West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Mar 1908, p. 1

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e cough syrup, It is; medicine, a dWi 1e. It cures hard c and desperate “8°35 u : cases of asthma, plen.‘ 'onchitis, consumpfio“ »ur docxor about this. ~, , AT COST hasten recovery by ”1 »f Ayer’s Pills at Death... br Grain quid Iranitei It kind of a tow. for over sixty ym» i STORE. caring ALE y Cost. we mean it rlinszs” DIOI‘G fled as illustratea )ld and lin2 ns. m1 elasticity that V. the finish will irs toughness it is he the best floor right 0f its great- hy its durability Lh a wax finish- e-cially useful for side work of any blets 3b. )N’TARIO 1 figures. lention Ice lat! M 0 [11' 1nd 1nd LADIES in need of society cards can be supplied with the correct thing at the CHRONICLE omce. Ix future the post omee will not be open on Saturday evemngs when the mail is received later than 9.30 p.m. Sm; the new spring dress goods (lisp played in the north window. Changed every morning. At The Big Store. 313.111, DOCKSTEADER, of Arm- strong, B. (3., has our thanks for re- newnl subscription. He reports a. fine winter. with about eighteen inches of snow and the temperature only down W zero C. Karstedt wishes t9 inform the hlic that he is a practical Furnace m and handles the best furnaces ule in Canada. Estimates given and wm-k guaranteed satisfactory beâ€" w svttlement is asked for. Lina-Wm: }‘<- 118, and though it i8 1'1 um: m-z‘ m' I't-gz'et that the International (mint; t‘hmupinImhip shullld ‘btf “‘Wm-d from us after solongasnjom'fl it is ;: mnsniatir‘n to knuw that of the ;\!:1v‘!“:u‘:ln rinks represented over fifty Pt“? Wm. nf the members claim Canada as thv {and of their birth. Mr. Hunter plays-d with «me of the winning teams). and, as :m cx-Durhmnite, We congrat- ulzitv him on his success financially and in the realm of spurt in the land of the Stu-s and Srriprs. Of 128 rinks entered at \Vinnipeg, Dunbar’s rink Of St. Paul won the greatest number 0f games and Orde’s of Minneapolis. U!) which Mr. Hunter played third. second. The final games for the Inter- national champinnship will, therefore. be Phlvf’d nfi' by these two rinks. J. A. says.-â€"".\Iinneapoiis is in the Want Emit now, No snow, tempera- ture at 52 degrees, dust flying and tho city street watering service working t'0 its full capacity, all to the detriment “f the gum! old game of curling.” Mr. Hunter wishes to be remembered to w. all his old Durham friends. and sends . \V VOL. 42â€"140. It ; \Vednesday afternoon nst a p ‘twlnnging t0 'MI‘. Finney, the- .m:m. ran away and was making 1 speed up Garafraxa street to- .ls hnme when captured. No dam- wns dune. though it is hard to say .1 would have happened if he had hvon overhauled before reaching ._.-xmvded thoroughfare near Lambâ€" street N EWS AROU N D TOWN mar: lecture and entertainment, the auspices of the Horticul- s‘ociety will he held in the Town here, on Friday, March 13th. Hutt. of the Ontario Agricultur- llege. will deliver a. lecture on. iculture," and in addition. al prngrmn will be provided. The. 5501' comes highly recommended, ! s no admission fee is to be charg- ! ~ir will be no excuse for those desire to hear a. good sensible m.» n!) a good sensible subject.l andflg. Also 60 pairs men’s cashmere, silk embroidered xlar price 40c pair, on sale :1 window) 296 painâ€"H. H. 3 My nights. Our Postmaster very long hours, being en- .-*1'}‘ day from 6.45 3.111., to ten at. night. It’s no picnic. ’in receipt of a. letter from ,-\. Hunter. of Minneapolis. Med Feb. 25th; also a. copy of mpnlis Sunday Journal conâ€" n account of the recent Inter- Bnnspiel held at “Winnipeg- ’x-ican curlers carried off the tmphy for the first. time in nng time past the post-office opened on Saturday nights eriv ll of the night. mail. It my inmerative on the part mtnmster to do so, and the re that the privilege will not Hung. The crowds gather- :uul the jostling and noise »thing of the smoking, are up; to the Postmaster as well ing to many of the respect- ens. In vlew of these an- ies. it is unite likely the mail mg (-ontinue to be given out lay nights. Our Postmaster very long hours, being en- k. 68 pairs Ladies’ English use silk embroidered fronts ndmj. Also 60 pairs men’s 'Il 'See R. T. Ed- MR. Harvev comes highly recom mended as an entertainer, with an army of moss favorable press nonices from every part. of Camdenâ€"At the Orangemen’s concert, Tuesday, Mar. {10 Do'n’t mlss if. FIVE apprentices wanted to learn the millinery. To commence the 5th of March. Apply to Miss Dick. LINEN dish'toweling, 2!!) yards, on sale this week at 55¢ per yards-House of Quality, H. H. Mockler, ONE large 12x14 Photograph will be given free with each dozen of our best. cabinets. This offer is too good to last. long.â€"-F. W. Kelsey. THIS week only, Men’s blue and black striped and plain working shirts regular 50c and 60c for 450 eacn.-H. H. Mockler. THURSDAY, March 5th, fifth anni- versary of our business, commemor- ated by great festival of bargains in the new sprmg goods daily being opened up.â€"Tbe House of Quality, H. H. Mockler. THE Ontario Horsebreeders’ Show held in the St. Lawrence Arena, To- ronto, closed last Friday night. hav- ing completed a. most successful sea.- sou. The show this year is said to hzwenutLlazssed all prexinus exhibi- hitious, and was patronized principal- ly by out of town horsemen from all parts of the country. THE smoke stack on Smith’s tannery was blown down by the high Wind. on Sunday. and is a. total loss. Some time ago it was partially damaged in a similar storm, and in its weakened condition was unable to withstand the severe blow of Sunday last. The stack was put up about twenty years ago. ANNIVERSARY Services will beheld in the Baptist Church. next Sunday, March 8th, when Rev. Edgar Allan, of \Vingham. will preach at both services. On the following Monday evening, March 9th, Mr. Allan will deliver a lecture, entitled, “Steps to success." Free-will offerings at all services for the work of the Church. THE L. O. L. Concert in the Town Hall next Tuesday will be a good one and deserve a fulllhouse. Bert Hur- vey. Toronto. the prince of comedians will be one of the chief attractions. Don't fail to a'tend. Admission, 25c. ‘ IN the Muosomin \Vorld of Fehru- wry 10th is an acc‘unt of a. hockey match in which that town defeated Brandon by a. score of 6 to 3. In the line-up we notice the mune of Victor Jopp. son of Mr. J. C. Jopp and grand- son of Mr..James Edge, of Ecigehill. The young man is spoken of in glow- ing terms as a. chaser of the puck and is one of the strongest men on the Moosomin hockey team. Don't {a and 350 MR. ISAAC POOLE and his sister, Mrs. (Dr. ) Wolfe. receix ed a. telegram Thursday last announcing the death of thei1 br.other J. J. Poole, M. D., of North Dakota. The remains were taken to Mount Hope, near Tara, for interment, which took place on Sunday last. Mr. Poole and Mrs. Wolfe left Dr. Poole had been practising medi- c ine in the west for a number of years past, but as his health had been failing for some time his death was not wholly unexpected. IF a man were wise he would never open his month about being 'hounded’ by any of the newspapers. For reasons not necessary to mention we prefer not to come out Openly in reference to the matter in mind. Some of the citizens know who is meant ; outsiders do not. Those who lived he for the past twelve years know hog praise was lavished in every instance on the. institution whose head whines like a whipped cut-because a little plain truth was partly told in relating an incident which occurred recently. The Council can exonerate whom they please, but while the Chronicle is controlled by A‘ its present head, no blatant whiniugs un varn isbed t1 nth. The ‘Man Hater” sbéwed him 10 female apparel and caused tours of men-imam. He had to respond to numerous recalls - St. Thomas Time. Mr. Harvey will be at the Orange. men’s concert on Tuesday, Mar. 10. Up=to=date Job Work Done at the Chronicle Office. FARM to let. See ad. on page 2.â€" Mrs. Alex. McCormack. THE Stupendous Reduction continued until March 14th, at Big Store. ; Box SOCIALâ€"A Box Social will be held in Latona schoolhouse, south of Dornoch, on March 13th. 1908. An iexcellent. program of readings, recita- itions, dialogues, addresses. vocal and ‘ instruuu-ntlal music. is being prepared. Mr. John Clark, of Durham, will act 2 as auctioneer. Admission 150. Ladies MR. J. A. GLASS, has severed his connection with J. L Flarity, tailor, and is opening up ashopin McIlraith’s old stahd on Garafraxa Street. FIVE rinks of Durham Curlers are in W'alkerton to-day, Wednesday, to play a. series of games with rinks representing that. town. Great sale of ginghams, this week only, at the Houseof Quality, Durham 400 yards checked, striped and plain chambrys, worth 14c, on sale 11c yard. H. H. Mockler. M R. SCOTT says he got, the crowd last week because he gives bargains when he says he will. He has decided to continue his bargainsfor one week longer. Du notfail to get; one of them. as auctioneer. Admission bringing boxes freeâ€"3620. THE Bachelors’ Social on Thursday evening, given by the young men of the Baptist church. was one of the most enjoyable ever held in that editice. A good program and all the good things to eat imaginable consti- tuted the evening’s festivities, and all who attended were Wcll satisfied with the evening spent. The proceeds amounted to about $12. BARGAINS IN \VALTHAM \VATCHES. â€"'1‘o make sure of your position it be- comes necesszu-y for one to have a. good watch. Now. in order to help you out a little We are going to offer our entire stock of VValtheun Watches fitted in 20 and 25 year gold cases for $10.00 and $11.00 only. The above priqes are for the month of March only.â€"P. G. A. \Vebster, Jeweller, Durham, Ont. Mr. MALcoLM MCEACHERN, of lot 29, con. 7, Bentinck, Muloch P. 0., leaves shortly for the» west, where he is going to look after his land interests. Bills will be issued shortly giving the particulars of sale by public auction of his farm stock, implements and house- hold effects, to take place on Thursday March 19th. Though we are sorry to lose Mr. McEachern from our midst, we wish him well and hope he may prosper in his new home. THE Forest; Pulp and Paper Number of the Toronto Globe, which appeared as a supplement on Saturday last, was a splendid edition and contained a vast amount of useful information regard- ing the Forests of Canada which are rapidly being depleted to the alarm of publishers and others using large quantities of paper. The demand is greater than the growth by unassisted nature, and it seems time for some means to be adopted to keep up the supply. The number is beautifully illustrated, well printed, and a. credit to the publishers. \Ir. J. L. FlaIity, of Owen Sound, is 111 town for a few days. Mr. J. P. Telford was in Owen Sound last week. Miss Amy Kelly is visiting in Toronto. Miss Cassie McDonald is visiting her sister, Mrs. W'. Mountain, at. Hamilton. Mrs. Kelly has been laid up with the Grippe for a few days. Miss Martha McFadden, of Buffalo, is spending a prolonged holiday at her home here. Mr. John McFadden is amongst the sick ones, being laid up with the Grippe. \Iiss C. H. Hutton lS recovering from a. severe attack of erysipelas and bronchitis. Editor Irvfin is attending the Cana- dian Press Association meeting in Toronto this week. Mr. Sam Wright, of Chesley, at- tended the Liberal-Conservative rally here on Friday last. Miss Jessie Munro has been appoint- ed interim assistant superindendent of the Stratford General Hospital. Mr. R. G. Murray, of Mt. Forest, Assistant Agent of the G. T. R., was in town sinée Saturday, and had to cumin over on account of the storm. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1908. PERSONAL The 3lst Regimental Band’s first, Carnival of the season on Tuesday evening last was a complete success. both as regards the number of maskecs who were present and the attendance generally. At eight o’clock the rink was jammed to the doors with a jolly and boisterous crowd of merrvmakers who were out for an evening’s sport and intend ed to have it, and if our skating rink, which is rather small, to say the least, had been twice the size, we believe it would have been filled just as easily. - Though the afiair had not been ad- vertised out of this immediate vicinity to any great extent, quite a. large number from a. distance were on the ice. and as the town turned out en masse to lend a. helping hand to our musical organization, the Band boys are highly eluted over the success of their first ice carnival this winter, and intend having another in the near future. Though the date has not been set, We have been creditably informed it will likely be on Thursday, the 19th Inst. The many beautiful costumes, espec- ially among the ladies, made the judg- ing exceedingly difficult, but with such men as Mayor Calder, H. H. Mockler and F. Search in charge of the distribution of the prizes no par- tiality was shown, and we believe their decisions were received with favor by all in attendance. Comic. Boys’â€"Melb0urne McKay, Happy Hooligan. Comic, Girls’â€"Edith Allan, Mrs. \Viggs of the Cabbage Patch. ‘ Clownâ€"J. L. Buchan, F. Laidlaw. j Character, Girls’â€"Vaddie Caldwell. - Boys’ Race, over liâ€"G. McMurray. l gnder 14â€"Mac Saunders. Foster Saun- 3 ers. iiâ€"lkulong the many beautifully cos- Itumed ladnrs on the ice we noticed the {Misses Tell'moid Gun, Mills, Cuxrv and l Aljoe, whose costumes deselve special mention, and were most tatstily :0 gotten up. The following is the list. of prize Winners, according to their standing:â€" Gentlemen’s Fancy Costume-J. N. Culliton, W'alkerton, Spanish Cavalier; R. McCorquodale, Military Officer. Ladies’ Fancy Costume -â€"Pearl \Var- ner. Rbse; Bertha Harvey, Queen of Hearts. Gelatlemen’s Characterâ€"Fred Glass, Irish Paddy. MI. '1‘. \IcClockl’in was in charge of the ice, and the speedy manner in which the ditferent numbers were disposed of stamps him as the 1ight n I I I I I I I I 12111 in the IighL place. Ladies â€"-’- illieracterâ€"Jessie Laidlaw, Giil of the Golden \Vest, (ala Blanche ' Bates); Ida. Wilson, Highland Lassie. i The Public Library concert held on Thursday evening last was but poorly attended, and though a most delight- ful and entertaining program was put on, it is discouraseing to the manage- ment. to see their entertainments draw such small crowds, and to those taking part to perform before them. The cause in itself is a most worthy one, and if there is an institution 1n which any town should take a pride it is in its Public Library. The program was up to its usual standard. the singing and instrumen- tals winning much applause, repeated encores being demanded. Rev. \V. L. Newton. in a short ad- dress, dwelt on the benefits to be derived from a good public library, and advocated the liberal support of the one in Durham, it it was to continue to be a benefit to the town. Mr. Newton’s address was short, but contained many parts wor- thv of consideration. The rendering of the “Conspiracy,” an excerpt from Shakespeare, by Messrs Mockler and McClocklin, was the most completely staged number on the program, and in their part as the “Conspirators,” whose conspiring led to the assassination of J ulius Caesar, displayed much talent. Their por- trayal of these characters was most realistic and their acting received much favorable comment. A SUCCESSFUL CARNIVAL Mayor Calder was chairman, and his opening remarks were brief and to the pointregarding the Public Library. He wanted to see it receive the support of each and every citizen, and thought there ought to be a much larger num- ber of members in such an institution as we have here. \Vhether or not these series are to be continuea, we cannot say, but for our part, we hope we shall soon again have the opportunity of listening to another program such as was given on Thursday evening last. PUBLIC LIBRARY CON CERT. E At the M06 New Goods For Spring Wear (3:111 and exmmn CD You can get anything you want i -â€"Plain and home-made Bre “Biscuits, 3 -â€"-Cream Puffs, , Don‘t worry when you see the mix up, and we will supply your Wz-Lntess Brand Clothing. New Spring Dress 3 I i Goods ? The New Spring Geo. H. STIN J. J. HUNTER Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. Practically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. + u may We have just opened out a“ very large stock of New Spring Goods composed of the very Newest Weaves and patterns in New Dress Goods Silks Waisting's OYSTERS A LW. Biscuits, - tx-eam Puffs, Waists Clearing of all Winter Goods. arms Cash. THE BU8Y 87085 0” THE 808)’ CORNER. Have you seen Our range of Vestings Dress Duck Suiting's (3‘s . "t1 517.31 “Mm 32' as Mg?" Skirts, Ladies’ “men and Moraine usmttes 11’} 'leries pne price Japanese Silk Waists all Ready for pection. Black and Brown at lowest prices. $1.00 PER YEAR. :i'r I":

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