West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1908, p. 5

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nent-â€"â€"all New a. variety that however, and h and the Goods #011 so as to get mspe ( tion. the past season ieptember have .- stock of these Taffeta Silk. in d and perfectly mt the best Hing: in this b, Colds and . in one day, isimilar prep. upsules in the 1 Si] vex-plate erplate C20,, ““8 up and an attack of Capsules and aim nothinz )zen, now . 2 Silverw , Ontario ITY” Jan.23. ()f a, life efs for rchlefs Finest by the lepart- 1d up. ll‘l m- are \V ee 950 3. 50 .90 40 00 bgremons. W.Ramage, W_Mountain; for Glenelz. D Edge, W. Ritchie; for Normanby. T. Gadd; R. Morice; for Durham,W. Black. Auditors. C. Ramage, R. Burnett. 1908. armâ€"Hon. Pres., J. Edge; Pres, G Binnie; ls: Vice-Pres.. W. CaIder; 2nd Vice-Pres., H.McDonald; Sea-Tress , C. Firth. Directorsâ€"{or Bentinck. \V. Scarf, '1‘. Brigham; for Egremont. W.Ramnge, W.Monntain; f-._ 1‘ The officers of the South Grey Agricultural Society, for the year 1908. RP£¢‘_"nn Dunn T ”A--- SOUTH GREY AGRICULTUTAL SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS. i acre building lot in Durham. for sale ' cheap, or trade for anythipg a man can eat, wear, or through a suck at. l Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand. Debts collected. C.P. R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. $300 ofsmck in Durham Cement 00., placed in my hands for sale cheap. l 100 acres, extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the 32"» asked for the farm Near Crawford P.O. a first-class Butcher Shop in the Maclntyre Block Where 1 will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited Note the address Udntyre Block. - D1 I beg to announce to the citizens of Durham and vi- cinity that I have opened up Alw B. PHILLIPS ay 5 Market Report. you want to make money and J an. 23, 1908 Prompt, Never Negligent The Hanover Conveyancer . H. Miller, Durham t0 t0 t0 t0 19 10 10 "MR. GAVIN SPENC‘E is a host, in himself of very versatile acquirements. ' and a king among Scottish entertain- . ‘ers. llis introductory addresses out- 3011mm}: the liistc"y of the Scottish 75 3 people. their trials and sufferings. 60 their successful elforts to preserve their '25 independence. and the development of 3§itheir national muse and literature, 60fwas replete with a wealth of word 25 j painting. as rare, as it is delightful to 5'1isten to. He also added materially 13 f to the interest in his songs that were loiso well interpreted by Miss Strachan " J and himself by commenting upon 10 5 their origin and purpose. His dry 1Oland pawky humor was most intec- 7 Itious, and his anecdotes recounted in‘ = iamanner peculiar to himself, kept? LL I the large audience in a. constant state 'of merriment. The company are up. i tering upon an extensive tour through- I 5y out Canada and we unhesitatingly adv ' 3r vise :11 those who are interested in 9; the songs and stories of Auld Scotia no go Iv (I) (Q! 5 ; fail to hear the Gavin Spence Com- : pany.”â€"The News, Alexandria. Glen- 1, garry 00., Ont... Oct. 25, IKEâ€"Ap- ,; nearing with other talented artists in a; the Town Hall. on Wednesday.% 3. January under auspices of Ben Nevis Camp. - In v Kuhn, Brookdale. Man; Lytle, Che-(1.111. B. C... Mrs. John Williams, W 1nmpeg, M:1n.;M1s.H11gilfv1en1an, Brussels: Mrs. Thomas E. Hutton. D111 ham besides many grandchildren and a number of great: grandchildren. She leaxes to mourn her death, Solomon of Nelson. B. .;Ja.s., Penn, N. D: “711). John, Cambndge, Neb.; Ru. R0bt., Brookdale. Manx Lvtle. On Sunday the ceremony ducted by the Rev. Jamie: remains were interred in happy as her earlier ones. The de- ceased was a member of the Methodist church and clung to all its teachings. She has been serving her Saviour since she was a young girl, and always found the promises of God reliable and His grace sufficient. She was a faith- ful wife and loving mother and a. high- ly esteemed member of the community in which she lived, “Sixteen,” Durham Road DEATH OF MRS ROBT. WILKIN- SON. The Herald joins with a host of fnends in'wishing Mr and Mrs. Whirsett a long, happy and prosper- ous life. Dr. and Mrs. Whitsett returned to Danforth on the late train Monday night and are domiciled in the cosy flat. they have been so industriously fittiLg up for the pas: two weeks. Neither of the newly weds is a Stranger in this locality, the doctor having an enviable reputation as a snacessful practicioner. and Miss Lamb, through her care of the sick, having made a. place foc’herself in many hearts and homes. The Wedding was a very quiet one, ing to the world how close we had only a very few of the nearest friends been to another great catastrophe. of the happy coupte witnessing the Even the names of the anarchists, the; ceremony. The Rev.Scaehling spoke place of destruction, and the whole‘ the words that made two lives as one ‘ nn 7'9 nh nrnnna rang; vac nnneiflnmu h‘n I (Danforth Herald.) It would hardly be correct to say that Danforth was surprised to hear nf the wedding of Dr. \Vhitsett and Miss Margaret Lamb which occurred at the Great Northern hotel in Chiâ€" cago Monday. as all appearances indi- cated that the afl’air was about due. DR. WHITSETT MARRIED. V was con- eson. The :1 cemetery Lenahan , G L. Allen. Drysdale, W. G. Scott, McKinnonn, R. Galbraith. Ireland.ekipâ€"15 Dr.Beacom,skipâ€"20 Lavelle. Collins, Cochraue, Rutherford, Hunter, McDonald. Lauder. skipâ€"14 Currie. skipâ€" 16 Dr. Hutton, Maltby, Wolfe, Robertson. Whelan, Lamont, Calder, ekipâ€" 12 Broughton,skipâ€"21 _â€"â€" ‘5' V‘ the home team. The‘ following is the score taken on the difierent rinks:â€" DURHAM CURLERS DEFEATED. The Durham Curlers visited Mt. Forest on Friday afternoon last and went down to defeat at the hands of MCINTYRE â€"At South Line. Glenelg, on Saturday, Jan. 18th, Catharine McDonald, relief. of the late ReV. ' Robt. McIntyre, aged 79 years. ‘WILKINsoxâ€"Near Hutton Hill. at. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Hutton. on Friday January 17th, 1908, Margaret J zine Spear, relief. of the late Robert Wilkinson, aged 95 years. ' ' NIAhSHALL-W’ALLACEâ€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s parents, on VVednesdny, Jan. 15th, by the Rev. Mr. Kendall, Grace W. W'alla-ce to Andrew Marshall, both of the town- ship of Normanby. GUNâ€"In Durham, on Monday, Jan 20th 1908, to Dr. and Mrs, Gun,a daughter. A RIB-COUNT of the ballots cast on ithe Local Option By-Law is to take lplace on the 6th of February, on the application of Mr. Murphy, of Mark- dale. owner of the Middaugh House. W'ith it majority of twenty-eight in favor of local option it is hard to con- ceive of sufficient spoiled ballots to defeat the By-law, 'and we cannot imagine what good is to come out of the scrutiny. Sonic contend the rum jority is onlya fraction over eleven votes, which is quite true from their way of reckoning, but our contention is. and has been that their reckoning 'is wrong. There seems no way ofi defeating the by-law unless twenty- ; nine votes in favor of the measure be 'disnllowed. The Pioneer, the organ of the temperance party, publishes an opinion which we reproduce elsewhere. It agrees with our View exactly. On the other hand we are told that Mr. James Haverson, the legal ad visor of the liquor party is of the same Opinion If every disallowed ballot be taken from the “total vote polled” and the 60% bases be reck- oned on the reduced total vote facts and figures must count in determin ing the result. paraphernalia receives considerable; attention, and a. person can Witness: the disaster in its entirety, minus the] report and powder fumes, so vivid is the descriytion of our friends across the line. Since the Americans have cooled down long enough to let some one else use the cables, it is learned that the rumor started from a snatch of conversation overheard on a Paris, France telephone line, and is not being taken at all seriously by the people of that city. THE United States is “it” again to the extent of ’steen inches of space in each of the daily papers. It was re- ported that somebody was going to blow up the American fleet, and. :im- mediately, in the well-known across~ the-bmder style, cablegraph. telegraph and telephone messages were proclaim- ‘ ing to the world how close we h:thi DURHAM THE Durham Furniture Co. is gett- ing a fine lot of logs this winter, and the yard will soon be full if the bus liness keeps on as it has been, In the factory everything is going well. and large orders are being filled. In the summer season there will be a busy hum till the lumber' is all out. It seems surprising in a country where it was thougnt there was little or no timber to find 0 many good legs landed in a $1363“: time. The bad condition of the roads now will have a tendency to reduce the has iness for a time, but we have winter weather ahead yet SERVICES preparatory to the corn- munion will be held in the Presbyter. isn church on Friday afternoon at 230, and in the evening at 7.30. Rev. W. S. Jamieson vvill preach in the evening. Miss Maud Couéins of Trowbridge, is visiting her siSter Mrs. McCrre. Mr. Will Saunders was home from Walkei'tou, for a few days. Mrs. Caton has returned from' a couple of weeks visit her daughter, Mrs W. Bailey, at Hanover. Total, 41 MARRIED DIED. BORN. LOCAL NEWS. MT. FOREST Total, 57 J an. 153i The annual meeting of Grey Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance 00., will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, on Sat- urday the .oth day of January 1908 commencing at. 1 o’clock in the after- noon. â€"â€"â€"-~" U Street. Applyto Mrs. Neil McKech- gie Dprlgam. of a Newhaveu fishwife, Were her best Scotch numbers. But Miss Strachan showed that she was capable of render- ing classic as well as Scotch music by the excellent, manner in which she gave Tosti’s ‘Good-Bye.’ Miss Enid Newcombe, besides performing her duties as piano accompanist, proved herself to be a cellist of high ability. Her rendering of Van Bien’s ‘The Broken Melody" was exceedingly fine as well as that of the plaintive Scotch melody ‘Auld Robin Gray.’ ”â€"â€"Pem- broke, (Dnt., Standard, Oct. .15, 1907.â€" Appearing in Town Hall 29th January under auspices of Ben Nevis Camp. .L a sum qf money. Owner. mpy ha'vâ€"e same by givmg proper descglptlons and paying expenses. Apply at the: ofice. tau pen a story or SIDS? a song about his native land to perfection. His his- torical introductions to the various selections were very apropos. Miss Nannie Strachan is certainly the best Scotch vocalist that has visited Pem- broke. She possesses a soprano voice of wonderful sweetness and of a very high range, having that winsomeness which is so necessary to be a success- ful Scotch ballad singer. The ‘Scot-1 tish Blue Bells’ and Caller Herrin’,’ the latter in the picturesque costumei Hall by Miss Nannie Strachan, of Galashiels, Scotland, and Mr. Gavin Spence, of Edinburgh. Scotland, as- sisted by Miss Enid N ewcombe of the London Academy of MtlSlc, as ac- companist and cellist. Mr. Spence is agenuine Scotch entertainer and he can tell a story or sins? a song about “ONE of the most successful Scotch cancerts ever given in Pembroke was that given last night in the Town N DURHAM. ON SUNDAY LAST a ,sum of money. Owner mav 1mm The Transfer books will be closed from the 25th day of January to the 8th day of February, 1908, both days inclusive. Notice is hereby given that a divi- dend at the rate of five per (Kent, per annmn upon the paid up capital stock of the National Portland Cement Company, Limited, has been declared for the year ending December 3lst. 190'", and that the same will be payable at the Head Office of the Company on and after the 10th day of February, 1908, to all shareholders on record on that date. ‘ Miss Enid Newcombe,A.R.C.M No audience can be too exacti the gifts represented by these ; Wm. Black. R. Torry, C. R Chief. Sec’y T1 TICKETS at. )Iacfarlane’s. placed on sale first :1t2 p.11)., 18th January All seats reserved and therefore comfortable. ’Cellist and accompanist, ‘Onc of the foremost; Lzuly’Cellists of the century.’ Attractive personality. 00D BRICK _HOUSE ON ALBERT Tenor and entertainer, (of Edinburgh, ScotlandJ culled “The Prince of enter- tainers and entertainer of Princes” having appeared before Royalty in various countries, By order of the Board. Mr. Gavin Spence (Of Galashields, Scotland,) named “The Modern Jenny Lind,” has a. range of three octaves and a grace and modesty of person that; captivates her audience. Scotland in Song and intellectual treat, Humou tive, educational, Will be above by A Brilliant Trio Uf accomplished performer Miss Nannie Strachan ‘ M oneym R. H. \IcVV ILLIAVIS, P1 esident and Managing Ditec Lox. House to Refit: DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Manager. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE accomplished performers as follows : ANNUAL MEETING. DIVIDEND N0. be too exacting for ng and Story. An . Humorous, attrac- Will be presented as mtmage Treas. artists. 3 In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Fulton, late of the Township of Normanby, in. the County of Grey, A Retired Farmer, Deceased. HUG}! FULTON.~ Hampden P 0.. Ohtu Administrator to the eetate of Thomas b ul ton. late of the Township of Normanby, de- ceased. ' LUCAS, WRBGHT MCARDLE, Solicitors for Administrator, Dated the 6th day of December, 1907. And further take notice tnat after such" mentioned date the saii Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the de ceased among the parties entitled tl ereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or ersons of whose claims notice shall not. ave beenreceived by him at the time of snch distribution. Call and see the Stock of Boots and Shoes at the store lately occupied by F. Peel, and remember that we will consider it a pleasure to show you What we have and prove that our prices are far below the prices charged for like goods anywhere. pursuant to the “Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1897 chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Fulton, who died on or about the 23rd dav of December. 1906 are required on or before the 3rd dav of Febru- ary 1908 to send bv post. prepaid or deliver to Hugh Fulfim. Hampden P. O . Ont . the Administrator to the estate of the said de- ceased, their Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant‘to the ‘jfievjsed §tatutes nf lX-L- -2 ._ 99 inn-n Notice to Creditors Special attention given to Repairing and ordered work. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Remember the place, next to River. LENAHAAN (Q MGINWSH Our stock is continually increasingiso that we are now banter than ever pre- pared to supply the wants of customers You will find our stock in both "Hard- ware and Furniture to be- complete and up-to-date. For the right goods, the right assortment and the right prices, give us a trial. Whether you are a regular customer or not we are always pleased to have you call. Remember We have now entered upon a New Year and we trust it will be one of hap- piness an prosperity to one and all. We thankiour many customers for their patronage in the past and trust our dealings have been such that their patronage will be continued. The leading place for all kinds. of Hardware and Furniture is in our New Block a, few doors south of the Middath House. D111 ham Special low Pr’i Proprietors. med with black plumes : flowers and good black : â€"j_ 'etta ribbon. Owing to o“ extensive business, we carry a large stock the vear round _ an We are always menared% to show you the choicesbe goods. Parisian Millinery Co. Every hat is of good mate ial and fresh and new,‘ 4 most of them were trimm¢ the later part of the seasm \Ve s'till have a large! of Trimmed Hats to se MISS DIC Ontari

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