11W 04â€".â€" In†1'1 ' Stupendous «3E UNION SALE 1" ..:§.211m'111:.1‘.21 March ch. \1111V {11111118 111111 inte nded to take l . nun.‘ l\‘t ‘\ Iv:r\rv .1 H: a. Headquarters for Six pr. Men’s Gauntlets, worth $L25, for 90¢ A Quantity of Men‘s Weolen Underwear for 50¢. A few Fall c~uits still to be cleared.0ut. A large stock of fresh Groceries always on hand Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. Hardware Specials Large Double Boilers worth 1.35 now ....................... $1.15 Large Strainer Pails. were 65c now. ......................... 490 Butcher Knives Gravy Strainers ...... Cake Cutters ......... . Sap Pails ............. \Vnsh Boilers .............. $1.98 Large Bread Pans ........... 19c Re- tinned preserving Kettles 13c Cake Pans. . . . ................ ac Friday and Saturday only ' All was? goods novelties for this season on display at from 4 Extracts, assorted reg.10c ea.12§c to 16c per y d for .......................... eel} 4 J e111 Powders reg 100 for 3-30 Fun-s. Anything that 18 [left 1n libs gOOd St “Ch reg. 30 I" . furs will be sold if you know 4 packages Corn reg 3° for 300 F what a snap in furs mean. 3Q11ickshine fm ............. 25c 3 I :2 bottles reliable shoe polish .,15c 3 Wall Papers You’ll need it (.2111 ned Meats. Chicken, Ham. soonâ€"select it now, and get it, Beef or Veal Loaf" .......... 10c ‘ at a saving of 25 per cent. Men and B01 5 don t forget the Clothing Sale this week. This 18 the last week of February. I'anitt itinued until March l-lth. Many people had intended to take :ulvzuitnges offered during the Sale but. were unable owing to (fnmlitinn of the roads. \Vlnle the Sale was a grand success and ruled mu- expectations and the reductions greater than people .ivipurxwl. still We feel it, is a feature of prime importance to many ti distance. Tn give them at fair opportunity we have decided to Hill the time until the 14th. There are plenty of Bargains here ' :lll' Sum' things lmVe been sold out but replaced? by others l_\' as tlt‘~ll‘dhl(‘ and as i-vnsmmhle in price. Many lines of winter M“ m l)» «lispnsml nf at lnw prices and plenty of summer goods at " rmlm'iinns. Head Lht‘ fullnwing specials: ‘ To Be Sold Cheap. tinned 111 H] vanth‘: muditim 't'dt'd mu Grocery Specials m V" HO“? ALEX RUSSELL lite Cash or Produce while Sale lasts Spnnns Dippf‘l‘s fm- Pudding Dishes, were IJ vr'v-w-v lay and Saturday only 7! ,3 :ts, assorted reg. 10c ea. 'g .................... LDC : Powdersreg.10cfor...:.ac , >d Starch reg. 8c 1b.. _.acf ges Comreg. SC for. .250 ; shine for ............. %c . ‘udding Dishes. wet-e ..... â€â€œ190 were 30c now DC Have both won the Confidence of the People. ..llc Sc 1!) 1 Child’s set of White Furs, ruï¬ and muff, worth $5.50, now .............................. 1 Ladies’ Gray Throw, was 5.50, now ........ ind a number of others too numerous to mention. A A few Furs: Coons and Galloways. To be so’d cheap. 150 yds. of Chintz 36ins. wide, i was 15c now ................ 12§c Cotton Batts. clean stock 3for Table Linen. unhleached. (Mills widen Polka. Dot, floral border, wm-th 60c now ............... 45c Guod patterns. unbleached, 51in wide, worth 450 now ......... 5k Bleached. 57ins. wide, raised satin scroll and flower worth 500 f()r OOOOOOOOOO ...ooo.......ooioo% Bleached 6210s. wide, raised!sa- tin scroll and flower. worth 75c now. ......................... 496 Staple Dry Goods 170 yds. Cretonne, many colors, was 12.1“: now...... ........ “Sake 23 doz. ladies’ summer vests. all sizes and kinds to be disposed of this week. See them. Ribbons and Laces on display this week. All was!‘ goods novelties for this season on display at, from 12§c to 16c per yd. and “Imperial Shoes†Gents Furnishings. Inspector Campbell’s twenty-lint annual report to Grey County Coun- oil as its recent session we have read with very much interest. The report shows that Mr. Campbell has a deep sense of the high responsibilities of his oï¬ce, the duties of which it is the consensus of Opinion have been faithfully and very efficiently per- formed South Grey is to be con- gratulated on having an Insoector at‘ ;once so capable and so enthusiastic [in his work. The Christian Spirit lmanifested in his work. the high ideals he ever places before the teachers and pupils and the inspira- tion he gives for the attainment of those ideals must tend to the devel- opment of that which is truest and best in the lives of all who come under his influence. We congratulate Mr. Campbell on reaching his 2lst anniversary, and wish him many years more of successful work. A young People’s Guild was orga- nized in the Presbyterian church on Thursdav evening last and oflicers were elected as follows: Honorary President, Rev. G. C. Little; Presi dent. Mr Chas. Stewart; 1st Vice President. Miss Mabel Thistlewaite : 2nd Vice President, Mrs. E. A. Tuck- er; Rec -Sec., Miss Celia VanDnsen; 'I'rea., Mr. Cecil Legato; Devotional Committee, Miss Binnie, Miss Bella Loucks, Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Williams; Social Committee, Mrs. Bastie. Mrs. W. L. Wright. Mrs. Herb Smith, ‘Mrs. Will Bentham. From friends in the West we learn that weather conditions have been much more favorable with them than with us. In a letter of date Feb. 25th Mr. W. Hacking, of Etna, Rainy River writes: "We have scarcely enough snow for eleighing and the sidewalks are bare.†and on the same date Mr. J. B. flags, of Manor, Sash†Sold by W. BLACK, Durham Flesherton. ...... $4 00. DU RHAM CHRONICLE says: “We have bad beautiful n eath- er and very little snow all winter.’ The blizzard days we have been en- . during 'are in Striking contrast to. this. i Mrs. Badgerow, sen.. 4th line. has rented her farm to her son in law, Mr. R. McIntyre. and will hold a sale of her stock and implements nexs week, after which she purposes going to Toronto to live with her daughter. Mr. Herb. Badgerow, of Durham. came over on Saturday to pay his mother a short visit. The regular quarterly Communion service will be held in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday, prec-aeded by the usual preparatory service on Friday afternoon. At the League meeting in the Methodist church on Monday evening the order of service for the evening was changed to that of an old time revival meeting. Miss Staï¬ord. 4th line, has tender- ed her resignation of Fez-flaw school to take eï¬ect at Easrer. Miss Hex-ks, of Pickering, who will take charge 0! Mr. F. G. Hal‘Stéd ’.~ millinery this season. is eXpected to-morrow, TuesdaY. Mr. W. J. Bellamy and son Charlie spent. part. of lass week in Toronto. the latter for further examination of his injuries sustained in the Caledon wreck. Mr, Joe. Cornï¬eld visited friends at Minon last week. Mr. atd Mrs. J. Runstadler and little daughter left on Saturday for an extended wait at Waterloo Mrs. W. J. Bellamy is Spending a few days with her brother in Osprey. Miss Jennie Flynn, of Berkeley, is paying Mrs. John Flynn and family a short visit. Mr. Samuel Wilson, of Norway. visited his brother Andy last, week. Miss May Blackburn is visiting her aunt. at Notcawa. Miss Florence Thurston is visiting in Boronto. Miss Jennie Wilson Spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Durham. Mr. Wm Cmyton has been in the (SIM for a. few days. Mr Jackson, who hasl been danger- ouaiv m, nus a. turn for the better and his condxtiun is now hopeful. Mrs. Jas. Allen, who has been very iH recently, is now Improving under D5. Carter’s care. The band concert has been post- poned till the 10m inst. Dr. Murray has again displayed his inventive genius in the construction of a very neat little machine le‘ the preparation of gold ï¬llings. Mr. Geo. Ritchie has sold a ï¬ne heavy horse to Mr. Thos Jack, of Traverszon, who is going West in the Spring. Miss Martha. F1rth is visiting friends in Cbatsworth this week. The ï¬ne new flag furnished by the Department Prov. Gov’c for the use of our school was received last week. Mr. Samuel Jacques is engaged with Mr. Thos. Ritchie for a year. Messrs. Chas. Moï¬at. C. H. Moï¬at and Geo. Staples attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. Moï¬at, of Toronto. On Friday evening last the teach-l ere and senior pupils of our Sunday; School met together and went as a surprise party to the home of Mr. Thos. Greenwood and presented Herb with a golu locket and Annie With a dozen silver trnSUOOLS, cream ladle. sugar sinâ€"11 and butter knife. The address was read by the Superintend- ent and the presentation made at tne proper time by Master Vietor Wil liams on behalf of the boys’ class and Miss Maggie E. Ector on behalf of the girls’ class. Although taken much by surprise. Herb made a neat reply thanking them most sincerely for their kindness to him and his sister. The remainder of the even- ing was then most pleasantly spent in diflerent games. Following is the address: Edge Hill, Feb. 28, 1908. MR. HERB AND MISS ANNIE GREEN WOOD. DEAR FRIENDs â€"During the past number of years you have loan the faithful teachers of the senior boys’ class and junior girls’ class in our Sunday School. and it was with deep regret that we, your fellow workers and pupils, learned some time ago of your intention of leaving our neigh- borhood. During these years you have been very faithful and earnest in your work and ever ready to assxst in any undertaking of the Sunday iSchool. The regular attendance of your classes. their interest in their studies testify of eï¬orts on your part ‘ worthy of the highest commendation. We trust that the influence of your character and teaching will be of lasting beneï¬t to us. As a slight acknowledgment of our high appreciation of your services we ask you to accept these gifts, trusting that they may always call to mind pleasant memories of your association with us in Edge Hill Union Sunday School. In conclusion we trusr. that you will ever faithfully serve the Master and that his richest blessings may be bestowed upon you as you go to other ï¬elcfs of usefulness. Signed on behalf of the Sunday School: W. J. RITCHIE, Supt. TERA FIRTH. SARAH J. A. EDGE. EDGAR RIrcam. MAGGIE E. Ecron. VIcron WILLIAMS. Edge Hill. 0.. 0-â€" An enjoyable party was given at the home of Mrs. Whitmore one night recently A farewell to her son Rob before taking his departure for the West. Mrs. M. Hooper down at Henry’s Corners, who has been dangerously ill, is recovering slowly. Andy Watson and his sister Edith visited Mr. and Mrs Wm. Brown, of Dromore, one Sunday recently. Mr. Wm. \Vatson has been quite indisposed for some time, but is recovering. Mr. Jones Harrison, noted amï¬ng our industrious and energetic farm- , era, has bought the Dan MoKinnon; farm. For what price we cannot telly: Mrs. Anthony Lawrence. we are' grey granite pleased [0 learn is recovering from ............ her recent severe and trying ill: ess ' â€â€˜â€" Miss Edith Watson visited {rim-d5 at the Corners the fore part of ’he wevk, The Hanover Furniture Co. have commenced buying 1033 an the OF R siding hme, and have already quite a 1min stock. They are pawn: g 90d photos and giving good satisfaCLion in general. Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take itâ€"Ayer’s Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. There- goes that Darky Corner Crow again, He’s been up here (after some girl. we presume,) and ran ofl with a bunch of our valuable news. What had we better do with him anyway? Guess we had better wrap his head two or three times around his neck so that he can see over hi~ shoulder and look the other way. Or would it be more proï¬table to raise him as a pet. teach him to catch rats, mice. etc How Crows do thrive to beat the ba: (1 eré This is the ï¬rst qusstion your doctor would ssk: “Are your bowels regulsr?†Ho knows that daily sctlou of the bowels is sbsolutoly essential to memory. Keg your liver active and your bowels regular akin: doses of Ayor’s Pills. y On our Spring Bank land and water. If Crow from the Corners were only here He might ï¬nd some man’s lovely Mr. John Sfaples left .for Toromo on Saturday to attend the {there} of his sister. Mrs. Robert. Moï¬at, who died at her residence in that. city Friday morning last it 6 a.m. Sym pathy to the bereaved ones. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Atkinson spent a. pleasant evening a Week; ago Mon day at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKechuie. Rocky Saugrâ€"en. Messrs. Tbos. McUcmb and Robert G. Hewitt. were up to Owen Sound on a business crip last week. Mr Noble. who recently purchased the Wm. Ecror farm, is at present moving his eï¬ects to his new home. We welcome him to our midst Sir. James Lawrence is busily en gaged preparatory to moving to his farm in Egremont. We are sorry to see Jim and his courteous litrle wife going from amongst us. as they prov. ed themselves ohliuiug. honest and industrious neighbors. We msh them all kinds of success in their new home. We ï¬ve no noel-cu! We publish the formula of .11 our 3041011103. Darkie’s Corners. M 1’??- Q-Arsrpw Loren- 1"“ daughter. Spring Bank. AGUB CURE- CflBRRY venom. Enamelled Steel Ware Is the best and cheapest the kitchen being easy clean and durable. Jelly moulds of Heavy Cranium ware, makes a mould with with very smooth surface and well adap bed for the purpose. Price this week .................... 20 Enameled Steel Colander an ar- ticle well adapted for its purpose. being very easy to kepp than. 3P Price this week. .............. a Hardware, Grain Seed mm chant. When we say Cost. We mean it! VYe have decided to x-edumnpr stock of Dry G0uds dining t1: - next two weeks as we need tln 'iw‘lf room for our spling 011111 '10 clear out quickly we are nib-1mg our entire stock at; cost. Same of our selections are 75 Men’s Ready-made Paints and Overalls. A few Readv-umde Snit< and OVercoats. A quantity of Ladies’ and Men's L“ nderwear. HeaVV Tw,eeds P1-,iuts l‘lnmul- ettes, Gloves. Snx 910.. :un‘x mher articles boo numm mu 1:.) n... Minn. All goods marked in plain figures. DU RH AM. Round Puddivg Di 75 Men’s. Boys‘ and Gifls Clearing SALE A. S. HUNTER S. SCOTT AT COST “’21 T1 Mar. 0 heef loaf, pud. dings etc. in- Ware f. ONTARIO :‘Co In. t h is family 20 IDS HORSE IF the person who 0:11 Editors cap from thi 1 Concert on Tuesdm Light ;enough to retum it to 11 shall be pleased to gix 1 E we got in return. \\ e 1; it, but feel conï¬dent 1111 1 made accidently. \11 1 he can do to keep his ‘1»: without looking arm-1- Please return it. and 0111i; U OUR Sylnpa'thy IS GXU‘Ildwi bud Mrs. Guy “’illiams. (,5 It 53512., in their recent hm-eaw-m 3118 death of their CWO (.thi'nviy-k.“ v O mree days of each uthm; km 21 .I 6\.~.Y . We have no particulars 0‘, the information. S. F. MORLUCK “3> 11111111 toagain engage Miss (11i1 1 head milliner. H9 11:1~~ :11. Miss Grant, of T1‘11‘1111‘111. 1-» who has had Wide experienw ery, and comes highly 11-1-11 as an artistic trimmer. '1 spent the last 1111111111 in 11 millinerywholesales.111111 ~11 preparing for the 31111111121- 1' which will be in a few 11:1}‘.~ CHAS. J. \VESTERN. 1‘ ialist, of Toronto. will 1 Drug Store. Durham. March 26th. for mmsuli to the snow blOL'kndv. I! appointments with him visit; here were lllmh‘w 1 and others, not thinkin; be able to umkv vn‘mn away. Hence thi> um; FIVE links uf l journeyed to \Valkvr: do hat-L19. with the 5:12 seating that, Lawn. '1 Just how the Germ; all over our [‘epl‘th-‘I land’s National gnmv derstnud, but. um- «d 3 us thatï¬he Scan-h peeple to humilian- A town and we'll hm. that. THE Salvation Arm.‘ Captain John \\'. 1 Ofï¬cer of the 511'“. Subject. “ “'ar \"ith 1'! The speaker whm: sin couver. B. 0., mm‘w 1\‘ ing trips to the Indium visiting several Indi cluding the Salvalinzz village 0f Glen \V twv‘: up the Skena Rimâ€"A:- 533' Steamers and. m. interior of British (Mini: 3‘ Very interesting mu; address mixed with In:- : 'You should [101 Uli<s 1321* churéh on Monday. )1 :i!'« WE have sex-n 1hr plww rink to be erectwi this ~zz'z Joseph Brown. and :ai'v 13.1 tom our X'cadcl‘s 113:0 3 eXpense are being spruw Durham on the list Hf (‘31: Where Winter sports czar“ 3‘: enjoyï¬i. The building. \\ 742.1% feet. “’ith an ivv 531:: feet Surrounded \viLh a ti Wall, is forty feet. from gin and Will have :1 seating ï¬ght hundred penplu. '1 “0 galleries (m mm}; 93.0 “lay a men’s and ind m tWO cluh rmmw :m‘ ï¬nd-gallery will have six tiny feet long. and Hm Wine str' 1:11 tulc \\ ill 1w 1 grhgd cuvm ed \1 1111 1 1 ' W11 has 91111111 1 1“ “money 11111111111111 “3 :2“) Place to plane i11~1w1 ‘ k8 m the count1\.111d m 18. in his opi11i1111.1‘ 42â€"â€"-ND. 2139. 38. J. Western. Eye: Thursday. March Cure never 1 lane's Drug S‘ extended Hi night v: \\ v we! h=