West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1908, p. 3

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ESEEKE |OING DATES Juno 9. 23 lug. d. 13 July 7. 21 Sept. 1. 15.3 ”I to return within 60 a”. DW RATES f70Â¥n 21130;..- Winnipeg and r'agrawg-m Edmonton and rat I led to all 30mm"; pong-2’5“ I; .5 an ”Danna . {ints i nghams 3 Lambrays' E mities H g‘gandies E; 11118 E lslins E rsian and E der Linen E lainettes E ess Linen E :toria Lawns E w dress goods E mite underskirts k ack satin E dies‘ coatings E am for ladies and E men. all new andg ping Car; will bc ran a: ally equzpped with bed" 230%: be seem-led and pud' g. : agent at. wt 3: m 1-";“3~ x if. u m ormation cont . Baeekers’ pam mlet. Ask m. gent. for a copy. or twin... . McArtbul‘ 1 and uiibléached. . DW Cuttvns ((3 206 Per yard I? line-n (22‘ '.5c to 50¢ pet. and Stiff hats at right . and shoes Ior men, WM ldren. i mr new prints and , "r, . us at, 100 per ygl. and‘ . STRY FLOUR District Pea. At!" C.P.I.‘ _'~_: )I mitoha and 5 Ontario is a stxictly fllst. ciass Iz-unih flmll. OVEREIGN ECLIPSE SLEEPERS A f fivm'fi‘?‘ mmsm‘mwb le’s Mills WE KEEP . Grant HI one Every Day (")( «we 6.: shoe brushes bou iour, made from I: cannot be beat r domestic use. Mix \V enc 2111: at Market \V‘ nt nter whea; 'or making 'CIE )1 n town. Table Table Linen. 68in. Wide, unbleached 500 yard. ‘ Table Oilcloth, 45in. wide, 250 yard [9mm- ()ilcloth. 1 and 2 Yards Wide "50 su. vard. Sm yrna. M so} m Mme, without. Charm. in the Scientific Hmerican, _A__A __ .1 _..._ -L“ v-vvv‘â€"â€"~â€"vv v _. _ - , - - ndsomeiy managed weekly. Largest ctr- :ufifimu of _a,ny scxenuflc journal. Terms for Canada“ $3.70 a year. 9034380 Prepaid. 801d b! all nemdcalex’s. MUNN. Cogsgzwmflewlqu .xm‘- _..AAâ€" Pumps. mains See our New Prints and Ginghams. .v-' 'v . â€"'â€"' -' Branch Utflce. '625 F St... Washington. D. C. The Big ge size white counterpane, ~l.40 good value ‘19 Linen. 51in. wide, unbleached ~>',.- \‘21 rd. “'6 Roses and Reindeer We carry also other well known brands of Flour. Usmwei lionel Bread Hour Mchwan‘s Eclipse \nde. a "'"lman Easter to August 318: “finess $30 00. Big value. Full college Shonhand 0:: Loose T°"0nt Leaf Bootee pmg chur- three 593. By mail, $10 00 Cor xplonIhS. Should start to day. ' Ian: 3”“28 5-1-8100: Ste. 18.. A. quhr- “‘1" Pnncipal. He Sells Cheap W. H. BEAN ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS Common-£13 c. ._~ «ending a sketch and descri tkm may urettain our opinion tree w ether an '1 H rumba“? pznentahle. Communica- ctiyn mndezztml. HANDBOOK on Patent. _-. ()1 2.25: agency for securing patents. 3 tum tbrouxh Mann CO. receive 1: ice, without. charge. in the r]; men. 54in. Wide, bleached Yard. .. 3% 1.“) u have worked edges except 25c one. Rugs, 60x30, 3.00 each. SAVE MONEY ? ' Siva vou what you wan: 3 mm find our prices rlght Hanuver Conveyance]: want to make money and ; Durham Road. Bentipck. good wk Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap or Flours Lace Curtains enel siness w lax. Beggs 8: Sons DURHAM. ON 1‘. GEORGE WHITMORE. ROVISION STORE . H. Miller, 2yds. long. at 25c pair elg. Frame Dwellinz. Bank Farm, ought to bringW a. mod Buildings. alone wor- 9 $300 asked tor the farm rd P.U. mg .lot in Dprham. for 39.16 6.9. tor anythlug a. man can throw a stick at. ”at and sold on Commission . Debts collected. C.P.K. :eau Tickets for sale. $300 ham Cement 00., placed m ale cheap. UTE 'I‘O INFORM MY CU"b and the public in general that 3 tnfumish ASD REPAIRS. Wm.) :mftamxe Asp Pansscuxnme Nays satisfies the Cook. He offers: lg, splendid location: extra .s, cheap at 875(1), wxll take RICES )ERS taken at the old stud :‘e Mil} will be promptly m . wide, 37§c sq. yd. RANTEED at. “Live ant Hanover Conveyancer He’s Grocer) rs always give satis ’aCtion. Easter 1 ith H. H. MILLER Big Discount Otter. ‘6 (6 Calder Block. :ver Negligent ‘0 66 66 Several young men in this town- ship v: ent out one night recently to a neighbor’s sugar hush to “sugar 08." or "tafiy down," and during the process the owner of the condensed sweets appeared noiselessly as an an Parition comes. There was no time for the boys to take “leg bail” had they so desired. Did the owner have those young men hauled up and fined? No, but be punished them. all right. He simply invited them to be seated and finish the feast and not to allow his presence to disturh them. This was done and the owner joined the party. Possibly this punishment will be more effective with those young men than a fine would have been. They can at least thank the owner of the bush for letting them keep their pennies. Last year a gentleman of the town ship was made the Victim of asimilar depredation and threatened to shoot the parties if they ever did it again. Sunday last the opportunity came while the owner of the bush in ques- tion was away to church. The boys went into the bush and had a high old time on tafly. They wish us to state that none of them were shouâ€" Flesher ton Advance. Mr. Wm. Henry of ChattanOOga, Tenn., had rheumatism in his left arm. “The strenzth seemed to have zone out of the muscles so that it was useless for work,” he says. “I applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and wrapped the arm in flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength returned. In three weeks the rheumatism had disappeared and has not since returned.” If troubled with rheumatism try a few applica tions of Pain Balm. You are certain to be pleased with the relief which it afi’ords. 'For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Among the numerous trials under which the citizens of this village labor the least is certainly not that of the vandal youngsters who delight in breaking windows. This thing has been suffered in silence for some time but patience has ceased to be a virtue. When one set of vandals grow up another set seems ready to take their places. A business man of this village who has lost many dollars in the past from broken win- dow glass wishes us to warn the guilty youngsters that the first one caught will be severely dealt with. An. example will probably have to be made of someone before the annoying practice is stopped â€"Flesherton Ad- vance. I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my family in cases of whOOping cough, and want to tell you that. it. is the best medicine I have ever used.â€"W. F. GASTON. Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. For sale at Parker’s Drug Score. There was quite an exciting timel at Mrs. Godfrey’s on Sunday after-1 noon. all occasioned by an accident which hefel Leonard Schuett, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scheutt. of Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs. Scheutt and their little boy were spending the day at Mrs. God frey’s, and after dinner the little fellow went out into the yard to play. \Vhile so engaged, he saw a stone on the t0p of the cistern. and proceeded at once to inveStigate. It was a hig’stone. but round. and easily rolled off. After removing the stone he lifted the lid to make further in- vestigations. leaned too far over the edge. lost his balance and fell in. The lid fell back again into its place, and the little fellow might have re- mained in the cistern for days with- out being discovered had it not so happened that Mrs Myles happened to be looking out of the window at the time. and saw everything that happened She at once gave the alarm. and Ed. Molntee. who was not far away, hurried to the rescue. He got there just in the nick of time. tor the little fellow had swallowed so much water that it was only after much exertion that he was revived. â€"Telescope. County and District. A Woman ‘ Tells I have been a great sufferer from the dreadful disease. rheumatism, for anumber of years. I have tried many medicines but never got much relief from any of them until two years ago when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I found relief before I had used all of one bottle. but kapt on applying it and soon felt like a difierent woman. Through my advice many of my friends have tried it and can tell you how wonderfully it has worked.â€" Mas. SARAH A. COLE. 140 S New St., Dover, Del. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is a liniment. The relief from pain which it anrds is alone worth many times its cosr. It makes res: and sleep possible. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Sweet Times inzthe Bush. Cured of Rheumatism. Flesherton Vandals. WhOOping Cough. Fell Into Cistern. .n Tells How to Relieve Rheumatic Pains. .balmers of Listowel died at Fergus hospital after an for appendicitis. He had T. R. operator and was a year. Pays You to Get Strong and Nourish the Blood During Change of Swan:- In the spring time the vigor and resisting power of the body fall very low. Instead of being rich and nourishing, the blood is thin and watery. As a result the bodily forces become less setive, sleep fails to bring rest. An ever-incressing tiredness develops into over-power- ing wesknessr Doctors All Advise // Suitable Spring Tonic PeOple snfiering from this spring sickness feel heavy and drowsy; they don’t want to eat; they don’t enjoy workâ€"about half sick and half well. This is just the condition that favors pneumonia and typhoid and you must build up as quickly as possible You must increase your blood supply and make it rich and red. The only way this can be done is by using Fen-ozone which is acknowledg- ed to be the most eficieat spring medicine. The marvelous purifying and tonic properties of Ferrozone are quickly felt because the blood is at once sup plied with the elements it needs to become rich and red. It. is ironized. vitalized and rapidly brought to its normal Strength. The very best ingredients for ton ing up the system are contained in Ferrozone, and if you use it you are sure to get back your old time strength and Spirits. If you sufier from debility, in somnia. nervousness. loss of appetite, or any of the symptoms of disorder- ed blood, nothing will so rapidly tone you up as this great food tonic, Fer- rozone. Its record of successful cures, its recommendation by the rwubiic by druggists and doctors commends it to every thinking per- son You need Ferrozone to make you well. Why not get to day? Sold by all druggiscs , price 500. per box or six boxes for $2 50. The barn belonging to Philip Strauslot 27 con 7. Garrick, was completely deStroyed by fire on Mon- day morning of this week. Philip get up early that morning in order to get his chores done up in good time. as he intended putting up a fence for a neighbor that day. As he walked past one of the horses in the stable, the animal kicked at him, one of the horse’s feet hitting Philip in the stomach, and the other smash- ing the lantern. Mr. Strauss was knocked out for a short time, and when he recovered the flames had gained considerable headway. He was able. however. to get the stock and implements out of the barn. with the exception of a few hens. which perished in the conflagration. The building was fully insured in the Walkerton Insurance Co. This will bea heavy loss to Mr. Strauss.â€" Mildmay Gazette. EUREKA ! Yes. I Have Found it at Last. Found what? \Vhy that Chamber- lain’s Salve cures eczema and all manner of itching of the skin. I hav» been afflicted for many years with skin disease. I had to get up three or {our times every night and wash with cold water to allay the terrible itching. but since using this salve in December, 1903'), the itching has stopped and has not troubled me. â€"ELDER Joax '1‘. ONGLEY, Rootville. The diy when the all-home printed weekly newspaper will be the rule rather than the exception is not far distant. Publishers are beginning to rea‘ize that they do not absolutely control the policy of their papers un~ der the ready print system. and ad- vertising contracts frequently clash and always to the disadvantage of the former. In the latter conneCtion. the Zun Buk advertising was a case in point. The excellent Monoline Typesetting Machine and the superb plate service of the Central Press Agency. Toronto. will eventually work a revolution in the country newspaper business.â€"â€"Burk’s Falls Arrow. A well known Manitoba editor writes: “As an inside worker I find Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentary life. their action being gentle and eflec- tive. clearing the digestive tract and the head.” Price. 25 cents. Samples free at Parker’s Drug Store. Twenty five bags of mail for Mani- toulin Ham and four passengers ar- rived at Little Current at noon on Monday from Massey over the me with single horse sleighs. Capt. Ed. MacKay also brought a gang saw feed roller weighing over half a too. The ice had gone out from the shore, but the drivers secured a large cake of solid ice and got it close enough to shore to drive on Then they moved it out to the main ice and continued in safety. A strong line and buoy were attached to the roller to prevent its loss in case of breaking through while crossing. One or two trips more will end the crossing. Alex. McIver. mail carrier to Killaro nay, 105t his horse through the ice near Killarney on Sunday. This is the third successive season for him ito sufier in this way.-â€"Collingwood 1 Bulletin. For sale at Parken’s Drug Store Dangers of Ice Route. Gentle and Effective. Barn Burns. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A bluebird accompanied Mrs. Simon Harrison to the Methodist church at Wainfield. N. J. She did not find out she was not alone until the services were interrupted by the attention she attracted. The bird, after circling around her head settled in Mrs. Harrison’s hat. The hat was a new creation and the woman at first supposed it was the cause of the excitement. Disturbed by the gaze from all in the church, she re-' moved the millinery and found con- cealed in its ribbons and feathers a neat containing four eggs. The hat was purchased two weeks ago and was placed in an unused room at Mrs. Harrison’s home. Several pairs of bluebirds make the Harrison farm their headquarters. Through a win- dow 1eft.open one cOUple had enter- ed and built their user. in the Easter bonnet. Mrs. Harrison loves birds. She .carefully carried hat and nest back to the room, her feathered friend returning with her.â€"â€"Tiverton Watchman. , HAVE YOU BRONCHIAL CATA'RBH? It. is easily reOOgnized by the dry congh and hourseness. Not difficult. to cure with Catarrhozone as Mr. Xwier Babin of River Cupalin, Qae., proved. “No one Could sufier from Bronchitis more than I did. I had a hard hacking cough that caused me great pain. My throat was hoarse, and I had great distress in my chest. Catarrhozone reached the sore spots and gave immediate relief. Since using it I have not had a single at- tack.” Every physician who is ask- ed about Catarrhozone says it is a sure cure,â€"so will yo; if you try it. Sold everywhere, 25c. and $1.00. This promising young minister of the Presbyterian church. the second son of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd. died on Thursday last at his father’s residence in his twenty-ninth year, The funeral took place on Saturdav afternoon, and was largely attended by relatives and friends of the de ceased. The impressive services at the home was conductod by the Revs. Bell, Hardie and Cameron, and the body was borne to the grave by Revs. Grant, Nichol and McKay, classmates of the deceased, and Mr. Wright, of Knox College. Mr. McDonald, of Sutton, and Mr. Carruthers. of Tor- onto. The surviving brothers are Dr. Samuel, of Newmarket and Her- bert of Toronto.â€"Listowel Standard. Height of vigor is pastâ€"nature’s power slowing downâ€"vitality ebbing away. endurance decreasing. Stop the prOgress of decay, tone up the weakened nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring bodyâ€"prepare for the crises. Best means for rebuild- ing is found in Ferrozone; it brightens up the whole being. imparts power, Strength. vigor. Did age is pushed back twenty years. the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life established. You’ll try Ferrozone. 500. at all dealers. About two hundred Conservatives met in Ernewein’s hall. Formosa on Monday for the purpose of electing officers and seleCting a candidate to contest the Riding at the next elec tion to the Ontario Legislature. The only name mentioned was that of Dr. Clapp, who was proposed by Mr. Mitchell. of Lucknow. and second by Mr. James Coulter. of Brant. The Doctor on rising was greeted with hearty cheers. He stated that it was considerable of a personal sacrifice for him to be a candidate, but he had thought the matter over and decided to again accept the nomination. Mr. Joseph Downey, M. P. P. South We] lington, took the platform. and deliv- ered a comprehensive brilliant and powerful addressâ€"Post. There is no mistaking the superior- ity of a tea that in sixteen years has built up a market in almost every part of the North American con- tinent. that has had the most enor~ mousincreases in sales. year after year, until over 18.000.000 packages was the immense output for 1907. This continental endorsement of “Sa- lada” Tea proves conclusively their right in offering it to the public as the most delicious and healthful tea in the world. That the sea has no favorite, neith- er regard for vessels whose names might be supposed to entitle them to special consideration. is shown by the fact that during the last year the following named vessels were lost: The Archangels, Guardian Angel, Galilee, and Leo XII. The R. P. Chase was wrecked on areef in Maine called Jordan’s Delight, the Ohio was lost in Port Safety, the Dart struck on Holy Island. and tWo vessels of the name of Glad Tidings were wrecked. The following ships were burned at sea: Thorn Hill. Silver Ship, Milos Thistle. Sophia, Fortuna- tus, and Talfu Mumâ€"Marine Jour- nal. , J, HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? When you wake up with a head- ache and bad taste in the mouth. something to settle the stomach is needed. That dull. heavy feeling must be lifted, the appetite must be created. Get a tumbler of water. some sugar. and then pour in a stifi dose of Nerviline. You’ll feel tip top in afew minutes. herviline in- vigorates, braces, tones, puts vim and snap into your movements. You’ll be fitted for a hard day’s work by taking; Nervilineâ€"nothing better. Large bottle 25c. everywhere. - 57 62 THE CRITICAL AGE. It W38 3 Bird. The achool is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Metric ulamon work. The following competent. emf! an n charge : MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER. B.A. Classics, Moder s. and Englich. - MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science. :Iistory and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a health: and active town, making it a most desirable place of residence. C. L. GRANT DURHA M SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN. lst Class Certificate, Prin. Do you hear What the people do be saying? sure, and it’s nothing elsti: but about all the nice boots and shoes Mcllraith’s do be selling. Anal now Michael as the weather is warming up a hit. you go in and gel? yourself a pair; they say he has them all kinds from $2.00 to $5.00, sdi it will be easy to get a nice pair. Oh yes, and be sure to get me a nicqs. pair of Tan or Black Hose, Size 9. Now remember where to go, go tti that McIlraith’s, the Down Town Shoe Store. 1 A Constant State of War. At the Model Bakerv You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods â€"Plain and home-made Bread, â€"â€"Buns, â€"Biscuits, â€"Cakes of all kinds.’ â€"Cream Puffs, â€"â€"Puffs. Don t womy when you see the minister coming fo1 tea, just ring us up, and we will supply your wants on 31101 test notice. Geo. H. STINSON Matthews 6 I FOR 1 Â¥ , I . I Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed M L I l '9 l 2 t STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. IN FLOUR JEWEL FLOUR : combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring wheat. Jewel Flour is a bledded flour. It is. a sweet, Wholesome flour that makes that delicious, Hello Michael! Fees, $1.00 per month. Chairman McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses Tosuccaduflycombatflaegermsofdiscasemdichmi which the atmosphere is full. you need metbing more than ordinaryfood. Adaily cupof"BOVRIL"willgivethe exuastrengthandvitalitytoenableyoutomocedunyrefid any attack. OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOCK CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING AS USUAL " BOVRIL” in the house. Terms Cash. AND IS THAT YOU? C RAMAGE Secretary McILRAITH . . ; V yfléflf/W/K’ J/aflda/d/ Cam”- I5 KING ST EAST Manulactured by ‘0‘0\0‘l Eggs same as Cash. BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPE\VR1T1NG COMMERCIAL LA‘V . COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS ‘VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its gradu' Each student is taught; separatel“ his own desk. Trial lessons for week free. Visitors welcome. wDAY and EVENING classesi Business Collegi Aytlon Milling Co.’s Encore Pure. Manitoba. Royal Household. flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel Brand the next time you want flour. LEADS H‘X Mount Forest Jewel Flour Milvérton, Ont. .ass;

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