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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1908, p. 5

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)\ re skin Caused shz-lving, it is verware at . 1908 “S I) NE“! BUTCHER QHOP Mar. 26, 1908 ring {Em agreeable and $ ALE fiote the address S. SCOTT arket AT COST EHELLIPS Lxcdv {or all throat troub- ‘ "fiprPi'AHy succeaalui m ”P. Chtidren like it and 97> Wh: have used it will “3' other.” For sale at rug Sure \M lllIHflHche n twenty years ’1 Remedy ha: b r for ail thrust {Jr-Piaily 80008: '~‘ Cough Remedy has '30“? in {arrow ! coughs, coids‘ and . . " l at. C '40: that It. IS pleasant 5" e was netbing in any Everything 91? made It a favorite reserves as $1 Mr. w s. Pelbam. a! Wm. Cost. we mean it Ha Report. i119 Remedy is Both Effective- reason 91' $01k nts 0rd 1 xeduce our ing, r the next d 31119. Shelf 01 (161 a‘. To Iowa, aays: years Cham- ha: bnen my OO 1908 90 In 80 ONTARIO in figures. 16 9 md Men s Pants and 3 to 40 to Durham I ) UN an Shop in and "l- r) fife Pi n g t0 the 0f to t0 t0 t0 BO t0 t0 t0 £0 to to t0 BO t0 to ll ntinn. mnel able 18 he Dd. of 90 90 2i: 10 10 00 16 Otto had the contract cords of wood for Mr. Mr. Charlie Anear is engaged with Andrew Marshall for the summer. Also Harry Gadd with James Petty. Mr Otto Kellar leaves this Monday for Allan Pmk where he is engaged with Mr. A|ex Herd. Before leaving Otto had the contract. of cutting 3:2 The Ladies’ Auxdlary meeta at the home of ‘Mrs John Marshall \Vednes. day afternoon. the ’l‘oromo is situated on the gravel road 1} miles north of Orchard Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. of Hampden attended church here on Sunday. = i We noxice Mr. John Sharpe going out next Hampdeu quite often. with his bright young team in the cutter. Cutting quite a shine Jack. Miss Violet Britten, Durham. is renewing acquaintances in this part. Mr. and Mrs. John Glave Sunday- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Redford, Mr. Malcolm McEachern’s sale was largely attended and everything sold well Mr. McEachern will go Wesc as he has rented his farm to Mr. Heughan. We wish borh gentlemen prOspezity in their new homes. A party of friends from here as sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown one evening last week where they spent a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs Brown and fam- ily know how to use their guests. Mr. Jake Smith called in our burg recently and transacted some legal busmess. We had a riot on our line a short time ago, at the foot of the hill Matters of interest were dealt with and those who heard anything couldn’ t remember who told them. so the scrap ended with a lack of friendship. and examine. Have You Seen the Massey- Harris Company’s 1908 This i5 the most complete and best machine on the market. and may be seen at our Show-Rooms. on Lambton Street. at any time. Machine Oil and Coal Oil always in stock The undersigned cpivnd insuuctic Skein. to sell 03 Lot. '2 of 4, Con. 1 tinck, near The following: 1 span good working horses; 1 {11878 supposedin foal; I horse rising 4 years old; 1 were rising ‘3 ears old Scows supposed in calf; cows; 2 two year. old steers: 3 one- year-01d heifers; 4 calves; 1 brood Sale at One o ’clock. sharp. Everything will be sold without reserves as the proprietor is going PBVHIZ for 'IYOI'C Monday, April 6th, TERMS :â€"All sums o: and under. cash ; nver H1 11 mos.’ credit- wxél boa giv‘ parties tarnishing app! nuteq. Eight per cent. wifl he auowed tor cash notes. Miss Lydia ime with M] North Edst N ormanby. Your pleasure DISC HARROW ? oarsnau a y 01“ FA RM STOCK. insrructious fro: JOHN CLARK, Auctionéer. W \\‘ W. J. McFadden, Muloch. CREDIT by Public Auction at 00.1. W G. R... Ben near Dornoch. on a...” All sums of five dollars Leh;nver that amount. t- «'13! ba given upon the fishing uppxove'l joint I per cent. per annum ad tor cash in lieu of iaocl ls Spe um and is our pleasure. Call ed Auctioneer has re DOD ll W Mar 1908 Agent. Du )rge of your D thing soft about their girls or the beautiful Spring and a little extra slop when the whole country is in aslush is neither here nor there to the general public \Vhen they make that sort of stufl into a missle like the Darkie’s Corners man did last week and fire it directly at a brOther correspondent, the ' fellow who happens to get bespattered with it hasn’t got to consult a military dictionary to learn the full meaning of a Splash bullet. a good stock of cheap pork for their pains as it is now rather over the general life time of select pigs since the advice was given. The pigs have more than eaten the worth of them- selves and any profit in the business will be to the cunSumel‘. It will be a lesson for farmers to think for themseIVes after this and put no con- fidence in any newspaper except the Chronicle. Mr. Lorne Allan leaves this Tue< day for the \Vesr. and after a few tiaVs, usir with \anipeg friends. Mr. W L. Dixon of Dromore. was visiting in this neighborhood lasn week. Mrs. Wm. Chapman of Mt. Forest, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sirrs. Mr. Kerr, of Artemesia. visited the Chapman family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grasby are zoing to move to their farm in a. few days and will do a. little dairying this summer. Mr. P. G. Morrison who has been spending the winter an the old home, left. a week ago for the Ween. There was quite an enjoyable party an Mr. Thos. Ritchie’s on Friday evening last. Mrs. Jae. Edge was critically ill for several days last week but at time of writing is slightly improved. Mr. Joe Lennon: sold a fine horse in Mt Forest. on Wednesday for $200 The horse mmken is coming around all right again. Miss Allie Collier is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Miss Mary Edge was the guest of friends at. Latona for a. few days last week. Assessor John McDonald made his: rounds through this neighborhood last week. He is a very courteous, gentlemanly. ofiicial and gives gene- ral satisfaction in his valuation of farm property. Mr. Sam Ritchie has started to pre- pare material for a new brick house to be built this summer. It is just lately he took the notion to build. but will push it ahead with his usual vim and may have it com pleted in early summer. The Robt. Hillis farm was sold" on Friday to Mr. Wm. Bryans for $500, which is a very {811’ price for it. al though it. was recently sold for SIOOC when the marl deposits were pufi'ed up to be of wonderous worth and enthusiasts imagined they saw large fortunes in every mud. hole they lookedinto. Mr. Edgar Ritchie is at present employed on the C. P. R. switch near Lambton street. - Mr. Herb Greenwood and sister Miss Annie, left on Tuesday for North Dakota, where Herb has taken a. farm on shares. We Wish them every success. Mr. Mofi'at took down the old frame harm on \Vedneeday last. Mr. Ben Sharpe engineered the low- ering of the timbers all of which came down without the slighteSt mishap. The timber which did ser- vice for forty one years in the old barn is to be urilized by Mr. Mofiat in the building of an addition 36x32 at the 110th Side of the barn. Those Farm Journals that advised farmers lasr fall not to slanghter 03 their bogs will no doubt have laid in Mr. John Bell of the Rocky. was visiting friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs Bell leave shortly to join their daughters Mrs Ellison and Mrs Bartley. near Davidson. Sask. A little girl whose mother takes pride in her actions in company fail- ed to remember her teachings one day this week when a friend of the famixy gave her a nice big orange. The mother gazed at the little one severely a moment. then she said: "Ethel. I am surprised The lady g8‘f‘3 you an orange and you never 9?“: said 'boo.’ What have you to say to the ladr?” ' Little Ethel twisted the hem of her dless a moment, then, shyly peeping at the lady exclaimed: "Boo!”â€"â€"Youngsmwn Telegram. ‘ Snoringâ€"Letting 01 deep.” “Applesâ€"The bu bbieu that apple trees blow.” "Buckbiterâ€"A mosquito ” ”Fanâ€"A thing to brush the warm 05 with.” ' "Iceâ€"W’ater that went to sleep in the cold.” :qmte as 2 he request 3 it is hart! CHILD’S DICTIONARY 'orner Concerns. Edge Hill an forbearance of a ublic fur the p09: : Bank corresponden have mentioned the 119's Uorners man as be .xiiry as the other fellow would surely be grantpc less stufi, usually some bout their girls or tht [‘ng and a little extra She Said It mvn THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ”nu. fl of C0 39$ “ Y0! $101? FARM STOCK IM- $fl PLEMENTS. {FARVI STOCK IMPLE- MENTS. TERMS OF SALE zâ€"All sums of $5.00 “and under, Cagh; over that amount 10 months’ credit, will be gwen upon the parties furnishing approved jJinr. mores Six per cent. per annum will be allowed 08 for cash in lieu of noteq StOVfi set. skidd.ng tongs; 1 gugar kecsie; 1 heavy vise; 1 heavy door cramp; 2 cross cut. saws; 2 axes; 2 grain cradles; cow chains; a quantity of lumber; 10 chairs; lrocker; 1 arm chair; 1 cupboard; 1 bureau; 1 wash Stand; 1 writing de-k;"2 tables; I? centre‘ tables: 4 bedsteads; picture fr'thS,‘ Selfsmflen; 1 lounge; 1 [78:39!” Me's; l clock; 1 1"A1~lilflzll1d‘$hi3]9: 1 men :iun Of Farm Stock, Implements Household Furniture. ' The undersigned has been instructed by Mrs. Alexander McCormick. 10 sell by public auction at, Lot 27, Con 2. W.G.R., Bentinck, 13; miles from Rocky Savgeen, on Auction Sale! The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions from Mrs. David Brown to sell by Public Auction at Lot 18. Con. 1, S. D. R... Gienelg, on Tuesday, April 7, 1908, Wednesday, April I. 1908, 4 Massey Harris binder 6 ft. cut, complete, with steel truck and sheaf carrier nearly new; 1 reaper, Patter- son; 1 Maxwell mower; l turnip cut- ter; 1 cutting box; 1 l\Iassey- Harris seed drill, complete, with cultivator teeth, nearly new; lhorse rake; 1 land roller; 1 sod plow, Paterson; 1 No." Wilkinson plow; 1 No.14 \Vil- kinson. nearly new; Bscythes; whif fletrees forks hoes, shovels. logging chains. neckyokes, picks and numer ous other articles; 1 Pulford plow; 1 2 furrow plow; 1 disc barrow; 2 set barrows; l fanning mill, good as new; platform scale (1200 lbs. capaci- t3) 1 set heavy harness; 1 set light harness;1 set plow harness; 1 set single harness; l cutter pole;1bug_,gy pole; 1 tank p1mp; 2.»1indstones; 1 set skidd 11g tongs; 1 sugar kettle; 1 The fcllowing: 2 draught horses, 6 and 9 years old; :2 cows, 7 yr.s in call; 1 cow, 5 yrs., in call; 1 cow, 3 years. in calf; 1 {ar- row cow, :3 yrs. old; 3 heifers, 2 yrs. 03d; 1 steer, 2 years old; 3 steers, 1 year; 1 heifer, 1 year; 11 sheep; 4 pigs; 1 wagon; 1 sleigh; 1 seed drill; 1 binder; l mower; 1 steel rake (new); 1 plough (new); 1 sec harrows (nev’); 1 fanning mill; 1 root pulper; 1 buggv; l cutter; 1 glass cupboard; 1 sewing machine; '2 tables; 1 lounge; § doz. chairs; 2 rocking chairs; S? dreSsing Stands; 3 milking pails: 1 cooking above with pipes; 1 parlor stove with pipes; chains, forks, rakes. shovels, and numerous other articles making up household efiects. TERMS zâ€"Ail sums of $5 00 and under. Cash; over that amount 9 months’ credit will be given on furn- ishing approved jginr. notes. Five per cent. discount 0E for cash in lieu of notes. The following : 1 good working mare; 1 good blood mare, 5 yrs.; 2 {arrow cows; 2 year ling heifers; 1 wagon with high and truck wheels; 1 democrat; 1 top bug- gy; 1 cutter; 1 set bob sleighs; 1 No. Everything will be sold as the proprietresq is leaving the farm. The tinder-signed Aucrioneer has re- ceivedinsuuczion from Mr. Joseph Auction Sale! Thursday, April 2, 1908, Auction Sale! Lennox to 3:11 W Pubtic Auction a: Lot 8, 005. 5. E G‘R.. Egremonc, on Tue foiiowing: 1 aged mare; 1 colt. rising ‘2 years; :5 cows. supposed in ca‘.f;1farrow cow; 3 steers. rieing 3 years; ‘2 Steers, ris- ing :2 years; 1 bull. rising :2 years; :2 heifers. 2 years old; ‘2 ewes, in lamb; ’) pigs, 4 months ozd; 1 set. light bar ness; 1 set bob sleiqhe, nearly new; 1 wagon, nearly new; 1 cutter. nearly new; 1 fauning"mili bagger. nearly new; 1 land roller; 1 sulky rake: 1 bay rack; lpiow; 1 gravel box; 1 turnip pnlper. Everything will be sold Without reserve. TERMS OF SALE :â€"All sums of $5 and under, Cash; cverthat amount 10 months’ credit will be given upon the parties furnishing approved joint oozes. Six per cent. per annom will be allowed ofl’ for cash in lieu of notes. ouqehol Saie at- One o’clock. sharp Sale at One o’clock. sharp (if) Sale at One o’clccx, sharp. JOHN CLARK . Aucnioneer ~es, nearly new; and Other iarticlea coo numerous to J OBN CLARK, Auctioneer. M. KENNY. Auctioneer. CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT 1 Ab-‘td‘ I» If you want to be ready for the day of a and warmth, you should get your New Suit or Dress, now. while the dressmakers into the sljn'ing rush. ' The Slxn'e is ready 1 N Chiewffon Broadcloth '5 New Muslins Soft, clear finish. in the. («n-root weight. black navyaud brown 0 $1 .) ‘ 0-1! Fine even finish. one of the very fashionable goods, new shades of mwy, brown, green. red and black 75c yd. Fashion’s latest colors, ShO\V up very rich and clear, red, pearl grey, brown. navy and black 600 yd. New Venetian or Ladies’ Cloth Lovely lustrous finish, fine wool goods 600 yd. New suits in the leading shades for spring, well tailored, handsome in appearance and built to re- tain their good appearance. Prices $10 to $16. Youths’ New Suits, new spring styles well tailor.- ed from the most fashionable cloths. They have the wear resisting qualities too $7.50 $9.00 $10.00 New Satin Cloth New Shirts for Menâ€"Patterns and colors this season are Very neat and dressy. The leading colors are blues, greys, tyns, greens and these colors, or black on white ground. Stores all over the country are selling these at $1.50. Our price >31 New Tape-Stripe Kharanta Being pressed by a- greet many of our good re- liable customers to go into the seed business, we decided, and have laid in a; stock of the best see® that money could procureâ€"all government tested. - Call and examine them and you will be convinced that we have purchased quality, and nothing else. Our Red Clover will saiisfy you as it; is of the best qtlality. As this is'g'oillg to be an extra good year for Timothy seed, we have quality quantity. Our Black Oats are considered by some of the leading veterinary surgeons, as very superior oats for feeding. Our White Oats are an extra sample. Other seeds in abundance. 100 Rubber Tubes for seeding; machine at 20c ea. Chloride Lime Sinecure Powder Fels-Naptha/SOap Moth Balls, Gillett’s Lye, and Caustic Soda, for Soapmakers Furniture Polish Tri-Phenol SPRING NECESSITIES f New Clothing for Men 8: Boys DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE. ‘ 5 \‘d. New Sawing Dress Goods The house-cleaners' friend. The spring disinfectant and deodizer. 350 per bOtthe In pounds and lmlf-p0111'1ds. 2:30. bottles. 70 per cake. Seeds 9? II McIntyre Block. The Store is ready for You. They are being'mcked up already New flowered muslins, pink zmd blue patterns on white gL-(mnd. snmehavc satin stripe or check Prices 10c to 35-: yd. Light: and dark grounds, spots and small patterns. lovely soft goods 150 yd. Large or small spots on light I and dark grounds, very stylish : special at 200 yd. ? New Spot Muslims New Chambrays And small check ginghams, all the good colors 125: yd. New Coon Delaines of sunshine New bprmg 91's are not kkmfi

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