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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Mar 1908, p. 8

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"“ I. s 'â€" I 0", v 0 2A.. 3. .1 H Six pr. Men’s Gauntlets, worth $1.25, for 90¢ Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. 1 Put on one of our “Sovereign” Brand suits and I see w hat a difierence it makes 1n vour appearance. 5’ Honestly we never saw so much suit: elegance for 23 $12. 00 or $15. 00 as we are showing this season. t0 '1111â€"-stt)11'01‘ (S)1'e1eif_1n Brand is 11 telling story It tells 111' (omiort Quzility and S111 vice. Those of 0111 customers 11110 have p1"01 ed the 11' 01th and merit of ' S01' ereiofln Brand.11'e 11 ant 1011 to tell 1' 0111 11eiO"111)018 and triends. The steady Increase in sales 111 this department is laI'Q'el1 due to the fact that one tells the other. If 10u are 11 ell pleased 111th the style and fit of this b1'a11d,tell I1 0111' iriends. What a Difference '“l muse 21111 11111 (1211's that are most perplexing to 1.11115, T119 1111111 is :111 about 1111111: 111 11' 13:11 this 113.111. 11' 1111 11 1111111 1.-l11 Dress (11111113 W 11111011 at nix >1111'11, 1 1111 11111 51-1? 911111 (1: 11' 11 11i111'1'ent displav :11111 111111151 1111111111-ti11ns 111' 1111? best 11111011911111 1: '.1111111 1 13111131.. 311.41 1111; latest 11esig'11s 111‘ the 11311111111119 111' 11181111111 It 11 ill not 1111111) s110‘1h 1 1151: 111 511901. 1111111 1 (11111111111 11 1 cu come and 1001: 1111111211 0111' 1'\11111s119 171111011. 111 811111111111 Stripes, 11111111:1s. "1‘1111'111:1s, K11:111t111111s 111111 Satin Cloths. We invite all the ladies 111 Durham and vicinity 0 see (1111' Show mg 111 dress 0'011ds.0ur prices are '911 masonable 011 all the 11011 est 111111'ics To Be Sold Cheap. ALEX RUSSELL Come and have a talk with us about them. The “Regent Suits” and “Imperial Shoes Highest Prices for Produce Just a few clothes make ! Have both won the Confidence of the People. And a number of others 1300 numerous to mention. A few Furs: Coons and Galloways. To be sold cheap. Gents’ Furnishings. LEARN Bi“; In Your Spare Time at Home. ‘ Or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn. we teach on cash or instal- ment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a monthnclass commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teach how to cut. fit and put together any garment. from the plaineSt shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole! family can learn from one course. We have taught over 7.000 dres$makers and guarantee to give $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dressmaking as thorough as this course teaches it if you work in shops tor years. Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outszde the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once. for par- ticulars. as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address ‘ SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decided to instruct and employ a number of smart young ladies to teach our course in Dress- makmg, havxng one teacher tor the six nearest towns where they live-age ‘4) to 35. Those who have worked at dressmaking. or hkes dramng preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your whole tune. Address-THE SCHOOL. Steel is iron free from dirt, air" or foreign substance fused with carbon. Carbon gives toughness steng‘n, 2-;eeness and life. I. .- 'â€" *zlfriy year’ 5 study of the razor! sitizaiion has shown a wav to add me his nest per cent of razor bled throug a secret processof ELECTRIC TENDER-I, ING giving It a uniform dia- gtii‘ man-3 Like hardness-some- 3"..- 231;. 1;; absomtciv impassable [”31 wI‘L. are ivsmpcrzd razors, [“1 land \‘I. cvare Hamburg ground. ! out Test this UNCONDITION- IRLLY GUI-IRANTEED razor at ‘. [home-or have your barber use ~- "631 you-forthirtvdavszTH- OUT GIBUGATION 1'0 PURCHASE. is?) Honm'éI-NO GRINDING When Mr. Ransom won his bride he felt properly humble at securing such a. prize, and in the after years Mrs. Ransom never allowed him to lapse into forgetfnlness of her conde scension. "You really cared for me I’m sure,” said Mr. Ransom. “That is a great comfortâ€"to think I didn’t urge you sgainat your wishes.” "James,” said Mrs. Ransom, in a tone suited to her imposing and somewhat massive appearance. “how could you ever doubt my afiection? Have 1 not told you that I had pro- posals from men who were brilliant, handsome and talented, and passing them all by. James. I choose you!” Sold by W. BLACK, Durham PLEASANT FOB. JAMES. 3323.2 23323 BY 32m THE DURHAM CHRONICLE $4 00. We are pleased to extend congrat-| nlations and best wishes of all in this 0 part to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lewis, of Orchard. The happy bride was Miss Sarah Brown daughter of Curtis King, formerly of this section. but now of Holstein. The Sacred cere mony was performed by Rev. Mr Little on March 7th at the home of the bride’s parents. Messrs. Jae. Eden, Thos.=~ Tucker end Wm. Sirrs, were amongsc the Orange-men who attended the Pro vincisl Grand Lodge of Ontario in Mt. Forest last week. In speaking of the prominent re citers at the presentation gathering. last week in our report we absent mindedly inserted the name of Mitchell in place of Miss Clara Ritchie and although we side tracked her for once she is bound to come to theiront very soon as an elocntionist as she shows rare ability for one so young. - Messrs. Jss. Lennox, Robb. Mc- Meeken and Alex Ferguson are in Owen Sound this week. as jurors. Mr. Jas. Eden was in Harriston last week helping to organize an Orange Lodge. We understand one may also soon be started in Holstein. Mr Tom Bartman has given up the idea of working the Hillis farm this year 11nd moved away h1s 63601:: last week. He will lose his day’ s ploughing by the move. Billy Bryans has got some mighty good ideas about horse buying and mighty set ones too that. aren’t changed every two or three weeks likea shirt. He has always main- tained that buying a five dollar horse never pays. Far better to put two or three dollars more to it and get a good one His boys last week thought he might wave his decision alittle for their sake and brought home one of the forbidden kind The {not that it had to be returned should non spoil the sale of it L0 others. as it Was simply the result of his cast irou rule. Mr Hugh Thompson who spent the winter with hlS sister, Mrs. Den nest, 104,618.83: week on a pn spewing trip through the western provinces. Mr. I. Quwu Of Roland. SiSk , who has been spending the winter with ma family near \Voodlund, Spent last week Vlsltlng his sister Mrs. J. H. Sharp and other friends, in this part. As he IS still a bacbolor and in good circumstances be naturally has a decided preterence for the com- pany of lady friends and of course the friendship is mutual. Mr. Pete Black was so unfortunate last, week as to lose one of his team of horses. Such a loss at; the be- ginning of seeding when a man has but the one pair, is severely fem. Messrs. Jas. Allan, Alex Allan Arch. Baird, Chas. Drumm and Wm Pettigrew, started from HOIStein last Friday morning for Souix City, to resume their duties of Stock sell- ing for a manufacturing eStablish ment. Mr Jas. Eden had some norion of accompanying them and yet mav go. on the report of brisk business. All that was mortal of Miss Edith| Allan. was laid to resc last Fridayl afternoon in Maplewood cemetery, brt pleasant inemoriee of her kind. winsome ways accompanied with feelings of sadness will remain green in the memories of her host of friends‘ for some time. And many friends. she had who praised her worth veryl highly. She had filled the place of 1 mother in the home since the illness and substquent death of Mr. Allan over two years ago, and although but U nineteen years of age she had taken a prominvnt place in church and Sunday scnool work as well as lend a ,helping hand to all good purposes. lHer pleasant. frank. manner won for I her a host of friends in social circles. 3 while her cheerful spirit helped sue-l 'tain her through her severe illness, in fact kept her in good hope of soon again taking her place in the world, alter friends had began to despair. The three floral wreaths that bedeck- ed the casket were verv pretty, and were contributed by the S. S and close friends. Her pastor Rev. Keno dall conducted the funeral services, assisted by Revs. Little of Holstein. ' and A. A. Bice of Durham. who were . both warm friends, in fact the latter ; felt very deep feelings of gratitude ' for her kindness and assistance dur- { 'ing the busy summer of building r The funeral wastne largest ever seen ' in this part, although the roads were so bad that many could nor. go to the cemetery, but had t3 turn 05 in all directions. The lreaking of cutters and harness was very cimmon with 1 those who did go. L T Miss Bella Grierson of Welbeck as- sisted in the home of Mr. Wm. Allan during the illness of his daughter, and won for her services much praise and made numerous friends. Mr. Allan also Speaks very highly of the trained nurse in attendance, her name we can’t recall just now. The death of Mr. Thos. Flemming of Summerberry, fiasx., on Feb. 29th, removes from earthly care a man who has done full duty in pioneer life in two countries. He was born 68 years ago at Mona Mills, Ont.. and with his parents came to this neighborhood amongst the very first settlers. Like his four brothers he was a noted workman in all kinds of work to be performed at that time. Wise. progressive, in all walks of life he took an active part in organizing church, school. Orange Lodge. 'l‘em- perance Lodges, Agricultural So cieties. as well as furthur the cause of the great Conservative party. In '1888 he moved his family to Manito- l,ba and after a brief sojourn in Bran- don, started pioneer life on the farm worner Concerns. where he died. In 1883 he again entered into the work of organizing aMethodist church and‘S. S. He was serving in the council and had artendedra meeting a few days be- fore pneumonia stepped hie useful career. He Was Provincial Grand Master of the Orange Lodge a couple of years ago and laid to rest by the brethren who so highly esteemed him. “Turn that wrapping paper the other side out,” said a lady in a dry goods store this morning as the clerk was putting up her purchase in a primed wrapping paper. "I don’t want to be a walking advertisement to your store. I read the papers like all intelligent peeple ought to do, and I think in them is the pace to advertise your business. Instead of asking your customers to carry your sign around with each purchase of goods. go and tell the people through the papers what you have to sell and how you sell it.” Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad bloodâ€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Doctorshave endorsed it for 60 years. These are disease0 for which Cham- berlain’s Salve is GSpecially valuable. It quickly alleys the itching and emarting and soon effects a cure. Rice. 25 cents. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. AZ‘ers Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema. fififlfifififlfifififiWflwafifififififiaa Seasonable Drug Store Goods #fififififi Havino secured the Agency for the \Iasse1-Ha11is Manufacturing Co., of Toronto, I am p1epa1eo to supply to the F armers of the 1'ici11it1, all implements of their make, such as :â€"Bi11ders, \ 0111',ers Seeders. Rakes, Scuffiers, Plows, Manure Spreaders, Hay Loaders, side delivery Hay Rakes, Hay Tedders. Hay Forks and Slings, Bain Wagons, Pulpers, Land Rollers, Cream Separators etc. Besides, We handle the best makes of Pianos, OrO'ans, tl1eDeLa1'alCrea111 Separators, Ha1ness and different makes of Buomes. Massey=flarris Agency Separator Oil, Heavy Machine Oil, American and Canadian Coal Oil. Sewing Machine Needles and Rubbers for Massey- Harris, DeLaval and Oxford Cream Separators, always in stock. . J. McFadden, Agent, Not For Her. DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE. Syrup White Pine Comp.“‘Darlings” 25¢ per bottle. Aseptoplasm Poultice for Cold and Bronchitis. 35c and 60¢: tins. Show Rooms West of Middaugh House. Syrup Hypophosphite, “Darlings” soc and $1.00 per bottle. Imperial Laxative Quinine Tablets 25¢ per box. Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 50¢: per pint. AGUBCUIE. ALL REPAIRS CASH HUNTER’S High Quality GRASS CLOVER SEEDS ! OUR “Government Standard” §electi0n and Preparation Hardware, Grain Seed merchant. Is the first and strongest re- commendation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed. The price is a second consider- ation when estimating its value and worth. When comparing both the Quality and Price of any seeds we offer, they will be found in the buyers best inter- Qualities in Red and Alsike clo- ver and Timothy seed has given unqualified satisfaction. The most persistent care is given to supply the Highest Quality and Purity obtainable. All clover and Timothy Seed offered un- der our special brands as “Government Standard." are prepared to comply with the Seed Act, for No. 1 Quality. \Ve decline to purchase rough and unclean seed. and refuse :mylot, containing such noxiuus weed seed that cannot be clear- ed, to comply with the Seed Act. Call and ’éxamine them for yourself. Higher prices paid for all kinds of Grain. High Quality A. S. HUNTER Mar. 19, 1908 Durham Ontario 33 W T.KN OXfOId at! Grant S. G 14‘ arlane b LAMBERT'S H air ] faded or gray hair in 50c a bottle at Mm- mmranL-eed and harm 112mm g A LOST.â€"-â€"On Sunday phone Office and H: a kid glove, right l}: oblige by leaving at Office. THEY talk about. 1 but Canada Stmk 11‘ Put up separately fn and swine. szm food for all anima Call for Thomas Livingston :U‘nl Thin moved this week to Bax-rip \\ will now make their hm: Livingston is a ('1'1('kin;: ;_' man. and will continue in 111 of selling Cream Sepmuh. Counties of Grey and Sim. always found him vary a.» do business with. Ra’s Little Lin‘Y r1 .JA ONE Of our exchangw says Pratt. manager of the Swath. Allenford branch of 11w 1 Bank, committed suicidv :1: A on Tuesday of last. Week :1? 1* showing himself Hem mt; track.” Since reading the x-e CHRONICLE man has spent 111:1 less nights trying In 1 particular part of his :mat Still as much in the dark :R MR. MATTHEW C.\ \‘E y. :1 }‘ lishmzm recently :ux-iwd I'm Country, has secured tho) w decorating and painting 112w of Mr. ‘V. L. Falkinghmu. Falls, Ebordaie. The “‘1 wk 1 begun, and the ilnlm'iur ! capital blend of Colin‘s. 111v salmon pink and oliw j: conspicuous. The Wurk 3» : good style and reflm-ts :JI'PIl the contractor. Thw vxlr house will be (‘Ollllllt‘zl'wd the Weather pet-min. WE regret 001mm! to keep (1)1 >1 1‘ , 1'!) Sunday ex enings 11:11 {£111 .chul‘Ch sew ice is guing 1 111.1 meanse them to be I'm'm fine, he has warned the (‘1: i “d again, till nnw. 51111111111 an idea. they cannot R111 1 mill parts of the high‘.\{ it 18 private ground. -\> I M 1‘Mbognizos loin-1- ing 1 1 “Property, we think H1 SiSt “3 this idea to H1011: these places a. Sundzn m “It. will come out 111 1111’ the horn When thev :1pp1 What idea a bum VOL. 42â€"N0. 2141.. THERE will hv :m «'x: Friday next of ahnn‘a 211“) Who put in their [MEL-1» 7th of January 1:151. The appears to us. is [H HN'U! laws regarding their 16:}; cations as vol-91‘s m1 131v b."-la.w, submitted :11 I 112‘ The action is hruughl i1. Option interests. 3 r. 61 something that “1013‘“. against in future elm-1i! )1 names were on the ml}. were. unchallenged at Revision. seems to plm-u the power 0f the C(ml'l n0W the right of frzuu-h estly exercised. Bun-i.- to hear the evidom-e. THE town (tolbtzt'h‘n' ix c Path and says he is gain every person “'11” nuke comers at. Gal'ufl'uxu 2121'i Streets a loitexing hwuhj Sunday evenings. I’m» back he has had mm m-de arrlved :1 iiD’S famous‘ I buyin‘i’fl A t mo \Vhat idea a hum then can have in hangiur comers, especially «m the fine in question. is rathm {Iggao‘tbtful beauty to 11nd gmbubly some of the. d: Who are more‘ line than the rest 01 ~ “04-5330 explain the m [- a package HI Two box Drug Stor: {’8 is the plan 55 of all kinds bl uchex‘ to 1031 to if the

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