West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1908, p. 2

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U1 0 .3 I n L‘ y -u __ rd COncession of. the Township of Nor- jenby, containing 2.50361’83, the estate of :9 late Thos Fmton. One stone dwelling « rd one trame dwelling. Good bank barn lo good frame barn. Will be sold in block '- ivided to suit purchaser. Terms made ‘4 own on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- ;histrator. Hampden, P, O. "CM-m0 STOREY DOUBLE ERéME ‘1 . AC ES ON 2:; CONCESSION Boutinck. Lot 27. W.G.R . 5 acree ".5 wheat. about 15 acres fall plowing. 75 under cultivation. 2 well and F ing water. Apply on farm to Mrs. ’ ‘ xander -icCormack. Rocky éaugeen. ‘V v "Câ€"â€"â€"‘ v 7- . cable farms in New Ontario. near or Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for ‘ h. Map of the locality and terms given aopliution to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for flu. . z 'du”..â€".._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ .__.. V BE 2N D AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot Yo I. E. G R.. in the Township Slenelg. 100 acres knownas the “McKin- s Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- diate possession given. For particulars -1...,_ t D Tnlfnrd. 3.110;...“ s Fania” at the 1g: dime possesflion 21‘ 31? to J. P. Telford mtv nf Grev. For particulars apply to .P. Telford. Barrister. I1. 3. 1906.â€"tf about six miles tro om uuruzuu. VM 3. Possessxon at once. Grod land. Mug! 3016 For particulars apply to J ford, Durham. 3 22nd 1906 â€"-tf. . for sale by tender, Lots 1 and 2 onl n. 2'2.E2remont. Written sealed tend- } for this property may be delivered to a undersigned Solicitor up to the 15th of e purchaser must pay down 3500 and ‘zure the balance by first mortgage at 4.1., 1' cent. For further particulars. apply to W. F. mu. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham, Ont. Bli‘t ”WW... . NU .V! 3336?} M_ PRQVBQ VAL. -A“ Glenelg, 15: acres bust watered, must be sold. ‘_ .. house, situated on the west sid - Gara- axa Street. in upper town. large lot with ble. first-class well. also ciatern. Avply _ premises. Angus Cameron, [312t. â€"â€"â€"â€"~M_ -._ 'ibARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH * storey dwelling. alnngside Presby- -ian Manse property in Upper Town, ‘ rham, Corner of Durham and Elgin eets. Seven rooms. pantry, clo‘zets, ' ent floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- n in good locaiity. Good frame Stable. , rd and soft water. one acre or land. Snap " quick purchaser. For further particuâ€" 3 apply to John W. )chechnie, Owner, ‘ kv Sans-teen P. O. ' \'---â€"___ L Queen .and V Countess Streetsâ€"gum! ration. prices reasonable Apply to ms Smith or at the Post Ofice. w ZOâ€"tf. x0 Walkertou and Lucknow Railway, in " 'e town of Durham. These buildings must be removed at an 'isrly date. in order to clear the line 3f right .way. ‘ . All material such as timber. buck, st'me, . r. .‘c . in cases where the buildings cannot be ' 'oved. are also offered tor 5316. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to ‘ . J. P. TELFORD. Durham. ’H v..- of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- tm, in the count. of Grey, containing4 . es more or less. For terms and nartieu f3 applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- Dnrbam . Ffi'vfiov. Btf. I‘HE UN DERSIGNED OFFpRs L‘ For Sale or to Let. . . fpr sale a number of houses and out- nldmgs along tbe_ln_1e 0t rxght of way pf L ed to do Custom Sawing. mto lumber 3- ingles and lath; also planing grain opping etc Hemlock and cedar MS, lLad lath timber wanted for which the high- H; cash price will be paid at. the mill. has Clark Varuey. NUMBER OF TOWN“ LOTS 03 A , cott. will rent one or more \ears . 5him: most of rent in impr0\emeuts.'. pildings. soil w.ater orchard and timber“ all good Apply to J. Ritchie. Porti 3mg UNDERSIGNED IS PRfiPgR. sANDn CON 331.113! 'tbur roperty for Sale. Y zuo ACREâ€"”I‘XIETXIV’GLAS. 6001) SOLID BRIQK_TWO CKINNOX WK HOUSE 03 ALBE RT A __lâ€" .A no. NA“ “flunk. vusv‘ â€"V' ' 3%; for ggxd'eniik. -Apply_ to Anon the Rucky. immediate possession giv- For :nrtber particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD.’ r- 5tf. but-ham. Custom Sawinox IV “V. Co V. rs‘--â€" ‘rr ' ‘ s, convenient to Durham. Cottage 3:3 6 roomS. good Yqodsbed. good sta- hen house. never {311mg well. Excell- ._ ‘j-â€"--.m Anni“ .fl ‘-mn 1906â€"tf. To Rent. OW :Oc c: meUF. 3 p 8 3 2oz N8... 33 a. a - Erin 100 ACRE FARM AT ' ‘ULUUU J-vv-vv- _ - V l eral purpose. one specially suited for driving Applyfito C. S Dnnsmoor. Lot 54 Con. 3. N.D.R., nentinck, near Hutton Hill ’l‘nnbn lUL/A‘U uv-vvâ€"v. - , eral Dllrpfise. 0'16 sDewflh’ filmed for} where there are non one or more' driving Apply to C. S Dunsmoor. Lot 51 Con. 3. X.D.R., Bentinclt, near Hutton Hill members W110 8‘15“ from the cffecus _ of a weak stomach. 272.20 : It may be that this occurs only1 A BRIGHT BAY GELDING- ! after eating some food that does not three 3'03” 01d “1 3135" bred from i agree, or because of a supper late at ' . S 1'. i . . coach horse and blood mare tands oi . night; 0! It may he that the stomach hands high, gives promise of being a fine? . driver. Price right. R. T. Edwards.~ s so weak that scarcely any food can Ebordale 1 be eaten without pain add distress. ‘ ‘ The only way to treat a condition New COOPBI' Shop- ,of this kind successfully is with Mi- “" ' ‘” , ‘“”‘"”““*:"“‘.“‘ o-na. It removes the cause of indi- THE UNDERSIGD‘ED HA5 OPLN' ’; gestion, weakness of the muscles of ”pa 0009‘” 5m" and ‘3 "pm-red to? the stomach and bowels, and restores ' do all kinds of new work and repairing on . . . shortest notice. Shop on Garafraxa Street; the whole digestive syStem to health S south of 1" Kinnee’s Old Pump WOI‘kS. g and strength so that it takes care of | All work guaranteed first class. A ____ i all the food that is eaten. 1o l. upaCooper Shop and is prepared to do all kinds of new work and repanring on shortest notice. Shop on Garafraxa Street south of D- Kinnee’s old Pump Works, All work guaranteed first class. ____-.-n" . ‘Q‘f 2133mm TURE Co . Lung ED. v\;u v- --â€"_ ____ b ED in our yard. Duyham. for. which | the best prices will be paid. Enquxre fnr * prices {it the office. Tm; DURHAM FURXI- { a ......â€"-~ "A" 0n.h_'f I Assignee’s Notice to Creditors. 1n the matter of John Clark. of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Implement Agent. Insolvent. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ; ‘ that John Clark. of the Town of Dur- ham. in the County of Grey. carrying on business as an Implement Agent at the said Town of Durham. has made an assign- ment to A. N McIntosh. of the Town of Durham. Hardware Merchant. under R. S. O. 189‘. Chap. 147. of all his‘estate. cradits and effects for general beneht of Creditors. “A: r'neeting of Creditors will be held at the office of 'W. F. Dunn, Solicitor for the Assignee, i3 {he‘town of DmL'ham. on Fri- : \l - 1000 .5 .LA naalguco, nu mu, “p... v- _ _V__- ay. the 20th day of March, K138. at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon. for the purpose of receiving a. stat ment. and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally - 1“ .‘ Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee or his Solicitor. with proofs and particulars thereof requir- ed by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. Notice is hereby given that after the 10th day of April. 1308. the Assignee will ro- ceed to distribute the assets of the de tor amongvt parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have notice. A. N. MCINTOSII. Assignee. Durham W. F‘. DUNN. Solicitor for Assignee. Dated his 11th day of March, 1908. 068 OF ALL {(11503 DEPIVEOR- Murdoch McLeod was liberated from Goderich caStle on March 5th, and wended his way homeward. In Goderich township he went to a house to get something to eat. No one was at home. so he helped him self to provisions . and to some other things that he could n0t eat. On his arrival here he was again arrested, and once more is enjoying the h05pi- tality of the county jail for another term. Perhaps it is ea91er than working for a. living amid snowdrifts. [â€"‘Vingham Advance. . Agirlrecently sent this extraor- â€"-â€"â€"â€"---....â€"~_â€"~.â€" gdinary requesc to the editor of her The appreciation Of the public is lchurch paper: “Do you think it is'the final tesx. of merit. This is the iright for a. girl to sit in a man’s lap, reason "Salads.” Tea has the enor- leven if she is engaged?” The editor mous sale of over eighteen million answered her question thus: “1i it. packets annually. If you do not use iwexe our girl 80d our lap. yes, if it. it, The “Salads” Tea 00.. Toronto, ;were another fellow’s girl and our will send you a sample. State ilap.yes; butifit were our girl and “bother you use Black, Mixed or Qanorher fellow’s lap, never! xevzaLGreen and the price you usual}? pay 'ZNEVER!" gper pound, , Horses for Sale. PFEFFER BROS. 7 mm OLD MARE WITH foal. Apply Jas. W. Bogle. Durham. It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure white winter wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes J 1-: w E L FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be- RECORD OF BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada MmmeMhyJM - - 85.52935 Profit: for mom 30m ending 31:: January. 1988. that dndnctlnc Expats-an _htmmy9m« . Mgmmkbm Madurai-I Log-s _ \Vanted. Home. Sweet Home. C. G. SCHEUERMANN. Statement of the Financial Year ending 3!“ January. ~ - PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT - Never. Nov. 20thâ€"‘ Manufactured by Durham 3'} When the Stomach is weak, indi- = 3 geStion is followed by flatulence diz- ‘ziness, headache, ssleeplessness and _‘ many Other disagreeable symptoms. 3- l The one remedy that can be absolute- ich ! 1y relied upon to cure this condition for 1 18 Mi 0 na, for this removes the cause 3} i of the suffering, the weakness of the ' ' stomach and intestinal tract and re- '-"~" v Stores health so that all food is easily re Edigested yvithout pain or sufiering. LA- ‘--‘-‘M An. How to Remedy Much of the Suffer in: in Durham. REMOVE THE CAUSE. we ..... _v__, . Get well and strong by using Mi- o-na. tablets. Take the remedy at first symptoms of indigestion, when you can be cared easily with a few doses. However, no case of stomach trouble is too severe or chronic for Mi 0 na to overcome comes favorite. the housewx fe’s For pastry, biscuits or bread it is highly recom- mended, and our many years' experience insures uniformity of quality. In- sist onJEWEL BRAND. Your grocer can get it. Mi-o-na is sold by druggists every- where for 50 cents. and we positively guarantee to refund money should you purchase a box and be dissatis- fied with results “(tire for free sample addressing Booth’s Mi o-na. Box 977, Bufialo. N. Y. A farmer out in Kansas. About five years ago, Went in to town one dav to spend Some of his hard earned “dough.” And in a merry jest, and just To show his printing skill, He printed his initials on A brand new (1 oll-a-r b i l 1. He spent that dollar that same day, Down at the village store. .He thought ’twas gone forever then, j And he’d see it no more. But long before that year rolled by One day he went to fill A neighbor’s order and received That same one d-o-l-l-a r boiol-l. Once more he spent that dollar bill In his own neighborhood. W here it would do himself and friends The most amount of good Four times in two years it came back. Asisome bad pennies will, And each time he’d go out and Spend‘ This marked one d-o-l-l-a r b-i l-l. Had he been wise that dollar might Be in his town today. But just about two years ago He sent it far away. i The people who received it then . I know have g0t it still, For ’twa‘ for a mail order house He sent his (1 o l-l-a-r b i-l-l. I No more will that marked dollar come Into the farmer’s hands :And nevermore will it help to pay The taxes on his land He put it Where it never can. Dividends ;t_:.he 13:12! 13 per cent: 9. Uliluc uua .b .uu luv -- '-- vvâ€"_ ,-_ a: mum for Emu? M03378? - 124.6 Contributed co omcer' s Pension ME . 5,000.00 Metro! to Ila-99m Rand ' 1mm Milverton, mumbmfim (Received too late for last week.) St. Patrick's blessing on the sons and daughters of old Erin. An exodus of our peOple took place on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Olive Cook 2098 tc Durham to learn the dressmaking art with Mrs. Whitmore. , Mr Jim Davis. who has Spent the winter at the old home. here, and among relatives throughout the pro- vmce, left for his home near Van couver, accompanied bv his sister. Miss Allie. His brother Dick, the clever smithy, is also gone West, but was uncertain at what point he would stop 03. éeorge Paylor has engaged with Mr. Asa Robson in Manitoba, and leaves for there this Week, Lastly, the home of Mr. Thos. Jack is broken up, he and the two oldest boys, Beecher and Everett, leaving on Tuesday morning with two car loads of settlers’ effects for Saskatch- ewan. Mrs. Jack and the other members of the family will follow in a few weeks. About a dozen of help; ful neighbors were on hand to help to load up and put things in good shape. 'I‘om treated them most generously. On Wednesday evening of last week a farewell social was held in “ the church in honor of those going 11 away. An excellent supper was first served, the tea and edibles being I extra good. The church was filled n with a happy crowd. A. bright pro- gram followed of songs, recitations and music, Mr. Arthur Blair receiving warm encores and Mr. W. Bailey "be- ing highly applauded for his recital. Coming near to the close of the pro- 1 gram, Miss Allie Davis was called to l the front and presented with a neat 1 address and a silver fruit Spoon. She .most gracefully eXpressed her grati- ltude and. then, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jack and family were requested to come forward. They were surround ed by a happy throng. and after the ,reading of an address by the chair- ;man, R. Edwards, which spoke of . ;the deep sorrow and regret of the ‘ community at the parting. of the high esteem in which they were held ‘and of the noble qualities that have 1 been characteristic of the family, Mr. iJohn McNally presented the family, :in behalf of the neighborhood. with a fine Galloway robe; W. L. Falking- ham and Mrs. E. W Hunt handed to Mr and Mrs. Jack a Persian lamb .cap each; to Miss Stella was given a - silver fruit spoon; to Master Beecher l a finely bound hymn book and bible; to Master Everett by his teacher, ' Miss Olive Cook, and his class mates, ahaudsome bible and cuE links; to Jennie. a Daisy booklet; to Sammy, a jack knife; to “Tootsie,” a tie pin. Mr. Jack most feelingly replied, and the whole crowd mom rapturously sang at the close, “For he’s a joll, " good fellow.” Rev. Mr. Jamieson followed in a bright speech and Mr. E. W, Hunt in a most eloquent ad- dress. W. L. Falkingham paid a warm tribute. The meeting was brought to a close by singing “Blest ’ be the tie that binds.” A loo of peo- ple went home with hearts feeling sad at the parting; but with the best of wishes for their future prosperity and welfare. r 1a 'Y (Crowded out last week.) Mrs. Andrew Picken is recovering from a very severe illness. Miss Mary Dennett visited Miss Edith Watson the fore part of the week. Mr. Charles Reid left on Tuesday last for the West. Mrs. Philip Lawrence was quite ill for a. time but is recovering. Wedding bells are ringing to the 638$. Mr. T. J. Watson has been under the weather for some time, but. is on the mend. We omitted in our last budget to say that Mrs. Jas. Whitmore Spent some time in Toronto owing to the death of her sister. Here comes the Darkies’ Corner’s Crow, Oh ! Isn’t he the poet ? Spring is coming. you Can know, And now he’s bound tu go it. Yes ! Here comes the Darkies’ Crow ’ In poetical array, And o’er the Gander and the Snipe He wishes to hold sway. =Indeed, my Mr. Darkies’ Crow, (’Tis just a gentle ioke) Still we would like to clip your wings And fun upon you! poke. But Crows and Snipes and Gander birds They never can agree. . And editors, on Spring-gush stufi, Are not at all friendlee. 30 drop your'quill. my “cawing” friend. And poetry renounce. Or our good boss in Durham town May give us the grand bounce: Tetter. Salt Rheum and Eczema- Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Torry, of Mn- â€" lock Spent Sunday with friends These are disease: for which Chem around here. berlain’sSalve 18 especially valuable. M1530“- Lindsay and family 0‘ I; quickly allays ‘he itching and Glenelg. called on the MOODllOOh ‘amarting and soon efiecte a care. family 030 d" 18} week Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema. '1 raverston. Spring Bank. Received too late for last week. Still the winter hangs on. Our school teacher, Miss Jay, had to give up her school duties owing to ill health and return to her home near Meaford. Hope she may soon recruit again. -- - --n ‘f .v'- “-v Mr. Sam Shield and Miss Mary Montgomery, of Markdale, spent Sunday afternoon. March 8th. with the latter’s cousins, Wm. and Hannah Boyle. â€" hilt-John Townsend, of Iowa, gave some of his old schoolmates a flying call some time ago. A few of the youth and beauty from around here attended the box social at Latona last Friday night, and report an A 1 time. Much cred it is due to the teacher, Miss Kate McDonald, for the excellent program rendered. As Spring draws around there is always more or less moving among the farmers. Mr. Bob Goodwill will, in a couple of weeks. move to his new home down the country. Bob has always been a huscler. and will certainly make things go yonder. Mr. Charlie Watson moves onto the farm vacated by him. Charlie has it leased for a term of years. Mr. Wilson. who has been on the Kerney farm for the past year, has been busy moving the last couple of weeks to Mr. John Bain’s farm, Hol- land. Most of the farmers around the Lake have been fattening a. few head of cattle and hogs, and are sorely disappointed with the low prices. Mr. Samuel Baines delivered a nice pair of steers to Mr. Wm. Lambert laSt week. Willie Boyle sold a fine young horse to Roch Marien last. \Vednesday for a. nice figure. Mr. George Henderson has put in a steady winter teaming for Mr. Bob Goodwill. George doesn’t believe in feeding idle horses. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay, was the scene of a jolly time. a week ago last Friday night, when that sociable couple threw open their doors to about seventy invited guests. Dancing was the chief amusement of the evening. but those who did nor, care for dancing, were well provided for with games. Noth- ing occurred to mar the friendly feelings of all present, until the hands of the indicator of time started pointing to the larger hours. Every- lbody had an elegant time. Mr. 'l‘hos. Meenagh has been on the sick list: recently, but at time of writing, Monday. we are pleased to say. that he is improving rapidly. Quite a number from this burg at- tended the party at Mr. Thos. Ritchie's on Friday night last and report a good time. Work is again progressing on the N. P. C. Co’s. switch from the new C. P. R track. through Mr. Charles Ritchie’s farm. Quite a number of men are employed. ° Owing to a dip in the ice cold waters of the Saug en river, \about two weeks ago, Mr. M. J. Staples narrowly escaped a serious illness, While inveStigating, preparatory t0! cutting some cedar trees very close to the water, he went through. the ice. the water being almost to his waist. Asa consequence the cold bath did not agree With him and a few days later he went to bed and was placed under Dr. Arthur Gun’s medical treatment, under which. and :the directions of Providence, we are pleased to say that Matt. is greatly improved and able to go around again, Town‘send’s Lake. The robin red breast was seen in this locality on Sunday last for the first time. Spring is surely coming closer. “Miss Gladys Lawrence of your town. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Lambton street, lass Sunday. we had e. brief interview with the Gander last Saturday. in which that valuable member of the stafi propos ed writing as up this week. Wonder will it be from the feet up? No sign of the new rotary snow plow which left, Saugeen Junction on Thursday morning lass. In is on its test: trip. Mrs. Marshall, of Durham, spent a few days with her sister, Mrsz Harry Reaye M'iss McLeod. teacher. is ill at present with an attack of La Grippe. Hepe to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Marvin, also Mr. and Mrs. Will Hazlett. of Allan Park. were guests of Mrs. Thos. Ken'nedy. recently. Mrs Robt. Burnett, of... town, visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr, Thos. Counts has returned the Wash after Spending a. couple months with his parents. Mrs Torry Sr.. is spending a week or so with her daughter Mrs. Fred Reay. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I Alexander and family, visited Hi this vicinity Sun- day last. “ Darkie’s Corners. Vickers. .Ms‘kflkS’kSShfikSflMfing/Lflfl. i In Fur Jackets and Ruffs flaw/N waxwm‘vswmsmmmo to of is A blend of 5 Manitoba and +, Ontaxic wheat and is a stiiccly first (hue family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Mamtoba Wheat cannot he beat for elther bakers’ or domestic. use, Is made from selected winter whea, and IS a. superior article for making pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make 0f Rolled Cereal, the best on the nmrket. A180 Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. P911 0110p. Bean Shorts and Feed Hour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and ‘ 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town: Chopping .\ Done Every Day All up-tO-date flour and few} am; grocers keep our flour for sub». 11 your grocer does not keep it (‘umv {C the mill and we Will use You :nghL 0 Call us up by telephone Nu. s“. All kinds of Grain bought at Market ‘Price. .‘Ve have opened out New Dress Goods, and are on the way. It you the Best: and Newest. goods at right nricé‘s. come with the. Our New Prints are. to hand, “A Gnod Sensible Biscczzrse on a Good Sensible Subiem" The above Caption is mm but What; follows is espw'i own. \Ve refer to om- several dozen Fedma and Stiff Hats Sensible Men This sell “Crums,” they are the John McGowan. Tweed Caps at. reduced prim“. PASTRY FLOUR TRY OUR NEW’ CHOPPER. SOVEREIGN for men; not thaw "1- m o' )‘ Which are fashion: 1N0 ;« . few weeks and are mm. 1‘ M again, but Good Staph) H Worn at all times by ‘Ve have decided {0 :1h handsome discount on CASH PURCHASES, or 1 during the next week 01' “5e guarantee it is not (‘1 Hats we have to sell: First-Class Fedoras a nd 1 Hats, CHEAP. is the place to buy'zl f ECLIPSE WE KEEP . Grant Mar. TH E alt buy f 1-0 m a C0111- not 0 Wzmt $01118 more feit hat? Ha 1.5 .ld Q two ‘0‘ Cu rtains Large size White 'cmmu good value. Table Linen, 54in. wide. 25c yard. Table Linen. 54in. wid 35c yard. n. 68in. wide ‘ ‘ Table Line Linoleum, Anyone sending a 91:0: 0 quickly ascertain (m:- 01‘? invention is probabty pa: , ,1 V See our MW v-Vv' handsome]; mugtratpq “jg :mation of any scxemmc‘ 3:. Cumin. $3.75 a year. pong” -- , -__...‘....‘A-‘ wwvâ€"v v 7' ' 3n newsdclflerg- wauuuuywo. "flu"... P Scientific M m - _-_.AI-v i1.n~.1rnh-d \\~‘ \I He Sells Cheap /â€"â€"_â€"â€"_ Lace Curtains The Peep “16 NONE \ ‘0 AND PROV’ISMN 6‘ Leave your om‘u MCLACHLIN. 1mm give you prompt :xt That 211 w a \' <~ have Five Roses an}; M’s MEX. afiflg DURHAM 0 D. FLETT. F If so. I to replate Bring it in now WM 1 have the time. All wor ' gum-antw 1 Mofiowan’s Eciia Zyds. Ion g. at 9A ‘ s worked 38 Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Design Floral Deco! of all kinds 0 shortest noti ;en throuah . without. chi: Prints and Gingham . Great Trainingâ€"Sr Good positions. Free ‘ Everybody “'61 60x31 45in. wid g uharson. 11A 7 , Bloor Streets . BEAN edges ex lflt. Forest. Canadian “'ltlt Calder B am pl'Pl‘ 1t. kt. Washinztm 101 m SlO( {US‘

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