â€ï¬.’ _. r1. A P. v ' ' up!" . X. \AAï¬ï¬‚/k «a»; Afwflh __, A“, ,_,_ , 4%!1 DURHAM. J1 x E 11 ms: 3 . \ iflacfaflane Co. .1'2moges China igghltenburg China fl RoyalSuhe . Japanese ' and Cut Glass Words the Best Selection . “'re is much reason for rejoicing .1“~ the. luxuriant growth of the int season. For some time in the gig: the weather was cold and wet I caused a great deal of anxiety 3 part of all classes. The farmers . fearful lest we should have a bad ..:,.and business men were in astate {ital anxiety. This is essentially . .ricultural country and What af- "3 szthe farmer is felt by all. Poor 3}?“ will invariably result in hard g7 fur all. The Agricultural in- "iis in this country must be regard- . if'jthe main-spring of all its activi- .‘5 Destroy the main-spring and all s, ï¬ber machinery will cease to act. Fixithstanding this primary “’1‘“ i‘ _‘h0wever. the farmer must nut pas-Jo .he Iedding sift is Chronicle will be sent to any L339 in Canada till January lst ...for 50c. bubscribe now. Yhen it- comes to giv- ‘Jg something of real .'orth, real beauty, and {amething that will re- ;lain a thing of beauty pr years to 001119, our Exceptional stock of me to us, roblem Lten Brass Ware mices to suit everybody 'RHAM CHRONICLE ‘ruggists and Booksellers bavid Jzuuieson. a candidate at' "election for the Legislative As- i‘ly for the Electoral District of .P GI"??- (10, in compliance. with f . o .rntano Electlon Act. hereby name .Rppoint David Bradshaw J amieâ€" L. ~ of the Town of Durham. as In)" agent for the said eiection. witness my hand this 151: day of 1908. - . - -â€"-_‘l_- -- IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. To SANCTUM SIFTINGS that he can not, well â€by appoint Chzl Town Of Durham! at the eleCtion to | June, 1908' -- 'o Whom It May Concern. Whom It May Concern. possess a nmin-spx-mg or ntbe main-spring and the ther perform the objects he c10ck was designed with- -rxuediate mechanism. “'9 [dependent one upon am- it isn't well to forget it. 39 can not well get along aid and comperation nf nt the mechanic and the a must not forgvt his inter- on other Classes. A clock THE have solved E; L. A\X}3 C [C Charles Rmnage, an), as my oflicial to be held on the ane 'ally uselsss DR. J mumsux. The Whitney Govern: Out of a Total of Returned is The triumph of Premier \Vhitney and his government over their oppon- ents nn Monday last clearly evidences the satisfaction of the people of ()n- tario With the Conservative admini- stratian for the past three years. Though Mr. \Vhitney fully merited a return tn 'power with a very substantial majority. the greatness of his victory more than exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the Conservative Leader and shows more than anvthing else that the people of this tair province can and will appreci- ate an honest and clean :ulxuinistration 0f their affairs. 0th of a. total of 106 seats. 88 Con- servatives. 17 Liberals. and 1 Laborite were returned to power. and when the parliament Opens. Mr. \Vhitney will ï¬nd himself the leader of a Govern- ment with a majority of 7H. Th1oughout the province there were ' '17 (‘ onse11'ati1'e gains and Libel al I losses against the Liberal gain and i Conse11"ati1e loss of 1 seats. Amongst I the prominent Liber. 11 111e111be1s 11ho ! ‘ ha1e fallen by the wayside are found C such men as 1°}..1.1’. Pense. Kingston, ‘ t 1 the Opposition financial C11t1c. Cha11es ' 5 ‘N.Sn1ith. of Sault Ste. Marie. G. S. ‘ 31.11'. South Essex. and Chas. Bowman. 1 l of Nmth B1uce. chief Liberal 11'hip..‘ while the most prominent ()onserva-i' tire to suffer defeat was the Hon.. {Nelson Monteith. of South Perth. 1‘ i 'l‘nough 311. Monteith’s defeat is. to a i cer1t 1in extent a 1111111 to the Conse1v- .1111 e party. the seat is naturally; _ Liberal. Mr. Moiiteith being elected 111 1‘ ‘I the landslide of 1005 after a defeat in; ‘ 1‘10"111.\I1.St01k. A new seat willi-l ilikely 111° 1111111911 f111°hi1n. at om e. and: ,i\\1st '1‘°11111nt11 A and \\ell:1nd :ue . 1 1 . spoke 11 111 as among tht possil1ilitie8.'l [.E 111 N111th (11°.e1' 11011. A. (1. MacKay’ ; 11 as 1etu1 ne1l with .1 1e1luced 111.131111t1; ‘of SS. and 11 hen he next gathers his little :111111'togethe1i11 To1onto 11illii ‘ ï¬nd it sa1ll1' be1eft of nearly .111 its; captains 111111 lieutenants. and little or no 111:1t1°1i.1l left on 11hich to build. {\Ir..\lacKa1's policy throughout the " province has snffet ed ase1ious setback i despite his misrepresentation of facts‘ 1.1n1l his campaign of slander. The gpeople helie1 e in “'hitnev. and took i the most substantial manner of show- {ing so. for of the eight new seats °created. four in Toronto and four in Northern Ontario. not a Liberal is to represent one of them. In the defeat of C. C. Hodgins. North )Iiddlesex. the government suffers a loss. and the Liberal elected. Duncan 3- Ross. 11'ho was formerly in the West 1' riding, has shown his pluck and orga- i' nization ability in conducting a cam- )f paign in this gerrym 1ndered constitu- ncy that resulted 1n his being returned 1:, to power. 1' B 5 l- t) 1' 1t 5" 1f h 1e In South Brant. for the ï¬rst time in forty-one years. a Conservative. in the person of \V'. T. Brewster, whose majority of :5)! over McEwen, borders on the mimculous was returned, while in Peel. a gerry wandered constituency, Samuel Charters redeemed the riding with a large majority. DR. D. JAMIESON. M. P. P. The Successful Candidate. HON. J. P. WHITNEY Premier of Ontario 1cm Again Elected with a Majorin of 70 st 105 Seats, the number of Conservatix es 1“ 88, Liberals l7, and Laborites 1.?“ 1‘. The result of the election all through leaves ntt a doubt in the minds of all that the. \Vhituey government has found favor with the masses. and this substantial expression ot approval of the course pursued by the government in their administration of affairs is sure to exert them to do their utmost in giving to the people legislation that is honest aml fair. and in the best interests of the majority. 111 Smith (ix-9y. though the nmjority for Dr. Jamiesou has been cut clown considerably, this is more the expres- sion of personal opiuinns than the result of any political issues. Through- out the whale czuupzlign. the Liberal party has steered clear of «everything political. and has cnmluvted 2L cam- paign of malignment 21ml slundcr from the start. Hanover. which usually gives a Liberal majority of about. 90. was influenced by one man. who had a personal grudge to run this up to 14â€, while Proton and Glenelg. the home of M r. McCanuel, were sure to do bet- ter for him than any of his predeces- sors of Liberal opinions. This, coupled with the fact that. the vote in some of Dr. J nniieson's strongholds was small. owing. no doubt. to over-confidence on the part, of his supporters. was most (lisastruus from a majority standpoint, though the returns show him to he rel-elected by a snflicient majority for all practical purposes. There will he no recount. 7H majority for the Govm'nment. Electinns can’t he won by prayers alone. nor yet by sermonettes. ‘ i The Remew’s T011 3911511115 turned gout. a suit of a ï¬zzle. E1011 the Re- {\iew man didn t take them se1iously. i \o charges of am account; are made lagainst Mr. McCannel pe1sonally, but he had a had following to indulge in ‘ small politics. Half the betting «romumnity rejoice, but how do the other fellows feel. June Sch to 15thâ€"MacKay’s “awful week." Hon. A. G. MacKay as leader of the remnant. The people told on Monday What they thought of that â€Last Awful \Veek.†Mac-Kay wants to “Trust the People†but the people want to trust \Vhitney. They said so by their vote. Second hand. sex-umnettes, good as new. for sale cheap. Enquire at the Globe Ofï¬ce. Tux-onto. Two hundred of a majority in Dur- ham shows Dr. Jamiésou’s popularity in his own town. It was no more than was expected. “'hitney's majority of about. seventy should enable him to pull through. It’s only 69 more than Ross had when he expressed his big determination to F-I-G-H-T. Prospects for the Grits were very bright before the election. Ramage’s HON. A. G. MACKAY Leader of the Opposition NEIL M(.‘(.‘AN‘NEL The Defeated Candidate. NOT ES. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE "Ten Reasons†and MacKay‘s “Ser- monettes" would knock the bottom out of any good thing. The Conservatives made a very sub- stantial gain in Quebec. They had 9 in the lust Legislature. and 22 in this. Markdale says 803 with 13 places to hear from. The Globe was wrong as usual in predicting the withdrawal of the Con- servative Uzunpuign Pamphlet. Per- haps Mr. \Vhitnoy might gratifv the Cilulkie xx ishes hv calling it in mm . \VHILE waiting to purchase his groceries in a \V est London store Sat- 111 day evening Joe Reidy , of Cm endish ;street,w:1s struck in the eye by a. i "'\Ierrv \‘ idow†hat worn by a lady lcustmuer. cutting a, slight gush just belo“ the me. Mr. Reidv was "ind- Eing hack f101n the counter swam... illls turn. “hen one of the ladies also '. Waiting. stepped back to let a. cus- !ton1erpass. In doing so the edge of i the large hut she was wearing struck ; Mr. Reidy. causing the. above-mentiun- ‘ ed injury. )Ir. Reidy is still suffering ‘ from the wound. DR. DEM‘OX of Stratford will be at Dr. Gmfs uï¬ice, Monday June 15th for consultation in Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose troubles. n tilt SCHOOL PH‘NlCâ€"In Mr. Dam Mc- Dnugall‘s grove, Mulock. on Thursday afternoun June 18th. Everybody in- vited.-â€"2. SAMUEL MAY, of Atwood, while working in the coal grinding depart- ment of the cement mill at that place, on Monday last, was caught by a. belt; and woumlaround a shaft, receiving injuries from which he died ï¬ve hours afterward. At. the good uld age ()1 92 he, on Monday last. was. at the polls bright and early tn mark his hallut for Dr. lJamiesnn and the \Vhitue)‘ (iUVern- l ‘ ment. Mr. Cuff is a native of (iosfnrth, England. and is the son of a soldier, l his father being a private in the Royal Dragoons at that place. Born in 1816, i the earlier years uf his life were spent. i amid the (slash and Clank of an army i] “'1; learn that Mr“. D. Greenwood had the misfortune to have her house struck and damaged by lightning, and that Messxs. E. Armstrong and Sam. Langrill eaeh had a cow killed during the storm that passed over here Mon- day night. Several trees were also blown down and the damage is now greater than ï¬rst appeared. To Mr. {uberc (.Jnï¬â€˜. of Aberdeen. falls, we bvlievo, the honor 0f being the oldest voter in this ridin". if not in all \irey County 01- \Vestern Ontario. Centre Grey will give Lucas over a; umsand -maj01-ity. A wire from .arkdale says 803 with 13 places to Now mm to Ottawa. fell the duty of developing this great Wilderness. Just how well these old pioueurulid their duty may be seen by a drive through this flourishing piece of territory, situated about four miles from here. Mr. (.‘utf was nmrried about sixty years age to a Miss Hopkins, who died in 1902 last. A family of 14 were born to this union, ten of Whom are still living. Messrs. John and \Villiam Cuff, and Mrs. Hepkins, of Bentinck, and Mrs. Hutton, of Orchard, are all children, while the remaining mem- bers of the family are scattered thrrmghout the length and breadth of Canada and the United States. Throughout his whole life, Mr. Cuff has been a constant user of tobacco and has smoked for nearly eighty years. Despite his four score years. the old gentleman is able to be about, and the Wish of his friends is that he may long be spared to mark his ballot for the Conservatii're candidate. ‘ THE OLDE 3T VOTER LOCAL : : â€WWWW; 8 “THE HOUSE OF QUALITY†For the June bride we have the most lmmiizxi stock of gold watches, brooches, neeklets, lt‘)(:kwt.~. chains, fobs, fancy combs, etc, which we 1121\‘e-ww1- Shown. We have the most beautiful stock of Solid gold 18, 14 and 10 carat Gold F 01' weddng presents we have thegmmls. Simâ€; ware of the best makesâ€"everytl1i11g'from :2 siiw tea spoon to :1 tea. sot. Our stock of fancychina is most C‘()111})1¢“L‘u am.- most- beautiful stock of 971..)iece Chil‘la dinnwr sz. These \\ (lists are S110’11t1\ (1"111111111111 111111 :1 ‘/ sliohtlv soiled bv handhno 111 1.101111 \\.1".~1 ‘ Some /slee\'es, buttoned 111111211311. 1.11111 5111111 101"; sleeves, buttoned up front. All tliev 11111111 15 11 1111.1â€" up. On sale 790 each. ' T wo big: Stores “Minerva†White Waists Just how these waists came into our 1j‘)(‘)ssté.<>'i‘ m is (x 10110 story. Our buyer madea bis: MOM]? 2111 enables us this week to offeI 50 Choice White Lawn W'aists at 331/, per cent less than regular prices. The)’ 2 not cheap walsts, but the choicest of their kind Trimmed \\ ith the ï¬nest laces and (31‘111111'111111-1‘ all over embroiderv fronts and B {HM I11s11 11:11: fronts. buttoned up the back, af \\ 1111tt<111~11 front. F we lots of them as 1011011 5: 18 VVaists, worth $1.25 to $2,130 for 79¢ Special monev savino bargains for (3313111 11% in even} department 1n f1esh 311111111e1 9.00113 . 1: 1 lins. gi11g,11a1113 731111313, 0112111111333, lihen 311i1i1111> ve3ting3, (1314111313133, 11ercalie3, etc. Special Bargains for the Month of dune Banghohn "Sutton’s Chmnpi and London Purple Top .3me See our Linen Wash Belts, the largest stock in town Rennie’s Magnum Bonum Ferry’sâ€"Jmnbo Steele=Brigg’s Gr 0 0 d Luck K 2.111221115y ). Highest prices for produce, lowest prices for goods Gun’s Drug Store R. B. Keele’v Sons June Weddings $2.25 Waists for $1.50 Elelfllant \Vaists that are W01 ch $2. :53 101 $1.50 --S:..7.3 (mes 1 --$.$.1N) one for $2.2.3â€"a few .12}. .311- vulues $2.5M am few beauties worth $4.1M) for â€8.1.11â€, The largesL :zss will be the lower priced waists. Wedding Rings Beautiful Creations Aberdeen Under=priCed Swedes ’11 Purple Tap Green Top Durham and \V 011ml mu 11 ur stock for the w f silverware is mw verything up-toâ€"dat. ‘0 in real first-class smc E This store has the lass goods, and alw there is such :1 L11 usiness. ‘W’e have always hree dozen “‘0: ' In. every shy undred enga gm 'ng Diamonds. s« n to go away ( Percy G. A. We my quaatity, u ashcd .or which the highest laid m cash or u :Lde. Weddin :2; Engagement Ri We have a. vet y in 'f blankets. tweeda - Otton goods, ï¬zmm nade clothing. ovcra pale children is m; It makes them It contains" Lg CP and Glycerinc t0; :3 'URHAM Le very best at: L m' 3h or produce. DURHAM TRY OUR TICK Butter and Eggs \x Watchmaker J and Optican The High Stcppi S. SCOT Dry Goods 001 ante Groceries stvle Wedt [VS 1 IPIIH CW Jeue