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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1908, p. 1

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' d strongest re. to every buyer y kind of seed. second consider- mating its value 'hen comparing ity and Price of er. they will be yers best inter- y seed has given F and Alsike clo- tisfaction. The 'nment ndard 99 it care is given to ghest Quality and iablté. A" Clover kparation Ver Oil HUNTER gency ER’S CLOVER tle. STORE. Cold and : tins. rlinszs” nt. Tablets uality lm‘zs ran as wi t Durham Ontario tuse un- are the {I US 0058!?“ ‘ m Darling S HURRY News AROUND TOWN lr 2:th “3 g up and pay your sub. if you at the Mail and Empire for a. g The privilege will soon be r Chas JD IQ! 'has. J. \Vestern, Eyesight, 11 Thursday, March 26th, Drug Store. hat 14 Photograph will be em'h dozen of our best nfi‘er is too good to {11' s for men are here. the Borsaline and 1:38 of Quality, H. H. Lil' Restorer restores .r to its natural color. MacFarlane’s. Fully 1109. Captain Hay. like I'kers. is quite enthusiastic, riptive power is gcod. \' \\‘ in Durham has ncement of new se who have not ng for it. J. A. wry interested and ‘:;«‘e. His subject. 1;. ('. Indians," dealt! ‘.v1«.'1'is‘.i(rs (if the Red \‘ed :uunngst them for ‘ 1e Skeena River dis- :ui learned smnethingl 9. their manners andi .e changed conditions 'hrnugh the influence e methods of the army mt they desired. and were advised to identify :1 other churches they w. and asked for the Work amongst them is md the natural state of being much improved nfluence. A number of .were sung during the . were much appreciated > SS.- bet hum \\ 1 men lin ax in this issue nnual millin- on \Vednesâ€" ', her millinery ‘. She extends M1) to all to H 19x. McGov- Sou. Mr. -n with the ears. is now we to buy Only a few Ditl \' who mat ll 10min the Son be held n own u'nd 9111-! JUST arrived, the first lot of Salem 1‘5 50x.â€"â€" white waists. Call and see them. )Iockler. They defy description.-â€"The House of Quality, H. H. Mockler. \\' t \V‘ ght Spec- Darling's Th ursday, '3. Owing address in on Monday nested and U Monday D Telford st of 'cm [It [1d ll‘ 01' any ie-walk of the :utulaue to two wou ll It them, ~21 wake 11d will 1’ those ()pern Iltilill- we fee bud I Mrs. (Rev.) Newton delivered a. lec- urh‘ ture on "India" in Mount Forest on .1 at \\ ednesday last, on an invitation d: u extended by all the xeligious denomin- rate 1. Val FOR Saturday only. more linen toweling at 5c per yd.â€"H. H. Mockler. VON, CARR’S Headache Cure never fails. 25¢ a box at MacFarlane’s Drug Store. )tain sing JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A shipment of Tud- hope buggies and Adams’ wagons.â€"A. B. McLellan. the 1 9'2 CARR’S Little Liver Pills, gentle yet effective. Two boxes for 25c at Mac- Farlane's Drug Storeâ€"4 DIVISION Court was held yesterday, Judge Widdifield presiding. The docket was very small. “'15 will hold our spring millinery openings \Vednesdsly and Thursday, March 25th and 26th.â€"S. F, Morlock. tllt EASTER will soon be here. Let us Show you materials and trimmings for your new spring suitâ€"Tim House of Quality. 01' BE sure to visit our millinery Show rooms “'ednesday and Thursday, March 25th and 26th, and following days.-â€"â€"-S. F. MOI-lock. DON’T for Dick’s mill held on V next. ery parlors day. Marc f-)llowing (l THE newest styles in spring milliuery will be found at S. F. Morlock’s millin- ery parlors on \Vednesday and Thurs- da v. March 25th and 26th, and .LtiOllS there. \VANTEDâ€"About n nil f1 om an old can 1 ball door at the tm wi t bout references at place. am" time at s Queak, the nmnager. A§in teresting and much appreciated sermon was delivered in the Methodist church last Sunday evening by Rev. B. J. Butt, of Uraik, Sask. )lr. Butt czune east to attend the funeral of his ‘ mother. and his time being limited he. turned for home on Saturday morn- ing. On arriving at Toronto he found himself late for the train to North when he decided to return to spend the day with his , friends here. The Methodist congre- gation were delighted with his address A- -7: mm ha aim] to welcome him again PC Buy. . Durham and ll) “'IHLE in Ottawa last week Mayor Calder and Councillor John H. Brown Were. show'n a plan of the proposed armory building to be erected in Dur- ham. The building. Mr. C alder thinks, would cost in the neighborhood of n or eight thousand dollars, generosity of the Government having enlarged somewhat since they talked of a three thousand dollar structure. The Mayor says the plan gives a fine and would be quite an and very little ent institu- SBVE‘ appearance, ornament to the town as it is a Govermn ted and maintained at their The question of a site yet ' hangs fire in the Council. Rather than lose our chance for an armory. it I would be Well to arrive at some kind Eof decision of a suitable site. and let ' the Government get to work the com. l a ing summer. \ expense, tion. erec ‘ expense. gntinn were md Will be 'm the near THE delegation to Ottawa, consisting , of Mayor Calder and Councillor Brown, '11 anything definite ' has not resulted 1 up to the present time. Though t-hel Company’s engineer, Mr. Darling. ex-l | pressed in a public meeting here that," i the cost of putting ingates would not| l'differ miterially from the cost of an ielecwic b'ell,’ nor would the cost of lkeeping :1 man to attend gates and!l maintain the. same differ much from. Company, before the Commission at. Ottawa, objected to the gates on ac-; count of cost of maintenance. They1 would prefer to bring a full stop before reach- °on bring in an order hat the result will told, but it is Up=to=date I’T forget to remember that Miss : millinery openings are to be on “Wednesday and Thursday 85's. glad to we future. About two squix ts of good the lump hall. Apply ’ences at the abuve-nmned ime a Sh()\\' is on, to S. md would be quite {111‘ he town and very little is a Government institu- amd Iiiaintaint-d at their 2 question of a site yet 1e Council. Rather than .nce for an arnmry. it to arrive at some kind 'asuitable site. and let ant get to work the com- ' Mr. and Mrs. T. Moran attended the funeral of their niece at Hamilton. Messrs. Reggie and Fred Kelly, of Toronto, attended the funeral of their grandmother. Job Work Donea‘t the Chronicle Office. Rev. W. Farqnharson and Mr. John ‘ Bell attended the meeting of the Sem-1 geen Presbytery. on Thursday last. i Mr. George \Villoughby, of Elm- woud, was in town last week. attend- ing the funeral of his wife’s mother, Mrs. Eliza Bott. ' Mr. Fred Bott. Lamlash, and Rev. B. J. Bott, of Craik, Sask., attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Eliza Butt. Miss Banks, of North Bay, has been visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Porter, and other friends for the past two or three weeks. Miss Hutton, of Brampton, is spend- ing a. few weeks holiday with her brother. Dr. Hutton, before completing her course as a nurse at Fergus Hospital. Dr. Thomas Kelly and Mrs. Kelly, of Omaha, Nebraska, attended the funeral of the farmer’s mother, and are spendingafew days with friends here before returning. THE scissor artist (m a. country paper has now the right to class his vocation as a science if one may judge from some of the exchanges that turn up weekly at. the CammeE office. Only last Week we noticed. in one paper alone. three articles that: had their 333 now the “ght to class hls vocation The announcement of the result of as a science if one may judge from Burnsâ€"-Roche fight which was re- some of the exchanges that turn up ceived by special message by the weekly at the Lam-0’31"”? othce. Only CHRONICLE, was a good drawing card, 135‘ week “'9 I‘S’L‘CC‘L in one paper and great satisfaction was expressed alone, three articles that had the'r'when it was made known birth in this office. but which were re- The followin is the list of rize produced and slung out to the readers winners and Clix-motel repre‘entofd ' . I u o o a 0. . ‘ ( I . .3 . I of that particular paper as original Fancy Costume Ladyâ€"Miss Efiie matter. Knowing full well that, in Hunter as Poppy Character Cos- the news a er business, “filchin i ’ . . ' t ( ‘ i ', . . p p ,, g S mineâ€"MissJemima bannders, lNavaJo the sincerest form ”f flattery. we are Ladies’ Comic \Iiss I audelle Lauder . , 1 -; 1 . , notahttlepnfl’od npovor the inattexokmmv Men’s Fancy Geo O'ttton and don‘t intend to register too strong‘ Indian Men’s Comicâ€"Ere d G1 ass, la kick against the guilty parties thiSi-lteli-zn Organ Grinder Clownâ€"\Iet‘le ' . 'ee in , old al. and i t i .‘ ' . I . ‘ tune . 1‘ p .t p . p . f \Vhitmore. ISoys’ Race. under 14~ ~there1s anytlungin this article you “etc Saunders R Saunders Over L o 5 L. o t to consider meritorious Von are erfectlv . , .. _ , ° F , ,' ll--\V . Lavelle. A. Saunders. welcome to swxpe 1t too We Will ______.____ OBITUARY. have our editorial eye open for it. " OUR Spring Bank correspondent has broken out. again in Spring poetry. Better *hat than obituary stuff, which goes in this paper only at ten cents a line. \Ve have no Objection to Obitu- ary poetry in some other paper or from some other town, but the fierce efforts of some of the self-constituted ohituztriy poets is bound to bring re- proach on the dead and their friends. 1whom we wish to save from any l unnecessary obloquy. \Ve have had some obituary poetry that would make the angels weep. and we have had spring poetry that would make even a crocodile shed tears. _ Our Spring Bank correspondent is a. good 1mm. and if he gives us an innocent skit occasionally we’ll not turn him down. He is 2» good correspondent, and we want him to stay with it. 'l.‘mc Horticultural Society had a, (‘1 very profitable lecture in the town hall t on Friday evening of last week. For 1 over an hour Prof. Hutt, of the Ontario Agricultural College. addressed the 1 audience on the Value of Horticulture and how to beautify our homes. In ( introducing himself. he referred to the : pleasure he had in appearing before a 1 Durham audience. It was seventeen 1 years since he first tried to address a ‘ public audience. and that audience ‘f iseventeen years ago was a Durham audience. He referred very forcibly to the embarrassment under which he was placed. and how his ideas left him at one point in the address. He rc- membered also with pleasure the en- couragement given by a member of the audience who told him to “Go ahead, young mrn, you’re doing Well.” This caused him to get a fresh hold of his subject, and he had no more such embarrassing failures. Mr. Hutt is not an orator but a plain matter-of- l Remember the sale under distress f or rent, at the premises lately occupied by “The Holstein Supply 00.” Sale on \Vednesday, the 25th day of March, l 1908. at one p.111. J OHN CLARK, Bailiff. DURHAM, PERSONAL. BAILIFF’S SALE. 0NT., THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 1908. BURNS WINS 1N FIRST ROUND Successfullv Defendngitle against Jem Roche. of Ireland. (Special to the Chronicle.) Dublin. March l7Lh.â€"â€"Burns won in the first, nound, knocking Roche out. in the first, half minute. The second and last skating carnival of the season: under the auspices of the 31st Regimental Band, was held in the rink on Tuesday evening, and. as on the former occasion. a most enthu- siastic crowd of jolly. fun-seeking maskers and spectators assembled to do honor to the occasion, and incident- ly drop a few dimes into the Band’s treasury. The costumes, the most interesting i part of the program, and the part ' everyone turned out to see: were the : best ever seen here, and those who i won prizes had to go some to land the i Over seventy brilliantly costumed ladies and gentlemen were on the ice and the judges had no sinecure in dis- ltrihuting the prizes. so great was the I rivalry in the various classes. DURHAM’S BEST CARNIVAL. MRS. JOHN KELLY. ; The death of Mrs. John Kelly, which loccurred here on Saturday, removes another of the pioneers of Durham. She was born in the County of \Vick- low. Ireland. in 1820. and was thereâ€" fore in her 88th year. In 1847 she was married to Mr. John Kelly, who died 37 years ago. In 1856 She came to Canada with her husband and settled in this town, where Mr. Kelly took charge of the Edge mills, holding the position till the time of his death in 1871. After the death of her husband she remained in town. for the past fourteen or fifteen years in the home of her son. Mr. John Kelly. Manager of the Standard Bank. The family consisted of fonrsons, Dr. Thos. Kellv, of Omaha: John, of this town; Dr. James Kelly, deceased three years ago. and Albert, who died last June. n For the past three or four years the 1' deceased was an invalid, most of the [1 time entirely helpless. She was a life . long member of the English church, and a woman who was held in the e highest esteem, not only by members he of her own church, but by the Whole community. The remains were inter- ‘8 red 'luesday in Trinity church ceme- a tery, the Rev. A. A. Bice conducting n the services. It is just three years a . since the remains of Dr. James Kelly :8 wexeinterred in the same plot, both in funerals being on the 17th of March. v .--_ J v - ._â€". GCroâ€"a- - At the meeting of the Saugeen Presbytery held at Mt. Forest on March 12th, the Rev. A. Thompson, of Rothsay, was appointed moderator for the ensuing year. The resignation of Rev. M. 0. Cameron was accepted and Rev. S. Young was appointed interim moderator. Much sympathy was ex- pressed for Mr. Cameron in the serious illness that has necessitated his resig- nation. .. '7 1-11 A...) 1).... Hutu)”. Rev. Campbell, Kendall and Far-' quharson, and elders from Arthur .‘vIoorefield and Drayton, were appoint- ed Commissioners to the Assembly, “'innipeg. hearty congratulations were offered to the Moorefield congre- gation on their having reached the self-sustaining standing. Much of‘ their success is, no doubt, due to the: labors of D. L. Campbell, under wnose ministry the advance has been made. \Vhen he took charge two years ago they were receiving a grant of $150.00, now they raise the whole amount and are planning an increase in their minister’s salary. / PBESBYTERIAN MEETING AT MT. FOREST. i The New Spring i J. J. HUNTER g rm: any 52mm; on THE BUSY CORNER. Practically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-dat-e. Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. Waists Sole Agent; for Progress We extend to the ladies of Durham and vicinity a cordial invitation to visit our show-rooms, on Wednesday and Thursday, March 25th and 26th and following days, when we Will submit for your inspection a most complete range of the for spring wear, including Stylish Trimmed Pattern Hats, Ready-to- \ \" ears and Mlllmery INOVHUGS. THE BU8Y STORE ON THE BU8Y CORNER. Have you seen Our range of Cash and one price Very Newest Styles Japanese Silk Waists 9/7/!\\\ Brand Clothing. Black and Brown at. lowest prices.

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