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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1908, p. 1

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suffering from 3, thin blood, de- >usncss, exhaus. mld begin at Once? Sarsaparilla, the you have known re. Your doom;- . Ask him aboutit, answered the m” “T" pomp and trappings» L make near the ShO‘Vi"; no or a paradm’Lâ€"W‘gfl; n scuon of the m 1‘ :oyabaorbod. causing 5..., inset. (1 spam, and ‘5‘ a. rm; am doing tau apt: liver pins. Act. 3%. c. Ayu- Co.. WV 1.. unnatural-s urn. beer». 2 W0 publish of .11 our 30mm .e Quality Behind IUD an,” remarked the E ier than the sword. :rnment andard” lOfl ’reparatiqn [TER’S Quality CLOVER wagger NTRICKEN SE A \\ m V' \\ tim Quality DS . Deficient. HAIR m AOUB CURE. cumv venom. think kind of seed. 'nnd consider- xting its value st runges 1 comparing and Price of they will be 9 best inter. ht" Shoe d Alsike clo- ed has given ,(_‘tion. The 'e is given to Quality and All clover offered un- very buyer our ‘ dal‘d. don’t, have L are more ualit}, 35? 1; possible. is the Shc :hnse rough and refuse Jch noxious at be clear- !) the Seed brands as .111," are with the alitY. d peciany‘ £7011 to , motto m re- student’ all 42â€"4“). 2143. \V ) see the special display wry at Miss Dick’s. u‘m hand. at once. as E. Hutton, Hutton farlane’s. Ivy Ente-xpiise says:â€" \ is tn lw unchanged by :mtinn Bill. This being .;\1t‘X McKay might as l the North and Little ntre Riding by acclama- it. about giving Dr. J amieâ€" ‘:1. BMW. EnterprisePI "Near Durham; call (‘11m>.\'ICLEoflice, 250. rum-H 5t dm-Lm' in mw OI our ".\'I:~. His prnpusitiun was H: wlm-tm in exchange for In make different kinds of {H's-pul'ntinx'xs, and the adver-1 ~imp1y asked for a. 2-cent‘ 1' fi‘w list from any person “1 .‘Jé-t it. The idea looked lekv :1. scheme to gather in Ms of the unwary. WhiCh nn amount; to dollars to the :8 Hf the Dr? who could easily >85 the line, change his name. rt business again ebewhere. 3. no desire to start an “Pam ’9 Just yet. .\l x I t subscriber is not yet .vm'th News has a few . telis a horrible tale :uly who thoughtlessly hmul so suddenlv to 2; kissed that it. broke s shouid be a. \\ alning Pl‘K back. In fact, it \. suitable gifts and l’m-v. b3 nterpnse :1 _ A TWENTY-FIVE cent can of Camp- bell’s Stain will restore the finish on and in Course Of con- fOlll' ordinary chairs. Any lady can m-Wd m a stone wall use it. \Vhen applied it. flows out, nuns built, for hiu) Inst, under the brush, and dries Without prunmmces i; an A,1 laps. A seventy-five cent can of ‘ Campbell’s Floor Varnish will do an u- Lhrnugh the winter’s ,m-m-k, More than that ordinary floor one coat. Ask Alex. 'l‘iumums is a most Russell for color card. _______..______â€" .nn to have round the . n-.nn.onmn\'_q APP. b91112 made t0 ('UFFIELD was in town hmnimon Tubercu ll] m has the township of «1 un April lst by - Assessor. little 50 it is a. B uncles to read. ()IH ll )I‘ brin szxxm, who ~ Department of last year. died is! week at her 11 SC the country it L’lvde HI N IOU] I] mdt‘ )l'lll DI utter from hard. has purchas- uvlph, a fine four- 'l)’desdahé Stallion, is a horse of rare at of breeding on a the noted Prince .~ of the largest 4cotrland, and was rs. Montgomery at hundred guineas. {oyal Thomas was he should prove an His owner should HIGH. 2!. l’ec'u'u ~st to somebody happenmgS. z-LlitY like to AROU N D TOWN been elected ‘1 marriages are ms of news and mummy as they is and neighbors nee. n recm'd of nupluin. but We vspundeuts who 9 news. Every HIDDRHiDSIS. and umtion con- l9ebrnzu'y Of :ttUl‘ \VOI"S- ring this wee‘ 0H such : l mce terrible Nt ,tices of a chap of our FOR good Manitoba. and pastry flours go to Mrs. Beggs Sons’. PEARCY’S pure paints bake stood the test of time. Try thennâ€"Macfar- lane’s Drug Stm-e.â€"3. A FINE assortment. of ladies’ under- wear at Kate Cochrane’s. opposite S. Scott’s store. THE Chatsworth News was recently advertised for sale in one of the Toron to Dailies. THE Presbyterian Congregation here is negotiating for a $1500 pipe organ. They intend to have a power attach- ment of some kind to do the pumping. A XEW gasoline lamp has been on exhibition for a few nights at the rink. It is the property of Mr. Joseph A. Brown, who is investigating its merits with a View" to getting a good and cheap lighting system for his new rink. It is a 600 candle power, and so far has given good satisfaction. THE electric light plant has been working under diflicult-ies for the past week. A broken crown wheel is re- sponsible for all the trouble. Dox’T forget where. to come; for a. first-class upâ€"to-date suit, or anything THE city council in the shape of first-class work. taken action to pre Cleaning and pressing attended to objectionable paste promptly.â€"J. A. Glass, the up-to-date boards and the Chi Cutter. appointed as p081 BEGIX now to make preparation for] the annual excursion to Niagara. Falls, ‘ which will be held early in July. This is one of the cheapest and most enjoy- able excursions ever enjoyed by citi- zens of Durham, and many who went before will be anxious to go again. The date is not fully decided on yet but. will be about! the first or second Friday in July. PREPARATIONS are being maue u» start the cement romries in motion for the season. The clinkers left over in the store-house last fall are now being ground and ready for the mar- ket. We hope to see a. large output, ”good prices and big dividends. \Ve expect to see burning begin before the close of the present week. ON the 23rd of March the Methodists : of Stayner went through the ceremonv I of burning a. mortgage that had beeh on the church for seventeen years and a. note against the parsonage. They are to be congratulated for being out of debt, but there are grave doubts in some minds about the advisability of It might be burning such dmruments. useful as a reminder to our grew-t, grand-children if preserved as a relic.‘ 'onnnercial and finan- ' cial depression, the prices of the best. n ' class of horses has neVer been so high L in Canada as at present. The Show ring horses are held at higher prices” than animals of the l - same class in the ,1 v o 0 . i L mted States. This fact has a special | relation to the fourteenth Canadian i Horse Show which is to he held in the . , . J St. Lawrence Ar mm on April 29th, 30th. May 1st and 20d. Ix spite of them The entries larger than at any pre- All the leading exhibitors will be largely represented. Hon. Adam Beck, of London. has added no ‘ less than ten new hunters to the fine . stable posstssed by Mrs. Beck and One of the new ones is said rse than Kakabeka, ' horse honors 1 ( vions show. . himself. to be a better ho Mr. John J. Dixon, fToronto, is buy- Up=to=date R. E. “'ehater. Ottawa; G0râ€". Elenderscm, Hamilton: Dr. t. Catharines: Amelius Jar- W. A. Young, H. C. Cox, Crow Murray, To- eWW", educed rates can be obtained ilways. It is expected that ”out“? the Governorâ€"General The clinkers left. over Re last, fall are now L1 ready for the mat-- to see a. large output, ' suit, 01' anything THE city council of \Voodstock has] first-class work. taken action to prevent the display of i :sing attended t” objectionable posters on the city bill “33’ the up-to-(lztte boards and the. Chief of police has been appointed as poster censox°.':tnd all lamp has been on theatrical circus and other companies - nights at the rink. are required to furnish him with dup- of Mr. Joseph A. licatesof the hills to be posted. Action stigating its merits was taken by the council on the re- etting a good and quest of the the Ministerial Associat- stem for his new tion. Other places feel the necessity mm. humor and m of acting in a. similar manner. are being made to rumries in motion NEW wall papers See thornâ€"3. \VHITE “"yandotbe Eggs for batch- ing, $1.00 per 13, $25.00 Champion heads pen.-â€"-R. O. Heimbecker, Ham- OVBI‘. Job Work Done at the ChronicleOffice. THERE is some talk of Mayor Calder coming out against Dr. Jamieson as acandidate for the. Ontario Ixegisla- Lure. Tm: Line-ads of South advertised a convention here on the let of April. ’)(')nservatives are so nar as to kick at us fox publicity. A MEXDICAXT was in town Tuesday soliciting charity. As he had neither a left arm nor a right leg he seemed am object of sympathy, but the. smell of whiskey caused us to hang on to the nickel we intended to give him. MR. )Ivix'rnsn. of the firm of Len-' aha!) and McIntosh met with an acci- dent on “'eduesday morning. He boards at the Middzmgh House and just as he stepped outside the door he slipped on the icy sidewalk, and fell with great force. He received a. had gash on his fnrehead and an artery was severmffrom which blood came in great spurts. for n time. It was 1 enough, but he will be all right mg in the course of a few days. Barrister 'l‘elford was in Owen Sound on Monday. Mr. James Crawford. left for Battle-. : ford, Sask., on Tuesday. ‘ Mr. \V. R. McGracken, of Hamilton. is visiting his parents here. Miss Ada Brown is visiting her sister Mrs. Ball. at Dundas. Mr. Arch. McMullen, of Ceylon, was in town Tuesday. Miss Jessie Caton has returned home after visiting her sister in HanOVer. Mr. Geo. McKechnie was in Owen Sound on Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Brown are visit- ing friends in Toronto and Hamilton. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. flaws are visiting friends in Orton, Wellington county. Mr. Angus Cameron and son left for Dakota on W'ednesday morning. Mr. Sam Neal, of the Middaugh ' House has returned from the hospital , at Fergus. ‘ Rev. Father Savage, of Markdale. .' held his first service here on Sunday I morning. Mrs. J. C. (V?- morning last, for City, Iowa. Dr. Selle-ck, of Torontu is taking Dr. Muclaurin’s place here. the latter being ill in Tel-onto. Mr. \V. Gray. of Portage la Prairie, is visiting his son-iu-law, Mr. John is visiting McGowan. Mr. Guy Kearney, of the Rooney Biscuit a Confectionery 00., is holi- (laying at present. Mr. James Tutt, of Brantford, visit- ed with Mr. Thos. Smith and M r, Geo. McKechnie over Sunday. Mr. Lauder Munro, of Omaha, Neb., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munro. I ' Mr. Charles Moore returned Monday I i from Toronto after spending a delight- ful month with his brother Joe, at the home of his aunt in Rathnally Ave. | Mrs. Thos. Meredith, and daughter ' Miss Flora left for Cochrane, Alta, last week to attend the funeral of their son and brother. Mr. Adam Robertson is in Guelph, in attendance on his brother, who was taken suddenly ill the beginning of the week. Miss Minnie Bonner. of Grand Rapids, Michigan, returned home Tuesday after visiting Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Brown and other friends for the past four or five weeks. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1908. .aible, from 7 to 10 acres uf to. burn and good well. this uffice.-â€" 2. INTUSII. of the firm of PERSONAL . ‘ 0.. -‘< South Grey have entinn to be held April. None Of 1111* s11 11:11-1-mv minded giving the 111:1'Ler at up per Macfarlane‘s. nem' Dm- is in Guelph, min had In the death of Mrs. David Fralick, at Uxbridge. a couple of weeks ago, the. last. of a remarkably lung-lived family passed over the great divide. Of a. family of nine. including the father and umther. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. MvKaV. the ymmgest zit time of death was 79 yc-m-s nf age, and the eldest. 97. Mr. “'11). McKay. the father. died i in his 97th ywir. his wife passing away 3 Wlwn 235 yl‘ill'S ufugv. TWU suns, .1011]! land Stmvurt. (livd in their 93rd and l R9ml rpm-s I'PSUUOthOlV. the daughters 1 in Ms tutu your. ms wm win-n 95 yvau-s ufugv. 'l and SH-wnrt. divd in .t 32nd years respectively. passing away in Um fulh Mrs. Amos. St. John. in her 81)“) year: Mrs. Fraliuk. in her Shh; Mrs. A. Thom. in her 82nd: Mrs. Ruht. Mc- Kenwn, in her 87th: and Mrs. Ed. Et well. in her mu. The deceased were knuwn as the best. of citizens. and the family is Spukt‘ll (if in glowing terms by the U x bridge papers. Mrs. 13‘ “lick was a grandmother of 1 Mrs. Fred Tucker. of Flesherton, and we think from the fzunily‘s previuus recor.d Mrs. Tucker need feel no im- mediate alarms regarding her own transfer to ti e better land for a considerable number of years at le- Lst. A REMARKABLE FAMILY. The semi-annual meeting of the Home Mission Board of the Owen Sound Association of Baptist churches was held in the Baptist church, Owen Sound, on Tuesday, March 31st. There were present Rev. 1’. ). Cameron, of Owen Sound, Chairman; Rev. L. F. Kipp, of Flesherton, Secretary: Rev. '1‘. E. Meldrmn, Strathavon: Rev. Jas. Strachan, Thorubury, and Messrs. C. 1’. Day, Daywood, and T. A. Pickard. lOWen Sound. The business consisted chiefly of consideration of applications for aid from the following churches in the Association, the aid asked as well as that agreed to be paid by the several churches being for the current half year: Durham and (Henelg (lent-re, which agree to raise $1.45, an increase of $54) on the past year, ask $75; Ches- ley and Tara ask $150 and agree to raise $170: Bentinck and (Hem-lg ask $11)” and will raise $75: li‘lesherton and Priceville ask $12.5 and will raise a like .anionnt; 'l‘hornbury-Clarkslim-g ask $101) and agree to raise $150; Bayview, haywood and Morley ask $75 and i agree to raise $180 : Port, Elgin, South- ampton and Burgoyne ask $75 and ' will raise $237: Spring Bay (Manitoulin Island) asks $200 and agrees to raise $100. Ready and Mar, vacant since the resignation of Rev. Thos. \Vatson, ' and Rev. '1‘. Robinson made no appli- cation, and their cause was left to be dealt with by the General Home Mis-l sion Board. to whom the above appli- cations. after the fullest consideration, were recommended. At the close of the meeting the Executive Committee of the Association met and a provis- ional programme was made for the Convention at Thornbury on June 10th to 12th next. BAPTIST MISSION BOARD MEETING ! Clearing of all Winter Goods. The new 'l‘cll.+plmiw Directory hund- cd in by our local manager. Mr. \Vm. Ifitilii.‘l\\', shows :L very rapid growth in the tulcphoui- system throughouti the district, of ( lentil-3.1 Ontario. Thorn- hury alone occupies three pages of the Dircctory. which extends out 11:10:19: the fanning counuunity for miles inround. The lines extend out to Ravcmm. Rcdwing, l'leuthcote. Kimâ€" ‘berley, ripping, Kolopore, Duncan, 'I)elphi and (Imupcrdown. Mr. R. (‘rosslaud is local manager, and :1 continuous service is given. Flesher- i ton takes in Maxwell, Eugenia, Ceylon. Fever-sham and Priceville. Other places are similarly connected with outside points. ii... A ‘ ' , 5’1. Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. J. J. HUNTER THE BUBY 8TORE ON THE BU8Y CORNER. MRS. DA \'1 l) FRALK‘K. THE BELL TELEPHONE. in tho» following nrdm‘ m-«m, uf av. L. l“. 'y: Rev. {0“ J as. (-ssrs. (7, Picknrd. «msismd >1i(t;LLi0n:~' JI‘OhUS in 1 :15 well 11'. suvmul °ont half (N‘lltl'v, ”inch-am: (arm!) and lih‘t‘. :L likv burg :Lsk inyvicw, $75 and In, South- 375 and [:mimulin 5 L1) raise -:mL since . \Vntsnn, no appli- ; left to he Imnc Mis- Last week we took advantage of a big wholesale clearing sale of fashionable dress goods, and pur- chased a large. quantity. Along with this. spring’s dress fabrics it gives us the largest display of fashionable dress Illaterials we have ever shown, composed of Crepe dc Chenes Bahamas Crispemls Ch eviots Queen’s Cloth Safattev C and Broad-(310th Suitings, including plail shadow stripe effects in all the latest. shades. “'9 have SONIC SlM’fUlibl UCbleuln. them : All wool Cl'epe do Chenos reg. All wool plaids dress g(')ods ~" Light tweed suiting “ CC Fancy INOhLLiI‘. dress goods i The New Spring We have made special preparations for caster, and have an extra large. display of beautiful 111illimiary for you to pick your Easter 11th from, and at Very moderate prices. S. F. MORLOCK \\ 13 0.2111 Sm 11 \ nu 1111mm 1111 \'01111 spring; suit 11. 1.11:1V11 son11mp11ci11111111311111». H111111111111 he“ of New Spring Dress Goods ? Practically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. Easter Millinery Waists Sole. Agent; fur ngrcss Brand Clothing. Have you seen Our range of Cash and one price Japanese Silk Waists Black and Brown at lowest prices. $1.00 PER YEAR. «Sm: l’z‘mlmnas Cheviots Snfatteo Cloths '(1 \ U 1 . .1) Olt . t Emu 4O 30 and iii. U)!

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