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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1908, p. 3

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THURSDA 9/3 Prin tin: llitioa for t work. unstruction and 885? combine lightness V d axe the stmngeSt‘ hers on the market» } their mew-its and 8°¢ e statements. DR rd Coal Oil always Q "01' transient 3“ 9““ Per line for 1!.â€" PECIALIST : 3 THROAT NOSE II and Massey-Hams ors are the Best. ur Gun, . BROWN .0!) .0. Pickering Dentist. P_ Teiford. on. EW TY'x'r'nE‘ D RESIDENCEâ€"COR l George Streetsâ€"Norma :h Ofiice hoursâ€"$111.31. :. Telephone No.10. ;\N D . J. McFadden, LL “SD“Y MOR‘ Street, 8W: 2231930“ )6 Jackson. LONDON. ENG ar ztive that LICENSED AUG? Dunn. ten ta .6!‘8( UH? 5133‘ 21 Nose and Throat. 3. Durham. the )PRIETOE London. va ‘cloc nan £710} 1011’ 25 . at and Nose Boo. RGEON, op disease. {asidence on rsâ€" 1â€"6 on if! you and? \V ewelle‘ be left Office haVe’ )IaS Pumps. StizlilifiCfiMSI'icm .' 21. 1908 He Sells Cheap \V. H. BEAN SAVE MONEY ? H. H. Miller, Lace Curtains V a 1‘ DURHAM. ONT. r illustrated weekly. Lax-zest ctr- :1y scientific journal. Terms for o. yuanpostase prepaid. Sold by 31in. wide, unbleached r: a sketch and deacngtlon may 1 our opinion tree w other an mmypntentable. Communica- jaunt'ml. HANDBOOK on Patent: tun-hey for aecurme patents. through Mann CO. receive bout. charge. in the Min. wide. bleached as. long. at 50 pair u 500 u u 7% 6. u a» u 1.00 “ ked edges except 25c one. 60243! L 3.00 each. rints and Ginghnms. m 1 and RGE \VHITMORE. Sin. wide,2.:c yard Frame Dwelling. Bank 1, uught to bring $1000 counterpane, 1.40 wide, 37§c sq. yd. Ofl'e rs 1' (‘mxveyancer 1 Buildings. alone wor- JC) asked tor the farm ea; Beggs Suns wide. unbleached 5 taken at the old stud 3.1m will be promptly M TO INFORM MY CUS- e public in general that l e’s Grocer) Easter In August 313: $31!.) 00. Bigvame. Full qunhaml or Loose Leaf Bookeeping e. nt- 393. By mail. $10 00 muld start to day. or_Sts. R. A. Farqnhsr- make money and NTEED at “Live ané eudid location, extra ap at 3750), Will take [11 H. H. MILLER {03d sold on Commission N collected. C. P. R. kets tor 5316.3390 uneut UO. ., placed in Big Discount Otter. Calder Block. REPAIRS. W31.) 3 AXD PRESsCt’RBme 21H Dprham. for sale {lung a man can xck at. yards wide Bentinck. good Dwelling. snap d 1\' seeds. Conveyancer Negligent our prices ut. teste "I sufiered with rheumatism for over two years,” says Mr. Rolland Curry. a patrolman, of Key WeSt. Fla. “Sometimes it settled in mv knees and lamed me so I could hard- ly walk, at other times it would be |in my feet and hands so I was incap- [acitated for duty. One night when In the death on Tuesday morning. May 5th, of Mr. Thos. Wright; another pioneer has been transferred: to the great beyond. He had reach. ed the good age of 77 years. and hav. ing been growing frail of late answer. ed the last call peacefully at the home of his son Samuel H. at the homestead. Glenelg. as above. The funeral on Thursday to Markdale public cemetery was a large one, though a constant downpour of rain rendered the day most unpleasant. Rev. lvison Wilson oficiated at the home and the grave. The pall bear- ers were: Messrs. A. Ferguson, Wm. Smart, John Varty, Harry Smith Wm. Matthews and G. W. Arm- Leeds County, and experienced a full shrae of the hardships incident to pioneer life. He was married 45') years ago to Miss Mary Smart. who died some 24 years since, and to them were born seven children, five of whom survive, viz: T. S. \Vright. Winnipeg; S. H., on the homesread, Glenelg; H. Wesley. Bemingie, Minn; Batty. Chesley; Stewart. in the \Vest, Miss Minnie having died nine years ago. also Porter when quite young.-â€"-Markda1e Standard. I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it fora little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. The death on Tuesday of last week of George Littlejohns. of the suburbs, removed a native of this district in the meridian of life. Deceased had not been in the enjoyment of vigor- ous health of late, at d. notwrthstand- ing the close attention of physician. together with professional nurse and attentive relatives. pneumonia made steady prOgress and in less than two' weeks did its fatal work. The Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellows. of whom Mr. Littlejohns was a member. were most faithfull in the disch urge of fraternal duties during his illness, and also took a leading part in the funeral obsequies. thus doing credit to the Order. The funeral on Friday to Markdale public cemetery was largely attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. Rev J. S 1. Wilson conducted service at| the house. while the I. O. O F. and Orange Order co operated in the pro- cession and last sad rites at the grave. The floral offerings were a large wreath from the I. 0.0. F. and one from his brothers and SiStGl’S. The pall-bearers were Messrs. John Hamilton, W. H. King, W. J. Beaty. Geo. White,'James Irwin and Fred Sarjeant. Deceased was born 46 years ago in Glenelg. was married 151 years agc, and leaves a widow and one son. George, 14 years old. togeth er with aged father and brothers and sisters to mourn his premature de- mise. George was a man of abstem- ions and industrious habits. and for many years a constant member of the Methodist church.â€"Markdale Standard. County and District. Doctors Report .: Any mother who has had ex- perience with this distressing all went will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it 03 with a. soft clmh before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale at Parker's Drug Store. One of the strangest kind of tragd edxes We have ever heard of happen ed at Eden Grove on \V'ednesday ‘; last. The circumstances are snb- l stantially as follows:â€"Ernest 031.} ham. the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Culham. who live on \Vard farm at Eden Grove corner. asked permission of the teacher to go home at the alternton recess to help his mother plant onions. When he got home his mother told him to go back to school adding at the same time that they could plant the onions some Other time. The boy said thatl he did not want to go back to schooll and that he would rather die than 20‘ back. The mather paid no attention lo the childish remark. and the little fellow started 0E, as his mother thought. to school. Instead of going l l 'as might be exyehted, the parents are taking their loss very much to l beamâ€"Telescope. w. Relief from Rheumatic Pains. Death of George Littlejohns. Boy Hangs Himself. Sore Nipples. Say That Spring Fever is Prevalent. Patients Feel Drowsy, Dull, Dead Tired. How provoking to sleep well. but when you woken to find none of the exhilaration that met and sleep should bring. You ought to feel alert. bubbling over with vim. but inStead of this there’s dullness. Ian- guor and disinclination to do things. The cause for this sort of feelingâ€" a lazy liver, lazy kidneys, and a lazy stomach, the last doing it’s work very poorly and compelling the Other organs to perform a task they are unequal to. Note the consequenceâ€"blood is filled with waste matterâ€"poisonous substances weighing down the ner- vaue syStemâ€"rebuilding processes absolutely impossible. Take Ferrozone and note the rapid change. Your appetite improves and your digBStion soon is as good as ever. Your skin has its natural color, the sense of league:- and un- Steadiness if not entirely gone, comes back only occasionally, and then dis- appears. The reason you feel better is be- cause Fenozone is driving out all the poisonous wastes from me bodv. You see Fen-ozone restores all the powers of the body to normal activ- ity. Ferrozone imparts to the blood that element that is necessary to ren- der the air you breathe vitally active and strength giving. In the old condition it simply acted on the sur- face. Now it enters deeply into all the activities of the body. Now you know that. Ferrozone stimulates appetite and makes rich. red blood. Now you feel that. Fen-ozone gives strength. endurance. vim. Fen-ozone clarifies the brain, im parts tone and vigor to it. gives clearness and strength. Your will power is as strong as ever, and your enjoyment of life has a. new zest because so vigorously re- newed As a bracing uplifting, tonic for men. women and childrenâ€"as a med- icine for anaemia. weakness or ner« vous troubles nothing excels Ferro zone. Try it. 500' a box or six for $2.50 at all dealers. When all is said. Hanover has a pretty bad bunch of youngsters growing up in her midst. It is not an unusual thing to see parents look- ing for their “boys” on the streets at ten and eleven o’clock at night. and almost any night a crowd of children â€"boys and girlsâ€" can be seen playing on the Streets at an hour when they should be at home and asleep. Nine o’clock is late enough for children to be out. and parents who have any regard for the welfare of their boys and girls should see that they are in the house by that hour. We have boys in town. under sixteen years of age, that can throw out more profan- ity in fifteen minutes than a Kentuc- ky Colonel could in aday. and besides they appear to have little or no regard for ladies or young girls that may be within hearing. Children must have time to play, we will ad- mit, but there is ample time for them to romp and play between 4 and 9 p.m., and no necessity of their being on the streets after that hour. A boy at fifteen who spends his nights on the Streets and who can curse Strong enough to make your hair curl and your toes warp is not likely to be- come a “shining light” of intelligence and integrity. The future of the boy lies in the hands of his dad. Fathers. get your boy in at a reason- able hour at night. and have a raw hide or some other implement of torture in that hand to be used whenever you hear of his using pro- fane language or smoking cigarettes. â€"Hanover Post. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber- lain’s Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea' Remedy. During the third of a cen tury in which it has been in use. peOple have learned that it is the one remedy: that never fails. When re- duced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. When John Sidle Jr., of Brant read in the papers about the hold-up here last week. it occurred to him that it would be the part of wisdom to get ready to meet anything of that kind that might happen to come his way. Not having much to do on Sunday he got out an old revolver that had not been used for 22 years. and set to work to clean it up. Then be loaded her up and began a little target practice.__ First he used the right hand and fired two shots. in snc- cession. then it occurred to him that it would be well to get his left hand limbered up, and the revolver was charged from the right hand to the left. But the left hand didn’t re. spond properly. and when he fired the bullet entered his leg just above the knee. making an ugly wound. And the worst of it is, that so far the doctor has been unable to locate the bullet. He is probably in for a rather bad time of it.â€"Telescope. Hanover has Toughs A Revolver Accident. Many Cases THE DURHAM CHRONICLE As an inscance of the peculiarl workings of the various Canadian :ranchise acts, there is a man now; resident of Harriston who is at least 50 y ears of age who has Spent all his manhood in Ontario and has always had the necessary qualification to en 3 title him to vote. but he has )et5 through force of circumstances never; had the Opportunity of exercising his franchise, his occupation always. compelling him to be somewhere else". on voting day, or else his name wasl «ruck ofl' for some absurd reason! Perhaps it would be impossible to frame an Act that would do justice! to everbody. but past efiorts ol- both parties have served to disfrancnise a‘ cousiderabie prOporziou of very intel- ligent votersâ€"Review. .. Sometimes you experience pain and weakness without much sufiering. Later on the pain will surely come. The trouble can be Stopped now by rubbing on Nervilineâ€"rub it in deep- lv over the Spine. and then put on a Nerviline t’orous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lumbago, which is the outcome of neglected pain in the hack and side. For all muscular pains. Strains. and weakness. Pol- son’s Nerviline and Nerviline PlaSters have no equal. Refuse substitutes. Chesley’s Population and Assessment. R. J. Follis has completed his work of assessing the town of Ches. 163’ for the current year. The as- sessment in 1907 was $626,260; and this year $669,750. Of course these figures include exempted properties which will be put down for school rates only at the Court of Revision. The population in 190? was 1894 and the assessor’s figures for the current year are 1962 an increase of 68. This includes the last detachment of Cockneys. The pOpulation of Ches- ley is now 17 more than the town- ship of Elderslie. Away with headaches. be done with dizziness, bad-Stomach anti bil- iousness. Acute has been foundâ€" use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They cleanse and purify the Whole system. not as a perfect tonic. Safe for chilo dren. girls. women and men. Sold in 250. boxes by all dealers. Young men let us give you the benefit of our observation. We have noticed that at least nine tenths of the young men who have been before the courts for misdemeanors are those who take no interest whatever in education, seldom read a neWSpa per, and are always ready to make fun of other young men who use cor rect language and try to be somebody. It comes natural to them to discour- age the studious and ambitious young men of their acquaintance. ' Their minds run towards dirty stories, midnight sprees and bad company. This in a short time means trouble. a sherifi’s invitation to attend court, and a fine or term in jail. The most- frenzied efiorte of the police failed to find Moi: during three weeks while no reward was of- fered. He was captured Within six hours of the time when a price was put. on his head. and other police were hot. on his track. but a little too late. Money makes the mere go â€"and the detectives.â€"â€"Confed. Last Wednesday was supposed to have been the wedding day of a !couple of young Barrie people. As i the time for tying the nuptial knoc ;approached the prospective groom lexperienced the discomforts of the ’present financial Stringency. After one or two unsuccessful efiorts to Enegotiate aloan, he finally appealed‘ } to the object of his afiections for the l price. She, unhappily, was in a sim-! Iilar state of bankruptcy, but her lcredit being good. she had no trouble {in securing an advance of $8. This amount she handed to her pros- peCtive husband. anticipating, of course that he would appear the following morning, when the mar- riage would take place and they would live “happily ever after- wards. ” During the night he chang- ed his mind, and neither he nor the Absolutely all packet teas and most bulk teas show the grocer a larger profit than “Salada” but few of them show as much satisfaction to the consumer. Catapults are deStructive and dangerous weapons and they ought to be suppressed and confiscated whenever found, especially by par. ents, police and teachers. On Friday one boy shot another on Main street here. knocking out a. too:h and Split- ting open the lip of his target. The injury might easily have been even more seriousâ€"Mt. Forest "Confeder- ate. Cheap acid preparations are use- lessâ€"use the old standardâ€"Putnam’s Corn Extractor. For fifty years Put- | nam’s has been the one painless cure. Any Weakness in Your Back? .. Invented Safe Headache Cure. No Wedding Bells for Him. Aged 50 â€"No Vote A Cure For Corns. Be Good. The school is thoroughly equipped in teachirg ‘ B().()K KEEPINU ability, in chemical and eleetr cal supplies and i SHURTH kV‘D fittings. etc., for full Junior Leaving and Metric E ‘ ‘ I TY PE“ RITIXG ulauon work The following competent stafl are , in charge: COMMERCIAL LAVV mung . T r . v .3. m“- “much“ 9-1- ;- COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER, B.A Classics, Moder s, and Engli‘h. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin:- ning of the term if possible. Board can be oh- talned at reasonable rates. Durham is a health) and active town, making it a must desirablc place of residence. C. L. GRANT DURHA M SCHOOL. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, B.A., Science THOS. ALLAN. 151 Class Certificate, Prin. Don’t! worry, it‘s wicked. Boast and the \\ 011d boasts with you. 3 Kick and you kick alone. You will have no kick coming if } 011 buy vour bOOvS, shues and hosiei y at Mcleaiths 1" He has the goods He sells the goods at reasonable prices. The largest stock in town {0 choose from. Trunks Club Bags Valises and Telescopes in stock. Making repairing neatly done. The dawn town shoe store A Constant State of War. At the Model Bakery You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods â€"Plain and home-made Bread, â€"Buns, â€"Biscuits, â€"â€"-Cakes of all kinds.‘ â€"Cream Puffs, â€"â€"â€"Puffs. Don’t worry when you see the minister coming for tea, just ring us up, and we will supply your wants on shortest notice. Geo. H. STINSON Matthews. 5' Latimer 33f? FOR Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed and Seeds IN FLOUR STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. JEWEL FLOUR It is made from a choice selection of the best Man- itoba hard wheat and the pure white winter wheat of this Province. The expert care in the milling and blending makes JEWEL FLOUR give such splendid results that it quickly be- J. S. McILRAITH Fees.‘$1.00 per month. Chairman McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOCK To successfully combat the germs of disease and sickness. of E which the atmosphere is full. you need something more than ’ ordinary food. A daily cup of " BOVRIL" will give the i extra strength and vitality to enable you to successfufly resist i} any attack. i Keep "BOVRIL" in the house. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING AS USUAL IS A BLENDED FLOUR Terms Cash. Cheer Up R BROS. C RAMAGE Secret”) Vy/zMfl/mz» (5/0/7557/ dd 0’ W ' L :5 KING 5? EAST {fog ,â€" Manufactured by sO‘O‘O‘I ‘O\O‘O\I Eggs same as Cash. 1 Business Colleg ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its gradua l Each student is taught separately: his own desk. Trial lessons for ; week free. Visitors welcome. ll KJE‘DAY and EVENING classes. gr» Ayt-on Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba Royal Household. comes the housewife ’5 favorite. For pastry, biscuits or bread it is highly recom- mended, and our many years’ experience insures uniformity of quality. In- sist onJEWEL BRAND. Your grocer can get it. LEADS IN Mount Forest Milverton, Ont. $ 1 5' PHONE: 30 Hf 127i 4;: it".

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