West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 May 1908, p. 1

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'8 began wig §unday Mo monk brm 13 p in lit [Bed 001‘ as T81: tfnlly vours. NEIL MCCAXNEI- eekly closes his m is enshroum in life. and this 0 the grave OI- .ofiin is used. be been ill acted. It is ' be moral side ir. so that. W] 1 can look 1" nowinz than? I ‘ art SOUTH GREY CeSSO wan M 8W . fiâ€"‘\ "It 1t:'* 7.? y b}; W‘g‘}? I m 3; '.1 l . t" '- ,_______ w .1 302‘ of Fohi st. to teach of making This val- was given ' 550 deep. hey smir- ht cellars. runs and be Suropean a. grid- scullinz one side 3 fins as I. If the :3 ts stop 13?. as the ‘1' a cock com peti- 00 g the )l ZIS lat are 81'- {'3 DO"! )n me meeti- amp we- the Lign of eff" Ire, at NEWS AROUND TOWN 42.40. 2148. mntract. Mr. McDonald itiinxw'd to put in a new 11w whole 51 rucmre, but was than the Hanover firm.‘ u-alimmssion it was decided w wontract for the building ’mst at $2.010, while L. C- M Durham. secured the 6011‘ the plumbing at. $474. T138 Us to be completed by. the Ptember next, ,, - " 85h 1- the store. Great‘ Saturday at. Grant’s. ‘sh new'goods for . __ Hnuse 0f Quality, ‘V. D, CONNOR i8 8 1 pair of spectacles. ‘ of\ \orth Bruce nn}n, of Wiarton ing against 0. M. 18 present member. Sale I! woof coats $1.00 ‘ Iaptist church are hm'sday. the 14th 1111 cake will be w l wing in the interest he Liberal-Conserv: - [n he held at Louise. 111111 01-(le1' Elmwood Hnmpden, Tuesday, 1‘sday. respectively re tn mnumence, in at 5‘ o'clock, and a. is extended to all to meses 011 the political :u will be delivered and others. Mr.Neil )ppnsition candidate. iuen l1i111. 0n Satur {:1\' 161.11. a business ms \V mm. and Saunders, of 'mtv Property Com- m and specifications m-te fmxmlation, 9 ft. tlxivk at the bottom the flip. the whole to The Walls are to be of .ml window and door 1 slate roof and a. con- which is to be laid a 1 maple. The building :1 a cellar. in which is' :11 bin of concrete or mu heating plant in- nders which could be the several trades re- >19, or separately, were cw McDonald, and it while Hugh McDonald d not tendered for any I work. he was some s x >058 IE m boots and L-dny by David mtimled every msed of. Now 'nntwear cheap. of all kinds of ~81 to. Call and OI mlls. etc. (131; :' anything you Im-ing, whether in. You will be A. Glass, Tailor unicle oflice. work. he was some of Mars lower on that. thing for Mr. Frost of Han- walls tot xt in his tender foa Mr, Cam act. Mr. McDonald recordan d to out in a new 075, buts 11rd week m :at Murdoch‘s . it’s the best 5 a suit or any: ring will know {53. V‘ e W ill ‘ .ur “'Ol'k. ‘7‘. 8 films silk. I learned to use worked, and 1: they get here. . and workman- ?. is of the best. next, May 18th, )vincial election av will be fired, 21118211 tl-Conservatives .m and vicinity .1 t’elluws’ Hall for nation, when all mpnrters of Dr. '11 to attend. wizmo tuner h South GT9? )ened here 00 V95. McDonald of Normanby. the best ding 0f 0 The Chronicle is the People’ SEE Miss Dick’s Summer Millinery Announcement an page 6.‘ \V. D. CONNOR is agent here for the Owen Sound \Vire Fence, the cheapest and best in the market. THE fourth annual excursion to Niagara. Flls will take place the first or second Friday in July. ‘ Further panticulars will be announced later. BRING in your hanging pots or bas- kets and get. them re-fi‘lled with choice plants for summer. All kinds of geraniums and bedding plants.â€"-(}. “2 Lang. Durham Greenhouse. THE Traders Bank opened out for business on Saturday last, with Mr. J. C. Telford as manager. The usual half holiday each week will be taken on Friday, by the both local banks but they will remain Open on Saturday until 4 p. m. GET your calling cards at this ofice. \VE are pleased to have Mr. J. C. Telford return to town as a citizen. \Vhile here as manager of the Sover- eign Bank he made many friends who regretted the discontinuance of the Bank which led to his departure. He is here again as we said, manager now of the Traders Bank which began bus- : iness on Saturday, .to the surprise, we believe, of a great many citzens. A DISCOUNT sale of dress goods on 0): Tuesday evening, May 19th, the ladies of St. Paul’s church, Egremont, will sell by Auction at. Allan’s School the handsome name quilt. recently completed by them. Auctioneer Clark will Wield the hammer, and a. good program and supper is being provided. Rev. Canon Spencer, of Mt. Forest. will deliver a lecture on “The Life of the Early Settler,” or “Old Times in Ontario.” which will be illustrated throughout by one hundred views, de- picting incidents on the long ocean‘ voyage, such as Storm and wreck, perfect calm, burial at sea and various scenes in the life of the backwoods man. The admission is 15c and 100, i and a hearty invitati )n is extended to 1 all to attend. THE Review published a portrait of Mayor Calder in its last issue accomâ€" panied by a very flattering write-up that some people might take exception to. \Ve have always regarded Mr. Calder as a gu0d man for the mayoral- ty were it not for his immovable opinions on many public questions. There is no man in Durham can stand a. volley of opposing criticism better Ethan Mr. Calder, and unlike most of them, he seems to take enjoyment out of a line of discussion that would floor many of our younger ,and less exper- ienced public men. Personally we have never been unfriendly towards Mr. Calder, and have always felt like admiring him for theasportsmanlike A many of our younger ,and less expen‘ ienced public men. Personally we have never been unfriendly towards Mr. Calder, and have always felt like admiring him for thefisportsmanlike way he swalloWs any medicine that is given him. Differences of bpinion are! sure to exist. but sometimes we feel that Mr. Calder differs from others that. Mr. Calder just for the sake He takes kindly u Sll1.\.l“e tile catty ! 2‘0, was Illalox'leu LU a'llo \JIICUL Luv ‘A- lthnr McClellan of Pickering. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Dr. 1 ek Abraham of St. Andrew’s ‘ Church. \Vhithy, immediately after which the bridal partyvleft on the evening train ; l for a trip to the Brmuda Islands. 0n ‘ Senior Political Science. About four their return Mr. and Mrs. McClelland or five years ago he decided to pursue will reside in Pickeringâ€"Globe.â€" his studies and add a few letters to his [Miss Lick was much respected as a. For one year of that time he teacher here for a couple of years, and. her friends will be pleased to learn of ' ess, but on every ‘ occasion when he tried an examination her marriageâ€"Ed. Chronicle] ihe was eminently successful. He is taking an extra-mural course. at L. G. IRELAND, B. A. Sc. This is ' ' . :ity, and with no one *how Lyal’s name will look now when Queen’s Lowers ‘ to help him over the difficulties of he uses all the honors to Which he is climbing the educa entitled. The result of the recent examinations of the fay” of ‘Applied hope he’ll be able to the Review gave him. __,..______...â€" \V E inadvertantlyomitted last we e Inspector Campbell on to congratulat a very creditable his success in passing examination in Honor Philosophy and fighting his way alone, and fighting it With marked success. In the subject Science and Engineering of Torontc of Political Selence, it is an unusa. ‘ University appeared in Tuesday’s Mai ' ' d amongst the list 0 an honor standmg, ()UD' 1 has broken the usual1 Mr. Campbel only passes with hon-l. record and, not oz-s. but stands t This is only anothe man may rise ‘ if he make up his mind to do so? . Campbell is a plodder. but. a plodder ability, and â€".the WOI‘d “failure” isn’t found in his dictionary. He ex- mplete his course during bird on the honor list. r instance of how a! B. A. after it. )ut stands third on the h is only another instance may rise in the educatio make up his mind to do nbell is a plodder. but. a no man in Durham can stand of opposing criticism better . Calder, and unlike most of 3 seems to take enjoyment, out. the sake of being opposuze. skindly to criticism. and we 11 be able to survive the tafiy iew gave him. being opposite. i t he bride’s home D9 Mr. Allie Gun, of Chicago, is home. Mr. John Darling, of Montreal, is visiting his parental home here. Mr. J. W’. Irwin left Tuesday for his farm in New Ontario. Dr. Gun went. to Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. \V. Ayling was in Stratford on business on Tuesday. Mr. J. S. \Vilson, of Louise, was in town Tuesday. Brad Jamieson, is home for the summer. Mrs. J. \V. Brown and Mrs. James Counts. of Yeovil, spent Sunday with Mrs. Duncan. Manager Catton. of the Durham Furniture 00., went. to Toronto Tues- day on business, Mr. Colin McDougall has returned from Owen Sound where he spent. the last couple of months. Mr. Swallow Sr. is out again undergoing the severe operati having om. of his eyes removed. Mr. and Mrs. Picket-i Fm'gst, were guests of Pickering over Sunday. Mr. Dan McFadden. of Toronto, spent a couple of days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McFad- den. )Iias Annie \\ att, of Toronto. is \isiting her patents, MI. and Mrs. Geo. \\ att, and other fiiends in town and vicinity. \Ir. Alex. McDonald left for New Liskeard on Tuesday morning to ac- cept a. position with the Grand Trunk Pacific. Mr. C. L. Giant has received the ap- pnintment of Returning Officer for the Provincial Elections to be held J une 8th. Ba1riste1 Kezu 113, of Arthur. spent a. day in town this w eek and addressed the Epworth League Tuesday night on ' his (11p round the world. Mr. R. M. VV 113011, of Owen Sound, and Mr. W. D. McKay, son of the late D1. McKay, of Woodstock, are cle1 ks in the he“ bxanch of the Traders [ Bank here. Mr. A. D. Le'aroyd, Merchandise Broker, is in Toronto this week mak- ing a. big purchase of ready-made clo. thing, gent’s furnishings'and hats, for Friday and SaturMy sale. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie was out again Monday aft er being confined to the house for several Weeks through illness. He doesn‘t look' much the: worse for his forced idleness. Dr. MacLaurin returned from Tor- onto on Tuesday evening last, and re- ceived a right royal welcome, the 3lst poor? Rana "mating hill) at the sta- Re tion. FOR 5 AI ayezu-lin; Brow n.-â€"5 TENDERS Wanted for the new Dur ham bridge. See ad. on page 7. Tuesday. L. G. IRELAND. B. A. SC. This is ihow Lyal’s name will look now when ses all the honors to which he is ihe u ientitled The result of the recent 1 examinations of the facul y of ‘Applied Science and Engineering of Toronto. E University appeared in Tuesday’s Mail 1 gand Empire, and amongst the list of :those who took their degrees with ‘honors we find the name of L. G. Ire- ‘land, of this town. He is a son of Mr. ‘James Ireland, Merchant here, and we ' must congratulate our young towns- man on his very creditable standing. 'mm Anon-ea. Bachelor of Applied 321’ lJames Ireland, Merchant nere, anu m: st congratulate our young towns-1 lman on his very creditable standing. lThe degree. Bachelor of Applied lScience, granted by Toronto Universi- ‘ by, is a high educational standing. but {in this case Mr. Ireland has not taken lth'e bare degree, but has taken it with ‘honors. We WlSh you continued DURHAM, ONT THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1908 '9 success, young QUIET wedding was solemnize Band meeting him PERSONAL. SALEâ€"A two-yenr-old colt and Jim: steer, well bred: J. H. McFadden. of Toronto, rs. Pickering, of Mount. guests of their son Dr. e’s home near Oshawa, on , when Miss Middie Lick, M. married to Mr. Charles Ar- 942:. r. is out agam alter severe operation of man. 'ain after | 5 Paper, Subscribe for it now H The Late Mrs. Mcllvr-ide HARRIET HOUSTO X. Another old pinneer, in the person of Harriet. Houston, passed away at the home of her niece, Mrs. Alex. Beggs, Garafraxa street, on Thursday ; last. The deceased lady who, though totally blind for the past four years, and ailing for some time past. had been confined to her bed only three ‘ weeks, and was in the 78th year of her axe. Born in the county of Armagh, Ire- lmd she emigrated to Canada, over forty years ago. and up to four years ago lived at the home of her nephew, the late Alex. Beggs, near Allan Park. Since the death of Mr. Beggs she‘ has resided with Mrs. Beggs in town, who during that time has cared for her in her afflictions, and done every- thing in her power to make the de- clining years of the poor blind sufferer ‘ as pleasant as possible under such try- ling and unfortunate circumstances. at The end came peacefully on Thurs- dm night last; and on Satmday after- dm mgncmsc arm on Dauu uitv a. m- noon interment took place in Durham cemetery. Died Thursday, April 30th aged 75 years T1109. BARCLAY JR. The home. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barclay wz'Ls laid law with sorrow on Friday morning last about six o’clock. --“‘v ___ _ when their son Thomas was suddenly seized with a. hemmorrhage, brought; on by a severe spell of coughing. and expired before medical aid could be summoned. proving, not; saw, from (in: disease was 81 To his father! To the sorrowing parents, his'l brother, Nixon in Oklahoma City, Washington, his five sisters, Ella, (Mrs. Wilson) ‘andMaud, (Mrs. Grad-i way) Toronto, and Grace, Ettie and‘ Florence, at home we extend our; heartfelt sym pathy. 5C. TOWELLING, 5c. print, 5c. cotton, this week at H. H. Mockler’s House of Quality. THE Temperance people of East Grey ‘ decided at their convention, held in. Flesherton Tuesday afternoon, nOt tot put; a. candidate in the field against} Mr. I. B. Lucas, the Conservative‘ candidate. OBITUARY. You will find if you buy brand suits, you will g money than buying other Our large range of men 8 a1 raincoats are the Dfinest we hax e We guarantee them to give you s; Odd Lines of Suits at Cost We have several odd lines clearing at costâ€"These are last long at the price. e from the very best of all-wool ' the newest patterns. ° ' 0‘s and trimmings are used in making them. The} ar by first-class tailors, Who understand perfect fitting, and garments that will retain their shapetill worn out. The price is '25 per cent cheaper than other makes of clothing that are sold. N Practically all our New Spring Dress: Goods are now in stock, and an inspection of all the Newest Weaves should be interesting to every woman who likes to be up-t‘o-date. Balance of Winter Stock Clearing of all Winter Goo’ds. Sole Agent for Progress Cash and one price Have you seen Our range of 1 buy one of our “Proo ress” w ill oet better value for your other makes of clothing. give you satisfaction. s. of suit-s that 'e bargains and Brand Clothing. apanese Silk Waists and boys? suits and “re ever shown and to 9:0 at reduced prices. Black and Brown $1.00 PER YEAR. at lowest. prices. ts that wezare ins and 3won’t 1.15“}

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