEWARE OF COCAIN E MEDICINES" Thousands of Drug Fiends have been Started on their downward course through Catarrh snufis con- taining this habit forming drug If you sufier from a. cold. sneezing (r Catarrhâ€"don’t use a. snufiâ€"use a. sensible treatment like Catarrhozoni . It heals and soOthes, brings relief at once. cures thoroughly. In Bron- chitis and throat trouble no docmr can do better than prescribe Cetarrh' ozoqe. ’l‘ry itâ€"see What wonders it worksâ€"what power it possesses Difierent from the old way,â€"you in- hale Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c. and $1 00 sizes by all dealers. He came home at. night to find the hmse deserted. says the Cleveland Ptain Dealer There was acrumpipd note on the centre table. He readit. His wife had ezoped with a. fascinat- ing billetioker. He flung the note on the flaor. Then he shrilly whiscled. There was no response. He whiccled again. He saw it all now. She had gone and taken the dog with nor! Twenty minutes later he handed this “personal” over the “wants” counter of the leading morning daily: "I‘bave gone away with William,” she wrote. “I felt that I needed a chenga}’ Anaemia eans colorless bloodâ€" means langu r. blanched lips, laded cheeks. You grow dySpeptic. ner vous, sufier functional irregularity. This condition can’t exist if there is plenty of healthy blood. Ferrozone makes good blood. rich nutritious bloodâ€"that’s why it cures. In con centrated form Ferrozone contains certain rare qualities that render it unfailing in Anaemia. languor, pom color and loss of weight To build upâ€"feel young and vigorous, noth ing is better than Ferrozone. At all dealers in 50c. boxes. He picked up the acne and read it nloud. "Violaâ€"Send back the dog and keep the change.” As the Stewart Bros.,’ 12th con. of Arran, were going home from the bush with a load of logs on Monday evening lasc they thought they would go up the river which they had crossed with the team and empty sleigh in the previous part of the day without any signs of the ice giving way. As soon as they Struck the ice it started to c.ack and their big team‘ seemed quite timid. but they urged them on till they were about 40 feet from the shore when first one runner of the sleigh went through the ice soon followed by the other, and in a sec ind the horses were precipitated into water about ten feet deep The boys had enough presence of mind to jump to the horses’ heads and catch the halters so as to keep their heads above the ice, and called for help, but none came. There were three of them and one ran back to the bush for an axe, while the others with their jack knives cut hame straps and other parts of the harness. When the axe was produced the work of life began to break the ice in front of the horses to enable them to get to the shore. It was hard work. but within an hour they had the horses and struggling for their lives they pulled one of the boys into the river, but he atr‘uggled to the top again. Another was knocked flat on the ice and one horsehit his right arm just above the elbow. hurting him badly which may prove troublesome for some time.-â€"-Tero Leader. on shore, but being so long in the water they were very weak. While the frantic animals ‘were‘ plunging ARE YOU PALE, ANAEMIC? THEY’RE HERE T00. THE PHILO :OPHER. HELD IT ALL. N ORMANBY BOARD OF HEALTH A meeting of the Board of Health was held on the' above date. all the members present. Ryanâ€"Easter: â€"That Reeve Schenk be chairman. â€"Carried. Ryanâ€"Mnrrayâ€"Thae the report from Dr. Jones. Mt. Forest. be sent back for proper dating, etc}. and that the clauses of measures employed in- isolating and disinfecting be more definitely explained. Murrayâ€"Schenkâ€"That R. H For- tune be Secretary of Boardâ€"Carried. The Board of Health would recom- mend that in future the instructions laid down by the Provincial B. of H.. with regards to the disinfecting of infected buildings. be fully carried out. Ryanâ€"Murrayâ€"That the clerk be requested to call attention in minutes of council that Board of Health de- sires parents to have their children vaccinated, or in the event of its not being done by them the Board of Health Will instruct the Township Medical Health Officer to do so. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Bene- fits a City Councilman at Kingston. Jamaica. Mr, W. O’Reilly Fogarty. who is a member of the City Council at Kings- ton. Jamaica, West Indies. writes as follows: "One boule of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy had good effect on a cough that was giving me trouble and I think I should have been more quickly relieved if I had continued the remedy. That is was beneficial and quick in relieving me there is no doubt and it is mv inten- tion to obtain another bottle.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. " “Talking about. blufiing.” said the horseman. “there was a. chap who thought blacksmithing looked simple- and easy. and so. being out of work. he decided to have a try at it. He went. to a smith and asked for a job. “Well.” said the smith. "you are a strong. likely looking young fellow. What; experience have you had?” “Eleven years.” answer. ‘ All right. I’ll try you.” said the blacksmith. "Shoe that mare Whl e I go home to dinner.” “The smith on his return frcm dinner frowneu and said to the new band: ”Whac!” Haven’t you got that mare shod yen ?” The blufier bit his lip, flushed and and replied: “I can’t get her confounded foot. in the vise ” Judge Martin decided that certain evidence was inadmissib e. The at- torney took strong exception to the ruling and insistéd than it was ad- missible. “I know. your honor.” said he warmly, “that it. is proper evidence. Here I have been practicing at the bar for forty years, and now I want to know it I am a fool.” “That.” quietly replied the court, “is a question of face and nor. of law so I won ’5 pass any opinion upon it, but will let. the jury decide’ ’â€"Liver- pool Mercury. SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO UNDERMINE HEALTH. It. is impossible to go into details on this subject but the eXperieoce of many a poor woman who is crippled for life. just, because she didn’t. use a. good remedy in time, should be a warning to others. When the first. stages of woman- hood appear in a young girl. a. great deal depends 1n getting her over this critical stage, so that in years to come she will not develop green sick- mass or consumption. When she complains of flushed face. headache, bearing down feel- ings, give her a course of Ferrozc he which will carry her paS\the crisis. In the adult woman if any irregn~ larities occurr. Ferrozane w‘ll be found a. remedy of remarkable po- tency and power. Ferrozone is the ideal regulator and causes all organs 0% the body to perform their work properly. It purifies the blood, tones up the nerves and vital energies. The stom- ach is strengthened, snd digestive and assimilative processes are im- proved by the good work of Ferro- zone. It regulates the bowels, cures constipation and piles. and replaces disease and decay by health and strength. There is nothing better for the complexion than Ferrozone. It. re- moves the, dark circles from under the eyes. removes and cures all man- ner of skin eruptions, gives bright.- ness and brilliancy .to the eyes. a rosy tint. to the cheeks, whitens the teeth and deveIOps a well rounded, plump and handsome form. Ferrozone is the-ladies’ favorite, and should find a pace in every household. In is prepared in she form of; chocolate coated tablet, convenient and pleasant to take. Price per box. 50c or three boxes for $1.25. field by all druggiSts. Womanly Troubles / FROM THE ANTILLES. LEFT TO THE JURY. A CASE OF BLUFF R. H. FORTUNE Ser. was the prompt «gleskssesxegestzswsvegeSQfl/Ai Q We Wish our many . M D Q: '6 ”Q "< mvmmvm ’wmmwmwvv “735*? assasaisaisvfimh m wwms A blend of § Manitoba, and % Ontaxio Wheat: and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No.1 Manitoba. Wheat cannot: he beat for either hakers’ or domestic use. Is made from selected winter whea. and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the best brands- nf Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea- Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and People’s Mills 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All up-to date flour and feed 2222a grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it Cmm. 0 the mill and we will use you 1i; 2 Call us up by telephone No. S. '“ THE D AVIS The CLOTHES REE], - BIG All kinds of Gra_in_ bought at Market- We are selling the remainder of our Lumbermen’s Rubbers Men’s OverShoes and Plain Rubbers at reduced rates to clear up the stock. Children’s Cardigans 1.25 pr. Leggings at lowest prices. We have special Qualiy in Bui Teasâ€"Black and Japan at 25c per} Also the most popular blends < packaggteas. “The Cup That Cheers” Whiskey is bad for the men 0' T119 Thistle And a’ ither folk you see, So if you want to wet your whisfle You’re safe with our tea. All Wool Blankets at last year’s prices. We believe the “ Davis " is ‘he L best reel made and we want to prove it to you. Send us your name and address and we will send you one on trial without it costing you a cent. AAA rm: DAVIS REEL Cd LONDON (Box 165) C. McArthur John MCGOW’I‘E. PASTRY FLOUR TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE c. L. GRANT é WE KEEP THE Jan. 23, 1908 Price 4oz That always satisfie 000k. Five Roses and RCil For Flour J an. 23, 1908 MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BIL JERS MO WERS BAKES SEE D DRILLS DISC HARRO WS WAGGONS GASOLINE EN GINES He Sells Chea' lmplemen Heavy, all \Vool Blankets 64: 4.00 to 4.75 a. pair. Flannellebte Blanket-s. large. 1 size. 1.25 a pair. Bed Comforters. from 1.3.") mi Democrats and Bu Ladies Black Sateen L ndexskii 1.00 and 1." 45 each. Ladies’ Winter Undervests 1 Drawers from 250 up. Ladies‘ ‘Vhite “7001 hand-m: Fascinators 50c and 1.00 each. See our lines of 2.5a and 50c d1 goods. (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Mac Boll Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent and Aucti‘ Men’s Cardigan J ackets at 1.00. and 1.50 each. Floor Oilcloth 1 1!; and 2 yards 25c a square yard. Call and see us The People’s Gm AND PROVISION S'] Manitoba Flours always giv faction. But Howe 1 Leave your order with .- MCLACHLI‘N. Durham, who give you prompt attention. AGENT {or DOYLE JUL] Monuments and Tomhsm OWEN SOUND. fleeting Harvester Co ’e can give vou what yo :11 you wili find our price: 'arm Implements Machine listuwel lionel Bread F McGowan's Eclipse [8. Alex. Beggs 81 DURHAM. ONT. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK 0F . FLETT, Flori W. H. BEAN Pure Honey in 20c Jars. Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Designs 211 Floral Decorati' of all kinds on shortest notice. ‘ We carry also other we; known brands of Flour; John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE Calderfilock Mt. Forest. Berlin

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