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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1908, p. 2

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flmx LOT NUMBER _1_3 NORTH Ml}, of Saddler street in the Town of Du: gf‘m in the 0mm: c-f (hwy. containing4 E“ .{res more or less. For terms and Darth“? it ’.-'s apnlv to J. P. Telford, Vendor-’3 Solici- ‘ Durham. . 2.â€"tf. f i Gleuelz, 15 acres bush. frame ham. 1 watered, must be sold. A. E. Jackson :mtmm. M“- ~.â€"....â€"~. fl...â€" F)“ 13 AND 14. CON. el 1.- .. .7 -- 7, ”1,- El NUMBER OF IMPROVED VAL- ‘. BE 2ND 3ND 33:) DIVISION 05‘ Lot No. I. E G R.. in the Township . Glenelz. 100 acres known as the “McKin- Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- iate posses‘ion given. For particulars a“! 9n 1 p Talfm’d. 3 1"m" tf Iv to]. P. Telford. 5 u-mâ€"u m<~_â€"â€"4.-â€"â€"._ ‘ OT 21â€"1}: THE SECOND CON- cession West of the Garafraxa Road, the Township of Normanby. in the ntv nf Grev. For particulars apply to .- P. Telford, Barrister. Durham. usble farms in New Untavio. near Eew Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for . Map 01 the I: cality and terms given application to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for " or. 7- 18 % â€"tt lexénder McCormach U'U‘. th'v â€"~, ,, Concession of the Township of Nor- nby. containing 2.10 acres. the estate of elate Thns Fulton One stone dwelling one name dwelling. Good bank barn 0 good frame barn Will be sold in block divided tn suit purchaspr. Terms made own on applicatinn. Hugh Fulton, Ad- 'nistrator. Hampden, P, O. n 13. tf I} to \\ vlliam Laidlaw Mill-giget Durham 110R frontage “2‘29 tf â€"-...._â€"â€"â€"_.._â€"â€".. 4 0 ACRES ON in» CONCESSION . Bantinck, Lot 27. W.G R . 5 acre‘3 .11 wheat. about l5 acres fall plowing. 7?) nos under cultivation. good well and bring water Apply on farm to Mrs. lexander McCormack, Rocky Saugeen. ’ awn; 311 uuuw saw...- lo. Possessnon at once. 600:1. Kfid. sold. For particulars Hard, Durham. b 22nd 1905 â€"tf apply to Mus? J. P. 313m §mv0 STOREY‘ PQCBLE mum ’ater+ Wmn cure ’I' CRT ian Manse property m Lpper ann, _~:1rham, Corner of Durham and Elgin "'eets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, ‘ n ent floored cellar. etc. Good airy Inca- _ in good locality. Good frame Stable. "yd and soft water, one acre of land. Snap quick purchase-r. Fm‘ further particw ‘8 apply to John W. McKechnie. Owner. '3ckv Sangeen P. O. . 181:. IWâ€"tf. F store-v}; dwelling. alongsjde Presby i house, situated on the west sidu Gara- xa Street. in upper town. large lot w ith able. first class well alsn ciatern. Anpiy premises. Angus Cameron. [312%. ”14000- SOIIw BRIQK_TWO Farms for Sale. for sale a num ber of houses and out. vilflings along the line of right of way uf B \Valkel ton and Lucknow Railway, in 3 town of Durham. These buildings must be removed at an HY date. in order to clear the line .»f I ight my $11. a aterial such as timber. bruk st'me 'F in cases \\ here the buildings cannot. be ved. are 31w ufi'rwd tor ~ale. led June 4th 1907. Appiy to J. P. TELFORD. Durham. NUMBER OF 1‘0wa LOTS 05: For Sale or to Let. Y 200 ACRE FARM AT GLAS- cutt, will rent one or more \ears. :inz mast L-f rent in immovements. .ildiugs. soil. water. orchard and timbér 1; good Appiy to J. Rife-hie. Port t. ur. P! and bWELuNG AND $309. 0): 0V fnr «aln bytender. Lots 1 and 2 on 3'2. Ememnnt. “'ritfen seaied tend- r this prupertv may be deliveved m ram-signed Solicitor up to the 15th of lalir-tf ed to.» do Custom Sawing. into lumber. miefi and lath: also planing. grain ”51m: Ptc Hemlock and cedar logs, lat]. timber wanted for Which the high- caah price will be pain at the will. an Clark, Varney. pd. (:KINAON COM FORTA BLF. CU! 111158 A N U .10 acres of land Opposite Mr Thos. Skins, vonveniem '0 Durham. Cottage tajns 6 rooms. got-d woodsLed. 20ml ria- hen house, never failing well. Excell. [pmce tor gardening. Apply toAaron IO". a seeded down lne rarm d and “ill make 2005 gradin nrt-imsor must ray down 35 the balance by first mortgag II. further partivnlars. anplv to W Vendor’s Salicitor. Durham, Ont roperty for Sale. ed to do Custom 5:195 and lath : .[Jhg Ptc He! B UN DERSIUNED IS PREPA R Custom SawinP'. )OD BRICK HOUSE ON ALBERT Street. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- Durham. 15 tf 1103 Cooper Shop and is prrpared to .1! kinds of new work and repatriug nu nest notice Sh -p on ‘iarafraxa. Street :h of D' Kimsee’s old Pump Works work guaranteed first class. - U. G. SCHEUERMANN. Jew Cooper Shop. the Rocky. immfdiate possession giv. “or :unher varncnlars apply to J. P. TELFORD. E UN DERSIGN EU HA5 OPEN- acrea IS he tf Logs Wanted. 3N DERSIGNED OFF FIRS ‘01“ aLL K115 us DEPIVIQR contain :3? acres. of which '94 IS under grass, 12 acres m balmce 1s chimed Iand which inâ€" our yard. Duflmm. for “’hich', ”is“ Willbo Wild. Enquire 30"» the ofieo. THE DURHAM FURNL‘ D. annb. XOV. will-6'. ‘ . m To Rent. 100 ACRE FARM AT IN THE 18TH T}; he farm is “ell yraflntg faVlfl Durham, 3263p. A three years old in May. bred from coach horse and blood mare. Stands 15$ hands high. gives promise at being a fine drixer. Price right. R. T. Edwards. Ebordale I 'i L‘ that John Clark. of the Town of Dar ‘ ham. in the County of Grey. carrying on ‘ busines-z as an Implement Agent at the j said Town of Durham. has made an “sign- ! ment to A N ‘Mclntosh. of the Town of 3 Durham. Hardware Merchant. under R. S " O. 1897, Chap. 147. of all his estate. cr'dits ’ and effects for general benefit of Creditors. 103d deliw I‘ urnir we 001) FARM HORSE FOR SALE. Apply to G. A. Watson. lot 6, con 4. S. D. R. Glenelg. [421: Parties owing me are requested to can and settle their accounts before the lst of May, as all accounts must be settled by that date. Robt Smith. Durhanr [121m Assignee’s Notice to CreditorsJ In the matter of John Clark, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, 'lmplement Agent. Insolvent. A meeting of Creditors will be held at the office of W. F. Dunn, Solicitor for the Assignee. in the town of Durham. on Fri day, the 20% day of March, 1908. at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receivinga stat. menu. and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee or his Solicitor. with proofs and particulars thereof requir- ed by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. - Notice is herebv given that after the 10th day of April. 1908. the Assignee will pm- ' ceed to distribute the assets of the debtor among t parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. and that he will not be liable for the asnets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have notice. A. N. MCISTOSH. Assignee. Durham W. F. DUNN. Solicitor for Assignee. aurham Dated t is 11th day of March, 1908. " LABS. PRINCIPALLY HARD 3 wood, 16 inchea long Large duuble ad delivered $3.50 per load. The jDurln'gx‘r; Charlottetown. P. E. 1., March 26 ' -â€"â€"A resolution calling for legislation to prohibit the running of auromo hiles in this province was unani mously passed in the Legislature Members on both sides Spoke on ti 0 question. the majnity favoring ab solute prohibition. others suggestu g prohibition for a limited period or running under restrictions. The res- olution was moved by John Agnew , seconded by 1). P. Irving, both Lib- erals. Tne Premier and the Oppos:- tion leader suoke in favor of the measure. The action of the Legis lature is in response to publ:c opinion expressed by resolutions passed at many mewtmgs in diHereut parts of [the island. l‘heue are nine automo- § biles owned here FOTICE 1.: HEREBY GI_V_E.\I The first Bumpem book that eve r appeared in the JapaneseI language WAS a tranxlation of Heine’s German S>ngs. Manu- lfimrd from 31¢? May. 1907 - SIWRSZSAS Profit: for L‘mq'r Mux‘rns "vii": Slat. January, 1916. after :Lumrtim: Expenses. ,lntrmz mmm! nn Deposits. can. - 135.097 60 Mummlfiowm~ - - - . 13.20300 Nam of the Bunk in Graham Depusata . D vidands . . - - Bush wd 8mm; - - ¢ Horses for Sale. 7 YEAR OLD MARE WITH foal. Apply Jas. W. Bogle. Durham. First. it friz and than it. anew. Then it. thod and than it blew, Then there was a little min, Then if friz and snew again. combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring wheat. Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, WILL BAR AUTOMOBILES. BRIGHT BAY GELDIISG. RECORD OF Busmzss The Stanaard Bank Of Canada Heine's German Songs. The Weather Report For Sale. .V otice. Statement of the Financial Year ending 31;: January. 1908 - PROFIT AND L058 ACCOUNT â€" a. 0.9 Manufactured by GENERAL STATEMENT - 70.7.. mamas ,42t ; :â€"that’s why Nerviline beats them fallâ€"it sinks right in. "I wouldn’t ’ live without Nerviline in my house.” ! writes] B. Cottam. of Mastown. N. ‘S. "If you have rheumatism or isoreness in the muscles or in fact {any need of an honesr. liniment. Ner- 1 viiine fills the biil I can recommend ;it highly because I have proved that 2 in one application of Polson’s Nervi- fline there is more virtue than in a i whole hoctle of ordinary liniment.” ‘ Try one of the large 25c. bottles. For muscular pains and aches thick oily preparation can’t penetra' WHOLE TOWN WIPED OUT, QUAKE STARTS HOLOCAUST Chilapa. Mexico, Destroyed, But Loss of Life Unknown. Associated Press Despatch. Mexico Clcy March 27ch.â€"Uhilapa, a to «n of 15.0w inhubntants in the State of Guerero. has been shaken by an earthquake and burned. The shocks, two in number, oc- curred early last. evening and were followed by tires, which originating in a dozen places. among the tomb ling bulldiuge, joined in a conflagra- non that, swept the town. Only meagre facts of the disaszer are known here and what. has been learn- ed has dribbled in from a half dozen souxces more or less authentic. The loss of life. if any, as well as the monetary eXtent of the property damage is problematical, and con- tinued efi’orts to gauge the cataStropl 6 had been futile tonight. Telegram communication with Chilapa was severed and the town is two days by horScback from the nearest railway station Couriers have leen des- patched to Chilapa from Chilpancin- go some 45 miles distant, as it is pre- sumed that messengers for relief were sent from the burned city early to day and possibly immediately fol- lowing the earthquake last night. The reports that have reached here agree that the town was destroyed by the shocks and fire and that the peOpze fled from the place terror- Stricken. Eastern roofs are generally flat for comfort during the summer season. The roofs of houses in the eaSt are often used as outdoor gardens. The Greeks gave the roof a slight eleva. tion in the middle. The Romans increased it to one-fifth of the Spun The high pointed roofs of modern times are of German origin. flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel Brand the next time you want flour. The Wearing of earrings was so general in Rome and the jewels were so heavy that there Were profes czionals known as ear healers, who tended the ears of ladies who had town or injured the lobes with the weight of the pendants. There is considerable difference be- tween the size of the hands and feet. and curiously enough. on Opposite sides Thus. while the right hand is generally larger. it is the left foor. which is the bigger and stronger of the two. This is probably due to the fact that we stanu habitually on the left fooc. WHICH LINIMENT IS BEST? ‘ Roan-1 farthinga were not coined until um vpar 1210. Bafore then pennies broken into four piECtS made farthings Dividends. 9:31: :3 g. of 12 per cent. pa - â€"â€" "â€" -vâ€"Iv-v r.â€" 3- n xm for Eu «'7 “om-us - - Cor. mhuzul to uni er a Pen. aioo Fund - Fran sferre-I m ”Run urn- Fund ’1 raw-term“ to React-w Fund tron Premium nn ‘ww S'ock thkdimd -. . - - I 9 ldfigdeherCoinv . . . \‘own and Che-qua of other Bank: ; Deposit with Government. :2: Secure Not. Ci t ulation - - . Due by Other Burgh : c o . GO'w‘n‘"ntv “Nd 0th" BM‘ ‘1. C o 0 Call Luau on Bond: nod Stock: . . you}: and I?! count- Jewel Flour Milverton, Ont. House Roots in the Orient. GEO. P. SCHOIJTETD._ Heavy Earrings. Hands and Feet. Round Farthings. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE gâ€"‘O.’ H'- 3313041) 10- “ID.” 19:80.00 61.30160 320.711.205.19 39mm. msswm. mmmmu au 2.0416613; 1240.99.06 8123.724 45 “11 11.11.: “UMVLII iThe catalogues are coming in. With lovely lists of flowers and Years ago Mark Twain used to heal seeds fond 0[ telling this story: And pictured squashes, beets and‘ At the dinner table one day there pegs, I was 8 party 0f 2988t8 for whom MN“! But not one word about the weeds. was doing his hes: in the way 0f 00' - They look so brilliant and so gay terrainment. A lady turned to the That scores of disappointed men daughter Of the humorist. then a Make up their minds. when spring little girl. and said. "Your father is arrives. a very funny man.” To go to gardening again. .4, 7 n ° N we 2:3; cgfigzggefl the cmld’ when How strange it is. when fall has come ‘ And everything has turned out """_."'â€"" wrong, Time She Began. The gardener feels so much inclined -â€" To sell his garden for a song. It was on a Sixth avenue surface But when Springtime comes, and all car. A woman sat With 1161' ”“19 The catalogues appear. why then dauahler. who to 811 8139937313033 “'33 The man who always failed decides seven or eight years old. The con- To go to gardening again. ductor came for the fares, and the â€"Somerville Journal. It was on a Sixth avenue surface car. A woman sat with her little daughter, who to all appearances was seven or eight years old. The con- ductor came for the fares, and the woman gave him a five cent piece. "13 the little girl_with you, mad: am?” asked the conductor. . “Yes,” assented the woman. “Her fare, please," said the man. “But. I never have paid for her,” began the woman. "And does that prove that you’re never going to?” asked the conductor. taking the {are reluctantly tendered. Professor of Polite Literature and High Artâ€"Now. young gentlemen, can any of you give me a good defin- ition of genius? Beloved Discipleâ€"â€" Genius, sir, is an unlimited capacity for takingâ€"erâ€"what belongs to 0th- ers.â€"Sydney (N. S. W ) Bulletin. Lady (to nurse)-â€"Have you had any children of your own? Nurseâ€"None to speak of, madam. "The non elegant speech]: ever heard contained only {our words,” said Scciologist Snodgrass. “Ginger Magonnigle had hrOUgbt his best gutl to the Grand Civic Ball of East Side Gentlemen’s Sons of Terpeichor- ean Coterie. ticket admitting; lady and gent. including hat check, fifty cents. The guyl. fascinated by a better waitzer, abandoned her escort and danced thxee times with the Stranger. As they were beginning their fourth waltz they were stopped by the hand of Ginger Magonnigle, which clutched the arm of the guyl. Gazing deep into her eyes. and With a toice in which weNingled sur- prise, self pity, reproach, resentment and menace, he exclaimed: A LITTLE HUMOR. It was W'ashinaton’s birthday, and the minister was making a patriOtic speech to the chiidren of the second~ ary grade. "Now, children,” he said, “when I arose this morning the flags were waving and the houses were draped with bunting. What. was that: done for?” "Yes.” said the minister, “but last month I. too, had a birthday. but no flags were flying that day. and VO'I did not even know I baa a. birthday. Why was that ?” “Washington’s birthday,” answer- ed a youngster. “Because.” said an urchin. “Wash ington never told a. lie.” The late Lord Coleridge was once addressing an audience of Varsity men at Oxford. and in the course of his remarks said:â€" HWe must remember not merely the beauty of the individual colleges, but the beauty of Oxford as a Whole. And what a whole it is ! ” i‘Hear. heat!” velled the audience; “ves. yes. what a holedâ€"what a beastly hole!” Then it Struck Lord Coleridge that this was a. thing he would much rather have eXpressed difierently. "You know that old saying.” be- gan Kwoter. “Take care of the pen- nies and’ ”â€" ‘ And. ” interrupted Gailey. “the dollars will take care of your heirs.’ Parishioner (a little the worse for liquor)-â€"I hearzh you preazh las’ night. New Miui~terâ€"You didn’t. hear much. I faucv. Parishionerâ€" Thaz Whatâ€"hicâ€"I thought myself.â€" Leslie’s Workly. The late Senator Hoar was ex- tremely fond of whisn. which be plaved with remarkable skill. "Sa a-ay. who brung yer? A friend cays than the only time he ever knew the ncually placid and gonial man from Massachusetts to be absolutely impatient was when on one occasion at whisc the senator had an unusua‘oly stupid partner. Nor- withstanding this handicap. the pair were winning right alnng even against good players. In the middle rf one game some one panel-d behind the senator’s chair and asked. "Well. senator. how are you getting on?" O hVan-y wail. indeed.” was the raply. “in view of the fact that I have three adversaries “Ladzes and gentlemen” is the 7'.'.Laa.ru:V uuu peuares CD noera near. VS 111 aruve to-morrow morning." phrase In' years of three hundred and Bl” “7h.” the telegram 203 10 her sixry five dayd, husband 15 Was in these buns: But nine'een hundred and eight “Lard and peanuts cn board boat. is when ' Will arrive co morrow morning."â€" The ladies'are after the gentlemen. Succc as Magazine. The Spendthrift Version. One to Three at Whist. Genius Defined. Ambiguous. An Agreement. 9n EUREKA ! Yes, I Have Found it at Last. Found what? \Vhy that Chamber- lain’s Salve cures eczema and all manner of itching of the skin. I huve been afliicred for many years with skin disease. Ihad to get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay the terrible itching, but since using this salve in December, 1905, the itching has stopped and has not troubled me. â€"ELDER JOHN '1‘. ONGLEY. Roorville; Pa. For sale at Parket’s Drug Store. Governor Vardaman, of Mississip- pi. tells of a colored citizen of that state who gave a justice of the peace a big fat possum as a. wedding fee. life? A year after the juStice on meeting the darky asked: “Joe, how do you like married "Well. sab,” answered Joe rueful- 1y, “all I kin say is I Wish I had eat that possum.” Some years ago Jude’s was a noted concert hall in Dublin. and late in the evening the fun was generally fast and furious. A young Englishman bent on see- ing life went there one evening, but expressed himself disappointed with the slowness of the place to a Hibern- ian friend he met there. “Would you really like to see a row?” said Pat. “Yes.” said the Englishman. Pat filled a tumbler with cold wat- er and threw it across the table into his face, saying "Now. his the man next to you. and we’ll have some grand sporto”â€"New Orleans Times- Democrat. “Curse me luck!” hissed the burg- lar and fled into the night. Bear in mind, if you please. that all crime was now disease merely, and all disease the work of germs. The burglar perceived in the cellar window where he tried to enter one o: the latest elcCtric automatic Spray . gdevices and endeavored to avoid 1:1.h A click in the dark. and almost be- fore he knew it: he was drenched with germiside and cured of his malady.â€" Decroit Journal. We are delighted to see by the Norwood Regiscer that “Mr. Herold Howson has returned from Toronto after complettug a course in under- taking iu all its branches." We preSume from this that the peOple of Norwood bury their dead in. trees. after Indian fashion. It wou‘d be a Stifi examination that Harold passed. any way. and he is to be congratulated on his eSprit de corpse. Pne Ey-e Opener predicts a bright future tor Harold. -â€"Calga1y Eye Opener. Two men were talkn friend and his lDULOf‘CdF. “He seems to be very well satisfied with it.” remarked one. "Hasn’t pmd a. cap; ‘ r in repairs all the rum: months 116’: had in, he tells me." “Yes,” replied the other. “I heard the same story from the fellow who’s done all the repair-..”â€"~1‘.c Bus, Lon- don A young woman in Philadelphia but recc‘otly marned was enjoying, the delightful novelty of marketing one mornmg shortly after the term iuation of the honeymoon. “I wish to get some butter. please” sand she no the dealer “Roll batten mum,” asked the man. "No,” promptly replied his 0x13. tower; “we Wish to can it on Evan, My husband doesn’c care for tons.» The McJones faunly were moving to another town Mr. McJoncs had gone ahead Io get; the new home in order, and Mrs Mcjones was to fol low with U1“. family’s goods and chattPlS. When she was reoadf; to smrc Mrs. McIcnps. remembering her Scriptures, wired her husband as follows: “Lares and penates on board boar. Will artive to-morrow morning.” But when the telegram got. to her husband in WM in these rams: But fortune was against him. How He Liked Married Life. Burglary in the Future. Something on the Way. 9-1. 0-9 Spring Fever. Bully for Harold. Wanted Sport. talking about. a C WW wwms’m 7135' m ‘41S'4K‘71W'4R. A blend of 2; Maniboha and 5 Ontario wheat; and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour. made from l\o. 1 Mamboba. wheat cannot he heat for exther hakers’ or domestic use. People’s Mills Is made from selected winter whea. and IS a superior article for nmkmg pastry. etc. Constantly on hand the host.- lmmds~ of Rolled Oats. Also our make 01 Rolled Cereal. the best, on the nmrket. Also Chopp9d Oats. Mixed Chap. Pea. ChOp, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag- Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All ‘up-tn-date flour and feed zmo grocers keep our flour for sale. If your gmcer dues not keep it. Come {0 the mill and we will nsé you right. Call us up by telephone. No. S. All kinds of Grain bought at Market Price In Fur Jackets and Ruffs we sell “Crums, ’ thev :11 BIG Bargains «mwmv-WW‘ best. \‘Ve never hear are on the w right prices, come with the (‘D \V Bree: Good 5. and knowing ones and [my the Best and Newest goods at “A Good Sensible Discourse on a 8.000 Sensibie Subiecz” The above Caption is not MEI-5 hut what follows is cspwiniiy own. We refsr to our 51w} several dozen Fedora and Stiff Hats Seasibm Men Our New Prints are to hand, aim; about them. “’9. have opened «mt Jéhn McGowan. TWe-ed Caps at redswod p) ice C. McArthur PASTRY FLOUR . L. Grant; TRY OUR NE‘V CHOPPER. for men; not; those "Rub ‘i'hich are fashionable 1m; few weeks and are never M't‘l again, but Good Staph- 11:11 Worn at all times by \Ve have decided to :4in *1 handsome (iiSUUIIHE UH H” CASH PURCl-{ASHS m‘ Huts during the next week 01' two \Ve guarantee it. is not. cheap Hats we have to Sell; but First-Class Fedoras and Stiff Hats, CHEAP. is the place to buy a felt 132W SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP THE a V. It you 1r stock 01 $01118 wan t C0111- lDOl‘C the 11' {I 27in. $8 Cum" Table April Table Floor Sinyrna. 1{l (7" 15‘ 9 'able tions at .ctly confldmit iul. ., sent free. Oldest agency for en through 1'. see our New m1 w "WW-11V, . “y A ‘ ‘ 0% culanon of’rany bcxexmm ML le Linen, 54in. 95c val-d. Anynno osendtng a sketm g __n -I.qu olnmm‘n 0111‘ 0‘ 1'.‘ « le Linen. 68111. \x'id. 50c yard. ule Oilcloth, 4511). \V ’gfiwéwfiti I‘uvvâ€"w â€" fic Em? "lincfmfvd “WW”: 1". m. The People's AND PROVISIOT That a1 \vaV s, Leave your (’1 MCLACHLIN. 1h give. you prompt F Cuuk . we Roses and Nan Itoba Flours alwa facz ion. Have You any Old Worn EH ‘6 3% have worked value D. FLETT. Lace Curtains We carry also at] known brands 0‘ listowel lionel 8 en. 54in. w IcBowan's Eciip whit-,9 count to replatc Sells Cheap Bring it I have the All work For Fl? 2 yd . \\'id( (I) 2Vds. Pot Plants Bulbs Flaral DESigfl GEO. YilR If 'I) Great Tra iningâ€"S Good positions. Fre Everybody We} Prints and Gingh (30x30 . BEAN an d DURHAM. ed :0: ex wuu Mt. Forest a [ll in now w it time EXPER Washinzt‘ u'anu U Bu‘ 21

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