prices for goods tore OHS 1 stock in town n W'aists for cash buyers 3.1" goods, mus- , linen suitings, ALITY†Waists PERS ml and a few good \\ aists. md some long V need IS doing OHS posse-3551011 IS ig scoop and to $2.00 .. They are heir kind. 11119 abroideries, rish pannel mttoned up lO\\' YOU. tnd \Velland 111 papers to come es for . 1908 wmxï¬Ã©-ï¬-oé-fl'ééémen-GW in real first-class Silverware lPerc x: G. A. Webster Wehave always in stock, at. least, J1me dozen wedding rings to pick from. evexy stvle, and about one hundxed engagement rings, includ- ing Diamonds. so you have no rea- son to go away disappointed. as?! \ When we say Cost. we mean it. We have Guided to reduce 001' Rock of Drv Hoods during the next 3‘0 Weeks. :15 we need the shelf “pm for our spring orders. .TO Mr out quinikh’ we are offering Wreath-e stock zit cost. Some of Clearing SALE EDERHAM g.g$¢¢¢¢¢¢oo¢o¢¢o¢¢¢ rm make the season, 1908 'oach Stallion Paw Moderate. charges on ac- Dm 0? not travelling him M 1'“? are Watchmaker Jeweler and Optican. "GEORGE IMPERIAL†S jgnsumption is less deadly than it used to be. :33 qrelief and usually complete recovery 1.3331‘1152'0m the following treatment: -,._ rest, fresh air, andâ€"Scott’s % The High Stepping S. SCOTT AT COST [or the wedding season are is now complete and ; up-toâ€"date. 1% has the name for highâ€" :. and always will so long such a thing as a jewelry S g: Report ITEMS OF INTEREST. ahn House stables, L DRUGGISTS: 500. AND $1.00. B. Phillips uly-made Pants and 5. Prints. Flannel- Sox etc., and other mxex-ous to mention. «‘1 in plain ï¬gureS. and Girls’ Caps. made Suits and adies’ and Men's Gifts 00 1 908 ONTARIO t0 t0 t0 t0 t0 Proprietor 18 90 6?) 10 Dr. Antoine Francois Saueraine settled in St. Louis in 1800 and was the ï¬rst surgeon to locate west of the Mississippi river. He spent all of his leisure time in experiments in chemisuy and with elet-rricivy. The Indians were frequent visitors at his laboratory and. not understanding the mystery of his experiments. held him in great awe and wanted to wor- ship him as agod. Before the Village of St, Louis was incorporated Dr- Saugraine acted as postmaster. He tied the mail up in a blue silk hand kerchief and left it on the doorStep When any citizen wanted to know if he had a letter he untied the hand. kerchief. looked the mail over, paid for the postage in a piece of coon. skin. which was legal tender. and walked on The ï¬rst lucifer matches ever made in this country were made by Dr. Saugraine. The small wooden sticks were dipped. one at a time, in the combuStihle substance and then lit by friction, as at the present time. He also made the ï¬rst thermometor used in the west. v â€"‘ w ‘Nilseon tells that the Sweedish ï¬sh- , ermen on the banks "believe that on i board the vessel on which an angler is taken some one is doomed to (he : soon. They therefore never or hardly ever take the angler on board, but 2 prefer to cut the line and thus lose ithe hook with the ï¬sh.†2 An anemometrical faculty is attrib uted to the angler in Massachusetts. According to b‘torer. "among the ï¬shermen in some parts of the bay there is a common saying, 'W'nen you take a zooseï¬sh, look out for an A singular supersaition about the angler ï¬sh is entertained in some parts of Sweden (Bohuslan). accord ing to Malm and Smitt. "It is so feared by many that the tackle is out as soon as the 'monster’ reaches the surface, and its captor hurries home in order to get there. if possi- ble. before the misfortune protended by the monsrer overtakes him.†The extreme of misfortuneâ€"deathâ€"is believed by some to be indicated. easterly storm FARMERS’ INSTITUTES Per Grand Trunk Railway to Experimental Farm and Ontario Agri- cultural College GUELPH The Excursion will start by special train as follows: Durham 7.10a.m. $1.»). cu“... Varney 7.15 1.15 60 Holstein 7.2.5 1.1.3 60 Mt. Forest 7.“ " 1.05 55 PalmerstonSM) Elmwood 7.10 1.20 60 Hanover 7.22 1.15 60 Neustadt {7.30 1.1.3 60 Ayton 7. 1.10 55 Alsfeldt 7.55 1.10 55 Palmerston 8 .20 . Arrive at Guelph 9.45 a. m. Returning, Tickets good First Surgeon 111 St. Louis Will be held under the auspices of the South Grey and East Welling- ton Farmers’ Institutes Greys; E. Wellington The Angler Fish. P ,9 RAND GEO. BINNIE, Secy- NOTICE. South Painting on chinaware, lst- specxal by Review ........... Burned wood work .................. Best collection photographs in above Painting Pen and Single Cutter Pea Harvester Roller (any kind) In above class no prizes will l will be provided to all exhibitors. 1 year ........................ Best pumpkin pie ................ Pie any other kind ...... . ..... Six bottles canned fruit, assorted Raspbeuv \1 inc. .. . . . Th1 ee bottles mixed pickles. . . . . . F ne pounds maple sugar ........ One quart maple syrup .......... Ten lbs. honey in comb. lst sp1 Darling ...................... Five pounds honey, strained ..... Five lbs. bees’ wax ............... Collection jellies ................. 'ainting ’aintim: 'aintin 'amtmz Collection hot house plan‘s, 20 varieties, distinct kinds, not to compete With house plants ..... 2 00 1 Collection house plants in pots, 20 varieties, dis- tinct kinds .................................. 2 00 1 Collection house plants in pots, 12 varieties, dis- tinct kinds ................................... 1 50 1 Collection house plants in pots, 6 varieties, dis- tinct kinds ................ . . . .. ............... 1 00 Collections of house plants must be distinct kinds. Exhibitors can compete in only one of these collections. Collection Double Geraniums, 4 varieties. . . . . . . . 75 Collection Single Geraniums, 4 varie ties .......... 75 Collection Geraniums, tricolor ................... 75 One Double Geranium, white ..... . .............. 50 One Double Geranium, any other color ......... . 50 One Single Geranium, white ..................... 50 One Single Geranium, any other color ........... 50 Collection Scented Geraniums, 3 varieties ...... .. 75 Ivy Geranium, plain leaf ......................... 50 Ivy Gerammu, variegated ........................ 50 l l All exhibits in this class Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22nd and 23rd, 1908 Balsams, 4 varieties . . . . Hydrangea. . . . ...... . . . Calceolaria ............. Tuber-ose .............. Rose in bloom ......... Heliotr'ope ............. Cockscomb. 2 varieties. Hanging basket ...... . Display open air flowers .......................... Display wild flowers and ferns ................... 1 The following collections must have not less than Reaper Mower Self Binder Iron Plough Single Buggy \Vood Plough Gang Plough Iron Harrow Seed Drill Cultivator Horse Rake Root Cultivator of each. Collection be the work of exhibitors throughout List of Prizes for 1908. in water on satin Ill on velve nk sketch ................. . on chinawm e, lst specml hy( 66 6‘ CLASS 9--â€"AG R {CU LTUR water THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Roses ........................ Asters ....................... Dahlias ....................... Dian thus ..................... Gladiolus .................... Larkspur .................... Manifolds .' ................... Phlox Drummondi ........... Phlox Perennial ............. Pansies. 12 varieties ......... Petunias. single ............. Petunias, double ............ colors, fruit or flowers ........ colors, animals ..... . ..... . . . . . or sill-1.. .. . .............. L. lst special bv J as. Gun, goods CLASS 10â€"31 ISCE LLANEOUS. Flowering plants must be Lumber \Vaggon ï¬allvction Stoves Threshing Machine Double Mould Plough Double Covered Buggy Single Buggy (open) . Double Buggy (open) Pair Bobsleighs Collection Horse Shoes Turnip Drill (with att.) Double Furrow Plough prizes will be awarded this year. Ample space CLASS 12â€"C-UT FLO \VERS. ummondi.................... re‘IDiacl........oo ccccc L2varieties............ ...... . single.... ........ .. ........ . double ..... landscape or marine fruit or flowers . . . . . animals ..... . ..... . . FIRST BAY. CLASS llâ€"PLAN'I‘ S. nnst be the (Continued next week.) Pin-Non (Open) Swaw Cutter Fannin" Mill Market \Vaggon work of 191 )8. A L I 31 PL E M ENTS. {15$ lllllSC {am-age, week . in bloom. Diploma 100 ()0 ‘3.) 4'0 4 varieties and 2 00 00 4i) '40 '10 ? FARM S. S. No. 10, BENTINCK VIâ€"Pearl Wilson. Sr IIIâ€"MabelSmith, Mav Grier- son, Robm Putherbough, Marjorie Clark. Philip McDonald. Sr. IIâ€"Hnward McDougall, John Clark. Roy Lamb, John Smith. Perry CasWell. Jr. IIIâ€"Gladys McDonald. Clara Honess. Edwin Lunney. Diantha Redford. Sr. P0. IIâ€"Carrie Grierson, Jessie Clark, Cora Lunney, Bertha Honess, Celia Honess. Jr. Pt. II-Storling Lamb. Belle McQuarrie. Sr. Iâ€"Adrian Noble, Archie Wil- son. Sr. Pc. IIâ€"Carrie Grierson. Carlyle McDonald. Willie McDonald, Jr. Iâ€"Arthur Redford, Peter Mc- Quarrie. Mary Lamb. Average attendance ‘28. M. Monros, Teacher, S. S. No. 1. EGREMONT AND NORMANBY\ Jr. Iâ€"Robbie Morrison, Campbell Grant. Ivan Kreller, Madeleine Maurice. Richard McCabe. Sr. Iâ€"Gertie Petty, Robbie Clark, Audry Hoy, Alma Pettigrew. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"James Leeson. Edna McIlvride, Wesley Pollock. Sr. Pc.â€"Cecil Blyth, Janet Kerr Percy Barber, Clara Pettlgrew Willie Pollock. Jr. IIâ€"Gordon Grant, Cecil Barber Sr. lIâ€"Elia Morrison. Laura Petti grew. Alister Lauder. 'Willie Hutton Mansï¬eld Leeeon. Jr. IIIâ€"Florence Kerr, Margaret Leeson, Stswart Grant, Allan Petci grew. Jr. IVâ€"Ella Barber, Bertie Barber Margaret Kerr, Edith Morrison Winnie Blyth. Sr IVâ€"Hazel Barber, Carrie Wii ton. S S. No. 8. NORMANAY. Vâ€"Sarah Fulton. IVâ€"Norman Anderson. Gladys Thompsdn, Olive Sackect, Mary Young, Sr. IIIâ€"Janet Sharp, Bessie Nichol, Thomas Watt, Bartley Thompson, Caroline Ball, Winniired Young. Jr. IIIâ€"Albert Thompson, George Ball, Willie 'Wartt and James Hanna equal, Cbriszena Hanna, Willie Seim Sr. IIâ€"Clarence Young, Wilfred Anderson, Gordon Sackett, Archie Anderson. Melinda. Horst. Elmer Yandt, Clarence Thompson, Emma Seim. Jr. IIâ€"Edna Sackett Isabel Mar- shall, Clara Miller. Levine. Seim. Arthur Robinson, Lydia Fritz. Average attendance 36 B. A. ALLAN Teacher. Because the cast iron combustion chamber is corrugated in such a way as to add about )5 to the heating surface, with the result that from the same ï¬re a “Hecla†will extract a proportionately greater amount of heat than will a furnace built with a smooth combustion chamber. Send me a rough plan of your house, and I will make you an estimate of' the cost of installing a “Hecla†Furnace. I will also send you the new “Hecla†Catalogue. Write nowâ€"while you think of itâ€"-â€"to “ Clare’s Furnace Builder,†care of 38 Honor Rolls. . C. KARSTEDT, Durham IDEAL Pt. IIâ€"Elsin Sachs David Wid. meyer. Dora Pfeï¬er. Charlie Pfeï¬er. Seamon Yandt. Milton Schenk. Sr‘ Pt. Iâ€"Ettie Sacketc. Alma. Miller. Conrad Eydn, Ethel Young. Clarence Robinson, Willie Fritz, Clara Schenk. Jr. Pc. Iâ€"Hughie Ball. Reuben Fritz. Adeline Pfefler. Nellie Ander- son. Roy Thompson, Lazetta Seim. Average attendance 41. MILDRED'LEESON, Teacher. IVâ€"Lizzie Burns. Willie V‘Vallace1 Arthur Gadd. Mary Backus and Bert: Morice eq , Dinah Thompson. Minnie Keller Sc. IIIâ€"Myrtle Caldwell, Thomas Wallace, James Marshall, Arthur Morice. Jr. IIIâ€"Neila Marshall, Grace Mountain. Mary McAlister, Elmer Fee. Henrietta Kaller, John Kerr, Walter McAlister. Sr. IIâ€"Jean Morice, Harry Cald~ well. Leslie Morice, Melville Morice... Jr. IIâ€"Mabel \Vallace. Stanley' Mountain. Sr. Pr. IIâ€"John Barr. Arthur Mountain. Katie Kerr. J. Burns. Jr. Pr. IIâ€"Viaggie Petty and An- drew Marshall eq., Dawson Marshall, Be‘la Morice, Lizetta Marshall. Janet Mountain. Pt. 1â€"13. B, Morice. Charlie Moo Aliscer, Barbara Morice Lorena Kel- ler. S. S. No. 1, GLENELG. IVâ€"Lgura Beaton, Ben Whitmore. IIIâ€"Ruth McGiHSvray. George Heartwell, John McKeown. Jr, IIâ€"Maggie Kennedy. Mary Kennedy. Sr. Ilâ€"Sadie McGillivray, T'ena McGillivray, Mabel Beacon, Silas rid- wards, Mary McMillan. Pu. IIâ€"Allan McLean. Emma Arnett, Neil McFarlane. Vina McNab, Sr. Pc. Iâ€"Edmund Poole. Matt McKeown. Oscar Pennock, Tommy Edwards, Flora MacFarlane Arthur Pennock. Pt. I (b)â€"Dan McArthur, Harry Styles. Pt. I (a)â€"Agnes McGillivray. E18 6 Benton, Mary Edwards. Leonard Mc- Keown. Clark Jackson, Willie Styles. 1.4! the township of Bentinck, under grass, adjoining corporation of Durham. south side. Good water on the place. Barn and stable. A good «econdâ€"hand buggy .will be sold cheap. Apply 'I‘hos. Haskins. 12 June 1â€"3011. The Chronicle will be sent to any address in Canada till January 151; sex: for 50c. Subscribe now. Average attendance 35’. M. M. ADAIR, Teacher. are Incl savers. To Rent or Sell. S. S. N0. 1. NORMANBY ACRES OF GOOD LAND IN RENTS :1: H