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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1908, p. 6

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MANUFACTURERS OF uttina Boxes, H01 sepo“ ers, Wind Stackers, P R0 PRI ETORS was with vxsn pressions new stvlt U becoming all sxdes. UR M093 FOUNDRY We than i and m {hair 5 [find 3. lat f Wednesday than ever new! styles that are daté'o but a flat: Easter. A large selection oi I suitable for umurmng. “'e invite you to c. and will giVe your 1 best] attention and d most to please. yqu. Rudd‘s Harness, Repairs. M E Age-m, far the Percival Flows. All kinds of repairs kept, on hand. s‘rovns a: FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machines. ELO'I‘TE CREAM SEPAKATORS. r1173. '3 have a larger variety in any previous season. mum v have already selected ’ spring bats. ery day we are adding rew :15 to our stock. ' ger display to choose from ever before. and handling S that are not only upâ€"to- _, but a date ahead. .- au'e more than busy for Sherlnch Manninu Oxgzms. Heintzmz‘m Pianos. r-t‘n American Life Assurance Co. Wanted See our 600115 and judge for Yourselves. potion 01 black hats ' _/ Ordered Goods on Shortest Notice. '11 American for mourning. Vite you to call often, 1 mm: vour order our Toronto \Vindmills. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Everything upâ€"to-date. ' OMEN TO PAY UP Emnumfiom to the Chronicle I I All Kinds of Middaugb House S preads and Harness Oil's and (h'ease's. . Flarity 0.. rop. one year in the UeUllbl . u”..- , The evidence of Mr. Arnott was! first taken and was substantiated by! ‘ochers who were present at the! ishooting. It appears that the trouble‘ had begun over the payment of the, {rent due on the farm rented by the'g ; prisoner and a week or so previous to? “ the shooting Mr. Arnott had gone: Tdawn to get some hay from Shand to [seven up the account The old man‘ on that occasion had been treated ' Shand, who had I l him out of the house About a week later he returned to ‘1 Shand’s accompanied by a man named {Shannon and the bailifi. Mr. Ryan, The evidence in I he Duanu Slluuyuus V ca-e befo- 9 Judge Chadwick in Guelph is k was all in that H (”1 home the Same evening. ing the arguments of Mr. Kingston. the counsel for the prisoner. ' Honor reserved judgment until yes- terday when be sentenced Shand toi one year in the Central Prison. § Arnalt Was! antiated by! who were present at the! Others ‘ehootmg. It appears that the trouble ‘ - _ 0kg , Block About a week later he returned to ' d by a. man named ' 5, Mr. Ryan, with the intention of efi'ecting a. set- tle ment for the money owing. which‘ {wood have been the result of the I . . gmwsxon had not an argument arose 'over the paying of the expenses of the. bailiff for the trip. i i The three men had been but ashort 1 time in the house. when Shund picked I p the gun. which was loaded at the and cooked the hammer. He ‘time. thP witnese receiving the then fired, ‘char e in his face and arm. County and District. The evidpnce wad 5 Dr. Perry, wno had t Pd man. by the '03an the neighbor-1 Th “1' Axum: would be ’1' 1W4“: 'hIE‘H m )uflh «his; his nation)? rung permanent injury. I" ‘ “‘ - Sham} himself took the stand t‘v give hns testimony as to what hHD ' penPd and how. it occurred. He; testified. in reference to the beardf iUCiert. that Mr. Aruort had a. habit of gr'lbhlng him around the Waist. On this day. me pzisoner was in a.‘ bad burner and when Mr. Arno”. grabhed him and Quid he could not; put him out. he determined tu see‘ whether or not hec uhi He grabbed him by he whiskers. and turning his face towards the door. put bun ou'. l-li-3 teatimony bI'OughB out that on the day of the showing. Mr. Arnort. ‘Srn Mr. Arnott Jr.. and Bailifi K.» an .we: 1'. to the farm, one going to the i barn and the rest to me house, gomg 11.- U'.’ l.- I~_v~ â€"â€"â€" ,iu uithout knocking at the door. He {had ordered them out two or three i times. without avail, when he picked Sup the can. meaning only to scare \them. This he did efl’ectually. bOth Starting to go out. According to .him. however, Ryan grabbed the - _-..7. gun. and it caught in waistcoat Setting iao Representative. But never by Med cine swallowed, Snufi‘s, Sprays or Douches. Catarrh is not a blood disease and‘ that is why it cannot be cured by ken into the stomach Catarrh is a germ trouble contracted 1 ’rom the germ-laden air you breathe1 inward These germs fasten them Selves in the tissue and air cells of the breathing organs, multiply by millions, cause sneezing, coughing. raising of ’mucous. discharge from the nose. difficulty in breathing. thoarseness dryness and stoppage of an y medicine ta. UUUJ. bcucao \-§' J I. «saw 7* the nose uck'mg m tba throat and other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air principal of H} omei. Itmedicates the air you breathe with the curative prooerties of the Australian Eucalyptus forests where catarrh is unknown. The reason you get relief in a minute or two from Hyomei is be cause it destroys every cararrbal germ in the air you oreathe. and its ‘ °|I ___--L .L.‘ fi\ilw IO- vuv â€"â€"_ 6 dry penetratin aroma will reach the innermost recesses of the air pas sages. killing millions of germs a minute. Their destruction means freedom for oppressed respiratory organs Mack‘arlane Co. sells Hy- omei under a guarantee of satisfac- tion or money back. Price $1.00. Two rinks of Mt. Forest curlers. on ‘ the “0903' “â€"lwv- Thursday IaSt. played what Was probably the last game of the season. IS AN AUTOPHOBE- It was played on Durham ice and the Durhamites g0t some satiSfaCtion for Louis Durand. who is described as Ivarious defeats at the hands of the an "autophobe," was arrested in Mt. Foresters by turning our towns Paris recently for systematically men down 1‘2 on the total score for damaging motor cars. afternoon and evening games.‘ TO Motorists have been mystified by do it they had to send to Owen bound the large number of cars which have for J. C.. Teliord and then Mr. had tires punctured while held up by Carrie’s, ““k m the evening beat trafic at the corner of the Avenue . “Roddy out by 2 shots. Another de l’Opera and the Boulevard dee player from the glandike, or some Italines. The police kept a watch at other northern paint where they curl this spot and discovered Duranc' pretty nearly all the year. around. moving among the stationery car: .also helped out the Durhamites. The armed with a emetgo, which hq {players from here were: Dr. Beacom, prodded into the tires. . W. Currie. T. Collins, '1‘. Dale. John b t b has sworl Waddell. Geo. Wright, W. G. Scatt. Durand “‘2‘“ t 3 . ° ernal enmity to motor cars. am det ' D. A. McDonald, the two first-name , . Wlll never rest until they are swep . k. .â€"38 . o l being the 3 ‘95 presentatlve from the face of the earth. In our report last week of the Irishmen’s "at home.” the name of little Josie MelsigsnAweepnfortnnete- -vi-v ' “'_ 1y omitted from the list of those taking port in the programme. Miss Josie recited “Waiting for the train” in a. very pleasing and artistic man- ner, sad we compelled to respond to on encore.â€"Wisrton Canadian. Is the Rep. a munuiug only to scare me did effecwally. both :0 out. According to :r, Ryan grabbed the mgbt in the wnness’s ting 1.03 â€"-Mt. Forest THE DURH AM CH RONILL E air you breathe Poor Loser? V a vpar. This time the busmess pluuca . ~â€" of..l. Fries Sm. hardware. merch‘ trade territorv d”9”"d“ ”90” ”l“ P" ants. and Mrs Martin. drv goods and ‘terprise 0‘ the "W‘G’Hm‘ “ml “‘9 groceries. were the VlC’l’llDa and ire-“(1‘90“ Or 'he '0 ‘ 0 If a tow" nothing rgmaingnf Th9 building-J DOW ,d063 DOT ranch After its Had“. it Will . q of ashes. About 10 o'clock '-come only as in". kid i' has to, and i' ' But if \‘7ednesday the ClEiZeUS “fare Wlil grow as H3 l9 {ONEF‘Jl f0 lthe merchants go uftvr business 11. , summoned by the fire hell, but before: _ '89 organized. the l the surrounding 0 many. udvettxmng and making [the bucket brigade xx . . . _ '. building of J. Fries Son had been {"3 every PO‘S‘l’le “MW 0rd of their advertising. I idevoured by the llamas. The efiorts l. 200d 9""? W lof the brigade Were then directed to ;trade wxllcuu:e from an «Ver increas 1 wards savmg Mrs. Martin’s building, line rains. the to wn wall gam n rep handsof both men andlutation for being awake and it will 1:13.sz Willing ; women removed the stock and furni- “Urge '0 the “'00“ I‘ l" 5"“ ’0‘“! 1" ituxe. the stock being nearly all out lthe WW0 and net alfioze'her the. mm. living Within a certain number 0! lbefore Vlrs. Martin awoke from her. . slmnbers. The situation mlles from U that mamas a man â€"- became so grave that the stocks of Meaford EXpress. ‘Messrs. Williuna, Henderson and Woman Tells How to Relieve Bruin Bros. were also remowd. A ;However, the fire was checked at fiheumatw Rains. “l this point, the implement shed being l “Saved by the timely use of Moore’s; I have been a great suflere-r ll‘ulu 'Sma“ fire engine. If the fire hdd 0013 the dreadful disease. l‘hdu'urltl an, lur ‘lbeen checked at this place it is more a number of yedrs, L heve “.md ’ithan probable the whole block would ‘ many medicmes but never got much llh‘w" been dPSll‘“}"‘d *L. H» 001‘. in‘relief from any of them until twc .l Wierton Canadian. lyears ago when I b .ught a bottle 01 ’4 Pmu Btlm. 1 team 3'35 .â€"â€"â€" “â€"- l ‘knn‘hu'.|.);'. The Village ban : enin been visited} by fire. Ihe fourth Luna in less tbaui a your. Thin tinw the business places ‘ -r n v.4“ Sm. hardware march“ Rum-um tn the . flaw that the C P. R wou‘H mkkn 4 duvmt..on in thelrf the betwreu here» and Orangeville iu‘; Md of the mountain? ozder to get. ivd ”homo-uhoe’; grade and Hm drew curva” where Um drvndful accident? occurred In“. 50 Hm 'I‘. havu been: reviVud of ln'e. Engineers have ao-' peared on the sceam and other facxs lend an ar uf prohubiiity to the rumor-a \thu (he on] Lrucx will be abandoned and again rejoined.§ rwhetber Mono Road will be lefti without a Station, and whether a: new s'ation will be placed at Caledonf Bass, are matters which have probub ' 1y been sett_led by the railway people, ‘ AJLli- Luna t U6 nuauu-ruv“ -_-- - -- - . whether Mono Road will be left: without a Station. and whether a; new e'ation will be placed at: Caledonf 8 Beet, are matters which have probub l 1y been settled by the railway peeple,'. but of which the general public have. a very hazy idea.-Dray ton Advocateg Mr. Malcolm Ferguson had an ex-i Citing time on the valley road last; Saturday. He was bringing a load: 0'. logs home and while coming down; a Steep grade the neckyoke broke and ‘ the whole outfit started OE for that {Out of the hill at breakneck Speed-1‘ all but Mr. Ferguson. He jumped' when the accident happened. Near-‘ 'ing the bottom the sleigh, not being guided, ran ofi the road, but the horses didn’tâ€"they kept on for a short distance. when one of them took to the hush. The Other came Zlon up the. road for about a mile, lwhen it was stepped. We under- ‘sraud that the harness Was not badly Vvâ€"w damaged. â€" Flesherton Advance. i l of the Northern Hockey League was held in Palmersxon to decide what“ was to be done regarding the play 03* between Listowel and Mt. Forest t' The result was that Mt. ForeSt was '.‘ thrown out and the championshipl awarded to Listowel. However, as; l . . - ‘. Will leave but one more year’s Victory for the home boy 5 and the silverware; l l . Lwill make Mt. Forest Its permanent of bringing the hockey season of 1908; to such an end. Mt. Forest was perfectly willing to take any fair decision. but when such an apparent bunco game as Mr. ‘v'anstone had planned was tried on them they were perfectly justified in maintaining their rights as they are m retaining 1 .the trOphy â€"Rep. - Fire at Lion's Head. On Tuesday an executive meeting Cured of Rheumatism. Motorists have been mystified by! the large number of care which have] bad tires punctured while held up by trafic at the corner of the Avenue de l'Opera and the Boulevard des Italinee. The police kept a watch at this spot. and discovered Durand moving among the stationery care armed with a stiletto, which he prodded into the tires. I have used Chamberlain’ s Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want .te tell heve ever used. -â€"W. F. GASTON. Posoo, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For ule a: Parker’s Drug sure. - For Store. Mt. Forest Keeps the Cup. Team Ran Awai- Devmtion. ' on up 7 z-deur‘rade _ a. - .1 d"? vim; ' or. 3.1th in Del 50 [3018' Dar The In the LOW!) and no: a nnmher living Within a certain miles from N that mama-z a m-Au Meaford EXpress. a. number of years. 1 neve Lraea \ the oh] many medicmes out, ueVer got. much M g m.- relief lrom any of them until cwolfmuuy years ago when I b .ug'nt a bottle of‘ kin'l a Chamberlain’s Pam Btlm. I lound comm relief before 1 had used all of one omnied nettle, but. K pt on applying it an: hands: soon felt. like a difierenc Women. aml p Through my M19163 ”WHY 0‘ ”1‘- DLlItl’l , friends hwe tried it. and can tell yuu .1 394m, Ehow wuudmlully in has woreed.â€"â€"- i vpry f isms. SARAH A LULE. 14L) 3‘ New DL.,l up. ,11 3,1)0ver, Del .Unamberlain’s Pflllé l and 0 315-41111 is a liuixneuc 'l‘ne relief from l the s gpalu whmu 1r. all rds ls alone \NOllll irem'v Iluacy times us out. Ir. mukHS rest ! Swirl laud Sleep [)Usblbltt. For Sale arm! Th4 LP-(ulger’s Urug Slore. lrnn \r A'PhO n'MH'v \‘Odug mm (”r1019 [0 ‘ ing“ uwn on Monday and zxuh'hsd mu é than freely or h .-. ow u go. d. to astnme I med U-Atu tuuud hub 1510;, o J 13hr: marketi‘ “7 squurr: m an uLnrly helplfiSi can who! dltl :11. His 6100“” We”: all COVeied: ‘H' H With mud, and in faCL he looked as ‘ \ mu agu ma Imd u-mu cnro \ u up by a volcanic eruption Tillufilllg that somqumg; quHC Hdppuu l0 hun,con- qeva amula Own-u pruuured a Wham barrow ' hem and wok mm m cm: luck up fur the‘ U...“ Ulght a: Lune Was uo char,e reg ~nw iatvrc‘d 343111133. huu he wwi liberated i ~hi| n ’ur 'l‘uesduy morning , twit “02': CCU} at an emu. I\ and at OuCH re urned u, his Duthu lhabicutwu a swucw has rudder though mg um! E Wiser muu.â€"Meuturd Mirror. b e 1 While drcseiug a hen recently Mrs G. tl. Walter discovered in its gaz zard a ravher unusual colsectiun. There Were two scones nearly the Size of cherxies. a bent brass nail nearly an inch ° empty ‘22 cal Cartridge. The fowl had nor. made much impression on the scones or nail with her digestive ,organs. but appeared, in her efiorts 'to masticwe in. no have dinged the ‘Cernridge to quite an extent. Thi. empty ‘22 cal Cartridge. The fowl bad nor. made much Impression on the scones or nail with her digestive organs. but appeared, in her efiorts to masticu'e in. no have dinged the Cartridge to quite an extent. This diet is, hOWever, not one that. we would recommend as a regular thing. -â€"Kixnberley cor in Fleshercon Ad- vauce. Gentle and Effective. A well known Manitoba' editord writes: ”As an insnde worker I find Cuamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the LOUGDOS of biliousness natural t their notion being gent tive. clearing the digestive tract and the head.” Price. 25) cents. Samples free at Parker’s Drug Store. Pius Inluw, an Altoona. Pa man. bought a horse that ha imprisoned for fifteen years owner’s stable because the ran 03 and threw the occupan buggy into the road. The ow came so angry with the hor he regiStered a‘vow never the animal out again. The h« ,srood in his stall from that ithis. being fed and watered re The Merchants to Blame. Pius Inlow, an Altoona. Pa... dray-l nan. bought a horse that had been rnprisoued for fifteen years in hi- >wner’s stable because the animal ran 03 and threw the occupants of a ' The owner be- he regiStered the animal out again. The horse has srood in his stall from that day to this. being fed and watered regularly. Lack of exercise made the horse so weak he could hardly walk. He was also handicapped by his boots. which had gOtten to be a foot long. Before the animal could be shod eight inches of each hoof was cut away.â€"Ex. womnu's PERIODBF PAIN. (/1, guilty pefgog, and an intergsting law suit. can- be expected.-â€"Blpley Ex- press. No Indigestion Here. 'Hoofs a Foot Long- Struck It Rich. a great. suffarwr {rum Iscase. l‘hdu'lldti an, my yedrs. l ncwe erd 9.2“ nut. ueVer got much ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. On T-wsdav oveznug, March. 24th, a. number of frienda and neighbors aswmhied to GXDrPsS their good will and kindly ‘eetlngs (.0 .\'It‘ and Mrs. Geux‘uw :‘ouu. h. who are «how toleave th fnrzn and inf-{H up their 'nhOdfi (nu fart!) and Ia'n'e uu lfH-Hr "nuuuu , elsewhere. .\'lr 'l‘nomu McFadden. to act as chairman. nud'nf'er Mating The Harnessmaker. x 2 ms nwrsbual regrets at. iasing a; family who had always been good. 1 Do you want to make tummy and Mud and nhlidrmr neighbors. the ac ‘ SAVE MONEY? c""“’“""ing “ddm” W3“ read “'0' m- Then do business with H. H. MILLER panied by the presentation of a verv handsome mahogany music cabinet and parlor lamp. after which Mr.‘ He Offers: bnlth made an mipropriate reply. 00acres Glene‘g. Frame UWPlllng‘ Bank [El-39:361.“: rhe chairman. a number of' Bay-u, Good Farm, uught tu bringggm. l VHry fer-ling addl emu-e WHI‘H mule bv “7111561110" 53000- l \l". Jnhll Bull. VH5 CON-“30% her Firth 50 acres, (g‘rleuelg, splendid lacmi-mextm laud other neighnors. all of whom in i KOOd BulldmgS, cheap at $7.300, “intake lthe same genuine Spirit expressed E retire” at the ll‘).~5 of M r. and Mrs. 100 acres on Durham Road. Bentiuck, 390d ‘ ‘. " I .‘ , bl], llh alld {91ml _\ o i for film. l the Hanover C(‘HlVlfyam‘ft‘l‘ Farah Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling, snap The following is the ml lrf‘.9~‘.‘- To Ma AND Hus. Graeme SMITH Axe; , . 7 = Bear Crawford PA). FAMILY. . ‘7 , ”a. ,. ~ ~ ‘- acre building: lot in Durham *1 r a} ' w 9‘ ‘ H :1 .'â€"r,r Withfeel-H‘t . . ~" ~34 ' IATI’P‘MM) 1 hIBNIM. l S ; cheap, 01‘ tradef rr anything: a man cal ings 0f tUlUtzlP“ (”Mi-“Ute and regret; eat, wear, or throw astick at. 100 acres, extra good Buildings. :iluue war. th nearly the 53'0) asked iul‘ the farm \ I O I - J r w ,‘ . r,~ , ~ 1 x n . have assem-I ‘ . . .tnd we, )0} 1' fr 8' uS ; Pruperty bought and mid Ml Lmrmxssm 3 I bled here thH «ex/«11mg. E Mnnev to hand Debts (tullevted Cpl t “'6 sincerelv regret, ,} an in a very ‘ lickets {ind Ocean lichen it)!" sale. 31 : 0t stick in Umham beneut Lu, placed: ‘ a ' ' ‘ _ r, em - 1, Khort .Lixne the 018% Lhn~ manv \ S l my hands f”,- sale cheap. - . - ‘ A ‘ ‘ " ‘ .‘5 h I We sincerely regret H at in a very i short time the ties that inanv tears? of 'CsldBUCfi in our midst have eu-E C\ViUQ-d mutualit- alum. its as neigh-l hers and as citizens of our belovedl country are to b-i severed --nay. not 2 sevurtd, but trauepoeed by your 2 removal from among us. T199 Olg true friendship can neither time nm l wince undo. and such is the friend i ship we bear you. 1 New, dear frienda. while we sol mucn regret your rmnoval from ourl neighborhood it gives us pleasure tol ‘be able most heartily to recommend lyou as the neat of friends. kind neighbors and most desirable citizenei in whatever sphere of society ant influence your future may be cast. As a. Slight indlration of the high esteem in which you are held among us, we ask you to accept these tokens. When time and Space have inter posed, may they serve as a memento of the many happy times Spent in our midst.. and may you be long spared in health and happiness to enjoy them. i Signed in behqlf of the friends and neighbors: Glenelg, Mar- ‘3 In Time of Peace Mrs. Fred Tucker received a. paper l last week announcing the death of her grandmOther, Mrs. David Fralick. of Uxbridge, at the age of 87 years. The family, whose line is terminated by the death of this lady. enjoyed a record for longevity that is: seldom equalled. The past, record shows ages reached by other members of Ihe family of 97. 95, 93, 6‘2. 80, S7 and 88.â€"Fleshernon A‘dvance. Mr. James Kester, residing with his son in-law, Mr chhard Porteoue. an Rockvale. shot, a email lvnx me‘ other day while the animal was try ing to make a meal out at a plvmouth rock rooster that. it, had captured in the barnyard about rhe noon innan The cat was as poor as poverty and (must have been ruuu1y Starved to death to make it So b.Jld.â€"Flesherton | Advance. information you need I App|y to nearest GER. Agunsorto 0.8.F08flfli Dkukthn.A¢flRu TORONTO prepare for war. In time of health keep the resistant powers of your body unimpaired. This is the surest defence against disease. An occasional cup of “ BOVRIL" supplies that extra strength and nourishment which everyone needs to escape the ills which are so prevalent at this season. Free Books “SETTLERS’ GUIDE” “WESTERN CANADA” “TOURIST SLEEPING CARS” TIME TABLES A Family Record. A Hungry Lynx. IF YOU THINK OF MAKING A BORE IN THE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE 24th. 190". BIOBT. BELL. Rom. MC FADDEN. _ i i acre building lot in Dprham. fur sale": i cheap, or trade f .r anyfilumz a man can 5 ’ eat, wear, or throw a suck at. E1 Property bought and mid on Commission 3 Munev to hand Debts (culleoted. ORR. v; Tickets {mud Ocean Tackets for \‘ale. 3m 8 ; ofst'bck m Umbam Uezneut 00., placed in ‘ my hands fur sale cheap. I ' Alwag s Prompt, Never Nvgligcnt 100 acres on Durham Roa_d. Bentiuck Farm. Bank Barn, Faxr Dwelling: tor $2500. 100 acres, extra good Buildings 31.1.11 th nearly the (“370) asked tor the Near Crawford P.(). i acre building lot in Durham. 11, yfleflflSf/P cy/flfl5d/‘0’f (bf/”d“ ._ '5 K 'NG SEEM BEG LEA VE T0 INFORM MY CUE. POM ERS and the public in genera} thm am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. Wm DRILLING, RE-Ccnmxe AND PRESSCCRBISG done with Cement concrete. 9’ ALL ORDERS taken at the old mm near McGowan’s Mil] will be promptlyu tended to. {LL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. GEORGE WHITMORE. A. BELL UN DE RTAKER and Funeral Director» Picture Framing 011, sizories! notice. Machine Oil. Harness 01]. Axle Grease and H001 Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS Full line Of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. umps. ‘H Dâ€" CUNNUR SHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly an erly attended to. Spring. amps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Irm- ”19‘ 111,95; Brass, Brass mined and Iron Cvlinders. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows" Barber Shop. RESIDEM‘l-Lâ€"NM} door South Of \V. J . L-Lwrcnces blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty in business education. 8 zâ€"Commer‘. Shorthand and Telegraphic. . graduates alwavs succeed. 1f 1“ ested get our free catalague Pumps from $2 upward. STRATFOBD. ONT. \â€" STRATFORD. UNT- The Hanover Conveyancer nufacturgr of \ rd Dealer 1n â€"â€" H. Miller, “hid for ‘u at] "I" "W- ”tot! for 36 any advornwmc-Ms in the office. to ensurv inwrxim: brought in nu: la‘mrth The 191) - . it: ('01 > PA? la \vrI‘u TheJob ’\E\v 1Y1)E.u~:;:' Department ilitiés for mu; ix:;_ ..-.;: \\ ork. 5â€"â€". short distance east 0 Lamb ton Street, Lower Ofioe hours from 12 1,0 2 u“ ‘,- buren aid Methadist Chm'c 2-4 J.m., 7-9 p.121 I tics in the New H unter hours 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 r 9.11). Special attention giw of women and children. posits Presbvwriau Church hm Assistant Roy. London Up}: III" and to Golden Sq. Throat an SPECIALIS T : EYE, EAR, THROAT N l. G. Hutton. L. R. C. P... LONDON. EN‘ BADULATE of London. York and Chicago. Disease! of Eye. Ear Nose and Thro Will be at Knapp House, Durham. 1 Sutuzdav in each month. Hum‘sâ€"â€" :â€" OFFICE: V FFICE Ah «'1 ty of anoum.(1mduzte College Dental Surgeons OfOnmrir Dentistry :11 all its Bram-L m < 0M.â€"Ca.lder Block, over I’m! .HYSICIA -- ' NT AND 9L EU Q g) Ufiee over 'Gm‘don‘s new Je “have. Lower Town, Durham. Any ___mV!8V to loan at 5 per cent. C ”Wyanonrs. Notary Public. ETC. *0 Loan at Lowest Rates. ‘ ofiemâ€"Mclntyre Block. over : Bank. Durham. Ontariu. EDITOR A. H. Jackson NOTARY PUBLIB cmmn (‘0!!! n1 .\~y- 1* J F. GRANT, D. D. s..L.D [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIV JOHN CLARK Lu E \' hnnm- 4'... .L- n ti(meet for the. (301mm u? Mot] “Yatmnded to ()rdm‘ at“ [ml'lemeut \\ arerwsu» 7* AM. or at the Chrmm-le have You Seen the a“WIS Company’s 1908 ARRISTEL. SOL ICI'I‘OR DISC HABRG Medical Direflon'. W. F. Dunn, [ARRISTER SOLICITOR. lamieson Maclauri Office: 13. Arthur Gun. Nov’ 90. ’03 an and Georg.» 5“ tChurch (Hficu n. 7-90.12). Teleuhm Dr. V1.6. Pickering Dentist. Dental Directorr DR. BROWN For mnflient- ad\’9n1§(‘mpnts cents per line for the first imp; tion; 3 cents per line «39h anbw L’ minion measure. Pr"f"ssiom gain one inch $4.00 “gram,“ 3 wigbout specific directions wi lfOl'bid and ('hal gPd aCcnrdingf pa-"Loet." ‘:Found." “Fur 5M“: .r first, insertion. 26 cents for mu 1908 Egon the market. an “'0‘“ Show-Rooms. on Funny time. : 13, Frost St, Owen Eu Lathe most cmnp‘et e Lefal ‘Direciorv . ‘ "-7 y gddrvss. free of pusmze, £01 cope;- year, payable in ad vane 10d if not. H) paid. the dun .cfiption is paid is denoted by .ddross label. . N0 papvr dis nous are pain, excmn at flu in RESIN IRWIN AND P m n DR. BURT. mnaien t. ad van 1st 0 n _‘ .‘ l. P- Telford. CHRONIQLE will be sent ordered by am Over J. J. HUDI 'W. J. McFad' fine is our pie RESIDE Coal 0i! alway of Knapp’s H 9“ Town. Dur ’R l 15'“ )1 stock! ’, Garafrax 8B6 ENCE 'I.

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