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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 1

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delay in the sagas" land will take at" 3 fit to work. ed to notice that our . Neil McCannel. In; iving the unanimous iberal Convention on April. We hone he ssful at the election 8 Convention. vill be eliSpensedin Presbyterian church. Sunday. y of last, wpek Chas. of Mrs. McDonald, izh a painful accident right. arm badly torn rking in Harrison’s Orchard’s mills, Egre- 3 taken to Priceville ter the accident and ml the wound. putting es in it. The young on as well as can be will take some time uel ad 0 times each . Id out good hm d? You know, '0: is good health; had health. A“ precisely What to Id blOOd-â€"Ay¢r’s ila. Doctor-31).,e for 60 years. g the summer. Lindsav is preparinx of an out-building 1 be 60x36 in size. .f the nday. 18 ie’s Corners. ' w v_"‘ :n absorbed in “'3‘ on with Ayersm “3i. - 0- A”? 90-. Low b “Mum. a: \f ofnn 0331.051“ end’s Lake \Iiss Binnie. resumed this M9nday morning en days of well Garnet} home- at Glenelg Com a McGirr, teacher elancbton. spent ys an the home 0i and Mrs. Thos. McG 31 Patterson in“ idition to his 3'91 and Mrs. Sam BaineS. twins. boy and girl. lderson has Mrs.M0' on shares this season- tinz in a. big crop. . Spent, a week late” arm here, They h". 11‘. Robinson. of W ands putting a. lot 0‘ avid McKecbnie, of ing at their uncles’, cl this place. but D9 arm ousin, MISS o mistake must have let s eXpand to II n be was pro- came on M0» for the purpose v Grits left in 1d the Liberal .d on the 219‘ ike an electric ridentaily hap' m on Tuesday large assembly 1 in the town of choosinz ‘ mde an attempt would [302319 corner for the {own‘ concerns. <5 made by 10'6“l good. be they rral. for it. only irring up tthO subject. to c3050 Mion. not pun!» air cause. The icevifle a. few 1 service in the .Priceville on the suckers eathnr. rapidly. hence 1' cause. charioss 'Sable nal a other Mr Editor, Stick to it fellow Russell BAN vm. 42â€"ND. 2147. Hear J. M. Kearns Pres. M 'I. .1524 in footwear at David “3 sale Saturday next. See “ felt, and straw for men, boys 1t Grant’s. 1t an Y. May 13m, all deffects x-x-Htted with proper glasses :a House. )I’t [(+2 wanted to learn dress- Apply to Miss Torry, at n unbroken sleep, lasting days. a, Los Angeles woman .vzlkvned. She is able to full control of all her mugh still weak. Phillips has added to his u-w delivery cart, built on yie .1511 model!) city and dvlivei-y. It is a smart- Lir and quite handy for the ll} :1~111p very best, type Oti 111:;21Eluud and citizenship- t it‘ll 1.» hi: business on the! x :1; ;: intrlligence and indnSoi inward success. He was a: 12h :' :md z-Ln excellent llt‘lgh‘i ~ vixzmu-Ier and his position8 . that few were held in higher ‘ laida‘lr‘ mme lusting friends.‘ 1' titlit’l’. and humble natme, i In his way hecauseuf his pul‘el 'st hum. None were more' at {hm-0h, 01-511pp01°t-*d 0101’? ‘ my good cause, and when be my he belonged to the session drvw's church of town. and mm in addition the Chair- Of the Managing Board. Four :0 he was married to. Miss \‘ingham, who survives him ' little children. By a former rone little girl about ten years remains. Thae, W U wial election is now on 5 increasing from day to leaders are touring the . iSa u es affecting Ontario being discussed on all cws (Toronto) is reporting e events and speeches of 1. For twenty-five cents ll be sent to you daily to f the Baptist church are :1 on Thursday. the 14th K at um and cake Will be \V 1t ut the Lord’s s Supper: I DR. BURT, who has recently Ieturn- ”“1 at Var'ne), Ebe-l ed from visiting the New York P;uk1)fl Sundav next :Hospitals, will be at the Middaugh 1:.1111iL5011,0f Durham house, Dulhatn, f01 consultation in ___ diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and mroken sleep, lastinggThroat, “'ednesday, May 13, from 11 . :1. Los Angeles woman? to 4. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. y night mail didn’t ar- twelve o'clock, the re- nt )Iom-efield between ssenger and a freight. to work and the pas- nguhle to stop at the ~d into the rear of a mg on the siding, but lung to clear. Three wre ditched and the m- tm-n from its trucks. \wre injured. the fire- u-tm- the former rather mpaigu without car- »k without pictures. ie of the situation is the man with the 'tomiist of The News 5 the events of the in} campaign in a From day to day. His :heir stories instantly By taking advan‘ 11 campaign offer you hes. of Normanby, mover Post. Mr. in of the Hughes .v. “Many were n Monday of the ‘Ilth of John H. by. It wasknown u well foramontb, me of life and cor- [ll u ralysis. and unilx‘ with 11 unt of the death O( lilV to June 13th ()pt‘s were enter- rm'y. But on : turned suddenly d not rally, but uue unconscious ' away Monday ’01:. The cause ,lvsis. and came SO! POW. her; A xsw floor for $1.40. Ahalf gallon loan of Campbell’s Floor Varnish will ‘make your old floor look as good as new. This finish comes in Transparent also with stain combined producing beautiful imitations of nntmal woods. Alex. Russell sells it. his on and nut very M r. be 0f 3 GET voux footwear at your own iprice at the Auction Sale at David :Entrickens on Saturday next, after- 3 noon and evening. See ad. NEW Neglige shirts for men and boys, also collars in the popular styles, at, Grant’s. JUST RECEIVEDâ€"A carload of Mc- Laughlan’s famous buggies. Buy the best at Murdock’s. WHERE the good suits come from. \Vhere is that ? “'hy, from Harry Burnett’s tailor shop. Mr. Morren, tailor and cutter. THE road scraper was out on Monday last and our front streets present a much more respectable appearance than formerly. Someone is mean enough to insmuate that the three worst mud-holes were in front of Alex )IcLachlin’s, Pascoe Saunders’ and the CHROXICLE office, and that the “Arm- ory Clay” found in front of these hives of industry nearly stalled the machine. AX Irish M. P. was denouncing the measure taken by an Opponent in a proposal that was before the House of Lords. Argument waxed keen. and the Irishman, in his earnestness and anxiety to carry his point, convulsed the House with this hopelesslylmixed metaphor. “My lord,” he said, ad- dressing the chair: "I smell a. rat. I see it floating in the air: but, Mr. Speaker. I'll nip it in the bud.” MESSRS. Lenahan and McIntosh have started the addition to their store on Garafraxa street, which will add another forty feet to their already spacious place of business. On the lot south of the CHROXICLE oflice will also be erected a modern residence of at least two storeys by the same firm. Excavating and preparation for the foundation and brickwork has already begun. and the work is to be put through as quickly as possible. GET your calling cards at this office. THE Mail and Empire. Toronto, with its usual characteristic energy and progressive enterprise, is prepared to meet the extraordinary demand for political information that the Election l Campaign for a new Ontario Legisla- ture will develop between now and J ung 8th, and will send the daily edi- tion direct by mail to any address in Canada. the United States and Great Britian from now until June 13th. 1908, for 2.5 cents, or five such subscrip tions for $1.00. This is an offer which will enable anyone to keep in touch with every phase and feature of the contest during its progress to the end, so all desirous of so doing are requested to leave their order with this otfice of this paper, and they will receive The Mail and Empire during the above n-4,“: (“rot-t bv mail to their own Britian from now uum a: 1908. £01.25 cents, or five such tions for $1.00. This is an of will enable. anyone to keep with every phase and featu' contest during its progress t1 so all desirous of so doing are to leave their order with this this paper, and they will re Mail and Empire during t period direct by mail to I post office. ON Saturday evening last. Mr. Nor-l man \Valpole. Liveryman. had quite a ' when returning . from Owen Sound. He was driving his splendid team of blacks. and, as there was a brisk southerly Wind. was making use of his umbrella. in keeping off the cold rain that was then falling. This latter article, in a measure, pre- vented his seeing altogether what was taking place, and when a pole bolt! came out he did not notice the occur- ‘ rence until the douhletrees dropped on i the he rses’ heels. The sudden jerk by i th a team broke the other boltand they 0 run, hauling Mr. \Valpole la over the dashboard i into the mud. The lines slipped from Ehis grasp and the team ran off. but were afterWards captured a couple (f miles from the scene of the accident. Norman is none the worse for his ex- perience, but the team was slightly injured, though beyond a couple of ‘ minutes’ excitement and the inconven- ;ience in getting home, no serious damage was done. ' ' started t l and the umbrel FOR SALEâ€"A two-year-old colt and a. yearling steer, well bred. J. H. Brown.'â€"572. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye-sight Special- ist. will be at the Hahn House \Vednesdéy, May 13th. Hours 9 3.11). to 7 p.m. Appointments can be made at Gun’s Drug Store. MR. W. J. R. SWITZER. piano tuner for Ye Olde firm of Heintzman (.30., will be here about the third week in May. Orders may be left. at Murdock’s Implement \Vare-rooms.â€"2. MR. MORREX, Harry Burnett’s new tailor and cutter, has a “John J. Mitchell” diploma from the New York Cutters“ Association. This is a. guar- antee of excellence in the tailoring line which you should not overlook when ordering your next suit. A LETTER received from Port Arthur Hospital to Mrs. Redford announces her brother, \Villiam Lynn, who is in attendance there, to be in a very criti- cal condition. It was first thought his trouble was appendicitis. but investigation reveals some other form of ailment. Ox Tuesday evening, May 12th, Mr. J. M. Kearns, President of the Cana- dian Lacrosse Association, will deliver a lecture entitled “Around the \Vorld with a. Lacrosse Stick” in the Metho- dist church, under the auspices of the Epworth League. A good program is also being provided. Admission 10c and 15c. HONEST competition we admire. \Vhat does a gentleman admire most â€"a good fitting garment. \Vhere can you go to find out if you don‘t know? Go to the man who has a thoroughly practical experience. Where is that? â€"\Vhy! Mr. Glass! He has cut in the leading cities in the Dominion and can make anything you want in the art of tailoring, whether for ladies or gentlemen. You will be treated right by J. A. Glass, Tailor and Draper. IT is rumored around town that Durham is to have another bank. The Toronto \Vorld of Saturday says :â€" “A depu tation from Durham yesterday waited on the Traders’ Bank directors for the purpose of having that bank establish a branch in Durham to take the place of the defunct Sovereign Bank. The deputation also put in a strong plea to have J . C. T elford, late manager of the Sovereign Bank in Durham, appointed manager of the new branch. \Vhile no definite ans- wer was obtained, it is likely Mr. Telford will be appointed.” Miss McDonald, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. \V. Campbell. )Irs. T. Cook of Markdale is visiting friends in town. Mr. Thos. Livingston, of Barrie, is in town. 311-. D. McLean. of Strathroy, is spending a. few days in town. 311-. )IcGiffln, of Toronto, attended the dance here on Tuesday night. Mr. J. C. Telford. of Owen Sound. was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Keith Newton, Toronto. is visit- ing his parents. Rev. and Mrs. New- Mr. J. Tait. Toronto, attended the funeral of his mother-in-law. Mrs. D. McDonald on Thursday. Mr. anl Ireland. of Tomnto, is vis- iting his parents ‘11. and Mrs. James II “.8180d Mr. Robt. Smith took his engine and portable saw-mill out to Lot No. 2, Con. 1, Euphrasia, where he will spend the summer cutting lumber. Joseph Brown skating rink pro- prietor. of Durham, was in town Sat- urday. consulting architect Hunter Birmingham st., on a. new rink he is Miss Emma Harvey.’ of Toronto, is visiting her parents and other friends in town. erecting." Represen tatit 9. Miss Lawrence and her cousin, Mr. Chas. Lawrence, passed through here on Saturday on their way to their schools at Damascus and Reddickville. respectively, after spending the vaca- tion at their homes near Durham.â€" Confederate. \VIGGIXSâ€"On Saturday, May 20d, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. \Viggins, a. son. YIIRSâ€"On Monday, May 4th. to Mr. and Mrs. George Yiirs, a son. MCILVRIDEâ€"In Normanby. on.Thurs- day, April 30, Mrs. Donald McIlvride, aged 74 years. .A., in Methodist Church, Tuesday Evening May 12. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1908. PERSONAL BORN. DIED. The Annual Vestry Meeting of Trin-i ity Church. Durham. showed progress; in every department of the church’s work. The financial part of the work 3 was most gratifying, showing a large 3 increase in each account. The general §account, in the general subscriptions E were one hundred and seventy-five dol- lars in ad vance of last year, and much more than that even over the year éending at Easter ’06. The W. A. M. i A. has had a remarkable year and i from present indications the year end- ; ing in December ’08 will greatly ex- ceed the past year. Much more has ' been given to objects outside of the % parish than ever in the history of the a church. the amount being something I over 352‘5. The Mite Society too in its quiet way is doing good work, the funds of which are used for any work wround the church that the members i. deem necessary. This year the Society f put cocoa matting all through the church, which cost $26.00. The Vestry Meeting 0t St. Paul’s Church, Egreuiont was very satis- factory to the members, considering the large amount of money that was “met in the building of the new church. The church is paid for and there is a balance in the Treasury. The ladies with the autograph quilt surpassed the highest expectations that the most liberal minded person could have. The proceeds of which will amount close to the $200 mark. MRS. ANDRFAV MCI LVRIDE. After an illness lasting only a little over a week, Mrs. Andrew McIlvride passed peacefully away at the home of her son, Mr. Donald McIlvride, on the 01d homestead in Normanby. The deceased lady was one of Nor- manhy’s oldest and best known set- tlers, and the news of her death was received with many expressions of regret by her friends in this vicinity. Known far and near for her many acts of kindness and her cheerful disposi- tion, she had endeared herself to old and young alike, and when the news was passed that she was no more, a cloud of sorrow hung over more than one home who knew her as an ac- quaintance only. Born in Paisley Block, Ontario, nearly seventy-five years ago, she lived her girlhood. days at the home of her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, and at ‘ the age of twenty-two was joined in marriage to Mr. Andrew McIlvride, who predeceased her some seven years ago. In the year 1855, shortly after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. McIlvride came up to these parts and settled in Normanhy township, which was then practically unsettled. By virtue of their economy and a strict attention to business, they accumulated a fair share of this world’s goods, and though their younger years were passed in the midst of great priva tion and hardships their declining years were happily spent in the knowledge that their early thrift had left them with a competence sufficient to supply their ever-y need. To the union, twelve children were born, one of whom died at the age of eight, and the other in h1s teens. Of the remaining ten, six sons as follows: J ames, of Egremont; \Villiam and Andrew, Alberta; Alexander. of Vic-s toria. B. 0.; Peter. of Rapid City, Man., and Donald, on the homestead, and four daughters, Flora (Mrs. Ross), lOt Kinloss: Margaret (Mrs. Charles lGray), of \Vapella, Sask.; Grace (Mrs. \ohle), of Guelph; and Jessie, (Mrs. Lane), of Brandon, Manitoba, survive. Mrs. McIlvride was in her usual health up till two weeks ago last Sat- urday, when she came to town. On her return home she was taken ill, and. had to take to her bed, gradually sink- , ing, till death relieved her on Thursday l last. mM___ _____,___._.._....______. ___â€"__.__ - . To the surviving friends and rela- tives the CHRONICLE extends the sympathy of the community. The switch from the main line of the C. P. B. into the cement works is now completed and it is expected de- livery of the finished products will soon be made over that line. Mr. Oborn. Superintendant of the Middle Division is expected to be in town this week to make arrangements for hauling the output. This week may see the utilizing of This week may see the utilizing of the marl from the recently acquired lake at Hanover, as the switch is com-'; pleted, and, so far as the cementt company is concerned, everything is! in readiness, for its use. ' MARKED PROGRESS. CEMENT NEWS. OBITUARY. E New Spring Dress i Goods ? i J. J. HUNTER i Our White Waists are the daintest models we have ever shown. We have a large assortment of styles and prices to select from. They are made from fine Parisian Lawns and India Linens. Some are trimmed with fine Shadow and Eyelet Em- broidery with Collars and Cuffs to match. Others are made with clusters of Tucks in front and back which makes a very pretty effect. You may have put off getting your Hat until now. Our show-rooms are stocked with beautiful Millinery in all the latest styles that will be worn this'su‘mmer. We cordially invite youito inspect our Millinery whether you buy or not. We have a 11 ide range in Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery. in Fine Cashmere Lisle Thread and Cot- ton, plain and open work Stfles, colors Black, W hite and Tan which are perfectly fast- colors. See the special line of Ribbed Hosewe are selling at 250 a pair. The New Spring Balance of Winter Stock to go at reduced prices. Practically all our New Spring Dress Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-to-date. Ladies’ White Waists Waists Clearing of all Winter Goods. Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing. THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Have you seen Our range of Cash and one price Hosiery Japanese Silk Waists Black and Brown at lowest prices. $1.00 PER YEAR. ii! I"

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