West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Mar 1908, p. 8

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The People’s Store Hardware Specials Staple Dry Goods “U W Butcher Knives were .I \Vash Boilers .............. $1.98 Large Bread Pans ....... â€". . . .191: Reâ€" tinned preserving Kettles 13c Cake Pans ............ Gravy Strainers ...... Cake Cutters ......... . Sap Pails ............. ,m'ze Doc Friday and Saturday only ‘7' s. Granulated Sugar. on Sat. the 14th .................... $1.00 4 Extracts, assorted reg. 10c ea. for ........................... 5c :1 Jelly Powders reg. 10c for...:’..5c 41‘63. good Starch reg. 8c 11).. 25c 4 packages Com reg Sc for 250 3 Quickshine for ............. 23c 2 bottles reliable shoe polish. 15c ‘V . Canned Meats. Chick: I), Ham 'g soonâ€"select it now, and get it Beef 01' V 831 Lnaf ............ 106 {at a wving of” 9" ”per cent Men and B0) '8 don’t forget the Clothing Sale this week. «This IS the last week of February. Grocery Specials Rte ALEX RUSSELL .i-gains during this Sale. It ends on the 14th inst. Our store dly filling up with New Spring Goods which demands our attention. “'bile the sale has been the means of disposing . «.f gnmis fur which we are pleased, we must give way to the rn-intr hm»; (innds. \V'hite \Vear. and the famous “Sovereign 3“ )I'ing Dx'ess G06 Kls Cash or Produce while Sale lasts ..- Pudding Dishes. were 7 ....... . . . . . .......... 19¢: Strainer Pails, were 65:: ................ 491,: Spoons Di ppwl's for Pudding lothmg. d inspect our 3 ges Comreg. 8c for. .25c i ' E >d Starch reg. 8c 15. . .25c .E i shine for ............. 25c E .xhle Boilers Worth 1.35 .................. $1.15 stock of fresh Groceries always on hand POSSITIVLY YOUR Difii‘eso were New Stock if you have not alreadv done .so. 30;: now ..4c .llc 5'? I Table Linen, unbleached. 64ins 1” ‘ widv, Polka. Dot, flm'al border, 11' worth 60c now ............... 450 5X: ' Good patterns. unbleached, 54in wide. worth 450 now. . . . ..... 29¢: II". 1 Child’s set of White Furs, worth $5.50, now ...... " 1 Ladies’ Gray Throw, was 9.3 Bleached, 571115. Wide, raised satin svmll and flower worth 50c for .......... . ...... .........39c Bleached (Bins. wide, raisedlsa- tin scroll and flower. “orth 750 nnw .......................... 49c ‘ Furs. Anything that is]left in 1 furs will be sold if you 'know ‘ .vhat a snap in furs mean. nnw. . ........................ 49c 15!) yds. of Chintz 36mm wide, was 15c now ................ 12§c Cotton Bans, clean stock 3 for 1'70 yds. Cretonne. maxiy colors. was 12.30 now ................ 30 23 (102. lmlies",smumer vests. all sizes and kinds to be disposed of this week. See them. Ribbons and Lace: on display this week. All was} goods novelties for this season on display at from 12a: to 16¢ per yd. Wall Paper. You’ll need soonâ€"select it now, and get at a saving of 25 per cent. it Furnishings. ruff and muff, You know from daily expe- rience, at borne or in the barber shop, that the question isâ€" “ Why doesn’t-a razor hold its edge uniformiy from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open-bladed razor does not alter the question. You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready for instant use the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razoris the only razo‘r uncondition- ally guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of study on the :azor situation has perfected a new secret process of £150 TRIO TEMPERING that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metalâ€"giving 3 dia- mond-like hardness uniformly throughout the bladeâ€"some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steelâ€"used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own homeâ€"or if you prefer, have your barber use it on you. Give us your name. or call and see the “Carbo Magrietic" razor, and we will state our proposition for test- ing these razors withoug obligation on your part to purchase, together with our free booklet “ Hints on Shav- ing.” ) This book illustrates m2 cerrect razor position for ehaving every part of the face. DOW ........ To enable all to learn. we teach on cash or instal-‘ meat plan. We also teach a pereonal class at school once a. monthâ€"class commencmz last Tuesday of put together any meat. from the whine st shirt waiet suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole tanuly can learn from one course. We have taught over 7.000 dressmakers and guarantee to the $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of )4 and 40. You cannot learn gressmakinz as thorough ‘ ' â€"Iâ€" ‘..- l-- ‘7‘!- 5 U“ Wuuua lvu- .- . ‘----._â€"__ ,3: this course teaches it if you work in shops for ' veers Beware of imitanons. as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only expenenced Dress Cutting School in Canada. and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once. for parâ€" ticulars. a we have cut our rate one-thud for a. short time. Address SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Erie Street. Sauteed. Ont. Canada. 1 WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decided l to Instruct. and employ a number of smart ‘yonqg Inches to teach our course in Dress- mahng. havmg one teacher tor the six genres: tom wherethpy Eyeâ€"age?) to 35. M-"' 'v" vâ€" vâ€". __. _ Those who hnve worked at dresginking, or hkeg draying preferred. Please do not In Yqut Spare Time at Home, Take a Personal Course at School. 0118 to mention. To be sold cheap. Sold by W. BLACK, Durham “fl..-“ râ€"vâ€"vwâ€"vâ€"v â€" â€"v __v _ unless von_ an devote flit whoié THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Ont. 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Twitmeyer, of that place performed the ceremony, which was very quietly : conducted, only the immediate friends ' and relatives of the contracting parties being present. Messrs. David Gibson, brother of the bride and Allan Cameron, were groomsmen, and the bride’s sister, Miss Ida Gibson, and Miss Kate Me Arthur were bridesmaids. On the same evening after the reâ€" turn of the happy couple a wedding‘ party was given at the home of the bride's father. Mr. James Gibson, to which a small number of the bride and groom’s most intimate friends had been invited. Dancing and games pwere indulged in and after a most sumptuous wedding repast. which was served at twelve o’clock, f6- tivities were continued till an early The large number of beautiful and1 costly wedding presents, attmts the esteem in which the bride and groom are held. and the CHRONICLE extends its congratulations and wish them many years of married bliss and hap- piness. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nowell. of Bentinck. assembled at their home about two miles north of ’here on Tuesday evening, and, on [the eve of their departure to reside tin Glenelg. presented them with two 3 beautiful Mtrris chairs as a mark of: gthe esteem in which they were held. iln addition. Mr. Newell wa« present» mad with a handsome pipe. Mr. Thos “Lauder read the address. and the presentation Was made at the proper itime by Meadames Morton and Mil- I burn to Mrs Newell, and by Mr. 'Thos. Turnbull to Mr. Newell. The folzowing is the addiess: To MR AND Mas NEWELLzâ€" ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. It is with deep regret that we, vcur irienda and neighbors have teamed of your intention of leaving here and removing to some dietance from us. We have lived here together all our lives, grown up together, worked tOgecher, enjoyed ourselves together. and in all that time you have proved yourselves friends indeed. Always ready to give cheerful as istance whenever needed, to excend the glad hand in our joys and give sympathy in our sorrows. Your removal from armngsc us will leave aoblank which can-not be filled. \Ve could not let you go without expressing something of our sorrow at parting with you and so we are with you to night to spend a social time with you. to bid you good-bye and wish you God Speed on your way. IARRIBD In HANOVER In going from us we would likel you to have some tangible token of the love and esteem in which you are held by your old friends and neigh- bors, and so we would ask you to re ceive these smallgifts at our hands as remembrances of us all when you are far away. And now we bid you go ad-bye wishing you and yours every succ‘ess in your new home, a pleasant journey through life, and at last may ‘ we all meet in the better land where parting is no more. Signed in behalf of the friends and neighbors. Tuos. TURSBULL Boer. MILBURN Rom. WATsox WM. VESSIE SR. ALEXANDER Memos Mr. News-ll though taken complete 1y by surprise responded to the ad dress and after a most sumptuous supper the party enjoyed themselves to their utmost capacity till a late hour with song. speeches and music. AUCTION SALE 0f Farm Property I have received instructions to sell by Public Auction at the Middaugh House, in the Town of Durham. on Friday, March 20th, 1908, 3:2 o’clock p.m.. sharp, the farm. being composed of Lot. 6. Concession 2. Township of Egremonc. in the County of Grey, containing one hun- dred acres, more or less, known as the Robert. Hillis Farm. There is said to have been 2‘) acres under cultivation some time ago; some more land could be cultivated when cleared, the balance is better! suited for pasturing land. A never-' failing spring creek runs through the farm. There is a 10g house about 20:30 on the property. The farm is partly fenced with cedar rails; and there is plenty of cedar on the farm to fence it all, and some to dispose of. There is also a considerable quantity of other timber on the place The farm is situated about two miles from Varney Post Ofice and about five and one-half miles from Durham market and station. TERMS OF SALE zâ€"Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance in 3C days. 60‘]3 of purchase price may remain on mortgage for five years at 6%. Further particulars will be ‘made known on day of sale. JOHN CLARK, Auctioneer, March 8rd, 1908. ”ammo” ayes”. m at boom, has: 3 BAUERâ€"GIBSONâ€"-At Hanover. on March 11th 1908. Mr. John Bauer, to hilda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, both of Durham. Cherry Pectornl for your severe cough or bronchial trouhie, then take it. If hehns anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, iwhen you once know it. , DIED. BOTTâ€"In Durham, on Sunday, March 8th, 19%, Mrs. Eliza Bott, aged 71: 1 years : FIDDISâ€"In Owen Sound, on Saturday, 1 March 7th, Bella McDougall, wife os‘ John Fiddis. W ILLI ansâ€"At Tisdale, Sask" Thurs- day. February 20th. 1908, Leslie, son of Mr. and \Irs. Guy Williams, aged 1 year. 2% days. W'ILLIAMsâ€"Ac Tisdale, Sash, Sunday February 23rd 1908, Annie, daughter 1 house, situated on the west sidu Gara- f.axa Street. in upper town. large lot with stable. firrevclass well. also cietern. Apply on premises. Angus Cameron, {312a wo SIOREY DOUBLE £35m: EN AND WOMEN TO PAW ‘UAP Massey Harris Agency Having secured the Agency for the Massey-Harris Manufacturing Co., of Toronto, I am prepared to supply to the Farmers of the vicinity, all implements of their make. such as :â€"Binders. Mowers, Seeders. Rakes, Scufflers, Plows, Manure Spreaders, Hay Loaders, side delivery Hay Rakes, Hay Tedders. Hay Forks and Slings, Bain Wagons, Pulpers. Land Rollers, Cream Separators etc. Besides, we handle the best makes of Pianos. Organs, the De Lavel Cream Separators, Harness and different makes of Buggies. Separator Oil, Heavy Machine Oil, American and Canadian Goal Oil. Sewing Machine Needles and Rubbers for Massey- Harris, De Lavel and Oxford Cream Separators. Eéafifiwafiamafiw’fiaa "4-3 Seasonable Drug Store : ' E Goods m mam always in stock. iheir subscriptions to the Chronicle . J. McFadden, Agent, For Sale. Wanted syr'up White Pine Comp. “Darlings” 25¢: per bottle. DARLINGS’ DRUG STOR- . D Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 50¢ per pint. Aseptoplasm Poulticé for Cold and Bronchitis. 350 and 60c tins. Syrup Hypophosphite, “Darlings” 50c: and $1.00 per bottle. Imperial Laxative Quinine Tablets 25¢ per box. ALL REPAIRS CASH GRASS CLOVER SEEDS “Government Is the first and strongest re- commendation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed. The price is a. second consider- ation when estimating its value Selection and Preparation and worth. When comparing both the Quality and Price of any seeds we ofler. they will be found in the buyers best inter- Hardware, Grain 6: Seed merchant. Qualities in Red and Alsike c10- ver and Timothy seed has given unqualified satisfaction. The most persistent care is given to supply the Highest. Quality and Purity obtainable. All clover and Tlmothy Seed offered un- der our special brands as “Government Standard." are prepared to comply with the Seed Act, for N0. 1 Quality. “'e decline to purchase rough and uncleap seed, and I-etuse anylot. containing such nnxinus weed seed that cannot be clear- ed, to comply with the Seed Act. Call and examine them for yourself. Higher prices paid kinds of Grain. Standard” . S. HUNTER Durham Ontario 'or all r J. \Vest ‘ NBULT Chas. :ialiStn on ThUPSdayv WERT'S Hair nesutn-ex- mm .1.” o . ‘ l dad or gray hall‘ to Its natuuu c010 .- - hottle at MacFarlanv’s. Fm! ONE large 12x14 Photogx'uy iven free with each duzen n' This offer is [nu ”St long‘”F- V“'7- helfiey, (1 pay your Bub. if ya Mail and Empixe fnx m1“. nnvilefle Will 50011 L‘ Q n Posrrn'ELY the last (“hum-.- Jc hosiery values at 2599, ( my airs of each size left. Plain :1: vroidered ladies. hose and :xth ‘L‘ "““m 0‘ Qualitv. H. U. )1 TEE Gordon property up In een purchased by Mr. Alma. nick, 0f the Canadian 5mg [cpormick who has hem \\ J ergue [3601319 for some }'c:n'~ lown on a visit. abottle at Macram- :ant,eed and harmless THE annual meeting n1 Errey Rifle Association will ;he Town Hall. Durham. ( evening. 23rd inst. at 51' CHAS. J. \VESTERN. Kym; ialist, of Toronto, will be at 1 Drug Store, Durham. on Ti March 26th. for («nusultmimn the snow blockade. mu 1': y \\ ppointments with him on his . isit hex-aware unable In kw bDendance is requested. “resident. Roi-utfll‘ox-ry. and others, not thiuking 1h :1 A ‘ able to make Cmmw 1 mm way. Hence this return \ i~i Miss DICK announces m I bat h\er fifteenth semi~mnm ry openings will be held on .ay and Thursday next at hm- ooms on Lambbon Strcet. s} v most cordial invitatimx :Easter hats for men are her King hat, the Borsalixw a! s.â€"-â€"The House of Quality. H. l .tbend them. WE are in receipt 111' >11111v- p.11 ing gufi' from T. M. 1.2212}. Agent for 1111- 191-117}. 5-?11-5. 1001110811133 He sucks11~ 11:1. .'1~ 1 7we can figure, just 12.1 '11:“ ~. .211 that 3 COPY Of 0111 publimd 1' 1111 ing the notice wi1111 39316 at the Pl‘illt‘Cé‘ 1111 '1‘121'.‘ \Vednesdayneu. Atom 111‘ the notice would 111‘1 11> i144 and. needless to 511}‘. 11-111; CHRONICLE is in pm'inqb ;1~ 00ndition financially as 111w 1'1 <1 itdoesn’t fee-[able In 5111911 «1'1 Perseatto see Fritzi 31-11141". Other old chef, do :1 (i 1*1'111111. v.1} t‘Q-thetum! of “111 the >11z11‘1v Old Apple Tree." \Vt rung“! anl 00 havmg 81.1131 :‘r w} 11 Press Agent as 311'. 1.1 ."11\. :3 mmweatbet c}' 9 «1111.1: 1(1 Who ‘hit on his 111111 1111 M9» 30 long. 11117.2. 4 when time and “1 11 1 111‘ Mt 0n the present de: 11. “'1 .1 just 8 lime Lem 3'. l SALVATIOX Alm)’ 54.41% 30!!!! \V. Haydelivmmi :u‘ mi an Baptist. chum-h 11414 4411‘ Eight 135$ to a \4~1\ mu xvi Wave audiem e. Hi> 4 “Warm“! the B. (. Indimr “my chalk“ [611‘ l(_\ 4»! iY box holder in Durh d my announcement )usineSS. Those who h at. one by asking for i: Merchant Tailor. lak- Having li\'9d:imun;.:.~1 I». gne time in the Skeenu i‘ M13 Hay had learned 5: “their language. thvix- man MS, and the Chungtrd C , ’ ‘5 about through Hm. Igh they were adVisvd 21‘ Elves With other chum d 00 do so. and askw‘ 9" GOOd'WOI‘k ammlgs ”PM. and the mum" Niall is being mm-h 608991 influem e. A t ”duets were sung c 5' Whitth were much a ‘ ce. Captain ‘ ‘ ~ isquibeen " m‘ ‘ a D ‘ . , 'h 5‘ .;,,.,’» ., ' , \ .n w M . ..,~._,. 1 . . .â€" ‘ ' ‘ ‘ {‘8 “81' 15 W’l‘ ‘- . . .‘w .. Western. Eyesight sday, March 26th in Durham I graph will of out on She ex tO‘VI \V )Od

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