West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1908, p. 2

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.1 house situated on the west sid Gara- fraxa Sheet in upper town. large lot with stable.fir:~t tclasswell also cietern. Apply premises. Angus Cameron, [3th. uable farms in New Ontario. npar .' New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount for .,’ ash. Map of the locality and terms given 3! 1 on application to J. P. Teltord, Solicitor for ' Vendor. 7- 18 06 -tf (yrs 13 AND 14 CON 3. N.DR Gleuel,15 acres bJsh. frame barn well water ,mustbesold. A. H. Jackmn Durham. 227tf. L DWELLING AND SHOP. ON Mill Street Durham 110R frontage [A pl) t0 \\ tlliam Laidlaw I 11229-tf OTS 27 AND 28â€"]N THE 18TH ' Concession of the Township of Nor. omnby. containin2250acres. the estate of late Tbos Fulton One stone dwelling Fund one trame dwelling. Good bank barn [.190 good frame barn Will be sold in block at divided to suit. purchaser. Terms made known on application. Hugh Fulton, Ad- ministrator. Hampden, P, 0. Jan 13. tf. FA Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"g«,.od filocation. prices reasonable Apply to Whoa Smith or at the Post Oflice. . May 20â€"tf f 100 ACRE FARM wrmm TWO 2 miles of Durham. On the farm there is a good brick house. almost new also two good barns with stone foundations. The roperty is well fenced and well watered. 'l accept $3090 on terms to suit purchas- 1 er. Apply to W. F. Dunn. Agent for Ven- dor. [April 29â€"tf. ARK LOT BUMBER 13 NORTH _I of Saddler street in the Town of Dar m. in the count cf Grey. (ontainingd as more or less: For terms and particu ars applv to J. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- . Durham. r. . 3.-â€"tf. COM FORTABLE COTTAGE AN D 10 acres of land opposite Mr. Thos. kins, convenient to Durham. Cottage ntains 6 rooms. good woodshed. good sta- e, hen house, never failing well. Excell- h flplace‘, for gardening. Apply to Aaron '~ J ett. fl storey dwelling. alongside Presby~ rian Manse property in Upper Town. nrham. Corner of Durham and Elzin ts. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, ent floored cellar. etc,» 990d airy 199a- n in good locality. Good frame Stable. d and soft water. one acre of land. Snap rquick purchaser. For further particu- rs apply to John W. McKechnie. Owner, kv Saugeen P. O. d delivered 33. 50 per load. The Durham "' wood 16 inches long. Large double rniture Co. [42t c.. in cases where the buildings cannot be oved. are also ufl'erad tor sale. Dated June 4th 1907. , Apply to ‘way. LAM material such as timber. brick, st'me, BE 2N D AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No. I. E G R.. in the Township If Glenelg. 100 acres known as the McKin a Farm” at the Rocky 811113.991: [mo mediate possession given. For gparticnlars gap}? to J P Telford. 3 ll 07â€" tf J about six miles from Durham. Good itlo. Possession at once. Good land. Must a sold. For particulars apply to J. P. 'olford, Durham. '0!» 22nd 1%!) â€"tf l. for sale a number of houses and out- »uildings along the line of right. of way of be Walker-ton and Lucknow Railway, in he town of Durham. These buildings must be removed at an uly date. in order to clear the line of right Nov. 5- ti. l1 cott will rent one or more \ears Lking most of rent in improvements Luilding 8 soil water. orchard and timber well good Appiy to J. Ritchie. Port '_ _ For Sale. _4 aLABs. PRI‘ACIPALLY HARD Q‘IRST CLASS mu: FOR S_-ALE ; after May :6. atln§26. con. 4, ND R. fiver 5 bushels. 18c at kiln. Robt. Brittou. Mock. Out. [5212 BTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES IHE UN DERSIGNBD OFFERS tib'erfer. red; 1 two-year old heifer, roan m: white spots; .. yearling heifers. spott- i. red and “bite; _Any pegson giving in- O’I‘ Qlâ€"IN THE SECOND CON- mation that will lead to their teem er}; ill be suitably rewarded Edward Hat; you, Dromore P. O. [521 N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" For Sale or to Let. ' of the undersigned. lot 17. con. '21, Eg- mont. on or about the First of May : Btwoyear‘ old steers. mostly white : 1 {qyegr old gteer. mostly rqt! ; 1_ Ewe-year W0 STOREY DOUBLE FRAME Paris, May 15.â€"Two policemen I6 morning recently caught a dairy- an named Pavrier, at the central arket, while he was engaged in the ,gth lucrative enterprise of water- ; his milk. Fsvrier resisted arrest. and struck {a policeman with his whip. For .o combined ofience he has now u sentenced to two years’ im- rigonment, and ordered to pay a 39 of $100. Moreover. he is to hr the cost of inserting the judge- “: in four newspapers. as well as 'Pn .3 having it printed and posted a .3 various entrances to the l. 3. lW.â€"tf cession West of the Garafraxa Road. the Township of Normanby. in the mty of Grev. For particulars apply to ’. Telford, Barrister. Durham. W O G O 0 D COMFORTABLE ’. lst. 1906â€"tf. NUMBER OF IMPROVED VA L- Property for Sale. Y .200 ACRE FARM AT GLAS- CKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS ON houses. Apply to J. .\l. Latimer. the Rocky. immpdiate possession giv- For further parnculars apply to J. P. TELFORD. LSON FOB. WATERING MILK. GOOD SOLID BRICK TWO Farms for Sale. Cattle A stray. m Must. Spend Two ,Years in Prison and Pay $100. To Rent. J. P TELFORD Durham. Durham. [423tf Under insrructions from the own- ers, the undersigned will ofier for sale by Public Auction at the Imple- ment Warerooms on Garafraxa. Street, Durham, North of the Bridge at Three O’clock, on Saturday the 23rd day of May. 1908 The following: 1 Two year-old Clydesdale filly; 1 pair of Road mares. three and four years old; 1 Mower; 1 Sectional two horse Cultivator; 1 lever. three sec- tion, Diamond Smomhing Harrow; 1 Pulper; 1 Scufier. OF FARM STOCK AND IMPPLE- MENTS. "ASH .notice is hereby further given. thgt a meetxng of the Council for general hue:- noes will be held at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated this 14th day of Mn . 18. I, 5. BLACK. 5142] Clark. .TOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN L that trespassing for the purpose of fishing. hunting. trapoing. or dogs running at large. will be prosecuted acc nding to law. 011 lots con. 1. Normanby. lots 1 of 2 of], 3 of l. 1 of2. 3of2. 1 ot2of3. Con. 2. lot6.2of6.4 of2.3nf2. 50f6. The above properties are on Rocky Sau- geen, from Aberdeen to Thee. Tony’s. and on Saugeeu from 'l‘hos. Miliigan’s to Thos. Tony’s. This notice stands good for five years. May 21. 1908. [5211: As the same time and place there will be ofl'ered for sale 2 setts of light single harness; 1 Oxford Cream Separator and 2 U. 5. Cream Sahara- tors. NOTICE is herebygl ven that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Durham for the year 19% will be held no the Town Hall Durham. on Tues- day, the 2nd day of J une. 19% at 8 o’clock p m. Dated at Durham this 282h day of May, 19%. ..B VOLLET _ D. McCrie. J Beale. Mrs. T. Allen. J. W. Blvtb '1‘. Wallace. J. Petty, T. McAliswr, A. Marshall. Varney. May 18 1908. [5214p Ed. Crozier. lot 32. con. 4. and lot 45, con. 3. W.G R. H. J. Miller. lots 63and 64. con. 3. N.D.R Wm. McCrackeu, lots 43 and 44. con. 3. W.G.R. Jas. Ewen. lots 43 and 44. con. 3. W. G.R. Wm. Scarf. lots 46 and ~-7. con. 3. W.G.R. Thos. Torry. lots 28 St. ‘29. con 4. N.U.R. John Bums. lots 36 It 31. con 4. N.D.R. Nprice is further given. 'nhat houndspr colhos found on any or the above propernes are hable to be shot. CREDIT AUCTION SALE TERMS OF SALEzâ€"All sums of $5 00 and under. cash. Over that amount eight months’ credit will be given on approved joint notes. 7% discount for cash in lieu of notes. No reserve. Dated at Durham. May 15th 1908. JOHN CLARK. Auctioneer. HE FIRST SITTING OF THE! Diseased parts of the air passages Court of Revision for the Townshi of ? can best be reached by dry air. The Glenelg. for the year 1538. will be hel at ' ° the Township Hall. on Wednesday the 27th 2:12:31“: “‘1. lungs “n. 9?" d4}? of May. 1908. at )0 o’clock in tea fore-l y ry 311'. yomex la a noon. . dry air treatment from which you And notice is hereby further Riven. that get the Balsamic efiect of living in 8 meeting of the Council for general hnsi- . . ness will he held at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the Pine “"1 Eucalyptic F 0768158. of the same day. ;' where catarrhal and bronchial Dated this 14th day of May. 1908. { troubles do not exist. These implements are new and up- to-date with all *he latesc improve ments. None of them have been used. ‘ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L that any person or persons found that any person or persons found hunting. fishing. trapping or trespassing in any way on the properties mentioned below after the date ot this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Thos. Millikan. lot 52. con. 2, W.G R. Thos. F. Mighton. lot .33 con. 2. W.G.R Alex. Alexander. lot 49. con. 3. W.G.R. Wm. Cuff. lots 49 and .31. con. 3. W.G.R __Geo.__.\lighton, lots 61. 62, 63, 64. con. 3. At twelve years of age Keir Har- die, the Well-known Labor member of the British Patliament. could neither read or write, and the only kind of schooling he received was a rough drilling of the elements of reading. which he obtained by study- ing books and notices in shop win- dows. Writing and shorthand Mr. Hardie taught himself, practising the latter in the coal mine with the aid of a white stone blackened with smoke from his pit lamp and used as a tablet. upon which he scratched the symbols with a pin. At twenty- two he left the pits and became sec- retary of the miners’ union, and two years later he obtained a position as sub editor of a local newsp'per at Cumnock, the town in which his present home is situated. .Lap'. Turprull, lots 59 8.: 60, co_n_. 3, N.D R In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. NoDdaysin making Winn-awaits Waddedfomtimcsayear SavilgsBaIkDepa'tmentinComedion wihall Branches. THE STANDARD BAN K BRANCH” mo AT WON AND PRICEVILLI Court of ReViSion. g TEACH YOURSELF NOW Township of Glenelg, 1908 Court of Revision. Notice to T respassers. How Keir Hardie Rose TOWN OF DURHAM. Notice. DURHAM BRANCH John 3011’. Manager OF CANADA HeadOffice . a O . Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT ISTABIJSHED I 873 C Iver k . [52R l The chief is investigating the af lialfr, and is at present trying to lo- ;cate the relatives of the writer of l the mysterious note. The letter referred to in tne above ‘ deepatch ‘is probably the Work of . some pin headed rural joker. The Thames River at Wardsville is but a few yards wide and is navigable only by row boats and canoes. If capsized . it would have been as easy for the ‘writer of the note to devise means . for getting ashore as it was to write and set afloat a lengthily-worded ,note. Good Words for Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Hyomei destroys the germs that cause disease of the breathing organs; you simply by the use of a rubber in- haler. mix Hyomei air with your in- ward breath as it reaches the diseas- ed parts where catarrhal, bronchial, croup or pneumonia germs are mnlti plying by millions their life is snuffed out, as they are the disease, their ex- termination means quick improve- ment. A man who answered advertise- ments in cheap “story papers” has had some interesting experiences. He learned that by sending one dol lar to a Yankee he could get a cure for drunkenness. Sure enough he did. It was “to take the pledge and keep it.” Later on he sent fifty two cent stamps to find out how to raise turnips successfully. He found out â€"“just take hold of the tow and pull.” Being young, he wished to marry, and sent thirty-four one cent stamps to a Chicago firm for infor- mation as to how to make an impres. sion. When the answer came it read, “sit down on a pan of dough.” It was alittle rough but he was a patient man and thought he would yet succeed. Next advertisement he answered read “How to double your money in six months.” He was told to convert his money into bills. fold them. and he would see his money doubled. Next he sent for twelve useful household articles and he got a package of needles. He was slow to learn. so he sent one dollar to find out how to get rich. "Work like the devil and never spend a cent.” And that stopped him. but his brovl'i er wrote to find out how to write a letter without pen or ink. He was told to use a lead pencil. He paid one dollar to learn how to live with- out work. and was told on a poetal card to “fish for suckers as we do.” PeOple everywhere take pleasure in teatifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay. Md.. writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. My little girl Catherine. who is two years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. Abouta month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself. but I took Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever.” This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. MacFarlana Co. have the agency for Hyomei and will furnish the complete outfit for $1 00 under gust antee to satis'. y. (Mail and Empire.) Chatham. Ont.. May 15.â€"-Chief of rolice John Holmes received a mys- terious letter from Wesley Risebor- ongh, of Kent Bridge this morning. In his letter. Mr. Riseborongh States that while plowing on his farm near the bank of the river he found a large green bottle. which had evio dent'y been washed up by the recent flood. The bottle was sealed. and upon Opening it he'found the follow- ing note:â€" “We are sinking fast. Tell the old folks we are drowned in the river. Signed, J. W. Staples. Wardsville. P. S.â€"If you find my body, put it by the tree in the churchyard. Who ever finds this will please follow di- rections. Good-bye, We are sinking fast. A. W. 8., Wardsville, March For Your Ownâ€"Your Children and Your Friends Sake. ,3 Mystenous Note in Green Bottle. LIVE WITHOUT WORK. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE NOT ANNOYED WHEN TRAVEL- LING. A well bred woman is never annoy- ed when travelling alone, because she does nothing to make herself conspic- uous. and if she needs direction or aid she does not apply to strange fellow travelers. but to a uniformed man connected in some capacity with the place in which she finds herself. Under no consideration whatever should a woman address a etrange man unless it be civilly to answer a question or comment on his part. But her response should be made in such a manner as to check further advances from him. Any conversation with strangers is unnecessary. for in the well equipped trains of the present there is always some official who can do for her or answer needful inquiries. A brake- man will know whether the train stops at the station to which the woman wishes to go. He. too, will open a window or ventilator should a traveler wish this done. If a fellow traveler oflers to open a window, it is not necessary to refuse severely. This is such a common courtesy that it is usually accepted and the person thanked, that being the end of the matter. It is easy to tell from the man’s manner whether he is doing it to open conversation or merely to ofler a common courtesy. A woman alone frequently finds hersell placed at the same table with a man in the dining car, and the fact need cause her no uneasiness. While it cannot be called good form to enter into conversation with him, she need not behave with aggressive indifier- ence. It is perfectly proper that he should ask her for the salt or pepper, for instance, or that she should re quest similar slight favors of him if the waiter is not present. The Oppor- tunity thus given for conversation is not taken advantage of by a well bred man. If one proves lacking in breeding his impersonal questions should be answered civilly, but not in a manr. er to encourage conversa tion. It is always a wise provision for a woman traveling alone, if her journey-is a long one, requiring stay- ing overnight in a Strange city, to telegraph ahead for a room or even to write for it before leaving home. This entirely prevents the serious awkwardness of being refused if she arrives late in the evening. If this has not been done it is net necessary for her to go to the office herself, for she can send a boy from the woman’s reception room requesting that the clerk will come to her, When travelling the proper manner of dressing is mcstimportant, for the general appearance has much to do with the service and attention that are given a woman. To dress elabor- ately makes a woman conSpicuous, and this is undesirable. Sloppiness or the wearing of old clothes is the Other extreme. An appropriate toilet is a well cut tailor dress, with a medium size or small dark hat, furs in winter or a long silk dust coat in summer. Mr. Smith was fifty-seven years of age. and unmarried. Hie business afiairs are all in good shape, both in connection with the bank and priv- ately; No inquest will be held, Coroner Tatten giving sudden menta aberration as the cause of his committing the act. In a drawing room or sleeping car there is the porter to fetch and carry, and he should be called upon for such service. At the end of the trip he is to be tipped either 25 or 50 cents or a dollar. according to the services he has given and the length of the trip. Your discouraged and played out â€"scaxcely enough energy to think, and less to work on. The reason? You are run down, blood is thin, nerves are like India rubber. not like steel as they ought to be. Use‘ Fer- rozone and the tired feeling will go â€"â€"it can’t stay because rich nutritious blood and the bodily vigor Ferrozone makes. crowds out weakness of every kind, Use Ferrozone and you’ll feel like a fighting kingâ€"full of energyâ€" filled up with ambitionâ€"ever ready to work. No strengthening tonic so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Ferrozone in 50 ct.‘ boxes. Liberal Candidate for the Legislature in East Lambton. (Toronto News ) Forest. May 1.â€"The citizens were shocked this morning when the an nouncement was made that Montague A. Smith, of the banking firm of L. H. Smith Co., and Liberal candi- date for East Lambton. had commit~ ted suicide. The act was committed about eight o’clock in rear of the bank. When J. D. Livingston, the accountant. came to the bank he found a letter on the desk addressed to himself in Mr. Smith’s handwrit- ing, telling of the deed. Mr. Living- Ston at once searched the premises, and found Mr. Smith in the lavatory, dead, with three bullet holes in his head and a revolver in his hand. Dr. Totten was called, and on examination found anocher bullet wound. in his breaSt. ‘ Mr. Smith was apparently in his usual good spirits until the last moment. At eleven o’clock last night he completed arrangements for holding a series of political meetings, the first to be held at Florence this evening. This morning he arose early. went to the livery and ordered a team for the trip, and then went to the bank, where he wrote his farewell letter. The letter referred to the mental strain caused by his position as candidate and other matters. SUICIDE AT FOREST. Do You Feel Used Up? J Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. -Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea Chop, Beau Shorts and Feed Flo‘ur. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. ‘4 oxeswswmsmsmmswgmsmg All up-to-date flour and feed ano grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we Will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. 3 Seasonable Goods i now in Stock” Is made from selected Winter Whea. and is a supermr armcle for making pastry, etc. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day A blend of 1; Manitoba and 3» Ontario wheat; and is a strictly first: class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour, made fxom No.1 \Ianitoba wheat cannot be beat for either bakeis’ or domestic use. ” '--’-~.‘ - ,, __ " ~’ . ~ ' - W cm a» 41$me m fix‘WW'fi‘SWO People’s Mills See our new prints and muslin ginghams at 10c per yd. and dotted muslin, for window trimming. Anything that makes the annual torment of spring house-cleaning any easier should be encouraged. Boots and shoes tor men, women and chlldren. Anything that makes home more comfortable, more attractive, more artistic, should be patronized. Our goods do all this. Scrubbing, stove shoe brushes with dauber and handle, soap , chips, ammonia, national polish laundry soaps, borax and pearl- ine. Try Naptha soap, to be used with cold or tepid water. Replenish your linen by purchas- ing our she'etings, plain and twilled bleached and unbleached. Pillow cottons @ 20c per yard Table linen-(a; .5c to 50c per yd. Fedora and sti'f hats at right prices GOING DATES April 14. 28 Juno 9, 23 Aug. 4. 18 Hay 12,26 July 7,21 . 82pt.1,15, 29 Ticket. (006 to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES from all points :â€" nâ€"6g-nn HOMESEEKERS’ TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited . _ . number of Tourist. Sleeping Caz-33 W111 be run on each excursxon. fully equxpped with bedding, etc. Bertha should be secured and paid for through local. agent at least 81X days before excupsxpg leayes. gin: { Winnipeg and return 83.2.00 betweeq Edmonton gmd return $12.50 Tickets Issued to all horth-W’est points. Prints Ginghams Chambrays Dimities Organdies Mulls Muslins Persian and Under Linen Delainett-es Dress Linen Victoria La“ ns Ne“ dress Ooods Vi nite 11ndersk11ts lack satin Ladies’ coatings Raincoat-s for ladies and gentlemen, all new and up-to-d ate goods. FWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMW wow-v v-- vâ€"â€"â€"â€"_,_ “Rates and full information contamed in free Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a. copy, or write to C. B. FOSTER. District Pass. ML. C.P.I.. Toronto John McGowan. TRY OUR NEW’ CHOPPER. PASTRY FLOUR . McArtlmr SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP 2ND CLASS Round-Trip Excursions MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA THE 1s PUBLISHEIQ "Vull EVERY THURSDAY At the Chronicle Printing Street. MORXIXG House, can If 80’ it is imperative that you DH“ 3. Cream Separator, The Delaval and Massey-flank Simple in construction and ea .turn, they combine lightnesS strength, and are the strong“ closest Skimmers on the market'- d tioneer for the County 0f Grey. promptly attended to. Orders may; at but Implement Wareromns, Wk old stand. or at the Chronicle 011109 Lambton Street. . . ' â€".' ." “WW ycrzlne “ch". quent Insertion .tmmon measure. Prof '9 cards, not exceedxqg one web $4.00 per“. Advertisements thtgout specific “Pectin? be published t-ill forbxd and charged 3000:“ Transient noticesâ€""Lg at, " ‘fFound," “PM etc,-50 cents for first msertxon, 35 Cent 0 . 5 f subsequent maertmn. on 1) Office over Gordon‘s new. Store, Lower Tow,n Duxham. An of monev to loan at 5 per cent propertv. er, Conveyance)“, ("\‘C. Agent. _ Money to Loan. Issue Haze Licenses. A general fina: ness transacted. DO YOU KEEP COWS] towwhi IF GRANT, D D. S. L.D.s. HONOR GRADUATE LNIXBRSI W of Toronto Gxaduate Royal 0011986 Dental Surgeons of ()nnmo Dentistry 1n all its Branches. Ofiice. â€"Calder Block m er Post 01309 01033650 Skimmer: uu use 11 u m -â€"- Investigate their mex 1ts and get proof of these statements. Rat‘ D VGYancers, Notary Public. Etc. . to Loan at Lowest Rate< 7‘ r CECEâ€"Mam} re Bluck, over Na Bank Durham}. Outax 1U. Machine Oil and Coal Oil always I“ W. J. MCFaddefl} All fidvertisemehvtflsi or beCDaId for in advance. ontract rates for year. adv nished on appfication to tbgomcsrtlmmmu All advertmements, to engufi. in»...- Anâ€"Aâ€"‘ “AA‘- -L - __‘ J 1 dered by Stranger” uu 11“ ll advéftisémentg, to en. «grant week. should be brong. TUESDAY morning- OFFICE: The JOb . i3 completelv stocked ‘ NEW TYPET thusaflq Department ilit‘ies for turning out ] work. U- York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House Durham theflnfi Satu:dav m eachpmonth.H«3urs-â€"1â€"60m 2-4 n.m., 7-9 pm. Telephoneâ€"No l. G. Hutton, M. D., C. H. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"00} Queen and George Street‘s_xm Methodist_(}_hureh _thce_ hoursâ€"941M l. fice in the New Hunter Block. hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. andhz. p. m. Special attention given to diseass of women and children. Residencew-i posite Presbvterian Church. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE short distance east of Knapp’s m Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Dm] Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Ba. Eng, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Rose H SPECIALIST : OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- , . Insurance er. Qomeyancw M,- \m- EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE! HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, or} fice in the New Hunter Block. 05.. Nov. 9. ’03. Drs. Jamieson Maclaurh OBN CLARK, LICENSED {Cg l. P Telford. ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR'. ”EEC- W. F. Dunn, ARRISTER, SOLICITQRs 003‘ DURHAM L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. 1 BADULATE of London, Now DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Saparators are the Best. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Ofiice; 13, Frost Sn, Owen Sound Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medical Dz’rectorv Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz‘rm‘orv. DR. BROWN Legal ‘Dz'redon’. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. DR. BURT. Over J. J. Hunter’s. May 21‘ new Jeweller! I. Anyamount cent. on farm out Fug? 10. in Ase“ 510118? hate Curtain S 23c vard. A U Table Linen. Min. 356 yard. Table Linen. 68in. ' Linoleum. 25 Then do business with H. H. the Hanovel (, 0: nm at He Offers: 00 acres, Glenelg. Frame 11 Baz'n, Good Farm, 011ng W111 sell (or $3000. .50 acres, Glenelg, splendid good Buildmgs, cheap at _‘A :00 acres on Durham Road. Bent Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwe. tor $2500. 100 acres. extra good Buildings, th nearly the S‘J'OO znlxed pr Near Crawford RU. 1 acre building lot in Dnrh 11‘. cheap, or trade for anything: 3 eat, wear, or throw a stick at Property bought and .~c~ld ‘ Money to hand. Debts cal" Tickets and Ocean Tickeh : of stack in Du: ham Cement my hands for sale cheap. Always Prompt. Nevm Quickly ascertain our opizmn I: invention is probably patent “Hr; flonsatrictlyconfldentiul. HANDS sent free. Oldest agency fur H-m Patents taken throuch Mum: WW without. charge, in 40"; n--- ‘ v vâ€" - - - ’ .. -1 handsomely mugtmtcd V4 cosh}: IA glution 0‘ any 80180111113 JJUI‘HQ“. J Canada. $3.75 a year. poazagc pupa. ;, all newsdealers. way, N 1 'nn’xi'mvg‘; Bu“ 0036‘ Broad _-n. n.“ no: 12‘ Co XX IBEG LEAVE TO [VFUHJ POMERS and the public an g4 8m prepamd to furnish NEW Pumps AND Rm DRILLmG RE- Cramms «N111 done With Cement CULH' Ft." t: :4 < 6' ALL ORDERS taken 31 near McGowan 3 Mil} w: tanded to. ALL WORK GUARA\TEED a let live” Pmcm. Pumps. The People’s G The Big AND PROVISION Do you want to make mun Anvono sehding a sketch :1 . _.:._ ‘QMHQin nnr nnmn "Sciéflfliisnflmm 2x: sq- yard- "Y HS. and you'll tam; ‘ 1'1; Hi “Is. Alex. Baggs DURHAM. 0N 625 F St... \Vashinuf I'I'I' 6‘“ 6‘ He Sells Cheap size White C(‘mntm'lmm; od value lure worked ed: u‘ Lace Curtains SAVE MONEY ?. H. H. Mill . fl. BEAN Widt 33: GEORGE WEI The Hanover (, 68in. “'idv. u w - svs. By 1 “an. Should start 14 I30 8:. Bloor Sts. R. A L, Principal. 54in. wide. 1 ., 45in. Widt l and 2 )‘d if?! QOVE‘Y'I \Vldt Calder Bl 01 6‘56 60'YE ,EXPER: OPYRKE eat BM Big 0U Dwelli Dis 9cm

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