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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1908, p. 3

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galnsg 'cacriptic I in t he 1.100. VEREIGN (ets and Ruffs sclamca ,aps . Grant e’s Mills RY FLOUR Mar. Ht ”P 11' {Tifi , o L LARS r’. "t (j 0 wa fl at are t1 Feed 'Flour. our in 5 and very D33 VVW t at Market , 1903 are WWW. hand, iect “f $01118 COIII' m ore ‘a felt W :c bram Inake ¢ ,’. marke IDdKng )I he w h it )D beat (we SE mum 85,9, Cut Howers Have You any Old Worn Silver? I}! NUS. \V Sells Cheap >ot Plants Sulbs tbra} Designs and 330ml Decorations n‘ an kinds on .\ Prints and Ginghams. 31in. wide, unbleached cb’i n . w ide. unbleached s. 60x30. 3.00 each. 3 1.00 n .mked edges except 25c ones ite -cmmterpane, 1.40 h Il‘ll I‘I Wm...» w m? flauannoo. a. o. Min. Wide, bleached \V as, long. at "0.3%???“ New} 91k _ _‘_:-_AA- “d sil Canadian Business College- 45in. wide, 250 yard HCA. BEQQS 81 SOME DU 13AM ONT. . BEAN Ind? yards Wide 'x'atgdffiieélâ€"d'y; Largest dr- antmc journal. Terms for . postage prepaid. Sold by wide. 37 1 Flours an’s Eciipse t in now whlle It b alder Block. Lime. 5: also om nu prepared :uuranteed. Forest. ISION STORE finingâ€"Small Cost. nus. Free Catalogue. body Welcome. span. 8.3... Comer Yang0 H Streets. Toronto. ENE-8730K. 6n Patents r secun‘nz‘wemct and 3! Bread Hour :1 description may notice. 3 other well 5 of Flour. ll 350 sq. yd. .vays \V l ti'st'ies the [ How \ Immamca- 1h ALEX. w h 0 will Reindeer i ‘ Lt. you W811" prices rig ht. :‘u e sans ITEMS OF INTEREST. The question, always intereSting for the light it throws on the past history of the earth, has had many answers. The latest is that. of Dr. J. W. Spencer, who, from recent studies on the Spot, finds that the mean rate of recession of the falls at present is 4.2 feet a year. and that has been the rate for approximately 2:27 years. But owing to the fact that originally the waters of Lake Erie only were discharged over the falls, givinqunly onefifteenth of the present water Iupply, the rate of recession was at first much slower. A sudden widen-1 ing of the gorge above Foster’s Flat indicates the position of the falls when the Other Great Lakes began to discharge into Lake Erie. From this data, Dr. Sper cer calculates the entire age of the falls at thirty nine thous and years. The cutting, with the I power of the four akes. is eStimated ! to have laSted thirty five hundred ; years. “OH V. vucv vâ€"vâ€" A des atch fr " - V , h th d p om Toronto “538' The and debility. or any Other symptoms 0 er ay at the General Hosyital, an . h - . . of catarrh, you should begin to use ansest etic. named Folvaine, which . h d - , . Hyomei at once. It Will destroy all a never before been used in Canada. . . - l disease germs in the nose. throat and. was tried on a man who had to be . . d .. . . . llungs and make a quick and perma- Operate on for a serious injury to; - neut cure of catarrh. his bowels. l W . . l H . Frank Sim son was taken to the e posxtive y guarantee yomel, hOSpital sompe time a '0 sufierin ior should you buy a complete outht. - ‘ l”. g price 81 00, and be dissatisfied With from a terrible laceration of the “1 ‘ . . w'llh refu del ‘bowels throuvh being kicked b' a .{eau ts.your money 1 Q? n l ' horse Thre: t' , h d h 3 Hoymei is sold by druggISts everv- bge‘h . operated unes “a t 3. man‘ where. Write for literature BOOth’s if ‘ on,_ 19- or mar) iHyomei Co., Bufialo, N. Y. 'V Fv~-â€"_. Frank Simpson was taken to the - ‘ ‘ ‘ " , hospital some time ago sufiering nor shouldoyou lattiadc-omplege outht. A from a terrible laceration of the price :10 ' an e ifsanb ed Wm} bowels through being kicked by a ‘E’ultsdPur {none} W‘lb? refunded. '1 horse. Three times had the man oymeiis sod by druggiSts everv- been operated on the ordinar Where. Write for literature Booth’s . ‘ y Hyomei Co., Buflalo, N. Y. anaesthetic being used. Another Op eratlon was considered necessary. but 1 ‘â€"+â€"â€" ( it was found he could not survive an: ' ' Iapplimtion of the same anaesthetic: Artemesna COUHCII. and Still live. ‘ . . a ‘ Artemesxa Councfl met on batur- Dr. V“ . i ' * orman Anderson, 0f the 9‘" lday last with the tneinlers all pres ical Stafi then ' e t - - ,- g31‘6“partition discoviercelg bk: I??Cl::§eflt:le eut, the Reeve m the chair. Minutes . . . . , ' of last meeting were read and con. a Parisian chemist. Wthh contains firmed. Communications were read no cocaine. yet deprives the person as follow-.-:â€"b‘rorn the Gamma Pow-o of any sensation of pain. although er Company of ()rangeville asking. they are still in full possession of permission to divert the waters of the" senses. Beaver River at loc 23. con. 10. in Dr. Anderson made an injection 0f order to develop their water power. fluid into “’6 33-0 covering the and also asking privilege of placing patient’s spinal cord and successfully poles on the roadway; Henry Osborne united several portions of the bowels. waited on the council in reference to Simpson afterwards said he felt no ahorse which died on the highway pain whatever, although he had been and asking compensation therefor: conscious all the time Gibson Collinson Waited on the coun This preparation had been used by oil regarding an account for culvert d statute labor at Ceylon; Trustees Prof. Barker, of University College. an of S. S. No. 8 asked council to pass a London, England, and out of two hundred cases only eight had failed. bylaw for the Issue of debentures to This new anaesthetic does away Wit This new anaesn the ill effect-s producing kind Dr. Anderson made an injection of fluid into the sac covering the patient’s spinal cord and successfully united several portions of the bowels. . Simpson afterwards said he felt no pain whatever, although he had been conscious all the time i This preparation had been used by Prof. Barker, of University College. London, England, and out of two hundred cases only eight had failed. This new anaesthetic does away with Donald H. Miller. a Columbia' student, has invented a machine to translate mysterious Chinese into7 English by the mere touching of keys resembling those on a typewriter. Mil er also says it will translate any ether language. Professors of Ori ntal languages at Columbia have had scores of midnight conferences in 'young Miller’s rooms, investigating other language. Professors of Ori "" ;' . . ntal languages at Columbia. have MohenZie "’ Wright “" Th“ the had scores of midnight conferences in statement submitted by the Provin- . . ’ller’s rooms, investigating cialTreasurer's Department.showing his remarkble discovary and experi. amount Of railway taxation credited ed to this municipality to be $313.84, mentitg with it. 1 )1 0 d d . As a 39:5; 2:18: W20: nounced that they believed the ma- atients b.l no'n 9‘ ch' 0t vlvnsh' chine practicable. and that it would p . . as K1 g ,0 f 13 ° 3 10 maintained in Provmcial asylums, be eventuall revolutionize trade with . . . . y received and hled.-â€"-Carried. China. The contrivance resembles ' McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"That the ap- an adding: machine. It has keys bearing Chinese characters. When plication of trustees of S S. No. S, 0 be other end asking this connoil to raise by way the key is struck on t { leaVeS on the paper an impression of of loan. the sum of $3 500 00, repay- lall the possible ineanin s of the able in ten years with interest at 5 charaCter ‘ per cent per aunum, be received and e a Bylaw for the puipose be introduc- Miller has been aStudent of Chines . _ . for two years. He was graduated ed authorizing the issue of Deben- irom Columbia last Summer. but is tures 00 said SGCtiOD r-Carried. |continuing hi3 vorl; in order to obtain i McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"-That the reeve - n 1‘ . . . Inmi plurk when, Quotations and col‘ that his bowels are n \ paced. Take Chamber: ‘and Liver Tablets u bowels and improve tl 390 if the trouble doe: Ask for a free sample Mills: has been a St for two years. He irom Columbia lasc contmumg his work : stomac some arucle suited to his age that his bowels ar The Age of Niagara.- sailor W outdoor Chinese Translating Machine sallUf “0‘ ‘Vv--'__ - ork at precisely this tern- His band4 froze. and when ' o the cabin and plunged one of them inco a basin of Water so cold was the hand that the water was instantly converted into a block of ice. A: 25 degrees. L‘ mouscac e and an duious beads of C! out your tongue freezes to this icy chin has a trick of When a man has trouu omach you may know ,ting more than he s! New Ana athetic. ause of d from certaln; .eopold MoCiint of his Arctic 93»: foolfiSh 8000 agrees. Dr. Kane says, "thei e and under lip form pen ads of dangling ice. tongue, and it instantly this icy crusting. I. trick of freezing to your‘ rby the lnting aid of your My eyes have often been so ‘ ‘-- ”mt even a wink work in 0rd“ to Obtain McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"-That the reeve D. and clerk solicit quotations and col- lect information regarding snow plows .i‘nd report. at next. meeting.â€" Carried. nhas trouble with his Carsonâ€"Best-Jl‘harcheapplicacion may know that. he is of Henry Osborne {or compensation than he should or of ofahorse, which died on the road, of food or drink not be not entertainedâ€"Carried. câ€"- sare ‘ , , Z " cere be refunded $1.50- being 101' Chamberlain s Stomach ‘ -1 - -1 1 ° ‘ ble's to reruiate the taxeapau m error 09 V1 lage m m 3 ~ 5 the Village of Pricev111e.â€"Carr!ed. aprove the digestion and _ uble does nor, disappear. Bestâ€"Carsonâ€"Thac 85 be paid the or six copies of a sample Sold at Par Municipal World f .ore. that Journal to this council.â€"Car. _...¢-â€"â€"â€" ' McKenzieâ€"Beecâ€"That George L. Larimer be paid $5, amount. advanced 9 cc: of Frost is. 80 D gr by him in building a railing at Eu- genia, and the same be deducted silt for us to form any . . i from commutelscanuce labor in said ’nhe degree of cold re . . . M . _- .- .: ‘rnct' “Helgaâ€"Carried. Votlce. i{we of cold re ngrees of frost 11 parts of Russia. mock tells how ic expeditions a mph to do some ’3 Stomach BEUEVES |N FIVE MINUTES- Help Comes Quickly When.Hyomei is Usetr for Catarrh.. The quick relief that comes from the Hyomei treatment for catarrh is most remarkable. Put a few drops of liquid Byomei in the little pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. and before you have used the treat- ment for five minutes you will notice from your catarrhal troubles. It gives a tonic healing eEect to the air you breathe, kills allcatarrhal germs. stops the poisonous secre- tions. sombes the irritated mucous membrane and makes a marked im provement in the general health. ; Hyomei is not a cure all; it has but one aim. the cure of catarrh and .diseases of respiratory organs. When the catarrh is cured, the. gen eral health is improved, for then Nature has a chance to build up the whole system. If you sufier with ofiensive breath,l '1 rising of mucous, frequent sneezing“ lhusky voice, discharge from the ‘nose, drOppings in the throat. loss of *strength, Spasmodio coughing and :feeliug of tightness across the upper lpart of the chest. general weakness 1 and dehility. or any Other symptoms Hif catarrh, you should begin to use Hyomei at once. It will destroy all . disease germs in the nose. throat and 'Ilungs and make a {quick and perma- Arnemesia Council met. dav lasn with the memler en: the Reeve in the chai of last meeting: were rea firmed. Communications DUUUU‘l, u 5-Day “Vt..- payers were present in the matter of} bonusing the building of wire fences,1 also a. petition from P. Munshew, et al. and a resolution of ratepayers from Vandeleur, were read in the same matter. By-lew No. 678 to ap- point certain oflicers for 1908 were read a firm and second time and laid over until next session for third reading. McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"Tnat tne UOUUhy of Grey be paid $76.00, being balance in Town-hip Treasurer’s hands be- longing to Robert Smith’s estate, who was in hm lifetime a pay inmate of the County House of Refuge.â€" Carried. -‘ AA McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"That $1,24U w is hereby app.0priated to be expended the highways of this township in 1908 as follows: Div. 1, $300; Div. ‘7 $300; Div. 3, $300; Div. 4, $300. ihereby appointed Commissioners to’ lexpend the same. in their reSpective‘ ’divisions this appropriation not to! include work on bridges and town- lines. costing over $25, and the Como ‘missioners present to this council written reports of such expenditure 1 before being paid their commission. lThe reeve is hereby appointed to oversee work on bridges, costing over $25. and no further expenditure be , made in any division or the construc~ , tion of new bridges undertaken ex- cept by resolution of the council.â€" l Carried . Council adjourned. ’e in the chair. Minutes 19: were read and con. ununications were read From the Cataract Pow- oI ()rangeville, asking Bestâ€"That the County d $76.00, being balance THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “A glowing gleam growing green.” “The bleak breeze blighted the bright bloom blossoms.” “Flesh of freshly dried flying fish.” It is simply impossible for anyone to repeat these three sentences fast. They are the gems of a collection ot tongue twisters that an elocutionist had made. And almost equally dif- ficult are the following. taken at ran dom from the elocutionist’s collection of more than 200 tongue twisters. “Six thick thistle sticks.” “Give Grimes Jim’s great gilt gig whip." "Strict, strong Stephen Stringer snared slickly six sickly silky snakee” "She srood at the door of Mrs, Smith’s fish sauce Shop welcoming bun in.” The moat. exciting time we know At home on Sunday morning, And keeps all upon the go, All other duties scorning. Occurs about. the hour of ten, When solemn-fared and grave. Our hither yawns and stretches, then We know he’s going to shave. And when he cuts himself. oh, my; There's trouble in the air, Then everyone of us must fly, For father will declare: “This wouldn’t happen if you'd make Those noisy kids behave!" Oh. yes. it makes us youngsters quake \Vhen father starts to shave! A LITTLE HUMOR. We know the danger’s over when Upon the door he knocks; And mother goes to him again With powder-pufi and box. Though generally be lets us Shirk, One hour we must be grave, For each of us has gototo work When father stares to shave. ”There is a Cat who sits every night on our back fence.” he exclaim- ed to the lawyer. “and he yowls and yowls. Now I don’t. want to get into ‘ Lâ€".. L.-s t )IUWlDo L‘vvv a. “vâ€" v V, .. any trouble with any neighbor, but I would like to know if I’m not justi- fied in putting a stop to in.” ”Certainly.” replied the lawyer. “I am well within my rights if I shoot the cat. then?” he inquiroi gleefully. “UmÂ¥â€"we11, I would hardly any that.” answered the lawyer. "The cat does not belong to you, as I understand it?” “Yes.” “Well, then. I think I may safely say that you have a perfect right to i tear down the fence.” “Hello. Turnips!” said an arrogant young man to a farmer driving along a councrv road. “Give a fellow a walk.” "It's more of a distance to Newton than I supposed.” “It is a good distance,” answered the farmer. Another twenty minutes passed, and then the young man inquired: "About how far is it to Newton?” “Well,” replied the farmer. “keep- in’ straight on the way we’re going now I sh’d say ’twculd be a matter '0’ twenty-five thousand miles or so; but if you was favorable GDOUgh r’ gett7n' out o’ my cart and walkin’ it back. it isn’t very much above eight The tattoomg craze was the rage among the smart set at the time of the South African War; it is now the ‘rage in the slums among the humbler classes. eSpecially girls, who pay three pence for the Operation. A tatooer .said that this business thrives On love. A girl came into his studio the other day and had “I love Jim Curly” tattooed on her arm. About halfopast five the next morn- ing the giri knocked at his door. and in being remonstratod with said: "I don’t care if yer charges me five shillin’s. ’Ere, kiver this up,” she exclaimed, baring the tatooed arm.â€" Sphere. 1131165 “Why does a dog hang its tongue out of his mouth?” asked the teacher. “Yes. my boy” said the visitor from the School Board to a bright looking ‘lad who held up his hand while the clight of genius was in his eye. “‘Please. sir,” cried the pupii “it’s to ,balance his tail.” And the teacher I groaned in anguish. When Father Shaves. of the Peace at Martinsburg, Iowa, says: “I am terribly afflicted with sciatica rheumatism in my left arm and right. hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and it did me lots of good.” ' For I sale at Parker’s Drug Store. 7’ How to Stop it. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Changed Her Mind He Knew. MISS ClaSSiCS, MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B A., Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begir. ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a health) and active town, making it a most desirable place of residence. c. L. GRAXIj Seeds of this splendid ngw Tomato are siv’en away tree You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods ! -Plain and hmne-made Bread, â€"~Buns, . -â€"-Bisc11its, -â€"Cakes of all kinds. . â€"â€"Cre am Puffs, â€"â€"Puf’fs. 0 Don’ t worry when you see the minister coming for tea, just ring 115 O up, and we will S11 1 our wants on short est notice. PP Y Y The Largest Stock in Durham is to be found :‘ be cuuvinccd. In stock at underutc prices. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. DONALDA MCKERRACHER, B.A. Moder. s, and Engliah. up, Geo. H. STINSON Fees. $1.00 per month. Chairman Trunks Hosiery w v w v wâ€" _-- ‘_4 will lit any chirnney.‘ It will draw freely and perfectlyfli on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. :3. FOR i. Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds ' A Souvenir Range is built to draw we“ on any chimney. IN FLOUR '1‘ IthUF {I Y- -TILI’E\CO Lvery Douvemr guaranteed by McGowzm’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses Hamilton, \Vinnipeg. 'Iontrcal and Vancouver Perms Cash. C RAMAGE Seeretar.‘ Valises Mitts is absolutcly the makers. :11: the Down Town Shoe Store. Limited SEEDS FRE \Ve want everybody interested in garden-f ing- to write for our New 1908 Catdozqe'ui which is one of the must complete scul- catalogues published. To each inquirer we will include absolutely free a package 0f seed of our splendid new tomato, ‘ ‘Canada’s Pride,” or if preferred a package of our wonderful “ Canadian Gem ” Turnip or “ Santa Rosa” Poppies. \Vrite 10-day and name your choice. u stom work and BOOK-KEEPING :' SHORTHAND l TYPEWRITING l COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESROND- ,1 ENCE ; PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its graduate:- Each student is taught separately 3 his own Liesk. Trial lessons for on week free. Visitors welcome. KE'DAY and EVENING class. G loves Club Bags Business Collegefi: Ewes same as Cash. _ of a range is very impor-si: tant. Some ranges wilL3 draw all right if the chim-L ney Hue 15 built in a certaur way , if not, it will not draw Ayton Milling 0035 Pure. Manitoba. Royal Household. h E n r . T. CLANCY, Prin repairing or very imperfectlyyi and Shoes Suit: Cases 1‘: {co 0f Boots PHONE: 30 Call and L !1( usual. 0P8 NH}? Lii‘. 3"?

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