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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1908, p. 3

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ets and Ruffs April 16 Tin ts Lg glass. marble. ‘1 re. wood-work etc- HS is now replenished mth up-boâ€"date footwear for an and children. otsâ€"good value, 8309,: Done Every D3? Id .‘duslins E KEEP nd Lace Curtains EREIGN mn2’. 19H LIPSE '-v V'â€" 3. Call and see our 30" 3, just Opened 00"- w w mmswwwb m on Flour B89: Lots. McGowan. Y FLOUR ainsi rice our “7 9S 7 SO. It bought \l Wk e to hand, Mills md make w ith the V' O“ mdk Ontmo v first class and feed for sale. an“ eep it come to use you right. mne \0- S ut mnestic use. 1V zoods at ur man the mar (1 Chop: some 'anb OH more from in town. the Brand our. and «0d ukxaiioo 23.qu 3; A“ W“ 9, 8403 setamadway. New in“ Q? “I mfihlnfltoml). I J g I ~ =n'11'. 11:: a. sketch and description may w 1- opmion free whether an ~HA \ v ‘ " W . 1. ' ‘" m. .qu 1v yr :emahle. Communica- ‘3' f; Fifi-1'15“: '1“. .1. HANDBOOK on Patent. 1.- \'\. Lav“? .‘L‘il. 0:} MN: :1; 1 my 101' secunug‘ patent" v. ‘ . 11-11 .1 1: {man “1111113100. receive 1. 1;...1 . w hout. charge, mthe Smutmc Hmcrican. .. n .1 1 lustratcd weekly. Largestctr AND PRi.)\"lSlON STORE . BEAN D. FLETT. Florist We Sells Cheap N FlQral Decorations of all kinds on shortest notice. IUWE We carry also othe'r well known brands of Flour. e Curtains \V Mex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. n . wide. unbleached 525 F St... Washington. 3] n. Wide lung . at us and Ginghams. ind w ide, W ide, unbleached <39 and Rem deer t in now while 66 7% 6. to “k 6‘ 1.00 “ Ages except 25c ones {U tunnel-pane. 1.40 Lionel Bmad H00! wide. bleached Calder Block. u“ pl't‘Pill‘OC 60 YEARS’ 5% EXPERIENCE "HE nuranteed. vou what you wan' and our primes right. Forest. Phil") Big Discount Offer. Easter to August 313$ $30.00. Biw vmue. Full shorthand. 0!: Loose .. sea. By mail. $10 00 mould start to 683'- not 5m. R. A. Famuw' ()0 e rem}. Largeâ€"st. cirâ€" nmal. Tergns to: “was wide \Xl aixvays ntion. 27 : yard 2K with ALEX. who will xtisfies the! fh. qtir 0i \‘ 9 33518 In an ungtarded moment one day Many are using it / erton. last week as he stood watching the and receiving benefit from its Mr. Geo. McGeagh has entered turbulent waters of the mill race as strength-giving power. partnership with Mr. Davxd btevxo. of Chesley. in the sash and door they flowed by the rear of the Central . - Hotel, Tory Gibson remarked to his All winter long you worked hard. factory. His implement busmess quarantined friends. tlat none of This took lots of nerve force 15 here will gbe managed by Mr. Geo. them had sufiicnent Bririsb pluck to lasted so far. but now it’t all gone. Mitchell, the liveryman. swim that race in its present etate. and now it’s all gone and vou feel} Last Sunday twelve candidates SJ certain was be 0‘ this that be half dead. . were examined in St, Matthew’s placed five dollars on the assertion Somehow you must get new vztal- Lutheran Church on Bible history and looked up in time to see Willie ity and more nerve force. The water and doctrine. There was, ;as usual. Benninger making a jump. Willie in your blood must be turned into a very large congregation, and their needed that five dollars and was go strength and building material l parents and friends were delighted at ing to earn it without delay. Quicker Your fretful appetite must be braced! the Nay their children acquitted than it takes t0 write this item, u13- Some new power must be ”n themselves. Next Sunday they will‘ ; Willie reached the Opposite bank. and l parted to your weak bOdY- be. confirmed by their pastor, Rev. Ealthough the water was 89 com 83! This is just what happens in using Mr. H, Tweirmeyer. {charity and the waves were like hills. , Ferrozone, which is an instant. DIOOdl The ”Old stone property” Will 90011 Ehe plunged in again and came back l maker. blood enricher and nerve { be torn down to give place to Wep- ;to get his money And he got it and; builder. i pler Helwig’s new hardware store. {several cheers besides. for the feat} Ferrozone not only create-3 keen But its usefulness is not quite gone, jWBS dating and the swim W88 COld. appetite. it 2083 further, improves 8% Mr. G90. 8 llgartner is conducting tTory is using more guarded languageldigestion and assimilation, so that an auction of merchandise there two l°f late, for lb“ was an 9319005in9 7 every particle of food is conver ed nights in the week â€"Free Press. * assertion.â€"Walkertsn Times. l into nerve and muscle fibres .____...___ l ____..._______ l By building; up new nerve force. Rain Does Damage. lAnother “Dowie” in West Simcoe. l and making each Urgau do the work’i _ ‘ libel: nature 9X99?” 0f it berrozonei Considerable damage was done to o o i . . . - l â€"‘ . ~ John Johnston. of Lisle. who 19‘ quickly increases your weight and George R. bchwslfzer’g house on the tanxious to be a parliamentary candi . instills a reserve of vugor into (hr: Elora road laSt Fridfiy evening. The ldate at the next election. hassent thel sysgem that, defies weariness. ex ; heavy ram Sturlll filled up the oistern __.' _ a - A__" “AfiA~:k“-' t . l ‘ \ John Johnston. of Lisle, who is l lanxious to be a parliamentary candi date at the next election has sent the following letter to the Creemore Stanâ€"Please give notice in The Star that 1 John Johnston will take: nomination as a Straight prohibition candidate for WeSt Simcoe. I know Iwill be elected, as I am the only' man living in the right part of the riding: to carry the vote, I can reduce the Conservative vote in the smith! and E~sa. Allismn. Tossorontio asI have the qualification of a church representat1ve.A man’s pledge is no good. When he is directed by the Holy Ghost he muSt uark his ballot as the Lord directs him. All .christians must be led by the Spirit E.God Any two men in Creemore l W1shing the honor of nominating me. please send me notice to Lisle as _ soon as possible. cuUUqu-UU IUI I will be ele« man living it riding to car} the Conserv: and, E‘sa. A huvp rhn nt County and District. C.) who had been cured of a chronic‘ skin disease by Zam-Bnk. and I de termined to give this balm a trial.‘ After athoroughly fair test. I can say I am delighted with it. I have the best of reasons for this conclu- sion; because while everything else I tried-selves, embrocations, washes, soaps and doctors’ preparations, fail- ed absolutely to relieve my pain and! ,rid me of my tr-uble, three boxes of‘ Zam-Buk worked a complete cure. In my Opinion this balm should be even more widely known than it is. and I hope that my experience will lead other snfiers who are in deSpair to try this herbal healer. Zam-Buk.” For healing eczema. running sores. cuts. bruises, busns, boils. eruptions, scalp sores. pimples, Spring erup , tions. ilCh, chapped hands, and 'l diseases of the skin Zam-Buk is with out equal. All druggist and stores sell it. We box or poetpaid from Zim- . Buk Co.. Toronto. Wiarton’s night guardian. Mr. R.l _____ Ward, has had ”E couple 0f rather in. John McDermid who at one time teresting experiences datel‘yd {Lift ran the sawmill on the sixth conces ":22: m by chased himself to the merchant’s resi- norBros ' was killed the other 1(1le . - ° l Whlle 1033“!“ on 9‘ timber c aim pregnated with indications of oil. a . ECYOSS “£119 Minnesgta bé-fiffrfiisfrgougl Before reaching the rock on Saturday the honeSty of the peOple of WianonlafioanotSeyfiadlohui load of legs ‘a. strange discovery Was made of or Mr. Ward’s ability a's a Sherlocli'when the ton ue be‘a e unloosed 13190943f bone and teeth. which were d nor take the trouble. . g b w 5 brought up from the depth of nearly and the load overturned McDermid. 500 feetâ€"Free frees. Kimberley. April 9.-â€"'l‘he ou anu- ers here are now down. 500 feet and are much elated at the prospects of getting oil soon. Slate rock has been struck and the drill is strongly im- Holmes as he di . .° . - w ' i r m- . . ‘0 don his clothes and it'CLththepdeoor who was Sixty-eight years of age. . ‘ > , . O *- ises borne one aware na was not quick enough to save him ‘ . , The average housewrfe wrll soon - d could have carted half self and was buried under the great was unlocks . . ‘he gOOdS away “rule the night mass of logs. He lived-for nearly “'3‘Chman was at E“; othterreanndmgf four hours after the accident and A few “1‘5 t” a e bade his family good bve saying he 01' door was found unlocked. but the was dying happy. The oeceasedl owner took enough int . " v v .‘ q n ' . stock to lock his door. thus easr glflutton of Brant. township. begin to make life a. burden to the other inmates of the household. She will tie a. rag around her head and wade into the dirt in a way that will the goou: aw": -- d f _ . , ~ tber en 0 ..-_ "' " - watchman “9-5 at the 0 four hours after the accident the WW0. A few “mining“ anotfi: bade his family good bve sayil er door was found unlocke “.th th'e was dying happy. The oec k 609%“ "new“ 1n . 15 was a brocber-in law of Mr. Jo stock to 1001‘- ,b‘s .door. thus easmg ! Hutton of Brant township. M the watchman S mmd for the balance Dermid lived for about 15 ye: o 1 z . . 0f the mgm.â€"â€"banadtan. :Elsmore before movxng to Emo l I Magistrate Pralses Zam Buk. danger. her 5y 3â€"6118 needs DC a richer blood “0' C needs Ferrczam She is in She is in dan A Cold Swim. mhe Girl That is â€"â€" in danger. her sysmm is run? easyâ€"sue needs nourishment,‘ cber blood \iore than ell! needs Ferrczone, needs it. back the nerve 'd growm and The old-time (1 new Strength ritb Ferrozone. The delicate energized. strengthened and Isn’t it worth while using me when it. surely does so At 311 dealers in 50c. boxes. Electric Plant of Cataract repre-' not Power Company. the new plant, has week completing ad has secured the township to erecc mission line to out the franchise can be :, 15 miles discann. with eiecmc energy. >wn than it is. experience will care in despair .ler- Zam-Buk.” -A second elec- be iusmllea here a short dismnce Bav Power Com° of ‘20:! M at. s Pale- chronic VJ--- -â€" hauscion, spring debility or sickness of any kind. ' To prove the enormous strengthen- 3 the stone Wall under tho noose, auu ing power of Ferrozone We quote the; made a terrific re port. The ciStern following letter from Mrs. Cecil B ‘was badly demolished George Eck I Gourmally. well known in Middle- ens’willer. north of Otter Creek, also ‘ ville: "Last March I was very rnn‘ had some damage done to the roof of down. and thin. I had no appetite l his barn by the high wind, while and scarcely felt like eating at all.§ Henry Hossfeldt says that the hail My face Was pallid and haggard and broke quite a. number of windows in 1 had dark circles under my eyesqhis house -â€".\'lildmay Gazette. My weight was seven pounds under: ___.__ u I. r 1 noromal and day by day that awfu E Choked on a lay. spring wearmess dragged me down. __ .y w , . l Fhe change berrozone qugw wasi An extraordinarv fatalitv occurred PUFPNSmR' It Lnnst certain 3’ con Fon Sunday afternoon at Philipshnrg. Pain wonderiul bonding and strenogth- ; a village a few miles from B den. A mg properties because. I gained' little girl named Idella Eidt “"as on strength, flesh and appetite irom the her wav iron) the village Store, carry- day I 3‘.“th It' I speedilv carne ing in her mouth a small wooden baclg to Vigorous bouyant health With tune with a rubber attachment In Ferrozcne and recomrn -nd it as the some way she swallowed the. toy, l l health can take.” fore assistance arrived life was Ferrozone strengthens the weak, eXtinct.â€"Li3towel Standard. restores the anaemic. soothes the nervous, aSsists men. women and Pioneer Settler Gone : children to better health. Try it. - ‘0 o - t oOc per box or six for 3....00. at all One of the old landmarks of Ben- r l dealers. tinck township passed away on Sat- For the alleged theft of three cer- tificates for 300 shares of stock in the Silver Bar Mining Company. Cobalt, A. D. George, aged 30 years, barris- ter. was yesterday arrested at Ches ley by the local police. Detective ‘ Kennedy has left the city to bring the prisoner back. The allegation is _that Edward E. Hale. stock broker, of Toronto, with rooms at the Rossin House, placed these three certificates ‘of stock with the Chesley lawyer for safekeeping in November last. A short time ago. Mr. Hale states, he discovered that the stock had been sold on the Toronto exchange at a price below its market value. He states that his lawyer had not the slightest authority from him to sell the stock, and that he had no know , ledge that the transaction had gone through. The certificates were made he declares emphatically that he had not endorsed them. The prisoner is 3 a man of good standing, and well connected at Chesley. and has a good ' praccice He has acted as the com~ plainant’s lawyer for some years.â€" Globe. It’ s a sure wav to g ing. Use Putnam’s C It’ s safe, painless and aday. The Wiarton Echo is atter EDU363 . who unlawfully sell liquor to Indians. 1 Remedy 1 The following item eXplains theierhOOPmR position, which is admirably taken, you that in the face of the trouble experienced have eve With the copper-colored race when P0500, Ga sure. F0 under the influence of liquor: " m our laSt issue we'stated that an In-im’ore' dian had been drunk. that this thing “occurs too frequently, and that the Police ;act should be so amended that the License I ‘ Indian can he sent to goal until he Elora on { tells where he gets the liquor. A l‘ a liquor l gentleman was in the ofice last week strates d: and Stated that this is already pro- was aged: vided in the act. and they can be sent Salem, 8 to goal and kept there until they tell involved " .- '"--- “II-n Vim iian had been drunk. that this thing: 1 Police Magistrate Macgregor and kLicense InSpector Hampton were in act .. Indian can be sent to goal until he i Elora on Monday. The former tried tells where he gets the liquor A'laliquor case which the local magi ' strates dld not care to take up, as it vided in the aet. 1 to goal and kept there until they tell involved imprisonment as a penalty. , who supplies them with liquor. Veryl Mrs. Fladd, however, got 03 with a nd costs. she promising good. the next Indian who gets in \Viarton. can be prepared to state faithfully not to ofiend again. On who supplies him with liquor, and if Friday laSt two Fergus hotel keepers, law is Messrs. Couse and Courtney, came he does not, now that the plain, everyone will eitpect him to be up to Mount Forest and settled a sent to Walkerton. This will be the charge of selling liquor to minors by position taken by this paper and tak. ‘paying a fine of $10 and costs to our en moat emphatically.” Police Magistrate.â€"Confederate, Chesley Lawyer Arrested Killed While Logging. Never Pare a Corn- run do the Work >f it. Ferrozone Jur weight and THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Echo is after those to get blood poison ’5 Corn Extractor. and sure to cure in i8..- . Kimberley. April 9 â€"The oil drill- “ one tune ers here are now down. 500 feet. and sxxrhbcorges are much elated at the PTOSPGC‘S 0f run _ Y 911' getting oil soon. Slate rock has been -----A_1-. i“‘\_ Hanover, April 9.â€"Fifty men nave been engaged to lay steel the rails on the C. P. R. between here and Walk- erton. Mr. Geo. McGeagh hes entered partnership with Mr. David Stevio. of Chesley. in the sash and door; factory. His implement business here will gbe managed by Mr. Geo. Mitchell, the liveryman. Last Sunday twelve candidates were examined in St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church on Bible hiatorv and doctrine. There was, ;as usual. ! Considerable damage was done to ‘George R. Schweitzer’s house on the I Elora road luSt- Friday evening. The {heavy ram storm filled up the cistern ‘ iand an exclusion occurred, possibly 1 :bv comprcs~ed air. which bulged out 3the Stone WA“ under the house, and unade :1 terrific report. The damn i was badly demolished George Eck aens'willer. north of Otter Creek, also ‘hnd some damage done to the roof of «ibis bun by the high wind, while .3 Henry Hossfeldt says that the bail . broke qmce n. number of windows in “his house â€".\-lildmay Gazette. One of the old landmarks of Ben- ‘ V tinck township passed away on Sat- , Mrs. John Smith, of the 2nd conces- sion. She was 84 years of age. Death I was due to a general break down of I a once Splendid constitution. De. ceased was a resident of Bentinck for 57 years Born and bred in the Emeru Isle, she possessed many of the kindly traits of character and disposition of the Irish, and during her long life time she made many friends. She emigrated to this country in her womanhood, her maid on name being Miss Eliza Hazlett, and upon her marriage to Mr. Smith moved up to Bentinck. He died some seventeen years ago. Six children blessed the union, four, daughters and two sons, three of whom survive. Thev are. Jame-3 in the WeStern States, Mary Ann (Mrs. Thus. Bailey) of Hanover, and John Henry on the homestead. Deceased , was a member of the Methodist church during the greater part of her life. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Hanover cemetery, many old friends and neighbors turning out to {Day their laSt respects. Rev. AuStin L Budge, .M. A., conducted the obsequies,â€"â€" The average housewife will soon‘ begin to make life a burden to the Other inmates of the household. She will tie a rag around her head and wade into the dirt in a way that will make your head swim. She will tear up the carpets. empty the cupboards, look sour when you show up for din- ner and slambang things around to a Queen‘s tame. and if you don’t like it take your meals down town. “Springtime is a very unhappy event 77 ' ° ’â€" -- \‘n..‘nnr‘ OS I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you than it: is the best. medicine I have ever used.-â€"W. F. GASTON. Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale at Parker’s Drug Hanover. Whooping Cough- Drill for Oil. Sleaford A‘J.LUU V-v.â€"â€" Classics, ‘h’doder s. grid Englich. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talned at reasonable rates. Durham is a health} and active town, making it amost desirablc place of residence. The school is thorouhly equipped in teachim ability, in chemical and e1ectr1ca1 supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent stafl an in charge : DURHAM SCHOOL. C. L. GRAxx The Largest Stock i At the Model Bakery in Durham is to be found at the Down be convinced. MISS Seeds of this‘ In stock at moderate THOS. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. You can get anything you want; in the -Plain and home-made Bread, -â€"â€"Biscuits, â€"â€"Cream Puffs, \ LEADSXN 1001 ie thoroubly equipped in teachin; ‘. BOOK. KEE P[\G 1 chemical and electrical supplies and 1 SHURI‘H A\D t.,c for £1111 Junior Leaving and Matric- TY PE\V Rl PING ork. The following competent, stafl an i _ _ COMMERCIAL LAVV . ALLAN. 131 Class Certificate, Prin. I. (JOMAEEQIECE AL CORRESPOND- DONALDA -mficKEERAUHER. 15.1. i PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING Don’t worry When you up, and we will supply Trunks Hosiery ’f this splendid new Tomato are given away. free Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed Fees. $1.00 per month. Chairman q FLOUR OYSTERS A LWA YS McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses Terms Cash. Valises Mitts prices. Custom work and repairing pure oxygen, the nourishing juices C RAMAGE If the oven in exactly the same condition The Souvenir s Aerated Oven causes Dine-made Bread, â€"-Buns, â€"Cakes of all kinds. fs, â€"â€"Puffs. you see the minister coming for tea, just ring )ply your wants on shortest notice. .5 un Secretan ‘ wDAY ‘0‘. Q O‘_O! \\'riLe to-day and name your cnoxc Darch Hunter Sged Co., Club Bags Gloves ORNAMENTAL ’W'RITING ‘ and in placing all its graduatéi Each student is taught separately his own desk.T1ia1 lessons for 0% week free. Visitors welcome. FOR Business College; k 0f Boots ,C and Shoes Town Shoe Store. Call and AgefifiDURHAM, ONT. LC I 3.5.311, Aybon Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba. ' Royal Household. line of Bakery Goods l '7," '45: i w. T. CLANCY, Priry‘gg' 43w (I: Vila J 4/4459 L’ and EVENING classes. Mount Forest {New 1908 C IN STOCK Suit Cases Etc. your choice PHONE : 30 and Seeds i I‘hl'u‘b'. 0 I _. V,'w._.-- ‘3' .I 1 ' ' ,0 ., just ring us as usual. aislog‘u 03 fin-u arden- it" ‘l

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