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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1908, p. 8

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£3? r. 333i 3‘: 1|? N ow here's a special price for a. short time in ready mixed paints and a. good assortment of colors. 39c. qt. Alabastine, jellstone and any other house-cleaning iequirements can be procured here. THE BIG STORE Headquarters for House-Cleaning Time ! {eg'ent tailoring gives that per perfectly satisfactory aml stylish suit, taste may beâ€"no matter how much. or sure to find something in the "Regrent' Prices ranging from $8.00 to $120.00. fection of fit and tailoring which assures a No matter What your age, or your how little you desire to pay, you are ' line that will satisfy you fully. T his is the busiest time of the year in every house, and the needs will appear greater than you anticipa- ted. there are so. many little things needed that you must have, and so many larger things needed that you feel you ought, to have. Now for your own benefit, come to this store and learn how reasonable are the prices on all your needs. In all colors and shades at from 35c to 75¢. If you require larger sizes than the ordinary, leave us your order and we will fill it in a few day s. Our stock in this line is complete. and we are always anxious to show you our assortment. It is no trouble to Show you these goods and let you have time to consider whether a carpet. or an oilcloth or linoleum would suit your purpose hest. Lace Curtains. Dotsed Muslins and Art Draperies in profusion. Robt. .BURNETT, Durham, Ont. These paints bear the seal of quality and are guar- 311th to wear well and look fresh for five years. All kinds of paint brushes. scrub brushes, tack hammers. and tack lifters. tacks and carp'et heaters, also carpet stretchers. “'hatever your needs may be, come and consult us about it. The right goods at the right prices at. the Big Store. large stock of fresh Groceries always on hand HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Carpets, Linoleuns and Oilcloths Hollywood Paints “ Imperial” Shoe The queen of all shoes and Window Shades Prince of all styles. The for your Choosing in many new and choice patterns. Prices range from 50 to 300 per roll. Wall Papers OVER 6,000 ROLLS “Imperial” Shoes We're domg a larger trade in ladxes' shoes, based on the Fact. of better styles and qualities than we have ever owned before at pepular crices The "lmpenal" as a. shoe we can thoroughly recommend and ladies are coming back For "another pair of shoes like the last ones I bought here H V\’ e carry only and the "Imperial" leading lines You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question isâ€" “Why doesn't-a razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open-bladed razor does not alter the question. You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready for instant use the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razoris the only razor uncondition- ally guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of study on the razor situation has perfected a- new secret process of £150 TRIQ TEMPERING that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life ofsteel) into the metalâ€"giving a dia- mond-like hardness uniformly throughout the bladeâ€"some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel-used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own homeâ€"or if you prefer, have your barber use it on you. Give us your name. or call and see the“Carbo Magnetic” razor, and we will state our proposition for test- ing these razors without! obllga (ion on your part to purchase, together with our free booklet “ Hints on Shay. ing.” s This book illustrates the correct razor position for ghaving every part of the face. Then do business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyancer He offers: (I) acres. Glen elg, Frame Dwelling. Bank Barn, Good Farm. ought to brmg$4m0 \V'ill sell for $301). 50 acres. Glenelg, splendid location, extra good Buildings, cheap at $75“), wxll take 100 acres on Durham Road, Bentiuck. good Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap tor $2500. 100 acres. extra good Buildings. alone wor- th nearly the 82'00 asked for the farm Near Crawford P .O. i acre building lot in Durham. for sale cheap. or trade for anything a. man can eat, wear, or throw astxck at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand. Debts collected. C.P.R. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. we of stock in Durham Cement 00., placed in my hands for sale cheap. k Always Prompt, Never Negligent Do vou want to make money and Sold by W. BLACK, Durham SAVE MONEY '5 H. H. Miller, THE DU RHAM CHRONICLE The Hanover Conveyancer reliable makes, is one of our MARY MAY SPITTELL. l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Firth, of| Edge. Hill. are mourning the loss of their much loved niece Mary May Spittell who (lied on Monday last after five weeks’ illness from inflammatoryl rheumatism which affected her heart} and resulted in death. The, child's? mother was a sister of Mrs. Firth andi Mrs. Mary McArthur of the (llen is! her grandmother. She was a fine bright little girl and Mr. and Mrs. lf‘ll‘ill with whom she has been since an infant Were much attached to her As they had no children of their own ; the vacant chair will he a sad re- minder uf more, joyful days. Peas far west to view the remains of their loved. Seldom have we met a family i where greater affection is felt, and the i death of this promising young man will be a sad blow to the mother and i surviving members of the family. His I brother Rice is in Regina, Mrs. Fisher 'g and Mrs. Cottrell are in British ‘ Columbia, Mrs. Dr. Park is near Cal- . gary. and Harry, we think, is in 'Toronto. Particulars have not been handed in to us. Deceased was about twenty-seven years of age, and leaves i a young widow and one child. A l). M lt'REl )l'l‘H. \Ve regret very much tu learn of the death of Mr. Ad. Meredith, of Regina. He was a sun of Mrs. Thus. Meredith of this town. and had been ailing for Some time though we had not heard of his illness or death until after our last issue was in the post office. We understand the sad news reached here by telegram on Tuesday evening of last Week. and the following day Mrs. Meredith and daughter started for the Plant Plenty NOW Information reached us last week of the death of Mr. A. I). McKenzie at Fort Francis on the 26th of March. Mr. McKenzie, who followed his trade as a tailor in this town for many years, was well and widely known. Nine or ten years ago he moved to Fort Francis. where he resided ever since. He leaves two sons, John L. in the states, Dr. David McKenzie at Fort Francis. and also one daughter. TO HOTEL KEEPERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Grey will meet on Thursday, April 16th 1908 in the Town of Durham, at the Inspec- tor’s Office at 1 o’clock p.m., when applications for Licenses for the Li- cense year of 1908 and 1909 will be considered. The number of Licenses issued for the year 1907 and 1908, was: Township of Normanby, 8 H Bentinck, 2 H Glenelg, 1 Town of Durham, 3 H Hanover, 4 Village of Dundalk, 3 The applications for Licenses for 1908 and 1909 are as follows : Township ot Normanby. 5 u Bentinck, 2 " Glenelg, l . Town of Durham, 3 u Hanover, 4 Village of Dundalk, 3 u Neustadt, 3 All petitions relating to the granting or refusal of Licenses must be filed with the Inspector, at least four days before April 16, 1908. Parties interested will govern them- selves accordingly. and all whom it may concern. Field peas brought 87 cents a bushel last year. The average price was 75 cents. There’s good money iq peas even at I--v-- VJ ' L 650. And you have the vines left for fodder 01' to plow underâ€"better than stable manure or commeicial fertiliser. It paid to grow peas last year. This year it will ‘I ‘ _._ _ _ J waso .â€"â€"--- ~. . pay as well,â€"â€"demand keen, pen bugs vamsh- OBITUARY. {\o D. )[L‘KENZIEQ NOTICE. THOMAS DAVIS, Inspector Our hired man he thinks he’s cut-e Ez ever be kin be. I wish ’at Paw’d make him scoot Fer makin’ fun 0’ me. He’s always talkin’ ’b at my hair. Because it’s kinder rrd. He 562 it: onghcer Warm the air VVhaL’s all around my head. He 99.2 I love the little girls What go with me to school. ’N that I kiss their pretcy curls. Gee, he’s an awful fool 3 ’Course I am fond o’ Millie Gray, Such dandy clothes sh' wears. ’N if I kissed her twict a day ’I‘aint none of his afiairs. He ain’t so smart. Can’t, multiply 1 One half as good as me. ’N in the house he’s awful shy If girls has came to team. But out a doors he’s fresh By Jing! His jokes is awful rank. I wisht I was a Pirate King, I’d make him walk the plank. To day be hunted in the shed, ’N fished aroun’ the bench. ”I guess we haven’t got.” be $92. ”A left hand monkey Wrench.” I said: “Ain’t seen one anv place,” ’N looked behind the door. He pulled the moustache on his face ’N sent me to the Store. But when I tried to buy it, say, Bill Jimson had a. fin. Him an’ his boy got awful gay Cos I had ast for in. At first I didn’t understand. They said: “Go back to school, There ain’L no lef’hand wrenches, and You are an April Fool.” Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete Wreck Results There are thousands. both men and women, who do not take time to eat pmperly. They rush through life. and as a result: we have an age of in- digeStion, nervousness. irritability. sleep’ess nights, and morose diSpo- sition. Our national danger is Stom- arh weakness, due to the strenuous life. )lio-na tablets, Strengthen the walls of the Stomach and stimulate secretion of the digestive juices. They make the stomach comfortable and cure indigestion. Sick headaches, palpitation. yellow skin and coated tongue are a few of the many distressing results of in- digestion tbat Mi-o-na never fails to cure. Maanrlane Co. sell Mi 0 na in 500.. boxes. and guarantee to refund the money if it does not give com- plete satisfaction. The Royal Hotel stable ‘narrowly escaped destruction by fire between eight and nine o'clock Tuesday even. ing. Mr. ErneSt Boyd, who had oc- casion to go into the stable after his team. noticed smoke issuing from part of a bale of straw and some loose chafi at the foot of the stairs leading to the loft and at once sounded the alarm A few pails of water. how ever. sufficed to extinguish the blaze before the fire brigade arrived on the scene. How the fire originated is not known â€"-Mirror. Even the elevator boy has to draw the line somewhere to prevent his being made too common. A writer in the New York Evening Post tells of a recent experience with one of the fraternity. “If any one calls. Percy. while Ii am out. tell him to wait. 1 shall be l right; back.” she said to the apartU menu house elevator boy. There was no answer. "Did you hear me? \Vhy don’t; you answer?” asked the woman with! some heat. | ”1 never answers ma’am unless 1 doesn’t hear, and then I says ‘What?”’ Hitterâ€"“This paper states that it is only a matter of time when the autoluobile will reach the poor man.” Uppâ€"“Ynu bet it will reach him if he don’t get out of the road as soon as he hears the first ‘honk, honk’!” h“That, is the meaning ot false doc- torine. Willie?” asked the Sunday Schoolteacber. “It’s when a doctor gives the wrong ecuE to a. sick man.” replied the little fellow "‘I don’t say that all lawyers are crooks.” said the doctor, "but you’ll have to admit that your profession doesn’t; make angels of men.” Leap year is quite well under way, But Still the young men fret. The girls don’t. come up tn propose. They’re not in practice yen. "No.” retorted the lawyer. “you doctors certainly have the best of us therefl’ THREE young Englishmen living in Brockville, went into a sugar bush, drank sap from the troughs and de- cided to take a bucket full home with them to boil it down; but the farmer caught them, brought them up before the beak, who fined two of them $5.50 each. The third having no money was sent to jail for twenty-one days. Pretty hard sentence for a boyish prank} BUR NATIONAL DANGER- Maintaining His Dignity. Will Materialize Later. THE J OKER- Fire at Meaford. â€"Toronto News. To succeed these days You must have plenty of grit, 60m. age, Strength. How is it With the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Y0“ know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds Up the general health in every Way. The children cannot possihly have “Wham unless the bowels are In pmper Condition, Co: doses 0 Ayer’s 1113.A11 vegetablefiugum" I 7 #‘WA‘.‘ .-.___. , Refreshments Spring has come. winter’s hard frosts storms your house 111 paint refreshments. has come to stay: being a strictly pure paint it awards 0va result of durability and freshness {OI-the labor expended-in putting it on. Do not pay the price of strictly pure lead and zinc, for whiting and barytes. If making :1 change, be sure and get a pure paint. Martin Senour Paint MARTIN SENOL’R'S MARTIN SENOUR'S MARTIN SENOUR’S carriage paint. for («arriages and cutters. MARTIN SENOUR‘S MARTIN SENOUR‘S A‘shoe is what, gives it \‘a‘filt‘. W111 find every shoe in ()m' 111er and leathers wearing as well :1 .~ 21 For smart people are especially attention. \Ve want gum 1” them. Then if you don 1 h 1. it will be because you ate nu 1c erent, to footwear qualin. r?‘ value than we think pussim “Ever Right” shoe is the H1 want everytime. MARTIN SENOL’R‘S WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15Tu.â€"â€"At L“ 1" . f Con. .2, E. G. R., Egremont. a lot 9‘ farm stock. 11 monthS’ Credit. J1: \. discount. Benj. \Voods, PI‘OP- ‘ Kenny, Auctioneer. See bills. For Me Children For (HIESide :md A. S. Hunter “Ever Right" Shoe , HAIR “00R, ers AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL We heve no secrets! We pubmh the formulas of :11 our medicine; Some Swagger New ShaeS A LARGE STOCK 0F 100?; pure. floor paint. drys hard, and wears like iron. 100° g-pute house 1.:nints.for good painting, inside 010m- side. wagon pamt, for wagons. implements and sleighs. wood lac stain. for chairs picture frames, floors out. furniture polish, for renewing the finish (311 old furniture. The Quality Behind SALE REGISTER w :0 c. A”: 00., I," to mmturera 0:11.11: Apri 1V ‘lf Shae SEE the showing -“‘ THE Superior Len“ Orangeville. started i Friday last. The. cm about fifty men. L.~\DlESâ€"-~BU}' now \V The Van Attar. best an holder on the market Glass. Tailor. r THU BSD GOOD F r1d n Ap1 i1 l6th. ay tomox 1'0“ 30“ th It Tmnulu eSt Tnumu raised as. to whethm to sell liuuox in ch; it APRIL weather is tumm- Just received a chnime >t< newest handles. for lame-F 75c to $2.3), '1‘11, Quality, . .. THE worst part, of thv \V and though theme vet on some of the. m READ “le6 Hats" are sm ‘ ‘ust where the hat tom-ms is feature makes them tiI naturally. The new spring.r arrivedâ€"The House of Qu; Mockler. _V ,_ ._ â€"â€" .._â€"â€"-â€" *. -., I)? all future contracts carriexs, the carrier in? [n in from carrying intoxicating violation of this order \\’i the immediate cant-«41:11 'u ur tract. â€"â€"â€"â€"-,â€"-â€" GENTLEMENâ€"UOH to Inrgu come for anything in the li: ing. “’9 are bound tn sali: are in a position to cater h fastidious. The largest \m terns in Durham to Chnnsv Glass. Tailor. “'8 regret to learn that )1: \Veir-is somewhat run dmx n and feels obliged to give up hi: as teacher of S. S. Nu. 2;. Arthur was a bright student school here, and gel; thv nn H: I.\' a speech delivm-w ngislative Assembly nn ing last. Hon. Mr. Ham present Immigration 1:1 that the fumign-horns a Ontario's asylums and ; 1162 patients admitted 1c in 1907. 346 01°23” per 0va born. WLile in the ganls age is 38. The situati‘ rem-lied an alarming st.- {be present figures In ' IS little wonder that Government is. phwin; strictinns on the influx « m‘hard working teas] will soon be all right “'13 are in reript Mr. Lyman Caldwc west Mounted Polim tioned at. Fort Ch Bay. In part- 111‘ yearly mail came it on Feb. 4th. I got Chronicles. dated last Julv. and] on] them. It was the outside wmld l h.- Lyman seems Lu he. lip in that far-011' w pering. At least 11 dars for this old m; he couldn't do wit. must indicate N Lyman. and mm send us mauv mm nomination. THOUGH this Imp-r Cine the taking “1' "l v own hands, hy x'esM--::1 antics of some id1~~ §treets is enough I > 1:; Individual pun-haw .. 01‘ two and make (:12. of cattle. Un Fri-i :7 abOUt seven o'clm-k : iv Observed a Couple H}. ii lad each other hmzw and thvir condm't was . ome brews. have. 3" 31351 $00 much of their “.18 time. the [)Pl'tuni: _% t0. NO Illules‘; .‘1’ “yet taken plan». 1 in . 5L. .. ed that (m max-v 8mg! these scum n1 F‘“ a, at Grant‘s. e stylish milliner _..S F.‘IOI'1U(1~'. the {llachinm }' uf t 1, inot'mn and if , , :l (“.‘1\ mvlgate our 51er < and howlin ‘ . 3: use ( < 3583: Should be uh "h _ our Easter money m it ggs at 150, 1 well cele h z'au 42â€"410. 2144. pm “'0“ t 1N3. 1111'12HI‘1; m' This IS the) «1-; l D v'ewt‘dthe 511 )u {21' ‘ Chmnicm man 1:‘1~ 1 11M needless. U) :31}. ‘mwhac m tlw s-m r any (1b1€('[ _ 1‘ and we 11 be pl: ll ht- \V \V L‘ l‘ \\

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