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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1908, p. 3

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' 0 er troubles, Stated “It 8 prescription )8 d“. 18 success. he a teaspoonfnl at. bedtime, dri we will, he sayg, g diseases twining or inactive kid Gist these organ nlood of tho boia 5)} ' vwmmwmo .ckets and Ruffs fl‘RY FLOUR mam, cause k is now replenished with 1d up-to-date footwear f“ men and children. _ ' bootsâ€"good value, 61:22? ices. Call and see 001' a; nods. just opened ont- FROM THE le’s Mills VEREIGN $0895 CLIPSE .ots and Shoes 0 Said \V Polish and Monkey gains 1* . Grant; McArthur fluid extmt M l1 EDV H April 9. ll “ aactive ki‘a bese Otgm h bf Pb. POisonm acxds, which if OOOOO‘ normal nth}: ‘ xi<h are put-.1, . i. harmless, can : ') K000. drum Q L \ery littlem Q undoubtedly h. z r many made". 9 lear hey are HT u ur. made from cannot be beat domestic use. winter whea; 1e for making and 1: Ontario 13‘ first. class and m out buy from urtains You with the 13811959 Zoods very Day best brands I? make of the market- lChop_ Pea 0 band, 00‘ some m ore want in town. the Brand wm- Oll m‘il 9, i .6111 Flowers ;';“.'.'.‘.‘,‘.“l‘( ' I 4574“; m Effur é'ecu'riug patents. 17+ 4 t max turuukh Mann Co. receive ,4: .th ;c:. w :rhuun charge. mtha Sammie flmerican. 9.0 h“! wealth? Tau-003+. AND PROVISION STORE I‘lVe Mcfirwan's Eclipse I b. Aiex Lace Curtains "V d5 10094.31: 25(3' wwir Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Desi Floral Designs and Floral Decorations of all kinds on short: st notice. white counterpane, 1.40 GEO. YIIRS. 1908 IE ll 31in. wide, unbleached usin. wide. unbleached I-wv ' ulustmtheeklvy. Largest {31r- r scientific Journal. Terms 10: year. 903‘“? Prepaid. 803d by 51in. Wide, bleached JD! flex. Beggs Sun JNIRHAM. ONT. Q t 1.00 “ Red edges except. 250 ones 60x30. 3.00 each. JETT. Florist Sin. wide, 25c yard 1E Unne! Bread Hoar wide. 37 lDt' ry also other well brands of Flour. in now while ~‘wâ€" "v ses. B; fihvflo 00 Should start to day. Bloor Sts. R. A. Farqnhar- le’s Grocer} vou what. you wan‘ find our prices right .1; always m prepared 33 find descfl than may 1 111011 free w ether an curable. ommunlca- «HANDBOOE on Pate?“ Forest. Calder Block. ()0 K uu'anteed. Ht )al ghbéiimixlf 61: Loose Leaf Bookeepgpg e: 111'- A.‘ AA Easter to Angus: 315: $30 00. Big va:ne._ Full UH Big Discount Otter. \‘zu‘ds wide satisfies the Lion. \\' .‘_;c sq. yd. ith A max. who “'in give sacis A. large deer capering through the 9 a village is net of every day occur-l; rence. Yet one came bounding along * on Saturday morning, causing no end of excitement. John Graham firSt noticed it passing his place. appar ently following the creek bed down towards the river, with three spOtted degs in full pursuit. It came out on Amaranth Street at Dr. Berwick’s, and jumping along ran up to the door of John Brown’s blacksmith shop,| where it Stood for some time. As! soon as the cry of the dOgs became} audible again, away it dashedi through the back yards, and coming font on Main Street, between Swain’s E[howl and the Bailey block. Taking lthe east sidewalk it passed down as! far as Mclntyre’s Store where itl turned. and going through A. Rich- ardson’s yards crossed the river be- low the dam. by this time there was a goodfollowing of men and boys, who gave chase. and some of the more athletic ones caught up to it in the deep snow across the river. {Jumping the fence, it came to the bottom of the hill near the old lime- kiln, and fell, completely done out. It oEered no resistance as it was placed on a sleigh and taken to the Commercial stables, where it died in a few minutes. The circumstances were so strange that a post mortem was held a day or so afterwards, which showed that within a short time before. very likely that morn- ing. the deer had received a charge of nuckshot just below the back bone. ‘ the charge going in one side and coming out another. From the angle and location of the shut it is surmised the hunter came on the deer at close range. InStinct no doubt made the animal follow the creek, knowing it must lead t) a larger body of water, which deer always seek when wound- ed. to throw the dogs of! the trail. The owner of two of the dogs in the chase is known, but regarding the County and District. Deer Captured in Grand Vall' y. other it is nor. so clear. Quite pos I siblv there would be some satisfaction in having him punished for allowing his dogs to run at large where deer are knOWn to frequent. But the cimen that most needs attention is the one who shot the deer. During' the last five years deer have increased very largely in Luther. until now there are two or three good sized Only on Tuesday morning ‘droves. nine seen togetherâ€"Star- ! were i Vzdette. Tuesday afternoon of last week a bad accident on this line of railway was narrowly averted. A tender was left Standing on the track north of the station while the engine was being turned at the turntable. Not being fastened it started 03 north down the grade of its own accord. and soon gained considerable Speed. . ' ' ‘3 --â€"J 9“” Markdale was $6 afternoon express bad just. time I105 dale when the ten uw“ ‘v‘_V dale when the tender flew past. An engine was sent in pursuit and one of the employee: by a quick act snc ceeded in attaching the engine to the tender and bringing it to a stop just. nurth of the town without any Anmnon having been doneâ€"Flesher- An electrical storm of unusual se verity. considering the time of year, passed over this locality last Fridav l night. Mar 2?. and did some damage‘ to property. Mr. James McPherson. of the 10th con . Proton, had one of. his herd of shorthorns killed. a splen-i d at one hundred and undred dollars. »A peculiar thing about it was that thul . . of the centre ol'1 numerous other ! cattle and horses being tied on all‘ sides of her. It has not been discov- ered yet where the lightning entered the building. The stall partition I E standine next was stall. The marks in the board parti- umber of good sized bullet holes. It is a fortunate thing that barn and Mr. Ab. Wheeler, Marine and Stationary Engmeer, of 145 F roat St.. .Belle- . ville, Ont.. says: “ Two months ago. while employed in a steam laundry in this ' city, my left hand became caught and was accrdently drawn into a hot mangle. As soon as possible the machinery was stopped and my hand was extricated, but not before the flesh on the palm of the hand was literally cooked to the bone and the fingers flattened out of shape. However. quite soon after the accident my hand and arm became {rightfully swollen to the elbow and the hand presented a shocking sight. No one can imagine what I now sulfered and endured. Not only was it hard to bear on account of the cruel pains, but it was a great shock to my nervous system. I: was some time after the injury before the Cooked flesh Could be removed from the palm and then only a very little at a time. As soon as all this had been «ell removed, healing balms were applied, but as the improvement was so slow I obtained permission from the Doctor tor Zam-Buk to be used exclusively, as several of my men friends (having previously used it for severe injuries) spoke in the highest‘terms of its unusual healing qualities and urged me to give it a trial. From the commencement Zam-Buk soothed and relieved the pains and drew out the soreness. lnow begantocnjnyagmid nights restand sleep. In about threeweekstimethepaimof my hand wasnicelyhealedoverthm’dailv application ofthis wonderful remedy Zamek. and all inflammatinn .«nul swelling was thoroughly banished from lmth hand and arm ’ IR. All. “'HFJI-iLI-ZR. RELLhVXLlJ’. l l . l Zam-Buk Curr-s a. item... b d legs. pile» L FREE 2 rtlnulllg sures, ulcer . pmm S. lxtlm. ”Piles, scalp (its g '3‘ vVhy not start ywur our: skin treat- mentnow'.’ :\ll you h;t\.e :r 4l01‘fn pg)‘: . , ‘ , J - .I. _ '7 case. invite-r0; ru~h_ sure- anti. a ll”): Ye‘t. p moned wnttml-. « ll". lirui~e>, burns, scahh and all I brow-l. iuiureti. inlitmrti or irritated um: ttmns of the slim cow was plunou v... the stone stable. cattle and horses b sides of her. It has - A_ _ , Wby not «at! run 01m skin treat- mgm now? All you ham.- to do Is to post thm Coupon with 2c. stamp toth' Zam- Severe Electrical Storm Doctor Withdraw his Remedies in favor of Zam-Buk. Nearly a Wreck. ie of its own accord. ed considerable Speed. telegraphed and the» '838 from Owen Sound to side track at Mark pursuit and one a quick act 8110 the engine to the it. to a stop in“ An exchange tells of a newspaper ' The reporter who interviewed thirty suc- , to act cessful business men and found t‘hat iog. all of them when boys had been governed striccly and frequentlv threshed. He also in cerviewed thirty loafers, and learned that. twentv- seven of them had been "mamma’s darling,” and the other three had been reared by their (grandmothers. Polson’s Nervilineâ€"there isn’t much' to worry over. If it’s a sore throat or contracted chest, apply Nerviline Land put on a Nerviline Porous ' Plaster. If it’s coiic. cramps, or any stomach disorder. just adminiSter ten drops of Nerviline in hot water. No family medicines are more useful or more depended upon in emergencies than Nerviline and Nerviline Porous Plasters. They keep the doctor bill small. 25c each at all dealers. Re- fuse substitutes. Sudden illness and pains come in every familyâ€"ca parents and chil- dren alike. But if you have looked ahead. and have right in your home, ready for immediate use a. bottle of o ‘ ' ' llrrltubluu guca “W“: ~ all» uunu ’v- v- The big rotary snow plow in which ‘ tuberculosis is d a F I ' prevente or a considerable amount of local capi. g h bl h d h tal has been inveSted arrived in town I t roat. "0“ 9 03‘3" - an coug" 3 'Catarrhozone 18 The Remedy. 20c. on Friday night from doing servicel , on the PrOton-Walkerton branchlzng 31-00 asall dealers. Get It to- ? a ' line, which has been blocked all winter. The plow did excellent ser- Mr. Morrow’s Little Joke vice. natwithStauding the extraor-, ° dinary conditions which existed on Herbert Ross lessee of the Duncan the branch. and demonstrateduhat House bar, faced the court Wednes- wheo it came 03838!!!“ the ordinary day charged with keeping liquor for 300W bIOCK‘de “' would. prove the‘ sale. The evidence of Mr. Joe Mor- correctness of the principles of “Sirow made a difierence. He told of construction. A" unfortunate break being in the Duncan House Friday in the frame of one of the bfg engines morning, when he took a trunk away. ; which Operates the mechanism put it While there. he saw a man whom be {out of business. though .1ts servxces suSpeCted was plaving detective. so will am he required again this sea he drove down to Schwan's, and get soon Durmg the summer the repairs a couple of bags partly filled with W1“ be made and such 00?",395 as the empty bottles, came up and paSt the loperatlon Whmh th" mmal ex amateur detective’s place of business l pertences have demonstrated carried and having go: him on the trail agazn' : " ‘ . ' .006. Mr. games M. Wilson Of the delivered the bags at the Duncan Owen Sound Iron \Vorks. was recent- Ho'tse back door. Later he called ly appointed. vice-preSIdent ot the again and took them back to the icompauy _Wb|°h owns t!” patentsand l brewery. He had done it for a joke[ I the machine and the”? 13 a Posglb‘hw i on the amateur detective. ‘Jerry’ ; ‘that {UWTB conflwcuon may e car Hicks corroborated part of the story. The joke seems to have worked, for ried on here.â€"Times. / â€"'â€"‘"."'"â€" hf/ lthe InSpecter made a careful search AN- ! l / {THE PERFECTION 0F W0 rhe same day, His Worship in dis- HOOD. missing the case, remarked that the tuck was quite apprOpriate to the a 1 li Who does not envv and admire a day,â€"O, S. Sun. / ' . ,lovely woman? The secret of her ,4....â€"â€"._---.â€" / lloveziness. of her perfection. is health. DR HAMILTON'S CURE FOR ‘1‘“ - -‘4 ‘â€"~ mnll our: wall digests! PIMPLES. Who does not envv and admire a! lovely woman? The secret of her love:iness. of her perfection. is health. She sleeps well. Bats well. digests wellâ€"intricate {uncrions are vigor- ous and regular. Of all woman’s remedies, Ferrozone is the best: it vitalizes the functions upon which health dependsâ€"makes the power, richest blood, gives perfect com plexlon and lots of vigor. Every girl and woman who seeks health, .vitality, looksâ€"let her get Fer rozone itooday. Fifty cent boxes at all deal‘ I Las: Saturday night three hilarious denizens from Sullivan came driving down our main St. at a fairly faSt clip. When in front of one of the {hotels the Salvation army stationed lthere suddenly burst out with the LOOK AHEAD F OR ILLNESS ”’Belcher, met a similar deputamou‘ lThe old nag reapecting oh. more than from Chesley at the latter town and I lgo, came to an abrupt standstill very! made plans for having the road built. {nearly pitching the trio over thei Delegates from the two towns and ldashboard of the cutter. Although: Durham are making arrangements to ‘it was then after seven o’clock and l interview the C P R. otficials at the bars closed they gave a longing' Montreal. The, local papers are very . look towards the hotel It is likely optimistic over the matter, the Ches- ‘they underStood the army to be sing 16y Enterprise averring that a C. P. ' ” but the R. whiStle will be heard in that town lscng. "Oh, the fountain lies open. a ' Within two years.â€"W1arton Can- }nessed the performance, greeted it adian. with a wild cheer. Even the army _ . laughed and the trio slowly Startedi Wh00pmg Cough. homewal’ds sayipg‘ 91‘6”}: bi.°p°n‘l r h n 1 mi Chamberl in’s Cough ,1-.. an I a a BPS. WIDU “ "ll“ vuuv-- laughed and the trio slowly Started homewards saying: “Let it be open. ve vas bound for home.”â€"â€"Cbesley Enterprise. Fresh tea is all-important. Ten weeks after being picked in the tea gardens of the island of Ceylon (the finrst tea producing country in the world) "Salada" reaches you. The flavor of tea consists in an essential oil. which deteriorates rapidly with age. In order to preserve the de- licious flavor of “Salada” Tea is pack- ed in sealed lead packets (never sold in bulk). guaranteeing you a superior tea, in flavor, quality. purity and economy in use. Was Successfully Operated Trounce the Boys. Why the Nag Stopped» THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Fire Brigade was first called to action this year yesterday morn ing. About 15 minutes to 7 fire was observed, by 01M of the Hollanders. issuing from the roof of Wm. Krug’s house and the fire alarm was sounded by Charlie barber. The firemen were soon on Land and did good work. Citizens turned in and everything‘ moveable was taken out of the house. The chief damage to the house is bv ”water, the fire having been confined to the roof and Was extinguished be- fore it had gained much headWay. The fire is supposed to have originated . from electric wires in the attic. Mr. rand Mrs. limp: and family are now ’the guests of their friends, but the idecorators and carpenters will soon have the house in as good condition éas ever â€"Chesley Enterprise. Coughing weakens the tubes and 'makes a reSting place for the buccilli. ‘ Why let Bronchitis become establish- . led? It’s easy to cureâ€"just inhale :Catarrhozoneâ€"breathe in its 300th- l ing balsams and relief comes at once. {Catarrhozone is so certain in Bron- {chitis that every case is cured. *Throat is Strengthened. cough stops, {irritation goes away. all danger of {tuberculosis is prevented For gthroat. trouble catarrh. and coughs :Catarrhozone is The Remedy. 25c. land $1.00 at all dealers. Get it to- BRONCHITIS CREEPS INTO/ CON- SUMPI‘ION .5, All skin diseases such as pimples originate through failure of the kid- neys and liver. 11. taints that block the avenue of health must be remov- ed. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills do this quickly. They cleanse the system, make the skin smoonh. restore roses to the cheeks and glve clear. dainly complexion. For good looks, good health and good spirits there is nonh- iug so sure as Dr, Hamilton’s Pills. 25. boxes at: all dealers. Southampton and Chesley are after C. P. R. connections frcm Durham. Last- week a deputation from South- ampton, headed by the mayor, Col. Belcher, met a similar deputation from Chesley at the latter town and made plans {or having the road built. Delegates from the two towns and I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family in cases of wh00ping cough, and want to tell you than it is the best medicine I have ever usedâ€"W. F. GASTON, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale as Parker's Drug Store. About the commonest sight around town at present is a dog fight, some seventy-three of these interesting events having occurred on Berford street alone last weekâ€"Canadian. Want Connectm-With Durham w, ". . «3L .Lurto. . First Fire of 1908. This from Wiarton. rou The school is thorouhly equipped in teachiru ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc.. for fulx Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent stafi an in charge : MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER, B.A Classics, Moder s. and Engligh. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at- the begu- nmg of the term if possible. Board can be oh- calnedat. reasonable rates. Durham is a health) and active town, making it a most desirablt nlace of residence. C. L. GRANT i At the Model Bakery DURHAM SCHOOL. The Largest Stock in Durham is to be found at the Down Town be convinced. THOS. ALLAN. lst Class Certificate. Pun. Trunks Valises Club Bag Hosiery Mitts Gloves In stock at; moderate prices. Custom work Seeds of this beautiful " Santa Rose " Poppy are given absolutely free You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods â€"Plain and home-made Bread, â€"â€"Buns, â€"â€"Biscuits, wCakes of all kinds. â€"Crea,m Puffs, â€"â€"Puffs. Don’t worry when you see the minister coming for tea, just ring us up, and we will supply your wants on shortest notice. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Geo. H. STINSON i to give the L'Cd meat its natural, rich. jucy flavor. The oven of the is so constructed that a How of pure, heated oxygen passes through it continually when the Range is in operation. Meats are roasted therein on exactly the same principle as by the old-time spit without , 5 _ _‘ ~ the constant watching and ‘w i worry.__ ' C A f Matthews FOR Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds IN FLOUR “(The Aerated Oven of the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Every Souvenir is qbsolutely guaranteed by the makers. THE GURNEY-TILDEN _co.. Fees, $1.00 per month. Chairman KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOC McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses Terms Cash. McILRAlTH U R A MAGE Seelotau sOsouO‘ ‘OsO‘O‘ Club Bags Gloves Eggs same as Cash. E ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING i and in placing all its gladua. E Each student is taught separately Ehis own desk. Tiial lessons for (E; l E week f1ee. \ isitors Welcome. ,9 BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPEW’RITING COMM E RCIAL LA‘V CO MMERCI AL 00 RRESPOND- m‘DAY and EVENING classes. Business College! 52‘ 'u 1..» ‘. 2! w Seeds Freq A large grower of poppies says: “ You ‘Santa Rosa’ is an exceptionally fine mix ture of Shiriey Poppies. by far the best w roasted on an o Darch Hunter Seed Co., Ltd "1 London, Ont. 3 Ayt‘on Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba. Royal Household. o . j and repau‘mg as usual. , LEADS IN meat bcizm‘ co rounded by Mount Forest whale C and Shoes Shoe Store. Call and . T. CLANCY, Pri'.‘ Suit. Cases 0f Boots PHONE: 30 MW. iozfo'g: JflCd i o ash "L H‘OHQh being pure cxygcn ONT. \7 921?“ mm H' 3: H13: 2:2 _‘- . oav" j 1 I» R

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