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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1908, p. 1

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est and cheapest .chen beinz emu moulds of He: nakes a mould Looth surface an for Cold and I 60c tins. . S. HUNTER . “Darlings” lg Stare “Darlings” ine Tablets the purpose. bottle. ‘ . SCOTT iver Oil STORE. W86 Oblong we mean it. Ice 1 merchant. ll ONTARIO reduce our .2." the neilt. Pants and ) mention. purpose, the he '_’f 35 figures. m at- Men s 20 ring md 01' it?” To (if HORSE FOR 5.w.â€"DUU no 10 m. wards' ad. on page 2' _________.___._. CARB'B Headache Cure never fails. 5c 9. box a; MacFarlane’s Drug Store. 0m 3 and A‘II‘S 835k.» i1 t1» we nadt Miss Gm who has s0 31 VOL 42â€"N0. 2139. k“ m death NEWS AROUND TOWN {AS Ill 1W <V unpathy is extended to Mr. Guy “ illiams, of Tisdale, in their recent bereavement. in "ch of their two children within u s nf each other, last month. \ P 1‘. () pill [10 ‘ulars other than «rmation it? M 0 )V person who carried off Ye’ cap from the Orangemen’s m Tuesday nizht will be kind uretm-n it to this ofiice we gleased to give him the one" ) I'ctm'n. \Ve know who has ~91 confident the exchange was cidently. An Editor has all o to keep his head sometimes luoking after his cap also. 9mm it and oblige. ge 121:14 Photograph will he with each dozen of our best This offer is too good to -â€"l*‘. W. Kelsey. JURMM‘K was quite fortunate‘ engage Miss Grinyer as his Miner. He has also engaged :ml. nf Toronto, as trimmfr, . had wide experience in millin- .mmes highly recommended rtistic trimmer. They have 1e lust umnth in the leading y wholesales. and are now busy 1;: fur the )Iillinery Openings, vii! he in a few days time. "3 Hair Restorer restores 1y hair to its natural color. ».' at MacFarlane’s. Fully and harmless.â€"4 “1'? }' l’V-vt from ground to gable have :i seating Papat'ity for iiiil'etl peuple. There Win be Wires nu each side and an end a men's and ladies" dressing WU viu'n moms and acafe. Th9 cry will have six rows of seats “‘et lung. and the roof of the Il'uvtm-c will be of the gable! id Cuvm'ed with rubber roofing. m’n has spent considerable time 19y during the winter in going am: to place inspecting the best I the country; and has selected ,, in his opinion, the most suit- " a. town of this size. Building ons will commence inlmediately ither permits. ' mums. Eyesight Spec- nto. will be at Darling’s Durham. on Thursday, or L-onsultation. Owing .m'kndv. many who made with him on his previous n unable to keep them, »I thinking that he would :mw Lunne-Ltious. stayed 2:: the plans of the new! :ged this summer by Mr. and are pleased to in- Jit‘l'fi that no pains or being spared to place .z' list of Canadian towns spurts can be th orougbly ' building, which is to he th an ice space of 6031“) ed with a 6 feet hocke‘f' \V .1 Army lecture by Staff \\'. Hay. Divisional .~ Stratfurd DiVision. \\ inh the BL 0.111dians.” 1-11 stationed at, Van- md‘e two very interest- Indians of the North, ,1 Indian village 9: ,in- lvntiun -\1n1v Mi; soni \".m\ell being 1801 miles E1 ('nlumhin. He has ing and instructive ith humnrnnd pathos. miss this. At Baptist .u'. March 16, at. Sp.m. Durham curlers rton last week to une number repre- . They were beaten. {mus could put it entatives 0t Scot e. is not easily un :' the skips informs 1 are too polite a .l. man 111 t1 ll't x-n visut‘ y the Hudson ume into the FARM to let. See ad. on Mrs. Alex. McCormack. LADIES in need of society cards can be supplied with the correct thing at the CHRONICLE office. THE Stupendous ' Reduction continued until March 14th, a Big Store. CARR’S Little Liver Pills, gentle yet effective. Two boxes for 25¢ at Mac- Farlane’s Drug Store.â€"4 I}: the Mail and Empire of March 11th. we notice that Dr. Jamieson has a. bill before the Legislature for the Amendment of the Assessment Act. M AYOR CALDER. Councillor Brown. and Barrister Dunn. are in Ottawa, to interview the Railway Commission in regard to town crossings and the kind of protection we are to receive. Box SOCIAL.â€"A Box Social will be held in Latona schoolhouse, south of Dornoch, on March 13th, 1908. An excellent program of readings, recita- tions, dialogues, addresses. vocal and instrumental music, is being prepared. Mr. John Clark, of Durham, will act as auctioneer. Admission 15c. Ladies bringing boxes freeâ€"3620. BARGAINS is VVALTHAM \VATCHES. -â€"To make sure of your position it her comes necessary for one to have a. good watch. Now, in order to help you out a little we are going to offer our entire stock of Wail-them watches fitted in 20 and 25 year gold cases for $10.00 and $11.00 only. The above prices are for the month of March only.â€"P. G- A. \Vebster, J eweller, Durham, Ont. MR. J. L. FLARITY, who has fori some time been a resident of Owen Sound, is about to return to Durham to take charge of his tailoring business here. He expects to get here some time this Week, and states that he is in better shape than ever before to satisfy the wants of the public in his line, and has secured a full staff of first-class workmen. \Ve welcome Mr. Flarity’s return, and wish him success as in the past. SUCCCSS‘ as Miss Bertha. I days last week ‘1 id (118883. tow n. L’U 'V to. ‘ Mr. Harry Burnett returned Satur- day night after vxsitiug a brother in ()rillia for a. Week or so. Mr. John Noble. of Berridale, is1 spending a. couple of months with friends in and around Durham. Mrs. Eliza Haselgrove of London, Ont... is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott, on Countess street. Mrs. (Dr.) Wolfe returned Saturday gnight after attending the funeral of her brother at Mount Hope, near Tara. spe with her mother, . \h'. \V. Smith. who has 1 ‘ Monday morning. Mr. Donald McKinnon, 01 N. D. a compositor on t] NeWS, is visiting friends ix :for the past few weeks. E 5a brief call on Monday last. Up=to=date D. McLean, of Poplar Hill, Cr. :sex, is spending a. few days in ‘ A'vav v - from Simcoe. where they a visiting the latter’s parents few weeks past. Id Mrs. Jamieson went to1 on Monday. the latter to 1e remainder of the winter mother, Mrs. Bradshaw. . Smith. who has been visit- arents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith the past three weeks, return- LM-m in Pocatello. Idaho, on rtha. Harvey, spent :1. few 'eek with friends in Han- PERSONAL Smith, of Glenelg, who a to Mr. George Newell, ire for a. timé, but we’ll won’t. stay idle very long. a- John A. Darling have of Bottineau the County in Bencinck He gave us On Sunday. March 8th, Mrs. Eliza. Bott, widow of James Bott, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Benton, Albert street. The deceased; lady was a native of Burntwood, State: fordshire, England. In 1888 she came to Chesley, and in the year 1896 re- moved to Durham, residing in town until a. year ago, when she went to live with her daughter. Mrs. Willoughhy, , of Elmwood. Finding her health fail- ing, she returned to Durham to visit Mrs. Benton and to have the benefit of Dr. Gun's treatment. who. for some Job Work Done at the Chronicle Office. years past. had treated her for an i asthmatic condition of the lungs. The ' deceased had won many friends in this ' town, and her bright and cheery man- ner endeared her to old and young‘ alike. The remains were interred in; the Saugeen cemetery on Wednesday} afternoon, Rev. Mr. Jamieson officiat- ing at the house and grave. She leaves to mourn the loss of a good mother two daughters and four sons. Mrs. George Willoughby, Elmwood: Mrs. J. M. Benton, Durham: William Bott. Kilsythe; Fred Bott. Lamlash; James Bott and Rev. B. J Bott. of Craik, Sask. in Toronto, Mrs. Robert Moffat breathed her last after an illness last- ing only two days. She was first stricken with pneumonia. on Tuesday, and ‘though her condition was not thought to behverly serious, for this dangerous disease. she was seized with heart failure on Thursday and passed away. A native of this locality, she married about twenty-five years ago to Mr. Robert Mot‘fat, and for the past twenty years has been a resident of Toronto. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, three chil- dren, the youngest eleven yearS' of age, four brothers and two sisters. Her brothers arezâ€"John Staples. Durham : J ames. of )Iarkdale; George, of Edge Hill and Dr. W. Staples. of Hanover. Her sisters are, Mrs. Cowie, Allmdale, and Mrs. J. \Vhitmare, Glenelg. MRS. Joux FIDDIS. Sad was the intelligence that came J to Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDougall, of I this town, on Saturday last when ad- 1: vised of the death of their daughtex, t Mrs. John Fiddis. Deceased, whose ( maiden name was Belle, was thirty- . three years of age. She was born in : Priceville. but lived nearly all her time ; in this town till she was married six ‘ years ago last month. when she moved [to Owen Sound, where she has lived ‘ ever since. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McDougall, a good worker in the Baptist church and an estimable young lady. who was highly esteemed in the whole com- munity. She leaves only one child. an infant boy. born only a short time before the mother's death. The sur- viving members of the family are Mrs. John McLean, of Owen Sound; Mrs. (Rem) Boone, of Detroit; Allan, of , Chatsworth; John, in town; Kate, at , home and Archie. in Tlverton. The remains were taken here Monday, and , interment took place from the home I of her parents on Tuesday Iafternoon. The pall bearers were her three broth- . ers. Mr. John McLean, her brother-in- law, Mr. Alex. McArthur. her uncle, and Mr. Hugh McArthur. of Owen Sound, a cousin. The services at the 1 house and grave were conducted by Rev. \V. L. NeWton, pastor of the Baptist church here. The sorrowing ’ family have the sympathy of the I“ citizens in their sore bereavement. I VJ THE Mount Forest hockey team is in trouble. It was reported that the runners up for the championship in the Northern League had defaulted and left the battle for the Cup in the hands of Listowel and VVingham. It now develops that the President of the league. a resident of “’ingham. took upon himself the responsibility ‘of fixing the dates for the deciding igaxnes of the three-cornered tie with- out consulting the executive of the Forestville puck-Chasers. These latter claim that they should have a little look-in, anyway, in the arrangement, ‘ and while they are willing to abide by the decisions of the Northern League, as an organization. they certainly will not put up with the decisions of the President as an individual. They have issued the statement that Wing- ham will never land the cup except on . the ice, and according to the facts as LUC ILC, all“ WVv- - V we have read them we think they have certainly been treated, if not- un- fairly. very shabbily by the President of the Northern League. DURHAI, ONT; THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1908. OBITUABY. The annual banquet of the local Court of the Canadian Order of For- esters was held in Calder’s Hall on Thursday evening last. Though this society has an enviable reputation in this place, both as regards quality of table and» superiority of program in previous years. the supper and enter- tainment on this occasion surpassed anything heretofore attempted. and 'the committee are deserving the Starting about seven- -thirty o ’.-clock‘ the large assemblage was first called upon to do justice to the magnificent spread prepared for them, which, from observation, we believe they did, and though the way the good things disap- 1peared may have caused considerable 1 alarm to those who were forced to 1 wait for “second” table, the committee 1 at all times seemed entirely at its ease 1 and mightily confident 1n the thought that “anyway, there’s more where 1 that came from.’ In all, over one 1 hundred members of the order, their Wiv es and f1iends, were entertained, and the manner in which the repast twas served without hitch or mishap, shows that the Canadian Order of ‘Foresters in Durham can boast of an entertainment and banquet committee 1who are past masters in the art and know their business. Supper over. the program was next in line, and as it was a lengthy one no time was lost in getting down to busi- ness. Mayor Calder was called to the chair, in which position he seemed‘ entirely at home. In his opening ad- dress he adapted himself to the occa- sion, reviewing the Order from its birth in 1879 up to the present day. In 1885, six years after its foundation, ; the Order had a surplus of only $4000, which had been increased from year to year, and in Dec. 31st, 1907. the magnificent sum of $2,426,000 was lreached, $151,000 of which was added C. 0. F. ANNUAL BANQUET. ! in that the most successful year in its history. The Order paid out in insur- ance in 1907 $413,000, and in sick and funeral benefits $34,418. In member- ship the increase had been $8,000, and the death rate in the past year was lower than in any society, 6 per 1,000. LlUl\ ll U. Two humorous recitations. b} Mrs. Sprout. were given in excellent form, and encores demanded. Miss Brown in her vocal selec1i0ns Was forced to appear again, as was Miss Wilson, Who rendered two solos 1n amost charming manner. _ _. _ _ ‘ YV “ L “I cm: IVA. The Mesa 5. Murdock and V ollet, step dance1 s. favored the audience with two rounds of real pleasme, to which they showed their appreciation by calling them to the front again. ”Selections on the piano by Miss Rita. Irwin, piano and violin by Mr. and Mrs. R. Watt: and W. J. Young, and also Mr. and \Irs. J. Quinn. were each rendeted in a. most commendable manner. and merited the rounds of applause showered upon them. The assemblage broke up about twelve o’clock, well satisfied with the evening spent in the Court room of the Canadian Order of Foresters, hop- ing, no doubt, to be included in the list of favored ones at the next annual banquet to be given by that . organization; â€"â€" EVERYBODY shodHâ€"attend the freei entertainment and lecture in the town hall Friday evening, when Professor Hutt, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. Guelph, will deliver an address on the subject of Horticulture. Prof. ‘ Hutt is well wortlf hearing, and a full attendance is requested. A good mus- ical program will also be presented. Everybody welcome. Everybody free. range of Ladies’ Stylish Dress Sklrts, made in the very latest fashion with side and box plaited effects and tailor made designs. They come in the very Newest shades of Brown, Navy, Green, Grey and Black in lustres° Panama Cloths, Vicunas, Chiffon; Broad Cloths and Tweeds at all prices from $2.00 to $6.50. We have just received a large Stock of Ladies’ White Waistsâ€"They are the finest line of Blouses we have ever shownâ€"made in the latest designs from fine Lawn Muslins and Persian Lawnsâ€"- prettily trimmed with fine lace insertions, eyelet and shadow embroidery. New White Waists LADIES’ SKIRTS See our New Spring Dress Goods in all the New Weaves and Colors. S. F. MORLOCK New Spring Dress i Goods ? i The New Spring Waists New Dress Goods Practically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. Clearing of all Winter Goods. Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing. THE BU8Y 8TORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Have you seen Our range of Cash and one price Japanese Silk Waists Black and Brown at lowest prices. I . 5.1! I ‘n.-~ .WI‘II‘H‘ M.

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