West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 May 1908, p. 5

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7-129. Yon (re 513' . baby’s 3 bone. ear oo¢¢¢¢9 tiny bones HS #04 f air or scalp \Vt LI “tially hions NU. not Eatons, hut McKechnie’s Big Departmental Store, Durham. Bigger bargains and greater crowds than Eatons. 'l he Merchandise Broker’s Red Tag Movement Sale, Gigantic Purchase, High=class Ready= made Clothing, Gent’s Furnishings and Hats. Tempting time for Bargain Hunters. Men’s Suits, Overcoats etc. 5375 I $4.98 I $8.48 I $8.98 | P241"“=$°Ve"a”5| $13.80 | Overcoats ‘~* at less than 50c on the dollar. Wholesale clothing manufacturer 1n trouble 11 1th the bank. They said, act quickâ€"we must hav e the Cash at once. what talks these days. A D. Learoyd, the Merchandise B1 oker jumped the train and made the Big Pm chase for N. G. 8: J. KcKechnie. 14.1908 Flesherton. ‘ :ent’s Furnishing Bargains l meeting of the ‘ Aid. on Tuesday week officers were . President, Mrs st Vice Pres.. Mrs. d Vice-Pres. Mrs. etary ore could all-wool ; at this rub on Thursde Lon of oficers fc LOOK place as fc Rev. G. C Litt! F“. Chard; 2nd Vic Fucker; Set... Mi Miss Eva Louck '. Bantham; Pr e. Mrs. Benthal Eden and ext-reme- 9 home of Mr. and LI. Toronto line on I last when the o of the death at son William C.. 1;: life was sudden- twenty four hours :11 inflammation of meeting of the y in the Methoâ€" Jrsday afternoon acted for the en- lows: Precidenn, >n;1st Vice-Pres . 2nd Vice-Pres” is; Eva Loucks. {we learn mere waa usuvu . to all by Dar. Lucas Mrs. Bentham-Riot: of his attitude tow Mabel Thistleth, Option and vote on the -Iiss Kirk. Miss clause. Mr.Lucas’ re ele tnoe Committee. alarge majority is xcker. Mrs. Bad ‘clusion. - Walk6'13 George At the meeting of the e: :hwaite. ‘ Friday 19.31: of the Arteme: lb‘chool Association, June 1-‘ -_,J AfibflflMd... ‘ A. Armstrong ady-Inade clothing, gent‘s furnishings and hats, enormous price cutting. Sale starts Friday next, 15th inst at 9 o’clock sharp. Saturday night. Everything must go. W. H. Bun: ving. Mrs. J03 . I. E. \Valker e-rres , mrs 3113.]. B Mrs. W. H W. Moore 3' meeting ation ion in the L Thursday oficers for lace as fol- -. C Little; rd; 2051 Vice- : Set. Miss -in-1111n11 ties worth '_.:'1c and 11 ................................... 250 k 1111 ties. worth 25c, snle ..................................... 250 1111e1111 socks worth 20c sale ..................................... 25c bargains, worth 3353c sale ..................................... 19c. sh 11111'11handkerchiefs 6 for .................................... 25c 39 11107.. Travellers s11111p‘1es, 11' 1111311 81.” .5 111111"? 111.00 sale price ...... 986 :20 11112.. stiff 111111 soft English make, worth $2.50 111111 $3.00 sale price ..................................................................................................... 1 .48 UmbrellaSale! Umbrella Sale! 1rg11in Gun 11111 be fn e11 at 9 11 clock Friday morning 111111 11111 keep knocking 1101111 high price for 8 11; 11113' for :21 days. The firm 11111 show 3' on 11 trick worth two of that. Bargains every day after this. parts of the country. In the hands of the Merchandise Brokers for 8 days longer. McKechnh USO M rs Regular $10.00. Mer- chant Tailor could not give you a better fit.- At the Quarterly Official Board. meeting of the Methodist church on' Thursday last the following were! elected Stewards for the Conference! year: Wm. Clayton. (Recording: Steward) \V. A. Armstrong, Robt.§ Waller. F. W. Nicholson, Robert} Richardson. Wm. Buchanan and W.| G. Shannon. Mr. Nicholson elected3 representative to the District Meet-i ing at Dundalk on the 20th inst. An. invitation was extended to the pastorI to return for a fourth year. Messrs. F. Nicholson and S. Hemphill were‘ re-appointed class teachers and Mr. W. Heath was added to the local' preacher 3t aEf. Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. A. M. was held on Friday evening last at which Mr. J. E. Trafiord. of Mark dale, was initiated into the mySteries Eof the Order. After the initiation ithere was a pleasurable season of Lspeech making by the friends from Markdale and at the close an enjoy- .able social time was spent at the re lireshment tables. During a pleasant scall from Mr. Trafl’ord we learned he ‘purposed leaving Markdale with his ‘ family on Monday for Sask. to com- lmence Operations on his recently lpurchased 1200 acre farm. - . ' ‘08811 {no guesn UL but: from here to the Conservative Con- Shaw for a week. .. ' t Markdale on Friday and Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson, we learn there was much satisfaction was the guest of Mrs given to all by ‘ 'r. Lucas in eXplana- strong on Friday last. tion of his attitude towards locali Mrs. A. S..VanDuse1 Option and V039 on the three'hnh'Sunday and Monday w l clause. Mr. LucaIS’ 1‘6 619mm“ “mm at Chatsworth. a lormn mmority Is a foregone 0011- 1mm. Rang Snpnr- of At the meeting of the executive on Friday last of the Artemesia Sabbath School Association, June 24th was the date chosen for the annual Gon- vention here. A good prograume is being prepared for It. 5‘ Vilaâ€"v No. 6 Company. under Clpt. C. N. Richardson drilled on Saturday and will have drill twice a. week prepara- tory to attending the Quebec teroen- tenary. All Gone to Smash ! . LEAROYD, Merchandise Broker The equal of any $1.3 suit. Think of it I did you ever know of such merciless price-cutting Hats to fit Professor Joseph Stafl’ord. of Mc- Gill University, Montreal, is spend ing a week with relatives here before leaving for St. Andrews, N B . to re- sume his duties for the summer at the Biological station there. Prof Stafiorn’s young daughters, Mineroa and Valeria will spend the summer here with their aunt, Mrs. J. P. Ot- tewell. Miss Ethel Trimble is going to 'Owen Sound this week to visit over the 24th'with her aunt Mrs. J. 0. Crane. Mrs. Bingham, of Shelburne, has been the guesz of the Misses Mun- shaw for a week. Mr. Thos. Qnigg, of the west back line. left on Monday for Edmonton. and from there Will go 70 miles ween to Mewassin, Alta.., where he pur poses taking a homestead if we. lu cality pleases him. Frien'k nmrv it to him a very fine section of vhe province. Rev. G. 0. Little will attend the meeting of the Presbyterian Synod in Toronto this week. Mrs. Alex Stewart, of Teeswater, visitedher father Mr. George Best. last week. Miss Myrtle Blakely is visiting her aunt a: Corbetton. Mrs. A. S- VanDusen visited over Sunday and Monday with old friends at Chatsworth. Miss Bella Speer. of Erin, and Mrs Perijoe. of Feversham. are visiting this week with the latter‘s daughter, Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. Wesley Lyons, of Proton Station. has been visiting for a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. Mr. L. McDonald. of Cbatsworth, Spent Sunday in town. By a. letter received today (Mon- day) from Mr. R. N. Henderson. of Winnipeg. we learn that Mrs. Hen- derson had been suddenly called to Fort Saskatchewan by the very ser ious illness of her father. Mr. Hen- derson informs us that he hopes to visit Flesherton and take in the cele- bration on Dominion Day. Many old friends will give Newt a. warm hand-clasp and the President says he shall be supplied a charger to head the monster parade, Mrs. E. Simmons. of Rivet-view, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Besc. Mrs. Kerr arrived from Toronto, on Tuesday to take chaage of the in- termediate room in the public school. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clinton left on Tuesday to spend a week at Bo- chester.N Y. and attend the mar- riege of the letter’s niece, Miss Lily THE DURHAM CHRONICLE all heads and pockets Blue and black clay worsted single and double breasted suits. Slaughter prices. of Markdale, W. A. Arm Vasey to Mr. \V. B. Robertson. Mrs. F; W. Hickling returned on Monday from the 800 where she Spent the past few months with her husband. Miss Gladys Cornfield the 11 year- old daughter of Mr. Joe. Cornfield. of this place. was a successful competi- tion in the New Williams puzzle re cently published in the daily papers and a. few days ago received a. bond good for $75.00 if applied on the pur- chi-we of a New Williams piano. \lr Carmen King, of Markdale; \ir Russell Currie. Miss Marion (7. tie and Miss Essell Laiilaw, of Duchum visited Misses Lillian and Laura Armstrong over Sunday. After an absence of several months Mrs. J W. Armstrong returned home on Monday accompanied bv her little grand daughter. Ethel Gofi. Sunday School re opened for the summer . months. on Sunday last. The weather was beautiful and there was a large attendance. Mr. Wm Young of your town is again Supt... be having filled that office for several years past. Re-opening attendance, 96. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan Jr., Spent last Sunday with friends on the 4th COD oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - .fi'v Black sateen and working shirts away down. . Collars, four ply linen, 3 for ..................... 250 Men’s Rainproof Coats umbrella sale ! ! Big lmrchase at half-price. Come and see these half-price bargains. hocking down high price for 8 days longer. Merchants say these bargains are Bargains every day after this. This mighty slashing will draw crowd's from all 31‘s for 8 days longer. McKechnie’s Departmental Store. Mr. Wm. Newell intends leaving for Port Arthur toward the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McComb of your town visited at the home of the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos McComb Sunday last. Mr. John Newell wheeled up to Rocky Saugeen, Sunday last. There must be some attraction. Eh Jack? Mr. Thos. McGirr. of Lambton 813., is preparing to erect a wire ience around his property. It will greatly improve the looks of it. Mr. Tbos Meenagh has. taken the contract of building the stonework additionâ€"vto Mr. Sam Patterson’s dwelling house.'and we can safely say it will be first class when com- pleted _ Seeding is progressing slowly on Spring so far. but let us hope we will soon have a return of fine weather. Any mother who has had ex- perience with this distressing ail- ment will be pleased to know that a cure may be efiected by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it ofi with a soft cIOth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale at Parker's Drug Store. Darkie’s Corners. Sore Nipples. :ya 41' .30 pants for 980 “ $1.23 “ $1.48 . $213.00, $1.98 T0 ELECTORS OF SOUTH GREY. Gentlemenzâ€"It is reported that I have withdrawn from the campaign. Why such :1, report should be circulat- ed is beyond my comprehension,unless the wish he Father to the thought. I wish it distinctly understood that I am a candidate for the representa- tion of South Grey in the Legislature, and if elected will endeavor to give the closest attention to the affairs of the Province in general, and my Con- stituency in particular. It is 'my intention to conduct the campaign free from everything personal, of every thing that Will cast a reflection on myself, or the Electors of the Constit- uency. If I cannot be elected by the aid of what is perfectly defensible, I do not Wish to be elected. It. is my wish to emphasize the moral side of Politics and fight fair, so that when ‘t-he election is over, I can look back i with satisfaction, knowing that I did 1 not depreciate Politics. 1 am, respectfully yours. l NEIL MCCANNEL. An eight-year-old child near \Valk- erton committed suicide last week by hanging himself rather than go to school. It seems he had trouble with the teacher or some of his schoolmates and was determined not to go back. His mother insisted, and as he started out he declared he would die first. He put his threat into execution, and the parents are, no doubt, in deep sorrow 1 m er the sad death. The child was evidently a bad tempered youngster, and the mother has nothing to regret in exercising her authority. \Vith a temper such as that child evidently had at eight years of age, the taking of his own life may be the best thing that could have happened. Who knows what he might have developed {into if he had grown up to manhood with an ungoverned and ungovernable temper? Later on, bad he been spared, he might have brought trouble into more than one home, and the end of his earthly career might not have been more honorable. A. man or boy who :allows his temper to get the mastery of him is in a very dangerous position. VVEBBERâ€"At Var ney, on Friday May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. J ameq Webber, a daughter. GOVERN YOUR TEM PER. The very smartest Suit you ever saw, in blue black clay worsted. English, worth $2000 ~1~7 doz. French cambric soft from: 650 sale price.......; ....................... 2 cases, 750 and $1.00 new shirts sale price ..................................... Black sateen and working shirts Collars, four ply linen, 3 for ........ Big Slaughtering Shirts, Collars 8: Cuffs BORN. g}. 10 so 0ft flout Shirts \\ orth ............................... 390 J new shirts, fast colors ...... 490 S S. No. 1 NORMANm' Am) FGREMOXTJ Jr. Iâ€"Campbell Grant, Robbie,1 \lorrison, Ivan Kreller. Madeliney Maurice, Richard \IcCabe, Adelineé Petty. L Sr. Iâ€"Alma Pettigrew, Audry Hoy. Robbie Clark. Sr. c. IIâ€"Percy Barber, Cecil BlythJamc Kerr; Willie Pollock, Clara Pettigrew. Jr; IIâ€"Gordon Grant. Cecil Barber. 81'. IIâ€"W'illie Hutton, Ella Mcr- ri5un, Willie Eden. Elgin \Vilton, Mansfield Leeson. Jr. P5. IIâ€"James Leeson, Edna. McIlvride, Wesley Pollock. Jr. IIIâ€"Florence Kerr, Margaret Leeson, Stewart Grant, Allan Petu- grew. Jr IVnBertie Barber, Margaret Kerr, Ella Barber, Edith Monison, Winnie Blych. best. IVâ€"Carrie Wilton, Hazel Bar- Any overcoat in the store slaughtered at half-price. 3.98, 4.48 $5.98. wort-h double. Chamberlain’ s Colic. Chalera , Diarrhoea Remedy There is probably no medicine made that is relied npon with more implicit confidence than Chamber- lain’s Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a cen- tury in which it has been in use. peepie have learned that. it is the one remedy that never fails. When rt?- dnced with water and sweetened it 18 pleasant to take. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. Average attendance 34â€", TOURIST SLEEPERS A 1 DUIRDCT ( f Tourist Sleeping Cars w. 11 be run on each excursion fully equipped with hede mg. etc. Bertha should 0e secured and paiu fur through local agent at least 81x daxs before! excursion leaves. . vibrates and full information cont tuned in free Homeeeekers’ pamohlet. Ask pear- est C.P.R. agent for a copy. or wrue to C. I. FOSTER. District Ross. “L. C.P.l.. Toronto Big; Saturday and Ron SA 1nd. uu RIM MARITGBA EDITH A. ALLAN Cash ALfiERTA mp Excursions mate H M m

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