West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1908, p. 8

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Li: Headquarters Regent tailoring gives L‘CE‘JLLU Iv“-- . ‘ perfectly satisfactory and styl taste may beâ€"no matter how sure to find something in the ‘ Prices ranging from $8.00 ’0 T111311: 1911111 is no need for 11'01'1'} 1' 11111 11112111 10 1111111 101' 10111' Easter tr 511111111; 1111 110111915. bee 111w 119 1113.113 3191131111111 111 111111111111 11111es. Batisteâ€"1 Leader. 11111911 111111111. 11111. 111111 11111011. 441111111119, 1111111101.?)013 11191' 11151:. I‘leavy-weight Poplins, in at. 600. 'Men’s clothing talk Shadow stripes in taking shades. quick sellers at ”DC. Taffetta cloths that are suitable fm' costumes, at 90c. Muslims in all varieties. Dimity stripes. spotted and checked. at from 15c to 30c per yard. New Prints only 100 per yard. An endless selection of Delainettes, all colors and sizes of polka d013, only 150 per yard. ‘ It’s a pleasure to anyone to see the vast assort- ment of new spring goods on display here, and we will take every means to make you feel at ease whether you are buying or not. nt tailoring gives that perfection of fit- ctly satisfactory and stylish suit, No 11 , - matter how much, or how 1i to find something in the “Regent” line th ° “8.00 to $20.00. Good fitting trousers are as much a feature of our CIOtliing as are the suits and raincoats we sell. Ail our best lines of trousers are shrunk and shap- ed to stay, and the best of trimmings only are are used. You can rely upon getting a shapely, stylish trouser at prices as moderate as $1.50 up to $4.00. See these trousers for spring wear, they are fully as good as we say. “ Imperial” Shoe Highest Prices Prince of all styles. no need for worry about what for your Easter trip. We are becansv we have the required SELL TROUSERS. The for Gent S 2111 the newest shades «mu tan. 11 n \ . green \\ 001. 500 11 3'11] 11 \\ hile for Produce ,-, No matter What your age, orhowlitteyou desire to pay, t" line that will seam sfy you fully. SUITS Imperial Shoes Easily the most satisfying shoes we have ever sold for the money, combining all the fine points of custom wo:k at one half the cost. Full range of sizes and sters for ladies and gentlemen-- shown in all the fine leathers They come to us fully guaran’ teed and are sold to you on the same basis, Furnishings. TO HOTEL KEEPERS ? \OTICE is l1e1ehy gixen that the Bozud of License Commissionexs for :tbe License District, of South Grey \\ 111 meet on - EThursday, April 16th 1908 in the Town of Durham, at the Inspec- tor's Office at, 1 o’clock p.m., when applications for Licenses for the Li- cense year of 1908 and 1909 will be considered. The number of Licenses Is the year 1907 and 1908, was: Township of Normanby, 8 u Bentinck, 2 u Glenelg, l Town of Durham, 3 .. Hanover, 4 Village of Dundalk, 3 The applications for Licenses for 1908 and 1909 are as follows: Township 0: Normanby. 5 u Bentinck, 2 u Glenelg, 1 Town of Durham, 3 N Hanover, 4 Village of Dundalk, 3 Neustadt, 3 All petitions lelating to the granting or lefusal of Licenses must be filed with the Inspector. at least four days before April 16, 1908. Sold by W. BLACK, Durham and all whom it may concern. NOTICE. of Licenses issued for Ont. THOMAS DAVIS, hand given that, the Inspector Express Agent at Special to The Mail and Empire. Collingwood, Ont., March 97 -â€"The a boldest robbery that ever occurred in Collingwood was perpetrated yester [E day at noon at the G. T. R Station d here, when the Canadian Express t Company was robbed of a parcel con- I i raining one thousand dollars in one t dollar bills. Toe parcel was addres- a sed to the local branch of the Bank ‘ of Montreal, and had been shipped bv J :t-he Receiver-General’s office in Tor 1 onto. It was received by the agent 1 of the express company, Mr. L. E ‘ Wright. from the messenger on the train. Upon receiving the parcel Mr. Wright placed it upon the truck with other parcels, and engaged inl other duties, which at the time are rushed. more especially when the the train is late as was the case on Thursday. He lost sight of it but foramument. but when he turned his attention to it it was gone, and since no trace of it has been foutd. The police were notified, but up to clues have been followed up. , The parcel was made up in the} usual way. It is thought the party who took the parcel must have been watching Mr. \Vright very closely. as the time was so very short be tween its reception from the mes- senger on the train and its dis. ‘appearance. Several men were .s'anding around, but all profess to :know nothing. MONEY PARCEL QUICKLY STOLEN. The loss will fall on the local agent. Mr. Wright. Mr Hetherman, in: specter of the express company, ar- rived on Thursday night. and Mr Allen the superintendent, came this afternoon to investigate. Hicks-J see your cold is better’ this morning. Wicksâ€"Yes, and I believe I’ve discovered a sure remedy for colds. Hicksâ€"What is it 9 \Vicksâ€"A collar button. I swal lowed one last night in mistake for a quinine pillâ€"Catholic Standard and i'l‘imes. “I dreamed last night,” said Mrs. Nugget. “that I was in a Store that was just full of the loveliest fur coats”â€" “But, ” interrupted her husband hastily, “that was only a dream, my dear.’ ‘ Yes; I knew it was before I woke up. because vou bought; me one.’ Philadelphia Press. "What’s bogie at your golf club? ’ “Nineteen Scotch highballs and three gin rickeys.”â€"Puck. New York Tribune. "You surprise me. How long have the two of van been acquainted ‘9’,â€" O “Mildred.” said the prudent mam ma, “1 want you to treat Mr. Ketchley, who called on you last evening. with some consideration and respect. He may not be particu- larly handsome or attractive, but he is sensible, well connected. highly succeszui in business and is regarded ' 1, “I wouldn’t mind his being one of the coming men,” said Mildred, ' if it didn’t take him so long to go.” THE change in mail arriving by the‘ G. T. R. to take effect on the first of April has been cancelled, and matters remain just the same as they were. 'lhe new arrangement would have been very unsatisfactory, and the Post Office Department did wisely in not making a change that was decidly‘ not an improvement. As soon as the new arrangements were made known the authorities here lost no time in 1 getting into communication with the Department, and a telegram received late on Tuesday evening instructed our postmaster to continue sending the mails as before. South Grey Temperance Association At the annual meeting of the South Grey Temperance Association held on Tuesday evening the following officers were elected: â€"â€"Hon. -President, J. H Brown; President, C. L. Grant; 1st Vice-Pres, H. McCrae; 2nd, Vice- Pr.es, John A. Graham; Sec. .. John Snell; Treas, A. D. B1owning. Exec-l utive, Resident Clergy and Messrs Lloyd, Adlam, Bell, S. Young, Lati- mer, \V. Laidlaw, J r Ram-age, Adams, ‘ Also Mesdames Benton, Latimer, New- ton, S. McComh, E. McArthur, and Misses Gun and Smith. ‘Township Representatix e on Executive. Glenelg â€"-R. T. Edwards; Normanbyâ€"D Leith: Bentinckâ€"A. Derby; Egremont â€"-\Vm. Allan. All members of Grey Lodge No. 169, I. 0. O. F., are requested to meet at the regular meeting on Monday night next, April 6th, as very important business is to be transacted. Lodge opens at eight o’clock. Don’t forget about it. B. H. MOCKLER, N. G. What Cured his Cold. am a lover of truth.” Collingwood Robbed at Station. Match Play. Quick Work. Unreal Wife Served as Model 11168 Recentlv I sat through a perform f“The Doll’s House,” inter- preted bv Madame Nazimova, the Russian actress, Write-S Isabel Gor- don Curtis. in Success M aguzine In- terestine as was the‘play. even more interesting was a CUDVBrSuthD 0108 to my ear that went on between the Two men were talking; one _Al_-... mac g 8.006 0 8.6178 was an American. the other was a Norwegian They were discussing Ibsen and his work. “Why.” asked the American, "did not your great. dramatist put into at. least one of his playsasplendid, happy. normal woman? wezian. “of his ahausekeeper in Norway who had lived for years in Ibsen’s household She was an intelligent woman. and I asked her the queStion )ou fired at ' Her atsw+r was: ‘ 'Sir. if you had known Mrs‘ Ibsen as Idid. you would understand why the master could not create a sweet. gracious woman He had lived too {[Ollg with Mrs Ibsen.’ ” I We have an American novelist whose life«work has, so it is said,I been moulded by the same sort of in-I fluence His heroines are vapid. mindless creatures, whose existetce even on a printed page makes one tired. Two or three of them wearied me so that it is years , since I have tried to read one of this . man’s shelf ful of novels. querulous, Brandy was first used medicinally, and miraculous cures were ascribed to its employment. There is at least one law in Hun- gary which might be copied by other countries of the world. This is the prohibition applied to cripples and people who are deformed enough to ofiend the public eye from selling papers: on the public thorouzhfaree . In addition. children under fourteen may not be emnloved in the trade. You cannot speak of living when the temperature night and day is 100. It is but a mere existence. And Such is life in the valley of Peshawur, at the northwest corner of India, in the months of July and August. The first successful flour mill erected in London in 1764. The Veddahs of Ceylonnever wash, uncleanliness being part of their re- ligion. The house is full of medicine And mystery profound We cannot even run about Or make the slightest sound. They keep the big piano shut; \Ve cannot strike a note. The. doctor’s been here twenty times Since father rode the goat. He joined the lodge a week agoâ€"â€" Got in at four a. m., And sixteen members brought him home. Though he says he brought them. His leg was sprained. and one big rip: Had rent his Sunday coat. ‘ The members had a jolly time When father rode the goat. He’s resting on the couch to-day And practicing the signsâ€" The hailing, signal call and grip And other monkey shines. He utters passwords ’neath his breath And other things he’ll quote. 3' The. members had an evening’s work ' When father rode the goat. IBSEN’S HOME LIFE- He has a brilliant uniform. All red and white and blue, A bet with plumes and scarlet braid And' golden badges too. But somehow when we mention it His visage waxes grim. We wonder if he rode the goat Or if the goat rode him. â€"C. L. Cory in New York Sun. Americanâ€"No. dueling isn’t: allow- ed in this country except. wish one kind of weapon. Parisianâ€"Ah h ! Tell me ze name of zen weapon. so 2. next time 26 Americana insult: me I know zat weapon. Blackâ€"Jones wrote his father that he was having considerable trouble to keep up with his expenses. White-«And What: did his father say?. Blackâ€"That such a. fast man should have no trouble at all.â€"Harvard Lampoon. Lazy Lewisâ€"I wuz told dat de farmer wot lives on dot hill paid his hands jist. de same whedder dey worked or not, so I went an’ hired t’ him. Tired Thomasâ€"Den youse played off sick, I reckon. . Lazy Lewisâ€"Yep,â€" an’ at de end ov de month I found dat he never paid nobody nothin’ nobow.â€"Ch‘icago News. Americanâ€"Lawyers.â€"Puck. Cripples in Hungary. After the Initiation. The Retort Courteous. answered the Nor :bome life. We had in Norway who had in Ibsen’s housebo_ld A Dirty People. Flour Mills. Brandy, A Hot Spot. for His Hero Deadly. Buncoed. W8 If you are suffering {mm impure blood, thin blood, dc. bility, nervousness, eth tion, you should begin at Once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilia, the Sarsaparilla you have known iall your life. Your dOCtor knows it, too. Ask him about in Unless there is daily auction of the hm“, poisonous'producu are absorbed, causing he“ ache, billousness. names, a gpeps‘a. and um; preventing the Sarsaparflla rom doing in M1 work. Any; Pills are liver pills. Act My, :11 vegetable. â€"‘ Mb I. C. .1er Co.. Lowon A no muacturoru of m ’ mu: noon, ers AGUE was. cumv 95cm W. rave no leer-cu! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. High Quality GRASS 8: CLOVER SEEDS ! OUR ‘6 Government Standard” Selection and Preparation Is the first and strongest re- commendation to every buyer and user of any kind of seed. The price is a second cunsider- ation when estimating its value and worth. “'hen comparing both the Quality and Price of any seeds we offer, they will be found in the buyers best inter- ests. A shoe is What gives it wxll find every shoe in w and leathers wearing as v Qualities in Red and Alsike c10- ver.and Timothy seed has given unqualified satisfaction. The most. persistent care is given to supply the Highest Quality and Hardware, Grain N Scm‘z 1m For smart peopie are OSI’WCL‘ -' 1. { attention. \Ve Want \‘Ml 1“ 1mma: . .eapaxr them. Then if you dun 1 h 1‘ -. i'fi' it will be because you an mm 19 ”n 1d <[\'1€ all erent to footwear (11111 H ~ . 'he value than we think 11055‘1’1“ 1 “Ever Right” shoe is the 4 want everytime. â€" _..nin‘tde Purity obtainable. All clover and Tlmothy Seed offered un- der our special brands as “Government Standard.“ are prepared to comply with the Seed Act, fdr NO. 1 Quality. Second to none is our and quality. We decline to purchase rough and unclean seed, and retuse anylot containing such noxious weed seed that. cannot be olear- ed, to comply with the Seed Act. Call and examine the Yourself. Higher prices paid. kinds of Grain. HUNTER’S The Quall ty Behind April 2, 1908 ENTRICKEN 3: Deficient. aswc Olll motto Ill Do not, f4 bf Easter " .‘T FOU ENQUIRIES are u. WANTED- MISS MARGARE'I‘ taught the Emu-muw the Hanover Sli'ht N H from consumption 1; home in \Yalkermn. AN exchange 1'6 about a young lady jerked back her he keep from being ki her neck. This 51 to girls not to jerk would be better to' THE Chesley Entvi'pri “Grey County is In 1w un the Redistribution Bin. the case Hon. Alex )h-Ka. well be given the North Lucas the Centre Riding 1 tion.” [What about givin son the South. Bren Ema UXDOUBTEI)LY, the 1111 men on record are. first. 1 will not drink water mile a neighbor’s well, the se his family to wriw any band asit, wastes ink 1( letters, and the third sto at night [0 Stop L110 \\ ml!‘ the machinery. All 1'qu newspaper because it ‘ strain on the spectmlus t WE do not. like m ('n have a number of m n'I'l send us in Very little locality has its local h the people of that lm-a and hear of What‘s gui of births, deaths and always interesting i t «a 1 Should be sent in pr occur. \Vhen frim‘nl go away for :1 distal such Will be of intcrvs‘ delinquent, w h: Chatsvnmth '- A“ 1 Stock hovrse. Hi 8 be appl‘edated fur hrix young horse into the (1 assessmg 0 g was CO1“ Pk McDonald. t. MR. ED. HUY. ()rv‘nzzr edfromO. Sax-.hy Gm 11 Sear-old Impm Lml (‘1 \ «L Royal Thomas. 1%- is? quality and the 'lwsl q both sides. His sil‘t‘. {E Thomas, was (me (1 ClVdesdale sires in Svoi Purchased by Messrs. 1 action for nine 1111 he grand dam of Rod lady Darnlev, and in» ‘ WE had a great 0“} “Hing himself a darn tier to NUS. His 100much hke a. schel Thomas Farm ham eing kissed 111a This should be are Near Durhar EHRUNICLE ut‘fi 0t 1; back . ,0 lean for“? D11) \V

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