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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1908, p. 5

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Ito $6.98 ., MVQST K111 worth. easily 406 Dan“ mbroidered hose are of an ,coiors. Both lines this ................ .3290 9‘“ O W KLER in Dry Goods Store APERS Ill H Sons Papers right ever brought a doubt, the in this part of for something possible price, s. also plain cham- .......... llc yard en in the weave. .......... 290 yard f patterns 180 yard '»6 ......... 29c obit Mav 28 18.31 £011 to come e wall papers )OK Many other hues snow you < through :eribe them Shipme \Velland "'J " "‘w"" L wr'“ ‘ ' ' o F ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND 31.00 V 0 gooooc-Mwwwwoomwwo in real first-class Silverware Ma.“ W Percv G. A. Webster When we say Cost. we mean it. Wedding Engagement Rings W rythit cOzlch Stallion {1 your powers of resistance weakened. is Take Scott’J EmuIJion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. It contains Cod Liver Oii and Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest. Market Report. “GEORGE IMPERIAL” Watchmaker Jeweler and Optican. W S. SCOTT AT COST Llwuys in stock, at least, an wedding rings to pick ry style, and about. one ingagemeut rings, includ- mds. so you have no rea- nwny disappointed. M. May ‘27 has the name for high- :md always will so long 1011 a thing as a jewelry 1908 the wedding season iwidcd to reduce our wads during the next 5 we. need the shelf - spring orders. To ir-kly we are offering k at cost. Some of B. Phillips to-date. 1' CW1. 5 now complete and :harges on ac- travelling him. a season, 1908 House stables, .1 dies’ and Men’s md Girls’ Caps. nude Suits and made Pants and Prints, Flannel- x etc., and other axons to mention. in plain figures. Stepping Gifts 1908 90 t 10 40 23 ONTARIO Proprietor : with b er :05 to to 90 90 80 t0 to to t0 to to t0 to to t0 t0 t0 t0 18 6:3 00 10 10 O At the last quarterly board meet- ing of the Varney circuit Rev. Mr. Rogers received a unanimous invite tion to remain another year. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur McCrie left a week ago last Wednesday for their home in Swift; Current, Sask.. and I am sure that thev took with them the very best wishes of all in this neighborhood. We wish them health. wealth and prOSperity in their new home. Mrs. McCrie was an active worker in the Sunday School and Epworth League. She will be missed but our loss will be some others gain . . The Ladie’s Insfitute met at Mrs. D. McCrie’a on the 7th and although a very rainy day about twenty were present. and they had a pleasant and also a profitable time, The next meeting will he held in Durham, R. Bnrber has erected a fine wire fence 1n front of his hcm-o. J, W. Blyth had the job. Miss Agnes Henry from Toronto. visited her sister Mrs. Wm, Clark. from Saturday until Monday Week before feet, on her way home to see her father who is very poorly. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCrie gave a party to a. number of their neighbors and friends before their son and his wife left for the West, They had a very pleasant time. Albert McClinton sold a horse last week to Wes. Ball, for which he got a very nice price. Murray Boy who has been clerking at the big sale in McKecbnie’s store for the past few weeks, ’is home again. R. Petty has treated himself to a. dandy driver to carry him to and from his work. He is attending to the wants of the Ritchie Bros.. this summer. Mr. Clark purchased a shingle mill from C Blyth and has it in working order and is turning out the shingles those days in good style. A good number from around here attended the entertammant in Allan’s school for to sell the autograph quilt gouen up by the ladies of St. Paul’s church. Miss Jennie Gray who has been at the London Hoopital for a number of weeks came home last week and we are glad to report. that she is getting along nicely. She underwent a crit- ical Operation for the removal of can cer on the face. The Dr. cut. a piece from her leg and grafted it into the place where he cut the cancer out. " VVH J. W. Blyth attended the District meeting on Thursday as Lay deleo gate for the Varney circuit, and was there appointed delegate to the Ham. ilton Conference to be held in Hamil ton, beginning the 3rd of June. Mrs. \Vm. Bryons had the misfor- tune to again break her arm about an inch from the place where it was broken in the Winter. It is really too bad. as she was only nicely able to use her arm from the firSt break. Mrs, Wm. Clark and all the chil dren but Robbie were visiting at her father’s for three or four days last week. She expects to leave this week to join her husband Where he has gone for the summer to saw for R. Smith. The Hillis family moved last week to Durham and the Ball family have moved into the house vacated .by them. (1 o ‘ “ ‘* ‘â€"A- AI" commemorate days. A patriotic program was given by the children from three to four on Empire day. ' - °â€" 4-hâ€" mun. [Our UU ”Writ-v wâ€"J - Max Allan and his sister Edith, our teacher, Saturday to visit They returned on Sunday evening. Fanny ‘Grasby, in company with Thos. Sewell left on Saturday for ‘ they spent Victoria There were about twenty-five of ing Two of our Varney girls ried already this spring an hear of two more than mm ° ' be near fu 000518 Varney. t. Spent Victoria day Winnie Blyth. Best collection fall apples, four of each variet3, co1r:e1 113 named. lst special by (160. Binnie, 2nd special by C. Firth .................... . 1 Best collection 3v intei apples, fom of each variety, conectly named 2nd special I13 Mrs. Beggs 1": Sons, goods” ............................. 1 Fiv e Alexander apples ........................... . Five Ben Davis .................................. Fi3 e 0013 erts. .................................... Five D11: hess of Olde nhnr". ..................... Five Golden Russets .............. . . ............ . F 1ve Russets, any other kind .................... Five King Tompkins ............................ . F We Mann ...................... . . . . ............. Five Northern Spy..... Five Ontario . .' ................................... Five Ribston Pippin ........................... .1 Five Rhode island Greening ..................... Fve Spitzenberg ............. . ....... . . . ......... . Five Snow ........................................ Five St. Lawrence ............ - ................ Five \Vealthy. F 13e Standa1d, an3 othei kind not on list, named '133 elve c1abs ...................................... . Six plums, Lombard ............................. . Six Yellow Egg ........ .. ........ . . . . Six plums, Ponds Seedling" ....................... Six plums, Ab11nda113e...... . . . .. .. ............ . . Six-plums, Washington ............................ Six plums, Burbank. Six plums, an3' otl1e1 variety, name1l.. Collection plums, 3 1 f each va1iet3' not less than 3 3arieties, corxectl3 named ................. .. CJllection pears. 3 of each variety, not less than 3 varieties .................................... Five winter pears .................................. Five fall pears ................................... . Collection grapes, 3 bunches of each variety, 1orrectly named ............................... 1- \ll fr nit must have ebeen 0'1103311 by exhibitor. CLASS 5â€"DAIRY PRODUCTS. Fifty lbs. tinnet butter. lst, 2nd and 3rd specials by Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P ..................... 4 00 Tw enty-five lb. crock butter, 31d special by Mrs. Beggs Sons. goods” . .. 3 00 F011! lbs. nmdemtely salted buttex for table, 13!: special by C. L. Luann goods ................ 2 00 One box cremnerv butter” .. .. 3 00 Besthome madecheese,lstspecialby Dr. Jamieson l 00 South Grey Fall Fair Best collection boots and shoes. Set. heavy team harness. b‘lve Five Five ‘ive Five tollection tinware. In above class no prize will be offered, but ample space Will be given free of charge to Show goods. One One One One One Best Rag One p211r men’s gloves, hand knit” One pair 111en’s111itts. hand knit .................. One p21i1 men s socks, h: 1nd 1112 1de.. One pair women's fine wool mitts. hand knit” One pai1 women s fine wool stockings. hand knit Best (121111ed socks, stockings, glox es or mitts. Rag mat ........................................... Y 211 n mat. . ’Best collection floor mats ........................ Quilt log cabin. lst special by H. H. Mockler, goods Quilt. cotton pieced or patched .................. Quilt, woollen .................. . ............... .. Quilt. crazy wo1k ............................... Quilt, o1n21111ental, 1st speci :11 by \\. H. Bean, goods ........................................ Quilt. knitted cotton .......................... Quilt. crochet cotton .............................. Best collection of quilts, not less than four, the production of any year, not shown previously lst special by F. \V. Kelsey, photos .......... Set women's underclothing, hand made. . . . . Set women’s underclothing, machine made. . . . . . Ladies“ waist, embroidered in silk, lst special by H. H. Mockler, goods... . . . . . . . .. ..... Ladies’ waist. shadow e111broidering ............. Embroidered centre piece or tray cloth. .. .. . . . Other embroidery in silk ..................... . .. Embroidery in linen .............................. . Pair bedroom slipp111-s.in wool. . . . . . .......... . . .. Netting” ' \Iexican dra“ n wo: 11k ............................. Canadian drawn wo1k ........................... Battenbgrg w 01k ................................. B1'1ttcnb1ug colla1. lst special by \V. C. Vollett” L1 ochet lace \\ ork ................................ Honiton or point lace work. . ... Knitted lace work ................................ Tenerit’fe lace work .............................. Duchess lace work” . Best article 1n beau W()Ik.. , Fancy pin c11shion,Battenb11rg 011 Honiton ...... Fancy pin cushion, any other kind” Sofa cushion,painted,1st special by \I 1» Coch1ane Sofa cushion. en1b1oulered . .. . . . . . Sofa cushion. any other kind .................... One pair pillow Shams. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. . One toilet set in wool. full set ..................... One table centre piece ............................. Tea cosy ............................................ One set crochet table mats of five pieces .......... One five o’clock tea set, viz.. tablecloth, cosy and dailies ................................ . . . ..... Three hem-stitched handkerchiefs, hand stitched Gent’s hand-made shirt, unlaundered, lst special byVV.I11win, )hronicle ........ Pencil drawing . . C1 a\ on 11m“ mg ............ . . ................. Cray on drawing, animal life. lst special by J. Smith .............. .. ...... . ....... Painting in India ink or Sepia ..... . . . . . . . . . .. Painting in oil c0101 5, fruit; or flowers ...... . . . Painting in oil colors, landscape or marine . . . . Painting in oil colors, animals. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .1 Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd, 1908 CLASS 7--LADIES’ \VORK AND HOME MANUFACTURES. List of Prizes for 1908. in India inkorSepia ..... in oil colors, fruit or flowers ..... . . . . . . . in oil colors, landscape or marine . . . . . . . in oil colors, animals.... THE DURHAM CHRONICLE (Continued from last week.) CLASS 4â€"19RUIT. 0.0......-.. 00000000000000000 O... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O......c..00... ....... 00.... .oo....00....0.00.000wgma9 .00.. 00000 .0.........o..00 oo.oooooooo. ...o....dem#h .0...........0.....0000000. CLASS Sâ€"F IN E ARTS. FIRST DAY. (Continued next week.) CLASS 6. Set single buggy harness Collection collars. 150 100 100 100 mm 11 50 0‘ D 50 50 25% 51) b 5) 0 H) D O ' 0 '10 Ii) u) '40 l8) 1 00 00 s)_ ~ '44) '40 (é) 1;) m (a) 15) (i) (i) (i) Vlc') K! 1;) u) '1 O 'u) (a JO E. E. Kells, medmal student and formerly principal of the seat of' learning here, was a Vicwria Day guest oi Liends here, and entered heartily into the sports. Bert: Edwards, of Moorefield. was the guest of his brother here for a few days lately. Rev. Mr. Harris, of Guelph, In- spector of the Humane and Children’s Aid Societies. conducned services in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches on Sabbath. Vlctoria Day anniversary day was celebrated in our burg: in a manner becoming a truly loyal p00ple. The day was ushered in with the usual discharges of the anvil ordinances. The forenoon passed 03 quietly but in the afternoon all repaired to the park where numerous games and sports we're freely indulged in, which resulted as follows: ~â€" FARM IMPROVEMENTSE Hap, step and jumpâ€"Reg. Hunt 38' 7", E. E. Kells 38' 1”. 100 Yd. raceâ€"R. Carey, E. Ed wards. Married man’s raceâ€"Reg. Hunt, Rev .A King. Long jumpâ€" â€"R. Carey 18' 4”, E Edwards 17' b'”. Vaultingâ€"J. McQueen 7' 2” R. Hunt and E, Edwards equal 6’ 8". Boys’ race. 10 years and underâ€"C. Cobourn. L. Irvin, J. Burns. Boys’ race, 14 ypars and underâ€"L, Keuslie. \V. McKechuie, H. Philip. Boys’ race, 6 years and underâ€"H. Brown, A. Irvin, I. Seim. Girls‘ race, 6 years and underâ€"P. Drumm, N. Brown, D. Irvin. Girls’ race. 10 yams and underâ€"D. Irvin, I. Drumm, F. Main. Girls’ race, 14 years and underâ€"M, Coubourn, M. Allan, L. Rice. Three-legged raceâ€"Carey Bros , O’Donnell am} Pettigrew. Fan man’s raceâ€"W. Seaman. Dr. Brown. J.’ Kirby, E. Schlimm. ‘ wâ€"wâ€" -â€"â€"â€"-.v -uv‘fil UUHB “‘1“ ”v- S‘ilt raceâ€"A. Hershey, W- Free- ? brother George of Owen Sound, spent man. 1 from Saturday till Tuesday with Mr. Walking raceâ€"Dr. Brown, E. ‘ and Mrs. George Blair and relatives. Schlimm. - ' l (Continued on page 8.) Better Cooking. A warm air furnace, that will not leak gas or dust, provides an ideal heating \system. It com- bines economy in first costâ€"and in operation, a plentiful supply of warm air and perfect ventilation. That is why “ Hecla” Furnaces are made with FUSED JOINTS. Where steel and cast-iron come together, the metals are fused or welded, so that they practically become ONE. This fusing (a Clare patented process) makes the “ Hecla” absolutely dust, smoke and gas, tight. A A d Thefe are 'a dozen andvare vother special features about the “ Hecla” that you 'will appreciate almost as much as the FUSED JOINTS. so let me send you the new Hecla catalogue, which gives all the details of construction. If you send me a rough plan of your house, I will tell you just what it will cost to install the “Hecla” Furnace. Write NOW to the “ Hecla Furnace Builder ” care of 39 Will 111ake a great i111prov1nent to your farm if placed along; the front, near the house, or any place where appearance counts, It! adds more value to V0111" farm than its cost- because it is made to last. High-(Slabs in evervthiusr but price. Martin-Senour Paint will Illake your farm buildings look better and Worth more. For sale by A. S. HUNTER Every man appreciates good cooking and every woman takes a pride in doing it. "BOVRIL" can be used to advantage with all hot dishes. It greatly improves the flavor of stews. sOUps, roasts, fish. etc., and also increase: their nourishing value. An economical way to get it is in the 1 lb. bottles. Holstein. L. C. KARSTEDT, Durham IDEAL FENCE Jockey raceâ€"-Edwards and Hunt, Seaman and Schlimm. ! I 1 Putting the 16 lb shotâ€"T. J. i O’Neill 32', R. Carey 31' 2". E Tug of war, nine men on a side- Captain-s. W. Seaman and Jacob Hoe-r flinâ€"Won by the former. Throwing the hammer. 10 lbs.â€"-C. Haney 71’ 8", E Kalle (59’ ‘22,". Relay race, three men per team, . distance one- fourth mileâ€"lst E: Edwardq. E. Hunt W Seaman; 2nd, J McQueen B Edwards E Smith. Throwing the baseballâ€"E. E, Half mile raceâ€"E. Edwards, J. McQueen. Throwing the baseballâ€" K0115. 277 ft.; R. Carey, 276. Quite an unique feature of the afternoon was the contest between Rev J. Little and Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P. , in the shot putting and throw- ing the hammer. the latter Winning in the former conteSt and the former in the latter contest The day’s proceedings were brought to a close by the annual concert and entertain- ment under the ausplCPS of the Public Library, The Carey Bros were pres- ent with their popular moving picture and song program. The large ball Was filled to overflowing, the proceeds at the reduced rate amounting to lover $70. 00. g Miss Annie McArthur and her brother George of Owen Sound, 599116 ‘ from Saturday till Tuesday with Mr. Seeding is done, stoning and roll- ing completed and this week finds our farmers sheepwashing and clip- ping. sowing mangels and corn, and planting ponatoes. There was the true ring of pa- trioriem anda perfect tire of enthu- siasm in the sermon Rev Mr Jamie. son preached in Zion on Sunday. ’TWasa masterly oration. with a fine, spiritual application. Mr, and Mrs. George Ryan Jr,. of town, with sunny-faced. baby Ver- bena, were gueSts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Firth on the holiday. "HECLA” Fused Joinls' '1 raverston. Mean 3 Clean, Smokeless Home. {fin m 5:54 _- :l - . 72?:1" .~ 1|

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