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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1908, p. 3

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has assnst tering all from the he urine 3rd taken in team hr mealq and at bedtime, r a prominent phfisicia: .cxcrlleut results m “a.” rv ufili tinns. and a. “mm and sciatica. The 3:. Relieve Kidney' md Rheumatism t8 the nce Compound Salaam; ounces Compound Sm Ila: _ ard taken In teaspoonfd used a. L. Grant 10W f 7\'/-- " " A m‘mdfi'flfi. will n ’ Sim} :medv . McArthur kce Fluid Extract. l-MADE MEDIClNE Jackets he unne. To allow in matter to remain m [I set”? in the mm! Hints. and cause the mug mm as rheumatinm. STRY FLOUR OVEREIGN t ht ll re BIG rgzains wwwwwa IE .stesuwgsaegegewa. It“ ECLIPSE ie’s Mills. M c. 0 0w one Every Day f mm on Flour in 5 and 2‘ Lots. his Discourse and Ruffs [9 best brands our make of m the umx-ket. \t d U hop Pea d Feed Flour. Subject" winter wheel; .9 for making 1'. made from inhut, he beat lmuestic use. md 3; Ontario y first. class ht at Market \\ mt. on a“ 4 of flats reek or two 5 not ch83? 0 hand d p: 1088- {I sale. it. come to V011 right» H r11; but and Stifi in t,(}“.rao Well)!» $01118 (30111 OPE the K [If :‘ac 01' ()1)! {HQ April gli MW :W I'“ m acomom New York 1 u“ n -h ounce. 0% F St- \Vashtnzton. D. C. fiber. ounce. 6:5 \ D. FLETT, Florist But Howers AND PROVlSlON STORE Five Roses and Reindeer Have You any Old Worn Silver? Manit ll \V. H. BEAN Mm. A Id value VIV‘UU-v ' umcl)’ illustratyxl-VfVééklva Invest cm- of any scienmlc journal. Terms for $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by U We carry also other well known brands of Flour. lismwel lionel Bread Floor A31) Lace Curtains McGowan's Enlipse Ne“ Prints and Ginghams. V “urged edges except. 25c ones whitv thtltltt’rp‘. 1.40 British Canadian Business College. ll Great Trainingâ€"Smell Cost. 000“ Positions Free Catalogue. Everybody Welcome. R A. Farfluhamon. B. A... Corner Yongo Bloor Streets. 1‘0th Sells Cheap Pot Plants Bulbs Flcral Designs qnd Plural Decorations of all kinds on CM) give can what vou want you win find our priCoS right. TRADE MARKS Dssucus Comma-n73 C. Ming a sketch and descrivtinn may .‘tzmx mu‘ Opm'lun {1'86 whether an m hnhlv pntenmhle. Communica- u. .mtmmztml. HANDBOOK on Patent. :m' *uzo‘m-V for socurmg patents. Va. 5031 tux-”uh: Mann .1: Co. recewe . without. charge. 111an th 1rd (38111. wide. unbleached rmg H: m HU‘ n'c the time. Min. wide. blgached \\' 0! plate it HW‘dV 11. wide, unbleached ling tired. She was very pale and a a 0 ilisdess. and kept losing strength till , ‘. 1 too weak to attend school. The doc- 1111. “‘de' lllSaChed tors prescribed difl'erent bottles of tmedicine but Elaine kept getting 1worse instead of better. She had l Anaemia and we were airaid for a iwhile that she might never rally lWe read of a similar ca~e. that of 1 Miss Descent of Sterling, Ont. .. being cured by Ferrozone. and this induced us to get it for Eiaine It took three boxes of Ferrozone to make any de- lcided improsemeut. but when sixlI 'bo‘ls were used my daughter wasi beg wing to be her old self agam. 1 I didn’t take much longer to make a completedure, and 1 am convinced that there is no netter bloodmaker than Ferrozone. It has made a new Rulof Elaine She has gained ten Pounds in weight and looks the pic . l (11.9 of health She is stronger and zenjoys the best of spirits. Tue credit 60 YEARS": 10f her recovery is entirely due to EXPERIENCE " F em 2 no H 111. \Vltll'. unbleached “My daughter complaine'l of feel- \ 43111, wide. 251' yard \ l and 2 yards Wide l. -. \Vitlv. 37.1.6511. yd. HHXZ‘M. 3.00 t’tufll‘. § ’ rims and (iinghams. l. BEAN 45in. wide. 2." ° yard iex. Beggs 81 Suns DURHAM. ONT. "test notice. and 1t. Forest. it Durham in now while Cook. Calder Block. uu prepared :um-anteed. rs always K notion. Lttcntion. satisfies the with ALEX. \\'h0 \Vill .. FERROZONE . . Even Her Blood V Turned to .Water. When Dying of Pernicions Anaemia Her Life Was Saved by Probably very few cases are on re- cord in which an absolute care has been made of pernicious anaemia. But. Ferroz me did care Miss Elaine Stanhopeâ€"cured her absolutely, and her mother Mrs. G. Sawhope. of Rochesay. Ont... says the following; Every grown girl and young woman can make herself Strong and healthy with Ferrozoue. Ir. makes blood. nerve and tissue,â€"â€" , makes it. lastâ€"makes it. to stay. ‘ Complexion soon becomes porl‘ect.‘ nervvs get now Strength. tiredness? vanishesâ€"perk“ health is the re-, ward lor using Ferrozone, which is sold by all druggistsâ€"price 50¢. per box; don’t. fail to try it. | Is there a fullness in your stomach â€"a. drowsy, lazy desire to sleepâ€" this isn’t natural in healthy 'folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a. stimulating tonicâ€"need Dr. Hamil on’s Pills to stir your liver and put life into sleepy organs. You’ll feel brisk and livelyâ€"you’ll eat, digest and sleep well after regulating with Dr. Hum- iltou’s Pills. No medicine‘so univer» sally used, so mild. so sure to benefitl L“ I: L__ --“ On the evening of March 24th the home of Mr. Wm Lochead, who in- tend-x leaving for the \Vest in a Lev? days. was taken possession of by a large gathering of his friends and neighbors accompanied by the mem- the local Court of Fox-eat- When order had been evolved surprise. the Rev. N.A. l. ‘was called to the chair. which he ‘filled in an eminently satisfactory manner. and an impromptu prOgram. consxsting of speeches. recitations and music. delighted the audience. after which a carefully prepared address. indicative of the good wishes and will of neighbors and friends. was read by Mr A. McIntosh and a esented to Mr Lochead dishes to Mrs Lochead, -wâ€"uv '- neighhors accompanied bership of the» local Co are. When order had out of the chaos occsbi: surprisa. the Rev. N. consxstiug of Speech and music. delighted :after which a carei ‘ dd ' 1' ° f [a toss. 1m lcanvaot ARE YOU DROWSY AFTER, MEALS? g iTo MR WM LOCHEAD. DEAR Sm AND BROTHER -â€" Companions and Bro'her F0 Court. Bunnockburn No. 12( ing of your intended deoarI amongst us. take this oopo eXpre-sing our 9 you and your estimable p life. As a member of this c: from your youth your ()0! ever been such as tended r. DEAR Sm ASD BROTHER â€"â€"We. your 30mpanions and Bro'her Foresters of No. 1265, know- r estimable partner in ber of this community from your youth your conduct has ever been such as tended to advance the best interests of all, B'other Forester of ours for years your ability as a musician W84 often called on and-freely rendered in add- ing: to the success of our social enter- tainments, while your executive power aided as materially in our fin- ancial afiairs and in the excension ol the benevolent features of our order we. therefore, ask you to accept this 0 ‘ o ‘- Ann'flfl‘f dispersed. O on‘yc A FORES ”ER HONORED Signed in Dornoch M are v--. 0.. .â€"-O Lb. L. SMITH. t1 8.. RIDDELL. ester of ours for years* as a mueic'nm wa-z often l-freely rendered in add- 'ccess of our social enter- while your executive as materially in our 60- no CAUSTIC ACIDS- £8 01’ 3“» wu: Le, of ours [0 a musician WI -aelv rendered ch 04rh 1908 an J ‘ behalf of Court: B, P. Call. Out. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Once there was a newspaper man: who came up into my country to‘ write up the way his syndicateg thought it. ought to be. His son: brero was very wide and rakishly tiltedâ€"away from the Sun. Hie shirt was open at the .throat and decorated with a handkerchief, but. because he did not know why cow- boys wear handkerchieie around their necks he wore it like a girl at a pic- nic. It was white silk and became him very well. There had net been an arrest made in Maverick for neat-1 ly three years. but the syndicate man ‘ had so much gun metal on him that he fairly clankvd. “Then he first struck our town he saw an Indian in shirt sleeves and overalls, leaning against the doorsill of a general Sto.e. ‘He was Johnny Dean. agrad E ua-te of the Carson school. who play led the comet and afterward organ itzed a labor strike among the Indians Eat the sat works. The syndicate. “nan clapped him on the haul: and 3 said: “Heap big Indian. come drink water." Damn looked him all over, with the gentle fltcker of a smile. "Thank you " he said. "I neeer use alcoholic stimulants." The interesting part of this Story i-- that it. is a two yeara’i peniwntiury oflausa to furnish liquor to Indian..-â€"Atlnntic There is much to studv about. the! goose. Just. observe a flock of geese} some day when you are visitingpn a! farm. They’ll give you amusement by the hour. , . A goose hasn’t the elignteSt wen u; breadth or' depth. The assertioni that every goose that passes throughi an open barn door ducks its head, no: matter if the opening be twenty feet‘l' high. is as true as can be. and, while: a goose can’t be made to believe that‘: there is no danger to ,its Head as it' passes over the sill of a barn door, it is equally positive that it can creep through a two inch augur hole or a knothole in a fence jusr as easily as it can go through a twenty foot door land with more safety to its person. 1 have laughed myself sore more times than a few at the persistence of some old goose in trying to enter an inclosure through a hole in the fence hardly big enough to ‘get its head through, while a gate big enough for a team of horses to pass through was wide open within three ’ feet of the hole. 1 Every year the Dukeaof Marll a“ bnough tenders to the k‘xng on the‘ ‘ of the battle of Blenheim e astandard of colors on which three 57 dents-de-lis,are painted. This is in L accordance thh the arrangement 3 entered into with the great Duke of ,. Marlborough and is taken as an ac ‘ d.quittance for all rents and servnce ,5 due to the crown by the head of the a. ducal house. LDrawing Pictures With Finger ‘fiome Chinese and Japanese can still draw pictures with their finger nails, an art once beldin big-h repute. The nails are allowed to grow to a length of eighteen inches and dipped in vermillion or Sky bluefik. A let of sorry dogs and (3 ts 104! smelling ymd of I plant. Ergotine is “\Ve use these animals to test our drugs on,” said the chemism ”They come in baudv. They more than earn their bJfil‘d. "Do we ever test. drugs on our- selves? Oh. yes. indeed, often. Chemists have lost their lives, chem- ists have gone incurably insane, through too rash 3 bravery in test ing drugs on their own persons.” r Eyes may often be by several times each pressing the eyeballs. from the nose toward also dash the eyes Ire cold waterâ€"in fact, ‘ l face is wsshed. The Magazine West. The pith of the Specihc gravity of .( eighth that of cork. Study the Goose hasn’t. the slightest. idea of is Tried on Chicken’s, Digitails on Frogs. TESTING DRUQ§. To Stlfongthcn Eyesight. Lighter Than Cork. ey often be strengthened 1 times each day lightly :he eyeballs. Always rnb nose toward the temples; the eyes frequently with LL- is a drug we tear on isa simple test. If a. he fails to turn a chick- ck. we know that the >rry looking: chickens, loded in the black. ill- of the great. chemical of the sunflower has a 'ity of .028, or about one J" â€"7_ in fact, v§hene§er the THE DURHAM CHRONICLE fire Nails. Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete Wreck Results. There are thousands. both men and women, who do not. take time to ear properly. They rush through life. and as a remit. we have an age of in- digestion, nervousness. irritability. sleepless ni‘hts.’ and morose .dispo- sition. Our national danger is mom. acb weakness. due to the strenuous life. ' Miona tablets, Strengthen the walls of the Stomach and Stimulate secretion of the digestive juices Thny make vhe stomach comfortable and cure indigestion. Sick headaches. palpitatiun. yellow skin and coawd tongue are a few of the many distressing remlcs of in- digestion tbat. Mi-o-na never fails to cure. Maanrluua Co sell Mi 0 ms in 50v. boxea. and guarantee to refund the money if it does non give com- 116 e satisfaction. I in Standing 60‘1th of grain which was inauguru'ed in 1907 in the Province .of Ontario bv Honorable Mr. Monw t icerued than the Miniswr has. thls "vetu'. secured a. largely increaqed approprmtwn {or this purpose. The objecm aimed at are to encour age tha growing of grain of the best. iquulitv. (we, from Other varietms of :grniu and weeds and also from ‘disaases, such as rust, smut and iuSPCts. Fairs and Exhibitions Branch Dept. of Agriculture. Tbrouco, Match :27, 1908 TO THE EDITUR. The competitions excised much in- terest. last year in the districts where they were held, and the results were decidedly profitable to those who -were prize winners, inuemuch as WithOun leaving home.they sold their grain from the fields which were in the competition to leading Seedsmeu . .. ‘ .)'â€"v(\/ :- 0/ at pncee from .. A) to 00/0 above market quomtions This year, owing to the larger sum availab’e.‘ entries will be received from 100 Agricultural Societies. or ten times as many as in 1907. Rules‘ and regulations geyerning .the com- petition ‘Wili be'mailed to you in the couiee of a week or ten days. and I trust that you will bring; this import- ant work as fully as possible before your readers in the co'pmns of your \ paper. ; In the meantime, any preliminary notice that you (nay care to give‘ will be mugh appreciated. . ' 'Faithfully yours, J. chxu: WILSON, ’ .. - Superintendent. UUR NATIONAL DANGER- “I don’t know whether nathre fit- ted me out with a different sort of digestive apparatus from the average man.” remarked a magazine reader. who looked up from the printed page. “Here is a writer who sets it down as a solemn fact that 'laughter and good cheei‘are enemies of dySpepsia.’ Now, whenever I go to a dinner where a lot of good Stories are told or amusing Speeches made and I laugh more than usual the result for ’me is an aggravated attack of indi- gestion. More than this, and, ”I though I never drink anything in the wa/ of intoxicauts. 1 am certain to iave an attack of hiccoughs as a result of laughing. which always sinuses my friends who are aware of my nondrinking habits. I present the anomalous pieture of perhaps be- ing the only man at the table who has net taken a drink of any kind, and yet my actions are those of a man who had decidedly too much liquor You can’t make me believe that old saw about laughter being gorid {or digeStion in spite of the solemn gentleman who wrote this article ”â€"New York Press. / rituted membranes, drop into the stomach and do little else but, harm diges‘.ion. 10:: different with Ca. carrhozoneâ€"you inhale it. Every breath sends healing balsams to the inflamed tissues. Tightness. sore- ness andinflemmation are cured by healing pine essences. The congn “005 “Way, UJAAVv-v -_ _ U huskiness is cured. Nothing so simple. so convenient, so certain to cure as Cacarrhozone. Try it. 256. and 81.00 sizeS° Sold everywhere. Capital punishment i'u,Deumark is executed publicly with the ax. If several are to be decapitated on the same date, one is not present while another is executed. There is a church in the city of Cork. Ireland. which is known for miles around on account of the pe- culiarity of its steeple. The steeple is built of two difierent colored stones, two sides being built in white and the Other two in red stone. Sweden may go to war with Russia. it is said, over Finland. Canadians a few years ago waged war against the adulterated and un- clean teas of China and Japan, in preference for the delicious and flavory teas of Ceylon. The enor- mous and rapidly increasing sales of “Salads” Ceylon Tea prove con clnsively how thoroughly Canadians [appreciate a fine blend of Ceylon Tea. WHY CUUGH SYRUPS FAIL. Laughter and Indigestion. -0-.- An Odd Steeple. Denmark’s Ax. Intending students should eumr at the begh - mug of the term if possible. Board on... b0 0L- muwdm reasonable rates. Durham is a health) ‘ ' .. ‘ - I ..-.'_...|.\_ “luau ‘UU 10““‘Iutuuuv I IIIIII Lud acpivc town. making it, 31110:“. doairabfo place at rusxdonoo. DURHAM SCHOOL. ‘: L. GRANT The Largest Stock in Durhmu is tn he 1w cuuvinm-d. school is thorouhly equipped in teachim ln stm-k at mudcx-atv prices. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Yuu mm get anything you want; in L110 lino of Bakery Gnods -â€"Pl: 1i11 1111“ 1101119411: Lde Bra 1d, Buns mi$i31:11it,s. -~â€"(.‘ :1kes of all kinds -~(‘1‘0:1111 Puffs v-â€"-i’ni’fs. Don t warm when yuu sm- tho minister coming fm- tea. just ring 113 up. and we \1 ill supph ymu' wants on 31101 Lvst notice. escapes: I J I \y . g3! AnAerated Oven mto the aerated, flue anti". heatetl to the exact temperature of the oven beforefi ‘t it enters it. This Aerated Oven can only be had on the 3 Matthews 6 FOR 1.: . . sit Groceries, FI'UItS. Flour, Feed and SeedsifiI 'l‘mmks Hnsivr)‘ Fees. $1.00 per month. Uhaimmn IN FLOUR The ventilating principle of other ranges simplyg draws in cold air direct to the oven, heats it and‘p allows it to escape. Suppose you have a pan of! biscuits or a sponge cake in the oven, and a gustl of cold air strikes themâ€" l they fall flat at once and the whole baking is spoiled. The N KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOC McGownn’s Eclipse M ilvertun vacl [*‘i V0 Roses Hamilton. Winnipeg. .Montreai. and Vancouver. GURNEY-TILDEN $0., 0 To introdwre om- Ncw Swede T‘ 5p. the gem“ Gun." we \-..;1 give to every inquirer for our New! Catalogue a package of thus sw‘ls absolutely free. great turnip growmg district near (lucipbs'nippci 400 of these um: ms to the L'uitcd States last season. '.‘C Gian Ger: " never grows long or narrow, is in" from s ‘Q"' ~ mm?“ mm 1:: m 11.asx;:‘p:‘.:‘sud qua u: . 5'--\' - A 4 Al I‘ Terms Cash. SEEDS mm; : foundattho Down 'l‘uwn Shoe Store. U R A MAGE Secrotsn Valiscs M it Ls I McILRAITH The Aera’ted Oven Limited. ustmn wm'k LEADS IN BOOKâ€"KEEPING S H URT H AX D TY P E \V KIT l N G COMMERCIAL LA\V (30MME\RL£1AL CORRESPONDâ€" . ICC ‘3 l’IJAlV bL’Sle‘SS \VRITING 0R\AI\1EN '.1‘-,\L \V.l{l'l‘l\G 111111 in 1111111151111 its gmd‘ua. 113211111 5111111111 is 1:11111111 5011.111“.er his own desk. Trial lvssnns for. iweck {1-09. Visitors wvlmnuc. :23“ DAY and Ulnvcs Club 13.1 Business College““ ‘ Hikfi ' 1-?"er of the Souvenir completebs‘ changes the air therein every few minutes without lessen~i ing the heat one iota. ‘9 .1 Pure, cold air is drawn?: same as Cash. Avum Milling 0035 Encore Royal I‘luusuhold. 1111' Maui! aha. AVentllategi Ovénx l 1 '1 1 and repairing as usual. .T. CLANCY. Pri of Bakery (inods 13\'13N1'NG clwses. and Shoes Suit Cum. l‘ltv. 0f Boots , _". U' H, _, PHONE: 30 A". 2%; .9 Ca r0211 si ’I. fall and 11:13 W

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