Ina: hhe und ï¬r di‘ minis L‘ ‘I-I1u“ v Queen and COuntess Streetsâ€"gum! tion prices reasonabh Apply to ‘ float Smith or at the Post Uflice. ay ZOâ€"tf uild‘ingx soil. ‘ an gut.“ .‘\I rthur A CI\I\.\ \0" ‘he Kc ck)“ ‘\ all SXRK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH “-mnn ... “‘11“ it axa street in uv table ï¬rst (Ila\S “a 3n premises. Am: ‘ e “'alkennr _: e town ut 1):: 5 These blzildil » rly date. in ( \ way. All material c . in cases w 7' «uved. 31‘? Ms .Pâ€"Sr Saddler street in the Town of Uur~ . . am. in the count of Grey. containingd For the deaths of three Britishll mm more or less. For terms altd,nafti§3Ԥ centenarians to be chronicled on the l 7‘ Dgrhi‘fa" unique occurrence, says the WeSt- I m' " ‘ ' ,__ minster Gazette. The names and . F GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO ages of these veterans are: Mrs. A storey dwelling. alongside Presby Margaret Fagan. 104; Samuel Gold- ‘ .n ““398 â€09‘3"†i}? LIED"; Til?“ stein. 106; and Mrs. Honor Coleman. ( 'ht?“ ($3; 3303;? 3.3.3.“ c1055: who died from the effeCts of a fall at out floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- the reputed age of 106 years. thus recalling the similar fate of the fam- ed) in good locality. Good frame stable. ‘1 “â€1 3"†“me" 0“" “0mm land“ mm“ ous Catherine. Countess of Desmond. whose life at 140 years was brought quick purchaser. For further particu- i rs apply to John W. Mclxeczime. Owner, . . to a tragic close by a fall from a \cherry tree. There are some who 3’ a kv Saugeen P. O. ,_,__,__--...._.-. -- look with more than suspicion 00 any HE tXDERSLGNIE? .ijf‘dER? age which claims to exceed a con. for â€â€9 a "“n‘ " “‘ â€me“ ‘u‘ 0“ ' tury, anu probably the titles of many ? uildings along the line of right of way ofg . . . :9 \Valkt-ilon and Lucknow Railway, "1' reputed centenarians. especxally 1n A town ol Durham. the humbler Walks of life, would nor. B These buildings must be removed at. an i hear close exismination. But the -. rly date. in order to clear the line of right l . . “.3... | records prove conclusxvely that Sll‘ All material such as timber. brick. stone. '. Moses Monteï¬ore and Admiral Provo l Wallis lived into their second cen {‘- c . in cases Where the buildings cannot be "3 ' .‘l'“l.~' iii. 6‘ >‘ . % ‘ed " i ‘1 U ' "r ‘1‘†“18 tury; that M. Conerhe. a French . . [)3th June 4th 1907. . . . . ;farmer, survxved 1118 112th birthday; Applyto died at 110; that a Romanian. one lPascal Vicarn. lived 120 years. and i that an American nun entered a con- ' - Ivent at Jerusalem at 14 and never m. Sale or to .â€" a...†_._..â€".._.- .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..â€"â€"_â€"â€"-â€" F011 r . of Saddler street am. in the count 0 nos more or 1883. F .rs apnlv to J. P. Te] '. Durham. .‘ storey dwelling. alongside Presby wian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elzin meets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, Elï¬n". floored cellar, etc. Good airy 10091- n in good locality. Good frame Stable. d and soft water, one acre of land. Snap quick purchaser. For further particu- rs apply to John W. McKechnie, Owner, kv Saugeen P. O. i 1531312311 OF IMPROVED VAL- NUMBER OF‘ 1‘0wa LOTS 0x .ki I“.- 4.- v _ - ed todo Custom Sawing. into lumber. tingles and lath; also planing. grain hopping etc Hemlock and cedar lugs, Dd lath timber wantod for Which the high- }: cash price will be paid sat the mill. amm- Ulark. Varuey. LEE U N DERSIG COM FORTABLE CL}? FAG E A N D 10 acres of land oppmite Mr Thus. askins, conVOnient to Durham. Cottage mains 6 rooms. good woodshed. 300d sta- '0. ben home. never failing well. Excell- ;: place tor gardening. Apply to Aaron watt. 2-6tt Z. '9 0‘ acres ,se. situa ted Neï¬â€˜ Cooper Shop- COD BRICK HOUSE ON ALBERT ' Street. Apply to Mrs. Neil McKech- . Durham. I 15 tf. STOREY DOUBLE Rpm .- vâ€"vâ€" up: Cooper Shop and is prepared to all kinds of new work and renaming on attest noï¬ce. Sh-m on Garafraxa Street, nth of D' Kinnee’s old Pump Works, I work guaranteed ï¬rst class. AND 14, COX. 3 \ICAN MCLE 119 “)‘V 38". der LC :rpmnnt. W rifle .~ mnnertv ma} Justom Sawing. -'â€"-â€" situated on the west Sid * Gara- r,. in upver town. large lot with class well also ciatern. Apply Angus Cameron, [312t. ‘0 ACRE FARM AT GLAS- 63% DERSIGNEP Has 09m. Bucky. immediate possnssiu urther partivulars apply tu J. P. TELFORD._ er street in the Town of Dar. count of Grey. containingd less. For terms and narticu J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- will rent one or more xears, 3 of rent in improvements. oil. water. orchard and timber Apply to J. Ritchie. Port res bush be sold. To Rent. For Sale. 'i’RINCIPALyY H‘AgD ICU A AN D SHOP. ON chained la! The farm good gradiI \av down S $5 acres. " r grass, 1'2. U. G. SCHEUERMA SN. ;NEDISPREPAR Ontario. near mdxscount for PI: rtuasze at 1 and z: spaned ter delixe'ed :0 the 15th {B FARM AT 'l'ownsmp a â€Mchm- 991:. lm- articulars‘ 3 “-07â€"“ .vell am .. Large double Id. The Durham [42: of whivh :2 acres in .l: d. \\ hich n i3 \\ e†nssnss iun mv- .\' mg Durham. rive-I acree H M ust \V . SIT’HTEMS OF INTEREST. )0 t0 I.†- burham bulls. One two. :30 met-tbs ; and nne l Morrison. Edge Hill P.O.. A three years old- iii-May, bred from (mach berse and blood care. Stands 1515 bands high. gives promise of heinsz a ï¬ne driver. Price right. R. '1‘. Edwards. Ebordale. .ll. certificate, tor a. a. -w .1. uwumm (-yeix'gd 63' mg: undersmned up to haturoav. Apr1125. \\ m. Ritchie. Edgehill {41620 Parties owing and settle their May. as all accr. that date. Robt. tha't da. Many of the customs date back to the dark ages and are based on super- stitio’n. \Ve sit up with our dead because long ago our ancestors kept watch by night less evil Spirits come and bear the body away. We shake hands with the right hand because that is the dagger hand and means that. we disarm ourselves in the presence of a friend We how the head in passing others We bow the head in passing others because our anceStors were wont to bow before the real yoke of the oppressor. 13 it, a matter of pride to be pale as l and vim that W111 make 1116 Joyous, a lily.â€"â€"certainly not. \Vhat evey‘Just take Ferrozone.a5pring cleanser, woman wants is strength, colonlunequalled in medicine. vigor, Buoyancy and health are thei Ferrozone puriï¬es by rebuilding right of every woman. and these she i nerve tissue and vitalizing the blood. need not lack if she only uses Ferro- « The entire system soon feels the hen- zone. It gives appetite, creates ‘ eï¬cient action of new rich blood; slow istrengtb, enric as blood, gives vigor I organs are stimulated to normal ac- 1 to the nerves. color to the cheeksl tivity, expel poisons and waStes land brightness to the eyes. Ferr0° l from the bOdY. and the result is the Zzone is at once convertible into beautifully, harmonious working of a health, beauty and strength. There the system. Weak folks are restored ' and .and health becomes as natural a con 1 is power in Ferrozone.â€"try it. iknow what you have missed, 50:: at sequence as growth from moxsture and sunlight. l all dealers. “-_ A...) â€"-A-\An ‘1‘";"7 ‘7“.1' “DP. Men bare their heads because they had to unmask in the davs of chivalry before the queen of beauty. won FARM HORSE mu SALE. '1‘ eachey \\ anted PROFESSI()\ jX‘L ilofées for Sale. SHE IS WHITE AS A GHOST. Walnsnven Into tucu acouuu vnu tury; that M. Conerbe. a French. State of Missouri, County of Pike. farmer, survived his 112th birthday; l To whom it may concern: The under- that. M. Soule, another Frenchtnan.‘,signed will Tuesday, September ‘29, sell at public outcry for died at 115; that a Romanian. oneiA. 1)., 1846, Pascal Vicarn. lived 1:20 years. and cash on premises, where Coon Creek that an American nun entered a con-‘crosses on the Missouri road. that vent at Jerusalem at 17 and never‘ following chattels. to wit: bine yoke! passed its threshold to the day of herl of oxen with yoke and chain. two‘ death. ninety-eight years later. l wagons with beds, three nigger ’ wenches. four buck niggers. three‘ â€"+â€"â€" ° ' ' } nigger boys, twe prairie plows, twen , Cured of Rheumatism. l W ï¬ve “991 “393, 008' barrel pickled . {cabbage, one hugshead of tobacco, Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanooga,l0ne lot nigger hoes, one spinning .wheel, loom, three foxhounds, a lot 'l‘enn.. had rheumatism in his left» , , Lof coon, mink and skunk skms and a arm. "The Stren .th seemed to have .1 f h . l A . gone out of the muscles so that it“ 08° 0‘ er arttc es. m gWIne to lwas useless for work,†he says. "I : California. . “DPHEd ChambP'Iai“" Pain Balm andi Richard Roe. Cryer. wrapped the arm in flannel at nightw ‘ and to my relief I found that the: Free headcheese, apples and hard ‘. pain gradually left me and the cider at noon â€"Humansville Leader. J ohn Doe. I strength returned. In three weeks; ______....â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘ the rheumatism had disappeared and, . x '- has not since returned.†If troubled: HAVE YOU WARTS? ,f/ '. with rheumatism try a few applica-‘ l tions of Pain Balm. You are certain: You can cure them painlessly by ito be pleased with the relief which it: Putnam’s Corn and Wart Extractor. iaï¬'ords. For sale at Parker’s Drug Never known to fail. Be sure you =Store. get “Putnam’s,†in 25c bottles. Apply to G. A ZR. Ulenem’. BRIGHT In our Savings Department. Deposits 01 $1 and upwarus are â€van, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. THE STANDARD BANK For Sale .\' otice. DURHAM BRANCH , John Kelly. Manager smears ALSO Afr HARRISTON AND PRICEVILLE me are requested to call accnunts before the lst of nuts must be settled by Smith. Durharr. {121m BAY GBLDIISG Watson. lot 6 '24 months 03d: “ear old. W :11. )nt. {436-59 a uuvuas- /' lto call back the energy, endurance a to be pale as i and vim that will make life jayous, \Vhat evey ' just take Ferrozone. a. Spring cleanser, (-Dgth, colon! unequalled in medicine. health are tbel Ferrozcne puriï¬es by rebuilding and these she i nerve tissue and vitalizing the blood. G lenelg. ESTABLISHED 1 873 ¢)t has a Mongolian eyelid. A fold of skin covering the corner of the eye near the nose is rare in adult white peonle, but exists naturally among the Japanese, and is called the Mon- golian fold. In the majority of cases this fold runs obliquely inward and downward from the upper lid 50 that the inner corner of the eye IS nor round as in white faces but sharp.‘ When the fold is large it Spreads tor the inner part ef the lower lid. in which case the upper lid does not cross the corner, the tranSparent. external coat of the eyeball, horiz )D° tally but obliquely. gitiug to the eye the distincï¬ve eXpression met wuh in the Japanese. Another peculiarity of the upper lid in the Mongolians is the lack of development of the groove below the eyebrows. The skin covâ€" ering the upper lid is loose. so that when the cartilage is raised the skin is thrown into a fold When this fold is well deveIOped it (irons slight- 1y over the margin of the lid. This interferes with the eye-lashes. direct. ing them downward instead of forward Winter Weakens the System, Saps the Blood, Leaves Us Tired and Thin. Medicine in the Spring Needed by Everyone / Great. epidemics break out in spring. such as fevers. pestilences, and infectious skin diseases. Winter shuts us in from air and only the most robust get even a little sunshine. As a. consequence of this unnatural mode of life. the blood be- comes polluted, thin,:colorless. Then --____ ‘ we grow listless dull. easily tired, have headaches, and ï¬nd our work a burden. Reduced to this condition we be- come an easy prey to disease and ï¬il h03pitals and vhurchyards. To rapidly form rich blood, to ex pei the accumulated humors that winter has Stored up in the system, Men and women fortify your ner- ves with Ferrozone renew the blood through its marvelous bloodoforming power. regain vigorous and enduring Strength by its action upon appetite and digeStion. Use Ferrozone if you want to be strong “I increased my weight seven younds in {one month and regained health that had been lost for two yearsâ€"did this by using Ferrozone,†writes Mrs C B. Maybee. of Center- town. "Ferroz )ne brought me rest- ful sleep and good digestion. enabled me to relish (Hy meaie and work hard all day. I consider it the ï¬nest tonic. the most nourishing medicine I ever used.†Try Ferrozone yourself. 50c. per box or six [or 32 :30. an all dealers. MISSOURI SALE BILL 61 YEARS AGO You can cure them pain‘essly by Putnam’s Corn and Wart Extracmr. Never known to fail. Be sure you get "Putnam’s,†in 25c bottles. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Toronto It may be cramDS- perhaps what 8. S. No. 1. N. E. pain or gas on the stomach jâ€"bufl.i°i Clase Iâ€"Alma Pettigrew and Ger- ans’ case a “7.“: drOps of berm 1.116! tie Petty eq., Andy Hoy. Robbie soonhes the pmn and allows the chxld; Clark to sleep peacefully. Xerviline cures . . I. ‘ ~h .. 1d. h. d cbe.l Jr. Pt. 11â€"James Leeson, Edna manor 1' g cm “q co 8 ea a ’McIlvride. Wesley Pollock, internal and external pains as well| ' 0 as any (loc'or.â€"safe to use because a, Sr. Pu. IIâ€"Janec herr,Ce011Blytb, small (logo is required. Mothers you ; Percy Barber. Clara Pettigrew,Willie will ï¬nd Nervilina an invaluable aid1 POIIOCk. . in preventina and curing sickness. Jr.IIâ€"Gordon Grant,C.ecxl Barber. K999 a 5mm? “93h“ at hand, some tr. ILâ€"Ella Morrison Willie Hut d8" you Will “9"“ it badly. 801d ton, Laura Petnigrevv.,VVillie Eden everywhere at 25c. “W'ell-uh. now-uck!" chuckled old Brether Hodder. addressing a young- er acquaintance who was contemplat- ing marriage. â€80 yo’-all has done coincided to commit mat’rimony, is yo’? Den. sah, 1 salaciously hopes yo’ has keerfully and pra’rfullv con- nived over de ’Spousibilities and desecrations of de Solemn step yo’ am about to contaminate?†“Yassab!†was the conï¬dent reply. ' "I has done ’sulted three fawchintel- lahs, two digunt conjure, a pommisb and a reader of de scars; I has ’vestigated, and diekivered dar. de bride elected has a good stiddy job in de steam laundry; 1’ s deduced a ‘umble but ’sperienced nigger no git; me ï¬ve fat hens for de weddin’ feast; I’s done made sho’ dac mub fawmer wife has mar’d ag’in; [’s uh-ï¬ggerin’ now on quittin’ de barber busineqs and branchin’ out as an evangelist; I’s paid a white man to write an ax sev’ral impertinent questions of de zen’leman dab knows it all uh-kase he prints one 0’ dose yuh fashion magazines; and. lastly, I’s dead sho’ dat I can whup de lady in a fa’r ï¬ght â€"and if dat. ain’t takin’ de proper percussion for sasshayin’ out, into de troublesome sea 0’ matrimony. Brud- der Hodder. I sw’ar to goodness I dunnah what would be!â€â€"Life. Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. The stress and strain of the stren- uous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five peOplel suï¬er to day where one did ten years' ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulence. distress after eating. specks before the eyes, bloating. ner- vousness sleeplessness and the many 0 her symptoms of indigestion. All who are suï¬ering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three in Durham and other towns, should .use Mi-o-na stomach tablets. Nothing else is as safe. yet eï¬ective; nothing else can be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o-na. So reliable is Mi-o-na that Macfar- laneCo. with every 50 cent- box they sell give a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cure-3. TO STOP A CRYING BABY. Yes. cabbv, that’s my girl insideâ€" Great Scott ! But I am soaking wet; This rented suit must needs be dried Before I take it back. you bet “Why don‘t I ride with her ‘3" you say, Noâ€"imt because we’ve had a spat; She loves me in the same old way, But wears a merry widow hat. That’s why I asked to ride with you, I didn’t think it would rain ; Drive faster up the avenue. I’d like to wear this shirt again. I’ll have to have these trousers pressedu I shiver like a drowning rat; And jn t to think that she’s my guest. Who wears that merry widow hat. The blame thing’s twenty inches wide Across the brim. and has two quills That take up all the room inside This cab her hat completely ï¬lls. There was no room in there tor me. She was afraid I’d crush it flat; I And so I sought your cotnpanv Excum me. cabby. if I swear. I Just take a luUl-C at her. and see llow snug and warm she is in there. Th -n take another look at me. Why, Job would hse his patience now, If on this box with you he sat With water dripping from his brow, To save a merry widow hat. If I don’t catch mv reath of cold And lie upon a bed of pain, It’s not my faultâ€"as you behold, Confound it ! Will it always rain ‘3 ; Next time you come to call on usâ€" You have the number of her flatâ€" Please bring along an omnibus, There shouli be room for me in that. â€"Edgar A. Guest. GREAT DANGER IN HEADA‘ It’s: often dangerous to covnsider headaches a trifling ailment. If the head aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be impending. To tone up the stom- ach to give it healthy action. nothing TAKING NO CHANCES. "V“ v in modern medicines is so Successful as Dr Hamilton’s Pills. The con centrated vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton’s Pills have a quieting healthful effect. on the stomach and remove all disorders. Your head ache will be cured and they won’t return. if you use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Sold everywhere. I-Wv- T 0 sane flint, merry widow hat. “Do you want {0 draw or deposit?†asked the post. oï¬ce clerk. The clerk sighed and shoved a. form across the counter. THE MERRY WIDOW HAT. “S’ng your name here,†he said pointing to the exact Spot. "Above the line or below it?†“Just above.†"The whool name?†THE STRENUUUS UFE- “0i can’t. wroite.†H Jr. Pt. 11â€"James Leeson, Edna McIlvride. Wesley Pollock, Sr. PL. IIâ€"Janec Kerr, Cecil Blytb, Percy Barber. Clara Pectigrew, Willie Pollock. . Jr. IIâ€"Gordon Grant, Ceml Barber. tr. ILâ€"Ella Morrison, Willie Hut ton, Laura Petnigrew, Willie Eden, Mansï¬eld Leeson Jr. IIIâ€"Florence Kerr, Stewart Grant. Margaret Leeson, Allan Pen- tigrew. Sr. IIIâ€"\Villie Bagle, Albert Mor- rison. Oliver Morrison. Jr. IVâ€"Edith Morrison, Ella Bar; ber, Margaret Kerr. \Vinnie Blyth, Annie Pettigrew. Sr. IVâ€"Hazel Barber. Average attendanceâ€"34. S. S. No 1, GLENELG. Class lVâ€"Laura Beaton. Ben VVhitmore. Class IIIâ€"John MacKeown. Ruth MacGillivray, George Heartwell, Eliza J. Edwards. Tom MacKeowu. Class IIâ€"fvlary McMillan. Silas Edwards, Vernon Peunock. Tena McGillivray, Sadie McGillivray. Pare llâ€"Aeu Alcr'arlane, Auau McLean. Part 1 Sr. â€"-Eimund Poole. Tommy Edwards Flora \IcF arline. Mats Mc- Keown, Oscar Pennock, Arthur Pen- nock. Pt. I Jr.â€"Mary Edwards, Leonard McLeown, Clark Jackson. Vessie Sr. IIâ€"Mae McKechnie 9.56:. Stew.. art McArthur 913;.Lewis Newell 61;.1 Jr. IIâ€"Earl Vessie. Tom Grasby. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Armetta McKechnEe 843;. ’ Jr. Iâ€"Reba Vessie. Those who obtain 6070 or over on a written examinations have the per-: centage placed after their names. 3 I L. B. WALKER, Teacher. _ U. S. S. No. ‘2, B. G. St. IVâ€"Gertie Morton 93;; Jr. IVâ€"John Grasby 86%. Sr. IIIâ€"Vi ill1e Edge 72;; , Willie Wells 66/ Harold \IcKechnie, Mabel Europe is now in its grasp, and in ashort time America will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive measures. Build up a surplus of vigor by Fern- zone, and inhale Catarrhozone thr 6 times each day. Nothing deStroys the germ like Catarrhozone. It cures the cold, breaks up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys every vestige of catarrh and sore throat. For Bronchitis, Grippe and winter ills Catarrhozone is heSt. Sold by all dealers 250. and $1.00 Selling Them is a Pe~tiferous and De- moral zmg L‘raflic in Toronto. \JUIJDL‘GKIUI) \Jll ll(lll\£ LIAK Disguï¬ting plctures and p‘OSt ‘caqu ;of Rolled Oats. .A150 0111' male: 02 on sale in Toronto have led N]: 5101110 { Rolled Cereal. the has? on :11.» market. e t- descensue†to Wl‘lte to The News. 1 Also Chopped gum 31mm ( mm. m calling attention to the protest-{Chan Bean Shorts and Fwd Hum. against the like in Montreal, and he 1 Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and says: “I venture through your col-1 10 Bag Lots. umn_to‘bring to the notice of meiGoods delivered :mywln-w 1311mm.- pubhc tne fact that here 1n Toronto I ! ____________._ .._. 1.1“v' Iv v"- v--- we are not, one bit. behind our eastern, sister city as xegards the nuisance; referred to. i “Len any one who doubt-s this cast: his eye over the productions of this nature exhibited, for instance, in the windows of stores not a hundred yards from the public library, on Church street, near ‘the Walker House on Front Street. or on Yoxk street. a iittle south of Queen snreec (east side ) â€It is high time that. something be done to put a Stop no this pesciferous and demoralizing traffic. More could be said about the phoLOgraphs at the doors of certain theatres.†Epidemic Influenza, Crippe, Catarrhal Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing. A marked increase in troubles . of. breathingorgane is noned in many; localnties. If you will only have Hy omei at hand to use with the ï¬rsc at-l tack of Cold in the head, Pneumonia. ; Colds, Bronchitis. Hoarsenzess, Sore' Throat. Group, in face any respir‘a.z Lory aï¬ection. the trouble W111 be quickly overcome. 3 If the attack is neglected and be- come severe, speedy relief will come in most cases and a. persistent. use of Hyomei will cure. LA GRIPPE COMING AGAIN. The direcï¬ons fer using it vary, but, the principal is always the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe and having it reach the air yassages with dry med- icmion from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Remember that liquids or moieture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes or Lungs. It’s the dry air of Hyo me that reaches the spot. Macfar lane Co, guarantee it. Complete outï¬t. $1 Flesherton is to celebrate Dominion Day. Honor Roll. lIâ€"Neil Mch‘arlane, Allan NAUGHTY PICTURES. EDITH A. ALLAN, Teacher. Cause For Alarm FARQUIIARSOX, Teacher. 17 i0 1. ‘0 M. 1o lo 119 19 10 O .19 32° 1. I. :0 - O ‘9 O 1‘23 19 1:: 11¢ a. ‘0 .,'19 ,9 131‘: .31: f. '0 #6 1O 3O 1-. z {0 10 '20 I. WORTH TAK One ounce Fluid Extra. One ounce Compound Four ounces Sarsaparilia ; Mixed and taken 1:1 doses after each 1110-11111; is pronounced 111 :1 1111.1 cian to be 1h (3 be: . 1111 31119 kidney, urinary 1101111115. This 2315 the: dog-1hr simple though. remark; tion e1er 11'1i 11011 1( system of i111puri1ies matter. It acts as :11 to the kidneys, forcing out; the acids and pois in" rheun‘a tism 1:11:11 and 0111151“ 11Hic1ions sour, impure 1110011. Comp 11}:\X( The inurerlicms can i an1 {:1 «111 dru;r $1011. an Yegzetnhle 111111 11111.111' casilx he mixmi :11 hon If 1*(111 11:11:11 391111.11: 1111510 h: m. as he; 1131 be plow 811 to It 111 of h ighh recommended 11 .5‘3Z4S‘kï¬l’45‘ 9 Woocowwoomeww People’s Mills IIs made from selected M11191 11111211 iand is a supexior axticle 1'111 111111111: .‘ pastn. etc. ‘Constantly on hand the lHï¬sl' ln'aml gof Rolled Oats. Also our make 0 {Rolled Cereal. the best on Ihu market 1 Also Chopped Oats. Mind ("hâ€); I"? This says the doom: simple though remark tion ever written !( system of impuritiu matter. It. acts. as a}. to the kidneys, forcing out: the acids and poi: ing rheumatism, lame and other afflictions sour, impure blood. The ingredients can anv good drug: store. an A blend 0f§ Manitoba and Ontario. wheat and is a. strictly ï¬rst class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour. mndv frmn Bo. 1 Manitoba wheat mmnwt he hem for elther hakers’ or dmm-stic use Seasonable Goods HO‘N in StOCkw Chopping Done Every Day All up-m-date ï¬um‘ and grocers keep our ï¬nm- I'm your'grocer does not kw; the mill and We will uw Call us up by teleplum All kinds of Grain bought a Price. (11111.1 11111115 Ununbm Diinities 01‘g‘2‘11‘1dies 3111115 3111511115 Persian 111111 Under Linen Delainettes I)1'-1:+ss Linen Victoria Lawns New dress goods “111113 11111191111115 lack satin Ladies’ («fulï¬llgs Raine-oats for ladies 111111 0e11t1131nen. all 111311 111111 up-to- (-1319 goods. â€18$ .4“.- ans .m 391‘" W m6 371$ W â€as“ an" vwans aw anvwavmvmï¬ â€˜1 Arrest you i Name of the ' The above caption is w! compulsory, but the W“? value which we are giving†i ‘ arrests the attention 01 chaser who has his own heart. Just see mil-Bargains in doras and Stiff Hats-Am equalâ€"best of every “’83.!"- Christy Stiff Hamâ€"calms: Black, Cuba. Brown and Dow For true economvâ€"not m‘m‘ L311}; $2.00; American SLerSv-M‘i†iron. They Challenge Comparisog WORTH TAKING 34 $74 $4 Srhfl John McGowan: Fedora and S iï¬ Hats PASTRY FLOUR TRY OUR NE\\‘ (THU C. McArthul‘ SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE iney, t WE KEEP . Grant: April ‘2 TH E N e Km (1 remark in sun without a" a I.-- gt‘n‘lille 1n soft I'f than like 5 at Curtains Large Table Linen. {Mn 35C yard. Aprll 23 a Linoleum, (I) acres. (J‘rlenelg. Fr Bafu. Good Farm, W111 sell {01' $000. wanes, Glenem, sp good Bulldmgs, C111. vane sendipg a skctof @9133]! ascertain our ("’5 invention is probably pm : 4|-nnhflfl.)¥‘? : 2“ The Big L'K’llu Fv- - sent. fr . "(Widest 820nm Patents taken throui special notice, without. c - ~ - "« A See our 1‘ vâ€"v I \Q1'1_" “ Amndsomely mustmh d ‘1†1“ ‘ culation of any scziex tr. 1. K A", 1: Cmadmflxfl) Jayeardmrugk H. . all wnewsdealers. N M“NN co 3618:0231»: ' TIM-Ink (“Bag 625 1“? \... 100 acres on Durham H Farm. Bank Barn, 1 tor 32500. [(D acres. extra good 1“ th nearly the 53'03 hear Crawford 1’1). 5 acre building .101 i cheap. or trade tor :1 eat, wear, or throw : Property bought and Money to hand. Deb Tickets and Ocean '1‘“ of stack in Dun 1mm Gt my hands for sale Che: re 5128 ’7 nod V DO you wa nt "sdéï¬tmsm n a , ‘ Pumps. I BEG LEAVE 10 1x1- FOMERS and ‘ me n 1: 'c tn) matured tn inrn._.. NEW Pumps AM) Rm DRILLING. RE (It’RmV-s done with Cement cunm‘v'. c tended to. ALL WORK GUARSATEH) a . let live†Pmcxs. GEORGE WH The People} a? AND PROV‘ISE-‘dfï¬ He Sells Cheap ___â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Lace Curtains Alwaz. s Prmnpt FiVe Roses an d Manitoba F2011 rs .6 have 6" ALL ORDER: my“: “937 “ï¬vowau'a 31:. \s do busim the Hi value We carry also 0th known bran-is of listowei Unmet 8: Mchan 8 Ecï¬ms' New Prints and Gingha White count Can Bus adian Iness vd a. k M1. . H. BEAN worked oath-‘56S ex can give vou Wis you evil! ï¬nd our 3.1. and 54in. \\' 1-“ O\'( Mon-tbs. Should rouge Bloc»: SK 3- A" Principal. The Baum 60x3†DURHAM. 0 W 10. \\' kit \V 10 t and 901! Debts c 0 Calder Blo \V 60 YEA EXPERIE D Mill pane Slit. Big Di (M