West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1908, p. 8

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‘3 ii 'i :Ehe people’s Store. Headquarters Regent tailoring gives that pertecmon ierfectly satisfactory and stylish suit, aste may beâ€"no matter how much, or .ure to find something in the "Regent” $20.00. Prices ranging from $8.00 to We're domg a larger trade in Iadxes' shoes, based on the facn of better styles and quahues than we have ever owned before at pepuiar prices The ”lmpenal" is a shoe we can thoroughly recommend and ladies are coming back for “another pair of shoes like the last ones I bought here U \N e carry only re and the "imperial" is leading hues. large stock These goods demand our \\ hole attention mm and renih the selection is perfect. (olors, weights, shles, “idths and prices are at the height of perfection and satisfac- tory to every customer. ' When out to the millinery openings, have a look at the newest dress goods the market can produce. Don’t forget the ‘Sovereign‘ brand cloth- ing! To HAVE, AND To HOLD ATTENTION V on should wear ‘SOV ereign brand clothes. Stvles that are as full of snaps as a fire cracker. The handiwork of intelligent men, who have made a life study of tailoring. {Ems Goods “REGENT” BRAND reliable makes. AND OUS‘ perfection of fit 'lish suit, N0 11 v much, or how 1i “Regent" line th for Produce 11 of fit.- and tailoring W1 . No matter What your 3r how little you desire to "' line that will satisfy you “ Imperial” Shoe The queen of all shoes and Prince of all styles. SUITS You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question isâ€" " Why doesn‘ta razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?” Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open-bladed razor does not alter the question. You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every! morning with the confident knowledge that your Irazor will be ready for instant use the next time needed. The Carbo 1‘ agnetic razor is the only razor uncondition- ally guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of study on the razor situation has perfected a- nevIrngvcâ€"Exv'ct préccss of [1.501819 TEMPERII‘IG that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metalâ€"giving a dia- mond-like hardness uniformly throughout the bladeâ€"some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steelâ€"used in making all other razors. But tc§t this razor in your own homeâ€"or if you prefer, have your barber use it on you. Give us your name. or call and see the “Garbo Magnetic" razor, and we will state our proposition for test- --n- A“‘ "iv vâ€"_ 1â€"D; theser razors wt thong obligation on your part to purchase. together with our free booklet " Hints on Shav- ing.” ) This book illustrates the correct razor position for shaving every part of the face. In Your Spare Tune 8! Home, Or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable ell to learn. we teach on cash or instal- ment plan. We elk teach a personal class at school once a monthâ€"close commencmz last Tuesday 01 eecbmonth. These lessons teach howtocut. mend 9‘“. weather any garment. from the plainest shirt was: sun to the most elaborate dress. The whole {unily can loam from one course. We have taught Lyon’s- Beware of imitations. as we employ no one to mm and employ a. number. of smut yomyz Inches to teach our course m Dress- .mkmg. henna one teacher for the an: neuest towns where they live-ace!) to 85. Those who have worked st dressmskmg. or lakes dramas prefared. Please do not spply unless you an devote your whole tune. Addressâ€"THE 803001... Sold by W. BLACK, Durham Ont. hand The Guild gave a social evening in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening lhsc week. With games, re- freshments and a short programme ,lhe evening was enjoyahlv spent. Mr. Walter Loncks conducted the pragramme which included a shoxt iappropriate Speech from the paszor. \I?A_ Ceylon public school Jennie \Vilson indulged ing parny on Wednesd‘ last week and paid 9. fr P‘VB â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" appropriate Speech from the pastor.! Ceylon public school under Miss Jennie \Vilson indulged in a sleigh- ing party on Wednesday afternoon last Week and paid a fraternal visit to Miss McClocklin’s school near Markdale. The visitors furnished refreshments and the home school entertained with a neat little pro gramme. Mr. D. Muir chaperoned the party and we learn the outing was a very pleasant one. nesday evening of lass week. Splendid programme was given by home talent assisted w the popular entertainer, Mr. W. Logan, of Owen Sound. who delighted the audience with his songs. Mr. J. L Wood, The Senior League in the Metho‘ dist. church celebrated its 19th anni- versary with a Birthday Party 0n‘ Monday evening. The early part of the evening was devmed to social intercourse and parzaking o'. refresh ;mean after which a pleasing pro E gramme was rendered. a Mr \V. W. Trimble will continue :to Cater to the public in the Park House havingleased in for anoLher Eycur. ‘9'“ v wvâ€""V was chairman, and auctionec‘r MC Pbail diSposed of the cons at goal prices. Proceeds $45 00. U Mr John Hargrave Jr.. has bought‘ from his father the old homesreadl farm on the Collingwood Road which' he has been uccupying some time. Mr A. Mclule} of this place has been bereft of his aged mower Who died some days ago at her late home in Euphrasia. The remains W818 tnkwu to Br-Lhel cemetery. Proton. ‘fur interment Messrs. W. Mmre and '1' uucurm were at, Duudwk on Monday evening of last week attending an At Home given by Dufierin Lodge I. O. O F. and they report an enjoyable time. W At the meeting of Lacombe Pres-l bytery. Sask.. on the 26th ult we notice Rev J G. Anderson. son of the late J. R. Anderson. made appli cations to be again received into the Canadian Church. and the applicatian was recommended to General As- sembly. Mr. Anderson, who has been for a number of years laboring in Calilornia where he went for his lwife’s health, was a student in Man- itoba College and occupied mission fields in the Northwest. We are: pleased to learn of his proposed re turn to the native land. Mr. C. H. Munshaw, who for four- teen years very faithfully disch arged the duties of Secretary in the Citi- zen’s Band. resigned a week ago and Mr. Stanley Thurston has been elected in his place. Sunday was Children’s Day in the Presbyterian church and the discourse by the pastor was apprOpriate and deeply interesting to the young people of the Sunday school. The school and missionary association, recently organized. have united in purchasing a missionary library of twenty volumes all splendid works on missionary thought, Mrs. John Nuhn is in Toronto with her dau ghter, Mrs. John Gould, whose life was despaired of last, week, but a change for the better is now reported and hopes are enter- ‘ tained for her recovery. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gould on the 8th inst. Bornâ€"On Sunday the 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson, west - of the village, a son. Mr. Jas. White, who has been laid up for a few weeks with a broken leg ,__1 LL-A. Ln ‘.nnna tn Mr. Jas. White, who has been laid up for a few weeks with a broken leg has so far recovered that he hopes to be taken this week to his brother’s on the west back line. For safety Drs, Carter and Murray have put the limb in plaster of Paris. . Messrs. Robt. and Harry Thistle- weire returned home leer. week from New Ontario. Mr. W. J. Bellarny_ attended the Mr. W. J. Bellamy attended the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge meeting in Toronto last. week. Mr. Alex Ferguson, tot Egremont, visited Mr. Wm. Reid last week. Mr. J. P. Bnnt spent part of last week nt Woodbridze. Mrs. W. J. .Henderson, of Ware- hnm, is spending a. couple of weeks ‘0 W. Mmre and T lechrist with her daughtev Mrs. W E White and Mrs. Herb Smith visited Mrs. st'ey Buskin a couple of days last. week. Mr. Jas. McClocklin. of, Durha :1, is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Mark Wil- SOD Mrs. W. B:yd, of Toronto, who has began 03 m exceodat vism with br‘l‘ nephews J. and W. B )yJ return- ed home on Tuesday. Mrs. A, McPhatter and little' daughter, returned to their home at. Owen Sound on Tuesday. Burnâ€"At Min-:dosa. Mam. on March 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Spear. a. Sun. Mrs. Spear was for merly Miss Blue Wrigh', daughter of Mrs. \Vm. Wright, west bacaline \‘lr. 4ordon \IcMullen returned to the city last Wrwk. Mr. W. take-u a p05 otfiue. Ata meeting of the directors of the BaSt Grey Agr cqltural Society on Monday, Apt-L 28th mas the date chosen for the Spring Show here. The Preeidont gave a reprort of the recent Fair’s Association meeting in Six Dona fide preposals of marriage i from as many society girls of Ed LWardsville. 111., have been made to {C W Terry, president of the State éfind 'I‘rusr bank and genera! attorney a {or the McKinley runway system. Mr. Terry, though ‘well to do and good looking. has always been con Sidered a. Staid "old baton.” \Nben the proposns, m writing. were made to him. naturally be was perturbed Society Girls Ask C. W. Terry’s Hand in Marriage. The proposals are the result of a di=cussion at a. whisz club party of the backwardness of eligible men, when Mrs W. E. Wheeler. a young matron of the organizuion, suggest. ed the concerted attack upon one of the reel-rants As the letters were signed in cipher the president of the organization promised to interpret when Mr. Terry would decide which of the writers he would select His answerwas: And I think I can say That .two weeks from to day I’ll try to make happy one lass; I’ll announce my selection, Of candid perfection-â€" Apply for the benedicts’ class. There is a. proprietor of a shop inl‘ New Haven, a man of most excitable. temperament, who is forever scold ing his clerks for their indifference in the matter of possible sales. One day. hearing a clerk say to a customer, “No, we have not had any for a long time,” the pr0prietor, un- able to countenance such an admis- sion. began to work himself into the usual rage. Fixing a glassy eye on ‘ his clerk. he said to the customer: “ We have plenty in reserve. ma’am plenty downstairs.” \Vhereupon the customer looked dazed; and then. to the amazement of the proprietor, burst into hysteri cal laughter and quit the snop. “What did she say to you?” de- mandrd the preprietor of the clerk. “ ‘We haven’t had any rain late- “First class in statesmansbip,‘ stand up. What is the purpose 051 an army?” ”Please. sir, to garrison our colon- ial dependencies, sir. “Of when advantage are coloniall dependencies?” ' “They are a guod training school for the army. sir. "And what: is the purpase of a. navv. 9H , ' ,3 811‘ “But what in the need of 9. mar- cantile marine?” - 51x GIRLS PROPOSED “Please, sir. to supply the navy with experienced eeamen,’ sir." "Isn’t. this what. is called reason- ing in a circle?” v “No. sirâ€"in 8. Spiral. The longer you go on the more you are up in the air. “The traveller in Ireland will doI well,” recently remarked an attache to our embassy at London, “when he engages a jauntingâ€"car to make sure of the step to which. in mounting. he muse trust his weight. The carman does not help him to mount. ‘ “I am afraid that step is loose,’ an American once said to the driver he had engaged. "The man took hold of the step and shook it. °Ah, sure,’ said be. it's too sthrong. it is. . What are ye afraid of?” hAs: he was talking the thing came ofi in his hand. “This mishap did not, however, embarrass the Irishman, for, with the sunniest of smiles, he turned to his fare, saying: 6‘ ‘Shore. now. I saved yer honor from a. broken leg!" ,’ “Dismiss!”â€"Exchan go. J. O’Neil, of Paris has itiou nu R J. Sproule’s Saved from Harm. They Had Plenty. :3 (Dr.) MurraY- -.... 0-0 ow Twisted. W’_ 7 7 Keep the bowels re ular wlth A erg Pills, Just one' p ll each n ght. T he old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It’s the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. _It strengthens, somhes, heals. EAsk your doctor about it. magnic. AyerCo..1 o manuhcture: , SARSAI yer ma SEEDS ! OUR The best kind of a. testimonial- “ Sold for over sixty years.” 66 Government Standard” GRASS 82 CLOVER Selection and Preparation Is the first: and strongest re- commendation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed. The price is a second consider- ation when estimating its value and worth. \Vhen comparing both the Quality and Price uf any seeds we offer. they will be found in the buyers best inter- ests. We Ingre no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Qualities in Red and Alsike clo- ver and Timothy seed has given unqualified satisfaction. The most persistent care is given to supply the Highest Quality and Purity obtainable. All clover and Timothy Seed offered un- der our special brands as “Gavel-mnent Standard," are prepared to comply with the Seed Act, for No. 1 Quality. Hardware, Grain 8: Seed merchant A shoe is What, gives it vahw. W111 find every shoe in our may and leathers wearing as Well as 1t For smart people are especnally‘fi k at attention. We want you to ma air them. Then if you don’t have fl Riff- it will be because you are more 1m. “d erent to footwear quality,.st)’16,be value than we think possxblv. . , u "Ever Right” shoe 15 the shoe 50 want everytime. . “file We decline mâ€"purchase rough and unclean seed, and reinsc any lot Containing such noxious weed seed that cannot be clear- ed, to comply with the Soul Act. Second to none is our motto 1n ur- and quality. ENTRICKEN SEWEUf His eyes were blue as Heaven's 00‘“ When he departed from his horn?- But oh, alas. when he came back Those eyes were of a. raven black, And rents were gaping in his coat. iThis the result when students Vow Call and examine them yourself. Higher prices paid fur kinds of Grain. “Ever Right” Shoe . S. HUNTER The Quality Behind Mar. 26, 1908 J. C. Aye: 00.. Lowe} Mm.‘ so muncturoro or 1' The Change. SARSAPARILLL MIR V1003. motw in style for 75 dome mation concerning Inc \ 'fe. It's an (n tions. If a man is wm-L he gets so much per-”m Ding a neWSpapm- 1n O A VERY heavy run. :1. thunder and lightuin spring season, which. m way of counting. begin MM‘Ch. The sleighing it is a little early to cm WE are sorry to 1mm- Maclaurin, who went tn ' Saturday. was taken do“: anxiety is being GXPIK‘SM'Q UT town, and all will be plt':t~~xi they hear that the popular M entirely out of danger. 1 MALCOLM DIACDUXALD. Priceville, died on Thms General Hospital, at the years. Deceased was uln- home, 20 Irwin avenue. :1 moved to the. hospital. ‘ monia developed and p1 Mr. Macdonald was :1 Fa lander by birth. Before Toronto he lived at Privm‘ city he was a driver for the coal and cal-rage man a wife and two children. DR. Humox has a 1m which he seems to prize ~ though the article is p111"?! Value. It, is simply an o‘u' issued in 1885 to 131'. AL by the Canadian l’w» entitling the. holder to :w‘u rates. Dr. Pattul'm ‘Vds 0f the Brmnptun Timv» quenuy left. the high « dim and stepped duwn i1 Iv: PPOfession. Perhaps‘ 1H. 1 SNpathy for his friend ~ keeps the certificate :1» :‘1 > Of his former great mass. liSh says in his leum- n l, SaSk., Wlitten «m :h. W e acknowglwi cription and a kind iation for the L um m1 ‘ warm Weather. ON Friday last :1 nm Voters at the Jammy examined befm'v 31:13.. It was the anti-0pm the cause of the rx Banisters w. H. W Sound, Mr. )hAx-fih Were here to rem-awn While Mr. Kingstnn. was present in huhsx‘: The evidence was tn 2w 511 that was learned w‘ the several \\'i t. n « -.~ \ "‘31-‘13th senax-atcly (I 8532131 to give plum) in ‘. ‘\" \II‘ -.‘-‘ there “’35 no Mine .. (i to be getting (1m .5. M a genuine 01d mm ‘ from its perfm man ”the bridge will be (1‘1 - t0 the railway .Qome. We understand thy .x 130V“! allowed but \‘m-_\' to be given, and 1hr :11 "up next week at 0st ‘ THE annual ice-jam Fiver started in 011 5 335$, and though qui ‘088 and ice passed down. L was as nothinw cmnpm-w1 ‘ .;P.evi“us Yea 15. 1111 I-EVM'] 99% for a Cnuplo “1 woo-k? mu fOI' 121135.51) ( (‘11‘11111 .m n0 lnltncdi: 110 (1.111ng m town. As it. “as. Wall]? “'edaeu :11 1't Meats 0f the (11’. 11. h: «‘1 a jam. “'hiCh l)0\\'v\'(’ Men by a few emu: :“1 ially invite all le to attend 1h 0 call at any tim d We will Show :k of millinm'j ”‘0 #Bliss Dick, N0. 2142 to count )egms O \V l w 1 )1 t! leat 16 \V W k «la;

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