West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 5

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'TORE. i'ith Scotf' r become run- 'ects of malaria- .T, NINTH ages 1p your nervous bers, etc. I Cash $1.00. Entricken {11, ’08 OHS \ k “Illpment 0 Prop" etol‘ .) 1' (f) I] Q \Vellal‘ 10 11112 111(1 H L118 1951 .O'D. )1 IN d '1‘ i"; 'â€" - ~ ‘1 Laaldlu“! “155100.... 3 At the Easter closing in Portlaw {v "MV‘3?" I Auk... “ t. _ L‘av-_1tiharson. Helen} public school there was a large attenel ' Inten Mary McQueen, l dance of visitors highly pleased with r a : the Splendid prOgramme given by the we Barclay. 3(1na3scholars who were ably assisted by ' Mir. 8. Osborn and daughter with l T'Jii‘tlielvie. Maggie . . . - p, JEN, pleasingly rendered selections on the. ‘“. I; '. ~ ‘92ka Qadie \Ic lviolin and organ. An ' ‘ -‘ ---. u 9 l. - ' . ‘ ‘ t.- .' . ileature of the occasaon was the pres turtlord. Annie Rue-x . . . tentation by the pupils of a beautiful I '_ . ‘ q me Ejewel case to their teacher, Miss if“ . ""9 ,H‘TSIQH' ertle ; Stafiord, who had resigned from the, L 'lelll, “llburtlschool. The gift was accompanied‘ _ ' - " r Marshall. Eby au appropri - ~ ‘~ 353 Saunders, Cecillsuitable reply w Vic"? A. ~: Bryon eq.. Doris i Stafiord, wb ;~“, “ ‘ Txlcllraith and Alice 3 presented each s 2 Bauer Souvenir sl. iature portrait 0 V r l” E . _ ~. ‘1: Interebtujg. 1' E l I l i ‘ mJ...7g»:laCkSOn- ° :3 . heme McPhce. Glady S'tLT'F n‘ " v c . . . . . "“l-Y “rat‘t's ‘I. OLIEK. John Duncan. bfifti. Thompson presided In a very ‘ “'~ ,x_ ; 5 efiicient manner. Miss Stafford. who 3‘ '»' " ' ' "d h r home i , . 218 enjoying a hon ay at e .. ** - uharlie McDonald ' . . . ’ has been succeeded lD ho. 8, by Mr. 3.1;, bar . t .. WW3 arthur Ramage Mel- »:tt‘p‘n, 1. t ' M rk of Lambton count . -_ ’ --~ m»::.1}arquharson. Hen-l a s. , y Rev. L W . Thom, who a year ago Vina; , '. Allan and Lillie Le- . W 16. h . ‘lflé "-1-. ')."‘Z.,ule Davis and Nellie Le : serial) ChurCh at: 18 9:31., hast lil'l .. 90;. 03mm Marshall. Lottie timated to his peOpe t ere t a e leased by the Pres 35°? Keener Swallow. 'JI'. ___r‘u ‘ . Him A fume-31 Whitmore, Hazel few weeks to enter upon n, haze; Vollet eq., Lorne . . J tam. Ralph Catton and Edith Aid work under Mr. J. . . Hugh“ €01. Toronto. He will: we learn, reelde ' Stratford and his Special field Will J . r'B~:JacK McKechnie. Clarence fPerth. Mr. Thom McGir: \ -,. , be the county 0 ‘ ~ tanon Watt, Reany Snell, who has been preaching about Joe Whit .church ‘twenty-five years. . . - he}; g‘mvif‘ SChultZ. Frankie lBur- successful in the 9 race \ 01193'3- active and vigorous to continue pas- toria'l labor. but he has Specialfitness which he 18 now W h {or the work to . . . ‘ ‘d ' called. Before entering the ministry git-1‘". _ Mr Thom wasina similar workOm "‘3 â€" London. England, and upon conning ll . ‘- 80“; George, Williams of Owen to Canads had charge ' Spent a few days recently of the gigs McPherson h'~ . . lb mother M’s 0' W‘lh‘ms‘ Belleville. Mr Thom’s removal will e Presbytery . , “Ml-“-013 Sunday April 19th 1903. be a loss to Orangevill l h“. . and Mrs J°hn Sutherland, 3 and to his deeply attached peeple at Wfldemarg - The people started to gather from all parts of the country and at opening time the streets were crowds ed. Never in the history of the oldest inhabitant of Durham, were so many eager buyers seen in one store before as in McKechnie’s Big Departmental Store,===Packed to the doors from the minute the doors were opened until mid=night. Their many sales=pe0ple were literally taken off their feet by the throngs of excited buyers. The crowd on opening day were something wonderful, but we look for the biggest crowd Next Saturday and Saturday Night. People amazed at the Enormous Price gutting. Red tag move= ment Price Tickets all Ithllgh the Store. A. D. Learoyd, .Merchandisem. Broker and Big Staff, will be here for IS days hanger. No Reserve, ev= erything MUST 00- ;mwded store and New Half=Price Bargainseach 50D. Eleanor Swallow. ‘3 Aâ€"Flzhel Whitmore, Hazel ‘9“: Hazel Vollet eq., Lorne :3‘ Rflph Cannon and Edith No Trickery No Juggling No Fraud . 1908 “V“ vvv- ' vv Vi day during the Sale. All people have confidence in this old established knife goes deep into high prices. These are facts. and facts are stubl mental store so crowded Ist and 2nd flat that we were forced to 10¢ '~:Jack McKecbnie. Clarence . \ernon Want, Reany Snell. mor Roll. HA )1 SCHOOL. {. S DEPT. . Teachersâ€"-Sadie Fer x Watson, Emily Wil- Neir, Katie Clark. ziationâ€"Maggie Weir, LCk Bg'von egg Doris ’Mcllraith and Alice 9 Jackson. '909 McPhce. Gladys Vollet. John Duncan. ie Caldwell, Arthur Parquharson, Lizzue amieson. gnahan. Devena Laidlaw, Lillian 1 Mrs. Jas. Staples of Markdale, is 1visiting; her son Mr Fred Staples. ‘- Mr. Edgar Ritchie is working with . Ritchie brothers, masons. ! Edge is Still gaining in health. [ Mr. John Sutherland of Stratford, l is visiting at Mr. Thos. Banks. t The trustees have engaged Miss I Woodrow, cf Baaconsfield. as teacher, :n nnr school. She commenced The trustees t Woodrow, sf Batu in our school. duties on Friday. Seeding Operations are not. gressing ve ry rapidly on accou the very unfavorable Weather. Flesherton. we learn, reside ment Price Tickets all Learoyd, -Merchandise=- will be here for 15 days erything MUST 00. PE I HE A A H l Half=Price Bargains each >eople have confidence in this old established firm, but when they cut, the )rices. These are facts, and facts are stubborn things. The Big Depart= [st and 2nd flat that we were forced to lock the doors. When we cut '===no half-way measure here you may expect. Dray loads of Bargains 'eceiving room to the Bargain Tables. Counters and tables groaning with ay and Saturday Night. A mighty slashing of Prices you may expect. z the ministry on Sunday afternoon last. Officers E Hales; Organists. Mrs. Walker and electedzâ€"Mr. J. Parsons. Supt. ; Mia: l Miss Thurston; Society Representa- Bessie Russell, Sec.; Fred Russell itive Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Trea; Miss Jennie Roy. Organistfl. Mr. R P. Legato. of Cevlon. had 311'. bud Mrs. Parsons, MTS. LPitCh. :3 handsome granite monument Miss Stafiord and Miss Russell, {erected in the cemetery on Saturday teachers. | to the memory of his late son Robert. The funeral of the late Mrs. Greo.f Mr. W B. Bunt and Mr. Robert Fisher of the Collingwood Road, wa» Wright each had a fine new Bell very largely attended on Tbnrwmv use... delivered to them last week. laSt. Before proceeding to th .~ in a... F. A. Tucker. has an order for 866?? at Maxwell service W“ “'l ’ '“ un-lorms for the Chatsworth Band Rockvale church CUDdUCU" "5' ”Wand was up there on Thursday 1am Salvation army :Officel‘SI C... l‘ 1" l taking measurements of the boys. lber and Lieut. Speer. 0‘ Ham" "“’ Word was received from Toronto l . . , _ . and Capt. Pm” and Laeut. Arm- on Saturday that Mr. John Thistleth :30“; 2:.qisgegthEB' sfgfvviceL. (£1; waive had come through a successful 1 , a l. . l . lS Pga evenin next the Feversham l Operation for the removal. of gall othcers W'“ conduct a memoria ser- i the patient’s anxious friends here. vice at Salem where the deceased! . Mr. J. M. Duncan, of the west , was a member of the Army. l lback line. has for several months ORSV-Fg- F Ktlpp 2?: b::? 8033:2135 l been suffering with a diseased arm Wit v 733‘..llr%° ”11 d f r Ion which operations have been per' months an “I e .c‘ompe .8. 0 0a l formed in the Toronto Hospital with ”me ‘0 81"" up publ‘“ speaking. lElhOpe of saving it, but which have Sunday last much to the regrgt ho’ 9proven inefiective. Mr. Duncan re- .hlS congregatlon he announce ,lsi turned to the Hospital on Saturday l FESignfitlon thh “”11 take 9380'“ in l we understand to have the arm (the about SlX weeks. Mt hipp has been 3 right one) amputated above the here about 3 year and a half 39d ttielelbow to day (Monday) Mr Dun- BaPHSt cause “til grosperedl It: féiécan’s numerous friends sincerely bandS- Fhere W‘ 9 genera ‘4 lsympathize with him in his afiliction. at the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Kipp,. Bornâ€"On Friday May lst, to Mr. ' who will settle in Toronto. 1 l . and Mrs. Richard Bentham, a The Artemesia Sunday S°b°°1 AS' ' daughter. sociation Executive will meet herol _ on Friday to arrange a prOgrammeg Friday last savored too much of for the Convention to be held in this i winter to admit Arbor Day work on place in June. {the school ground which Will receive :- Lnni\+;‘v;n0 tnllnh On 8. more favor' The Sunday School at Rockva e BaptiSt churcn was tea-organized la~t week and the first. session was held A meeting of the Centre Grey Pro. hibition Alliance was heid here on Saturday lasc at which it was resolv- ed that a Cenvention be held in the town hall on the afternoon of May THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1 Mr. R P. Legato. of Cevlon. had Ia handsome granite monument erected in the cemetery on Saturday to the memory of his late son Robert. Mr. W H. Bunt and Mr. Robert l‘~\'li~:ht each had a fine new Bell Dina.» delivered to them last week. . --v'. F. A. Tucker. has an order for wrlorms for the Chatsworth Band and was up there on Thursday la5t ,taking measurements of the boys. Pres., Migs Thurston; Cor. Sec., Miss Flossie Colquett; Rec Sven Miss Edith Dingwail; 'i‘reas., Miss May Hales: Organism. M rs. Walker and Friday last- savored too much of winter to admit Arbor Day work on the school ground which Will receive .a beautifying touch on a more favor- iable day. --..--._-... - -- The monthly meeting of the! Women’s Institute here last weekl was made Specially interesting by a‘ visit from Mr. J. 1. Graham. Presi-l dent of Centre Grey W. I and Mrs. A. E. Myles, Secretary. A short‘ but helpful address was given by' Mrs. Graham and some interesting reports from other branches were read by Mrs. Myles. Excellenti papers were given by Mrs. W, Wil-' cox and Mrs. C. W. Bellamv. The former dealt with the appropriate subject "Farm Gardening” and the latter “Poultry Raising.” l Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sparrow and Ethelatter’s sister Miss Simpson, of 'gToronto. have been the guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Stuart for a week. M r. Sparrow has leased the residence of the late Wm. Neil and his house- hold eflects arrived on Monday“. He purposes opening in business here, but at the time of writing is unde- cided as to the stand. prosecute their claim for damages against the C.~P. R., accepted a. set. Element. out of courc. Mrs, Carey Tredgold. for several years a resident. of this place, died suddenly with apOplexy some days ago at. her home at Berkeley. Mr. Treadgold has numerous old friends in this locality who sympathize with him in his bereavement. Mr. Charlie Mc’l‘avish is home from Toronto on an enforced holiday nursing an injured knee sustained playing lacrosse. Mrs Herb Smith is at Corbetton nursing Mrs. Smi th’ s sister who is ill With pneumonia; Miss Nellie \Vbite is home from Toronto visiting her siscer, Mrs. Jos. Cornfield. Miss Freeman of Chatsworth. was the guest of Miss Mabel Boyd over Sunday. Mr. George Thompson of Chats Worth, spent Sunday with his!parents at Portlaw and gave your Cor. a call on his return home on Monday, Mr. S fiemphill, of Ceylon, Spent Sunday with his brother in the city. Wedding Bells are ringing. Mrs. Will Livingston and children spent a few days‘ with Mrs. Robert Barnett. of Durham, last week. Miss Mary V10k ers of Durham, is spending a week or so with her parents here. Miss Ida Backus of Varney, accom panied‘ by a friend visited in this vicinity recently; Mrs. John Bailey spent one day lass week with her sisters in town. Mr and Mrs Hazlet of Allan Park, were guests of Mrs. Thos. Kennedy Sunday before last. Mrs. Marshall of Durham, visited her sister Mrs. Harry Reay last week. - ' ‘ Our 3. S. re-opened on Easter Sun- day with a good attendance, Mrs. | Fred Reay Superintendant. Mr. an-i Mrs. A. W. Hunt. and children also Mrs. H. W. Hunt spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bailey, Allan Park. Mr. Bert Wilson and two sisters of town, spent Sunday before last with the Beay families. Miss Florence Cufi and sister Ella, were guests of their sister Miss Berta Cufi. We are glad to say that Mr. Thos. Reay who was badly but: is able to be around again. The breadfruit tree grows only on tropical islands. Vickers. Say, I've got a little brother, Never teased to have him. nuther, But- he’s here; Theyjuscwentahead and boughshi ..1 And, last week the doctor brought hi £‘7 Wa’n’t that queer? I 7:- When I heard the news from Moll \Vhy, I thoughp at first ’cwas joll ’Cause. you see, ' I s’posed I could go and get. him i And then mammacourse would let. hit: 1 Play with me. But when I once looked at him. L‘ ‘Why!’ I says, ‘My sakes, is that hiul Just that mite!’ i They said. “Yes,” and, “Ain’c h} cunnin’?” ; And I thought thev must be funnin’-’j He’s a sig .2! He’s so small. it’s just. amazin', 9‘ And you’d think that he was blazin He’s so red; And his nose is like a'berry, And he’s bald as Uncle Jerry On his head. \Vhy, he isn’t; worth a dollar! All he does is cry and holler More and more. 1 Won’t sit up 1. ou can’t arrange him-1 I don t see why pa dou’ a change hit As the store. Now we’ve goc to dress and feed him‘ And we really didn’t need him More’s a frog; Why d they buy a baby brother , When they know I’ (1 good deal ruthe Have a dog? They counted him an homst man. ’ ‘ ‘ Throug h summer fall and winter { He paid '{the butcher every weekâ€"but h clean forgot the printer ~ He settled with the bank each month-ti: balance made him caper- But he owed at least two ye? 1's nr more f( the little village paper. He went to Church and Sunday School : To Wednesday night. prayer meeting 1] For each "reform” that came his way 111 had a hearty greeting. ,1 For every “high” and "holy” cause you’t always find him praying, } And he took the paper “to help it aiongfi' but never thought of paying. He had a “pull” in politics, the candidate all sought him, But what he did n’er balanced ub with th‘ revenue it brought ’im, And so. from year to year. thix sepulche? all whited -Went on his way dispensing grace to‘ sinfl man bemghted. ' And when at last Time’ s rustless scytb cut down the withered weed H18 heirs prepared a fairy tale for witles man to read. His soul released from earthly bonds DOV rests where there 3 no winter ‘ And they knew aboveâ€"or down below that he never paid the printer. M HE ALWAYS FORGOT THE PRINTER. His New BrOther. H it!

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