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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Feb 1908, p. 8

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E nEucnnN SALE! 2.x: now Steel Spider Gratuity Sun Six pr. Men’s Gauntlets, worth $1.25, for 900 A Quantity of Men‘s Wagien Underwear for 50¢. A few Fal! c~uits stili to be Cleared out. Hardware Specials L-u‘ge Strainer Pails, nC‘wo....o. o-QOOOOOOOOO now Granite Butcher Knives A large stock of fr sh Croceries always on hand \Vzwh Boilers. . . .3 .......... $1.98 Large Bread Pans ........... 190 Re- tinned preserving Kettles 13c Cake Pans. . . . ................ 5c Gr Cake Cutters. Sap Pails . . . . Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. 4th»; good Starch reg. 8c lb. . .351. 4 packages Com reg. Sc for. .25c 3 Quicksbine for ............. 25c 2 bottles reliable shoe polish. 15c Canned Meats. Chicken, Ham. Beef or V eal Loaf.. .......... 10c 22113 best. granulated Sugar for ............................ $1.00 Friday and Saturday only 4 Extracts, assorted reg. 10c ea. for ...... . .................... 2.50 4 Jelly Powders reg. 10c for...25c The People’s Store 9911.5 best granulated Sugar for ........................... $1.00 Sugax on Saturday only . Wall Paper. You'll need it soonâ€"select it- now. and get it at a saving (f '25 per cent. Men and Box 8 don t forget the Clothing\ Sale this week. This IS the last week of ,Februarv. Headquarters This is the last week of February and to make it more interesting u- timse- who have not got to town yet owing to the condition of w roads we give you sum;- additional Specials for the balance :' the month. Read carefully the following : ALEX ' RUSSELL ‘ Grocery Specials 'a V V DOW Cash or Produce while Sale lasts e Dxixble Boilers worth 1.35 ....................... $1.15 To Be Sold Cheap. The Big Store’s Strainers . . Pudding Dishes Dippers for The “Regent Suits” and “Imperial Shoes” Spt )£)US Pudding Dishes Number of Furs Still Left worth 40¢: nnw 290 Were 30‘: now Stupendous were 650 Have both won the Confidence of the People. “'9 PP. ”lac were . .196 ..490 ..llc 4c Table Linen, unbleached. wins widv. Polka. Dot, floral border, worth 60c now ............... 45c Good patterns. unbleached, 54in wide, worth 450 now ......... fix: Bleached, 57ins. wide, aised satin scroll and flower worth 500 for .......... . . . . . . . .......... we Bleached 6:505. wide, raised sa- tin scroll and flower, north 75c now. ......................... 49c 150 yds. of Chintz 36ins. wide, was15c now. . ......12§c Cotton Bans, clean stock3fur 170 yds. Cmtonne, many colors, was 12.50 now ................ 82.50 300 yds. fine Cottons, for sheet- ing and pillow cases. on sale 10% Ladies’ \Vbite \Vear will get special attention this week. 23 doz. ladies} summer vests. all sizes and kinds to be disposed of this week. See them. Ribbons and Dates on display this week. 1 Child’s set of White Furs, ruff and muff, worth $5.50, now .............................. 1 Ladies’ Gray Throw, was 5.50, now ........ All wash goods novelties for this season on display at from l2§c to 16c per yd. Furs. Any thing that. IS left 111 fin-s will he sold if you know what a snap in furs mean. Staple Dry Goods And a number of others too numerous to mention .-\ :ew Furs: Coons and Galloways. T 0 be so!d cheap for Gents’ Furnishings. Mr. Jonn Corleu. who has been: seriously ill for the last Coupte of! months is Improving May the cheery old gentleman be Spat-ed many”. years is the wish of many. } Mr. .133. Acbison. of Lucknow, Huron 00.. is SpenJing acouple of weeks ploaqaurly visiting with old neighbors and friequ in the vicinity Mr. Lyons. of Preston, is visiting his daughter and family. the Jones family. the last couple of weeks Messrs. Geo. Corlett. of Hutchison. Kansas. and “’illie. of Hillsdale. ate at present visiting their father, who has been very ill. The severe weather and the acerci- ty cf cattle fodder is seriously en gaging the attention of the majority of farmers the peat while. Mr John McCarty, of Duluth. is at present on a visit to relatives in the village and vicinity. Mr and Mrs. D. McCallum. of Wheatland, Wyoming, are over on an extended visit to their Canadian friends \Vhilp here they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Smith and of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith, J P. Agent J. Murdock, of Durham. placed a handsome new Sherlock 85 Manning organ in the comfortable home of Mr, Geo. Jones Mr. Neil Wilson has leased his farm to Mr. M. Smith for a term of years. Mr. W'ilson intends to go timbering. The concert at Welbeck school. which was engaging the attention of the young people of the vicinity, came OE on the 18th, and lo ~king at it from every standpoint was a decid ed success. The weather was on its best behaviour. The room was pack- ed with an orderly and appreciative audience. Reeve \Vilson was in the chair, which position he very grace fully filled. and the verdict was that as a chairman and auctioneer he was excellent. The pragram was a choice one, and to particularize any one number would be unfair as they were all good. The boxesâ€"here our limit- ed vocabulary {ails us to describe the beauty and trimming of the dainty boxes held up by the auctioneer to the bidding youths. Prices were fair. two boxes going for $9. Total amount realized $44, which is to be applied to school equipment. Just Like Life. A lady named Susie McFadden Was praised for the figure she had There was no one could tell That. her figu’re so swell Was made very largely of paddin’ Dornoch. For Sale HE DU RHAM CHRONICLE : Mr. Richard Bentham of the sub ' urbs. trapped a beauty of a. fox lasn eweek Its measurement from nose Qto tip of tail was 5:2 inches. ‘ \ ' Messrs J. A.‘». Boyd and R J. 1 Sproule attended the annual meeting 'gof she Fairs’ Association in Toronto gins: week. / Mr. Samuel Turner, who Was a number at years a resident of this village. died at his home near Eugen. in on Friday night. lass The funeral; took place on Monday to Salem ceme tery, Rev. G. C. Little conducung; the service. Mr Turner has been! deprived of his sight for a few yearsi by cataract on the eyes, which oper. ‘ anions failed to remove. About th me yeah ago he was seized with a paralytic sr roke. fro: m which he never! I‘mr.)\ered l‘ha deep-used. Who Was 81$ ve.u's cf age. was born in Lincoln-; shire. England. where he was married" and W: bereft of his wife. After? canning to Canada. be firtst settled inf Scuroflo. Whâ€"re he again marriedf ands'Jb-eqnenfl} Came to Flesherton ‘ Hr- waa au izdnstliOuls mun, mazkcdj f,r his inherit} and uhi‘e livingi nvrc lprauw a member of Chalmer’s: chmch His ago-d partnwr. {our eonz-zt and two daughters children of his- fiiai- marriage. survive him I l i A sudden death rccurred at xh» home of Mr. Wm. Benson. 8 Con , Artemesia. on Saturday evening lasn, when Mr. ChristOpher Johnston. of Uulliugwuod, “ho W48 assisting Mr. Benson at light. work for a few weeks, passed away a short time after being seiz+d with a paralytic stroke. The remains were taken home for inter- mtnt. The deceased. who was 60 sears of age, is survived by a. widow and two daughters. Our Citizens’ Band will give a con- cert, in the town hall on the evening of March 4th. for which a Splendid pragram is being prepared. Aquiet marriage was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse on Wed. nesday evening of Int week. when Rev G. C. Little joined in wedlock Mr. John B. Foester, of Eugenia. and Mies’ Christena McKinnon. daughter of Mrs. McKinuon, of thi< place. The bride’s coetume was a very neat brown tailor-made suit with pretty hat to match. The young couple went the same evening to their new home at Eugenia The funeral on Wednesday last week of the late M rs. Neil was largelr attended At the Presbyterian chm ch which was prettily draped in mourn ing, an impressive service was held the pastor, Rev. J 0. Little. preach ing an appropriate sermon from john 14: 12 "Because I so unto the Faith er,” concluding with a fining tribute to the memory of the deceased. a hose even and sweet Christian life from early girlhood was a constant prerar ation tor going home to her Father. “I Shall Know Him” was sweetly sung bv the choir. Rev. Dr. Caldwell asaiSted in the service. The Session Managing Board and congregation were represented by the following pall bearers: Frank Chard, Frank Cairns, Wm. Stewart. Jas. McMullen. John Blackburn and Mark Stewart. Beautiful floral ofierings were pre sented from the Ladies’ Aid Society. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Others. Mr. John Hooev. of Thornbury, attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Neil, last. week. W. J. Bellamy. Division Court Clerk. and Bailiff Wright got acoupie of days holiday :11 Dundulk last week becoming stormsvayed while attend- ing Court. Mr‘. Alex. Smith.‘ of Thorn‘ ury, Was in town a day or two last week Mrs. Frank Smith is on a couple of weeks’ holduy with friends at T0 route and Niaéara. Miss Nicholson has gone to the Northern Business College, Owen Sound Mrs. (Capt) Boyd. of Toronto, is visiting her nephews. J. A. and W. J. Boyd Mrs. Henry Holman, 4th line. went to Toronto on Saturday to visit her husband, a Caledon wreck victim, confined to the hOSpital. Revs G. C. Little, L F. Kipp, Dr. Caldwell and Wife. and Mr. R. Cook. Ceylon, are attending the Dominixn Alliance Convention in Toronto this week, Messrs. C. N. Richardson and Andy Wilson are in the city this week on business. Mr. Stanley Thurston is spending a few days in the city. Misses Lulu Mitchell and Lily Boyd were home from Owen Sound over Sunday and Monday. Mr. F. G. Karstedt went to the city on Monday to look after spring millinery. Miss Francis Bellamy: Miss Mamie Sullivan and Misses Belle and May Henderson have gone to the Toronto spring millinery openings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor. who have been .visitors at Mr. W. A. Armstrong’s, left for Everett. Wash., on Monday. Mrs. Fred Tucker is visiting Toronto this week. Mr. McKenzie Duncan is again at the heapical in Toronto this week for examination of his arm, which is net improving as hoped for. The Misses Colquec went t5 the city on Monday, Mr. McClocklin; of Durham, spent Sunday here. ' Mr. Albert Stewart was up in the village on Sunday for the first. since his serious illness before Christmas. Mr. Ben HiSIOp was a. visitor at Dr. J. P. Ottewell’s lass week. Flesherton in A short time ago the teacher and pupih of S S No. 3, Ol‘gbanrd In the school a Literary and Debating So. ciety. which has for its chief objcet the training of the pupils in the arts of elocntion, dramatic reading and pubic Speaking. The officers of the Society were elected by ballot by the pupils according to regular election metht ds Aftex’the Society was or- ga izod and the difi’erent oficers in. s. . acted as to their duties. the oficers underwok to prepare a program. Their maiden efiurt was crowned with s: cc as, for on Fridav afternoon 1a3t l1 ,rOgmm was furnished which re Eflecte great credit upon the zealous Ememb r; of the GXrClNiVe. Master ? Wilfrid Greenwood. the President of ‘tlie Society acted very ably in the capacity of chairman. Interesting stories «are read by Fan nv ECtor Alix Edge. Emma Ritchie and Eva Ritchie; recxtatinns were given by a \Villie Ritchie, Mary Paylor, Edith .Edge George Williams and Katie 1 Mc\ally. The most intereSting part -(~f the program was a debaruzâ€" Re soiv mi that a girl is more newful than a boy.” Emma Ritchie \\ as the irudv’.’ (f the affirma ire and was Sup panel by Alix Hedge while the mega "he ~ide “as Chamoioned by \\ iliie SE all; ingham as leader abiy supported .m John Ban": Numerous convinc mg arguments were forcibiv pre- s-«nuâ€"d by bozh side-s 'Ihen foilower’: the crit.c’s I'Gpurt by the teacher. * \lr. Weir. Who found no fault what Mr. Dan E. Firth meat to Toronto lasn week to take a course in Bus mess College. Mr. Thcs. Greenwood, purchased a nice three-year-oid driver (tom Mr. Tho-s. Russell last Wevk Mr. D. Edge Was '1; Holstein and Dromore last week in attendance at the Farmers’ Iosntute meetings ‘ ‘ Mr Wm. Ritchie attended the meeting of Allan Park L. O L.. on Friday night. Mr. Herb Greenwood and sister. Miss Annie visited with friends at Orchardville Saturday Mr. Jas. Weir of Dromm‘e. was visiting friends in this neighborhood the beginning of the week. 'hvlr un-fl'éd prai~e H:- -'hen con c2uded after some deliberation by giVIUg the decismn in favor of the negative. war with the manner in which any war: of the program was presented b-st rarhar conferred upon the pupils Seasonable Drug Store Goods EN AND \VOMEN TO PAY UP It is a varnish of sueh remarkable tbughness and elastivity 111.3“: although wpod treated wuzh it may dent under a blow, the finish “.1.“ give w1th 1t- thhoub cracking. - ' - ' .. their subscriptions to the Chronicle It is a. varnish of Syrup White Pine Comp. “Darlings” 25¢: per bottle. Edge Hill. \Vanted Aseptoplasm Poultice for Cold and Bronchitis. 35c: and 60c tins. Syrup Hypophosphite, “Darlings” 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Imperial 'Laxative Quinine Tablets 25¢: per box. Pure NorWegian Cod Liver Oil 50¢ per pint. . S. HUNTER Highest Cash Price for Grain :«I , k. {E‘ 3% m You will hasten recovery by “7. lug one of Ayer’s Pills at new“ DURHAM . \Ve havn defided to shoe" of D1 y G wds duxi two WEEKS as‘ me new room for our spring ( clear out quickiy we :4 our entire >tuck at met our selections are. A quantity of Indies' and Men‘s I. uderwva 1-. Heavy T weedS. PlintS. i iginnel- ettes, GluVu, Snx etc.. and nthei articles too numerous to 1m ntion. All goods marked in plain figures. When we say Cost. we mean it Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is no; a simple cough syrup. It is, strong medicine, a donor’s medicine. It cures hard cases, éevere and desperate Cased chronic cases of asrhma, plea. risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. Medicme A few Ready. made Ova-coats. ‘75 Men’s Ready-ma Overalls. 75 Men’s. Boy's The best kind of a testimonial- “ Sold for over sixty yea-3y Wohnnom! We mm theta-mum ofsn our medicine; S. SCOTT 11ers AT COST WWW. ONTARIO Sit OUT nd LADIES in need of sociot' ‘be supplied with the. corre the CHRONICLE ofiice. HORSE FOR SALE.â€"â€"Seo WardS’ ad. on page 2, IN future the post Office open on Saturday evenmg: mail is received later than SEE the new spring dres played in the north windn every morning. At The IE MR. J. H, DOCKS'I‘EADE strong, B. C... has our ths newal subséription. Hv r Winter, with about eightp. snow and the temperatun to zero. FOR 3. long time past 1 has been Opened «m 8.13 after the. art-iv Ll nf the :15 is in no way inmm-ntivu of the Postmzutar In d chances are that 1hr prix‘ heenjoyed long. 'l‘hv ('2‘ ing there, and thv justli to say nothing nf 11w 1 very trying to the P: mm as disgusting to many uf able citizens. In view pleasantries, it is uniu- I: Will not long continue to on Saturday nights. (M here has very long hm] gained every day from (Sc or eleven at night. It's public that he is a. pmmi man and handles the h made in Canada. I‘:<?itl]:1t all work guarantc-ml mti "fore settlement. is askvd f4 THIS Week, 68 pairs cashmere hose silk :4: sizes 8g, 9 and 9-3. M English cashmere. socks regular prim» 1 (see south \Vindn“ . ON Wednesday :11’1111-1 horse belonging 111 31131 milkman, ran awav and I good speed up (91:11. 111 :11: wards home \\ hen < :1111 11.1 age was done, thuujrfi 1111 What would ha\ e h; 111119111 not been overhauled bet the crowded chormxghfim ton street. ' Mockler. AFREE lecture and 9 under the auspices of tural Society will he hcl Hall, here, on Frulay, Prof. Hutt, of the Onlm’ 31 College. will delivm- “Horticulture," and in good program will be p Professor comes highly 1 and'as no admission foe ' ed their Will be no ox who desire U) hear a discourse on :1 gmzd M‘h failing to atmnd. Mr. J. A. Huntvr. Hf? Minn., dated Feb. 23.3111 : the Minneapolis Smulafi mining an account “1' 1111' national Bonspicl hPM + The American curlm‘s "4 Walker trophy far 1an nineteen years, and LI matter of regret that 111‘ Curling Champinxzshij Wrested from us at‘tm s ‘ it 18 a consolatirn to 1:111 American rinks “-1“. we Percent. Of the “)9”:le as the land of their birth Played With 0119 of the \i “‘1 as an ex-Durhmnit: “late him on his sm-m andin the realm Hf spur? the Stars and Stripvs. entered at \Vinnipeg, I of St. Paul won the gre of games and 011165 at VOL. 42â€"N0. 2‘ NEWS 'E are in reocipt of J. A. Huntmz of Karstedt :5 G m

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