L'fli Deering Harvester C035 C. Smith Sons . _ PROPRIETORS V illwrights, Machinists { on and Brass Founders ï¬nd Steam Fitters. . . . 19:? £3. SMITH 6: SONS ;pecial attention to Gaso- ine Engine repairs. Implements. MANUFACTURERS OF utting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, tock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Durham Special low Prices STOVES FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machinps. lELOT’l‘E CREAM SEPARATORS Shel-Inch 8.: Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. North American Life Assurance CO. Farm Implements 8: Machinery. ILANURE SPREADERS iAY LOADERS . BI}. JrJRS MOWERS ~ . (Rubber and Steel Tires.) iMcClary Stoves and Hinges. Raymond Sewing Machines L Democrats and Buggies PEBD DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS }ASOLIXE ENGINES. Agent for the Percival Flows. All kinds of repairs kept, on hand. Every hat is of good mater- ial and fresh and new, as most of them were trimmed the later part of the season. “'e have special bargains in all black hats, some trim- med with hlack plumes and flowers and good black taff- etta ribbon. Owing to our extensive business, we carry FARM MACHINERY \Ve still have a. large stock )f Trimmed Hats to sell at Sash 8’ Doors a large stock the year. round an we are always prepax-éd to Show you the choicest goods. id's Harness, Spreads and Harness Repairs. Oil’s and Grease-’5. ents mplem Parisian Millinery Co. AGENT (or DOYLE JULIAN Monuments and Iombstnues ALE ll Pianos and Drums. \Vhite Son Threshing Ma- chines. 3W N. MUHUUEK ulement Agent and Auctioneer. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OP Toronto “'indmills. A FULL LINE OF THE A G All Kinds of MISS DlCK EXT FOR Middaugh House Block Wanted Berlin Pianos Ontario There is nothing of a revolutinary character in Mr. Ma'cKay’s Statement of policv. It Seems certain the; be is hOpeless of success in the. contest which impeuds He has, therefore. decided to content himself with mod- erate criticism of the Government’s policy and achieve tents In the main his criticisms are neither very fresh now Very damaging The News cencelw that there are points at 'which the Government. is open to {gum-l: Btu in the main. bath in the 8ft!“ WOFk~4 ul' tn» puolic money in cnlwr to influence cons iTUVLCIBQ m bxr- elemiuu vuu PStS is A? inast unusual S.gnai c HIPHgï¬ ChaInCtRV'IZHS iIS Lilli versixy i“g..l‘91ufiuu and its mining i“;_'IS:t'.\iiJh. The Miauiuiatratiou 0i “syiaams and prisms int» 068!) thor- oughly sympathetic and progressive? Towards agriculture and education it has shown a wise liberality and a wholly sympa'hetic disposition. It is true that many of the sources: of revenue were settled by Liberalf Governments No doubt Mr. Whit-ii pay and his colleagues proï¬t bv thel increasing developing of the Province} and the extension of settlement north-l ward. But how could the Conserva i tive party. no matter what may have! been its genius for government. have had any particular voice in Shaping the administration of Provincial aï¬airs or determining the channels of Provincial development? It is on-l i Liberal party held ofï¬ce for a third of a century. It may be, too. that there is not exact consistency in every detail between the policy of the Conservative leaders in otï¬ce and their pledges in Opposition. But certainly there is afar greater con- sistency than has been observed by the Liberal party at Ottawa and at least equal capacity for legislation and administration. I? It seems that Mr. MacKay will make his main ground of attack on the provision of the Liquor Act which requires a three ï¬fths vote in order to give eï¬ect to local Option. It is natux al that there should be objection to this stipulation. It isinconsistent with the general British and Canadian practice and with the great principle of majority rule upon which our in- Stitutions rest. But. sometimes it is worth while to sacrifice theoretical notions to practical considerations. All experience shows that prohibi- tory legislation can be SatisfaCtorily enforced only where there is a decis ive public Opinion in its fav0r. Liquor drinking and liquor selling in! the eyes of agreat element. of thel community are not moral offences! and should n0t be subject. to criminal: enactments. There are many meni of high reCtitude and sound moral: temper who will have no compromise: with sumptuary regulations, and will ,not submit to have oï¬ences created‘ iby act of Parliament These men constitute a material element in the opposition to local Option. and joined with the great ï¬nancial interests associated with the liquor :raï¬c, constitute a formidable body of public l Opinion. ' l l l l l To our mind the welfare of the‘| community is supreme. The citizen who holds that the licensed liquor‘ traï¬c is injurious bOth to the moral and material interests of the nation has an unquestioned right to labor: and vote for its legal extinction: ‘ But it certainly is far more diï¬oult ‘ to secure the faithful observance of such legislation than it is to enforce laws against offences which all men recognize as criminal and which all men agree must test under legal l condemnation. Moreover, all experience shows that there are periods during which prohibitory measures command the sweeping assent of the community. just as there are periods of reaction when such laws sink into disfavor and are badly observed if not ï¬nally repealed. It is certain that these periods of action and reaction will continue to recur and that while we mny hove n dominant temperance to t! sentiment todny. there is no oertnin- in: ty that it will flourish in nndiminisho then ed vigor toomorrow. This has been ,ond . MACKAY’S STATEMENT. (Toronto Jews ) he P OVIDCB ernlx.9nt legtï¬iu PP†“‘ ectoral eecnion wiu omcer. "1 new; wan: w, 3: while we the boy. "0341’s a: lodge, temperance to the enema petty. Bud’s 3 no eertein- in; with his girl end ei: undiminieh. theure with he: been. Th 1i! hes been And the dog O". home. [’11 l 10 DURHAM CHRONIL'LE H h Sal 1n so peculiarly the general social law of this continent that a few yesrsego many writers and thinkers hostile to the liquor traï¬ic and all its fruits were disposed to think that absolute prohibition was impossible. and that its opponents must content them- selves with regulation and restric- tion . There has, however, been a great rev v21 of prohibition sentiment all over the continent and again the bal- ance of Opinion seems to incline to- wards legal prohibition. We can have no guarantee that this state of opinion will continue, much as we may believe that the certain tendency ox er any long period of years will be to make drinking unfashionahle and to surround the whole liquor business with increasing dierepute. Added to this moral temper will be the exigencies and conditions of modern lindusuy which compel sobriety in the working classes and the social | fashion which makes drunkenness Naturally prohibitionists are un- willing to believe that reaction in public feeling is inevitable and they feel that where they can poll a ma- jority of votes local option should gol into effect. On the other hand, where three ï¬fths of the vow of the vete is polled for lOCal prohibition, public Opinion is so pronounced that repeal is diï¬cult and is hardly likely to be attempted. The Very strength Lf Opuï¬cn lnlï¬nd the uneasure en-i courages public ofï¬cers to insiSt upon its rigid observance. But where] local Option is supported by a bare? majority of votes there is likely to be from the Outsvt an agitatiou for re- pr-ltl. a determined disposition to dis credit the IDE'ASUYB by persiStent izegal selling and a deliberate at.- tempt to Wear out the patience of the connntunty with an it0potent 9 2*"378. Th“ chances are, therefore. .351" H: Yb: t-w! illo- th‘tt‘ iiftbSClaUSQ-é _.- in NW :t-I‘ux aim-31V interest of the {.I'._.\n|h:f.l i. ':. )\r‘:nvltf and that it Filzlii u. M iii for :ii' rHue the whole H 9'31 f: _ m wig Ch ' hr: liquor :X‘ai‘nc has You Will Be Surprised to Learn mw Mary 'ihcre Are BURHAM POESGN FACTORIES. Did \0' ever ire! S'Dpid a after eating a tummy dinner? When food is retained too long in the stcmach, because of Stomach weakness, the. poison factory works overtime and there is giddiness. con fusion of thought, despondency. heart-hum. steeplessness. nervous trouble and other forms of indiges- Lion. It is hlgh time to look about for quick health when you have dizzy spells after eating. The general L136 of Mi o-na stomach tablets puts within the reach of everyone a reliable and positive cure for all Stomach weakness. Mi-o-na quickly cures the worst case (if indi- geszion, and the pain and discress which is often felt after meals will soon disappear, such is the wonderful curative power of this little tablet. Mi-ona acts upon entirely diï¬erent principles from any of the other rem- edies that have been used in stomach troubles. It is taken before meals, and has a Speciï¬c strengthening ac- tion upon the muscles of the stomach, increasing the flow of digestive juices and making the stomach get to work and digest easily and. naturally the food which is eaten. Mi-o na is sold by druggists every. where for 50 cents, and we positively guarantee to refund your money should you purchase a box and be dissatisï¬ed with results. Write for free Sample. addressing Booth’s Mi- o-na, Box 977, Buflalo, N. Y. The man came into the barber shOp, but he Wasn’t after shave, hair cut or shine. He looked about blankly for a moment and then asked: .. Where’s the manncure?†The boss was our. at. lunch." and it was the second barber who answered. “She’s not. here.†eu once exczuded He didn’t say "She’s not here to- day†or "She’s not here any more,†just “She’s nor, here.†"0b,†said the man who wanted the manicure rather inconclusively, "that isn’t. much of an answer.†Then suddenly. "You’re not the boss here, are you? “No. I’m the second barber.†re- plied the other. “Well, that’s what you’ll always be.†said the inquire: and went out. "I wonder what. he meant by that.†said the barber to the man he was shaving. "One of them eccentric fellows, ain’t be?â€-â€"New York Sun. It’s really a simple matter to re- move warts and callouses if you apply Putnam’s Corn and Wart Ex tractor. Care is certainâ€"failure impossibleâ€"if you use "Putnam’s.†SIZED HIM UP CORRECTLY. A policeman saw a little boy on the street. and told him he must go home or be put in jail. “All right,†seid the boy, “I’ll go to jail." "But why don't you go home?" asked the oï¬icer. “I don’t want to,†replied the boy. "Dad’s at lodge, Inn's gone to the enchre petty. Bud’s out wdk. in; with his girl end his is at the theatre vith her been. They left me How to Remove Warts. To the Jail for him. a“ upid and dull 9†I’ll 35 t6 jtilâ€"."’ Men Require Nerve and Blood Tonic. How Are Your Nerves '9 He gets shaky. starts at trifles. tosses in his sleep. is ready to fly 03 the handle any minute The nervous man is nervous be- cause his blood is so thin his nerves are starved to death. He needs Ferrozone. Its ï¬rst action is upon digestion. It stimulates secretion of easn'ic juice, ensures perfect digestion, pre- pares the food so it can be at once assimilated. Hence the blood is nourished, is fortiï¬ed, made redder, richer, strong- er. To the whole organism is imparted a. vim, endurance and reserve of v g- or that the nervous man never knew before. The restorative power of Ferrozm e is marvelous. In a month it; will make you feel like ne 3'. just as it did Mr. Karl E Newsome. of Rmhesay, who writes: “I owe a debt of grati. rude to Ferrozone whwh saved my life after a severe seige of nervous prostration. About a vear ago my health gave out. I was in such a weak irritable condition I couldn’t work, and found that three doctors did nothing for me. My druggist recommended Ferrozone a~ the best preparation for nervous troubles. so I commenced with one tablet at meals Every box of Ferrozone I took did me more good than the pre- vious one, and it wasn’t very long before I was strong enough to move around again. In three months I was completely cured. Ferrozone braced up my nerves, gave me a Strong, healthy constitution, and is Certainly a marvelous resaorer and tonic.†Try Ferrozoneâ€"soEd everywhere by druggiSts in 50c boxes. 0990 up the windows Put rosin on the bow: Let. me lampligbt flicker, Blowin’ high an’ low, N ver mind the lamplight, hark the ï¬ddles’ sound! Balance to your partners, all hands knund! You. out in the moonlight, Come along inside! Joy’s a comm’ 10 you Blushin’ like a bride. Pleasure’s cuttin’ didoas, all her limbs unbound, Balance :0 your pardner.s all hands ’round! Hear the birds. a-singin’ In the ellums tall, Hear the saesy mockin’ bird Throwin’ back the call, Life’s a brimmin’ goblet, an’ old trouble’s drowned, Balance to your pardners,. all hands ’round! Balance to your pardner, Git her hand to hold, See her eyes a-laughin’, See her hair 0" gold Movin’ in the breezes, hear the music sound! Balance to your pardners, all hands ’round! Never trouble trouble Tull trouble troubles you, There’s a bu mp awaitin’ For you if you do; Meet the world a laughin, never you’re downed, Balance to your parduers, all ha ’round! Open up the windows, Open up the door. Shake your [1966.0 brothers, Scoot acoroes the floor!‘ Never mind so marrow! Pleasure’s self’s unbound Reachin’ for to bug you, all hands S. S. No 2, EGREMONT. Jr IVâ€"Edna Thomson. Joe Moro. risen, Archie Allan Sr. IIIâ€"Earl Meade. Margaret Woods. Sara Allan, Agnes Allan. Sam Morrison, Gertrude Pollock, Myrtle Allan, Hazel Dennett, Andrew Gray. Jr. III (a)-â€"VVilfred Barbour, Brid. get Woods, May Allan. Willie Gray. Annie Ker. Jr. III (b)â€"Willie Woods, Mary Ker. . Jr. IIâ€"Alice Gray. Roy Thomson. l Willie Eden. Sr. Pt IIâ€"Howard Meade, Maggie Meade. Eva. McMeeken Robert Mar- shall. Sr. Iâ€"Elmer McMeeken. Elsie Mo. Lau ghlin, Ben Woods. Owing to the enormous advance in the price of teas at the gardens dur- ing the past eighteen months, The "Salado.†Tea Co. have had to raise the price of “Brown Label’f from 25c to 30c and “Green Label" from 300 to 35c per pound. No other changes in prices have been made. The chief reason for the advance in the price of Ceylon Tea is due to two causes: First. the enormously increased de- mand coming from Russia, which country is abandoning China Tea in favor of the ï¬ner teas of Ceylon. The other cause is due to the planting out of Rubber, which is more proï¬t- ;able to the grower than tea. LLL HANDS ROUND HONOR ROLL. ’round! CLARA ALJOE, Teacher. â€"Houston Post. all hands 1 , never say ways than one. "I know cf a company that; was playing ‘The Broken Vow’ in Paint. Rock. aone night stand. The aud- ience didn’t like the ‘The Broken Vow.’ and eggs. cabbages and potca- toes rained upon the, stage, Just the practical ,1 information (Q E you need “Still the play went on The hero raved through his endless Speeches. dodging an onion or a baseball every other minute and pretty sore from those missiles that he hadn’t; been able to dodge. Appiv HUSU lulaauca Luau uu uwuâ€" - v--_ . 100 t i B â€Id d d e. ; acres. eX 3’3 {IV-1f -111 1172 able to 0 g ' Th nearly IMP. >13 0) asked I “But ï¬nally a gallery auditor in all Near Crawford 1m. paro’xysm of rage and scorn hurled 1a.i acre building M in Um} heavy b00t, and che accor thoroughly cheap, U, ti-adefu; amazing alarmed. SLarted to retreat. eat, wear, or thmw a ism-k :g. .. Keep on playlng: you {0:31. 11sz Property bought. and mid “M ed the manager from the wmgs as. Money to hand Debts ""1160 be hooked ig/the boot; with an um- Tficket: flu(i‘{.’c;3anKiwi-zentn: b ’ ' . Eb O St’w ' 111 Lil mm CGHIEJI C brelia. keep on $111 we get e my hands for sale cheap. “ 'Keeo on playing: you fool. hiss ed the manager from the Wings as be hooked iq‘jhe boot With an um- brelia. ‘Keep on till we get the ozher one ’ †B. I“ Croker, Esq.. now 81 years of agv. and for twenty )881‘8 Justice of the Pvaue at Martinsburg, Iowa, says: “I am terribly afflicted with sciatica rheumatism in my left arm and right. hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and it did me lots of good †For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Country life has its drawbacks, but it has its great advantages which overcome them. True, those who smokers in town, but the boast of the business men in the world to day is that they were born onafarm. Take away the surrounding evils! that besets young men and woman on the threshold of life’s journey in the city. and substitute the helpful influence of nature. and you fortify them for the sterner Walks in life. The few things which they do not know about table etiquette and when it is preper to leave two visiting cards and When but one, they Will catch unto much quicker than city boys or girls will learn to properly *stroke the furnace or make good bread. No boy or girl need be ashamed of living on the farm, for if they have taken advantage of what it has oï¬ered they are well fortiï¬ed ifor after lifeâ€"Ex. ‘ Theater audiences have improved Investigate into the merits of the pp‘y to neared CoPoRo Agent, or to TORONTO PRI’NCIPALS. e ~~~mmn~~3 ‘: Elmm Mclachlan 3 Does your Dr. HSnow. late Senior Surgeon Cancer Hospital, London, wrote: "The maintenance of sound nerve equilibrium by scientiï¬c tissue nu- trition like Bovril will do more to stay the ravages of any malady than a century of medical progress in drug treatment.†Food Feed you? Draggist and Grocer l 02., 202s†4 ozs., 8025., H5 025. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Sold by your "Bovril†is all beef CEN 73% in bottles containing For Pumps of all Kin (is, Galvanized aind 11m. F’yp. ing; Brass, Brass mued and Iron Cvlinders. W... l]â€" GUNNUR Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop. erly attended to. MW. D. CUNNBR SAVE MONEY ? Then do business with H. H. MILLFD 4L8 200 acres. Glenelg. Frame Dwelling, Bank Ba'n, Good Farm, ought to brinzm Will sell for $3000. 501acres. Glenelg, splendid location. extra good Buildings, cheap at 87.300, will take $6500. 100 acres on Durham Road, Bentgixlck. good Farm. Bank Barn, Falr Dwelling. snap tor $2500. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. WELL DRILLING, RE-CURBING AND PRESsCCBBD‘G done with Cement concrete. Pumps. G’ ALL ORDERS taken at the old and near Mcanan'e Mil] will be promptly u tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let. live†PRICES. A! BELL UN DE RTAKER and Funeral Director‘s Picture Framing on 5/2027? notice. Do you want to make money and Al w Machine Oil. Harness 011, 'â€" Ax1e Grease and Hoot Ointment, go to s. P. SA UNDERs Full line of Catholic Robes. and black and White Caps for aged people. I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM 353' CU}; I‘OMERS and the public in genera} that! am prepared to furnish HES THAT TEE RIGHT Without pulling and hauling mm the only ones we keep. Even with the Wrong collar you can tic our ties Without trouble. That‘s only one Of the many little things that make Our MEN’S FURNISHINGS SUPERIOR DrOp in and see the latest ï¬xings for UP-tO-date dI'BSQel'S. Ymn'l‘l ï¬nd the latest ï¬xings here. pricml in a fashion that must. appeal to your sense of economv. “'e are expea' ing you. HARRY BURNETT the Hanover Conveyancer SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallnws' Barber Shop. RESIDENC 15â€"7 Next door South Of ‘V. J‘ L:l\\'1'enve's blacksmith shop. British Canadian Business College- avs l’rmnpt Embalming a Specialty u nufacturer of And Dealer in â€" Great Trainingâ€"Small Cost. Good positions. Free Catalogue. Everybody Welcome. A. F: aha-eon. B.A., Corner Yonge Bloor Streets, Toronto. The Men’s Clothier. GEORGE WHITMORE. 'l‘ P' He offers: Mar. 5, 1908 H. Miller, The Harnessmaker‘ Ha hover C on verancer BVGI‘ e “'0!" ISSIOH RE nt sale can mbscription Mar. or in ad va 11cc Contract. rates for ï¬shed on application ' All advvrtiscmvm week. should EVERY TEL e Printing House. the chronic! .Qh- apt- ,dvertiSing 'he Job ' - papartment HYSICIAN AND SITE": ‘ (ice in the New 11 11mm ~honrs,8 to 10 a. m., m 4 p. p. m. Speciat attgntion gixu of women and chxldren. l :oosite Presbvterian Church. I.“ Auistant Roy. Londun V}. m;, and to (301ch Sq. Thz‘nat :1. SPECIALIS T : Drs. lamieson J ueen and Jeth ist Churc : :4 (MIL. 7'9 D m EYE,EAR,THR0AT BADULATE of Lond1 York and Chicago. Dim 01 Eye, Ear Nose and ‘ Will be at Knapp House, Durha Saturdxv in each month. Hours F short distance .mb ton Street. 533 hours from 12 OFFICE: Over J- fl'tyâ€" Vof Toronto. Grad college Dental Surgeons of Out Dentistry in all its Bra: 0ï¬oe.â€"Calder Block, over ARRISTEE, SOL 101T! Oflice over Gordon 5 110 Store Lower Town Durham. of monev to loan at 5 per ce Nov. 9. ' ’03. AThO smallpox scare 1 hey abated. While m “mantis? going to make of the two families aï¬iic . that outbreak has taken unence, the Living “a t'he'boarders of the tel F110 were domiciled ‘ ABRISTER SOLICIT V0 yancers Notarx Public. to Loan at Lowest Rates. momâ€"McIntyre Block, cm Bank, Durham.‘0ntari0.3 raCt rates 101' on application advertisemem t- Week. should u morning- L‘ 61‘. Conveyancerf ( Agent. . Money to Loan. m Licenses. A general Mtranacted. A. H. lackso OTARY PUBLIC, co 61'. Conveyancer. c. U ï¬oneer for the Couniy 0 Mptlyamnded to Orde rams Inplament Wareroom.’ , or at the Chronic}! J.F.GRAHT, 11.1). 5.. [ONOR GRADUATE. U Oflioe : Arthur Gun, M “frag CHRONI any addict“. . 51 con erxem ,cmg-ged if not subwrip‘ iHU l {the ad rest: 13 all swears are SHALL-POX SCAI Dental Direa'm DR. BROVVI~ cgnts 'F Hon: 3 .-- mm i1 3m“: '1" Y Legal ’Dz'recta 13, frost Stu Owe DR. BURT. l. P_ Telford Miscellaneou. I311, M.H.O. med last Sund: on Monday. of Bentinck a: ratulated upm true they ado: PM of the di M†'. F. Dunn, AL