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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1908, p. 3

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ueer for the County of GrOY- ly attended to. Orders 193 1: Implement Warerooms,M Meg-Ill d. or at the Chronicle 0509- of a reeks. use: of Eye. Ear Nose and Thu-t. at Knapp House. Durham, 1119‘ est mire account JRHAM Dtion led quarterly. .smg G CLARK . LICENSED Jamieson Maclaurin. Arthur Gun, M. D. :ICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- EAR, THROAT 8L NOSE Hutton. M. D., C. M. ent r. W. 0. Pickering anager. DR. BROWN A. H. Jackson. Mzscellaneous. W. F. Dunn, \V. IRWIN 5' PUBLIC. comm-€810.32 par AM. ONT. (Lower Tom J. P_ Telford. t Rn)‘. London Ophthalmic HOG. uldc-n Sq. Throat and Note HOG. SPECIALIST : AN D RESIDENCE A ance east of Knapp’s Hotel. 39:. Lower Town, Durham :11: 12 to 2 o’clock DR. BURT. tment, is [in u a! Difet 107V. Dentist. Over 3. J. Hunter S- 1082' Director? LONDON. ENG. of London, N {ESIDENCEâ€"COR. 3c r26 S reetsâ€"Vorth of Office hoursâ€"$119.31.. Telephone No. 10. ..‘ b .OLICITOR. 3T0; Hunter Block. Ofico .to 4p.m. 31:47:09 xtion given to dim iren. Residence op- SOLICITOR, CON‘ rv Public. Etc. Money Dz’rectorv . Church. LISHED =D.\Y MOR ting House PROPRIETOR ATE. U £4er stocked with all ’PE. thus afiordingfte- turning out First-cha- maybe WI] two NICLE Owen Sound. .am Grad bf 011$ ‘Durbam. the 2“ Hoursâ€"14 DJ”: ‘3' 28.1908 Raid new Jewell I. All? 3‘39“”: or? NIVERSI: insertion“. ' no! later than ches- PQStazg; sent at the Sm.“rr 1' he 1M 99] vâ€" -‘vv- ml rwtch:, Wit hour. Charge, in the- Sammie Emerican. _ A,A_-A ” J _- - L‘â€" Amndsomely illuqtratpd weekly. Largest cir- culatxon otflany scxenuflc Journal. Terms for Canada. was a yeflopostafie prepaid. Sold by 11] newsdealers. MUNN 00.36'8m. New York Branch 013cc. 625 F St. Washington. D. C. Pumps. in. W AND PROVISION STORE 319 m-one sending a sketch and descflgtlon my my ascertam our opmion free I? ether an enrinn is probably patentnble. ommunicap “.3 strictly confidential. HANDBDO on Patent. ‘: free. Uldest agency for securing ants. manta taken 3111-9th Mann‘g receive re File white counterpane, 1.40 â€"-V â€"'v-'â€"â€" Easter to August 313: 3”Mesa. $31100. Bi value. Full “liege shot-than or Loose If Leaf Bookeeping 6001'- ~hxae °. ses. By mail, $1000 . 1' - Should start to day. -|_!n, 3.32955; 1399215“ R. A. Farqnharo. W He Sells Cheap 1V8 W. H. BEAN )ll vard )RK mm. 54in. wide, unbleached :ish nen busine we worked edges except 25c ones um. 54in. wide, bleached H. H. Miller, value SAVE MONEY ? Hanover Conveyancer want to make money and Lace Curtains x31”: yuu'H find our pmces ' 9 § 11:11:” |ex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. GEORGE WHITMORE. 3th. 1 and 2 yards wide val-d. )t‘n, 43in. wide, Lac” yard , tiSin. wide, unbleached 2vds. long. at elg, splendid location, extra gs, cheap at $75“), wxll take ’Rlcms :ds. wide, 371m sq. yd. 5. 60x30, 3.00 each. £08le taken at the old and au's Mill will be prompt» a Ban He offers: Prints and Ginghams. $5 with H. H. MILLER \RANTEED at “Live ant He’s Grocer) am Hanover Conveyance! I) Frame Dwelling. Bank 1, ought to brings-two 0t in Dprhs. ’r anythmg M a. stick at u REPAIRS. WELl 231m Asp Passscmme concrete. Invernment tested Timothy seeds. TO INFORM MY CUS- 9 public in general that l sap. . Never Negligent iauld on Commission bts collected. C.P.R. Road. Bentinck‘. good Fair Dwelling. snap {nildings alone wor- asked tor the farm 83;: Discount Otter. ets tor Calder Block. sfor sale. $300 at 00., placed m m. for sale a. man can 70c On Monday about noon some ex- citement was caused by the vigorous ringing of the school bell. It appears that Mr. E. Parkinson had been smoking meat in the wood shed and supposed he extinguished all fire and was away from the house for some time. Mrs. Snetsinger first noticed the fire and gave alarm. By time help arrived the fire had made con siderable headway. having caught into the roof of wood shed and kitch en. The bucket brigade. which. of course. is any one who is willing to work, did gallantly and soon had fire under control. A number of novel a‘Dpliances were brought into requisi tion. such as window washers and squirt guns. The roof of kitchen and shed were considerably damaged in getting at the source of the fire. "I sufiered with rheumatism for over two years,” says Mr. Rolland Curry. a patrolman, of Key West. Fla. “Sometimes it settled in my knees and lamed me so I could hard. ly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so I was incap- acitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a Male of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheumatism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. This is the way the old Town, Me., Enterprise bears up under the tribu- lations of neWSpaper lifezâ€"We apol- ogize for all mistakes made in former issues and say they are inexcusable, as all an editor has to do is to hunt news, and clean the rollers, and set type, and write wrappers, and make the paste, sweep the floor and pen short items, and fold papers, and mail the papers, and talk to visitors, and distribute type, and carry water, and saw wood, and read proofs, and dodge the bills, and dun delinquents, and take cussings from the whole force, and tell our subscribers we musc have moneyâ€"we say that we’ve no business to make mistakes while attending to those little matters, and getting our living on hopper-tail soup, flavored with imagination, and wearing old shoes and no collar, and a patch on our pants, and obliged to turn a smiling countenance to the man who tells us our paper ain’t worth a dollar anyhow, and that he could make a better one with his eyes shut. Any mother who has had ex- perience with this distressing ail- ment will be pleased to know that a cure may be efiected by applying Chamberlain’s Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe‘ it 03 with a soft clmh before allowing the babe to nurse Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. The misolacing of a "comma” may get a printer into a bushel of trouble. The \Vindsor Record gives the fol- lowitg inStance: The reporter wrote it thus: "Two young men went with their girls to attend a. teachers’ meet ing, and, after they left the girls. got drunk.” The printer made it read: “Two young men went with their girls to attend a teachers’ meeting, and after they left, the girls got drunk.” Of course there was a big row, for the girls‘ friends denied that they got drunk; in fact they didn’t touch the stnfl'; it was tbs fellows who got drunk. It was the misplacing of the little comma that caused all the racket. Says the Leamington News: "A hen belonging to S. A. Otton on Easter morning laid an egg 7 inches by 82- inches around and weighing over 4 ounces. Mr. Otton reports that such eggs are no uncommon things in his hennery. He has had over a dL zen this spring. The shell of the egg shown us is rougher than ordinary and the egg itself probably double yolked.” Everyone in Durham Has a Right His Own Opinion. Whiie everyone ha‘ a right to his own opinion, you it is wise to always consider what Others think and profit by it -A- . -â€"â€"â€"L“ Nathing makes life or interferes so widely {illness of the average digestion. and it is v give fair consideration think about. this rem ROD OV- MacFarlane Co. are positive that in Mio na stomach tablets they have an absolute cure for indigestion and the many disagreeable symptoms that follow this disease such as dis- tress after eating. coated tongue, bad taste in the month, dizziness, flatn- lence and nervousness. Ov-v' â€"_._ They sell Mi 0 no. with satisfaction guaranteed or money back. They behave in it and so may you. County and District. NO EXCUSE FOR MISTAKES Relief from Rheumatic Pains. AS OTHERS THINK Clarksbnrg has a Fire. The Girlsâ€"Got Drunk gmakes life so miserable, ares so widely with the use- fthe average person, as in- .and it is well for us to consideration to what. others out. this remarkable afihc- Sore Nipples to There are times when a Hyomei outfit is worth a life and having it at hand Will save a life, no safer precau- tion can be suggested than calling at MacFarlane’s drug store and getting a supply for use in the following cases. When the child shows the first Sign of croup a breath of Hyomei through the inhaler will check the trouble permanently, When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens \Vhen through catching cold you seem to be choking up. difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the lungs and other symptoms of pneu- monia, the instant relief from Hy omei air is marvelous. It penetrates quickly to the inner recesses of‘ the bronchial tubes and lungs where no liquld or mois: med- icine can reach. When an asthmatic condition pre sents unusual wheezing and oppress- ed breathing, Hyomei will bring reSt. complete outfit $1.00 When John McKinnon left a car- penter’s square on the roof of Mrs. Godfrey’s house and came down to get a board on Monday afternoon he did not know that he would be laid 03 work for the balance of the week. But he was. Just how this happened is vividly told by Mr. McKinnon, who says, in his own modeSt way, which those who know the man will believe is not assumed, that he has merely been taught a lesson. He has learned that it is dmgerous to put a steel square on a slanting roof and work underneath it. He found this out last Monday when he looked into the air and found the square coming towards him. He had but time to pull his head out of the way and by so doing saved a bad gash. His foot however remained station ary and the square struck it and went through his shoe. taking away part of the flesh and making apainful wound. The accident has temporar- ily disabled his foot and has interfer- red with his locomOtive powers to such an extent that it will be several days before he will be able to resume work.-â€"Bruce Times. Goad Words for Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. My little girl Catherine. who is two years old, has been taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. Abouta month ago I contracted a dreadful cold myself. but I took Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever.” This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. One day last week we had a call from Valentine “’ells. of the Mount ForeSt Carriage Co , who was one of the successful travellers in the trip- around the world conteSt, It cost him $1000 besides what the News spent on him. but he considers the educative benefit from such a trip well worth the price paid for it. In regard to the social condition of Japan all his previous ideas were upset. He considered the Japanese a fine moral peOple. but when he found that women in the Mikado’s kingdom were treated as though they had no souls to save and that they could be bought as wives at $50 and under and after wards deserted. his ideas of Japanese virtue were diSpelled. Val. is no longer an admirer of the Jap.-â€" Chesley Enterprise. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber- lain’s Cholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a cen~ tury in which it has been in use. peOple have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When re- duced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. A worm that played havoc withi Mr. J. P. Johnscon’s Strawberries; last year and promises to perform a? similar feat on a larger scale this! year. has made its appearance in the! South Ward. The worm in its ad-i vanced stage turns into a bug andi flys about by night and crawls abontl by day. It multiplies like the sands! of the sea, and under favorable ,con-1 ditions would soon replenish the? earth with its kind. It is the avowed: enemy of the strawberry patch and Mr. Johnston declares that he would sooner see a second plague of locusts than another invasion of these hugs. On Sunday night they hovered over the Johnston farm like an autumn mist and almost blocked the way to his barn. There is no known cure for this pest and the husbandman must often remain at the mercy of their attacks, unable to raise‘ his :hand in defence of his craps. In ap- ipearance they are about 1 inch long, 1 inch wide and have black bodies and red heads. a combination a man will not soon forget when he sees or snfiers from themâ€"Bruce‘Times. on the Breathing Organs a Life is Threatened. EMERGENCY DANGER A Peculiar Accident. Around the World A Destructive Pest. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3 From the earliest time it has been ‘universally acknowledged that the j transitory period between Winter and [Spring is the seed'time of disease. A correSpondent from the 10th con. of Garrick, writing to the Mild- may Gazette. tells the following storyzâ€"“A rather curious event came to light during the pain week. .Last summer, when Joseph Eidt was haul- ing in hay, a hen was accidently buried in the hay in the mow. This week. in taking the hay out of the mow, Mr. Eidt came across his long 103t hen. and to his intense surprise she was alive and was as active as ever. She had eaten out quite a cave for herself, and had plenty of room to move around. One egg was also found in' her prison.” A very sad accident took place on the Howick and Garrick townline on Monday of last week, by which a young Englishman. employed on the farm of Geo. Johnston, losc his life [he young man was driving a team of horses attached to a heavy land roller when the accident occurred. In going down a hill the unfortunate young fellow fell ofi the seat and dropped down in front of the roller, and the heavy implement passed over him. crushing him dreadfully. He was carried to the house and every- thing possible was done for him. but before many hours had elapsed life was extinct. IN THIS WAY THE SYSTEM IS STRENGTHENED AND BETTER HEALTH ASSURED. Consequently it is necessary for us all to cake suitable medicine. A delay gives the germs and weak- ness 3 better chance to take hold. Don’t wait. think of your small resisting powers, and begin building up to-day. For weakness, overwork and debility the docuors prescribe Ferrozone; let it help you now. Vitality and power are instilled into the blood; this means new Strength for all weak organs. Why? From Combermere, Ont.. Mrs. Jno. Oram writes as follows: "For a num- ber of years I was sickly in the Springtime. I felt tired. nervous and had headaches. My blood was weak and damp days brought on rheuma- tism. My nervous system was un. Strung and I felt utterly worn out. FerrOZUne revived me in a short time. In two days my appetite increased, and I could feel a building- un process going on. This great tonic made a new person of me and I don’t think a more strengthening medicine for the Spring can be found.” \Vouldn’t it be just fine for you to get back your old-time spirits and vigor? Easily clone with “Ferro zone”; commence to-day. Sold by all dealers, 50c per box or six boxes for $2.50 The fire of youth will dance in your veins. and new found energy will increase your desire to work. Ferrozons supplies the nourishing and tissue-building material your system lacks. Isn’t this “a reason Mrs. R. S. Moe, of Owen Saund, Spent Iasu week the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. T. Tolchard. and re- turned home on Sunday accompanied by her husband. Mrs. Thomas the home of Mr. 13% Sunday. Our school grounds are undergoing quite an improvement at present. The grounds have recently been ex- tended southward by the purchase of a piece of land from Mr. Charles Ritchie. and the erection of a. fine new fence is in prOgress. Master Robie Matthews was so un- fortunate as to have his foot struck by a crow.bar one day last week by one of his playmates at school, the result of which. we regret to hear, is bloodopoisioning, if the report be true. Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Lindsay spent a Week ago Sunday with Bentinck friends. We were more than surprised to see by the item in the Chronicle that the contract for building the addition to the Registry office was given to an outsider. Mr. McDonald is cer- tainly a master of his trade and we would think could leave a job finished as nice looking and just as substan- tial as the best of them, and we can’t see the reason for the town to pass a good citizen when they have any- thing to be done that is in his line. The 24th passed very quietly in this burg. Most of the farmers were busily engaged getting the ground ready for their roots crop. An interesting and enthusiastic meeting was held in the schoolhouse here on Saturday evening in the in- terests of the Conservative party. A large crowd was present, but being we were not on hand we have no particulars. Mr. John Hewitt has recently im- proved the appearance of his dwelling house by the emotion of a balcony along the front, finished by a 812! foot Stretch of lattice work. Mr. Thomas Meenagh is at present engaged at. masoning with Mr. John Timmins near Markdale. BLOOD-CLEANSING ’ RECOMMENDED ., IN THE SPRING TIME. Young Englishman Killed. Buried for Nine“ Months. Darkie’s Corners. Meenagh visited at and Mrs Sam Ritchie mmgg FACE AND s GALP ERUP TION‘E‘: The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electr;cal supplies and fittings, etc., for fill] Junior Leavin g and Matti-o ulation work. The following competent stafl an in charge : MISS DONALDA MCKERRAUHER, B.A. Classics, Moder s. and English. MISS GERTRUDE HODGE, 3A., Science. History and Geography. Intending students should enter at the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob. talned at reasonable rates. Durham is a health) and active town, making it a most desirablo place of residence. C. L. GRANT i At the Model Bakery EACH SPRING DURHA M SCHOOL. THOS. ALLAN. lst Class Certificate, Prin. Don’ t; worry, it s wicked. Boast. and the world boasts with you. Kick, and you kick alone. Y on will have no kick coming if vou buy your boots, shoes and hosiex y at: Mth-aith’s He has the goods He sells the goods at reasonable prices. The largest stock in town to choose from. . Trunks Club Bags Valises and Telescopes in stock. Making repairing neatly done. The down town shoe store You can get anything you want in the line of Bakery Goods â€"Plain and home-made Bread; â€"Buns, â€"Biscuits, â€"â€"-Cakes of all kinds.‘ â€"Cre:un Puffs, â€"â€"Putfs. Don’t- Worry when you see the minister coming for tea, just ring us up, and we will supply your wants on shortest notice. Geo. H. STINSON IN FLOUR FOR Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Feed andSee_d_s_ Matthews Er Latimer JEWEL FLOUR STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. .M. 3:43.95 PFEFFER BROS. combines the flavor of pure white winter wheat with the body-building qualities of the best hard Manitoba spring Wheat. Jewel Flour is a blended flour. It is a sweet, wholesome flour that makes that delicious, d. S. MclLRAITH Fees, $1.00 per month. McGowan’s Eclipse Milverton Jewel Five Roses Chairman OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOCK CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING AS USUAL. Terms Cash. Miss Mary Levesque, 313 Stadscina St , Hochelsga, Mox'il trenl writes :â€"“I have found Zam-Buk an excellent remedy it“ if t: skin eruptions. Up to this Spring I was bothered for almo: “a; five years with a red rash, small pimples and sores on my face and c} 1.4 a skin until I began using Zam-Buk. This salve has effectually and'lté a... 3;“... a the scalp thro’ the hair. Nothing I used would clear this rash from ll . u -', ‘ r. t {x believe permanently taken ofi’ those unsightly pimples and sores iron: 3‘ both scalp and face. I shaH recommend Zam-Buk to all my friendsfgi For bcalmg eczema and all skin disease Zam- Buk is without equal. It is good for rheumatism ylgcn well rub_be_d in. _Pilcs also yiclfi to Z_axp-§uk All m and drunk“, soc. 3r ZamoBuk Co., Toronto. Cheer Up TBOUBLED THIS LADY TILL ZAM- BUK CURED.i 0 RAM AGE Secretan Manufactured by ‘0‘.\.‘1 ‘0‘050‘ . . ; jfléflf/xfl‘m cfffl/x’a’a/o’y’ far/add- l5 KING 5? EAST __ I a b k ‘- 1. BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND TYPE\VR1TL\'G COMMERCIAL LA‘V COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS \VRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its graduatei if; Each student is taught separately 1‘ his own desk. Trial lessons for 0’1. 3 week free. Visitors welcome. {3 Fig @DAY and EVENING classes. Business College Ayton Milling Co.’s Encore Pure Manitoba Royal Household. flaky pastry, those creamy biscuits and appetizing bread. We have been making for years and guarantee it. Ask your grocer for Jewel Braxd the next time you want flour. W. T. CLANCY, Prim; LEADS IN Mount Forest Jewel Flour Milverton, Ont. PHONE: 30 , l M H! fl 8,- 41*: ”W: w

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