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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1908, p. 1

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:5. It’s the Story} roar, weak lungs, :tO consumption, crry Pectoral Etakingâ€"cold habit, b, secthes, heals, ktor about it. Ere%ularwith A: pll each n1 VJxvguthirIIIL-w pass.” ible. '11” in shoe is the Shoe ’0‘ 'time. .;_i C. Ayu- 00.. Land mama-om or wnple are especially Watt": \Ve want. you to 100 9 en if you don't have fl» . f cause you are more I footwear quality, style and :0 none is our :rnment .andard” on“! We mm {:11 our median... of 9. testimonialâ€" 'er sixty yearn.” lOfl ’reparation ITER’S Ouality 82 CLOVER H 065; a new one 'wagger New 5"” any kind of seed. a. St’CUDd consider- stinmting its Value , smsmmu... nus. mm . HUNTER Quality Behind \\ The Change. DS Right” Shoe Quaiity 1V I]? 102 as the comparing ul PriCe of hey will be best, inter- Alsike clo- I has given ion. The is given to finality and All clover )fl'ered un- hrands as Gard," are r with the QualitY. »t be clear- ed merchant- h noxious 1d re! use ti £58 mug buyer am for re- Seed Saturday. was W Ngws AROUND TOWN 51.x W a 42â€"â€"ND. 2142. \\' wrather :1 Furniture Factory will wing on Monday next, - ad vertises slabs for sale. nut supply the demand ’ one requiring summer .wll tn order early. sorry to learn that Dr. who went to Toronto on ras taken down with pneu- nt city. Though we have' > intimation that his case ' serious, still considerable being expressed through all will be pleased when hat the popular M. D. is t «if danger. \V invite all those Who attend the millinery at any time it is con- will Show them our miilinery,â€"â€"â€"Parisian Miss Dick. Pxop. M.\(‘I)().\'.~\LD, formerly of .iml on Thursday at the spital. at the age of 46 was-m1 was taken ill at his win avenue. and was re- ho- huspital, when pneu- lnpcd and proved fatal. mid was a. Sc'otch High- lirth. Before coming to [final at Priceville. In the a. driver for T. R. Haig. {uu’t‘uge man. He leaves 'y min. z-lccmupanied by lightning, on Friday' tlw first storm of the which. according to our 1g. begins on the let of ll-ighing is all gone, but l'lV to count on continu- )nper he 191‘ t“ N- getting dangerous. In :th11in oldJaShioned Spring m its performance of yester- n-idge will be quite a lot of U the railway company in 1 a beautiful winter! ust like the opening 5 is what Mr. John is letter from Cotton- inch on the 23rd 0f knowledge receipt of a kind word of ap- - CHRONICLE. .\"I‘ writes for infor- : the word “per” in all owing to condi- ; working in a. bank 91' month. If he is npr he gets so much [118 mujmu on the Saugeen n «m Sunday morning ugh quite a lot of rOOtS, ssml down, the blockade : («unpaved with some The river having been plc (It weeks back, ac- .. so consequ'ently there‘ iurcdanger to the mill As it was, a couple of 'edgetl across the abut- P. R. bridge. and started 11. however, was soon few energetic workers. was no time at which it ildl'en ~\1 tin U s a. little souvenir prize very highly, is practically of no r an old certifiéate Dr. Alex. Pat-tullo Press Association, r to natural railway lln was then editor Times. but subse? gh editorial position a into the medical Lpfi Dr. Hutton has a. friend so fallen and tr as a sure reminder messed when they 1y from the confes- "e to some one 8158. hp solicitor for the very little evidence the matter will come .Dsznode Hall. \V half H mun fight, nf Owen of Markdale, their interests. (If Mt. FOI'BSL f of the town. In privately, and t' it came -fr0m Stl?l[t elt Tele x- of Durham l lectinn were 'l[t‘ Telford. i: ’tllll. ' O O O L: BEAUTIFUL imitations of natural wood finished with varnish may be me I.obtained by applying one coat of Campbell’s Varnish Stain. Alex. Russell car ries a full line of all colors and size cans. Color card free. 1of m; LAMBERT S Hair Restorer restores i faded or gray hair to its natural color. 50c a. bottle at MacFula-me s. Fully ‘ gum anteed and ham unlessâ€"4 A CAR of bran, shorts and feed flour Just. arrived at Matthews Latimer’s. FOR fashionable millinery go to the Parisian Millinery Parlors, Miss Dick Proprietor. ANOTHER lot of 50 coliar tabs on sale Saturday at the House of Quality, H. H. Mockler. “’5: have taken ad'aumge of whole- sale bargains in dress gnods, and we have some snaps to offer 111 dress goods.~â€"S. I“. Morhck. ONE large 12x14 Photograph will be given free with each dozen of our best cabinets. This offer is too good to last longâ€"F. ‘V. Kolsey. THE wmk of painting the new C. P. R. station and water tank 18 now well under wzu . and when completed will gix e the buildings a most prepossessing appearance. THE branch of the C.P.R. to Sangeen Junction was opened on Monday, and the first engine and caboose over the line since the snow blockade got in I here during the noon hour. After the ‘1 playing out of the new [deal snow I plow. which was sent to Owen Sound: for repairs, the company’s rotary was . put in operation and also broke down, ; necessitating the putting on of shovel- lers. As the winter is practically gone. it is not likely the line will he i tied up again during the present sea- ? son, and the work of hallasting will. in 5i all probability, be Started at once. ('1 l )Ir. Tooze, of 'l'uronw cuat maker engaged by '1 Mr. Arthur Smith left for Milwaukee. Mr. Asa Robson, of I accept, thanks for renewa Mr. J. R. Darling has I stock the past week. Mr. Archie Hunter left Tuesday Mr. H. K Furniture F recently fro Mr. Alex Up=t0=date 'Job Work Done Mr. \V. D. Connor atne eral of his sister-in-law. ] in Owen Spund on Hand )1 iss Katie Dawkins. of is spending a few we parents in town. Mr. \Vill Harding has ; ilcon where he has secur ‘ as manager of a grocery Mrs. Patron is quite ill at preset Mr. Tooze, of Torontn, is the m my “mum engaged by Mr. Glass. nublUCDOo Hutton, left Max-ch Mr. Lytle \V. 25th for his home in Antler, Sask. after spending a. term of about. three ° 1 parents and (nends ' parts of On- ‘ Powers. Michigan. also his cousin Dr. [David R. W'illiamS, “’innipeg, Mani- David R- toba. PERSONAL Saunders I after spendin ants here. Smith and children, of me visiting at Conductor vkins, of Owen Sound, few weeks with her attended the fun- .w. \lrs. Connor, A returned to on Tuesd 7 some tune at present. S. F. DIOR LDC K. Last Tuesday and \Vednesday were opening days at S. F. Morlock's. Miss Grinyer, who has charge of the de- partments again this season along with her trimmer, Miss Grant. had an immense stock of beautiful millinery on View. Some of the shapes that were most admired were: i A very pretty Atlanta blue hatfl Some in lov ely Atlanta blue braid, slightly rolled at left side and trimmed with a. bandeau of tilet lace and crini- . line. Two steel pins turn in at right side and two pretty shaded Atlanta feathers at left side. Another dainty hat was made in a. mushroom style. Some 111 tuscan and white pleated braid. trimmed with I \V Last Tuesday and \Vednesday were J. McK. Kearns, Barrister, Arthur pening days at S- 1‘ ° M‘“°l”Ck.5° M‘s“ who is a candidate for Presidency of “"33""? “'1‘" has charge "t the deâ€" the Canadian Lacrosse Association for vith her trimmer. Miss Grant. had an of the Province. mnense ct wk of beautiful milliner ' z , . . l . s k ‘ ‘ ‘ 3' | Mr. hearns was born in Orangevnlle m new. home 0f the bhapcb that: and flayed therea number of ears vere most admired were: I ‘ i J ’ ’ y . ° ' 1 He was a member of the “Dui’ferms’i A “f“? PNLW Atlanta ”“9 h‘}t° ' when they won the Intermediate 3‘3")" m ‘0" 913' Atlanta blue .braid, Championship in 1897, and when they slightly rolled at left side and trnnmed won the Senior Championship and With a bandeau of filet lace and Cl‘ini- Globe Shield in 1900 and 1901. In the line. Two steel pins turn in at right following year he was with “Varsity’ Side and two pretty shaded Atlanta in their tour in the United States when they won the Inter-Collegiate Another dainty hat was made in 3 Championship of America. Subse- mushroom style. Some m tuscan and quently he played with Tecumsehs of white pleated braid. trimmed with Toronto and with Fergus. He was a bows of tan velvet ribbon all around member of the All-Canadian team crown, and a tuscan and white shaded which toured Australia last year. feather comes from centre of crown . . . . . . . . By profession Mr. hearns is a law- falhng over left side, With tWo beauti- . 'ad . ed f- 0‘ d ful tan silk roses in front - yer. havmg g! "M“ tom sgoo e " ' Hall in 1902. He. started to practise feathers at left side. A pretty model was made of pink 1 proxyline braid. tam crown, and trim- ‘ med'with a band of insertion and pink “ chiffon. a shaded rose plume at left 4 side caught with a very large shaded tan and pink rose and two steel pins. Very nobby French pattern hat in tuscan and green,’ drooping shape very high crown with wide band of [tuscan straw and green velvet set in. 9 Two tuscan pins run through pleats ati right side. The left side is trimmed? with sprays of white and (lopenhagen 2 wheat, with two bunches of small rose colored roses in front set in circles of . green velyet ribbon. , 1 A very Chic Turkish turban made: of tuscan braid, plaque draped right ‘overedge. tiimmed with small pink moss roses and liaisLooped rosette of ‘tusean ribbon, with two teddy bear l bows at right side and two tusean pins. Another pretty brown shape was trimmed with five rolls of pleated tus- 'vcan tulle with tan velvet ribbon be- tween eaeh row, and two shaded | brown plumes and pins. The )lillinery Openings 1n ;\11ss' Dick’s showrooms, held on \Vednesday ‘ and Thursday last, were, in all proba- bility, the most successful conducted! by her during her fifteen seasons catering to Durham’s fair ones, and drew a large and enthusiastic gather- ino‘ of Easter dressers each day. drew a large and eutuusuuue same. ing of Easter dressers each day. The showrooms looked very pretty in their gaudy collection of Easter‘ hatsnztnd the manner of arrangement. ' together with the artistic designs and styles of the various feminine head :pieces. reflected much credit as to experience and capability upon this popular milliner and her staff of trim- mers and assistants. MILLINERY OPENINGS. Continued expresSions of delight ‘ and satisfaction over the various styles and shapes on exhibition were audible all along the line, and the large amount of energy and time spent i‘n‘epztring for this opening was, we think, not at all wasted if hearty and rapturous expressions of appreciation are any criterion to go by. ' \Vith two large tables, upon which were arranged the most beautiful and _best‘selection of black hats the firm has carried for years, a magnificently gotten up showcase of Copenhagen .blue, the interior of the millinery rooms presented a, DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1908. Miss DICK. cry Openings in Miss most elaborate By profession Mr. Kearns is a law- yer. having graduated from Osgoode Hall in 1902. He. started to practise law at Arthur and has built up a suc- cessful and substantial practice. He displays considerable force and vigor as a platform speaker and has been a memher of the Municipal council for the past two years. In religion he is a Methodist and is a member of the I Quarterly Board of the Church. Mr. Kearns has always taken a. keen interest in sports. He was elected a member of the O. L. A. Council in 1905, and the next year was elected ! Second Vice- President of Association. } Last year he took the next step. being lelected to the office of First Vice-1 ‘ President, and now he is seeking the i highest ofiice in the gift of the (3.L.A. l 3 From the above it will be seen that M r. Kearns has had all the. experience ' that could he required~hoth as play- er and as a member of the executive. ' He hasthe reputation of heng fair and honest, and of giving every mat- hn- untl nr-rs‘nn (tOIuan bet'ore the EX- McK. KEARNS FOR PRESIDENT He luw'the remltzltlon m mung inn and honest, and of giving every mat- ter and person coming before the Exâ€" ecutive a just hearing. llz-u'ing filled the minor offices of the Association, ME‘Kem'ns is justly en- titled this year to the Presidential chair, and we strongly urge that local Lacrosse Clubs of this northern country send representatives to To- I‘lv‘Vl ‘J‘v‘aâ€" country send representatives to To- ronto oh Good Friday with explicit instructions to cast their votes for Kearns, the man from Arthur. ~ So far as l)urham is concerned that matter was settled when it was known that Mcli. was in file field, and we think Mt. Forest and Hanover arrived at the same decision. In any case, if the Lacrosse Associations of this part; of the country want a man for Presi- dent who has shown himself fair and honest‘in the positions he has held, and one who is thoroughly up in af- fairs of the Canadian Lacrosse Associ- tion, they will have. no hesitation in instructing their delegates to the an- nual meeting to vote for J. M. K‘earns. at the Chronicle Office. appearance. The show window, also, deftly ar- ranged to the best possible advantage, drew forth many laudatory remarks, and those who stopped to look were incontrollably forced to enter the In ain parlors and View at length-the beauties l of Easter Millinery in store for them. The most popular productions seein- Eed to be the wide brimmed “Merry \Vidow” sailor, Alice blue Napoleon and Copenhagen blue, as well as neat models in brown, tuscan and leghorn. Konrns, Barrister, Arthur, All the week we have been receivmg congratula- tions on our spring millinery, by the many ladies who visited our show-rooms. We have just reason to be proud oiour millinery, for we have never had such a showing of beautiful creations as we are showing this spring. The attractive trimmed models embrace all the newest styles, including the Wide “Merry-Widow” Sailor Turkish Turbans, and the New High Crowned Rolling Prim Shapes. stylishly trimmed with flowers, foliage, feathers, ribbons, laces, fancy pins and buckles. providing a selection to suit every type of face, and at prices to suit every woman’s purse. ' A great selection of smart ready-to-wears and children’s hard-wear. We would be pleased if you would call and see our millinery, whether you buy or not. You will find that we have the Variety, Quality and the Quantity. The New Spring I’ractically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Wenves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. J. , J. HUNTER é Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. Waists Clearing of all Winter Goods. Sole Agent for Progress Brzmd Clot-hing. THE BU8Y 8TORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Cash and one price Have you seen Our range of Japanese Silk Waists Black and Brown at lowest prices. 1w? Mi} M H;

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