West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1908, p. 6

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I31 . t “(I t l. f‘rfitgz" S LIISIIIV I Vila]. a. MITH 8: SONS §§URHM FOUNDRY E‘flFARM MACHINERY E15 ecial attention to Gaso- _ . - : fiafflfie Engine repairs. C. Smith 8: Sons [i PROPRIETORS illwrights, Machinists, :{bn and Brass Founders. 3? ud Steam Fitters ..... v.1?â€" 4 MI 11* zmplcments. L E beg toannonncetoour many [ customers that we have re- hrned from Toronto, after visiting be different Millinery \Vholesales. We have selected a. larger stock pan ever this season. and at press. t we are preparing for our own fillinery Openings which will be )ut the end 01 March. In the incantime we are prepared to take lrders and will be glad to show anyi the New Models that are nowl '3mplete. \Ve have secured the' arvxces of Miss Oliver ashead trim- ier. who comes to us highlvrecom- xended. havmg had experience in ne of the leading stores in Toronto. We cordially mvxte you to inspect or goods at any time. We have large and select display of mourn- i'ng millinery to choose from. A rand selection of Auto and Spring Ieiling in the latest style and - loring. \Ve solicit your patron- ige and am willing to please you in 'yle and price. Parisian Millinery Co.. millincrv nplements 5??? 4: .1 ~" , h “2 fl- Wind Stackers, bck raisers’ Feed Bo'flers. MANUFACTURERS OF tting Boxes, Horsepowers, STOCK 0R MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. }HT PRICES AND GOOD WORK A gent fox the Percival Flows. 3115 kinds of It pairs kept. on hand. AG EXT FOR Sash 8’ Doors |. \Vhite Son Threshing Mal chines. d s H: u nvss Spreads and Hut 0955 Rep: lilS. Oil 5 and Grease s. STOYE.‘ « FURNACE. . Singer Sewing Machines. LOTTIC CREAM SEPARA'I‘ORS. i' Shel-Inch K Manning Organs. ‘ Heintzman Pianos. :rth Anu-riean Life Assurance Co. A FULL LINE OF THE )eering Harvester Co.'s SP READERS DERS MO W ERS :0 DRILLS {,3 BARROWS iGGONs “JOLINE ENGINES. {BS (Rubber and Steel Tires.) 3,313” Stoves and Ranges. if Raymond Sewing Machines. :u-m Implements Machinery. ’GENT for DOYLE a; JULIAN Gonumems and Tombstones mocrats and Buggies l'fi’fifl N. MUBUUEK Frost 8’ Wood ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF in as and Organs. 'm OWEN SOUND. John Clark All Kinds of ant Agent and Auctioneer. on to “'indmills. MISS DICK Middaugh House Block Wanted Berlin Ontario S. S ‘No. Bsx'rxscx‘ IVâ€"t'earl 'Wilson. Thos..Johnston, Ross McDonald. Sr IIIâ€"May Grierson, Marjorie Clark.’ Robt. Pacherbongh. Philip McDonald, Mabel S nith. Jr. IIIâ€"Gladys McDonald. Edwin Lunney. Clara Honesa. Sr IIâ€"Howard McDouzali, John Clark, Roy Lamb. John Smith. Jr. IIâ€"Jessie Clark. John Grier- son. Sr. Pt II Carrie Grierson. Carlyle McDonald \\ illie McDonuid. Jr. Pt. lIâ€"Serling Lamb. George Sr. lII.â€"Chas. Hrsliiday, James Stewart Jr. 111 â€"-Janie Pe'er. Maggie B'yrh I-n'uel Stew rt. George Peter. rr. II â€"Kizzie Wuwz Victor Cai§ l»y.Joe Fortuey. GM Whitehead, Edgar Kellar. Ella Lewis, Johnnie Thompson. Nelson Hulliday. George Forcney. Jr. Pt. Wilson. Pt. II.â€"K4tia Bend. Annie Halli day. Lidv Tnompsou. Ens Blythe lefred Pate: Elton LBWIS. Jr. lugâ€"Alfie Waltz. Jr. 1. (A)â€"A1fie Fortney. Average attendance. 2:"). I\'.-â€"- Willie \VallaceArthur Gadd, Milton McXiece, Mary Backus. Bert Moerc, Minnie Kellar. Lizzxe Burns, Rob Webber, Dmah Thompson, Jas. Wallace. Jr. IlI.â€"John Kerr, Neils Mar- shall, Elmer Fee, Grace Mountain, Mary McAlister. Waner McALister. George \Vebber, Henrietta Kellar. Sr. lIl.â€"Thos Wallace, Arthur Moxice. Myrtle Caldwell, J, Marshall. Jr. II.â€"-.\label Wallace, A. Stet-rib, Stanley Mountain. PL. 11 Sr - J. Birr, A. Mountain. Pt. II. Jr.-Andrew Marshall.Mag- gie Petty, Dawson Marshall, Katie Kerr, J. Burns. Lizetta Bur. Sr. II.â€"-Leslie Morice. Jean Morice Melville Morice, Harry Caldwell. Sr. 1\'.-â€"\\'ufred Hunt. Frank Ry- an. Lorne McNally, Ena McNaily. Jr. I\'.-â€"Wesley Hunt, Jennie Cook, Wilbert Wright, Basil Davis. III.â€"Ivan Edwards, Mary Peart Edith Peters. Jennie Jack. lI. â€"-.\Iina Edwards Bertie Wright Emerson Peart. Sr. 1 â€"Lilie Black. Winnie Black. Jr. I.â€"Joe Edwards. Elgin Wright 0111 Penn, Katie Cook. Ir. IV --’3r_-orge S’exart. S.o “ .No. 10. Guano Asp Eamon. IV .â€"Maggie Hartford, Kate Mc- Cuaig. Ada. McLean. Sr. III.â€"Gertie McCuaig, Joe Hooper. Ida McCuaig. Jr. III.-â€"Roy McDermid. Bernie Hartford. Flossie Hooper. Jr. II.-â€"Islsy McCuaig, Henry Tucker. PE. [Lâ€"Wbila McCuaig, Minnie McEachern, Maggie McEachern. Average attendance. 16. lezm Bmxm, Teacher. Average attendance. ‘28 S. S. NO. 3. BBNTINCK. V.â€"Mathan Grierson. Sr. IV.-â€"-James Comte. J. Park, Stanley Livingsmn, Roy Vickers. J :- IV. â€"â€"Allan Wise. Douglas Don- nelley, Blunche Wise Rubyg Alex“. dot. Jr. IILâ€"Ethe‘. Derby, Norman McRonnld. John Derby. Annie Luv. rence, Agnes McLenn, Lily Torry. St. II.-Mnry Adlnm. Amborzine Bdloy. Ell: Puk, Brigham Living- â€"Lil_v Wel'z. Roy Stewart, NO. 1. NORMANBY. HONOR ROLL. S. S )0. 5, GLENELG. Anus Lwasxcs, Teacher. 14,.\'()R‘~1ANBY. M. M. ADAIR, Teacher. \V )1. BAILEY. TEACHER. Momnx. Twacber. gliiday, james THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Chief Benoit. of the city fire brig- ads, is to-day continuing the inspec- tion that he has undertaken of the city schools in order to make special observations regarding the fire pro- tection provided in the several institutions. He is convinced there is a shortcoming in several instances especially in regard to the provision of fire escapes. Asked what he considered was the 1 best escape could be put in a school. the chief said that he would recom- mend that every public school should have a gallery built round each story with staircases leading therefrom, one to the other. In this way. he said. the children could gain im- mediate egress from any floor, and if their escape was cut 03 in one direction by smoke or fire, they could get away from the building in anoth~ er direction by means of the gallery. ; -Enterprise. Grand Rapids, Mich, March 5.â€" Grand Rapids to day was threatened with a repetition of Cleveland’s tragedy of yesterday on an even larger scale. Fire broke out in the laboratory of the Central High School. while 1.20( pupils were in the midst of the morning work. The signal for the fire drill was given and the children marched out in per- fect order. The building emptied in two and one half minutes. The Den tral High School is overcrowded. and , the Stairways inadequate. and fears of a possible panic have long been i felt. i‘hat there was no panic in the school was probably due to the fact th it a professional photoKrapher had been taking final) light pictures in the corridor of the High School a few lDlOutna before the tire broke out, and the cnilttreu had been warned Inot to be alarmed. When the fire alarm came, and the drill began they thought, therefme, that it was for aucther picture. and all of them marched out qule' ly. The fire start- below the floor of the chemical lab oratory III the. tint floor, and only iqulck acuou of the tire department ' prevented a serious conflagration iThe photOgt‘apher was in the school, i which was intended for 600 pupils, to gget pictures. showmg its overcrowdo ed condition. These photographs are to be used in furthering a cam paign already inaugurated by the I Board of Education for a larger High lschool, You Will Be Surprised to Learn How Many There Are DURHAM POISON FACTORIES. Did )0» ever feel Stupid and dull after eating a hearty dinner? When food is retained too long in the Stomach. because of Stomach weakness, the poison factory works overtime and there is giddiness. con- fusion of thought, deepoudency. heart-burn. sleeplessness. nervous trouble and other forms of indiges- tion. It is hlgh time to look about for quick health when you have dizzy spells after eating. The general use of Mi o-na stomach tablets puts within the reach of everyone a reliable and positive cure for all stomach weakness. Mi-o-na quickly cures the worst case of indi- gestion, and the pain and distress which is often felt after meals will soon disappear, such is the wonderful curative power of this little tablet. MLo-na acts upon entirely different principles from any of the other rem edies that have been used in stomach troubles. It is taken before meals, and has a Specific Strengthening ac- tion upon the muscles of the stomach, increasing the flow of digestive juices and making the stomach get to work and digeSt easily and naturally the food which is eaten. Mi 0 n9. is sold hv druggists every- where for 50 cents, and we positively guarantee to refund your money shmfid you purchase a. box and be dissatisfied with results. Write for free sample. addressing Booth’s Mi- o-na, Box 977, Bufialo. N. Y. THE BEST FIRE ESCAPE. “What conStitutes a. day’s work?” We figure it out that it depends 31- together on your occupation. If you lay brick. eight hours; if you keep house sixteen hours; if you preach the gospel. two hours; if you are a porter in a. sleeping car, twenty hours; if you serve the government, one hour; and if you are a newspaper man, twenty-four hours. ‘ ONLY ONE PAINLESS CORN CURE. Hundreds have tried. but no one has succeeded in making as good a remedy as Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. It’s by far the beetâ€"be- ware of substitutes for "Putnam’s.” aton. Feeddie Corbett, Evelyn Mc- Lean. Mary Muther. George Adlam, Cecil Reav. Jr. II. -â€"Marietca Park. Bella. Pnrk, Annie fieny, Rex Lawrence. Pt. II.-“ illie Mather, Edna. Bony Sr. I.â€".\lillie Adlnm, Margaret J. Adlnm. Nellie Mat-dick. A DISASTER AVERTED. J r. I.â€"‘Susie Adlum, Geo. Torry, Mary Bgiley, Velloy Bony. Vera A Day’s Work. G. MCLIOD, Teacher. Mooeomin, Sash. Feb. 17, 1903. To THE Emma 09 (Pan. DURHAM CHRONICLE DEAR Sm,â€"In the Chronicle of re- cent date you make mention that ground has been secured for a rink. I have often wondered that a town the size of Durham has been so msny I years without an up-to-date building for the young people to enjoy ska ing and hockey, as there is nothing more conducive to health. pleasure and sport and keeping the rising genera tion ofi the street at night. and young men out of questionable places than Ea. well conducted skating rink, and I hape before another winter CJmes round you will have a place that will ido credit to the town In Moosomiu, which is not half as large as Durham (about 1200), the e are two buildings for curling an... skating, the latter about 180 by 75' feet, built in the form of an arch, am) owned by a joint stock company, which has been conducted very suc cessfully for the past ten or twelve ,years. where the youth of the place assemble every evening from mgh till ten o’clock and have a most en joyable time. Up to the middle of March the ice holds good. The hockey club have the ice one night a week and over hours from ten to eleven on I‘uesdays for matches or practice, for which the rink company receive 50% of the gate money for league and 40‘7<3 for extri- bition games. I send you under separate cover a marked copy of the World with our team’s record for1 the past three years, of which Moosor min is justly proud for their clean manly sport They also hold the good opinion of every club lrom Brandon to Regina. which, in a large measure, is due to their managers. and their success to the fact that there is not a "boozer" in the bunch We have also a junior team of boys who are a tie with Virden in a Mani- toba League along with a “scratch” seven who play exhibition games with small towns and country teams There is nothing like hockey in the long win’ers in the way of sport for player and spectator, young and old, and Mind say let no obstacle stand in the Way of you getting a rink; it is money well spent. Older people (as I often do) can Spend a very plea‘anr evening seeing the young- sters enjoy themselves either skating ,or in the game. Up to the present we have had a most delightful Winter. six to eight inches of snow, three or four Stormy days and eight or ten of zero weati. er. The lowest was about 32°. The Moosomin dietridt is favored above many in Sask.. though the grain map was not up to the average of other 3ears. The Hour mill and six elevators have been fairly busy since threshing. and do nOL think there will be any Government seed distribution from this point. Any one thinking of farming in the West can make no miStake in staying 05 at Moosomin. There are no free homesteads, but land is cheap, $12 to $30 per acre J. C. JOPP. P.S.â€"â€"February warm and Spring like You sleep badly, appetite is vari- able. You eat but gain no strength. Morning tiredness makes you wish night would come. When night comes refreshing sleep is hard to ob- tain. You’re run down, your blood is thin and watery. your nerves have grOVVO Weak. the thought of efiort wearies you. You need Ferrozoue; it makes bloo«l,â€"â€"red, Strong blood. An appetite? You’ll eat ewrything and digestit too. Strength? 'l‘hat’s what plenty of food gives. Ferro zone gives hope. vigor, vim, en- durance. Use Ferrozone and get Strong. Results are quickâ€"cure is lasting. All dealers in 50c. boxes LETTER TO THE. EDITOR. The Sabetha Star passes this story alongzâ€"lt is related that a merchant. who lives in a town not far from there. while counting his money previous to taking it to the bank. forgot a $20 bill and left it lying on t the show case. says the Arkansasl City Traveller. He did not miss the money until he arrived at the bank. and when he returned to the store it was gone. He poeted a notice in the window as iollows:â€"-“lf the person who took a $20 bill from this store wishes to avoid trOuble he will jm- , mediately return same. as his ident- i ty is known ” A few days after he received a postal card, hearing this messagezâ€""If the merchant who lOSt a $20 bill will call at the house of the man who picked it up it will be ‘returned to him.” The first warm days of spring bring ;with them a desire to get out and enjoy the exhilirating air anu sun- shine. Cbildren that have been housed up all winter are brought out and you wonder where they all came from, The heavy winter clothing is thrown aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes ’and people say that grip is epidemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than in mid-winter. as there is much more danger of pneu- monia. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, however. and you will have nothing to fear. It always cores and we have never known a cold to result in pneumonia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. hildren like it. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. YOUR NERVES ARE WEAK. Do Not Crowa the Season. Somebody Lied. Yours truly, Wonderful Success of Hyomei in Our- ing Catarrh, Even in Chronic Stages. Hyomei is the most, unusual reme- dy ever known for the cure of catarrh. It follows Nature in her methods of treating diseases of the reapiratory organs, as its healing balsams are taken in with the air you breathe, thus reaching the most remote air cells in the none, throat. and lungs, killing all catarrhal germs that may be present. A Q n Relief comes with almost the first breath of Hyomei. while lasting and complete cure follows its faithful use. There is hardly a town or village in the whole country where there are not many who have been cured of catarrh by this natural treatment. Be wise in time and use Hyomei at the first symptoms of catarrh. Do n0t allow the disease to extend along the delicate mucous membrane, grad ually going from the nose to the throat. thence into the bronchial tubes, and then onward and down ward till the lungs are reached. Hyomei W111 cure all curable forms and Stages of catarrh. GEN. OTTER TO BECOME CHIEF OE STAFF. Ottawa, March 5.â€"Brigadier-Gen- eral Otter has declined the ofier of the Imperial War Office to take com- mand of the fifth infantry brigade at Alderehot from May 1 next, and will iuetead come to the headquarters staE at Ottawa, where his ability and experience in military matters will be made adequately available for the benefit of the militia of Canada. We positively guarantee Hyomei, nor sh mid you buy a complete outfit, pride $1 00, and be diseatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hoymei is sold by druggists every- where. Write for literature. Booth’s flyomei 00., Bufialo, N. Y. THOUSANDS CURED. Major General Lake’s term of com-i mand in Canada as Chief-of Stafi ex-i3 pires in Novembennexz. During his‘; tenure of the position he has inaug urated many reforms in connection with the militia service and the de- partment is now organized on a well thought-out and adrquate basis. It is understood that for the last six months or so of his time in this country General Lake will be given the position of Inspector Genenal, with a View to his making athorough inspection of all the military units in the service. ofl'ering criticisms as’ to the defects in carrying out the 878- tern he has established, making sug- geStions as impossible improvements, etc, The position of Insyector-Gen leral is now vacant, owing to the ldeath of Brigadier-General Vidal. Genera! Otter will. according to the preposed plan. become Chief of- Stafi in succession to Major General Lake, thus realizing what has long been contemplatedâ€"namely. the ap- pointment, of uCauadmu co the chief command of one militia forces to the Dominion. M13 James A McPherson. Of Kin-l ziicfirelthonymgh aâ€"udr uD-Iodutv :1'H1 ' . o ‘ n ’ )I 5‘ "'~‘ cardinev was In the Vlllflge tU'dEYi largegtaliusireishfiaeiul33013krlx(1:131:‘4); .." (Thursdm) attending the funeral of; {£31101 'tGet. our froJcétalugml mil ' . . ~- ' W a we are doing. (fummvxw-l the .late . Josmh Parkhouse. bmce schoolsad well as 1mm...” mw ”may [ makmg 1118 home 111 chardme we, our graduates. Sm! Ms an, amp“; learned that Mr. McPherson has at- 4 88°11 “81;“ ENTER NOW- tended some 2500 funerals. Surelyj HIM)" Mclachlafl this shows a kindly Spirit for the d6-" ' PRINCIPAL“ cf L. I parted ones that. have ossed to the; 9““ ‘ ' . I 9“, other shoreâ€"Tiverton Watchman.; These are diseasee for which Chem. berlain’s Salve is especially valuable. It. quickly alleys the itching and smartiug and soon efiecns a cure. Price. 25 cents.~ For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. “SETTLERS’ GUIDE” “WESTERN CANADA" “TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIHE TABLES Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema. ‘roaou‘ro Don’t '[a_ke Milk at Night g 11' YOU mm; or name A non: 1N 1m: WEST YOU snouu) HAVE mesa Attended 2500 Funerals. Milk in any form taken at night is apt to cause digestive disturbance. Your night’s rest is not re- freshing. To appease hunger, or merely for company’s sake, “Bovril,” in the form of a bouillon, or sandwiched between the breadand butter is excellent. After thisilight supper \(ou will sleep well and awake refreshed. ; For SAVE MONEY ? Then do business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyancer He offers: (0 acres. Glenelg. Frame Dwelling, Bank Barn. Good Farm. ought to bringgm) Will sell for W. sozacres. Glenelg, splendid location. am: good Buildings, cheap at 375(1) will take MEM 100 acres on Durham Road. Bentinck. god Farm. Bank Barn. Fair Dwelling. snap tor $2500. 100 acres. extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the $3‘03 asked tor the fgm Near Crawford P.O. i acre building lot in Durham, for sale cheap. or trade for anything a man can eat, wear, or throw a stick at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand. Debts collected. C.P.R, Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. 53(1) of stock in Durham Cement 00., pieced in my hands for sale cheap. . Always Prompt, Never Negligent I BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY CUB. TOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL mem, RE-Ccamxe AND Passsccmme done with Cemam cnucrnte. g” ALLOKUERS taken at the old stud near McGowan‘e Mill will be promptly at tended to. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at "Live and let. live” PRICE: Picture Framing on 51202185! notice. Pumps. and Funeral Director A. BELL UN DE RTAKER Do you want. to make money and Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Irm. 42pâ€" ing; Brass, Brass mued and Iron Cvlinders. Pumps from $2 upward. SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and PFOP' erly attended to. Investigate into the merits of the «9”?Wfl - _ W I] CONNOR Full line of Catholic Robes. and bl wk and white (7 aps fox aged people. Machine Oil. Harness 011 Ame Grease and H0“ Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallnws’ Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next: door South of “C- J { Lzuvrence's blacksmith shop. British Canadian Business Collgig- Great Traxioingâ€"Smtfrtf(.pst. G°°d positions. Free Catalogue. Evenbody Welcome. 3.. A. Fa ubarsbn. B.A., Corner You; an Bloor Streets. Toronto Embalming a Specialty H. H. Miller, GEORGE WHITMORE. The Hanover Conveyance:- nufacturer ot \ - d Dealer 111 â€" Main 12, 1908 The Harnessmaker‘ .W. D. CONNOR Iii ““Bflfiiflflififlm l" .. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDA Y W : ronicle Printing HOu ‘t the Oh Street. ° ' Tm; ('HROVI(‘I.E anpnen any addx't-ss. fro Bates . - $1 00 per year. 1m. 41.50 may be charged if um My m‘ which every subscriptiun is W the number on the addrvss Ialw; tinned to all arrears are pa coll . . ;option of the propnetor. isjn For {ralhivx Advert g cents per 1m Bates - - non: Sccnu ' serfionâ€" milliun my cards. not exceeding ("‘10 m t“ “'“hfltl’x 5‘. "Kn advert- current week. Slbvâ€" short distance east. of Knap Wb ton Strwt, LOXVQT TD'WIL Ofice hours from 12 to :2 (jg-19w ‘J- - Igéen and George Stre Math xst Church Office ‘h- a: 2-4 n.m.. 7-9 pm. Telenhune 1’ 600 in the New Hunter Bic» honrs,8 to 1.0 a. m., to 4 p. m. p. m. Specul attention given 1 of women and children. Rest posits Presbvterian Church. um Assistant Bo: m3. gnd to GOIden Drs. lamieson Macl EYE,EAB,THROAT L. B. C. P., LONDON. BADULATE of Lond York and Chicago. om of Eye, Ear Nose and Will be 3!: Knapp House, Durm Saturday at each month. Huurs OFFICE: Over J . I]. - tyv Vof' Toronto. Gradt College Dental Surgeons ofOnt: Dentistry in all its Bram Ofiée.â€"Cnlder Block, over lFFICE y 333° Brand and asked the lithey might have th Th9 gentlemen showed 1 Nut ladies and never: :30 heeauee they Were .‘ “1'" night aid the 131 (a usual. were F‘ part sad if they c ' 3' x - as gueefully a 1 ._ svskste there is m ~7ft_|lere should be '. ' next winter. ARBISTER, SOLICIT! Ofice over Gordons no 8m. Lower Town Durham. d' monev to loan at 5 per ce ,FFICE AN‘D .HYSICIAgANp SURGE U mymcers Notarv Public to Loan at Lox'west Rites. ‘ 0508. cIntyre Block, 0v Bank. Ill-hm. Qumrio. A. H. Jackso OTARY PUBLIC, co 91'. ponveyanqer. c_. L‘ or, Conveyancer.‘ \K'c. 4803111. . Money to Loan. 15 “I39 Licenses, A general 21' V U hOnce!- for the County of bran} fly attended to. order; :tuhu Implement ‘Naremgms stand, or at the Chronxcle â€"_ .There were great» doi mks: Friday night. 1 Iii-r” .: - I. - J- F. GRANT, D» D0 S" [ONOR GRADUATE, U EDITOR Nov. 9.36:}. W. F. Dunn, ARRISTER. somcm moming' DURHAM. ONT. (Lowe: Arthur Gun, Dr. W. C. Pickeri Dentist. Dental Dirac/1‘70 DR. BROW? momenta. ‘0 should be I)“ Leap Year at Wi: ilities f0 work. : 13, From St.. Owen SOT i5 complf‘n'l KE‘V TYPE Legal ’Dz'redo. AND RESIDE N t. Roy. London Opbtl olden Sq. Throat and SPECIALIST : Miscellaneou- . {RVVIN l. P, Telford Street DR. BURT. ".3â€" ordere years a to the, ()f RES] DENC DC ROPRI ETO‘ s; - ureets hours- )I 51118 PM

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