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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1908, p. 2

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frame house. 3:3 aimed for sale Kay and Dunn 10‘ ACRE ‘ 1 89min ‘ Wfallwheat ahm " acres under c 3 1.. 3 spring water ’1 Alexander Mc( Zr6wp. N'E HUN Lot 27, c f 3 r Norvauby farm in gord 1( 3 buy a first-(~12;u " ‘1. 9 non? should _ 3%- '; a. :33 A Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good 'r iocation prices reasonable. Apply to Thee. Smith or at the Post Ofice. T’May ZOâ€"tf. 3; 2 . 3 33$me Le'r NUMBER 13 NORTH an} of Saddler street in the Town of put. M~_.._ u.. ,r'. in". (\NE HtfivRBD ACRES BgING for sale a number of houses and out- Ebluildings along the line of right of way of ghe Walkerton and Lucknow Railway. in he town of Durham. These buildings must be removed at an " litmly date. in order to clear the line of right 1‘ way. All material such as timber brick stone .--,,tc in cases where the buildings cannot be ;'ao\ed, are also offered tor sale. .Dated June 4th 1%. Apply to WW ' : ham. in the count of Grey, containing4 .3; name more or less. For terms and particu- "9 V t‘Jn'. Durham. % jfwéaddler street in the Town of Dur- I. r a ‘ '3'! “Dec. 2.â€"tf. ars applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- 9 [JUL-“v v-~ _- _ , 3 1”” Bentinck. Lot 27, W.G R. 5 acre; 3 fall wheat about 15 agres fall plowing. 75 " acres under cultivatxon. good well .‘ and 2 spring water. Apply on farm to Mrs. Alexander McCormack. Rocky 631126611. 256“”). Hm ! l a 1 â€"â€"vâ€"â€" -r‘ "l The following buildings are erected on "1' the property: Dwelling 24x38 and kitchen 16x22 solid brick. faame woodshed 13x24; 3 g barn 56370 On 24 feet posts on stone founda- “.‘tion with cement floors in stables; barn ii 45:66 on stone foundation, stabling for 50 ' '{3 head of cattle and 9 horses, roothouse 16x45 it 2 l The solid is clay loam in good state of 2‘ cultivation. 16 acres good hardwood bush. , Terms $211.1) (1) cash and balance on mort- "'jgage with interest at 5 per cent. The {1: :property is sold subject to a reserved bid. . 9 For particulars as to possession apply to M C. J. Mickle. Chesley [2204p A SUM BER OF pa_b.le farms in A uable farms in New Ontario. near New Liskeard for micâ€"large discount for cub. Map of the locality and terms given an application to J P. Telxord. Snlicitor for vendor. 748% --ti BE 2.\ Lot.\' WC“ Durt ti'tle. Po')seession at 91100. 500 be sold. For particulars ap Telford, Durham. Feb 22nd 1905 â€"tf. NE (1F THE BEST I the Township of Bentinc new brick house. two large land first class, all cleared vx Snap to onick purchaser. $15 meant 4.5. 093' cent. Apply Dunn, Vendor‘s Solicitors. Jan 33 DWELLING AND SHOP. ON 7 Mill Street. Durham, llOft frontage. g'Apply to William Laidiaw .E; A11229.otf U Lot 27, concession 13, Township of Norvanby- This is a highly improved farm in gocd locality. Anyone wishing to buy a first-0138's farm on easy terms of pay- ment should communicate at once with MacKay Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors June 25 1907.â€"tf. _____â€" OTS 27 AND ESâ€"IN THE 18TH Concession of the Township of Nor- manby. containing2503cres, the estate of the late Thos Fulton. One stone dwelling and one trame dwelling. Good bank barn also good frame barn. Will be sold in block or divided to suit purchaser. Terms made known on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- ministrator. Hampden, P, 0. Jan 13. tf W. a l v _ V‘ . beck P.0. ofl‘ers for sale by tender. lots 31 and 32. in the 13th concession of Beatinck Written sealed tenders for the above property will be received by the undersigned up to the 15th day of March ’(B m4 13.4131) 14. C0\ 3. NDHBQ OT QIâ€"IN '1 I cessi011W89t the Townshiv nntv of Grev. a. Puseession at once. Good land. Must sold. For particulars A storey dwelling. alongside Presby- 3rian Manse property 111 Upper Town, Durham. Corner of Durham and Elgin htreets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, :ement floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- ..ion in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water. one acre of land. Snap [or quick purchaser. For further particuâ€" lars apply to John W. McKechnie, Owner, flockv bangeen P. 0. ; lug. lst. lWGâ€"tf. - cott. will rent one or more years. akin: most of rent in improvements. Buildings. soil. water. orchard and timber all: good Apply to J. Ritchie. Port rt ur. - ed to do Custom Sawing. into lumber. hingles and lath; also planing. grain flopping etc. Hemlock and cedar logs, ad lath timber wggtg-d for ‘vghich tpe bigg- WHE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPAR- Nov. 5-tf. T' \1 [HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS Property for Sale. tt cash price will be pain at the mill. anas Cluk, V.arney NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS or; For Sale or to Let. ssion \i';§t ~07 the Garafraxa Road. Township of Normanby. in the of Grev. For particulars apply to ‘ elford. Barrister. Durham. 1906.â€"tf Y 2.00 ACRE FARM AT GLAS CKINLVOX 100 ACRE FARM AT ICK HOUSE ON ALBERT Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech. ‘arms for Sale. ACR v-v" -â€" _ 3f Egremnnt. 3 miles from Durham. iarn with stone fonndzition. small nuse, good soil This farm is being for sale very cheaply. Apply Me- i Dunn, Durh2m. ACRES ON 231) CQ§QE§SION \1 BER OF IMPROVED VAL Silix THE SECOND 90$ 00M PORTABLE CC'lj'l‘AQE 5N D 10 acres of land opposite Mr. Thos. him. eonvenieut to Durham. Cottage gins 6 rooms. good quodshed. good sta- hen hopso. nevpr fanhng‘ we‘ll, Excell- GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO the Rocky. immediate possession giv. For further Sarticulars apply to . P. qugn,_ Custom Sawino‘. .lg, 15 acres bush. frame barn. ed, must be sold. A. H. Jac‘kipg . LilDDINGHAM._QF WEL- . I. E G R.. in the Township 100 acre« knownas the McKin at the Rocky 8111139912 1111- ses¢ion given. For particulars P. Telford. 3 11 07â€"“ iE'FXRM IN TOW_.\'S_HIP v r; "for ‘gardening. Apply to Anon HFéEsT FARMS IN hip ofBentinck. 208acres, 59. two large bank barns. all cleared vxcept 20 acres. urchaser. $150) down. bal- ceut. . Apply to MacKay Solicxtors. 2 6 07â€"tf To Rent, J. P. TELFORD, Durham. 3RD DIVISION OF IN THE 18TH Duiham. J. eralgurâ€"pgsé. one specially suited for driving Applyhto C. S. Dunsmoor. Lot 54 Con. 3. N.D.R.. Dentinck, near Hutton Hill A three years old in May, bred from coach horse and blood mare. Stands 15% hands high. gives promise of being a fine driver. Price right. R. T. Edwards. Ebordale. HE III 1 nos. Cooper Shop and is prepared to do all kinds of new work and repazrinz on shortest notice. Shap on Garafraxa Street south of I). Kinnee’s old Pump Works, All work guaranteed first class. 2133mm. U: ED in our yard. Dufbam. for which the best prices wnll be paxd. Enquire for prices at the office. THE DURHAM FURNI- TUBE Co.. LIMITED. Nov. 20thâ€"tf. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the Matter of the Estate of George Jacob Sparling. late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Grain and Lumber Merchant. Notice to Creditors. : OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN‘ L Pursuant to R.S.O.. 1897. Chap. 129, Sec. 38 and amending Acts. that all persons , having claims against the Estate of George 1 Jacob Sparling. who died on or about the 5 8th day of January. A.D. 1908. are hereby I re uired to send by Post. prepaid. or to deliver to Dayid Jamieson. of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, the ad- ministrator. or to W. F. Dunn. solicitor for the administrator. on or before the 16th day of March. A.D. 1908. their names and addresses and descriptions. and a full statement of particulars of their claims. and the nature of security (if any) held by them. duly certified. and that after the said day the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto havigfi regard only to the claims of which he sh then have notice. } Dated this 17th day of February AA). 1%. David J amieson. Durham. Administrator. ‘HREE YOUNG BOR§ES. _G_E;I. 2-w4c A to stop trespassing on Lot 2, of four- teen, Con. 1. East of gravel road. Glenelz. Any person found trespassing after this notxce will be prosecuted. Dan McDougall 2 6 Go Geo. McKechnie New Cooper Shop. OGS OF ALL KINDS DELIVER- â€"_ 'â€" _-- Profiu to? than 23.413" Ending 31:: ' January, 138, me:- doducting Expenses. Inmwcruodonmm - . Waxewm- - - - - man-tam.“ Horses for Sale. PFEFFER BROS. LL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure white winter wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes J 1-: w E L FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be- 3mm BAY GELDING.! W. F. Dunn, Durham. Solicitor for Administrator, UNDERSIGNED HAS OPEN- Logs Wanted. RECORD OF BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada (St Louis Post-Dispatch.) A woman (bless their Hearts once more !) Will follow hubby To the door, And pin hie mumer And his coat. And bundle things Around his throat. And fuse and fume. And fix. and scold, Lest he expose Himself to cold. And when her swaddled Lord is gone, She’ll put her own Fine raiment on, And blithely sally To invoke Pneumonia with A. Seymour yoke. The mesh of which (You see the skin) You couldn’t. catch A gold fish in. IS A BLENDED FLOUR Statement of the Financial Year ending 31“ January. 1908 â€"- PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT â€" UNSELFISH . Notice. J. G. SCHEUERMAXN. Manufactured by ”10.90105 Sinking Sensations These unpleasant feelings of weak- ness and collapse indicate that the sympathetic nervous system is our of order. The cause is impairment of nerve tone, arising from failure of the stomach to perform its work. Acute indigestion follows and the natural result is mental depression. and a feeling of collapse and extreme weakness. The best. because the quickest and surest cure, is Ferrozone. It acts at once upon the digestive and sssimilative organsâ€"it fortifies the Stomachâ€"makes the blood nour- ishing, gives it a rich, red color. the best evidence of health. “For ten years I suflered acute‘y from stomach trouble.” writes Mr. Maxwell Thompson, of Toledo. “1 always had a headache and dull feel- ing after meals. My appetite was poor, and I didn’t relish food. It was all due to a weak, defective stomach. I read about Ferrozone and ordered six boxes from my drug gist. It was no time at all before I felt much better, and when all the Ferrozone was used I really took a new lease of life. I am stronger, brighter, and feel more like work than before trying Ferrczone. It is a splendid tonic, the best I ever used.” Ferrozone is unrivalled in caring stomach ailments, try it and be con- vinced. Sold by all druggists in 500. boxes. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. The neighbors gathered into the home of Mr. Chas. Gray, las: Tues- day night and epent a social evening with them before their departure for the West. Mr. Jae. McIlvride acted as chairman for the program, and Miss Agnes Marshall read an address which accompanied the presentation of two fine chairs and a silver teapot. Mr. Gray made a feeling and suitable reply. Some of the real good fea- tnres ol the program were recitations by Misses Sirrs, Mead and Mitchell. Egremont, Feb. 25th 1908. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Gray. Dear Friends :â€" It is with feelings o! regret, that we, your friends and neighbors. realise the time is at hand when through your removal from among st us our relationship as neighbors will be severed. For pastry, biscuits or bread it is highly recom- mended, and our many years’ experience insures uniformity of quality. In- sist on JEWEL BRAND. Your grocer can get it.‘ comes the housewife’s favorite. ‘ Do They Affect You ? Dividends nt. the rnte of 12 per cent. per nnnmn for Exam Moms - Contributed to 0mm' 3 Pension Fund- - Transferred to Reserve Fund - Transferred toRenene Pnndtroxn Premium on New Stock - vawriedtorvud . - - - We take pleasure in this oppor tunity of spending another social night with you, and showing a slight mark of appreciation of your good citizenship. You have been generous in all yonr dealings with us, always obliging and willing to lend a helping hand wherever needed with such cheerfulness as to amass your pleasure in doing a kind act, while honesty and truthfulness has accompanied your actions. We ask you to accept these chairs and teapot. not for the sake of their intrinsic value, but as a memento by which you will ever give us a place in your memories. In your new home in far away Saskatchewan, we wish you every happiness and all the success, pleasure and advancement in every walk of life. which all hope to attain who journey to our Golden West, the land of the setting sun. Signed on behalf of the neighbor. hood, William Marshall, James Mathews. Joseph Lsnnox. GEO- B8031 Milverton, 0m. in the Stomach. 1 mama - 5,000.00 -A‘ ‘AA -A M11715.” gm. mam :mm“ 8310.907.“ Sir Thomas Shaughnessv has Just become the wonder of Moose Jaw. The president of the Canadian Pacific Railway had just arrived in his priv- ate car "Killarney." The station bar was in full blaStâ€"as usual; a Canadian Pacific bar for which the ccmpany had paid to get a license; a very handy bar for the travelling public as well as for the train hands â€"for it was very close to the frontl door. Sir Thomas looked in at thei bar. He was thinking hard; and the bartender wondered who he might be and what sort of drink the gentle- man might want. When the visitor opened his mouth it was not to men- tion the name of anv drink either ancient. or modern: he did not even ' want a cigar or a match. To the station-master he said tersely: "Shut that place up!” The oficial was Startled and of course began to ex- posrulate. He intimated that the license for the bar would expire within a few months and be supposed that what Sir Thomas desired was that, what it eXpired, it should not , be renewed. “No,” said the presi- l dent. “I do not want it closed at the jend of the year. nor at the end of the month. I want it closed now. Lock the door and pay off those men. We have too many trainmen running into l Moose Jaw to allow a bar to be Oper- l ated in that room.” So the bar at Moose Jaw .is closed and. will stay closed. A warning is contained in an inci- '; dent which occurred one day last‘ week on the C, P. R. track at the Y. A girl aged about thirteen years was on her way to school when she was accosted by a man said to be an Eng- lishman who arrived last summer from the Old Country and has been employed about this neighborhood since. The man took liberties with the child amounting practically to an assault, which. however, for some reason, stopped short of an outrage, and the girl proceeded to school suf- fering nothing worse than a bad scare. On making known her story on arrival home in the evening an attempt Was made to locate the man, but no trace of him could be found. Parents would do well to see that 1 their children are not exposed to ex- periences of this kind in lonely walks. which have resulted before now in :tragedies of the most revolting char ‘ acter.â€"â€"Mt. Forest Representative. James Heard, of Morton Park, Oot., says: “While employed at the Speciality Works of Newmarket 6 or 7 yeariago, I bruised my ankle. but throug neglect this bruise turned to an ulcerated or burning sore which caused me a great deal of sufiering. Itried a great number of doctors, and was in the hospital tour times. I tried almost everything, but noth- ing did me any good. I could not sleep at night With the scalding and burning pain. but from the first ap- plication of Zam-buk I never lost any sleep. and felt nothing more of it than ifI hadn’t had any sore at all. It started healing and gave me SIR THOMAS AND THE BAR. no further trouble. Shortly after this 1 was getting on a street car, my foot slipped and I came with all my might down the edge of the step and gave my foot a terrible mangling up This made it far worse than over, but I started again with Zam- buk, and it did the same work over again as it did at first and my ankle is sound and well as ever it was. I cannot speak too highly of Zam-bnk.” Zam-buk cures cuts, burns, chapped hands, chafings, cold sores. itch, chil- blains, eczema. running sores. sore throat, bad chest. ringworm, giles (blind or bleeding), bad legs, in am- ed patches. rheumatism. neuralgia, sciatica, abscesses and all diseased, injured and irritated conditions of the skin. Obtainable of all druggists and stores, 500. or post paid upon re- ceipt of price from Zam-buk 00., Toronto. Our villiagers learned with sur- prise that Walkerton is about to take a religious census. Every once in a while that town breaks out into a sanctimonious spasm that is truly interesting and amusing. Crossley and Hunter spent weeks trying to make angels of those citizens and were finally compelled to throw up the job, leaving some fitter for horns than wings. Now they are dump- ing bibles into the county town and taking a religious canvass in another great efiort to wrest the capital from the grasp of Satan. Here’s hoping that the second attempt may be more successful than the first and that our hardened old neighbor may be fetch- ed back into the fold from which she 11;; leng smce strayed. Yes, if Walkerton is saved there is hcpe for the rest of Bruce.â€"Cargill Cor. in Bruce Times. Strong purgatives have killed many a good man. Costiveness is badâ€" violent cathartics are worse. If bothered with stomach trouble or bilionsness, try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They are so mild you can scarcely feel their action, yet so effective that the entire system is cleansed of wastes Dr. Hamilton’s Pills move the bowels gently, they tone the kid- neys, assist digestion. clear the skin. For those subject to colds, bilious- ness. languor, there is no better med- icine. Try a 25c. box of Dr.‘ Hamil- ton’ s Pills. a M 1 NEARLY AN OUTRAGE. IT HAS KILLED HUNDREDS; DEVIL TO BE BANISHED. 4 HOSPITALS FAILED. The London Athenum says of the following Howells paragraph that it is the best sentence perhaps in any recent English book. Describing an ancient edifice Mn. Howells writes and the Athenem quotes : What in the heart of all this bios soming, was the great cathedral itself when we came in sight of in but a vasn efiorescence of the age of faith, mystically beautiful in form and gray as some pale exhalation from the mold of the ever cloistered, the deeply reforeeted past.” Very fine, all must admit. But wouldn’t that paragraph have been meat and drink to the man who used to mark up Mr. Howells’ newspaper cOpy back at Bucyrus, 0. If Howells the reporter had written that for the Bucyrus Blade he would have found it in the paper next day about like this : “The cathedral, with flowers all around it, looks fine. It is 400 years old and needs paint ” Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has? no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham. a merchant of Kirksville, Iowa, says: “For more than twenty years Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troub- les. It is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other.” For sale at Barker’s Drug Store. FOUND NOT GUILTY 0F ARSON CHARGE. Toronto. March 6 â€"â€"After three hours’ deliberation the jury acquitted fourteen yearuold Mabel Allen,charg- ed with arson. in setting fire to the barns of Jacob HOpkins in York County. “COPY READING" HOWELLS The verdict was received with joy by the court Spectators and e. demon ssration was only prevented by the prompt action of the officials. The five young men who tracked the foocprints in the snow ten miles from Hopkins’ barn on the morning following the fire to the Allen home were on the stand in the morning. and in the afternoon the defence Opened. Mabel’s sister and mother swore that the girl had not left the house all night. In his address to the Jury, Prosecutor Drayton said that he thought about the same of Hopkins as the jury did. but this thing must be stOpped. The judge charged strongly against the girl. The Jury retlred at 5 p. m. and re- turned at 8 p. m.â€"Free Press. This is the beginning of Chronic Catarrh. If n0t checked, the result is deafness. A simple remedy that many physicians advise is to slowly inhale “Catarrhozone” a few times each day. The soothing vapor of Catarrhozone cures the Catarrhal condition and hearing improves at once. Head noises, buzzing ears are cured. For Catarrh deafness, throat, nose and lung catarrh there is probably no remedy so eficient. DUNDALK RESIDENCE HAS NARROW ESCAPE. The home of Mr. John Gilmore had a very narraw escape from des- truction by fire one morning last week. He got up a little after six o’clock and in lighting a lamp it is supposed the match fell on the lace window curtains. As soon as he noticed the little flame he clapped his hands on each side of the curtain where it was, and this had the eflect of scattering the fire. The cur ins and the blind were burned and en the flame spread to the bed clothing but the fire was soon got under con- trol. Mr. Gilmore had his hands badly burnedâ€"Herald, B. F. Croker, Esq., now 84 years of age, and for twenty years Justice of the Peace at Martinsburg, Iowa, says: “I am terribly aflicted with sciatica rheumatism in my left arm and right hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and it did'me lots of good.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Fancv two plants being so on- friendly that the mere neighborhood of one is death to the other. Yet this is the case with two well known English plants. These are the thistle and the rape. If a field is infested with thistles which come up year after year and ruin the crops. all you have to do is to sow it with rape. The thistle will be absolutely anni- hilated. A St. Catherines newsbov was sen’ tenced to five years in an industrial school for retaining the charge from a dollar bill received from a custom- ber. General Manager McGill. who wrecked the Ontario Bank, got three years. ' It is therefore only three- fifths as serious an. ofience to appro- priate a million dollars, especially if in one case is an educated, full grown man, an in the other an nntutored small boy.â€"Cargil Corn, Brnce Times. Plants That Hate One Another. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. D0 YOUR EARS RING ? Ma quesseszzsxzsxeswswsse sag hfi‘les‘km 6mm? wwwwm‘mm‘wwmo Athlend of 4} Manitoba and {E Ontario Wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba. flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba Wheat cannot. be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. People’s Mills Is made from selected winter whea, and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the. best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea 0110p, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. F ., S we sell “Crums; they are the g best. “’9 never hear a com- § plaint: about them. ,Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. All up-to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer dues not keep it; cmne t0 the mill and we will use. vm: right. Call us up by telephone..\'o. 5‘. All kinds of Grain bought at Market Price. THE DAVIS REEL CO., New Dress Goods, and In Fur Jackets and Ruffs “A GoodSensihle Discourse on a' Good Sensible Subject" The above Caption is not m-igizt but What follows is eSpec-ially n own. We refer to our s‘uwk several dozen are on the way. ,It you want; the Best and Newest gonds at E right price's, come with thek knowing ones and buy fmmE Fedora and Stiff Hats Sensible Men This 1 Our\ ew Plints are 0 hand, k W’e have opened nut John McGowan. II D. FLETT. Tweed Caps at reduced prices. C. McArthur PASTRY FLOUR . L. Grant: LONDON for men; not those "Path" which are fashionable. fur a few weeks and are. never seen again, but; Good Staph:- Hats worn at all times by We have decided to gi‘~'e a handsome discount. on :1” CASH PURCHASES of Hats during the next week or two We guarantee it is not cheap Hats we have to sell: W" First-Class Fedoras and Stifi Hats, CHEAP. is the place to buy a felt hat SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE Box 165. WE KEEP THE Mar. $01118 more of fie Sells Chea size. 1.23 a pan.. Bed Comforters, Mar. Men’s Cardigan J ache-ts at. 1 and 1.50 each. Floor Oilcloth l 12, and 2 3455C 3» square yard. Call and see Anyone «may; a sketch and d quickly ascertam our opinion fr invention is probably paLem :1h1q flons stfletlyconfldential. HANDS: sent. free. Oldest agency for sow Par/gnu. taken through Map: 0 - ....n;‘. -..o Alan-an vâ€"v Abandsomely illustrated Week. 5. Lu; culation of fiany scienufio j .u _ ,., Canada. $3.75 a year. postage ; all newscaster-s. MIN“ 8: 00. my“??? New The People 3 3H AND PRO\ £510 5 WSMCi'éfilifiifimfi‘ic But How Leave your m'dm MCLAcule. Dm'hn 81 "Glyn u prompt .‘l t It Have You any 0|d Worn Eiiver lismwel lions! Bread Icfiowan’s Eclipse Pure Hone)’ all Wool Blankets tux: 4.75amir. ante Blankets. lax-gm 1] .m give you What .. 'YOn wiii find our pm If so. I to replau Bring it h: 1 I have the tin All work Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Designs : Floral Decmal of all kinds on shortest notice We carry also other \ knovm brands of F1 or Fiou 'Grâ€"ttEEht éhame. in Flours always 21‘ (action. Mt. Forest. . BEAN from 1.333 in 20c Jars am 1 )C and 5W". d so YEAR EXPERIEN .Beggs TRADE OPYRIGHTS Underskir ards “1 ONT. 1|). m

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