West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 May 1908, p. 6

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i PROPRIETORS illwrights, Machinists, ton and Brass Founders. I. FARM MACHINERY larness, Rugs. “'hips, Oils, Greases, Stoves, Furnaces, Singers Sewing Machines, Heintzman’s Pianos McLaughlin's Famous Buggies Repairs for all makes of Plows. pairs for all makes of Sewing Ma- chines. tomobiles, Ties, Poles, bought per . PRIXCIPALS. 0 ,1 ‘~‘mm ©~‘c it mum Malachian 1 MANUFACTURERS OF utfing Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, tock raisers’ Feed Boilers. fiellote Sharpless Cream Separators gent for Percival Ayr, American. Persian and Listowell plows. EN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER Engines and ,BOiler Repairs promptly executed. {RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK Special attentioq to Gaso- line Engine repairs. Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. WI D.CONNOR is the. leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough‘ practical training on Commercial Subjects. Isaac PitunanTs Shorthand. Touch Tvpewritiug and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. Each department is in the hands of experienced instructors. We assist students to positiens. Our graduates alwavs succeed. for our courses are the best Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. You may enter now Pumps fmm $2 upwam. E HOP Open every afternoon. ‘11 REPAIRING promptly and prop, .rly attended to ,w. 0. CONNOR; ‘Vhite 8: Son Threshing Ma- é‘rnuroao. ONT. And all the best varieties of Turnip Seeds . SMITH 6: SONS Frost 62’ Wood Sash 8’ Doors Tor-on to \Yind mills. Highest prices paid for Eggs and Grain. AGENT FOR . Smith Sons FRESH STOCK All Kinds of Middaugh House Bloc]. chines. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"- Rape Seed Garden and Flower Seed Lawn Grass Seed in abundance Royal Giant Sugar Beet Evans’ Saw-Log Mange] Giant White Mange] . Hunter OF SUMNER MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT Wednesday, May 20 Miss Dick announces her summer Inillinm'y opening- t-o beheld on when she will exhibit the new styles. She cordially invites the ladies of the town and sur- rounding county to call and see the grand display. Parisian Millinery Parlors Attention And don‘t miss this Men’s Heavy Plow Bouts ...... $1.33) Good looking fine Sunday Shoes, blucher cut, at ................... $1.75 The celebrated “Boston” shoe, for men. in patent, colt-skin and Russian calf, in Oxfurd, Button and Blucher styles. o “'omen’s boots. Dongoia and Box calf from ................ $1.25 to $3.00 \Vomon’s Dongola- and Box Calf boots in patent. cokskin, balmoral Number and oxford styles. A full range of boys’ children‘s missos’ shoes in all styles. cuts prices. The latest in rubbers, m all styles. These. goods were bought at a jubsale which explains how they can be sold so cheaply. Call for yourself and be convinced. When we say Cost. we mean it. \Ve have decided to reduce our stock of Dry Goods during the next two weeks as we need the shelf room for our spring orders. To clear out quickly we are offering our entire stock at cost. Some of our selections are '75 Men’s Ready-made Pants and Overalls. 75 Men’s, Boys’ and Girls’ Caps. A few Ready-made Suits and Overcoats. A quantity of Ladies’ and Men's Underwear. Heavy Tweeds, Prints, Flannelé ettes, Gloves, 80: etc., and other articles too numerous to mention. All geods marked in plain figures. DURHAM . Entricken Sewell S. SCOTT AT COST MISS DICK SALE ONTARIO 'l'op. and and At the annual meeting of St. Paul’s church, Messrs. Jno Queen and Wm. Davis were re appointed wardens and Mr. Wm. McFadden delegate to the Senate to be held in London in June Mr. .139. Tucker Was appointed by the Durham congregation, so bonh are from this part. Mr, \Vm. Johnston is in a worse condition than usual and unable to move about. His bmther Jim was also laid 03 work for a few days last week, possibly the result of fatigue through broken rest. (Crowded out last week.) Mrs. Robt. Mead was on the sick lis: last. week and Dr. Jamieson called in. but the case proved to be only influenza and not serious. The Spring Show of Entire Horses held m Holstein was the best ever held in South Grey. There were seventeen good specimens present, and the task of judging them a ditfi- cult one. The union meetings between Var- ney and this line will be held every Sunday night. in future in place of fortnightly. It is getting with some of our young folks that Sunday night without the Va-ney peeple would be unbearable. Mr. PeteM utch has sold his three entire horses. McC rigor’s Last goes further east. while the Other two {:0 to Sorby, of Guelph, from whom he has purchased a fine four~year old Clydesdale of recent import. You will please excuse us for not sending a lengthy budget this week. \Ve muSt get our crop in. While we would miss a meal at any time for the sake of getting a good news item for the Chronicle, we couldn’t keep it up very long. \Ve are very sorry to report the1 illness of Mr. John Brown. Cattle King. although he will likely be around again in a couple of weeks and able to attend to his duties. In fact there is a certain amount of sel fishness in the exn'eme regrets at him being laid off, as peOple seem to have unlimited faith in him and take :all their stock there without prices j having: been pre arranged. Your Top Clifi man says that our reference to the Reform Convention only had the efl'ect of spurring the Grits to greater activity. That was what it was intended to do. Being that we are Irish inclined, we like to see good battles well fought out, and we feared the Reform Party wexe going to become exciucc and needed reviving, therefore we feel elated over hearing of our success. The Lennox brothers went to their homesteads in faraway Saskatche- wan last Tuesday. carrying with them pleasnnt. memories of a well spent winter. The ladies of St. Paul’s churchll have completed that very handsome; name quilt and are preparing to dis-; pose of it in the near future by auc ‘ tion in the school house. A musical! entertainment will be given, with! recitations and such like thrown in. also eatabies and tea will be served, all for the paltry admission of 15c for adults and We for children. In fact those coming in couples with a View to matrimony will be admitted for :50. Just the place to spend a social evening, make frlends and remember l them by buying the name quilt. John Clark, the popular auctioneer, will . wield the hammer over the precious larticle, The person who has once exper- ienced the pleasure of a cup of de licious “Salada” Teaâ€"that. feeling of satisfaction that its purity'and flavor guarantee, is not easily pursuaded to accept a substitute. We are having a. wet May and late seeding, but we think it will be bad weather on young grass hoppers. Mrs. Wm. Britten and daughter M133 Violet, are visiting friends here. We are glad to see Mr. John Red- ford on the line again as he has been away for the winter. Mr. Wm. Fulton expects his framers this week to frame his new barn. In looks like business since we got the new blacksmith shOp on the line Mr. R. Britten has repaired his lime kiln this Spring and has it; in good shape. Why not cure icâ€"erradicate it with Putnam’s Corn Extractor? No pain or soreâ€"“Putnam’s is a. guaran- teed success, try it. In Time of Peace Corner Concerns. Is Your Corn Troublesome? defence against disease. An . occasional cup of “BOVRIL” supplies that extra strength and 11th which everyone needs to escape the ills which are so prevalent at this season. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Muloch. To Step the Increase of Catarrh 1 Durham. Catarrhal troubles are increasing, no: only in Durham but all over the country. Catarrh is a germ disease and to cure it, germ life in the nose, throat and lungs must be destroyed. and this can be done only by breathing Hyomei. There is no dangerous stomach dragging when Hvomei is used; no table: or liquid mixtures wberehy the indigesnion is often destroyed. SOMETHING CAN BE DONE Breathed through the .neat pocket inhaler that comes With every 001%. its healing beleams penetrate the moat remote air cells, destroying the catarrhal germs so that quick re covery follows. The complete outfit. costs but 81.00. and MacFarla-ne-' Co agree 20 refund the money should Hyo qei fail to do all that is claimed for it (Crswded out last week.) Jennie Peter. daughter of Mr, .133. Peter was visiting her aunt Mrs. Robs. Petty last. week. Aritor Day was duly observed at: Our school by cleaning up the school yard etc. and" after the work was done the teasher and children had some tafiy tagecher. Miss Eva Burnett is stnying for a few wee-ks wuh Mrs. H. Wilkinson. Alf McCabe has been fixing up the from: of his place by meeting a new wire fenee and pleasing some trees J. W. Blyth had. she job of the fence. Milton Ard and: Wm. Long are en. gaged with Geo. Poflock to frame t liS summer. Geo has a lot. of work in the building Line which doesn’t look like hard times. Pearl and Frankie Burnett. visited at H Wilkinson’s one day last week. We extend b8", wishes to Mr. and Mrs Adam Pettigrew and hope that they may be spared to enjoy many years of wedded life together. The Epworth L ague has changed their night of meeting and Will meet on Sunday nights now at. 7.30 p. m. Florence Clark is on the sick list again but we are glad to hear that she is getting better. Mrs. H. \V. Leeson from Mount Forest visited her children around our hamlet for a few days the latter part of last week and the beginning of this. Mr. Clark is this week going with Robt. Smith up about 10 miles north of Fleshsrton with their sawing cut- fit. Mrs. C. and chlldren will go up in about a week. Will says he thinks the job will last for four months. Wes Ball has rented the Hillis farm but. we believe they reserved the house Max Allan and \Vilbert myth at- tended church at; Orchard last. Sun- day nigh: while some of the other young people went. back to Knox. Rev. Mr. Jamieson will conduct Sacramental Services next Sunday in the Varney church, while Rev. Mr. Rogers will take his Work. Last week J, \V. Blyth, Sec-Twas, for U. S. 3. No. 1, N E, received nvbeautiful Union Jack flag 3x6 feet for the school with the complements of J. J. Turner Sons, Peterboro, Miss Lena Allan. one of our most respected young ladies. will, this Wednesdaydain heart and hand with the man of her choice, Mr. Arthur McCrie. As We have not heard much about the wedding at time of writing we may have more to say next time we write, but at present will wish them very much happiness. and hone that health and prOSperity may be theirs to enjoy for many years. We are sorry to hear of Mr. and Mrs H, Wilkinson’s little boy being so sick, but at time of writing he is improving. We bone that he may soon be in good health again. The Rev. Mr. Rogers preached the last two Sundays from the same text. Exodus 20: 8. “Remember the Sab bath Day to keep is holy,” and last Sunday be dealt on how we might. keep it holy, He gave us many rea. sons why it should be kept holy, and also pointed out many ways that; we could keep it holy. Rumor has it that wedding bells will soon be ringing in our burg, and if true one of our fairest young dam- sels will be tranSported to your town. Chamberlain's Colic. ChOIera and Diarrhoea. Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber- lain’s Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a cen- tury in which it has been in use. peOple have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When re- duced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. Varney. These are crisp, new waists, in dainty styles, Well made of good lawn, prettily trimmed With lace and embroidery insertions. These are a few just as samples. White Waistsâ€"tucked back and front, button front, 1'()\\‘ of lace insertion down front, cuffs tucked . . . . . ..... . . ........... . ..... 60c SPRING NECESSITIES! Tri-Phenol Sinecure Powder White Waistâ€"front trimmed with insets of handsome mnhruid ‘ery insertion set; in with val lace, back tucked to yoke dvpth. front closing under embroidery panel .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....2.00 Felsâ€"NapthaSoap Whize Waistâ€"front. of rows of embroidery inserthm :md tnr'ked. Button back ................................................. 1 .00 Moth Balls, Gillett’s Lye, and Caustic Soda, for Soapmakers Furniture Polish Chloride Lime In pounds and half-pounds. Two special lines of these pretty collar tubsâ€"one is selling at 4 for 25câ€"the other, worth 200 selling at :2 for Very fashiOn:-tb1e for summer suitsâ€"plain colors, White. navy. pale blue 250 yd. Fancy pale ‘blue with White thread check, silk finish per yard ................... . . .................................. 50¢ CI i p stylish new goods, in all kinds of patterns. It; is almnsl in} po 5 ible to describe muslins, the only wa} is to see tha m. “6 would like to Show you these on the distinct undemtamli 221-? that you do as you please as to buyinO'. Have you seen our line of 1mm 11.: I FiShing TaCkle is W01 th examining. Y 011 “1'1 thing suitable for the greatest spmt. P ' Do not forget that we'are still selling the groan-<1 1“ all] mixed paint l’nanufactuvedâ€"the Sherwin-\Villijn:as.t some of our S.-W. furniture polish, also S.- V. gold palm, I'm- 1“ frames, etc. Headquarter-s lace curtains and curtain goods. See last week’s ad. DiSinfectant Have You tried our Pheno-thnm? Hit‘ :4 . Spring disinfectant; and de-odorizer. 23."; - pvt (311181365 Lye, household ammonia. and Slick Klenzor in almndmmu JAM ES I RE LA D DARLINGS’ DRUG STORE, Whips, etc. The 3319 Of seeds has greatly exceeded 0111‘<}.\‘p2*='3411 Seeds can Still supply you With anything in the line 1"”? 37” garden purpose? Bicycles Long Summer Gloves New White Waists Plain lisle thread, black or White, per pair ......... 50c Plain Silk “ “ “ . . . . . . .1 .00 Special silk lace, black or cream “ . .......... 75c Silk net, black only, per pair. . .. .................. 1 .00 Snap in Turn-over Collars New Dress Linens Hardwam The spring disinfectant and deodizer. :3 per bottle. The house-cleaners’ friend. 25c: bottles. Tc fier cake. Sole agent in Durham for Mechanic King Overalls New Muslins W. BLACK Go-Carts and express wagons in abund‘ fence and fence wire in stock. We have just réceived a large varietF and buggy rugs, suitable for every per-3- McIntyre Block. Maw regular 10c .3 00 .ance. of Whips every read? 1111 or W ire Lure tin Wwwoeweow ; HOME-MADE MEDICINE A. BELL UN DE RTAEQE and Funeral Direcmrwng Picture Framing. 710m ”000.0000..000000 e 0 c e Full line of (331110“ and White Ca [)8 f( )1 : T0 the Residents. Farm o ‘ . : etc., of Gleam; Steel is iron free {(227.1 #3..“ . or foreign substance {tar-av”, carbon. Carbon gives timghw stength, keeness and Mt. Thirty year’s study oi Hue ra situalion has shown a way to r add the highest per (cm 1;!" carbon to a Carbo Magnet; a' razor blade throug a sac. ; u ’ processofELECTmC TEMiibé- iNG giving it a uniform die»; mqnd like hardness-SW1“? thing absolutely impo :_~: .x i ‘ : With fire tempered razors. K and they are Hamburg gramme . But Test this UNCONDITECK ALLY GUARANTEED razm a home-or have vourbarbcr am. iton you-for thirty days \‘g’ETH OUT OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE. A >QQQQQQG and arseniud CLMUIDH injurious 10 \‘< the genuine :11‘ has tested. are Get. tithe 'ooooo3600< time has 1‘9: N0 HDNING - N0 68% SHOW Roomsâ€"~.\V Barber Shop. H door South of ‘.\' blacksmith Shop. Embalming a Special: Excellent testnm Buggies ahd Wagons a spa Sold bv W. BLACK. Durham 14,1908 NOTICE ch troubles. biliou: “ion try Chamber 1. Liver Tablets. 38 have been efi “90.25. cents. Sa. M u Parker’s The Harness mixed art: 9960060 nee; a1

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