West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 2

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a O 1;: nproved Farms in West. g‘MARTIEs WISHING TO TAKE 1 . ._-...‘- 1371;1'0perty for Sale. 1?}? NUMBER OF IMPROVED VAL 'I‘ “-v â€" â€"-â€"V ad vantage of present business chances {'31:}: West or chances on improved farms H '. st district. mightdo well to write me. {LE information gladly given. Harry : ‘7 red. Summer-berry. Sask. [4303p ! Mi DVGELLING AND SHOP. ON MillStreet Durham llOft frontage. . -..IV to \\ nlliam Laidlaw If ngble farms in New Ontario. near 51' Lxskeard for saleâ€"large discount for b. Map ofthe locality and terms given P‘ implication to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for .dor. 7-1806 â€"-ti 351‘s 13 AND 14. CON. _3. N.D.R ;.3E 2ND AND 3RD DIVISION OF ,_ Lot No. I. E G R.. in the Township Benelg. 1m acres known as the “McKin , Farm” at the Rocky Saugeec. 1m. , his possession given. For particulars to J. P. Telford. 3 ll-Mâ€"tf .4 100 ACRE FARM WITHIN TWO {EL miles of Durham. On the farm there #1 good brick house. almost new also two Lad barns with stone foundations. The r’kyerty is well fenced and well watered. t.ul accept $3070 on terms to suit purchas- $ Apply to W. F. Dunn, Agent. for Ven- . [April 29â€"tf. i’ham. oeuion West of the Garafraxa Road, ‘the Township of Normanby. in the mty of Grev. For particulars apply to P. Telford, Barrister. Durham. .p‘ â€" ' about 8i; miles from Durham. ‘3. Possessxou at once. Gnod laud. mold. For particulars apply to Word. Durham. [D 22116 1% â€"-tf lelcal.GI [IUII' v 'I v.-- I'" 7" as under cult'ivat‘iéi gmd well and ing water. Apply nu farm to Mrs. rxander McCormack, Rocky Sangeen. i 6WD. gone trame dwelling. Gnod bank barn » good frame barn 'Will be sold in block livided to sujt pprcbaser. Terms made mm on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- uistrator. Hampden, P, O. . l3. tf N """ ' """ ' . " Queen .and Countess Streetsâ€"gum! tion. DHCPS reaeonable Apply to as. Smith or at the Post Office. 20â€"tf R6 STOREY DOUBLE FRQME ”I DRUUIU' DUIWU an 0-5.; .‘I"_ E1:. in the count of Grey, contavihggd more or less. For term} and oarticr: Bpplv to J. P. Telford, V endor’s Solicn- urham . 0 Acfiis ON 2m; CONCESSION ‘ B‘bntinck. Lot ‘27. W.G R.. 5 acres wheat. shout: [5 agres fall ‘plo‘iv.i‘ng. 7i) Elenelz, )5 acres bush. frame barn, watered, must be sold. A. H. .1393ng ; house. situated on the west sid ‘ Gara- Exa Street. in upper town. large lot with tble. first Class well also ciqtern. Apply premises. Angus Cameron, [312t. { storey dwelling. alongside Presby- ian Manse property in Upper Town, Fbam, Corner of Durham and Elgin ts. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, gut floored cellar. etc. Good airy loca- in good locality. Good frame enable. and soft water. one acre of land. Snap nick purchaser. For further particu- apply to John W. McKechnie. Owner, .kv Sangeen P. 0. 3. lW.â€"tf f2. 1315‘ Yo ll material such as timber. brxck, st'me. .in cases where the buildings cannot be ed are also ofl'ered tor sale. ted June 4th 190'. Apply to NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON Farms for Sale. for sale a number of houses and out. ddings along the line of right. of way uf . Walkerton and Lucknow Railway. in town of Durham. .‘bese buildings must be removed at an 'ly date. in order to clear the line of right cott‘ will rent on? on: more \ears, mg most of rent m Improvements mm: 5011, wajer, orcha'r‘q a‘ngi txmber ,hur BEâ€"éadwdlâ€"er street fin, _ the Town qt .Dur. 10v. 5 ti gABS ; dar posts. eight feet lqng Eight pigs ombs old. and a. quantity: of flax seed. ply to Jamefi McMeeken, V away. -_‘A - wood 16 inche‘ long Large double I delivered $3. 50 per load. The Durham nimre Co. [4'2t Y 2.00 ACRE FARM AT GLAS- 10 acres of .land Opposite Mr. Thos. kins, convement to Durham, COttage 'ns 6 rooms. good vyoodshed. good sm- hen house, neter falling we‘ll, - E‘xceu- i COM PORTABLE corms E AN D X OR SEVEN HUNDRED CE THE GARAFRA_XA_ ROAP-Z E UN DERSIGNED OFF HRS I ders wil! he receives! by be under- nd up to and includmg .\ ay 8th. for several trades required In the building ' addition to the South Grey Registry at Durham. may be seen at Forester and Clark Ofiice, Owen Sauna. and also at 'l‘alfonl’s P.M. 05130. at. Durham. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO App! to G. A. Watson. lot6, con “R G enelg'. . the Rocky, immediate posspssion giv- For lurther Sarticulara apply to . P. TELFORD. hohses. Apply to J. M. Latimer. Téiiders Want-ed. 21â€"IN THE SECOND QON; bl) FARM HORSE FOR SALE. KINNON 100 AC FOLE‘AND SEEABATE TEN- { LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH 1906â€"tf. G 00D COMFORTABLE L'm‘ ”V ‘ V- -â€"---â€" __ _ _ . for gardemng. 3pfil§to Ahrdh Sale or t0 Let. For Sale. To Rent. Apply to J. Ritchie. Port PRINCI PALLY HARD J. P TELFORD Durham. “Tender, for addition to CRE FARM AT Durham, Must 430:3p [423tf [42t T1 1. nos Cooper anop no u pit-Pan‘s“: w do 31] kinds of new work and repurmz on shortest notice. Sh-np on Garsfrsxs Street south of D Kinnee’s old Pump Works, All work guaranteed first _class. E UNDERSIGNED IS PREPAR~ e_d to 609qu Sgwing‘. igtg lumbqr. I“- V-‘ â€"â€"â€"v_' . ed todo Custom Sawing. into lumber. shmgles and lath; also planing. gram choppmgptc. Hemlock and cedar 19?. em! lath tunher wanted for which the hat - eat cash price will be paid .at the mill. Zenae Clerk. Varney. John Mofl’at was killed in an Acton factory last week. He bau gone up to the fourth floor to bring down a quantity of leather in the elevator. when by the light of his lantern, he had loaded his truck and wheeled it over to the side of the elevator shaft, it was supposed he was unaware of the removal of the hoist to the ground floor by a fellow-workman. He appears to have Stepped out into the elevator shaft, thinking he was entering the hoist. He fell about fifty feet, taking with him five or six sides of leather, which he probab ly clutched from the truck as he fell. His skull was crushed. and death was instantaneous.- 'Jundalk Herald. He is a highly respected citizen. and when he was seen carrying a bottle down Poulett street carefully wrapped. he was accosted by a few friends who requested a nip. “I’ll tell you boys, if you come to the wood yard on Water street. I’ll let you have some of the very best that’s made." They went, and when the bottle was carefully unwrapped and the rich brown color of its contents noted, the cork was pulled and they had an opportunity to partakeâ€"of boiled oil And now he could lug a case of joe Seg. through the main thoroughfare in broad day light and not be asked for a drinkâ€"by the Other fellows â€"0. S. Times. Good Words for Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. PeOple everywhere take pleasure in teatifyinp: to the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Mrs Edward Phillips of Barclay. Md.. writes: “I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. My little girl Catherine. who is two years old, has been making this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself. but I took Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever.” This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. J.J Knitting, of Feversham. was in town on Saturday and showed The Advance a new saw that he had recently patented. The saw will operate either as a cross cut or rip saw with equal facility and with greatér speed than the old Style. The new idea is all in the formation of the teeth. Mr. Kaitting had juSt re. turned from a trip tc Galt. where he made arrangements for the manufac- ture of his saw by the big saw manufacturing firm of Shirley Dietrich. We how the new idea will prove a money-maker for Mr. Kait- ting.â€"Flesherton Advance, NeW Cooper Shop. a...â€" County and District. Mr. Henry Pike. market gardner, Jumped From Train. while driving a loaded wagon along Poulett street on Wednesday fore l A constable from the village of noon, was thrown out and for a time Cascleman was conveying a patient it was thought that he had susrained to the Brockville asylum last week serious injuries A fractious colt it on the fast train. and when between is believed caused the accident by'Aultsville and Morrisburg the con- giving a sudden bound, Mr. Pike stable left the patient to procure a falling over the side of the wagon drink of water. when the latter sud- and alighting on his head and shoul- denly jumped out of the WindOW. der. Dr. Danard fortunately happen-.which was Open. The train W89 ed along at the time and the injured running about 4:3 miles an hour, and man was taken into -the residence of it is a miraculous thing that he was Mrs. Bowerman, corner of Poulett not killed outright, but on the train and Albert streets. where he soon being backed up to the man it was recovered sufiiciently to proceed to discovered that he was not injured his home south of Greenwood ceme- I other than having his knuckles skin} terj. His injuries though not conâ€" ned. He made no attempt to get sidered serious were verv painful. aWay, but in fact walked up to the The horses, after he fell out, started ; train and apoIOgized for his act say- to run. but got headed across theling that he did not know what caused street, and brought up against thel him to do it as he had no intentions fence on the east side. which theyiof making an escape.â€"â€"KemPWiue broke considerablyâ€"0.8 Advertiser. iAdvance. The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. SavilgsBankDepaflnettinCmectionwithallW ‘V-Ic nu Custom Sawing- mum THE STANDARD BANK sweats ALSO AT WON AND PRICEVILLE Thrown From Wagon. Not on the Hip. Invents Saw. U. G. SCHEUERMANN. DURHAM BRANCH ESTABLISH ED 1873 Pew People in Dyham Really Know tablets restore the digestion to a healthy condition, so that they can eat what they want at any time with- out fear of distress or sufiering. Slow eating and regular meals is of great benefit to a wrong acting stom- aoh Those who eufier with indiges- tion and weak stomach can with care and the use of Mi-o-na stomach After a few day's use of Mi-onna stomach tablets. the headaches. dizzy feeling. drowsiness. bad taste 1n the month, coated tongue. flatulence. sleeplessnese, distress after eatingâ€" all these symptoms of 4a weak stem sch will disdppev, and perfect. di‘ geation and good Lsalth will be xe- stored MacFarlane Co. have so much confidence in the power of Mi-o na to cure indigescion that they guarantee satisfaction or money back. Price 50 cents. Blind and Despondent, Ho Suicldes. William Nelles. a well to do farmer' residing between Riversdale and Kinloss about a mile east of the lat ter place. shot himself on Sunday night or Monday morning. Mr. Nelles had lived on the place for thirty years and was well liked bv all his neighbors. He had been grad- ually getting blind the last few years and lately h s only been able to dis tinguish whethera lamp was burn- ing or not. His wife died about a year ago and last fall he sold his farm consisting of 15‘) acres to Mr. Joseph Caskanette He continued to live in one part of the house with his father Edward Nelles a bright old man 88 years of age. but has all winter been lamenting about having parted with his'farm. and recently be induced the Caskanette’s to sell it back to him. He then arranged with his son-in-law, Peter McDonald, of Goderich. to come and take the place. That gentleman and his fam ily came over on Saturday. Sunday evening Mr Caskanette. the deceas- ed and his father chatted away as ,usual and William seemed in good ’ Spirits. The next morning about six o’clock the unfortunate man was found dead in the wood shed. He ihad gotten up during the nightt dressed himself. taken his rifle with1 him and when he arrived in the shed took 03 his shoes, put the barrel of the rifle in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his toes. The bullet went through the t0p of his head and his death was instantaneous Coroner Porter, Wall-terton was sent for and viewed the remains on Mon day afternoon. He decided an in- quest was unnecessary and the re mains were interred today in Luck- now. A letter left by the deceased stated he was worried about the farm and being blind and requested his only daughter, Mrs McDonald to be good to her grandfather and children. Mr. Nelles’ letter was written by following awooden rule which plan he had used In writing since becom- ing blind. The news of his death was a great shock to the whole . neighborhood -â€"Telesc0pe. Your color is bad, tongue is furred eyes are dull. appetite is poor. your stomach needs tone. your liver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. In just one night you’ll notice ; difierence. for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills search out every trace-cf trouble. You’ll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better, You will gain in strength. have a clear complexion, PXperience the joy of robust health. To tone. purify, and enliVen 1h svstem there Is noching like Dr. Hamilton’ 3 Pills,0 ...5 cts. at all deal ers. DO YOU EAT RIGHT ? Just the Medicine You Need. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Hazen Jackson. of Cargill. appeared before Judge Barrett here on Friday charged with threatening to murder his sister in-law, Mrs. Ethel Jackson, wife of Godred Jackson. and to do actual bodily harm to his father, Thos. Jackson. and the whole Jackson family. Hazen pleaded guilty to the charge. but as the threat was uttered verbally it did not constitute a crim- inal ofience and hence all the juris- diction the court had over Jackson was to bind him over to keep the} peace. Had the threat. however. been made in. writing it would have been a much more serious aflair and under the statutes would have been regarded as a punishable crime. The fact also that Jackson was under the influence of liquor when the threat was made and when sober repented of his words. was a feature that made the court lenient towards him. A long petition signed by eighty of the principal citizens of Cargill praying ‘ for clemency for Hazen on the ground that the other members of the family were not angels was presented to the Judge. After reviewing the evi- dence and taking into consideration the circumstances of the case. the Judge acquitted the prison er.â€"Bruce Times. Charlie McRae is in the “pen”: charged with housebreaking. Last fall the residence of Mr. Wm. Lak- ing in the north end was broken into by three men and some oarticles stolcn. The men were seen coming out of the house by Mr. John Thomp- son. an ex-member of the Owen Sound police force, who pursued them down the railway track and captured two of them. - The third. said to be McRae came to the police office and enquired for the residence of one of the local ministers. P C. Foster did not let McRae see that he was recognized. but kept a watchful eye on him. and arrested him'later in the afternoon. Fridav morning a charge of vagranoy was also laid. on which he was remanded until 30th inst. We may as well prepare ourselves with as much fortitude as we can muster for a deluge of denunciatory criticism as to the treatment of Eng lishmen in Canada. We have on various occasions dealt at some length with this question. and can only reiterate that we believe the chief difliculty With the average Englishman arriving in Canada is that he is too prone to suppose he has been entrusted with the mission of educating Canadians how to do things as they do “at home.” Cana- dians have methods of their own for the conduct of their aEairs, and when they give any man work they expect him to fall in line with those methods without demur. If an Englishman will only keep this in mind he will find that no warmer welcome awaits him in any part of the earth than in Canadaâ€"Victoria Colonist. A Flesherton citizen informs The Advance that while in Markdale on fr'day last he witnessed a foot race of an exceedingly amusing nature. A lady inmate of the House of Refuge took it into her head that “Liberty or death” should be her motto in future, and accordingly bolted up and through the green fields that to her were so enticing. Manager Harkness was not in the pink of con- dition for running that morning but neCessity knows no law, and he had to get after that woman. which he proceeded to do at his usual pace of about a mile in fifteen. Going up main street he put on a spurt owing to the encouragement vouchsafed by hundreds of Spectators. and gained slightly on the lady, but as they dis- appeared over the grade towards the Station the woman appeared to be gaining once more on the perspiring manager. We have not learned the result of the race, but it looked like a draw to our reporter. Laterâ€"The runaway was captured. but n0t bv the manager. To Mr. Baines belong- ed that honor. The manager is said to have been considerably incapaciat- ed, physically, by his extraordinary exertion.â€"Flesherton Advance. Christ church edifice has recently undergone improvements which have made it a very inviting place of Nor ship. The interior has been richly and beautifully decorated. the chancel being done in Gothic design New oak seats have been put in and also a hondsome new brass pulpit. A new pipe organ, coming $1,300, has also been installed. A new roof has been put on and the entire out- side woodwork repainted. The total expenditure is about 32.800, all of which has been provided for. The rector Rev. J. A. Robinson, and congregation are to be congratulated upon the improvements and prosper- ity apparent. Sauceen Lodge I. O. F. com. memorated the 88th anniversarv of the order by attending divine service at. Christ’ Church on Sunday. There was alarge turnout and the proces. sion was was led by the Citizens’ Band, The rector preached an im. pressing sermon based on Acts vi, 3. The license commissioners for Centre Grey met Lere and renewed licenses {or the ensuing year as fol- lows: Markdale House. Markdale; Revere House, Markdale; Murphy House, Mnrkdale; A. Pribe, Desboro; J. Connors, A. McDongall, Chats- worth,-â€"Free Press. The Newly-arrived Englishman. Kazan Jackson Acquitted . Charley’s Doing Time. An Exciting Chase. MARKD ALE. 0gesmwsvgmwsuo 3 Seasonable Goods 3% now in Stock... Prints Ginghams Chambrays Dimities Organdies Mulls Muslins Persian and Under Linen Delainettes Dress Linen Victoria Lawns . New dress goods Wnite underskirts lack satin Ladies’ coatings Raincoat-s for ladies and 1 Gentlemen all ne11 and 9101111430- date ({oods. 5 WWWWWWW WWW WWWWWWWWW 33C. L. Grabti’: .W’flfi WWVWWS’ :5 ’4\‘ WWW" V‘WC A'blend of 3; Manitoba and§ Ontario wheat and is a strictly first class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cannot be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Is made from selected Winter wheaa and IS a supemor article for making pastry, etc. People’s Mills Constantâ€"1y on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop, Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Redupgign on_ Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All up-to-date flour and feed ano gr‘ocels keep out flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it: come to the mill and We Will use you (iglit. -‘V- Call us up by teléphbvnweixo. S. I All' kinds of Grain bought at Market Price. HOMESEEKERS’ v GOING DATES April 14, 28 June 9. 23 Aug. 4.18 May 12,28 July 7.21 8ept.1.16, 29 .l'--.â€" ' _ VERY Low RATES ,rrom an points Ranging { W mmpeg and return $32.00 between Edmonton and return $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-“'33: points. 'i‘oums'r SLEEPERS Tourist Sleeping Carp will be. run on each excursion. fully eqmpped thh bedding. etc. Bertha should be secured and pad for through local. agent at least six days 'Ieluru V50“; onv-n a“- v v- . Rates and full information contamed in free Homeseekers’ pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a c0py, or write to C. B. POSTER. District has. “L. C.P.l.. Toronto for your share Anything that makes the annual torment of spring house-cleaning any easier should be encouraged. Come early Anything that makes home more comfortable, more attractive, more artistic, should be patronized. Our goods do all this. Scrubbing, stove shoe brushes with dauber and handle, soap chips, ammonia, national polish laundry soaps, borax and pearl- ine. Try Naptha snap, to be used with cold or tepid water. Replenish your linen by purchas- ing our sheetings, plain and twilled bleached and unbleached. . Pillow cottons @ 200 per yard Table linen @ 25c to 500 per yd. Fedora and stifi hats at right prices Boots and shoes tor men, women and. children. See our new prints and muslin ginghams at 10c per yd. and dotted muslin, for window trimming. John McGowan C. McArtlmr PASTRY FLOUR TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE _ 2ND CLAss Round-Trip Excursions WE KEEP MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA THE A limited number of THE DURHAM EHHUN IS PUBLISHED ""L EVERY THURSDAY Mom“ 41 the Chronicle Printing House Street, DURHAM, ONT“ Ga’afrux ° ' Tan CnRomc-u; - Snbscnptlon any address. freewm be m of Rates . . $1 00per year, payablggnfif‘ inl â€"$1.50 may be charged 1f not no paid mm“ to which every subscription is pmd - ' 96m the number on the address label. X0 a ‘ continued to all arrears are paid, ere: pews option of the proprietor. maths Advertising For transient advemsemenml cents per line for the 0 Rates . tion; 3 cents per line emtgh‘: quent insertion minion measure. - cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00ngfmw Advertisementa without specific direcufims; be published till forbid and charged 3cm?“ Transient noticesâ€"“h st. ’ ’ ”Found." “For My; etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 26 cents £05112 cubeleqnlent insertion. d ' r W A a vertieements or ered b str be paid for in advance. 3‘ anger! mil: Contract rates for year.y advertisements niebed on_ appiication to the office. he. _‘All advér'tisemenm. to ensure insert-ion ' current week. ebonld be brought in not late; " TUESDAY mormng- the L LIV UV" 0 NEW TYPE th s Department ilitiee for turningu 01:11? (i‘mm __.-._1_ The Job . . FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s BM [43111) _ton Sgreet,_Loxfe{ .qun, Durhm Queen and George Streetsâ€"Northoi Methodist Church Office homeâ€"941 8.111., 2.4 9.31., 7-9 pm. Telephone 30.10. wee hours from '12 to 2 o’clock I: fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofiiee hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? nos 0. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. Eng" and to Golden Sq. Throat and S086 Hos. SPECIALIST : L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, Now York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuzdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"é om. EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0F. fice in the New Hunter Block. _ Qfiice OFFICE: J F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L1). S- ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- tY of Toronto. Graduate Roy?) H u D l S r - " -, 4‘ ~20 ege enta urgeonb otOnm.u Dentistry in all its Branches. Oficexâ€"Calder Block, over li‘ort Office BARRISTEI., someway. ETC ()flice over Gordons new ,‘Ievuellerfi: Store, Lower Town Duxham nxw amoun 3f monev to loan at 5 per «em on farm SrODertV. D vevancers Notarv Public to Loan at Lou est 113185. “meetâ€"McIntyre Black m Bank. Durham. OumriU. L‘ er, Conveyam-er. c. Agent. Money to Loan. If riage Licenses. A general 1: ness transacted. Drs. lamieson Maciaurin. U tioneer for the. County of (i promptly attended to. Orders 1 at 1118 Implement Wareromns. T 31d stand. or at the Chronicle 0 . . . - , A . 121“" If so, It IS Imperatlve that )0” I a Cream Separator. The Delaval and Massey'Haf'iS DO YOU KEEP COWSK Si mp1 e O tu 1n 813:1), theyconstruction * clo:;gth, amazon]bilge “3:11? 8 . . . .n’“ t-Sklmme are the stro {in rs on the 11 “5'9“ an larket- Aka 115$ to with Investigate their merits and get proof of these statements. -â€" Machine on and Coal on always in - W J. MCFaddefla Lambto'n Street. , OTARY PUBLIC, L er, Conveyanver, J. 6. Hutton. M. D., C. M. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR Nov. 9, ’03. OHN CLARK, LICEN ARRISTER. SOLICITQR. 903'; DURHAM. OXT. (Lower 'i EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Sapéréims are the Best. Oflice: 13, Frost St.. Owen Sound. Medical Directorv. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 3E: Over J. 8: J. Hunter' Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz'rea‘orr. DR. BROWN Legal ’Dz’ma‘orv W. IRWIN A. H. Jackssn. W. F. Dunn, Miscellaneous. work. J. P_ Telford. :9 39311216121: rztock (id DR. BURT. 31“. over COMMISSIOX- financial Etc; M0116“ W11 ha"e Curtains M av Table Linen. 54in. wide. 350 yard. ‘ I Table Linen. 68in. widv. 1.. 506 yard. Table Oilclotrh, 45in. wid... Floor Oilcloth. 1 and :2 ya m Linoleum, 2yd '- “'id‘ Smyrna Then do business wiI the Hanover ( (1) acres. Glenelg. 15 Barn. Good Farm, Will sell (or $3000. quicfly ascertain our 100 acres on Durham Road Farm. Bank Barn, Fair tor W. The Big vâ€"- v - - A handsomely illustrated Week}! culanon of guy scientmo 3mm Canada. $3.70 a. year. portage 12rd all newsdealers. ”0"" 00.3618roadwayq Branch once. 6% F St” \Vagh See our New Prints 100 acres. extra grand Buildd t!) nearly the $31K) as}; heat Crawford RU. i acre building .101. in 1)‘ cheap, or trade for axxythl eat, wear. or throw a $110,! Property b01121)? and ruld I Money to band. Debts col Tickets and Ocean Tlckets 0f stack in Dun ham Cenwu my hands for sale cheap. ‘ mattres, Glenelg, splendid good Buildmgs, cheap at fl! . M13. Max. (38? DO you want Pumps. vawv' I BEG LEAVE TO I) POMERS and the pm ‘31] unprepared tofuxnis , done with Cement canes-e1 3 ALL ORDERS. Lam near MoGowan'a Mi}? ' tended to. ALL WORK GUARANI‘E] let live” PRICES. GEORGE ‘ The People' AND PROVIS! \Vlde, Always Prompt. Nev He Sells Cheat GARDEN SEEDS size white counu‘rp: 0d value 7 1908 have ‘6 .r . >;_.0\ g I! Steele-Br Try us. and :w Lace Curtains 2‘ (13 10min: 0); . BE; Clover a nd SAVE MORE enthi'oukh Mum without. chame. in 54in. wide, un ._ 60x:â€" Ditto We months. Shout: rouge : Bloor a‘ 3. A" Principal. The 3.3me itist'ratZdeeekl‘ scientific journ ear. postage pn He. offers DURHA to make with H Calder and Gil rame uugl Cow l'l 0H 54

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