West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Feb 1908, p. 3

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Lchine Oil. Harness 01 :10 Grease and Boot ltment, 510‘“) p. SAUNDERS Bers 1m 1tenti0n to Gaso- ine repairs. TH 6: SONS 00.3618de Fitters. ass Founders. [NH Horsepowers, ackers. a Specialtv M t Sons ‘ TRADE "Am DESIGN; Cowman-3 "T3,.“ h and deacr! Irxxon free w Giggle”, tumble. Hannnnn Cfl'frggmg lachinists, HITM ORE [N‘DRY Harnessmak” Prepaid. D. CONNOR. [LY pas M MY CUB general that] lll‘S Boilers. m (i Swallows Live and meat 4!! T913118 It mptly at Lined CRBING Next M GASOLINE ENGINES. Implements Democrats and Buggies McCiary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Mnchinea. Bel; Pianos and Organs. The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE See nuz‘ lines of 25c and50cdress Call and see us Floor Oilcloth l 1.1; and 2 yards wide 21: a square yard. Men's Cardigan Jackets at Ml), 1.25 and 1.5092101). Mtwitch». F1 He Sells Cheap But Flowers AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Tombstones Deering Harvester Co.'s lve Fascuu ZO( .GGON 1,}: Black Sateen Underskirts, )0 and 1.75 each. You DRILLS HARRO WS ALS( . F LETT, Florist Rubber and Steel Tires.) We carry also other well k1mm brands of Flour. Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Designs and Floral Decorations of all kinds on shortest notice. John Clark {E SPREADERS OADERS W. H. BEAN 000k. Roses and Reindeer Pure Honey in 20: Jars. The or Flours always satisfies the A FULL LINE OF THE ette Blankets, large, 11.4 .25 a. pair. mforters. from 1.35 m3.00 rs from 25c up. \Vhite Wool hand-made ators 50c and 1.0) each. Winter Undervests and give vou what you want. mu find our prices right. 1H “'00! Blankets 64:81 4.75 a pair. A COMPLETE STOCK OI" plements Machinery. Calder Block OWEN SOUND. M lours always give satis- faction. Agent and Auctioneer. h. Forest. MO W ERS order with ALEX. Durhzun. who will .pt attention. Berlin Pianos The inaugural meeting of the coun- ty council of Grey for 1908 is in pro- gress this week at the court house. The members assembled at two o’clock on Tuesday afternoon and went through the usual formalities as to qualification, The council is composed of the following mem- bers:-â€" Artemesiaâ€"Muir, McKenzie. Bentinckâ€"Wilson. Dodsworth Chatsworthâ€"Dr, ’I‘. McCullough. Collingw’d-McKnight, Goldsmith. Darbyâ€"Garvie. Dundalkâ€"Sinclair. Durhamâ€"Saunders. Egremontâ€"Hastie. Ferguson. Euphrasiaâ€"Erskine. Ellis. Glenelgâ€"McFadden. Hanoverâ€"Ball. Hollandâ€"Hampton. Keppel-â€"Elliot, Johnston. Markdale, Stephenson. Meafordâ€"Agnew. Normanbyâ€"Schenk, Umbach. Neustadtâ€"Weber. Ospreyâ€"Norman, Taylor. Owen Soundâ€"Harrison, Lemon, Dr. Lang, John Legato. Protonâ€"Corbett. Sarawakâ€"McClelland. St. Vincentâ€"Abercrombie, Eaton. Sullivanâ€"Sinclair, Hatton. S) denhamâ€"McDonald, Day. Thornburyâ€"Smith. l The first business to be dealt with was the election of a warden. As foreshadowed in The Times the only name to receive serious considera. tion Was that of Mr. R. J. Ball, reevc of Hanover. His nomination was made by John Legato of Owen Sound and was seconded by James S Wilson of Bentinck. Messrs. Walter Hastie and S. P. Saunders proposed Andrew Schenlt of Normanby, but the latter declined to allow his name ’ to go before the council and Mr. Ball’s election was made unanimous. The only other biasiness transacted was the appointing of a special com- .mittee conisting of Messrs F. W, 5 Harrison. Neil McDonald, S R. Mc- l Knight. R. Agnew, A. Schenk. Thos. lMcFadden, E. W. Norman, J. H. 'Corbett, and James Erskine to strike lthe standing committees for the lyear. The following are the chair. 9 men of the respective committees:â€" lFinance, Robert Agnew, roads and f bridges, James Erskine. county pro iperty, Neil McDonald, education, iWalter Hastie, printing. James S. a Wilson communications and menu jrials. S R McKnight; house of ref ‘ age. J. H. ttevenson. The warden’s address was as fol. lows:â€" . To the Members of the County Coun- : oil of the County of Grey;â€" you my sincere thanks for the honor you have conferred upon me, in elec- ing me to the honorable position of Warden of this, which I believe to be the largest County in the Prov- ince os Ontarioâ€"both as to acreage and population. Allow me to say that I duly appreciate it, as it has been given me by acclamation, and family can learn from one course. We have taught over 1.000 dressmakers and guarantee to are $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dressmaking.” thorough as this course teaches it it you work in shons for years. Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outside the school.- This is the only exponenoed Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once. for par- ticulars. as we have cut our rate one-third for a 31 Erie Street. Statics-d. Ont. Canada. WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decided to instruct and employ a number of smart young: ladies to teach our course in Dress- m-aking. having one teacher tor the six near- st towns where they liveâ€"age?!) to 35. Those Who have worked at dressmaking. 0r likes drawing preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your Whole tune. Addressâ€"THE SCHOOL. R. J. 3311 Chosen Warden Without a Ballot Being Taken. Acmuint ml! with lug-Ink. Send this coupon with 1:. stamp (to: return postage) to Th: Zm-Bnh Cm. Toronto. and pots.” : dsinty Ian-pk box. 9‘; Mr. E. Webster, 5x9 Seigneurs Street, Montreal, says : “One day as I was lifting a pan of water of? the stove, my son Eddie ran toward me and knocked the pan up- wards. The water ran over his neck and scalded him very badly. It is a very awk- ward place on which to keep a plaster and several things which we tried failed to give him relief. We then applied lam-Bill: (which we had used aome time before to: a bad gathering on my little daughter’s head) and this acted like a charm. It drew away Keep Zam-Buk Handy! Accidents will happen to the best regulated families, and the necessity of keeping handy a box of Zam-Bukâ€"the valu- able “first-aid” cannot be too strongly insisted upon. In Your Spare Time a! Home. Take a Personal Course at School. GREY COUNTY COURCIL. 8H“ POI "I! “I'll 10NTREAL BOY AND 25:; . :3 4.1. 9/ 2:239:43“ 'V " .. 5.2.71 -:‘r- ._ at»: M ,4 , Whata pity women don’t realize that if they were wellâ€"if tne blood was nutritiousâ€"if the nerves were strongâ€"if all the organs were acrive â€"then the little things that irritate and prey on the mind wouldn’t re- ceive a moment’s thought. 3! price. 3 boxes for $3.25. \Vorry is a diseaseâ€"and it’s more â€"it produces other diseases, because it breaks down the nerves and saps the vnmliny of the body. Of 3“ drug in! and “out, - a box. or pooh paid from the gun-83k Co. .. «onto, on receipt without a dissenting voice In my predecessor’s address, at last June session, reference was made to the equalization of the County asess- ment; and since the June session I have heard of considerable dissatis- faction touching the results of that equalization. It will be unfortunate if a feeling of dissatisfaction pre- vails among the difierent mu- nicipalities. as to so important a question as the finances of the coun- ty. because based on an unfair as sessment. [would suggest that at this session some plan of readjust- ment be devisedâ€"either on the lines laid down in the Assessment Act of Ontario, which provides for the ap- pointment of valuators, and I am sure you will agree with me when I say that this is an expensive methon. and perhaps not always satisfactory or the more simple and less expen- sive plan. of the individual members of the council preparing, during the interval between January and June sessions of a statement of values of the lands in their respective munici. palities, They could have the as- sistance of the local assessors, clerks and treasurers and to this at very slight cost might be added a few par- ticulars from the registry omces of actual sales in diflerent sections of their respective localities. This would. I believe. be much more sat. iafactory than the manner in which the equalization was done in June, 1907, when the question of the basis of assessment was sprung upon the members of the council without suf- ficient time for adequate considera- tion. I notice that many of the counties in our provinceâ€"including some adjacent to our county, Simcoe and Wellington for exampleâ€"are availing themselves of the govern ment’s profl'ered aid in the inaugur~ ating of systems of good roads Those of you who were members of this council last year will not, I am sure, have forgotten the address of the November session of A. W. Campbell Deputy Minister of Public Works, of Ontario, which contained much valuable information and much good advice in reference to this imc portant question: and I sincerely Zam-Buk has revolutionized existing methods of healing cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, cold sores, chafing, and treats in a new, scientific and effective way the worst case of eczema, piles, ulcers, bad legs, blood-poisoning, festering, psori- asis, scurf, ringworm, children's scalp troubles, sores on the back, and all those inflamed, burning, irritable and diseased conditions of the human skin that incapaci- tate and torture their thousand victims. Zam-Buk is absolutely unique in its composition, and must not be confused with cheap ointment: containing rancid nnimal fat which the skin cannot abnorb, and which consequently instead of cleansing thgpore: clogs them up. - The woman who worries has a poor appetiteâ€"she sleeps poorly. If it only lasted for a day or two it might be of small consequenceâ€"but she grows limp, miserable. unhappyâ€" worso dsy by day. This is why it gives color, clear- ness to the skin, buoyancyito the etep, brightness to the eyesâ€"because with good digestion and activity of the body in all its parts; there’s health. Price 500. per box. at all dealers. WHY [ll] WflMEN WUHHYZ She needs Ferrozone which cures worry by curing the conditions that render worry possible. For nervous, weak women. no tonic is so good; thousands it has cured just like Mrs. M. E Etherington, of Troy, who writes: "I am quite willing to give a public testimoniai l’or Ferrozone, believing it to be‘a tonic of superior excellence and one that will rapidly build up strength and supply new en- ergy to anyone not feeling well. Last spring I was in a very poor con- dition of health. I was nervous, felt tired. and completely worn out, No doubt it's quite a common complaint with ladies of my age. but I placed great reliance in Ferrozone, and took it for several weeks. It made me quite strong, and in fact I have been in better health ever since. I can heartily recommend Ferrozone.” Ferrozone cures by making good blood Strong nerves and a healthy body. First Sign of Failing Health. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE how that, either that as the result of a plan devised by our Road and Bridge Committee; or. if you please by a special expert appointed for the purpose. something tangible in the shape of a good roads system will be undertaken by this council. When the government of Ontario is willing to provide one.third of the cost, why; should not the county of Grey have a share in the advantages which would of necessity accrue ? I ask your earnest consideration to this important question. I have no doubt most of you are interested in the Opening up and development of our county by the constr uction of rail ways and Other facilities for the carrying of the products of our mills and factories and I am'pleased to re- port to you the near completion of the spur line being built by the C. P. R. from near Proton Station“in our county, touching Priceville, Durham and Hanover in this county, and go ing to Walkerton. and possibly other‘ important points in the adj .cent counties. This line will, I doubt am, he of immense advantage to a num- ber of the inland towns which it may: touch. and will afiord increased fa- cilities for the shipping of the farm. srs produce, as well as the products of the manufacturing concerns. I hope to see the day, not far distant, when the connecting link between he important towns of Owen Sound and Meaford shall be constructed, and thus increased facilities for trav- el and commerce be brought to the Northern parts of the county. You are all aware that large expenditures .have of late years been made in the building of steel and concrete bridges in our countyâ€"such as at Heathcote Priceville, Sarawak, and one under contract at Scone. on the county line of Grey and Bruce. I would respect fully suggest that the county treas- urer be asked to furnish a statement of the finances of the county, so that the members may be in a position to control and keep within prooer bounds the finances of the county. In this connection I would suggest for your consideration the prOpriety' of the issuing of debentures from time to time as might be found nec- essary and covering a period of at but ten years or more, for the pay- ment of the conStruction of these ex pensive bridges. There is. in my‘ judgment. no reason why we should tax ourselves to pay for these bridges in one year, as we have been doing, when the probabilities are that they will be sufficient for the use of gen- erations yet to come, and as they will be of service to those who are to come after us, they should be re- qu1red to provide some of the cost. ‘ And now, gentlemen, in closing, I respectfully solicit your assistance and co- operation in conducting the business of this session. Again I thank you for conferring upon me the honor of the Wardenship of our county and I shall endeavor to prove myself worthy of the trust reposed in me. I am as ever, your humble servant. .- Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. Hyomei’s medication reaches the most remote air cells of the nose, throat and lungs, going after the disease germs wherever present, de- scroying them and preventing their grOWth. thus making oatarrhal troubles impossible. There is no dangerous stomach dos- ing when Hyomei is used. It is sole- ly an inhalation treatment, prepared specially to kill the catarrhal germs. How Hyomei Does its Work in Curing Catmh. Begin its use at once and see how quickly it gives relief and lasting cure. GOES AFTER GERMS. N store’s remedy for cecsrrhel troubles is the oils and balsams found in Hyomei. It is a. Specific, not a cure all. It has but one mission. the cure of caterrh. The marriage of Miss Jessie Lor- ette Reid, daughter of Mr. Wm. Reid, of Toronto, formerly of Hano- ver, to Mr. George H. Mitchell, of Hanover, publisher of the Post. was consummated at the residence of Mr. The natural way of curing a disease is alwavs the scientific way and the scientific way. of curing catarrh is the simple way with Hyomei. Cetarrh is a germ disease and cm be cured only by using Hyomei, the treatment that reaches and deatroye all catarrhal germs. R, S. Scarborough. 1 Orford Ave, l‘oronto, on Thursday last. at two o'clock. The marriage was quiet in nature, only the immediate friends to the number of about thirty, witness- ing the ceremony. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Andrey, while Mr. R, B, Weatherall, B. A., of Toronto was best man, After lunch- eon, the newly married couple left at 4.40 on a short trip to Detroit and Chicago. the bride traveling in a suit of navy blue ladies’ cloth with hat to match.â€"Hanover Poet. We positively guarantee Hyomei for should you buy a complete out- fit, price $1.00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be re- funded. Hyomei is sold by druggi~ts everywhere. Write for literature, Booth’e Hyomei 00., Bufialo. N. Y. To have his favorite corn stepped on. Don’t have corns.â€"-cure them with Putnam‘s Corn Extractor. Takes 24 hoursâ€"no painâ€"costs but a. quarter. Try “Putnam’s.” R. J. BALL. Owen Sound, January 28, 1908. MAKES A SAINT SWEAR. 3 MARRIED A]? TORONTO. The school is thoronhly equipped in teachin. chility, in chemical and electr cal supplies anc- flttinge. etc“ for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent. etafl an in charge : fMISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A. Hon: 1' Graduate £31511. een’ a Univeroi y, Classics, Modem 5, and Eng MISS M. S HOLLAND. First Class Certificate and third vear undergraduate of Queen's Unxver- sity, Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a health and active town, making it a most deeirab 9 place of residence. WI. JOHSTON, Clninnun. DURHAM SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN. lat Class Certificate. Prin Seeds of this beautiful “ Santa Ron ” Poppy ere given absolutely free We are offering them for one week only, February 8th to Saturday February 15th, at: $1.00 per pair. Don’t miss this opportunity of getting a pair of Misses’ School Boots at much less than regular prices. Our loss will be your gain. We are overstocked in this particular kind, they are reg. $1.25 to $1.50 cornes out of the oven in exactly the same condition as it broiled. The Souvenir's Aerated Oven causes meat therein to be con- stantiy surrounded by ~~~| fresh oxygen, and really 1... 1-3â€"7: 1 . __, -. -_ k 41,1 3“ . g‘g v' r5 ‘- ' H ' a only ba e meat. ; g mgt~;.â€"Q \ The GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Limited HAMILTON. WINNIPEG. MONTREAL. VANCOUVER 403 Feedâ€"Car-loads on hand of Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and Windsor Salt. In Flour we carry McGowan’s, Milverton, Ayton, Royal Household! and Five Roses. MATTHEWS LATI M ER KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DU TRY MATTHEWS LATIMER FOR Fresh Christmas Groceries and Fruits And Oysters. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. TERMS - STRICTLY CASH. J. S. McILRAITH Every Souvenir is absolutc'y guaranteed by the makers. to». $1.00 per month. "ll 314 "ilk ,1. jlllllllll: The doctor orders \4. 1 l 1'; lllillsm ”1 lz: meat broiled for his ‘Qg patientsâ€"he wants it hygienically cooked 1n g: 4 5 9'62 lfl . pure oxygen, with all \\ 5 in the nourishing juices and the sweet tasty flavor retained. Meat lroasted in a Do you wanta Bargain in Misses’ peb. bals C RAMAGI Hygienicallbeoked 659% Meats/wand ‘O‘O‘O‘ so‘o‘osi Hello :3 Everybody BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and in placing all its graduates Each student is taught. separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. V isitors welcome.‘ RDAY and EVENING classes. A large grower of poppies says: “Y ‘ Santa Rosa ' is an exceptionally fine ' ture of S 'rley Poppies. by far the best have seen. ’ We will give absolutely free N' package of these seeds to every person ' will send for our new handsomely m 1908 Catalogue. If you prefer you in . have a package of our Canadian Gem Turni f or Canada' 5 Pride Tomato seed in place of the poppies. Write toâ€"day and name your choice. Darch Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. Seeds Fre« Business College Don’t'fovget to leave‘ your or der for a. Xmas Cake rat. the “Model Bakery.” it. will sure to please you. Likes Good Things to eat at Xmas time. You get those at the “Model Bakery” where a. good supply of Cakes, Pies, and all kinds of Fancy Bread is kept on hand. We have also a. good Assort- ment of The Finest. Chocolates and Bon Bons. The down town Shoe Store Geog H. Stinson W. T. CLANCY, Prin. LEADS IN Mount Forest

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