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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1908, p. 2

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01‘s 13 AND 14. CON. 3. N.D.B. Glenelg, 15 acres bush. frame barn, well watered, must be sold. A. E. Jackson i‘, Durham. 227tf. A. unble farms in New Ontario. near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for cash. Map oi the locality and terms given an application to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for vendor. 7-18-06 â€"tt HE 2N 0 AN 0331) DIVISION OF Lot No. l. E G R.. in the Township of Glenelg. 100 acres knownas the “McKin- noa Farm” at the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate possession given. For particulars -nnl‘v 9n 1 p Tfllfnrd. 3 ll-m-tf BAU‘- .- v aâ€" WP of Saddler streetf in the Town of Dar “t: ham in the count fGrey, containing4 macros more or less. For terms and oarticu "Jars applv to J. P. Telford Vendor’s Solici- wvlv U about sixvuâ€"niles from Durham. title. Possession at once. Good land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. Tolford, Durham. Feb 22nd 190:3 â€"tf. _ - ,.-_..-.,..___.._ , 10 Actâ€"{BE 0-): 2w CONCEssiBfi Banginck:_Lot ‘27 W.G.R.. 5 acres I. ‘1 “‘A'ID:“N 7: v- â€"- cession “East of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Normanby. in the Conntv of Grey. For particulars apply to J P. Telford. Barrister. Durham. Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf râ€"â€"â€"-â€"_.__..~.'__~â€"-_._â€"â€"â€" April. 1908, * These lots contain 233 acres, of which . about 150 acres is under grass, 12 acres in a bush and the balance is cleared land. which “, may be seeded down. The farm is well 4 watered and will make good grading farm. ET? 9 purchaser must nay down 3500 and secure the balance by first mortgage at 45 g per cent. .a For further particulars. applv to W. F. H Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham, Ont. ULULI 51“" â€"v -,_ .IJ Concession of the Township of Nor- mnby. containing2503cres, the estate of the late Tbos Fulton. One stone dwelling and onetrame dwelling. Good bank barn 3190 good frame barn. Will be sold in block or divided to suit purchaser. Terms made known on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- ministrator. Hampden, P, 0. Jan 13. tf 1U” Bantinck. Lot ‘27. {all wheat. about 15 acres acres under cultivation. spring water. Apply ( Alexander McCormack, R ‘ \’¢uuu-v vâ€" Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good location. prices reasonable Apply to uv-.â€"~â€"_ UL‘VD‘V N11» for ”sale bvtender Lots 1 and 2 on 0011.9" Egremont Written sea‘ed tend ~fl‘ ers for this property ma} be delivered to the undersigned Solicitor up to the 15th of uâ€"â€"â€"â€"_ A. M'i'll Street. Durham, llOft frontage. Apply to William Laidlaw Aug 29.-tf 7A 256wp T W0 STOREY DOUBLE house, sitpated on the west 1 house. situated on the west sid - Gara- fraxa Street. in upper town. large lot with stable. first-class well. also cistern. Apply on premises. Angus Cameron, [312t. Dec. 2.â€"tf. HE t0 for sale a number of houses and out- ' buildings along the line of right of way of the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway, in ' the town ot_pprham. ,1 _L __ 31°2t OTS 27 AN “v UV " u v. -V “- n.“â€" These buildings meet be remqved at an early date. m order to clear the hue of right of way. - - . .o ‘ ‘ ‘ __L___- "1313353133 OF IMPRQVEI? VAL- w "u, . All material such as timber. bnck, st'me‘ etc, in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also offered tor sale. Dated J uue 4th 1907. Apply to J. P. TELFORD, Durham. 1‘1: cott, will rent one or more years, takgng most of rent in improvements. Bmldmgs. soil. water. orchard and timber -all good Appiy to J. Ritchie. Port Arthur. M ’- .1. ed to do Custom Sawing. into lumber. 'shingles and lath; also planing, grain chopping etc. Hemlock and cedar logs, nd lath timber wanted for which the high- : cash price will be paid ,at the mill. ' nas Clark. Varney. 2m pd. .ARK LOT NUM_BE_R 2.3 NORTH 3’ com PORTABLE COTTAGE AN D 10 acres of land opposite Mr. Thos. ins, convenient to Durham: Cottage i nine 6 rooms. good woodshed. good sta- hen house. never failing well. Excell- t phce for gardening. Apply to Aaron ollett. ' ”ti Farms for Sale. 00D BRICK HOUSE ON ALBERT Street. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- 'Iio. Durham. Dan. 15 tf. NUMBER OF TOWNNLOTS ON v yvv- “' 'zo J. P. Télfoi'd. Nov. 5-tf For Sale or to Let. roperty for Sale. Y .200 ACRE FARM AT GLASo clamor: 100 ACRE FARM A_T New Cooper Shop. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ‘71. :60; â€"r Shop and is pre red to 311 gifls onew work and repaying on most notice. Sb :1) on Garafraxa Street 1th of D- Kinnee’s old Pump Works, work guaranteed first class. Custom sawing. a UNDERSIGNED IS PREPgR. the Rocky. immediate possession giv- Vor iurther garticular.‘ apply to . P. TELFORD. . 5-“. Durham. EN DERsIGNBp _HAS OPEN- For Sale. W...‘ _ PRINQIPALPX __-HAEP To Rent. Lot ‘27. W.G.R.. 5 acres 5 acres fall plowing. 75 vation. good well and .pply on farm to Mrs. mck, Rocky Saugeen. C. G. SCHEUERMANN. 1â€"}: THE 18TH Tn} . W'Diihm: FRAME a“-..â€"..'__â€"~__â€"_ A BRiGwfiT BAY GELDING. three years old in May. bred from coach horse and blood mare. Stands 15$ hands high, gives promise of being a fine driver. Price right. R. T. Edwards. Ebordale. Parties owing me are requested tocall and settle their accounts before the lst of May. as all accounts must be settled by that date. Robt. Smith, Durhatr. [421m 00D FARM HORSE FOR SALE. Appl to G. A. Watson. lot 6, con 4. S. D R. G enelg. [â€"43 AGENT FOR Geo. \Vhite Son Threshing Ma- chines. Implements. Rudd’s Harness, Spreads and Harness Repairs. Oil’ s and G1 ease s. STOVES FUREACES. Singer Sewing Machines. MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. North American Life Assurance Co. Spring Term Opens April 1st. PRINCIPALS. ' O‘~‘mms~~9 Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept on hand. V Classâ€"Fanny Ector“, John Banks*, Emma Ritchie, Wilfrid Greenwood. IV Classâ€"Willie Falkingham“. Eva. Ritchie. III Classâ€"Maggie Ector“, Willie Ector*.Kate Ritchie*.Herbie Ritchie, Victor Williams. Alix Edge. Il Classâ€"Myrtle Ector, Eliza. Will- iams, Maggie Ritchie,Nuna Williams, Carrie McNally. Edith Edge, Bertha Falkingham and Cassie Ritchie eq., Maggie McKenzie, James Vaughan. Pt. II Sr.-â€"Mary Paylor, Alex. Vaughan. Pt': II Sr.-â€"Reuben Paylor. Willie Ritchie, Katie McNally. I Classâ€"John Ritchie. Bertha: Ec- tor, George Williams. A ttendanceâ€"‘Z‘T . *Over 7570 on written exams. FARM MACHINERY Horses for Sale. PFEFFER BROS. 7 YEAR OLD MARE WITH foal. Apply Jas. W. Bogle, Durham. mmxwmmmynsm - . 3105.52.45 Profit: for mom M03138 ending 31:: Jamal-y. 1938. cm deducting Expenses. _Iau_eren “goody: Deposit-I.“ . - 186,097.60 _- AA,- A‘ â€"._vâ€" â€" ‘vv "v- â€"vâ€" v-. â€" v'vwâ€"v meovsmk - Smamnnkbm It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure white winter. wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes JEWEL FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be- Thoroughness is the kev-note of this Institution. Our “school stands for what is HIGHEST AND BEST in business education. We have three departments :â€"Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Our graduates always succeed. If inter- ested get our free catalague. Diidendg _ -_ muzm.m STRATFORD. ONT. RECORD OF BUSINESS ‘~ The Standard Bank of Canada JUHN N. MUHUDEK Frost 8’ Toronto \Vindmills. Elliot! 8. Mclachlan S. S. No. 3. GLEXELG. IS A BLENDED FLOUR Notice. All Kinds of CENTRAL Sutemont of the Financial Year ending 3m January. 1908 -â€" PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT â€" Middaugh House Block G. A. WEIR, Teacher. Manulactured by - 1.099.391.00 ..14.613.45646 ”0.907405? DURHAM SCHOOL. H. S. DEPT. Form III. Jr. Teachersâ€"Sadie Ferguson. Stanley McNally. W. A. Campbell, Bessie Weir, Mary Mor- ton. Jr. Matriculationâ€"W. A. Camp- 'oell, Bessie Weir, Maggie Weir, Katie Clark, Annie Aljoe and Agnes McGirr, eq. Form IIâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Winnie Binnie, Eva. Benton, Sadie Kress, Ruth Moran. Form Iâ€"Vaddie Caldwell, Lizzie McCuaig, Arthur Backus. Beth Jam- ieson, Jamie Farquharson. ‘ P. S. DEPT. Sr. IVâ€"Willie Petty, Herbert Murdock, Lyla Kelsey. Ida Haro bottle and John McIlraith eq..',Lot.tie Daniel. 1 Sr. II (b)â€"Doris McAuley, Etta ‘Saunders, Willie Lauder, Jack Bryon and Paul Wright eq.. Mary Smith [and Mary McIlraitb eq. Jr. IVâ€"Karl Lenahan, Tommy Lauder, Lillian Everitt, Devena Warmington, Fred Laidlaw. Sr. IIIâ€"Ray Parquharson, Helen Ireland. Ruby Canton, Nettie Daniel, Verna Fluker. Jr. 111â€" Florence Barclay. Janet Marshall Lucy McKelvie, Margaret Torry. Georgina Lawson. Sr. Ilâ€"Jennie Kelsey, Annie Rus- sell and Eddie Hutton eq., Mary Mc- Kechnie, Ruby Entricken, John Har- battle. Jr. IIâ€"Myrtle Daniel. Willie Hes- litt, Minnie Limin, Wilburt Knisley, Milton Censor. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Irene McPhee, John McGowan, Willie Watt. Nellie Mo Kechnie, Gladys Vollet. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Robin Farquharson. Alex McQueen, Harper McGirr and Arthur Ramage eq., Charlie Mc- Dougall. For pastry, biscuits or bread it is highly recom- mended, and our many years’ experience insures uniformity of quality. In- sist onJsz-zt. BRAND. Your grocer can get it. comes the housewx favorite. Sr. Iâ€"Nellie Levine, Vera Allan, Tillie Levine. Jennie Davis, Maydee McAuley. Int.-â€"-Hazel Hutton. Bryson Mor- lock. Edith Hughes, Harold Ramage. Ethel Whitmore. Jr. Bâ€"Clarence McGirr and Ver- non Watt eq.. Sarah Donelly. Ernie McDonald. Jack McKechnie. Joe Whitchurch. Whitcburch. Jr. Aâ€"Elvin Shultz, Chane Whit- taker, Frankie Burnett. IVâ€"Kate McCuaig. Maggie Hart.- ford, Ada. McLean. Sr. IIIâ€"Gertie McCuaig, Charles McKinnon, Ida McCuaig. Jr. IIâ€"lslay McCuaig, Henry Tucker, Edward Parkes. ' Jr. IIIâ€"Bernie Hartford. Flossie Hooper. Roy McDermid. Pt. IIâ€"Leonard Hartford. Minnie McEachern. Maggie McEacbern. Iâ€"Edward Hartford. S. S. No.0 ,GLENELG. Sr IVâ€"W. Hunt. Frank Ryan, Ena McNally, Lorne McNally. ' IIIâ€"~Ivan Edwards, Edith Peters, Jannec Gray, Mary Pears, Jennie Jack. Jr. IVâ€"VVesley Hum, Wilbert. Wright, Jennie Cook, Basil Davis. "IIâ€"Mina Edwards, Myrtle Mc- Clocklin. Emerson Poart, Clarabell helsou. Pt. I Jr.â€"Joe Edwards. ‘Harold Hunt, Elgin \Vright, Om Peart. Katie Cook, Sammie Jack. * Pt. I Srâ€"Winnie Black. Lillie Black. ‘ Dividendg st_tho n‘_o_ of 12 pa cant. put sunnm for Emaâ€"'1' Movms - Contributed to omcer' s Pensinn Fund: Tnnsferrod to Reserve ma - Tnnsfernd toReseneFuudfm thm on \ew Stock - Balance (ah-ind {mud - . - - goldpgd gave:- Ooh MlMdm- - - ‘ Notestnd’Cheqne-ofothaBmh - - Deposit. wx'th Government. to Secure Note Circulation- - DuobyothorBunh . - - GovernmentmdothetBondn . . . MIMIOuBondsmlchh - . W301! Dim Milverton, Honor Roll. S. S. No 10, G. E. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE WM. BAILEY, Teacher. 820.717.25.19 Encamm. .0..me ammm“ 3124.72“; 5.000.!!! 101.0001!) 19,280.“) 61.902.60 512-90745. ° ' ' -" S. S. No.1, NORMANBY. This Is Best Tlme VI V4911“ ' ' ' IVâ€"Willie Wallace, Lizzie Burns, For Spnng MBdIC'ne Mary Backus, Arthur Gadd, Dinah -â€""' Thompson. Minnie Keller and Bert Taken, now the blood is renewed Morice. eq, disease germs are destroyed. Sr. IIIâ€"Myrtle Caldwell, Arthur good summer health is assured- Morice, Thos. Wallace, Jas. Marshall. ‘ Jr. IIIâ€"Mary McAlister, John Kerr, Neila Marshall, Elmer Fee, George Webber. Henrietta Keller, Grace Mountain. That peculiar weakness so common in the spring. is demoralizing to body and mind alike. Stupid, absent minded and dull, you feel the need of a. stimulating tonic. . To impart quickness and great vi. tality to the" entire system nothing sets like Ferrczone. In a. short time it makes you feel fit and fine, creates a. feeling of youth and strength that’s surprising. Ferrozone revives and braces the sickly because it nourishes and builds, up the organs that are weak. As a Spring tonic. appetizer and blood strengthener it is unequalled. A well known resident of Utopia, Ont., Mr. H. H. Postle, writes: "From long experience I am convinc- ed that everyone requires medicine in the spring. As a rule the blood is‘ thin and impure and the whole system is congested with poisons that should be carried off. I use Ferrozone because it clears up the system. gives you appetite and makes you feel well. One winter I had serious palpitation of the heart, ner- vous headaches, and an extreme tired feeling. Sleep was not restful and by spring I was in bad shape. I took six boxes of Ferrozone and was made the picture of health.” Ferrozone makes permanent cures. Absolutely safe because it is purely vegetable and contains no alcohol. Concentrated cure in tablet form,â€" that’s Fen-ozone, 50c. per box or 31x boxes for $2.50 at all dealers. S. S. No. 10, BENTINCK. Vâ€"Pearl Wilson, Ross McDonald, Thos. Johnston. Sr.IIIâ€"Robt. Putherbough, May Grierson. Mabel Smith, Marjorie Clark. Philip McDonald. Sr. IIâ€"Howard McDougall. John Clark, Roy Lamb. John Smith. Jr. IIIâ€"Clara. Honess, Gladys Mc- Donald Edwin Lunney. Jr. llâ€"John Grierson, Jessie Clark, Bertha Honess. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Carrie Grierson, Carlyle McDonald. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Sterling Lamb, George Wilson. Iâ€"Arcbie Wilson. S. S. No. 6. BENTINCK. Vâ€"Catherine McDougall. IV Sr -â€"Lottie Britten. 1V Jr.â€"Frankie Twamley, Archie McDougall, Campbell Clark. III Sr.â€"Katie Phillips, Pearl Hop- kins, Irene Britten. Freddie Torry. III Jr.â€"Hughie Hendry, Maggie Clark. Willie Britton. II Sr.â€"Eva Redford, Harry Cox, Tena Porter. Willie Hapkins, Nina Noble. I Sr.â€"Etta Twamley,Clara Hendry, Gilbert Noble, Johnny McDougall, Edgar Boyce. II Jr.â€"Jennie Britton. Neilie Mo. Dougall. I A.â€"Robbie Bricton, Joe Burns. t’rOSper Porter. LATONA SCHOOL. Sr. IVâ€"Maggie Mortley, Morrison Smith, Alex. Turnbull, Carrol Hunt, John Ledingham, Donald Ray, Addie Twamley, Bea. Simpson, Mamie Mortley. Jr. IVâ€"George Ledingbam, Ivy Dargave], Lysla. McKnight John Smith, Bella Cumming. ArthurSimp son, Isabel Turnbull Bernard Coifield, Lizzie Smith. Sr. IIIâ€"Lavina Mortley, Kate Smith. ' IIâ€"Archie Turnbull, Willie Smith, Cecil Twamley. Stewart McGillivray, Jennie Renton, Irene Trafiord. Pt. IIâ€"Nellie Smith,Donald Smith, Bobbie Mortley, Mary Coffield. Mary McClement. Jr. IIIâ€"Kate Stewart, Carrie Mortley. Sr. Iâ€"Morris Smith, Martin Cof- field. Jr. lâ€"Erle Turnbull, Annie Mc- Gillivray. Average attendance-~30. KATE MCDONALD. Teacher. S. S. No. 9 GLENELG. Report for first quarter. Sr. IVâ€"C. Ritchie. E. McGirr, V. Aljoe, A. Bell, M. Hopkins. Jr. IVâ€"N. Collier, B. Davis, M. Ritchie. R. Smith. R. Lawrence. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Matthews, M. McGirr, 8. Bell. W. Crutchley, B. Matthews. M. Crutcnley, T. Bell, R. Matthews, J. Weir. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Bell M. Patterson. W Weir, J. Allen, A. Aljoe. L. Aljoe J Atkinson. V. Hapkins. Sr. IIâ€"R. Meena. C. McGirr, H. Atkinson, Jno. Matthews.J. Ritchie, B. Bell, W. McGirr, E. Atkinson, ,M. Matthews, Jae. Matthews. Jr. IIâ€"E. Lindsay, G. Whitmore. Sr. Pt. I[â€" G. Noble. E Patterson. Jr Pt. IIâ€"M. Bell, E. Meena, L. Ritchie. M. Lindsay, L. Aljoe, W. Matthews. Jr. 1â€"]. Meena. Number enrolled 56. Average attendance 36. J. T. TOLCHARD, Teacher. . MORTON, Teacher. A. HARROW, Teacher. Sr. IIâ€"Jean Morice Leslie Morice. Harry Caldwell and Melville Morice, eq. “it. IIâ€"Stanley Mountain Mabel Wallace, Albert Sterritt. Sr. Pt. 11â€"Atthur Mountain, John Birr. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Katie Kerr. Maggie Petty, Lizetta Birr and J. Burns eq., Andrew Marshall, Dawson Marshall. Pt. Iâ€"Charlie McAlister. Average attendance 32. S. S. No. 2, EGREMONT, Jr. IVâ€"Edna Thomson. Archie Allan, Joe Morrison. Sr. IIIâ€"Margaret Woods, Agnes Allan, Myrtle Allan, Sara Allan, Hazel Dennett. Earl Meade, Sam Morrison, Gertrude Pollock. Jr. III (a)â€"Wilfred Barbour, Brid- get Woods, Annie Ker, May Allan. Jr. III (b)-7\Villie Woods, Mary Ker. Jr. IIâ€"Robert Marshall, Eva Mc- Meeken, Willie Finnigan, Roy Thom. son, Howard Meade, Maggie Meade, James Finnigan. Sr. Iâ€"ElEner McMeeken, Elsie McLaughlin, Ben Woods. EUREKA ! Yes, I Have Found it at Last. Found what? \Vhy that Chamber- lain’s Salve cures eczema and all manner of itching of the skin. I have been afflicted for many years with skin disease. Ihad to get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay the terrible itching, but since using this salve in December, 1905, the itching has stopped and has not troubled me. â€"ELDER JOHN T. ONGLEY, Rootville, Pa. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Rev. Nathaniel Smith writes: Mr. JuStice Britton’s statement that 32,500 license is the highest in the world, so far as he knows, is remark- able in view of the following {aetsz Throughout the whole of Putnam County, Georgia. no one can sell, intoxicating liquor till he pays $25000: per annum for the privilege; in Way-i cross, Georgia, the license is $35,000;' in Lawrence, Massachusetts. a city of 62,000 population, the license is $28 000; even in Boston the license is $2,500. In a town in Pensylvania, the name of which has escaped my memory, the license is $25000 which, of course. is prohibitive. The result to the town is that. it has been ‘ prOgressing by leaps and bounds. Railway shops and Other industries have been leaving surrounding low license towns and going to this high license town because there the work- men are always sober and can be relied on.â€"â€"Toronto News COLLIN GWOOD LICENSE FEE. We have had grand suc- cess during our millinery openings and since, and as Easter is approaching, we have made every effort to add to our already large stock some new models that will be sure to lead. We will spend a dayor two in TOronto next week in the interest of our bus- iness, getting some fresh ideas and selecting some of the latest shapes and novelties in millinery. Parisian Millinery 00., HBMESEEKERS’ GOING DATES April 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 May 12, 26 Juiy 7,21 Sept.1,15.,29 Ticket. dood to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all points In Ontarlo. Vl‘Jl‘l quv I‘nnâ€"aw. . .. Ranging {‘mepeg and return $32.00 between Edmonton and return $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-’Wmt points. foumsrgmrms f} mama s1 v11 1\DF n; Tourisf. Sleeping Caps will be run on each excursmn, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and paid fer through local agent at least 51:: days hcfore GXCUFSi‘OX}. leayes. ‘ V VJIV \O- -.-â€" v -- “Dates and full fiformation contained in free Homeseekers’ pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a. copy, or write to C. B. FOSTER. DislrictPass. ML. C.P.R.. Toronto Millinery . M. ADAIR. Teacher. CLARA ALJOE. Teacher. EASTER 2ND CLAss Round-Trip Excursions MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA MISS DICK number of Prop. «Vi-IIEWVSVVFEIEUE 33C. L. Grant: Ewan wwwwwmwwwm A' blend of 1; Manitoba and.l. Ontaric wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. People’s Mills Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1p Manitoba Wheat cannot be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Is made from selected winter whea. and IS a superior article for xmkmg pastry, etc. Constantly on hand the best hmndf of Rolled Oats. Also our mnko 0i Rolled Cereal. the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. P93 Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed FIN!“ Special Reduction on_F_lour in 5 and AA â€" 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All up-to- date flour and i'ud grocers keep out flom fox 5:118 your grocer does not keen it :U‘ the mill and we will use ywm Call us hp by teleplnme'Nn. ‘ All kinds of Grain bought, at Market Price. In Fur Jackets and Rutfs we sell “Crums,” they are the best. We never hear a com. plaint about them. New Dress Goods, and are on the way. If you want g the Best and Newest. goods atk right; prices, come with theg knowing ones and buy fromE US. House-cleaning. Freshen up your draperies. wm- dows etc” with our Large Dotted Muslims Art Sateen Cretonnes and Lace Curtains But before doing so, make \‘i g01‘0“-‘ applications of our Soap Chips Ammonia Laundry Soaps National, Polish and Monkey Soaps Brand . . ' ' ,L For cleamng glass, marble, nuke. tinware, wood-work etc. 4 Who Said Our New Prints are to hand, “78 have opened out Our stock is now replenished With varied and up-to-date footwear for men, women and children. Plow bootsâ€"good value, 91‘ tional prices. Call and see our 11 Spring goods, just Opened out- cep' eW A John McGowan; PASTRY FLOUR TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. SOVEREIGN Boots and Shoes ECLIPSE WE KEEP THE April 9 more some Brand 97in. Curtains Large Table Linen, 54m. \\'luc, Um, :56 yard. Table Linen. 54in. wide. 1 ' 350 ymd. Table Linen, 68in. \Vidv, um 50¢ yard. Table Oilcloth, 4 Floor Oilclotb. l and 2 )3”. :50 sq. yard. sill. \Vidq -. : Apl'll 9 a ~ (Y's. Smyrna R‘la u. sending a sket oh ‘9 n d‘ flaggfgnaostin our 0mm?!)H invention is probably pmen . 3 domatrictlyconfldenu: l. HMO sent free. Oldest agency for pm _ A-...- onhnn thrnufl'h lull} vl\lw 9- “â€"vâ€"v taken th much \1 u:- “m with ch " W- _ _ AOQQoT gACL: v-vâ€"v ely v- v '* 7'. LUK‘B‘.‘ illustratltd Wu-kly. L; ; L smemmc jt’uz‘zzzxi. 1‘ t a. 333.5 a year. postage ; See our New gt )0» WNW The People's m We carry also other Vi. known brands of Fld sh listuwel lionei Bread But Howe AND PROV!S!~:§>_\‘ :51 Leave your maim' MCLACHLIX. Durham give you prompt :11 tm Five Roses an d [an ltoba Fiou .: ‘Q He Sells Cheap Lace Curtams "V “‘9 gin: you wn “d you Will find our Icfiowan‘s Eclipse 8‘: 6‘0 give you “‘qu M18. MEX. EQUSE HDURHAM ON T. size White cmmtm'p od value ‘5 have D. FLETT. H0 For New If so. I am 1‘ to replate it. Bring it in nn‘ I have the time. All Pot Plants Bulbs Flaral Designs : Floral DecoraI of all kinds 0n shortest notice 2 VdS. \K'idt 1908 worked edge 2vds. long. at 54in. wide. m wor ' gmn'antt Prints and Gingham 60x30 Mt. Forest. . BEAN 13. Should Marti to £38100:- St‘s. R. A. faction in now w 6 Calder B am 1111‘? 60 YEAR EXPERIEN Washington. Eastex I" . $30“). It“ shorthand Leaf Book sea. By :11 way Big Discou k \V {I

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