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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1908, p. 8

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Q! I fibduce taken as Cash Regent tailoring gives that perfection perfectly satisfactory and stylish suit, taste may beâ€"no matter how much, or sure to find something in the “Regent” Something extra in A large assorted stock of Dress Goods for spring just arrived. Cashmeres Lustres and Serges in blue, brown and green shades. A fine assort- ment of Ginghams and Lawns. A large stock of fresh Groceries always on hand HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Robt. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. The most economical buyers, who are by all means the best judges of bargains, admit that they never saw such price=cutting. They never heard tell of such low prices for goods. Glad news for the public to hear that these low prices will continue with as much for your money as anyone got. In many lines the pruning knife did not work effectively and we are, determined to cut deeper and move every dollar’s worth of the present stock out at some price. Everyone who has attended this sale has profited by it. Now, If your neighbors or friends have not had a chance to get here, tell them that there will be just as good bar= gains here for them as you got. We say “Away with the High Prices.” McKechnie’s Big Stock at Low Prices must rule. . . . . . .. . . . . . . - ,d- ..__â€"________â€"â€"_-â€"â€"-'â€"-‘ 44 Men‘s silk ties, worth 500. for ........... . Men’s beautiful ties. worth 25c.. two for. Men’s balbriggan shirts and draw. worth $1.00 a suit, for ................ 750 Men’s colored shirts, soft bosom. worth $1. for 490 Men’s 4-ply linen collars 100 worth 25c., for ..... Men’s black and colored 25c seamless hose. 9.er Men’ 5 fine dongola bals, McKay $33....V7f’55'1323? 1.39 20 doz. Men’s new hats worth 3‘2 to $3. for 1 .48 It’s more profitable and more agreeable to all, both merchant and customer, to sell goods at a very small profitiand turn over $3000.00 in one week, than $300.00 with ordinary high prices. - A Men’s Furnishings McKechnie’s Sensational Price=Cutting 52113: 250 250 the Rain- coat line, Brown, Grey, Check or Plain. 0 (102. good felt hats, worth $1 to $1 50 for 20 Halifax Tweed' suits, sizes 36 I:f‘?:.‘?.°.”.‘?.‘?6.99. 3 33 Men’s box calf, leather insoles,w’ch $3 for Men’s fine kid bals, worth $2.50 for . . . . Men’s heavy grained bluchers, slug soles, worth $2.00 for 1039 ooooooooo Boots and Shoes Men’s Clothing )11 of fit and tailoring which assures a ,., No matter what your age, or your or how little you desire to pay, you are 3” line that will satisfy you fully. WONDERFULLY CONVINCING CHANGE 2.00 500 Men’s buff bals, worth $1 50 for .......... Ladies’ fine kid bals. p1 McKay sewn,worth $2.25, for ........ Ladies’ Oxfords. worth $1 50 to $1 75 ...... Ladies’ bufl bale, worth 31 6C for ........... Ladies’ working shoe.all sizes,warth $1 to 1 50 1500 yards of black and colored dress goods in cashmere. serge. venetians, mohairs and lustresâ€" all at half price. 600 yards of dress goods in mixed tweed efiects 38 and 40 inches wide worth 30c. and 40¢. a yard for.....15c IH bale, worth for .......... orking shoe.all warth $1 to 1 50 Dress Goods bals. patent tip ‘3 980 1.23 980. '1’ R AVERSTON . (Contim e1 from page 5.) There was a warm welcome among the boys of Miss , Olive Cook’s class on Sunday over Vincent Paler, who was able to take his place after some man the severe illness. The Trustees of S S. No. 5, es- sisted by teacher Baily. Jim Banks and ex councillor Black erected a 33 foot flag pole on the school grounds on Thursday evening of last week and as the agile dominie ran up the new flag three rousing: cheers were given and they all burst into snng,-- "Three Cheers for the Red. White and Blue!” On Empire Day she gay- ly floated in the breeze. ’Tis a symmetrical flag pole. The Council Fathers and a goodly number of interested ratepavers spent a long afternoon on Wednes- day, last week. inSpecting and measuring the ground for a road deviation around the Saugeen on lot 5.00m 9, commonly known as the Glencross bridge The new road is to connect the 8th and 10th conces- sio'us and WI“ prove a great cimven- ienoe to many of the ratepayers of the vicinity. The growth during the past eight or ten days has been most marvel- lous Never has the golden glow of dandelions been more gorgeous, nor Che woods dresq themselves as speed- ily ID their light green draperies. ’Tis g'wod to be living in old Ontario at present, so soft the breeze. SO light the sunéhine, sn ordorous. sw w the air. That'a twat-1v pnPtic, Haw. we must go and wmzh the many gum-z in the We creek. That is sor- di 11y pracnical. Such is {Mm 1i 9. "" m 55 11.0. 1300 mtg: yers Then it’s time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It’s nature’s way. AT McKECHNIE’S STORE The best kind of a testimonid- “ Sold for over sixty years.” Table Linens, 72 in. wide, floral atterns, were 60c. yard p for 480 Table Linens. 60 inches wide, were 450. for. 290 400 yards stripnd lus- tre, worth 25c,for A big variety of silk vel- G vets in all shades at ‘ 2000 yards of trimming braids. worth 10 and 15 All short ends and odd pieces all over the store will be cleared out: this week at marvelous prices. 50 mill ends, 2, . 2; and 3 yards ‘ each, a: almos: half price. Staple Dry Goods v___â€" _ C. Ayor 00., Low-u. m. mutants:- of Remnants CflBRRY PBCTOIAL. .112 25c By strict attention to, and an ever increasin knowledge at uur business, with proper treatment g our customers, and the goods they demand brouogf conveniently within their reach. we are endezworingtr b to make this store An Ideal Place We want our customers to be pleased when thev make a purchase and just as pleased 11 1th the a1 mm as long as it is in use; otherwise we we not fulfilling our ambition to make this the ideal st01e. We make mistakes, of that we are well aware. but we are only mortal, and we constantly aim to avoid errors and friction. ' Your coâ€"operation is desired. and any information or advice our customers can give will be appreciated. If you have anything disagree. to say about us, say it to us. Look at, and get our prices on floor oils, linoleums‘ before buymg elsewhere. ’ We have a full line of the newest mus-fins such a: delaines etc., at prices from 12340 to 4:30 per Yard. ‘20 heavy tapescry table covers. all Bargains in dress goods. Black dress goods \1) for 690. Black dress goods «$71.00 for 4% per yard Colored venetians 600 for 390. Tweed mixtures 750 for 371/3 121/20 prints for So yard. cobra. 54 in. $0.. worth $2.75) for.. . LaC‘ Curtains. 3 yds. ii 45 ins. wine...... Lace Curtains, 31: yds. long, 50 ins. Wide. . 1-00 Lace Curtains, 33; yards long. 60 $5033“ 3.00 Art muslins. 36 inches wide good patternsgwere 1‘23; Piles of prints, and dress gOCdS, per yd ......... Hand and Ted towelings, to be cleared at ...... . Art muslins. 36 inches wide 8 good patterns,were 12% C Piles of prints, and dress gOCdS per yd ......... 50 Hand and Ted towelings, to be cleared at ...... 5c Crockery, Glass Chinaware 7 Dinner Sets, 97 pcs., worth $7.00'for. . . 1 can each, tom atoes, corn and peas for 1 can savory Smlp ................................... 1 package “Imperial” corn starch for ..... 2 reliable shoe polishes for ...................... 1 can veal or bath loaf for ....................... 3 boxes matches for ................................ 20 lbs. granulated sugar for .................... Don’t forget we are going out of the hardware stoves etc., and selling at prices less than any in the business. Contractors will do well to get our Friday and Saturday, Groceries prices. Cash paid for Produce 55:” 1.69 in Which to Trade ‘F: 800 3 1.00 .’ 4.90 zorn and peas for .............. 25c ........................................ 1 0c corn starch for .................... 8c - for .................................. 1 5c for ................................... 1 0c ........................................ 1 0c LI‘ for .............................. 1 .00 20 Toilet. Sets,10 pieces. worth $5 00 for. .. 5 Toilet Sets. 10 pieces. worth $4.50 for. .. 100 doz. cups and saucers for. per doz ........ 60 glass vases. for out 11 Dinner Sets. 97 pcs worth $8 00 fun. 12 Dinner Sets, 97 pcs worth $11.00 for. flowers W'th BBC. for All odd glassware at. low All high class Chinaware sold cheap. Wall PfiPErsuâ€"One of our 5‘ Points. Very large new Movmg it very fas: at prices. _________,,./ pnces stronfi 7 stOck 10W A CAR load of calvw tle Will be SOld l\}' anpt House on Saturday In) DB. LOUIS me'u mm- French-Canadizm poet :1: and friend of Victor H 11;. day evening after a [mug GREAT Stock Rm? ready made clothing. 31:36.98. Biz cuts on House of Quality. H . I THE annual union pivn No. l, Normanby. and KI be held in Mr. Carson's G' 30th. Everybody CO me afternoon’s sports and pr EVERY woman likes waists. Great (11:1th choicast new goods, (‘lu ad.0f The House of Q1 Mockler. ON Saturday. J unc (3111. House stables, Aurtimwé dispose of a car load of 1 the property of R. H. La: . 100 SALEM shirts on 53“ worth from $1.00 to $2.01 790 each. They are 01101 Mate and perfect fittcri of Quality. H; H. Bluvldq THE Rev. I Agent of the dress 3 met England on 15th, at 8 p.11 the work car it is very int» THE Carpen Lev M ortu Mass" were the first pa. ofier Varnish Stains tn Campbell’s Varnish Sta‘ nal. first made in 1513‘ recognized as the mu: «tide of the kind upu‘. Alex. Russell carries a 1 Color card for the askin A GARDEN PARTY I Spicies of the Union i No. 2 will be held in Meeken’s orchard on 1? June 12th. A gtod pr Shell. Admission 10('., 12 Years Old. free. lc Md other refreshments: at reasonable rates. OWIKG to the 111054] numerous, Mr. Robert 8311;: of sawyers. “11(- W0 hundred acres 01' 2:1 near Duncan for \Vallu Mt. Forest, were forrvé fions last; week. and hOllie for a time. It ' t0'10 anything but stem Wand voracious wm-c VOL 42â€"N0. 21 THE Jackson. Hanna Company Of Blal'kdalc 1%. part. of this drill to sink :l wg ’S pro my on! an the proprPiZmnrs sLa W to give rates :u (in to any prOSpecti \‘(1- to call on them. “an at any time dm-in s a meeting and on Mo: .at8p.m. C ‘V mumsâ€"r “1 large 12x14â€" I’ll m of our best r. -: calling All are welcome. \Vedding what you carried nn 1 interesting short not :1 ng in Monday Trac 2 cards favor. SVI‘H 401119 : on bv \\‘ H

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