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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1908, p. 8

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. ,I 9| 3.. ,QO. ”-4.4 ‘2 f: W1 *1. in st1iot attention to 21111 1111 mer 111018218111}: knowledge 0t 0111 b11siness.-..i1h p10pe1 treatment of 0111 customms and the Goods thev demand b1 011(rl1t com enientlx within thei1 1011011 “e we endem mine: to make this st01e Regent tailoring gives that perfection periectlx satisfactory and st\ 11~h suit, taste may beâ€"no matter how much, 01: sure to find something in the‘ Recent” When Buying Footwear remember to get a pair of Imperial Shoes. A nice iine in patents 8: tan. Something extra A large assorted stock of Dress Goods for spring just arrived. Cashmeres Lustres and Serges in blue, brown and green shades. A fine assort- ment of Ginghams and Lawns. We w ant our enstmners to be pleased when they make a purchase. and just as pleased with the article as long.r as it is in use: otherwise we are not fulfilling our ambition to make this the ideal store. We make mistakes of that we me well 1111'11,re but 11e me only m01t11l, and we 0011511111th aim to avoid e11015 and h iction Y 0111 co-operation is desu ed, and 11m intm mation 01 advice 0111 customeis can give 11111 be 110131 eci11ted. It 1 011 h111 e 11n1‘tl1ing 1115110106- to 8111 1100111 11313111 it to 11s. Look at, and get our prices on floor oils, linoleums, before bu ymg elsewhere. 1 can each, tomatoes, corn and peas for 1 can savory soup ................................. 1 package "Imperial” corn starch for... '2 reliable shoe polishes for .................... 1 can veal or harm loaf for ..... 3 boxes matches for.’ ............ . 20 lbs. granulated sugar. for.. Don’t forget we are going out of the hardware stoves etc, and selling at prices less than ~ any in the business. Contractors will do well to get our prices. Friday and Saturday, Groceries The Bi g Store Cash paid for Produce “REGENT” BRAND in Which to Trade 30m and peas for .............. 250 ........................................ 1 Oc corn starch for .................... 8c - for .................................. _1 5.0 for ................................... 1 00 ........................................ 1 0c [1' for .............................. 1 .00 in the Rain- coat line} Brown, Grey, Check or Plain. «I an ever increasing erfection of fit and ‘tailoring “hich assures 3 s11 suit No matterg “hat 3our age, or 3our much, or 110“ 1ittle3<bu desire to pay, you are Regent line that \x 111 satisf3 30u fully. ' Furnishings SUI-rs ' Stove. SPEC] AL snaps in- umbrellas and raincoats at H H. \Iockler’s House of Quality. ' . g SEE pur Weddihg Stationery. If we haven’t what ybt} want, wé’ll ‘ get. it for you on short notice. Wedding in real first-class Silverware Cal-stock for the wedding season of silverware is now complete and everything up-to-date. This stnx-o has the numo for high- ciuss gum“. and always will so lung,r as there is such :1 thing as :l jewelry Wedding Engagement Rings business. “'0 have always in stock, at. least, three dozen wedding rings to pick from. every style; and about one hundred engagement rings, includ- ing Diamonds, so you have: no rea- son to go away disappointed. Percy G. A. Webster Market Report. DURHAM. May :20 \Vatchmaker Jeweler and Optimal THELDURHAM CHRONICLE Gifts 1908 90 t Emit 45 t. 80 t 18 00 IO U.‘ on on 60 10 [The result of the afternoo n session of the Prohibition Convention leld here on Tueulav of list week has neen already r. ported in the Chron'y ale, and readers will remember- that the Convention, after hearing Mr. I. B. Lucas state his position. did not deem it wise to nominate acandidate. At the evening meeting in the town hali there was a' fairly good attend ance presided over by Rev. Dr. Cald- well. and some good temperance ado dresses were given. The speakers were Rev Henry BerrV. Priceville; Rev A. P. Stanley, of Maxwell; Rev. U L. F. Kipp, of Fiesherton; Rev Wm Beilby of Meaford; Dr Shultz, of Heatbcote. and Mr. Littfle. managc-r of the Sheldon House, Owen Sound. The regular meeting of Prince' Arthur Lodge A. I“. . A. M. on Fri day evening last was one of special interest. made so by the preeence of Rt. Wor. Bro. J \V. Bethune. of Stayuvr, D D.G M. of the Georgian1 Uzstrlct, who made his official vitsit.‘ The opening and closing of the lodge in the sew-ml degrees was gone throngh. and one candidate was pegsud to the degree of Fellow Craft. :alter which the District Deputy, in lthe course of an ins ructive and fpleueing address. complimented the ,Wur Master Bro. W. A Armscrong. iand his officers on the excellent wozk [dono- and the proepz rou~ condition in ‘. which he found the lodge Dining ithe t-vening the annual electiun of hl'lieers took place as {Min Ms: W M ‘15 u..l‘. A. Blakeley; S W , Em. C lN. Richardsom J. \V.. Bro. U. H Munshaw; Chaplain. 8’0 R~'v. Dr. Caldwell; Treasurer, \Vor Bro .los The childran cannotponibly have good hulth unless the bowelanra in proper‘coudnion. Cor- rect'an consti Mien by- giving small laxstivo dome Ayor's 1:.Allvegotable.suzu-c To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Arethey thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s SarSaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. B nc"burn; S-cl etary, . Bro. Héxb. Szui h. At I'm close of t w lodge all repaixed to the- «lining hall ulwre a bountiful Spra ad Was laid by the wives of the. vilAge mumlmrsa. and a couple of hours were 9' in ably spent WHll 91,0901; making, «be, Rev Geo. \Vushmgmm, M. (LL, of SLoquilie,: representatiVe of the Dominion Alliance, gave good ad dxesses here on Sunday in the inter ests T‘f the A‘liance. Mr. Washington spoke in the Baptist church in th- morning in the Presbtter ian church in the aftexnoon and in the Methodisz church at night. Miss May Hales was given a pleas ant surprise at her home on Friday evening las', when about twenty of her younglady friends assembied and presented her with a beautiful niis siun clock and shower of china on her approaching marriage. Refresh ments were served and the young ladies spent a very enjoyable evening together. Miss Hales has also been the recipient of an appreciated gitt from her Sunday School class. Mr. I. B. Lucas, who we have al- ready noted was here at the temper- ance Convention on Tuesday of la t week, was, beiore leaving for home in the evening. serenaded by the Band at the home of Mr M. K Rich aidson. In a neat speech, Mr. Lucas graciously acknowledged the honor and the hand fund was helped with a liberal donation. The "Unclaimed Jewels” of Flesh erton are this (Tuesday) evening giv- ing an At Home, for which a large number of invitations have been issued. The function will he held in the new Richardson block, which is being artistically decorated and prepared for the occasion. Among the successful candidates for the degree of B A. at the recent examinations in McMaster Universi- ty, Toronto, we were pleased to see reported last week Mrs. W. E. Kerr. now amember of the public school smfi here. We tender congratula- tions to Mrs. Kerr, B. A.. upon the honors won. Bornâ€"On Sunday, May 17m, to Mr. and Mgs. Claude Ekins, Toronto line, a. son.’ Mr. Bob'.. Meggot who recently returned from the lumber camps in New Ontario. has moved his family to his farm on the west back line. Mr. Alex" Stewart, a highly re- spected resident of the village, was on Friday lasu seized with a slight paralytic stroke. but on Saturday one more severe occurred which afiected his throat and rendered him Speech- less. At the time of writing there is. some improvement and' Mr. Stewart’s family and friends anxious- ly hope for his recovery, Miss Muriel McTavish celebrated her 15m birthday on Tuesday of last week and gave an enjoyable party to fifteen of her young friends. We ham no mutt! We pubunh the formula or :11 our medicinal. Flesherton. J. 0. Am 00.. L01" 0 mammar- at HAIR V100!- AGUB CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. One bushel flax seed . . . . . . . Twelve ears of Indian corn, I! McIlmiLh .......................... . . . . ...... Best collection field g1 dlnb, not less than six vali- eties, one bushel each 130 prize silver medal , by Kylie Bios. ., 2nd Matthews Latimex, goods” are...............o000000-‘ 0000000000 One‘bushel‘ potatoes, any kind, named. -. . . . . . . . . . Best collection of potatoes, not less “than six varieties; named, one peck each kind, 1st special by8am Scott ..... . ...... i, ........... . Six SWede turnips .......... . . . . . ................ . Six 1:111 nips. any other kind ...................... Six mange! wu112el, long 1ed, judged. by weight” Six field c111 1 (its, 3' ellow 01 White, judged by weight: Six Stvrzu beets, for feeding put poses ............. T Wu 1111 (re squash, f01 feeding pm puses ..... '. . Six stalks best ensilav‘e corn ...................... Best cullectiun cf field louts two of each var iecy 1111111ed,1st special by R. AlcFailane, gOUdbjn Mr O. J. 3parrow, who recently moved here from Toronto nas leased Mr. R. J Sproule’s corner store and is making ready to open in the grocery business Mr. Sparrow has bought the Sproule and Higgin- bottom grocery and stock taking is in progress. A portable sawmill and shingle and lath outfit hauled by a monster traction engine passed through town on Friday enroute to the townline of Euphrasia. The outfit is the proper- ty of Mr. Robert Smith, of Durham. who is engaged to do an extensive cut of timber, etc , for Messrs. Walker and Felchie. of Mt. Forest. recent purchasers of a large block of timber in Euphrasia from W. A. Armstrong of this place. A forty two ton car of furnace coal was last week delivered by J.‘ , W. Boyd an the school for next winter’s burning and a. large car of nut coal is being delivered to customers this week. ' Bandmaster Tucker. C. H. Mun- shaw and A 8. Thurston were at Durham on Thursday for a rehearsal with the 313: Regimental Band. CLASS 3â€".â€"GARDEN VEGETABLES. Best collection garden vegetables, 1st special by 'AiM‘cLellan, goods; 3rd special by James Ireland,goods ......... Twelve roots of salsify . . . . . . ........ . . ........ . . . Two heads cauliflower ...... . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . .. Two heads of cabbage, early . . . . . ....... . .. . . . .. Two heads of cabbage, winter ........... . ....... Two heads of cabbage, red . . . . . . .. .. . . .......... . Six table carrots, long ........... . . . . . ..... . . . . Six'intermediate carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . Six short horn carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. Six tableparsnips...... ........ .......... ..... Three heads celery, red. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . Three heads celery, whitepr yellow. . . . ........ . Six radishes, winter ....................... . .. . . . Six radishes, summer. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . ...... Best collection peppers ....... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. TWelVe tomatoes, red . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . Twelve tomatoes, yellow . . . . . . .................. . Best collection tomatoes, three of each variety” . Six long blood beets ........... . .............. . Six turnip beets..... . ......... . ........ 'l‘welve onions, from seed . . . . . . . . .. ....... . ...... ()ne pint silver skin onions, for pickling... . . . . . . Twelve common potato onions or shallots, in a. 3.“.33333333332.“ cgumps of two or nnore...... Twelye lillghsh potato unions, in clumps of two or xuure...... ...... . ........ Uue pint, Dutch sets onions.... . . . . ...... Uuepmt sum“ Lop onions .................... . . . . .5ix (mums 1mm Dutch sets or tops. . . . . . . . . ..... . '1' Wm yum:- :qlmsh, winter. . . . ........ L. . . . . . . . .. . . 'i‘wu squzwh, hush . . . . . . ..... . ............ . . . . . . . . '1'\\'()~\'ci.;eLanle marrow . . . . . ..... . ............ . . . . Two ycnuw pumpkins ..... ‘ ..... . .. . :jixbzudeburnips ............. .5ix ems sWuL (0111 'qu \ellnu ()1 ”men flesh melons ............. . . '1 Wu \Mthl'meluns ............ . ................. .. 'l‘wu Cill'Ullb“ .. . 00.... ........ Q... One, pound cured hops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best collection herbs .......... . ................. §¢¢¢¢¢006¢¢ Best; collection full apples, four of each variety, correctly named, 1% Special by (i780. Binnie, 2nd special by 7. Firth .......... ' ‘ .......... . Best collection winter apples, four of each variety, correctly named, 2nd special by Mrs. Beggb - Sons, goods ........... . ...................... Five Alexander apples ........................... . Five Ben Davis ................................... Five C<_)l\'erts . ..................................... . Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd, 1903 .vo citruns ................................. . . . . 54) 2 :1e pound cured hops ......................... .. 5U ' est collection herbs ............................. 5:) Articlesin above glass w‘iil be judged by quality and not by CLASS 4â€"1331; IT. Scott'J‘ EmaIJion is powerful nourish- ment~highly concentrated. % It makes bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. N Convalescents need a large amount of nourish- ment in easily digested form. List of Prizés for 1908. OOI........OOO...OOOO ........ 0...... § :hsets onions...................... 110p onions .................... nu Dutch sets ortops......... ..... . Lash, winter.... ........ )ush...... ..... . ............ e marrow”... ..... . ........... ..... ~ )umpkins .......... lips ............. ounce...ooooo.oonooo 1 ”men flesh melons ............. .. u'ed hops. . . . . . . . rn herbs ') oooooooo OoooooOOQOOouooooo-OOOO ‘- wer...._.......... ..... age, early ..... :Lge, winter............ ....... age.ud ...... . 011g .......... nrrots......................... rots ...... ....................u ',red................ ........ .. ', whibepr yellow. . . . . ;er............ ..... uer.......... ..... )pers........................... red........ ....... ............. yellow................ ..... natues, three of each variety. . :LS .......... .. ..... . ....... COCO ccccccccc Oooooooooooaoooooqo )lllseedOOO...OOO'.OOOO00....COO... 1) onions, for pickling. . . . .. . . . CLASS lâ€"FI'ELD GRAIN S. (Continued fxom last; week. ) (J LASS lwâ€"FIELD ROOTS. FIRST jDAY. (Continued next week.) lst speéial by J. , Mr. John Thistlethwaite ret from the hospital on Monday: 1 recovering .very satiefacwnly his Operation. Mrs. Henry Down. of H Spent a; few days last: Week F. G. K-arstedt and other 01 here. Miss Margaret ‘Valksr: nurse, Hamilton is "‘5! bronher Mr J. E. XValker. Mr. and Mrs. James and children spent part c with friends at: Durham. Mrs. J. W. Douglas, of Wood, is visiting her mother S. .VanDusen this week. Miss Leone Bellamy, is 5‘: this week with her sister » Shaw, at Markdale. â€"â€" v7 __1.. ‘ Mrs. S, De Savigny, aound, visited a few daYS 1 wuh her nephew Mrs. R0563 Va.“ V" “V -u“-uwâ€"-v Dr. Murray and. Mr. Eerb each favored your cor. With mess of trout on Monday. Mrs. Walden, of Toronto Mrs. J. A. Heard last: Wt‘eii- l 00 1 750 Ii) 1. so c8) 54) 50 00 50 5U DH l 5‘) DU M) .‘)U 5H Ii) 0‘ U” 2‘3 f HatheTF visitian W1 trained m be! V15 ' l A SERVICE OI so] the Baptist Chm ch, we haven t u it for vou on A SUPERB finish is ( Campbell’s Varnish furniture or intelim \' stains are sold In 1 ) cent cans. Ask Alex card. of Mrs. J. R. Gun and .\12~~ Kenzie, who acted as (-hu 1 m at. Glenroaden on the 2.3: h. were Misses Amy Kva. Lachlan, Bessie Telfm-d. .‘ and Rita Irwin. Thu “ Messrs. \Vilson and Ala-K Trader’s Bank, \Valu-r .ln Fred Kelly, tWO young In Toronto. Mr. Stewart. uf 1 and Mr. McGiffon, of Tom were thirteen in all. the In her. No wonder [hwy (- anv fish. MB. MIEHLHACSEx 0ft House will be with Us for weeks yet. On Tuesday. of Markdale came. over. ¢ doubt, to renew the lease month, at, least. but fun Mieblhausen has no im ever of doing so. lust get-ting ready to \’:3_(':11v and as his lease expires 8.- he had refused acemm min 211 commercial men. in 1 might not. he hundirnpjw up his effects. -11; Man-1 ever, prevailed 11pm: him Short time till 111‘ u: s the house. A SERIOUS :U'( Friday at; the hon th? (“little t-W( b-yim badly scalded ah neck and body. Mr» tending her household little girl was playfull; the place with her nu >1 Swpped into the kin-11‘ of boiling water 011' th was followed by the 1; against the mot-her :1: Vessel from the SLOVU to turn round. The and fell on the head 02 the Rsult-S alxnw stat! ALO D of young O Was at once sumumx he could to allevizux the little one. LAST week we reevi (anon through the m Edge,” announcing: t!‘ hEEmmediately prom) Mt. Edge has sinw time kept his eyes (1 thepmseut, secured 1 t0 1%“: no doubt it * twat-mt. secured v to la“? no doubt in :11!) the perpetratm- ““8 a joke, all rigm mime the young 11‘ “hi his part; of the h -' _'v ‘fillu All" . \1 z‘. to Iges Preferred If}. _ ‘ 3 Win an m in 3.1)”.5hu)” ~ Paper has-1.1T} mfv‘uml‘oughly appn-«mL ‘ Mi‘yorld {Sign :mw’fw to an apparent Hy 1);”an ; I it to the local pnpm ~. ”Stu-ed!y the \\'HI.':~'{ . ~-' r who is caugh he doesn’t; go altogc L kinds of cement V to W. D. ("Ollnulu sale r hat season is ht er shapes.â€"â€"â€"H. H of fiI‘St-class Your opporl Gun and of song W 9; cards a N0. 2150. OI ()l \\

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