West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1908, p. 3

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Reps !e’s Mills hs’kfilksuzflkfl 8" 'RY FLOUR . Grant? {EA} kets and muffs 3H.” 'OUI' ,on iaCt cArthur LI "SI me (Box 165) EREIGN cent LIPSE m TH KEEP Mar. 19‘ dun-ed DI’ICCS. “rial Lots Gowan. Subject" Eht at Market IS our make of m the market. (ed Cho , Pea 1 Feed g’lour. lour in 5 and ‘avis ” is the very Day 90k or two 5 not cheap 59“ : but 5 mid Stifl nd! mt. some !SGOU[SB tolhand, ever seen est: brands feed ana sale. If it come to \011 right. \0. S. fir “oods: at :er wheaL- r making are the nade from )t be beat astic use. 1 WflDE h 'fthe in town. felt hat E On tario rsc class more from com- for a Hats zinal 403 011 r $88 Table Linen. 68in. Wide. unbleached 301) yaxd. Table Oilcloth, 45in. wide, 250 yard Flm)!‘ Oilcbth. 1 and 2 yards wide 35c sq. yard. Linoleum... 2 yds. Wide, 37§c sq. yd, vam Rugs 60x3), 311) each. SmY!‘ MUM Ca warm New quk _ _AA-_ AND Emve worked edges coop: 250 one. Lz'mlm :u‘L-Ct’ 5i" ° .. ,e whxte counts gum} value. rpane, 1.40 able Linen 54' , m. wide u , nbleached “‘3 ROS: s and Reindeer But Flowers Stimtific‘flmgrim The Big Have You any Old Worn Silver? :. Linen. 51in. wide, bleached C ;,.- vard. Briti 5“ Canadian Business College. \___â€" For Flours Wide, our New Prints and Ginghams. He Sells Cheap W. H. BEAN GEO. YIIRS. ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS «to. '2 din: a sketch and descflnflnn may "fun our opinion free whether an t~rwhn§ 2y pnwnmble. Communicap ‘-:::=:.-::ti.~;l. HANDBOOK on Patents ‘. ..-_ :ngmu-y fur securmg patents. ,Aw1 mmugh Munn a. C0. receive ', v; 1' hour. Chilflie, in tho bee. 625 F St... Washington. D. c: Me’s Grocer) nem'iSION STORE 3, ZYdS. long. at 250 pair iex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. LETT, Florist 311. Forest. ulusfmtt'd7veekli. Largest Etr- r scientific journal. Terms to: year, postage prepaid. Sold by 3% Plants al Designs and a! Decorations 1 kinds on test notice. Lionel Bread Floor Trainingâ€"Small Cost. itinns, Free Catalogue. rybody Welcome. arson. B. A., Corner Yugo 3001' Streets, TOM“ ry also other well brands of Flour- vou what you wan. 1nd our prices right. in nmv while AND it m prepare 11 ways give sans clipse ‘6 u-anteed. 66 66 Calder Block. H It} [ion \\' isfies the Ill £\LE-'. who will 66 b‘ 6o Worry, overwork, over-study and indigestion cause insomnis. Healthy, natural sleep cnn’t be produced by drugs. First. the blood cironlntion must be improved. ' It’s becsuse Ferrozone eqnslizes circulation. because it soothes the ir ritation, because it. removes congest. ion the: i: does cure insomnia. Congestion of blood in the hand must be retracted. Irritation in the buin must be re- lieved. For building food and nerve, for instilling force and life into over worked organs, for establishing strength and vitality, where can you find anything so sure as Fen-ozone. Remember, sleep is just as impor- tant as food. You must sleep. or break down. You can if you’ll use Ferrozone and thereby remove the conditions which now keep you from sleep. Fen-ozone is not a narcotic, not a dope; it is a health giving tonic that any child or delicate woman can use. Absolutely safe is Fen-ozone. Take it. for a month. take it for a Yearâ€"no harm, but immeasurable good will result. To sleep well, look well, feel well. to be free from depression, nervous (less or bluesâ€"use Ferrozone. It’s a food tonic, a healer to the weak and wretched. a boon to the sleeplessâ€" sold everywhere in 5300. boxes. EXPERIMENTS WITH FARM CROPS. The members of the Ontario Agri cultural and EXperimental Union are. pleased to state that for 1908 they are prepared to distribute into every Township of Ontario material for experiments with fodder crops. r00ts, grains, grasses, clovers and fertiliz ers About 2,200 varieties of farm crops have been tested in the Experi mental Department of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, for at least five years in succession. These consist of varieties from nearly all part. of the world, some of which nave done exceedingly well in the carefully conducted experiments at the College and are now being dis tributed free of charge for co opera tive eXperiments throughout Ontario .l‘he lollowing is the list of co opera tive experiments it. agriculture for 1908 :â€" or Japanese Beans ...... 9â€"Three varieties of Husking Corn ................... lOâ€"Three varieties of Mangeis. llâ€"l‘wo varieties Sn ar Beets for feeding purposes ..... lflâ€"Three varieties of Sweedish ' annips ................ Iiiâ€"Two varieties Fall Turnips l4â€"Two varieties of Carrots.. . loâ€"Three varieties of Fodder or Silage Corn .......... IBâ€"Three varieties of Millet. . . l7â€"Three varieties of Sorghum 18â€"Graes Peas and two varie. ties at Vetches .......... l9â€"Rape, Kale and Field Cab- bage . . . . .' ............. . 20 â€"Three varieties of Clover . . 21â€"Sainfoin. Lucerne and Bar- net .................... . 22â€"Four varieties of Grasses. . 23â€"Three varieties Field Beans 24â€"Three varieties Sweet Corn 26â€"Fertilizers with Sweedish Tiirnips ................ 27-Sowing Mangels on the lev- el and in drills .......... ZSa-Two varieties of Early Po- tatoes . . . . . ............. 28bâ€"Two varieties of medium ripening Poratoes ....... 280-Two varieties Late Potatoes 29â€"Three grain mixtures for grain production ........ 3 30â€"Three mixtures of Grasses and Clover. for hay ...... 3 The sxze of each plot in each of the first twenty~seven eXperiments and in N05. 29 and 30 is to be two rods long by one rod wide; and in No. 28, one 10d square. Each person in Ontario who wishes to join in the work may choose any one of the experiments for 1908, and apply for the same. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications are received until the supply is exhausted. It might beoweil for each applicant to make a secbnd choice, for fear the first could not be granted. All ma- terial will be furnished entirely free of charge to each applicant. and the produce wilb of course, become the Ontario Agric. College, Guelph. March 7th: ' V“uv\' property of thé person who conducts the experimept. Than Useless. Produce Kc} Per- manent Good. Barley .. .............. :2bâ€"Two varieties of Two-rowed Barley ................. 3â€"Two varieties of Hulless Barley .................. 4 -â€"Two varieties Spring Wheat Sâ€"Tbree varieties Buckwheat 1â€"-â€"Tbree varieties of Oats . . . . Za-Tbree varieties Six rowed -Two v tie-ties of Field Peas -â€"Emmer and Spelt ........ . -â€"Two varieties of Soy. 8033. Nerves Are Racked. ‘ Vitality is Lowered. Brain is Congested. Health Undermined. EXPERIMENTS 7th, 1908. . ZAYITZ, Director. PLOTS 6 EXPERIHEHTS WITH VEGE- The practical educational work car. ried on by the Ontario Agritultural College. through the Experimental Union. is now well known through- out Ontario. Thousands of maple in both town and country interested in farming. fruit growing and gardening are carrying on experiments under the direction of the College and are profiting by the experience. The seeds or plents for these ex- periments and full instructions for conducting them ere furnished free on the nnderstnnding that each ex- perimenter will report the results of his experiment at the end at the season. Owing to the great demand for the experiments with fruits and the lim- ited funds for the purchase of plants for this purposr. the supply of these for this year is already exhausted. But we have on hand a good supply of seeds for the experiments with vegetables, and hope to be able to furnish these to all interested in the growing of the best kind of garden vegetables. Three of the leading vsrieties of etch of the following kinds of vege- tables are oflered for testing this Spring, viz.. beets, carrots. onions, lettuce. early tomatoes and later tomatoes. The early tomatoes are best for northern sections where the later and better varieties cannot be de- pended upon to ripen. Any person in Ontario who wishes to join in this co operative testing may choose any one of the experi- ments above mentioned and send in his application for the seeds and instructions for conducting the same. These wil be sent by mail free of charge, but each applicant muSt agree to follow the directions furnished. and report the results at the end of the season, whether successful or act. Applications will be filed in the order they are received until the supply of seeds is exhausted. Ad- dress all applications to H. L. BUTT, Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph, Ont, Along with many Others I heartily congratulate Mr. N. \V. Campbell on the completion of his fillet year as P S. Inspecror of South Grey. May lie long~ be Spared as a leader in educa- tional affairs not only in Grey but in the Province. The frightful catastrophe near Cleveland, in which so many child- ren lost their lives, has resulted in a thorough inspection of all our schools relating to fire drill, fire escapes. epits. etc. Fire alarm boxes are to be installed in each school as soon as possille. I‘he hockey season has gone. and so has the “Robertson Cup ” It will adorn the Armory of the 28th Regi‘ ment, Kingston. Our Seniors put up a brave fight for it, but the “Tom- mies” routed our boys at both ends. However. the Juniors have come out on top. so that we haven‘t lost all our silverware. One of the most pleasing functions that it has been my privilege to at :end was a banquet given lately by the School Boa: d to the RS. teachers including the wives of the principals and of the trustees. The lady teach ers were accorded the honor of reply ing to all the toasts and were asked to Speak out “all that was in their hearts ” They did so. and some very uuereSting and profitable Speeches were delivered. The refreshments were prepared and served by the 1‘ S glrls under the supervision of the DomeStic Science teacher, and the cuisine provided Was a credit to that department of our P. Schools. We have had exceptionally fine weather this week. The mild days and frosty nights have been favorable for the gradual liquefaction of the snow, thus going a long way towards preventing disastrous floods. Our streets. however. resemble govern ment ditches bordering a country sideroad. but the street commissioner is hustlfhg around to make walking pleasanter and Safer. The discussion on the "Automobile Bill” would almost seem. on the sur face, to be a case of "The Fox and the Grapes.” However, I believe there is a real grievance, and drastic measures will have to be taken to map the reckless driving of motors along our country roads. If the government doesn’t do something. perhaps the public will take the law in their own hands, as has been done a few times here and there. It would appear from the attitude and action of some fellows. who have “dough" enough to own an auto. that they consider that the “King’s Highway" is a private turnpike. Premier Whitney hit the nail on the head in the Legislature the other day when he declared that while the auto had come to stay it was n0t entitled to equal rights on the road with foot passengers and horse vehicles. It is refreshing to have a Premier who is not afraid to “speak out in meetin’.” \Vheu a man has trouble with his stomach you may know that he is eating more than he should or of some article of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation. or that his bowels are habitually consti- pated. Take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample. Sold at Par- ker’s Drug Store. Classic City Chronicles. Cause of Stomach Troubles. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE (Saturday Night.) A man who has given all the years of his life to the unselfish pursuit of a hobby which increases the sum of human knowledge, is Mr. Joseph Townsend. Mr. Townsend used to publish the Dundalk Herald and the Grey Review in Durham} but even in those days he used to spend every possible moment in his hobbyâ€" searching for fossils. For half a cen- tury he has carried hammer and chisel and tramped in all corners of Ontario tapping the rocks, collecting and labeling his finds. When he enters a quarry or a river bed he is oblivious to all but his pursuit of geological specimens until he discov- ers with a sigh. that darkness has fallen and to further continue his labors might cause him to destroy some valuable specimen that he or another'might secure another day. A TRIBUTE TO “JOE" TOWNSEND Thousands of fossils that Mr. Townsend has collected are in the Geological survey at Ottawa and in the cnllectiens of Toronto and Mo. Gill Universities. It is perhaps fair to say that no other man in Canada has don ~ such a vast amount of per- sonal collecting, add nearly all this work he has done in half a century of discouragement and personal loss. A man move entirely unselfish in all respects it would be hard to find. Duri g the past couple of years the authorities of the University of To- ronto. recogizing his ability as a col- lector, have sent him out on summer trips. once down East and once to the Western provincesâ€"and these missions he has regarded as the great Opportunities of his life. But his lifetime services have been in no way recounized or rewarded, al- though I feel sure. many who know the man’s simple minded dev0tion to his Specialty and his ill requited la. bors, will say that the country might, through the Geological Sur vey, grant him a pension, or offer him such an appointment as Would enable him to devote his remaining days to the work in which he is so r experienced. Help Comes Quickly When Hyomei is Used for Catarrh. BEUEVES IN FIVE MINUTES- The quick rellef that comes from the Hyomei treatment for catarrh is most remarkable. Put a few drops of liquid Hyomei in the little pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. and before you have used the treat- ment (or five minutes you will notice from your catarrhal troubles. It gives a tonic healing efieot to the air you breathe, kills all catarrhal germs‘ Stops the poisonous secre- tions. soorhes the irritated mucous membrane and makes a marked im- provement in the general health. Hyomei is not a cure all; it has but one aim, the cure of catarrh and diseases of respiratory organs, When the catarrh is cured, the gen eral health is improved, for then Nature has a chance to build up the whole system. If you sufler with ofiensive breath, rising of mucous, frequent sneezing, husky voice, discharge from the nose, drOppings in the throat, loss of strength, Spasmodic coughing and feeling of tightness across the upper part of the chest. general weakness and debility. or any Other symptoms of catarrh, you should begin to use Hyomei at once. It will destroy all disease germs in the nose. throat and lungs and make a fluid: and perma- nent cure of catarrn. We positively guarantee Hyomei, nor should you buy a complete outfit. price $1 00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hoymei is sold by druggists every- where. Write for literature. B00th’s Hyomei Co., Bufialo, N. Y. (Tara Leader.) Allenford was the scene of a trag- edy Tuesday night when H. Pratt, manager of the Southampton branch of the Farmers’ Bank, committed su- icide by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver. Some time ago the Farmers’ Bank opened a branch at Allenford. doing business two days in the week and Pratt was usually in control. He arrived in Allenford at noon Tuesday. seeming- ly in his usual good spirits and transacted business that afternoon. Between ten and eleven o’clock in the evening he walked a few rods up the railway track from the statien and committed the deed. Thomas Orawford who resides in that neigh- borhood discovered the lifeless form lying on the track. and after getting assiStance the body was removed. Pratt was a young man of about twenty-six years of age, of good ap pearacc and very popular both in Allenford and Southampton. The cause for him committing the act is amystery. His mother resides in Toronto. First of all you need plenty of good bloodâ€"the red kind. Have it pure, or otherwise blotches and pimples will render your natural charms unavailing. Nothing can equal Ferrozone, either as a former of rich blood or as a skin purifier. By driving out humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just as water does outside. Because of the‘nourishment and building properties it contains. Ferrozone, brings the system to a high point. of vigor, from which shines vim, ambition, good Spirits. For good spirits. For good looks, good health, take Ferrozone, all deal- ers in 500. boxes. HAVE A GOOD COMPLEXION. SUICIDE AT ALLENFORD. The school is thoronhly equipped in teaching ebility, in chemical and clectrxcal supplies end fittings. etc. for full Junior Leaving and. Metric- nlauon work. The following competent stat! on in chsrze : Classics. Modern 8. sad English. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- nmg of the term if possible. Board can be oh- talned at reasonable rates. Durham is a health} snd active town. making it a most desirable place of residence. C. L. GRANT i At the Model Bakery DURHAM SCHOOL. T1108. ALLAN. lat Class Certificate, Prim _MI_SS I_)_01§TALDA _M_CKEI§RACHER. B. A. Seeds of (hie beautiful “ Sent: Roee ” Poppy are given ebeolutely free The Largest Stock in Durham is to be found at the Down Town Shoe Store. Call and be convinced. " In stock at moderate prices. Custom work and repairing as usual. Added to its compact- ness, is every advantage to be found in any Its Aerated Oven, changing the air therein completely, without lessening the heat a degree, gives it an immense ad- vantage over all other ranges. lts deep lire-box holds the fire easily over nightâ€"no ashes can accumulate to choke the draft. lts 'grates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. Every desirable improvement for elfecting a saving in labor. time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods â€"Plain and home-made Bread, “Buns, â€"Biscuits, â€"â€"Cakes of all kinds. â€"â€"-(l.‘lream Puffs, . â€"â€"Puf’fs. Don’t worry when you see the minister coming for tea, just ring us up, and we will supply your wants on shortest notice. Geo. H.‘ STINSON STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_‘d§ Matthews 6 Latimer gii FOR Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds TN FLOUR _ THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO., Limited KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM,_ONT. Trunks Hosiery d. S. McILRAITH 1003.81.00 per month. Chairman. McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOC HAMILTON. WHINIPEG. MONTREAL. VANCOUVER Terms Cash. Lvery Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. C RAMAGR Secretary Valises Mitts . -.-.u;.M 4%,] Experience ‘Ososus LEADS IN 1‘ BOOK-KEEPING 1 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- g ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING Club Bags Gloves and in placing all its graduaf Each student is taught separatel}E his own desk, Trial lessons for; week free. Visitors welcome. 1 wDAY and EVENING classes. Eggs same as Cash. Seeds Fri “ A large grower of poppies says: % ‘ Santa Rosa is an exceptionally fine . ‘ ture of Shirley Poppies, by far the lid, have seen. " We will give absolutely fn -. package of these seeds to every person t will send for our new handsomely [flush-3 - 1908 Catalogue. If you prefer you n"; have a package of our Canadian Gem Turij ' or Canada’ 3 Pride Tomato seed in placn the poppies. Write to-day and name your choice. Ks... Dutch _ Hunter Seed Co., Ll Business Colleg; Ayton Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba. Royal Household. in stove building is con- centrated in the Souvenir Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern cocking stoves. W. T. CLANCY, Pr" Mount Forest Suit Cases Etc. and Shoes 0! Boots K”. . COIâ€"I! I38?

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