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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1908, p. 8

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q‘ I‘fi ... find it 811 pplh a In] 11> where. goods h #- 3 J i, S ‘5 j It‘s an Acknowledged Fact KEEP IT IN MIND that there never was a better assortment of New Spring goods in the Big Store than it; contains at present. All the Newest Fabrics such as Persian Lawns, Sheer Lawns. Sheer Muslims. Satin Striped Muslims, Dimities in all shades, Delainettes, Wash Novelties in all sizes of checks. Ginghams and Chambrays at most popular prices 12%0 to 300 yd. Novelties in all sizes uf checks. Ginghams and Chambmys at most popular prices 12%.(2 to 300 yd. Good Staple Prints and Dress Goods on sale for a. few days. A line uf Blues and Greys in Stripes and Checks, Prints that sell at 123$ 1330, on sale 100 yd. New Batiste Cloths, all wool, 44 ins. wide and the latest shades, Tan, Brown, Blue, Green and Black, only 3300 yd. Light Greys in checks and stripes were 600 and 65c to clear at 500. Brown and Blue Venetians were 650, now at 50. A large assorted stock of Dress Goods for spring just arrived. Cashmeres Lustres and Serges in blue, brown and green shades. A fine assort- ment of Ginghams and Lawns. Something extra in the Rain-coat line, Brown, Grey, Check or Plain. legent tailoring gives that }.>erfection of fit and tailoring which assures a perfectly satisfactory and stylish suit, No matter what your age, or your taste may beâ€"uo matter how much, or how little you desire to pay, you are sure to find smuething' in the “Regent” line that will satisfy you fully. When Buying Footwear remember to get a pair of Imperial Shoes. A nice line in patents tan. A large stock of fresh Groceries always on hand HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE 01: standing reputzfiigfizfm'”uI‘SB-Vtsfdate clotliing; is well-known by all who are dressy and want perfect fitting stuff. Our stock of“Sovereign” Brand Cloth- ing was never in better trim. Come and secure a. suit, as prices can’t be better for up-toâ€"date goods. Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. Men’s'andLBoys’ Clothing ALEX. RUSSELL The Big Store Dress Goods “REGENT” BRAN D SUITS DURHAM. May Fall Wheat ......... Spring Wheat ...... Oats .. Peas ................ Barley .............. Hay ................ Butter. ............ Eggs.... . Pctatoes per bag” Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack. . . Chap per cwt ...... Live Hags. per cwt. Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per lb ...... Sheepskins. . . . . . . . Wool ............... Tallow ............ Lard .............. Turkeys...’.. . Geese .............. ‘Ducks ............. Chickens .......... He knew who wrote. the Book of Job, “'ho tolfl the tales of Ruth, His knowledge of the Pentateuch \Vas massive, of a truth.‘ He found Isaiah easy, and Was often known to rail About the scientific facts 0f Jonah and the \Vhale. He was a theologian, M. A. also B. D. You see he know so much because His age was twenty-three. ' M r. Peter Mutch. Holstein. has pur- chased from Mr. Sorby, Guelph, the beautiful bay horse. Duke of York, Imp. (3H3) (12948). The Duke is rising four years of age, is sound in every particular, and has the best of action. A son of Baron’s Pride, he comes from the best stock in Scotland. and belongs to a family of prize-winners and stock- getters. Mr. Mutch will place him on the old route, as near as possible, and will go as far as Allan Park. that trespassing for the nrpose of fishing on late; 51. 52 and 53. on. 2. and lots 56. 57, 58 '59. 60 and 61. Con. 3. S.D.R., .Bentmck. (Camp Creek) is strictly prohib- ited. All persons found so doing after this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. . OTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN .L that trespassing for, the purpose of 7t] Knickerâ€"‘Jones is wrapped up in his unto.’ Bockerâ€"‘Wben did the maiden: occur?’-â€"‘Judge’. ‘ Market Report. The Age Of Knowledge. Wheat ........ 9O . . .. . 45 .. ............ 80 .............. 65 . . . 18 00 ............... :25 ................ 1?) es per bag...... 85 per cwt ........ 2 55 9.1 per sack ..... 3 35 oer cwt ........ 1 £0 legs. per owe. .. 590 m: coo-cocoo~ooomm .0... OOOOOmamx oooo.0.o3n n95â€" Purchased A Horse. Parker. Clark and McEvoy Batiste-rs. Toronto. Ont. Notice. THE DU RHAM CHRONICLE May 6 1908 ...... 3 9O cwt. 35 to £0 to 590 to ' 40 to 3 to 40 to 23 to 12 to 10 to 8 to 8 to 7m $90 85’ I‘C n- t 0 9O 10 10 F’red Gaffer and George Bailey were up before the beak on Monday morning charged with holding a boxing and wrestling contest on Thursday last on the front street,’ against the laws of 1 the town. 51m Ewen, who has charge ;of the Middaugh House stables, was 1 the man on the other end of the con- :twest and he appealed with what he g.ot. _, -tw:) hl; t1: k eyes and a polished nose. to tell the Police M tgistxate just 1 how it happened. . ~â€"-. ._.._ ~â€"-.â€"¢- -m- THE WUHLU 0F SPURT. i From the evidence. it appears that '(iafl'er and Bailey had some words i with Frank Hinds, bus driver, but that :they had kissed and made up inside ? the hntel. i . ‘ 0n coming out on the street the al- ; t-erezttion again .~ tax-ted, and after some warm wurds being indulged in the trio, accompanied by Hinds, repaired ‘to the )Iiddzmgh House stables to EWEN'WINS IN FWD HUUNDS But the Beak runs Away with the Purse. settle the whule affair, a la Marquis of Gooseberry and Frank Gotch. The first round opened with a pass: by Bailey, which was neatly countered by Ewen, who, by a $91 1e: of tactics known only to followers of the rim". forced his man in behind Gaffer, pre- sumably his second. Round two opened when Ewen and Gaffer embraced each other and x-nlled into the gutter on the King’s High- way. \Vhethex- or not Ewen used the toe-hold or half-Nelson. we can’t say. but anyway he. landed on top of Gaffer and inunudiately after Bailey landed on Ewen, swatting him onenn the left optic, and shortly after repeated the dose by giving him a swish on his other lamp. Index J‘. 0. Ar so mu: yerfs Chief Carson laid charges against Gaffer and Bailey, and on hearing the. evidence of both parties, Magistrate 'l‘vlford imposed a fine of $1 and the and amounting to about; $10. 9 By this time the claret was flowing pretty freely when the police, in the furm of Constable C-lztrk, stopped the fight. Nu decision was given. Unless there is dsfly action of the bowels. poisonous ptodncts are absorbed. causing bend- scbo. ballonsness. nausea, d spepsia, and thus preventing the Sampsrflls rom doing fits best work. Ayer's Pius no nver pills. Act gently. s11 vegetable. If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. \Vm. Convey, of St. Catharmes. threw himself off a railway bridge, 15") feet high, on Saturday last and fell in the shallow water of a small stream. Men who went to find the body met Convey on his way home, with his collar bone and several ribs broken. The man seems to have. jumped off this high railway trestle on a mad impulse while crossing with two companions on a. fishing trip. \Villiam Perkins died in St. Michael’s hospital in Toronto on Sunday. He had been a motorman on a street car, but worried so much about the numer- ous tragedies :ccuri ing of late injwhich children were run over by cars that he resigned his job one day last week. He said he was afraid that he would either get killed or kill somebody else, so left his position to seek some safer employment. A neighbor was moving his house, so Perkins went over to give him a helping hand, when the chimney toppled down, falling on Perkins. He died. Convey sought death by throwing himself from a height of one hundred and fifty feet. and only met with slight injuries. Perk ins threw up his regular employment because of the dangers of it. sauntered over to help a neighbor and was killed by a. falling chimney. Fate seems to make sport of men at times. â€"Saturday Night. We Trust Doctors is the standard vof quality usedâ€"in preparing “Salads.” Tea. Sold only in sealed lead packets. ' I" irst they had it right and left, 'I 119.!) thev tnok up (hairs Them the: V bad it all parmmd the house And then they “cut upstaixs. Tye finest‘tea} grown in the world ’ HAIR VIGOR. erS AGUE was. CHERRY PBCTORAL We hsvo no ucrotu ! We publish the formula of 311 on: modicum taken to the hospital Where he THE HAND OF FATE m. J. O. Ayu- Co.. Lowell. In”. so anathema of Boxing. Hare I stand within the hall; For the elevator hawl With a. frown. “Going Up?" I loudly cry. And the urchin mains reply: "Going dzwn.” Hera you see me buying Stocks. HOping to acquire boch rocks And renown .. "Going Up?” I loudly 88?; But in) broker anawnrs: "Nay; Going down ” When oid Charon I shall meet, Looking unstical. but neat. In his gownâ€"â€" "Going up?” I’ll murmur low, And he'll doubrieas answer "No: Going down.” Changing Brands of Tobacco. “In tobacco used for pipes it Ls quite- a usual thing for smokers to vhuugv their brand every two years or so.“ said a dealer in such things. "though. on the other hand; there are some men who never chaum. This (hanging is in many cases simpty a habit. but 0110 which has been acquired in a curiom wav. "The men who make 3111-11 ch1u'm~ 11111-1 11'1- they h:11'e~'.i111ply got tired of the 0111 brand 11"111311135. :15 :1 111: 1tte1' of .3111. it is often :1 121% where the l1':1:11l ms deteriumted in quality. It used to ';:-- :1 (-1.11111111111 thing 1‘111' some 111:111111’31» 1".12'111'5 to put 11111 :1 new brand of 5111111; 11‘" 11111.11-1-1) so good that it 11011111 not be ;.I :1 motit :It thv 111' i1e as: {91.1 This :;ii..1‘ [1111:1911 tiw [11111111 10 1111111111111- 1-21:1i 12,;1111uz'izy. :11111 1111211 sluwly. so -:11".'}1' that it would not he uotiwd for :1 11".: time the 11::12111f111-t111'ei' would 11211190! 1:1"11 113:: 11:01:13: 11:11-11 by using ‘111‘111'3111'st111-k in 1111: 11mm}. "Fortmws were 112111112 in this way. 1111! many :1 man who fimliy gave up His t’uvurite [11'111111 I:1\'1:I knew 3115*- 12132114 mun-pt that he had 22'011'11 tired 11' it. 31:1:13‘ 1111111 11'111‘1 1'11:111g11d Often . Beautiful Star. “You are the star of the evening. Miss Schmidt.” His Desire. A patient it :1 hospital was ordered by the doctor :1 diet of chicken and old nmdeim. When asked how he liked that regimen. he ropfied: "It would be all right if the chicken was the age of the wine and the wine that of the (‘1li(‘k0n.”â€"Il Mondo per Ridere. “Indeed? You are the first who has told me so.” “In thatcase. as the discoverer of a new star. I am ehtitled to give it my name. Will your accept it?” Hoist With His Own Petard. A woman recently applied to a sew- in; machine company for a machine to he used on trial. The agent set her down as one who had no intention of really buying, so he sent her a second hand machine, made by another com- pany, that they had somehow managed to secure in trade. “That,” said he, “will be good enough for her to do her sewing on, and that is all she wants it for." ti: At the end of two weeks the woman called at the office. “That machine.” she said, “is a treas- ure. It runs easily, and the tucking, shirring and hemstitching are perfectly beautiful. All the women in our build- ing say they never saw anything so nice. They are going to sell their old machines and buy new ones like it. I am going to get a new one too. There are eleven of us who want to buy. Since that is quite a large order, we thought you might be able to get the machines for us at a discount.” The agent nearly collapsed. He tried to induce the woman to look with fa- vor upon the machines made by his own firm, but her affections were fas- tened upon the sample that he had so famously provided. So in order to se. cure any commission for himself he had'to fill an order of 'eleven machines made by a rival concernâ€"New York Post. Before the Footlights. “Now, Mnggins,” said the stage man- ager to a keen and ardent young ama- teur, “do you think you could manage to take on the part of the village con- stable? The man is supposed to be a dull and stupid idiot, so the role will suit you down to the ground. All you have to say when the pistol is fired by the villain is, ‘Hark, ’tis the pistol!’ You have no other words at all. Think )1‘ this czuzse you can manage Yes. Huggins thought he could, so home he went, and for some weeks he was rehearsing the tragic words to himself, "Hark, ’tis the pistol!” He attended rehearsals most religiously. but the pistol was never actually fired. A Sharp rap in the Wings sufficed. and then he would shout out his “lines.” the stage. "What’s The night of the production came. Huggins stood in the wings petrified with stage fright Then he entered at his cue. The sharp and constrained crash of the pistol smote upon his ears. “Good heavens!” he cried, rushing on Uncommon Use. A young couple moved into a new flat which had never been occupied. The young Wife was prowling about with a pan full of hooks. bi;r and little. inserting them in proper places for the hanging of clothes, etc; In one place the wood seemed too hard for the screw of the hook to enter. and she got the gimlet to make a little preliminary hole. The gimlet didn’t work either. and she called to her husband. “Harry, I wish you’d see if you can make this gimlet go in.” Harry came, looked and laughed. “Your difliculty Speaks better for your morals than your mechanics. my dear,” said he. “You’re trying to bore a hole with the corkscrew.” - New YorkPrws'. 11 H c' - yo 1' ALW AYS UNFORTUNATE. :1 man who fixmliy gave up w brand never knew any- pt that 119 had grown tired .13‘ mom who changed often use. bf)‘-.,\‘e\'vl' now make it a ’2'Izingcl nv'nhu'n’l) 'â€"I’hiludel- '41. it 9” :’s that?” 318.}- T: 1908 ITEMS OF INTEREs‘T. A sea anemone has been 1 live for fifty years. Iron pavements Were 13 London in 1817. Bombshells were first mad ' land in 1495. ex The saber is an oriehtal It was mtroduced into th cavalry in 1710. The interior of Borneo cally unknown The "' J' is about six times the iand. . s The area of Gibraltar is le two square miles, but i: has lation of 25.665. Gibraltar i ruption of Jebel el Tarik, the of Tarik. Sunday newspapers began wi; British Gazette and Sunday 310 March 26, 1780. After the G 8 came the Observer, 1791; Bell’s senger, 1796, and ‘Veekly Di 59 1801. When a Trappist monk closes his earthly career his form is err in. the habit he Wore in life. and this is his only covering in the grave ex. cept. the earth. No cofiin is used, Charles 1., during his confinement at holmsby. wrote the “Eikon Basi. like” (Royal Image.) addressed to his son. This work has, however, A tame crow cSCaped from a eggs at Poole, England, and tried to join a colony of crows in a neighboring grove, but the wild croxvs resented the intrusion and killed i'. The air pressure produced by ex. plosions often renders a miner an. cmscious so that the after damp catches and kills even when the vic- tim was neither burned nor near the initial exolosion, It is an ineXplucable fact that men buried in an avalanche of snow Lear distincrly every 'word uttered by those who are seeking for them. while their mosn strenuous shouts fail to penetrate even a few feet of the snow. Ching Noung the successor of Fohi is said to have been the first to teach men (the Chinese) the art of making bread from Wheat: flour. This val- uable bit of information was given about 1998 B. C. The Escurial, largest of European royal palaces. is shaped like a grid- iron and is 706 feet long by 550 deep. It has 1,860 zooms and eighty Stair- cases. Tbere are forty-eight cellars. There are forty eight organs and fifty one bells. In Belgium cock crowing competi- tions are very popular among the working classes. The cocks are ar- ranged in cases, and markers note the number of crows. In a competi- tion recently held at Poulseur a cock gave voice 134 times in an hour. The tail of a. fish is his sculling oar. He moves it first on one side and then the other using his tins as balances to guide his motion. If the fish is moving fast and wants t3 stGD he straighmns out his fins jusr. as the rower of a boat does his oars. The honor of being the tailestEng- lishman seems to have belonged to John Middleton of Hale. He: iivedin the time of James 1. and was nine feet three inches in height. He was thus five inches taller than the famous Irish giant. Murphy. Dark hair and complexion in racefi as well as. in individuals figflify Strength, Dark skinned race; are always "behind the lighter hued people in fine civilization because the physical predominations among them to the exclusion of the mental. Coarse red hair indicates marvelous "physical end urance. The largest single structure worid for audience and Spem, purposes is the Coliseum a? Ibis in the form of an eilips long diameter is 615 feet; its 510; the height of the outer wa The arena is 218 feet long i broad. The tiers of seats ace date 100,000 specnators. T0 ELECTORS OF SOUTH G Gentlemenzâ€"It is repm-Uui {int have withdrawn from the «am-.I’iiit-I‘ Why such areport- should he «'ix'r'ilial ed is beyond my comprehmsim.:mlc: the wish he Father to the 1110;13:111- I Wish it distinctly understm ml the? I am a candidate for the I'vI'I'V‘VU“ tion of South Grey in the Legkiaum and if elected will endeawn' In iii“ the closest attention to the Mil-firs ‘ the Province in general, and my ('01 stituency in particular. It i“ “1 intention to conduct the campaign f” frorn everything persona], of L-WI'I thing that will cast a reflection 0 myself, 01‘ the Electors of the (‘onstii uency. - If I cannot be elected b." In aid Of what is perfectly defensible. do not wish to be elected. It is 1“ Wish toemphasize the moral side ‘ Politics and fight fair, so that Whe the election is over, 1 can look ha“ With satisfaction, knowing that 1 d‘ not depreciate Politics. 1 am, respectfully yours. ' NEIL MCCAXXEI- Tfie largé Size less IS in H01. Spawn. mmO' dat- “1'39 (YiVe bait 0} b Grant 3. XS MR. W. J. R. waTmin. v, ‘6! Ye Olde firm of He’ili‘ )1: will be here about the 1113‘; May. Orders may be 191': :1‘ Implement \Vare-ronm.~. ‘ Moonservatives of N011 11 I [WWII 11.1 Jenn} 11. 111\\i; o oonteSt the riding 31111114 1' hmmm Liberal the plt‘N‘Iu 111 1 give him a trial. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"- ‘ Q l ‘HONESTY is SlO\\', but if, 11 policy. Anyone getting :1 suit thing in the line of tailoring \x'i that the work is first-via». \ not use any cotton in our “121 useonly the best of mike-J never use it, (I never 1*.‘itl‘ln‘a1 cotton) where ever I \w n-k‘ parties can rely on what “Ivy; in the line of trilllming. :a m1 “’1 ship, we can guarantee. ;~ ‘ We have in stock own-:11.» and see for yoursch' an} want in the art- Of tailm in; and Draper, neal C hu 1 i9. 0N Monday evening next. the first gun in the I’rnx'iz‘u campaign ’in South Grey wi when a. public meeting in 1 of Dr. J amieson, the Li! H.- .21 live candidabe, is. to he hv‘u Thenfoflow, in regular le‘ic Allan Park and Hampdm Wednesday. Thursday, 1' These meetings are In m2 every instance, at h n'vl cordial invitation is :3th bepresenb. Addl‘eSsos ma quéstions 0f the da 3' wil‘z “by Dr. Jamieson and ofhew Ewannel, the Oppn>itim1 isesziecially invited It: «:2 “1 equal opportunity 'u. a doctors will be given him. by evening, May 16* ’n. -m98ting of the Liberal-(7w: Ofthe MW!) of Durhntz‘: .. 'in be h81d in the 0.3112(111 ' the Purpose of org uni/.33 ‘ Peonservatlves and su'nw 1 JMI$0n are requccmi THE tenders for 13;:- 20ft addition to ‘1‘“ 331351381? Oflice “'91 x .. Friday last befow Hm Of Sydenham, 80119. x k " e. 0f Egremom . :1 _ The plans mm for a. concrete 1'» ’ m: iDChQS {kirk 111 winches at the In Lt"? painted, The \V "‘ ed stone and wi: " \ of iron, a Slut“ . floor over Whivh ‘ of two-inch 1:19.va audit steam 11w; The tenders w I. 'itted for the sew; as a. whole, 0,. N ,1 LN" by Reeve \id ‘ auowod In _ Qe whole su . ‘ Qan the waterproof (‘0 will ion Sale 1! ,ast Satm-d: 11 be .oom is dispose: footweax of we! m W(

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